Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Jun 26, 2019


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Please understand this is a work of fiction. The actions described in the story are not real, encouraged, or condoned in real life. Its just a fictional tale about a horny teenager with some issues.

Chapter 7 Rude Awakening

I woke up to find my father shouting "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?"

"I can explain" came from behind me and memories of last night flashed through my mind.

Previous Night

"What?" I asked of Felix who was on his knees in front of me.

"I want you to be my husband."

I just stared at Felix, he was so handsome it bordered on pretty, strong jawline but long eye lashes like a girl and high cheekbones that would make both men and women jealous of his looks and he wanted me to be his husband?

My head hurt. "But I'm not even of legal age for marrying and more importantly we're both males. We can't get married."

"Of course we can get married, just not with Lumos' blessing, it's more of a civil thing in Alacard but we could get married if you wanted to be mine."

It was all too sudden and unexpected, I just didn't know how I was expected to respond. I knew that children of my age got betrothed but no one had ever shown any interest in me after finding out how frail I was.

Girls wanted men that were capable of securing a certain life for them and protecting them and I may have been able to do the first but I didn't qualify for the second. More importantly I didn't find girls particularly interesting, they seemed to spend the majority of their time with fake smiles on their faces hiding treacherous hearts. I had heard far too many girls complaining to other girls about their supposed 'friends' to trust anything girls said so easily.

I also found the result of those unions to be disgusting and tiresome; babies. The filthy, loud things held no appeal to my heart and the cooing of females over each new addition to the village sickened me.

I really didn't understand people at all.

Felix was still waiting on a response and I still had no idea what to say. I quickly thought back to all the times I heard of proposals and what females did in this situation. They either said "yes" if they liked the male, "I'll think about it" if they were unsure or "no" if they weren't in the slightest bit interested.

So what was I? I liked Felix but did I like him enough to want to spend the rest of my life with him? I had barely lived my life, I had only left the village once to pick up a status stone that wasn't even in my possession. I still wanted to be an adventurer and go out and see the world and have interesting adventures that I could write about. Would I be able to do that with a husband around?

"I'm sorry, it's far too much to expect, we barely know each other after all." Felix said, his head dipping down and his eyes getting watery with unshed tears.

Now I felt even worse, I didn't want him to feel bad, it was like kicking a puppy, he just looked at me with those eyes and I totally crumbled and in panic I said "No. I mean yes. Um yes I'll be yours after the um betrothal period."

It would give me a little under a year until my 14th name day to decide whether I would follow through on my hasty decision or not. Betrothal periods was considered a grace period where a male would state a claim on their chosen and would have a year to convince them that they were a suitable life partner. This was common practice, though there were some who chose to bypass the custom entirely, mostly love struck teenagers who ran away to get married without parental approval.

"Thank you" Felix said, sweeping me up into his arms and kissing me.

I got distracted from his lips on mine and his hands settled on my butt, while mine gripped tightly onto his back to hold onto him so I wouldn't fall.

There was a soft thud as the flowers he brought along with him fell to the ground forgotten. I didn't recognise the flowers which meant they served no medicinal purpose, they did look nice though, red petals, long green stems. I could feel him bulging with need and I was also hard and a little breathless after all the kissing. "You're welcome."

"You won't regret this." He said. He was dressed in a simple shirt and breeches. He looked good in casual clothes and I could feel his firm back beneath the soft cloth of his shirt. I rubbed at his back, liking the feel of the his strong supple back beneath my fingers. His expression filled with lust as I pressed closer to him, pushing against the thickness of his cock with my butt.

"Want to see my room?" I asked in a breathy whisper.

"I do indeed, lover. Point the way."

I pointed in the direction of my room and he carried me there, his hands groping and squeezing my butt as I nuzzled into his neck.

"Um here's my room, there's my books, there's my desk and that's my bed." I said pointing out the various items in my room, I didn't really have much in it.

"And have you had a lot of sex in this bed?" Felix asked, his voice low and a little menacing as he looked at my bed.

"I haven't had any."

"Really?" Felix asked his face going from serious to confused.

"I only had sex for the first time a few days ago."

"I would have never guessed that, you seemed very experienced this morning when you were being gangbanged by my fellow guards."

I hadn't heard the term gangbanged before but I assumed it was sexual considering that sex was the only thing that happened with them in his presence that he could be talking about.

I shrugged "I guess I'm a natural at it."

"Well that's one way to put it. So who was your first?"


"Did you enjoy it?"

"It was painful at first, then it started feeling good then it was over then Minos fucked me and it hurt more, then felt even better, then I had my first orgasm. Since then it's been one new experience after another and I'm still working out why I can't seem to stop myself from wanting to be fucked all the time."

