Half Breed Adventurer

By wayne unknown

Published on Jul 9, 2019


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Please understand this is a work of fiction. The actions described in the story are not real, encouraged, or condoned in real life. Its just a fictional tale about a horny teenager with some issues.

Chapter 9 Introductions

I washed up at the stream, thinking about the morning with the three brothers as I scrubbed at myself with soap, washing off the sweat and dried cum from my body. I was careful to avoid scrubbing too hard at the various bruises on my front and back.

I got hard thinking about what it'd be like if it wasn't Minos and Dale fucking me at the same time but Minos and Fred. It'd either be mind breaking or body breaking, either way, it'd be unforgettable.

I found myself stroking and fingering myself, the bar of soap sinking to the bottom of the stream as I thought of the brothers taking turns fucking me again.

It almost made me want to go back inside and see if I could make it a reality but Frederic would be up soon and I didn't want to be caught out again. Then again considering how horny his sons were maybe Frederic would join in and I could see how his hard cock felt inside me.

"Fuck!" I came explosively, at the thought of riding Minos' cock while Fred also fucked my ass, while I fucked Dale and Frederic fucked my face.

What really pushed me over the edge was the thought that when Fred inevitably blew too quickly, he'd be replaced by his daddy and I would be fucked by both Minos and Frederic. Frederic was bound to be even more experienced with fucking than all of his sons combined. Him fucking me would be epic.

Fuck. My knees felt weak so I grabbed the soap from the bottom of the stream and walked out onto the riverbed and spent some time sunning myself in the early morning light. Despite the bruises and the various bite marks on my body, I felt better than ever.

I got dressed and returned to Frederic's for a breakfast of fresh eggs and leftover meat from yesterday.

Dale complained when he was told he couldn't have any more Stag meat.


"Your body needs time to adapt to the power of the monster meat before you can have more."

"Then why can Lucius have so much?"

I looked at my second serving of Stag meat guiltily.

"He's been eating monster meat a lot longer than you have, it doesn't have the same effect on him."

"But why?"

"It just is. Drop it. Or I won't take you on any other hunts."

"You're mean. I hate you." and Dale stormed off to his room in a huff.

I looked at Frederic to check his reaction, surprised to see him smiling. "They grow up so fast."

"I'll talk to him later." Hilda said placing a hand on her husband's shoulder, they looked like a team. My stomach clenched in a mix of jealousy and guilt. I wanted that and yet I kept thinking of Frederic naked, pounding my ass with little concern about her. What kind of person did that make me?

A terrible one obviously.

I sighed and made my excuses and left. Minos and Fred seemed out of it, eyes half open, shovelling food into their mouths absentmindedly. I guess Dale and I kind of wore them out with all the sex last night and or this morning. They barely reacted to my leaving.

I found myself thinking about how I could make that little fantasy I had in the stream a reality on the walk back to Alec's.

First I'd have to get Dale to let me fuck him, which had gotten harder as he seemed to only want to fuck me now. So I'd have to make a deal with him, trade a fuck for a fuck, have him fuck me in exchange for getting to fuck him.

I wonder if Felix would let me fuck him. Felix was gay, he liked to kiss me and had sucked my cock before and claimed to love me, so he should let me fuck him. It would be interesting to fuck him. Having a full grown man beneath me, letting me slam my cock into him over and over again, until I unloaded into him would be exciting and new. I suppose I should ask him about it later when he's less grumpy at me.

I sighed. It always seemed that I made people angry at me without even trying, first dad, then Felix, then Dale.

Minos would be easy to convince to fuck me, he liked fucking me and I really liked him fucking me.

Fred might take some effort to convince to fuck me at the same time as Minos. They seemed to constantly be at odds with each other. Also I should probably have Minos and Alec fuck me at the same time first so I can work my way up to Minos and Fred. Otherwise it might be more painful than pleasurable.

Frederic would be the real question. How would I get him involved? He already had a wife.

Until I figured out a way to get Frederic to be involved, I could see if I could get Felix to join us. That way Felix could take over for Fred after he cums.

