Halloween Story: the Kid With the 70 Year Boner

By Dude Sweet

Published on Oct 2, 2001



GOOSE BUMPS! The Kid With The 70 Year Boner

Since my dad got transferred to a new position we had to move to another state away from all my friends and everybody. I did not want to go and was very sad but I had no choice. So we spent 2 days in the car and finally we got to the new place. I didn't like it. It looked creepy. The house has 2 stories and our old house only has 1 story so theres a staircase that squeaks every step you make on it and sounds weird.

So our furniture isnt there so we just look around and I am supposed to pick out what I want to be my room. Well I am so mad cause I didn't want to move in the first place that I don't really care and just sit on the floor. So my mom shows me what she says is a cool room, so I say, yeah whatever. So we go to sleep at a motel for 6 days. And since we all share the same room theres not a chance to jack it or anything. I mean I cant even do it in the shower cause my dad comes and shares the bathroom with me in the morning and besides my mom or dad might hear me doing it. And so I stay at the motel with my mom everyday when my dad goes to work and theres nothing to do and no kids either so we just watch a lot of TV and hang out by the pool.

Well finally on Saturday we all go to the house and the movers are bringing in all our stuff and I have to tell them where to put everything for my room. After, I go exploring cause even though I hate the house I might as well know where everything is. Well, there is a bathroom outside my room on the second floor. All of the bedrooms are on the second floor so I will have my own bathroom. And there is a basement and an attic. I never had them before and they are both kinda creepy and smelly.

So my mom comes and helps me find sheets and shit for my bed and makes it for me but we cant find the pillows so I just use cloths and she says, ok , don't worry honey, youll like this place after you make some friends. Yeah, easy for her to say! I had cool friends back home that would jack with me and everything and that wasn't easy to find and now I don't know ANYbody and it is summer and this house really sucks. Besides, I havent jacked in a week so Im not a very happy kid. Well, when I try to go to sleep I can here lots of funny noises in the house. Everything squeaks and rattles and makes noise even when nobody is walking around. So, I am pretty freaked out. And Im not a little kid or anything but Im pretty scared just laying there hearing all these funny noises.

Well, even though Im freaked out and scared, Im still horny from not jacking in over a week, which is the longest I ever went not jacking since I started. So I have a boner without even playing with it or anything.

So I pull off my covers and pull downs my boxers and start to do it. Suddenly in front of me there appears out of nowhere a bright light ghost just standing there looking at me. Well I was already scared so I scream out loud HELP!, cause I don't know what the hell this is or if it's a murderer or anything.

Suddenly the lights come on as soon as my mom runs in. The bright light ghost disappears and I am just sitting up with my underwear down and my boner just standing there. So I am already freaked out from the ghost and now I am freaked out from my mom seeing my boner. Well she hasn't even seen my dick sense I was like 10 and she never saw my boner and she screams and then my dad runs in too. By then I covered up with my sheets and I am scared shitless and freaked out and my mom is freaked out from seeing my boner I guess, cause she didn't see the ghost. My dad says, whats wrong?

So I say there was a ghost in my room standing right there and I point to where he was. And he asks my mom if she saw it and she says, no she just saw me sitting there. Well she didn't tell him about my boner or anything, so that was good. And I am almost crying and I say, I SWEAR I saw a ghost, right there! My dad comes and sits on my bed and says, theres no such thing as a ghost. You were having a nightmare. I am getting mad cause he doesnt believe me and I am crying like a stupid kid telling him I saw it and I wasn't dreaming and my mom says, I don't think he was dreaming, I think maybe he just imagined it. So I get mad at her too cause I didn't imagine ANYthing! I saw it for sure.

So after I stop crying, my dad says, why don't you go to the bathroom and wash your face. Well I almost jump out of bed but I remember I gotta pull up my underwear first, and boy my boner is WAY not there. So I go to the bathroom and pee and wash my crybaby face. I can hear my mom and dad talking but I cant hear what they are saying. So I get back to my room and my mom says, do you want to sleep in our room tonight on the floor (like I was a baby or something) and I say, no. So she says, well, why don't you leave your door open and we will leave are door open and leave the hall light on, so I say, ok. So my mom tucks me in, which she doesnt really do anymore, and she says, Don't worry, it will all be ok. So they leave.

