Hamsa of Tangier

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Jul 20, 2018



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I love to hear from people. If you have enjoyed my stories, please let me know. This is a new story. My other is 'The Fuck Club', in College and Urination. comments and plot suggestions are very welcome. There's no piss in this part but that will change.

I was born a slave in the city of Tangier.

The Bey of Tangier, my owner, was a good man and for the most part his servants of all stations, liked him. Providing you followed instructions and accepted authority, life was comfortable. More comfortable certainly than for many 'free' people who had to make their own way in the city that tumbled down the hill from the palace. We were fed and clothed and there was a roof over our heads. I was quick to learn and had become part of the group of slaves who served the Bey personally. I liked my uniform, it covered and revealed our bodies at the same time. The embroidered silk jackets were sleeveless and were designed to fit exactly; the trousers were made of thinner semi transparent silk. I loved wearing it. We were taught to hold ourselves erect, never to rush, to walk slowly and only to talk in whispers when we were on duty. You were to be seen when needed and invisible when not.

If you did your work well, the master of the body slaves, those who worked personally for the Bey, was quite kindly though a stickler for procedure. I wanted to please him. He had begun working in the palace before the present Bey was born. He knew everything and the Bey's private apartments ran like a well oiled chariot wheel.

My life changed when I was sixteen.

I knew from an early age that I wasn't interested in sex with women. When the other slaves talked about big breasts and juicy cunts I listened with only half an ear. But when we were washing together I became ever interested in the bodies of the other boys. I admired their muscles, their gleaming chests and their cocks. Especially their cocks. I wanted to play with them as they had taught me to play with my own. Sometimes we played with ourselves as a group, I loved those times the best. One of the boys, Mustafa, was a Berber from the dessert. He was darker skinned than the rest of us, a little older too. He thought he was twenty. His body was beautiful, work had made him strong and his smooth skin shone in the sunshine. His cock also made him different from the rest of us too. Mine was no smaller than any other of the boys, but his was twice as large. I was fascinated by it and every chance I had I tried to see it. I dreamt of playing with it. I dreamt of sucking it like some of the slaves had told me women would sometimes do for you. They said some of the whores in the medina would even swallow your cum as well. One boy said if you were lucky you might even find another boy who would do that too. This was a revelation. There were other men and boys who thought like me. No one seemed surprised by what he had said, in fact they seemed only to want to find someone like that for themselves, there was a lot of laughter about that.

I wanted someone to suck my cock and swallow my cum; but more than anything I wanted to suck other cocks and swallow their cum. One day after I had masturbated, instead of wiping my fingers on a cloth or washing them, I licked them clean myself; I tasted good. Rich creamy, slightly salty but sweet at the same time. From that time on I always ate my own cum unless I was with other boys. On those group occasions I looked at the cum on their fingers and longed to know how it tasted, it seemed a waste to wash it away.

On my sixteenth birthday, at least what everyone said was my sixteenth birthday, I was masturbating as usual in my cubicle with the curtain drawn and when I had cum I looked at the sperm on my fingers, there was a lot as usual, I came the most of all the boys, then I slowly brought it to my mouth and sucked it off, I savoured the special taste before slowly swallowing it. I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them I saw Edem watching me. He was only two years older than me, but he was much more developed, he had hairy legs while mine were mostly smooth and the rich black hair around his thick stubby cock made a trail up his belly to the middle of his chest. He was the one who had said sometimes other boys would suck your cock too. I was startled, but he was smiling, and I could see he was wanking under his tunic. He saw me looking, and pulling his tunic up he showed me his thick, very hard cock. He never stopped smiling and just raised his eyebrows slightly, as a question. I was staring at the wet head of his cock and licked my lips; suddenly my mouth had gone dry. He saw where I was looking and took it for an invitation.

He pulled aside the curtain, not bothering to pull it back, and came over to me where I was sitting on the divan. He stopped when his cock was inches from my mouth and stood there looking down at me, smiling but not saying anything. Slowly I reached up and held it running my hand gently up and down, it was so thick I could only just get my hand round it. It was wet with precum and I could smell the sweet scent of cum. He closed his eyes and groaned softly.

"Why don't you suck it Hamsa? I know you want to. I've seen you looking at everyone's cocks. No one has sucked my cock for a week. Let's make your birthday really special for both of us. A mouthful of my cum can be my present to you."

I didn't need asking twice. Leaning forward I wrapped my lips around the wet, hard shiny head and couldn't believe how good it felt in my mouth, and how good it tasted, this was what I had been waiting for and dreaming of. My mouth was no longer dry and I ran my tongue lovingly around his cock coating it in saliva. He put a hand on the back of my neck and gently pulled me to him, as his cock reached my throat I swallowed caressing it. He groaned again, this time louder. He was enjoying this as much as me.