"Hey." I'm startled out of my sexual scheming by Dean, whose standing guard at the gate to George's walled estate, giving me an intense look. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry, were you waiting for me?" I asked, a little confused, it probably didn't help that I had been rubbing myself through my pockets the entire time I had been walking through the village. It's a good thing that there wasn't anyone up and about at this time of the morning or I'd have made quite a spectacle of myself. I probably needed to be careful about getting lost in daydreams as they were far more sexual than they used to be and things could get awkward.

"Yeah me and my meat sword were waiting for its sheath to come home."


"You can't talk to him like that!" Deimos said, walking over to us.

"Sure I can. I just did."

"That's not what I meant and you know it. We're working, act professionally."

"Like you can talk, you fucked him too while you were on duty."

"That's different that was behind closed doors and because I was ordered to."

"Sure you were. Let's take this inside again. SAMMY COVER US."

Sam came racing from around the corner "What?"

"Our newest addition has returned. Cover the gates for a few minutes, I need to have him take care of something for me."

"I thought we were under attack or something. Hi Lucius, welcome back. Dean behave."

"Don't I always?" Dean said.


"Then you shouldn't expect any better then."

Dean lead me inside past the second set of guards, David and that bearded guy who I think fucked me before. I really should get his name. It seemed weird to have sex with someone without knowing their name. Then again, mostly I just remember the feel of his beard against my neck and a generally forgettable fucking. Maybe it wasn't worth finding out. I wasn't that eager to repeat the experience.

"Where are we going?" I asked since I didn't recognise this hallway at all.

"Somewhere quiet, where I can fuck you."

"Oh." That was quite forward of him, then again, lately I've just kind of been lost in a haze of lust, day and night and I was quite hard and horny. Maybe I should follow his example and just do the same.

"This will do." He opened a door leading to a musty store room of sorts and pulled me in by the arm, closing the door behind him with a kick. He dropped his pants, revealing a throbbing 8 inch cock. "Suck it slut."

I took a hold of his cock. "Can you fuck me afterwards?"


"Good." I said before licking then swallowing his cock in one gulp.

"Fuck yeah, this is the life."

I bobbed and licked and sucked for a minute on my knees in front of him before I was pulled off his cock. He walked around me only to have him roughly tug down my trousers from behind and shove his hard cock into my butt. Despite Fred fucking me not that long ago, Dean's cock still felt like it was stretching me out.

"Yeah fuck me, fill me with your cum." I said wanting him to spray my insides with his cum. I had grown to crave that moment when I made someone else so blissful that they gave me their warmth.

"This is going to be a little fast, since we have places to be. Bear with."

He grabbed onto my hips and just slammed into me over and over again. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Sorry, can't stop now. Fuck." He just kept speeding up.

The sex had hit a fever pitch and my insides felt like mush as did my brain.. "Lumos!"

A wave of warmth hit me at the same time my stomach clenched painfully.

I didn't have the time to think about what it meant as Dean slumped over me, his armour, heavy on my back. "Fuck that was intense. Good thing I saved my load up for you."

"Can you get off me?" The cold stone on my cock was thoroughly unpleasant.

"I can get off in you. Oh wait already did that. Yes I'll get off you, don't want to crush you after all." He pulled out of me and rolled onto his back, his pants around his ankles and his cock shrivelling up to about half it's former size.

I looked at the floor and there was a small puddle of cum. "Fuck." I wiped it off with my sleeve, removing the traces of our encounter, so as not to get into trouble with George.

"That's gross."

Dean said.

"So what were you talking about before?"

"Oh yeah, George wanted to see you when you got back to talk to you about something important."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I said cheeks getting flushed as anger rose in me.

"Don't worry, I doubt it's bad, little man. I'm in trouble practically all the time. I know the signs. He probably just wants to sort out the details of where you're living, servant's quarters downstairs, the barracks with us filthy perverts or with Alec keeping his bed warm."

I tugged up my pants, feeling out of sorts again. If I stayed in Felix's bed, how would the other guards react, would they want to join in or be jealous? Did Felix still want me in his bed? What about Alec? Would he expect me to sleep with him? Would I be able to have Felix visit me there instead? What about Fred? Should I visit him again and if so when?

I had too many questions and had no answers as of yet.

"Let's go then."

"Yes sir." Dean said, giving me a mock salute as he got up.

I followed him to George's study/office and was promptly introduced to George's butler who stood beside a seated George.