Well I am lying there remembering the ghost. He looked like a kid but he was all glowing and he was totally naked and had his boner sticking out. And I am thinking, Man Im going crazy from not jacking off and imagining pretty weird things! I mean even if there were ghosts they wouldn't be naked with boners. But theres no way Im gonna jack off with the doors open and the light on so I just lay there not sleeping all night cause I am still too freaked out. Finally when it starts to get light outside I go asleep.

Well in the morning I feel pretty stupid, double stupid. One, for seeing the ghost and freaking out and then for letting my mom see me naked with a boner.

So I spend most of the day finding all my stuff and my pillow, Yes, and a flashlight and then putting everything away. And my mom and dad come in like a thousand times to see if Im ok.

So now Ive gone 8 days without jacking off. I figure I am going crazy and thats why I saw the ghost. And I probably didnt really see a ghost anyways. I mean have you ever heard of a naked boner boy ghost? I don't think so. So that night my mom comes to tuck me in again and says, Want me to leave the door open?, and I say, No, ill be ok. So as soon as she leaves I sit up in bed with my flashlight and keep pointing it all around the room but theres no ghost or anything and twice I get up to look in my closet but theres just junk in there.

So I decide maybe it IS safe now to jack off, so I pull down my sheets and boxers and slowly jack and BOOM, right away the bright light ghost appears again! Well, I am ready kinda so I don't yell out. I just pull up my sheets and turn on my flashlight. Now I don't know why I pull up my sheets. I mean, if hes a ghost he probably doesnt care about my boner and if hes a kid ghost, he doesnt care about me jacking off. Plus hes naked with a boner anyway. But still I pull up my sheet and when I turn my flashlight on he disappears again. So I turn it OFF and hes not there, so I wait and wait but he don't reappear. So I start jacking again and he pops right back!

Well, the first time I saw him I was TOTALLY freaked out. The second time I was just a LITTLE freaked out. But I was kinda READY this time! So I just said, Are you a ghost? (What a great question, huh?) And he says, Sort of, and hes just standing there still glowing and totally naked (with his boner just sticking straight out!). He looks about my age, 13, and has some hair down there. Even his dick and balls glowing (kinda with a special EXTRA glow of their own!) so I say, Why do you have a boner? I mean, I ask such good questions, huh?

He looks at me and says, Why do you have a hard one too? So I look and I DO still have a boner cause I didn't cover up or anything, and I say, Cause I havent jacked in 8 days, man, and my dick is NOT happy about that! He says, Well I havent pulled mine for 70 years! And I say, Pulled it? He says, Yeah, you know, made stuff come out. I say, that's called Jacking.

I say, Why havent you done it for 70 years!, and he says, Well, I LOVE doing it and did it a lot. It feels SOOO good and I was pulling myself off one night during a terrible storm when a huge picture fell off the wall and landed right on my head and killed me. I didn't even know I was dead cause I didnt feel anything. Then I saw my dad come into the room, then my mom, and they were crying and everything cause I was dead! I could see everything but they couldnt see me.

Ever since then, for 70 years, ive had a lot of time to talk with other ghosts and think about it and I think its because I was masturbating in this room and died right before I was gonna shoot! My back was arched, my hips were pushed way up, my hand was going up and down like crazy, my head was snappin side-to-side and up-n-down, and I was moanin like mad. Then all of a sudden I was dead. So Ive been way hard even since and needing so bad to finish what I was doing.

He said, Did you know when you die with a hard-on it STAYS a hard? They covered me up with a sheet to take me to the burying place and the sheet was sticking straight up from my hard-on! Even during the funeral it was hard but they put clothes on me and nobody could tell. He said, My friends would probably have died laughing if they knew I was lying there in the coffin with a hard-on!