"O yes, Hamsa, pretty boy Hamsa, that's the way. I've wanted to fuck that sweet mouth of yours for so long. Just keep doing that and I'll give you my cum. Swallow it just like you swallowed your own." He gently fucked my mouth for another five minutes, then pulling his cock out he bent down and kissed me. His tongue probed my mouth, no doubt tasting his own precum there. "Oh, you're good Hamsa, how many other boys have you sucked off? Do you go down to the rocks behind the palace? I bet everyone wants to get in your mouth."

I told him truthfully that his was the first cock I had sucked but that I loved it and hoped I could suck it again.

He chuckled, "You can suck it any time you want, my own private cock sucker. If this really is your first time, you're a natural, Hamsa. Your mouth was made to suck cock. I have to share you with some of the others, you're going to be a really popular guy." I wondered who "the others" might be.

He became a little more aggressive after that, turned on by his own dirty talk and clearly wanting to cum. Once or twice I gagged, and he eased up a bit for a few moments. Then finally, holding my head firmly in both hands he strained forward, and three huge jets of spunk filled my mouth. He grunted with each one, leaning over me as he came down from his high, his cock was buried in my throat, the hair around it pressed into my nose and chin.

I had been wanking myself too and came again as my mouth was filling with his cum. When he recovered he stood up straight and pulled me to him, his grin lit up my small room as he stared into my eyes. He saw the cum on my fingers and chuckled again.

"You liked it too." Then looking directly into my eyes he lifted them to his mouth, sucked them lovingly and swallowed. We kissed again, sharing some of our cum.

"You see, I love cum too. Two cum loving slave boys, Hamsa. If you stick with me, I can show you how to swallow as much cum as you can handle and may be a bit more than you can handle, if you're lucky. I bet you've never been fucked either if this is the first time you've ever sucked a cock."

I shook my head. I knew what he meant of course, fucking my arse and filling it with cum. I wanted to try it as soon as possible, maybe Edem would do it. But it seemed a waste to cum in my arse when his cum tasted so good.

"Will you fuck me Edem? I should like you to be the first. But don't cum in my arse, cum in my mouth. I love the taste of your cum."

"I think you will find you like the taste of everyone's cum! I do. I love fucking tight boy arses and I love being fucked too. Some times coming back from the rocks I've been fucked so many times I can hardly walk straight!" He threw back his head and laughed. "I've even let the Berber fuck me a few times. I'd wait before you take him on though if I were you. His cock is three hands width, and thick as your wrist. You'll need to learn how to relax, maybe wait till you've already been fucked a few times and your arse is loose and full of cum, then you can try it. Once he knows your arse is available though he'll never stop pestering you. He said you're the sexiest boy he has ever seen. He's a horny bastard, and is always trying to get people into private corners to fuck them. He says my arse is the best though. It should be, its had enough practice. Before I came to work here I was in a brothel in Alexandria. Hamsa, I got fucked twenty times a day! That's where I met the Bey, he was one of my regular customers. When he came here, he brought me with him. I'm sure it's because of your beauty that he bought you. Watch him though, his cock's big and it's got a wicked curve on it. He's a vicious fucker. I loved it, but after I'd been fucked by him I was wrecked for the rest of the night. He still fucks me sometimes."

I had seen my reflection in water many times and once in the polished silver breast plate of a palace guard, and I thought I looked OK.

"Am I really beautiful, Edem?"

He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "You are very beautiful Hamsa. Not like a girl, you're a proper boy and everybody is going to want to have sex with you, the Bey included if I know anything. You're the sexiest boy I have ever seen too, the Berber is right." It was my turn to smile. "We could visit the rocks tonight if you like. I was going anyway, Abu Musa is the officer of the watch tonight, I saw the rota. He'll let us out by the back gate. He'll need paying of course."

"Paying?" I thought of my small precious store of money. "I don't have enough to pay anyone."

"I don't mean with money you idiot. He'll want to fuck you. But if I ask him nicely he'll probably be satisfied if you just suck him off." He winked at me. "You can do that can't you? Swallow some more cum? Get your throat nice and slick for the treat to come.

I knew Abu Musa by sight, he was one of the commanders of the palace guard. He'd been a soldier all his life and it showed. He was about thirty, the same age as our master, I guessed, with a broken nose and there was a ragged scar all down one side of his face, making him kind of scary looking. But he was like all the other guards, tall, and slim with broad shoulders. Yeh, I thought, I can suck him off.