"Well I can help you out with that at least. The reason you want to be fucked constantly is because it feels good and sex can be just as addictive as any other drug if not more so because it gets all up into your head" he said, pointing to my head with one finger and he let go of me and I kind of dropped onto my bed butt first as I had lost my grip on him, now that he wasn't helping to support my weight I wasn't strong enough to hold on. Then he pointed at my chest "It also can fuck with your heart leading you to all sorts of crazy choices even more destructive than the pursuit of chemical highs."

"Is that why you want me?" I asked confused as to whether it was a warning not to let sex ruin my life or an explanation of why he wanted to marry me.

He stripped off his shirt, revealing his smooth chest and flat stomach in the soft light of the candle. He looked a little like a devil in the reddish light of the candle, reflecting oddly off his eyes. He stripped off his pants next and his long thick cock was freed, reminding me of an old scripture about demons corrupting mortals using a treacherous snake. It made me wonder...

"I want you for a lot of reasons. You're cute, smart, have large appetites, you feel so good when I fuck you, from what I've seen of you, you like lots and lots of sex, which appeals to me. You're also young enough that I can teach you all you need to be a good husband." He said standing in front of me naked and lean and so very big and hard..

"Oh." I wasn't sure how I felt about that answer but Felix's hands were quick to strip me off my baggy night time pants. His tongue was even quicker swiping its wet path across my bottom and in seconds digging into me. It was like he was trying to lick out my insides through my butt. It shouldn't have felt so good and yet it did and I couldn't help babbling out. "Oh. Oh Fuck. Oh yes. Fuck me!"

I leaned back overcome by his tongue.

"With pleasure, my precious." Felix broke off from his ass kissing and licking and pressed the tip of his large rod against my hole and with a single thrust pushed himself inside me. I clutched at him feeling every inch of his big cock burying its way deeper inside me.

"Oh fuck. Fuck me."

Felix kissed me, while hastily stripping me of my oversized night shirt. "Oh baby. I'm going to fuck you so good." He looked at me with such intensity that it scared me a little.

He took a firm grip of my face with both hands and kissed me hard, while driving his cock into me over and over again. At first it was slow and measured but it soon picked up pace, descending into a frenzied fucking attack, his bony pelvis banging against my backside.

He eased off for a moment to grab onto the back of my knees, holding me tightly as he kissed me, raising his body up a bit, to fuck me harder. He had me completely in his control, taking my mouth with his, covering my body with his and slamming into me over and over again with his big cock.

His domineering kisses stole my moans and panting breaths, leaving me helpless under him. I could only hold onto his shoulders as he rammed me again and again. The fucking felt so good but my butt started to hurt somewhat from being pounded so hard.

Felix groaned as he came in me, his warmth filled me as did his seed. He broke the kiss to nuzzle my neck softly as he came down from his fucking frenzy.

"Fuck" I said, a little worn out from the brief but intense sex, my legs a little sore from where he had gripped them a little too tightly towards the end and my butt felt a little tenderised. "Ow." I said as Felix let go of my legs and my feet touched the ground again.

"Sorry. Did I hurt you?" Felix asked looking me over carefully.

"Just a little sore."

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what it is but I find it so hard to control myself around you, I just want to pin you down and fuck you over and over again."

My cock throbbed at the thought. I hadn't cum, so I felt unfulfilled. "I wouldn't mind that, you fucking me face down on the bed, it'd be easier on my legs."

"Sorry again, I didn't mean to be so rough with you." He looked at me with such sincerity when he said that. His hard cock was still inside me but my legs were now splayed out on either side of him, limp and lifeless from exhaustion, which was weird since they didn't really do anything.

"I'll be fine in a few minutes, just not used to this."

"I'm sorry. I should think more." Felix pulled out of me and I felt the absence immediately. I felt cold and empty. He stood up.

"It's fine. Don't go." I said desperately.

"I'm not going anywhere. I just want to make sure we're both comfortable." He grabbed my ankle and half pulled me into the correct position. Now I was actually lying on my bed normally, rather than on my back in the middle of the bed.

He let go of my ankle and settled behind me, his warm body cuddling up to me, his hard cock nestled between my butt cheeks. I reached behind me and grabbed onto his hard cock, pushing it back in me. "I don't want you to stop. I want you to stay beside me all night." I wanted to be like Dale, with someone hard and horny cuddling up to him every night.

"Your wish is my command lover boy." He pushed in harder, taking a grip on my waist before his hands drifted to my nipple and cock.