Well, Im wasnt sure if his story was sad or funny or both but he was still standing there with his hard-on, as he calls it, and I still had my boner too. So, I say, Well, why havent you pulled yours, though, for 70 years. He says, Cause after he died nobody moved in this room and then when my parents sold the place no kids moved in and when they sold the place only girls were here, so you are the first jacking boy in the room since I died. He says the other ghosts and him think he needs adolescent testosterone in the air to finish what he started 70 years ago. So I say, You mean you cant jack yours unless someone else is jacking there too?, and he says, That's what I think. So he says, Will you pull yours so I can see if I can pull mine too?

Well, that's pretty weird. I mean Ive jacked with friends back at my old place but this is a bright light glowing ghost with a boner! It's soooo weird! But I say, Sure, and sit on the edge of my bed so he can sit right next to me. I start to jack mine and he sits next to me and starts to jack his too. Well, I love watching his dick cause its all glowing and shit plus its so cool to see. So I am jacking mine, BINGO!, right when I come he comes too!!!, at the exact same second. Wow, it was SOOO cool. Pretty awesome.

Also cool was the fact that since I havent done it for 8 days I shot WAY up and all over my neck. Well, he shot way more than that! He shot over his head and on to the wall and his sperm glowed everywhere it hit. Man, thee was glowing cum EVERYWHERE!!! I mean he hadnt done it for 70 years so I guess he had a lot built up. He laid there all out of breath and I said, Was that good, do you feel better? He couldnt even talk! All he could do was nods his head, layin there smiling like in paradise.

I asked him, Whats your name?, but he started to disappear and suddenly he is gone. Only his glowing sperms were still there, all over my wall. Pretty weird, huh? (But I liked it!)

So the next morning I got up and helped my mom unpack the other stuff. Then I looked around the neighborhood but didnt see any kids my age. Maybe theyre all at camp or something and I am wondering, will the ghost come back? Hahahah. Will he come again tonight? So I get into bed and wait till my parents are quiet. Then I strip and play with it and yep, he appears with his boner. Well, im not even scared this time. I mean we jacked off together and everything so I just say, Hi. Whats your name. He says, my name is Nathaniel, whats yours? Then he sits down next to me and plays with his glowing boner, hahaha (or hard-on, as he calls it) so I tell him, Im Evan.

I say why did you leave last night?, and he says, I didn't have a choice. I cant control that. I can only visit you when theres a overdose or testosterone in the air here. Well I think that means when Im horny. So I say, Well how was it last night?, and he says, WOW, it was GREAT! I waited a long long time, so I want to thank you, Evan, and tell you what a good thing you did for me. Is there anything I can do for you?

So I think about it, and since were both jacking I say, Well, would you jack me off then? He says, Sure, and grabs my boner, only he doesnt really grab it because his hand goes right though it and all I feel is like a little breeze. DANG! He says, Im sorry, it doesnt look like I can. So I try to grab his boner and my hand goes right though his too. So I say, Well maybe you could try sucking mine and he says, Well ok, ill try, and he tries but that doesn't work either. So we are just talking and jacking our own and he says before he can go to his eternal rest (I think he means dies and goes to heaven or whatever) he has to repay me the favor since I did him such a good one. So I say, Well, what can you do though?

He says, Well, I can jack off WITH you, and I say, Yeah! That's pretty cool, what else? He says, Well, I can be your friend at night whenever your horny! I say, Are you always naked?, and he says, Yeah when you die that's how you are. And he says its cool because the other ghosts dont tease each other cause some of them are carrying there heads and stuff like that so no ghost really cares even if you do have a hard one. So I explain its called a BONER!, and ask him when he was born. He says 1917. Wow! I say, People jacked off then?, and he says, Yeah, but they didn't talk about it too much and he only found one other kid to do it with but it was awesome. So anyway, hes been my friend now for several weeks and every night we talk awhile and then jack off together. Its a lot of fun.

I finally meet another kid in the neighborhood who came back from camp. Hes 14. I invited him over hoping to introduce him to Nathaniel so we could all jack together. Well I did get my new friend to jack, cause I have porno magazines, but Nathaniel didnt show up that night and hes never come back since. I miss him a lot.

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