Hall of Shame

By Story Teller

Published on Dec 16, 2001


I guess I always had an idea that I preferred men to women, probably from around the age of 13 or 14. However I never had the nerve to act on it until I got to University and then the issue was rather forced by what happened to me in my first year halls of residence.

I was lucky enough to get into a pretty good University in the north of England, one that was favoured by a lot of people from a British public school background. You'll probably know the sort of people I mean - wealthy families, boarding school from an early age, good at sports - particularly rugby - generally not gay but quite happy to do each other a favour, or to find someone else to help them out.

You can probably guess where this is going. My halls of residence was all male and had 10 people in, including myself. Of these 8 of them were public school boys, there was me (Dan) and one other guy called Ian who, like me, was from a more "normal" background. Basically Ian and I had got to this University on our academic strengths and not because of the school we came from or the rugby team we played for.

Right from the start the other 8 guys quickly became friends, in fact two of them, James and William (Will), had been at the same school and by all accounts had been friends for many years. Ian and I did not fit in with them at all so it was inevitable we would be thrown together. That was fine by me - Ian was a decent guy and (my sexual preferences starting to emerge) was quite cute. He had dark hair, brown eyes and was quite tall - around 6 feet - and slim. I am a couple of inches shorter, with fairer hair and blue eyes. Neither of us were at all into sports - just regular guys really.

Will, James and the others at first didn't pay much attention to Ian and me.

They were busy making friends with other public school types from other halls, chatting up and trying to bed girls (with remarkable success) and generally having a good time. After the first few weeks of term however things settled down a bit more and the 8 of them started spending more time in the halls, and started to notice Ian and me some more. Whilst they didn't really do anything bad they made it clear they looked down on us.

Ian and I did spend a lot of time in each other's rooms, just chilling out and getting to know each other. I'll admit I was really starting to get the hots for him but I had no idea if he felt the same or was even interested. Many a night after we'd gone back to our own rooms I would jerk off thinking about him and how I wanted to peel off his clothes and feel his smooth, lean body. I dreamed off his cock which I imagined would be long and slim like him, the perfect size to take my cherry and fuck my tight arse....

Things happened in a way I could only have imagined one evening a few weeks into term. I had taken an evening bath and as far as I knew only Ian and I were in the hall that evening. I had gone from the communal bathroom to my room with just a towel round me when I realised I had run out of deodorant. I went back down the corridor to see if Ian had a spare he could lend me. He did so I went into his room for a couple of minutes to pick it up, still wearing just my towel. Just as I came back out of his room James, Will and the others all returned home. They were laughing and shouting and had obviously been drinking.

I guess I can see it might have looked a bit suspicious me emerging from Ian's room in just a towel, but the guys clearly assumed the worst. "See I told you those two were fags" sneered Will. "How sweet, the little cocksucker giving his friend a good seeing to and then sneaking back to his room whilst we were all out".

Without thinking I retorted that we had done no such thing and that I wasn't any sort of cocksucker. Maybe my denial sounded a bit too defensive as Will replied "oh don't worry there are lots of sorts of cocksuckers and if you're not one now you soon will be". Will pushed me back into Ian's room and snatched the towel away from me as he did so. The rest of the guys followed into the room and shut the door behind them.

Then they turned their attention to Ian who was sat at his desk rather taken aback to have his room invaded and to find me naked next to him. "So what do you think now faggot" one of them said to Ian. "Do you fancy some of this" he added as he grabbed my cock and balls and gave them a painful twist.

This was the first contact anyone had had with my genitals and, even though he had hurt me a bit I was horrified to find I started rising to the occasion. "Clearly he wants it" one of them said to Ian, "the least you could do is help him out." I was pushed roughly down on the bed and Ian was manhandled from his chair and thrown on top of me. "Go on cocksucker show him what you can do" they jeered as they grabbed him by the hair and forced his face into my crotch. It all happened quite quickly and I was amazed to find my cock in Ian's warm, wet mouth. Now like I said I had no idea if Ian was gay or even curious but this seemed to confirm he had done this before. He gently pushed back my foreskin with his lips and licked around the head of my cock before suddenly sucking me in deep.

Now these weren't the best circumstances in which to have your first blowjob but maybe the shock and hint of fear added to the experience and words aren't enough to explain the intense feeling of pleasure he gave me as he sucked me in deeply to his mouth. I guess he'd not shaved for a day or two as every time he sucked me in I could feel his rough face around my crotch and legs, the gentleness in his action and the scraping of his face on my soft skin gave just the right mix of pleasure and pain. His nose just brushed against my balls every now and again which added another subtle pleasure.