"This is Rupert, he serves as butler and steward, helping to manage the other staff along with other duties as necessary.

Rupert was a man in his 40's with black hair tinged with grey and dressed in a black suit. Rupert said "Pleasure to make your acquaintance young sir."

"Thanks. You too."

Rupert closed his eyes for a second too long before he simply smiled and said "Indeed."

"The reason I called you here, is to set some ground rules for your stay and organise certain details with you. First you're not in trouble, but if you do leave the estate, I expect you to notify someone beforehand and take a guard." George said.


"For your protection."

"But Alec doesn't have one follow him around."

I had a sudden flashback to Dale's whining, I was starting to sound like him. Was that a good thing? I had never been like other children my age. Either too ahead intellectually or far behind socially to relate to them. I usually got along better with adults than kids my own age.

"Alec can look after himself for the most part and he has a partner to help him out on missions and his own apothecary to provide potions for when things go wrong. Also when he goes on more involved missions I usually have guards on standby nearby to assist if necessary."

"But why would I need a guard?"

"To keep you safe from those that might wish to do you harm because of your association with me, or simply because you might get in trouble while collecting herbs. It doesn't hurt to secure your safety in such situations. I like to ensure my investments pay off."

"I'm an investment?"

"Of course, a long term investment in having my own alchemist and if you do decide later to branch out on your own I will have certain concessions made due to my assistance."

"Oh. Sure. That makes sense. I guess."

With that I'm dismissed and Rupert gives me the grand tour of the estate, he shows me around the Barracks, I had only seen where the men bunked down for the night. There was much more to it than I had seen, there was an armoury with a selection of weapons and shields. There was the training grounds, with archery targets, wooden dummies and wooden swords and an obstacle course.

Downstairs was the servant quarters where the servants that assisted with the daily tasks of the estate slept.

According to Rupert there are a lot of servants living on the estate. There is a chef, 2 apprentice chefs, one 15, one 17 years old, 2 female cooks, 5 maids, there are are also the stable master, his two sons, a carriage driver and two grooms.

Next we visited the stables, where there were half a dozen horses looked after by the stable master and his 2 sons. The stable master was a man in his early to mid 30's, his eldest son was 15 and already looked like a young man and the other 13 and skinny and kind of gawky looking. Tall and blonde with blue eyes was the first impression I got of the three of them. The three of them made for an interesting progression from skinny teenager to a thick solid man. It made it easy to tell that both sons would probably grow up to be solidly built and handsome.

There was also a coach man and 2 grooms that were doing something with a carriage that looked oddly familiar.

Looking at it, I remembered why it looked familiar, it was the carriage we took to the nearby town of Derby for my Status Stone, I spent a lot of time in it asleep. Remembering those days where just being awake was a struggle reminded me of how far I had come.

The horses were used for more than simply delivering all the produce to Derby, they were sometimes hired by villagers for excursions into town. A service provided by George, that was rarely taken advantage of due to the cost but helpful when someone needed to go into town for one reason or another and needed to be there quickly and relatively safely.

Then there was the Bath house/hot springs which were to be used by the staff to clean up en masse separated into two sections, one for men and the other for women. Apparently the shower was only supposed to be used by the owners and their guests.

Then he took me through the main house, showing me where the various store rooms were and the kitchens where the food was prepared. I paid quite a bit of attention to the kitchens, which was busy with 3 men and 3 women bustling about preparing food. There was a lot of impressive knife work displayed by the men that I assumed were the chefs.

He showed me a room that had only a desk piled with books with a single chair behind it and a door to an adjoining room.

"This will be your office and next door will be your lab. We'll add things as necessary, for now read through the books and get familiar with the content. The master will review your progress next week."

"I get an office? Why?" I was intrigued by the large books but I didn't really understand what was going on any more, which sadly had become a common state of affairs.

"It is not my place to question my master's orders, only to see them carried out. I would think that it's so that you'd have a place to take notes and compare them to the text books but I am not an alchemist, so it's only a guess."

"I guess I'll start reading then, could I get a pencil and some paper to write notes?"

"I can arrange that for you. I'll send one of the Guards over to guard your door."