He stroked me, with a practised stroke that felt so good. "Stop."

"What's wrong?" he asked his voice concerned.

"If you touch me like that I'll cum."


"If I cum, I'll feel tired and I won't want this as much or at all."

"Makes sense."

"It does?" It didn't even really make sense to me and I was the one saying it. "How?"

He chuckled, which sent weird vibrations into and through me as we were connected with his cock inside me and at least half of his body pressed up against mine. "It's the Gods way of being pricks, they make us horny but the second we have our release, we're immediately tired and lazy, which makes us terrible lovers. There's a few ways of dealing with that, not caring and getting your rocks off with no concern for anyone else but that doesn't make you popular. Another method is to keep your mind occupied with something just boring enough to keep you from going over the edge without losing hardness." As an extra flourish he thrusted into me roughly with his hard cock to illustrate his point.

"Uh." I groaned, Felix's hand was still on my cock and the thrusting pushed me much closer to the edge. I struggled to keep myself back from blowing but it was so hard to resist. My balls ached.

"The one I've chosen is the third option, fuck as long or as thoroughly as I want but with great frequency thanks to the power of Recovery Grade B."

"You have recovery too?"

"Sure most warriors worth their salt that wade into battle have it."

"So how'd you get it anyway?"

"I got it after I killed a Troll in a dungeon and drained its corpse of blood and had an Alchemist turn it into a potion for me."

"Oh." That wasn't what I expected. In dad's journal he had written that he bought Recovery from an Adventurer's shop, no mention of Trolls were involved. Weird. Also Felix was grinding his cock into my sweet spot and I was starting to lose track of thoughts again...

He held me tighter and with a whisper in my ear asked "So when does your dad get home?"

"Um, usually he comes back in the morning after he comes back from the pub or the village hall. Oh fuck."

Felix had his hands on my stomach and throat now "Plenty of time for us to get better acquainted then."

We stopped talking and Felix just held me close and fucked me until I came gasping as he stroked my cock and nipples, and he pumped me full of warm cum and warmth not long after.

We had a short break where we both snacked on an Iron Stag leg. We got back into bed and cuddled for a bit before the gentle caresses became passionate groping. Not long after I was face down, lying on my stomach getting railed again as Felix held me down by the shoulders as he fucked me hard.

He kept at it until he was close again, then he reached underneath me to stroke me to an orgasm, which made me tighten up around him and several seconds later, he pumped his cum into me again. I was starting to notice a pattern.

He rolled off of me and onto his back beside me, there wasn't that much room on my bed for the both of us, so we resettled with Felix on his back while I cuddled up to him, trailing my fingers over his smooth chest and rubbing lazy circles around his nipples until they were hard and tickling them playfully while Felix smiled indulgently at me.

I kissed his right nipple and he said "yeah baby suck it." So I did, I kissed and licked and sucked on his nipple, paying close attention to what made him make the most noise. I liked the sound of his heart beating faster because of me, it made me feel powerful and hot.

I couldn't help notice that it wasn't the only thing that was hard and needing attention so I trailed kissed down his chest, over his flat stomach and licked and kissed my way up then over and down his big hard cock, to focus on his balls. I held them in my hand, they felt warm and soft and "Suck me."

Felix seemed like he wanted me to stop messing around with his balls and focus on his stick instead. I smiled at my own silly joke and placed my mouth over his cock, driving it all way down until my nose touched his pelvis. "Fuck you're so good at that baby. Oh ohh Oh fuck, I want to fuck you so bad now."

I pulled off his cock, now slick with my saliva and asked "How do you want me?"

"On your hands and knees, I'm going to fuck you like an animal."

"Yes sir."

He got off the bed and I got into position on my hands and knees and it didn't take him long before he was slamming his big cock into my eager butt. He pounded my backside for several minutes until he came again inside me with a muffled groan, his teeth buried in my shoulder again.

"Fuck I'm famished, got any food baby?"

"Sure." I led him into the kitchen where I took out cold meats from the cold box.

We tore into our snacks in the kitchen under moon lit darkness, filling our bellies with food. After we were done eating Felix kissed me softly, then firmly, then hungrily, which quickly led to me being fucked standing up bent over the dining table, then on my back on the table, with my knees over my shoulders as he kissed and fucked me thoroughly. Twenty minutes later, Felix, came in me again, giving me a surge of warmth.

We returned to the bed where one thing led to another again and I rode his cock slowly, enjoying the sense of power I had over him. I liked making him hard and horny and having him fuck me again and again.

Every time he came inside me, it was a little less warmth than before and the breaks lasted a bit longer. I couldn't seem to get enough of him though. I just kept wanting more, I kept touching him, stroking him, sucking him until his hard cock was back inside me over and over again.