"May be there'll be other guards too," I looked at him hopefully.

He gave me a quizzical look, "Maybe there will be. I once got fucked by the whole group, that's eight guys, when I was on my way to the rocks one night."

"Did you still go on? I should think after that you'd have had enough!"

"Are you kidding me?" he said. "The more sex you have the hornier you get. By the time I got to the rocks that night, I was so horny I couldn't think strait. You wait, when you've been on your knees for a couple hours tonight, I'll have to drag you away." Then he took my head into his hands again. "I'd love to be the first one to fuck your arse. My cock isn't so long but I am very thick. I think you aught to get opened up a bit before I take you." He must have seen the disappointment on my face. "It's OK. I'll fuck you, tonight probably so don't worry. I can think of one or two of the guys who are likely to be there tonight who would be easier to start with. When you've been loosened up, then it'll be my turn. Anyway I love to fuck an arse that's full of cum. It's a free day tomorrow for most people, there should be a good crowd."

He kissed me again and slipped away. I had duties to do as well. I was serving at the Bey's lunch. I had bathed and put on my green and gold uniform. I watched the Bey closely, you had to anticipate his needs rather than expect him to ask. When however you were serving him you had to look at the ground. As I was filling his water cup I allowed myself a quick glance at his face. He had perfect regular features, thick glossy hair and a short beard. Thick eyebrows shaded his green eyes. He was looking at the green silk of my trousers where my cock was outlined and slowly let his eyes move up my chest, revealed where my jacket had become a little loose. Perhaps Edem was right and the Bey would want to have sex with me. He looked at my face, I blushed and looked away and went back to my station.

Nine o'clock eventually came round. I'd taken off my uniform of course and now just wore a short loose tunic with no sleeves and tied at the waist. Edem came into my cubicle, smiled and came over to me. While he was kissing me he ran his hand up my thigh and played gently with my semi hard cock. It didn't stay semi hard for long. I did the same to him. He was already hard as a rock. I longed to kneel down there and then to suck him off and get another mouthful of his wonderful cum. But he had other ideas.

"Come on cock sucker, lets get this show on the road and after you've serviced Abu Musa I'll introduce you to the people of the night. I told him we were coming. He's looking forward to it."

"And any of the other guards who might be horny, would they join in do you think?" I interrupted.

He took my chin in his right hand and lifted it gently to look directly into my eyes, "You're like me Hamsa, a natural born slut. You want to suck off as many men as you can. You want to be fucked by them. You want to get drunk on cum. You want it filling your belly and running out of your arse. We're the same, man whores, Hamsa, cock hounds, cum sluts." Then he laughed, "Isn't it great!" I laughed too. "Now, lets get to the rocks and get that sweet boy cunt of yours well and truly opened up."

We left my compartment and I followed him through dark empty corridors to a quadrangle at the back of the palace. I had never been there before. Through a door in the corner there was a short corridor ending in a heavy door which opened into a guard post by the back service entrance to the palace. Abu Musa was waiting. He smiled at Edem and kissed him on both cheeks, then looked long and hard at me. "I've seen you around the palace sometimes." then to Edem he said,"Let's see if he is as good as you say." Turning to me again, he said. "Edem tells me you like sucking cocks."

"I love it," I said, looking, down and suddenly feeling a bit shy in front of the muscular soldier who was a full head taller than me.

"Good, well there're plenty of cocks around here for you to suck, eh Edem? And tonight you can suck mine." Edem gave one of his dirty chuckles. "Let's say it's gate money." said Abu Musa. Again Edem chuckled, "He said your cunt is still virgin. Is that right?

Again I nodded.

"It won't be after tonight, that's surely true." As he was talking he undid his sword belt and laid it aside, carefully putting the sword on the bench and unwound the red army skirt he was wearing. It was the first time I had seen a grown man's body before. His muscles were hard and sharply defined. Where Edem had a trail of hair up to his chest, Abu Musa had much more, it spread out in a dusting all across his chest. His muscular legs were as hairy as Edem's but much bigger. His cock when he pulled it free was bigger too. Almost as big as the Berber's. It was gnarled and veiny, the enormous head was twice the size of the shaft. "Now, let's see if Edem's praise for you is deserved. He said you're a natural cock sucker."