He left and I grabbed the first book and it was quite hefty, it was titled Biology and it had a picture of a plant with a small furry animal next to it. I recognised neither the plant or animal but it stoked my interest.

I sat on the chair and started reading.

I didn't even get through the first couple of pages (small writing, large pages) before I was interrupted again by a new arrival.

"Hey babe, guess who got assigned to be your bodyguard." Felix said with a smile on his face.

I looked up and I resisted the urge to sigh, I liked Felix but he was a serious distraction and I needed to learn everything I could about alchemy so that I could stay here. I couldn't let myself get distracted and yet I couldn't just ignore him. "You?"

"You're so smart, you deserve a kiss." He moved across the room leaving his spear against the table and his mouth was on mine and his hands were sliding under my shirt, rubbing my back and it was getting harder to think.

A knock on the door broke our kiss and Felix raced to his weapon.

Rupert walked in a second later to find Felix and I breathing somewhat heavily. He smiled wryly before saying "I brought you a pad and pencil as requested." He placed the items on the table. "Anything else I can help you with?"

"No thanks."

"I'll leave you to it then."


He left and I let out a sigh "That was way too close."

"I know, it makes this even hotter." He was on me again, his mouth on mine, his spear dropped to the ground, his hands all over me, rubbing and stroking and before I even knew it I was naked and his mouth was on my hard cock doing wonderful things to it.

I tried to remember what he was doing, so I could do it to him later but it was hard to think, let alone try and memorise his tricks with his tongue. His tongue flicked the underside of my cock while taking me to the root and his finger was slipping into my butt.

"Fuck me." All thought was gone, only the desire for more pleasure remained.

He pulled off my cock. "Soon baby. Soon." Only to move his mouth over to my butt to lick my hole and dig in deep. It felt so good

"Felix please." He was digging in deep with his tongue and his pants were pooled around his knees and he was stroking his big cock two handed.

"Whose cum is this?" He asked his face flushed red with anger or?

I had to think for a long moment before I could respond, the sex was starting to blur together and my hard cock and hungry hole, soaked in his saliva, made it harder to remember the progression of my morning. "Dean's."

"Fuck. He's tasty." He dove back in, with even greater fervour than before. I held onto the back of his head as he sought to suck and lick every drop of cum out of my hole.

"Oh. Fuck me. Fuck me please." His tongue flicking around inside of my butt was breaking my brain.

Felix broke off from his oh so great activity and said "You're such a bad little boy. You need to be punished."

He pushed his big cock deep inside me. "Oh fuck." I wrapped my arms around his back, the armor cool on my bare skin.

"When did he fuck you?"

"Like twenty minutes ago or something. I don't know." His cock was making it hard to think. It was so big and hard and deep inside me.

He took a grip of my chin, forcing me to lock eyes with him. "How was it?"


"Him fucking you, did you love it, did you cum?"

"He fucked me hard. It was good. Yes."

"Fuck me. I love it." He said before grabbing a hold of my throat with one hand and kissing me hard while he fucked me frantically.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, I couldn't move. All I could do was get fucked.

I don't know how long he fucked me, whether it was minutes or hours. All I know is I felt the rush of him cumming before he slumped down on the floor as I panted and gasped in all the air I was missing.

My cock was rock hard but I hadn't cum. I wanted more sex but my ass felt sore from Felix's attentions. I found myself craving something else.

"Ow". I struggled to get into a proper seated position as I tugged my pants over my butt so as not to leak over the fancy chair. I knew for a certainty that I couldn't afford a replacement for it.

"I'm sorry, this keeps happening. I tell myself I won't be so rough to you and yet when I see you all I can do is want to tear into you, until I cum."

I kind of listened to him but I sort of tuned him out too, I had heard him apologise before and I didn't think it meant anything at this point. It was far too easy to say you were sorry but apologies didn't really fix anything.

"I'm curious." I rubbed at my throat, it was also sore from where he had gripped me. I couldn't afford to keep getting injured all the time. I no longer worked for Grindor and a replacement health potion would cost me greatly and I barely had any money to my name.

Felix looked rueful but also curious and horny and other things I couldn't identify. He was on the ground, his cock hard again as his eyes roamed my body hungrily. "About?" Felix prompted as the silence continued.

"Do you get fucked?"