The guys could clearly see that despite the circumstances I was enjoying myself and this was obviously not what they intended. They pulled Ian off me and told me that as Ian had done such a good job on me I should return the favour. They told him to sit on the bed and told me to strip him naked.

My fantasies were about to come true rather sooner than I expected. Maybe with hindsight we could have resisted but the whole situation - the sexual tension and the atmosphere of fear - just made us both comply without question.

I did as I was told and started to undress Ian. Part of me wanted to do it slowly, to reveal his smooth, young body gradually just as I had fantasised before. But instead, I knew I had to do it quickly, partly to get it over and done with before the Will, James and the others started on us, but also to get to the goodies and see exactly what he did have to offer.

I was not disappointed. For a slim chap I was surprised to find he had a thick, long cock, much more of a mouthful than I might have imagined. Never having sucked cock before I wasn't sure if I could handle it but I wasn't going to risk holding back so I just copied what Ian had done to me and slowly took him into my mouth. The taste was amazing, slightly salty and slightly sweaty but not at all unpleasant - the unique taste of cock. I took him in as far as I could without gagging and started to suck gently, running my tongue around his cock head and under his foreskin. Like I said this was all new to me and I hope I did a decent job - Ian at least seemed to be enjoying himself as he had started writhing around and moaning slightly.

Concentrating on the job in hand I had slightly forgotten where I actually was but I was brought back to reality as Will said to the others "looks like we've made a good find here chaps. Two expert cocksuckers by the looks on their faces".

I was then roughly pulled off Ian and pushed off the bed. My cock was raging hard by now and Ian was clearly ready for more too. "Since you two ladies are such experts you had better use your skills on some real cock and not waste it on each other" said James as he unzipped his trousers and dropped them and his underwear to his ankles. Will did likewise and grabbed my head and forced me down onto him as Ian's face was pressed into James's crotch.

Will's cock was much the same length as Ian's but a little thinner - perhaps not as impressive as you might expect for a six foot two rugby player. I wasn't in any position to argue with him so I just went ahead and starting sucking him too. Will didn't taste so good as Ian - it was a much stronger taste, a mix of stale piss and sweat and, I noticed, a new taste. As I set to work on him, taking him down as far as I could and trying to suck him hard without going to far, this new flavour got more intense. He pulled out slightly and as he ran his cock head over my lips and tongue I realised the taste had to be pre-cum as he was by now oozing generously.

Clearly the show Ian and I had put on had got him going as he was well into the sucking I was giving him. After what seemed like only a couple of minutes I felt him tensing up and I guessed he was close to coming. Not sure what to do next I just carried on and I felt him shooting several spurts to the back of my mouth. He shouted out "Oh, God yeah" as he came and then pulled straight out of my mouth. "So bitch, show me you are a true cocksucker and swallow my juice down in one" he told me. I didn't think I had much choice so I did what he told me and gulped it down. I must say I quite enjoyed my first taste of cum, even though I would have preferred if it had been Ian's.

Ian was still busy on James but my work wasn't over. The next of the guys had stripped down and another hard, throbbing cock was thrust in my face. I dutifully took it in my mouth and set to work. This one was shorter than Ian's and Will's but much thicker. The foreskin was much tighter and he slapped the back of my head as I tried to force it back too far. "Just be careful bitch" he said "damage my equipment and I'll damage you much worse. I carried on, being more careful this time. I think the gentler touch suited him as he soon was writhing around. I started to feel him tensing and guessed what was about to happen. I upped the pace and he too shot into my mouth. Without thinking I started to swallow and took down his several generous spurts.

By the time I had finished Ian had made James come and was getting started on the next. My next cock was shoved in my face and so we carried on until we had sucked off all eight of them. I had 5 and Ian 3, mainly because James for some reason took so long to come. By the end of it our jaws were aching almost as much as our cocks which were dying for some relief. In a final gesture Will and James kindly suggested we finish the show by sixty nining each other for their entertainment.

Both of us were happy to oblige, not to give the eight of them any further pleasure but so at least we could get some relief. Both of us came quickly and I was not disappointed by the mouthful I got from Ian. Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part but Ian's load tasted sweeter than the other five. That was a very strange experience, to pull back from sucking my friend's cock to see 8 leering and laughing faces. In one evening I had sucked 6 different cocks and swallowed six different loads.

Please let me know what you think. Should I continue? I have lots of ideas of where Dan and Ian might go but further suggestions are welcome if you think its worth while.

Next: Chapter 2

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