Eventually we fell asleep tangled naked together, his hard cock inside me, lying on an angle away from me, his right arm draped over me.


I blinked, looking at my father and thinking about what he'd look like naked as my cock throbbed as I remembered the night before. Felix was still naked and his hard cock was pressed against my lower back. I didn't even think about it, I reflexively reached behind me and grabbed his cock "Wait. Don't!" and stuck it inside my wet hole. "Oh fuck.."

I didn't even register the words for a moment, too satisfied that I had Felix's hard cock back inside me. Then I really woke up. What can I say I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. I hadn't really been thinking things through at all. I was a mere animal reacting on instinct and instinct told me that I was empty and there was something nearby to fill me up and I had acted without a thought in my empty lust filled head. Yes that's a clumsy metaphor. Felix's cock was throbbing in my ass. It was hard to think.

I looked to see Dad's reaction and he had his hand over his eyes. "This is what I get."

Felix tried to get up but he couldn't really do that with his cock buried in my hole, so all it did was make us both hornier and the situation more awkward. "This isn't how I planned to do this."

"You had some other way in mind for fucking him in front of me?" Dad asked his arms crossed in front of him, giving Felix a glare.

"Stop that." Felix growled at me, I couldn't help myself, my body was moving by itself, subtly squeezing and grinding on Felix's cock. He slapped my bottom and it stung. The pain shook me out of my mindless lust for a moment.

"Sorry." I wasn't sure if I was apologising to dad or Felix but I was sorry to both and due to the slap, my butt was sore, so I stilled for a moment, trying to get my thoughts in order.

"So what are you doing in my house, fucking my boy?"

"Um. I want to marry him." Felix said, trying to cover my nakedness with his leg but it just made it more obvious that his hard cock was inside me as I moaned as he penetrated me even deeper. I would have to remember that for later.

Dad laughed loudly. I waited somewhat impatiently for him to stop, Felix's cock inside me was distracting me from the pain of the slap and I was squirming with need.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into boy."

"I'm 25. I'm no boy." Felix said, looking angry, which was undermined somewhat by the fact that he was naked, even more so than before as he had pulled out of me and his hard cock was sticking straight out, slick with cum.

"So I see." Dad gave him a once over with his eyes. "If you want him, take him with you, you'll be doing me a favour, I warn you though that you'll live to regret it."

"What?" I said, my eyes welling up with tears. Was Dad kicking me out of home? What was happening?

"How can you be so cruel simply because he's GAY?" Felix asked, his voice getting louder and more strident with each word.

Dad chortled. "I have no problem with gay men, a former team mate of mine Serge was gay, he was a great guy, gave excellent head."

"Then what is your problem?"

Dad shrugged. "It's too complicated to get into with some naked guy in my son's bed this early in the morning, take him and all his stuff away with you when you leave. I'm going to the Hall to sleep instead, I want you both gone by the time I return."

Dad walked off leaving us both open mouthed and thoroughly confused. Why was Dad being so mean to me?

I burst into tears and Felix awkwardly comforted me, patting me on the back and saying "it'll all work out" over and over again until my throat was too sore to continue crying.

I felt ruined. My urge for sex crumbled into dust as my life just fell apart without me understanding anything.

"Let's get your stuff and we'll figure out everything after things have a chance to settle down a bit."

"I guess." I said woodenly. I felt emptied out, hollowed of all human emotions, my dad had abandoned me, which made the lingering doubt inside me flare up into something huge and terrifying. I did my best to fight off the panic that everything was completely broken and beyond fixing because if I didn't pretend it could be fixed I wouldn't be able to move.

I collected a couple of the most important books in my collection, including dad's travel journey and my mum's grimoire and placed them in mum's spatial pack. I went to the kitchen and stashed some extra food in as well. I was hungry, I snacked on some rabbit meat while I and shoved the pack full of clothes randomly. I just kept stuffing them in till I couldn't fit any more in.

When the pack wouldn't take any more and just bulged unnaturally, I burst into tears again. My crying didn't last long, I was too tired and drained to continue. I didn't have the energy left to cry over something I neither understood or could change.


Author's Note

Nothing much to add here. Just a downpoint to counteract all the sexy times for reasons that will be eventually explored.

Obligatory note: If you feel like it you can donate to Nifty through http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

If you want to check out my other stuff on nifty, links below

https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/sf-fantasy/vainglorious/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/victor/

If you want to, you can also send me suggestions, questions or criticisms via waynewriteswords@outlook.com

Next: Chapter 8

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