Felix laughed, his cock jiggling a little as he did. "Yes, though not lately, have to be a certain guy or while drunk or if I'm really worked up. Why? Want to fuck me?"

"Yes." I stated simply. He looked at me for a long moment and I looked into his eyes. I felt annoyed by life and somewhat by Felix and I wanted to sink into warm darkness and be happy.

"Just be gentle with me, it's been a while."

"Um how do I do that?" I asked, I didn't really have much experience doing the fucking, only with Dale and I'm not sure how well I did at that.

He smiled at me and removed his armour entirely, along with kicking off his shoes and pants. "I'll show you. I'll ride you."

And he sat on my hard cock, at first it sort of hurt, he was so tight but he kissed me and soon there was only the warmth of his darkness, pleasing me greatly as he slowly raised and lowered himself onto my hard cock.

I fucked him as we kissed. It started off slow as I had to figure out how to move my body while in the chair, fucking upward into his taller and heavier body. It didn't take long before the madness set in and I was gripping him by his thighs and fucking him full speed and cumming in his tight butt.

It just felt so good, I couldn't stop, I couldn't think and now I was tired and sleepy again. All I wanted to do was nap. "Thanks, that was the best."

Felix gave me an odd smile, his hard prick standing upright. "Well I'm going to need to visit the shower to clean up. I'll be back to guard the door in ten so stay out of trouble." He pulled on his pants, covering his glorious cock from sight.

"Actually do you think you could escort me to the library first, it'll be easier to concentrate there and I'd like to lie down."

"Sure. I can do that for you."

We both finished dressing and afterwards, he took me to the library where I laid down with my new book until Alec came to find me.

Alec found me on my stomach reading.

"Hey lunch is ready. Come on and join everyone" I lowered my breeches. "What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to fuck me first?" I asked, seeing him had reminded me I hadn't seen or heard from Felix in hours and it had been far too long since someone had stuck their cock in me for my liking.

"Lumos. Why'd you think that?"

"Isn't that why I'm here, to be fucked?"

"No I mean, I like fucking you but that's-"

"I want you to fuck me. I need to be fucked. Please fuck me." I said lifting up my ass and wiggling it suggestively (I hoped it was an attractive sight at least).

"Fuck. Fine." Alec's weight was on top of me, his hard cock sinking deep into me. "Fuck this is fucked up."

"Fuck me fast, lunch is waiting." I said, feeling like teasing Alec a little.

"You want it fast. Here it comes." Alec gripped my hips hard and just fucked me, breath hot on the back of my neck as he drove his cock in and out of me in a frenzy.

"Oh fuck" I moaned as Alec's thrusts rocked me back and forth, against the page I was on. I pushed the book further away so it wouldn't get damaged. It was something only the rich could afford.

I squeezed his cock with my butt and rocked back and forth to meet his thrusts with my own eager motions as I held onto my cock firmly but loose enough so as not to chafe.

Felix walked in "What's happening here? Oh, that explains it." He closed the door behind him, and walked over to me and shoved his hard cock into my open mouth silencing my moans. His spear was almost as big as me, and was dropped to the ground next to me as he fucked my face. "Fuck him."

Alec and Felix proceeded to fuck me with increasing vigor as I stroked myself. It felt so good to have the two of them inside of me, making me warm and blissfull and...

I came first, shooting my bliss unto the carpet and immediately slumping into dead weight. Alec's thrusting into me sped up a lot as he unleashed his inner beast and came with a guttural roar.

Felix simply stopped moving, keeping his whole cock where it was, pushed deep into my mouth.

After Alec rolled off me leaving me empty Felix moved away, pulling his hard cock from my mouth and got up and moved behind me and lapped at my hole for a bit, eating all of Alec's cum from out of me. By the time he was done, I was back in the mood for more which Felix gave to me. He flipped me over onto my back before shoving his stiff prick into me, then fucking me rapidly as he kissed and stroked me. He came into me not long afterwards.

Afterwards I felt sated, despite not cumming again.

We dressed in silence and I followed Alec to the food where I was introduced to a crowd of people which was basically all the servants. Alec and Felix weren't around as they were covering the walls while I was introduced to people as George's alchemist in training.

The men outnumbered the women nearly three to one, I forgot most of their names immediately after hearing them. Only remembering that the personal chef named Allen who managed the kitchen and his two assistants who were part time cooks and two of the maids were named Emma and Alice. Food is life after all. It's essential to remember the people feeding you.

I'm great at remembering words on pages but I'm not so great at remembering people or details about people. I couldn't tell you the colour of the clothes I wore yesterday, let alone what anyone else was wearing. Sometimes I'd get confused as to the details of people, their eye colours, their hair colour and often the shape of their faces.

Some things were crystal clear... other's not so much. Suffice to say, there were too many people to remember their names or personal appearance easily.

I went back to reading about Biology, finding an interesting chapter about soil composition and plant growth. The Almanac gave great details as to what certain plants looked like and what they were used for but didn't mention anything about why they grew the way they did. I found the more detailed explanations as to general plant life to be quite engaging.

Later that evening Felix took me to the bath house after his shift finished so that we could relax together, he said the warm waters had a soothing effect after a long day.

I stripped naked and placed my clothes into this cubby hole that had fresh towels.

Felix showed me how to properly fasten a towel around my waist with an amused grin on his face as I explained how normally I just dried myself off and didn't have to worry about other people seeing anything.

Anyway we walked over to a circular depression filled with water, with a submerged ledge just beyond the edge that was meant for sitting down and soaking.

We discarded the towels and sunk into the waters.

Admittedly it felt like heaven to sink into the warm waters after a long eventful day and just relax.

Unfortunately that didn't last long as Felix pulled me onto his lap to show me his skills at massage after I mentioned how sore I was and one thing quickly led to another. His hands on my shoulders and upper back felt good, easing some of the tension from my body, causing me to release a muffled moan.

Felix's cock hardened against my back at the sound and I found myself getting aroused as his hands wandered around my body to squeeze at my nipples and cock. Then I was seated on his cock somehow, moaning as his heat filled me up inside.

Soon I was riding his cock frantically, facing outward as he nuzzled my neck and ear and made me feel all warm and squishy as our sex made amusing sloshing noises.

Which was when Sam and Dean wandered in. Sam had his towel wrapped tightly around his waist while Dean had his over his shoulder, dick swinging back and forth with every step.

Felix stilled, holding me tight.

"Mind if I join?" Dean asked jumping into the baths, it was only waist deep, so it didn't slow him down much and soon he was right in front of me, hard cock and body demanding attention.

"I don't mind." I said "I don't know" Felix said, practically at the same time.

"Great." Dean said ignoring Felix's half-hearted protest to pull me down mouth first onto his hard cock. I made use of the opportunity to practice Felix's techniques on him.

It didn't take long for Felix to stand up so I was bent over getting thoroughly fucked in both ends.

Sammy joined soon enough, standing next to his brother, their hips pressed together as his hard cock was stroked and sucked along with Dean's as Felix railed into me.

As soon as Felix came into me and pulled out Dean pulled me aside to sit on his lap while he sat on the raised seating around the edge of the spring/bath. "Come sit on my cock." I sat on his cock facing the others. "You've stretched him out. Sammy want to help me out here?"

Sammy looked between the three of us before walking over, lifting up my legs to better expose my gaping hole and he slid his hard cock alongside his brother's and started fucking me.

"Oh fuck. Oh Lumos." Sammy said, his cock stopped inside me. I looked over his shoulder to find Felix lapping at Sam's hole. He started fucking me harder.

I kissed and licked on his neck as he stayed still as Dean fucked upwards. Felix escalated things by shoving his finger into Sam's butt driving him over the edge. A surge of warmth and cum followed. Sam's cock was quickly replaced by Felix's cock inside me.

"FUCK" I moaned as the two men drove their big hard cocks into my ass while Sammy sat and watched.

We were interrupted by Deimos and the bearded guard who walked in.

It didn't stop Felix or Dean for more than a second as they glanced at the newcomers before they continued, too engrossed with their own pleasure to hold back for long.

I was lost in my own need, moaning and groaning and sometimes shouting "Fuck me. Fuck me please. Fuck me harder!"

Dean came with a groan as he spurted his warmth into me. He quickly pulled out and I immediately missed him inside of me. "Don't stop fucking me." I said, as Felix had paused when Dean had cum inside me.

Felix lifted me up, turning me around to face him as he sat on the edge of the spring, only his legs in the water now. "I think he needs more cock. Isn't that right baby?"

"Fuck me, fuck, all of you must fuck me."

I was lost in lust. All I wanted was more cocks, more pleasure, more warmth.

Thankfully Deimos was quick to replace Dean's hard cock with his own. He sunk his hard cock alongside Felix and the both of them held and squeezed and fucked me until I was a gibbering drooling mess.

I came so hard as they both fucked me. They followed soon after, emptying their balls into me. Filling me with heat and more stickiness. Deimos pulled out of me and I kind of rolled slumped off to lie half of the edge of the spring so that my feet were sort of in the water.

The bearded guy came up to me, hard 7 inch cock in hand, "So horny." He grabbed my legs and yanked me up and over closer to him, so my butt was just over the edge of the waters.

I tried to stall as I wasn't quite in the mood any more for more sex. "What's your name?"

"Geoff." My plan didn't really work, he stuck his 7 inches into me regardless. "Fuck I needed this." I felt nothing as he hammered away at my insides for a minute maybe two before cumming. Even then I barely felt the warmth before he pulled out.

There was an air of awkwardness as silence descended as I lay exhausted on the edge of the pool, dripping cum. Geoff left when Felix descended onto my sloppy ass to eat all the cum out of me.

By the time he was done, I was hard again. He smiled with cum on his lips. He licked his lips, obviously savoring the taste before he pulled me onto his lap.

Dean sat on Felix's right while Sam sat on his left, Deimos on the other side of the circular bath/spring.

"Well that was wild, didn't know you were into that kind of thing Felix." Dean said.

"Yeah well, there's a lot you don't know about me."

"So I see and here I was thinking we were friends."

"We are, just didn't have much to share as before this I wasn't getting much action. Didn't really think you'd be interested in my sexual exploits with other men."

"Well it's better that you like dudes than wasting that giant piece of meat between your legs with your hand."

"Thanks I think?"

"I'm a great guy. Did you like my cum in there?" Dean said, poking Felix in the ribs with a finger.

"Shut up." Felix's cock was hard against my back and I was horny...

And I was back on Felix's cock again, where I belonged, this time kissing him.

There was round 2 with the 4 of them, that became a bit of a blur of hard bodies, wet with water and sweat as an orgy followed.

Dean got in the middle of us, standing on the submerged seat, straddling our bodies so that he could fuck my face. "Suck it slut."

Felix got busy with Dean's butt, noisily slurping on it with no shame as he fucked me again. Dean didn't seem bothered by this new development, simply turning around and fucking Felix's face. I tried to recreate the glory of Felix's tongue when he tongued my butt by licking Dean's hole, but I'm not sure how well it went since Dean pulled away, eyes glazed with lust.

Felix and Dean shared a heated look.

I was lifted up by Felix who turned around with me in his arms and pushed me onto the cold wet tiles to fuck me harder.

"Fuck me please..." Felix said to Dean.

"Anything for a friend."

Dean stepped behind Felix, pushing his hard cock into Felix. Felix paused inside me. "Oh fuck. You're so big."

"You know it man. I'm going to fuck you up."

"Yes please."

Sammy got out of the water to fuck my face as I laid down and Felix tongued his anus.

Then Felix was having his mouth filled with Sammy's cock while Sam sat on my face Dean was slow fucking Felix's ass.

Felix came in me, and his cock was quickly replaced by Dean and Sam double teaming my ass. All previous resistance to the idea by Sam had long disappeared.

After they came in me, I felt strangely heavy as if my arms and legs had become thicker or something.

Didn't stop Deimos from sinking his cock into me afterwards. I hadn't really been paying attention to him stroking his cock beneath the water's surface as I was quite occupied but he made the most of his moment to pummel my insides with his hard cock until he came inside me.

After he was done, Felix took me to bed. Alec's bed of all places. Alec didn't seem surprised to see me.

I fell asleep with Felix's cock in my butt while I had a hand on Alec's chest. Utterly exhausted but happy.

"You're so gay." Was the last thing I heard Alec say before I drifted off into unexpected dreams.

Next: Chapter 10

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