I got down on my knees and stared at the awesome cock before me. A cock is a wondrous thing and though I've sucked thousands of cocks since that night and been fucked by most of them too. I've never lost the wonder when I see a new dick for the first time. Abu Musa's cock wasn't completely hard it jutted out and down. I put out my tongue and gently licked off the drop of precum from the end. It tasted different from mine or Edem's. But Edem was right I loved it just as I had loved the taste of his. I opened my mouth wide and sucked on the huge head. There was no way I was going to get this thing down my throat, so I just sucked as hard as I could and wanked it too. He was moaning in no time. "You were right Edem, this boy really does know his business." I sucked and made love to his cock for another ten minutes. Edem had pulled his own cock out and was wanking as he watched us. I reached out and pulled him closer so I could suck his cock too.

Nothing much had been said but we had obviously made some noise because I became aware that we had an audience. Two of the other guards had joined us.

"Hello boys, said Abu Musa, "welcome to the party, we're just breaking in a new mouth." They came over and stood behind me. I was surrounded by men who quickly got their cocks out too. I was like a child in one of the sweet shops I had seen in the medina. I went from one to the other. Who was going to blow first? Then one of the soldiers pulled away from my mouth and stood behind Edem. I heard him spitting then Edem grunting as the soldier shoved his cock in his arse. Edem groaned, "Oh yes, Ali, fuck my arse. Ram that cock home. Show that cunt a good time." It was a fairly brutal fucking I think, Edem grunted and his hips were pushed forward every time the guard rammed into him.

"That's it Ali, fuck the slut. Make him know he's got good soldier's cock in him." said Abu Musa. And that's just what the young soldier did. I could hear Edem's breathing getting more ragged, he was about to cum. I quickly pulled off Abu Musa's cock and sucked in Edem's. I was only just in time to catch the first of four heavy slugs of his spunk. It filled my mouth. I had not even had the chance to swallow it before the second soldier realizing what was happening yanked my head away and pushed his own cock into my already cum filled mouth before adding his own. It was as if I had taken a huge mouthful of warm milk. My mouth was so full. I swallowed quickly and looked up at Edem. His eyes were closed his mouth open as Ali was still fucking him ruthlessly, then he cried out as he filled Edem's arse with his cum. They both stood there panting for a few seconds.

The sweat was pouring down Ali's face but Edem was smiling like the cat who got the cream. He was about to get some more too. Abu Musa obviously decided that Edem's arse was better than my mouth. He turned Edem round and bent him over. I could see Ali's cum running out of his arse. I wanted to lick it up, but Abu Musa had other ideas. He lined up his huge cock and with out any foreplay just shoved it in in one long glide. I was amazed how easily it went in. Edem just groaned in pleasure; he was right he really did have an experienced arse. The groan of pleasure from Edem was low and came from deep inside him. "Oh yes, fuck me Abu. Shove that cock home. Fuck me you bastard;" he muttered, "come on fucker, make my arse happy."

I watched, mesmerised, from where I was crouching down beside them, as the cum covered cock plunged in and out of Edem's arse. Edem was whimpering with pleasure. Abu Musa was grunting with the effort. The young soldier I had just sucked off crouched down too to watch Abu Musa's assault on Edem's open willing arse. He grinned at me, then gently pulled by face towards him to lick at the dribbles of cum around my mouth. Abu Musa's arse quivered as he plunged in one final time and added his cum to the load already there. He relaxed and the thick, softening cock slowly slipped from Edem's arse, followed by a slow river of cum. The young soldier next to me pointed to it and pushed my head forward. I plunged my face into Edem's cum filled arse, licking and sucking. When I pulled back I could see the young soldier beside me was lovingly sucking clean Abu's cum covered cock. When he had finished he grinned at me again. This time I kissed him and we shared the spunk still in our mouths. My education was progressing fast. In one day I had learned the wonder of cock sucking and cum swallowing, the pleasure of rimming a cum filled arse and now cum kissing. It was just fucking left (at least that's what I thought) and that was just about to happen. I had watched Edem's expression of intense pleasure as he was being fucked by the two soldiers. They had slam fucked his arse and he had loved it. A rising tide of anticipation was growing in me. I was about to feel what he had been feeling. It was my arse that was about to be fucked and bred. I was almost eager to get away to this place Edem had called the rocks. I loved being surrounded by these sexy soldiers but I wanted more cum, I wanted to get fucked and I wasn't going to get either here, at least not at this moment. I thought at the same time that whenever I saw Abu Musa's name on the guards' rota I could come here and get fucked and swallow as much cum as I wanted. Life was certainly picking up and being sixteen was going to be a sweet year.

Edem turned to Abu Musa, "That was great. I love your cock and I especially love your cock and cum in my arse, but we have to get this slut here broken in." Then, looking at me, "Let's get your arse filled up. We need to get it ready to take on all cummers, even the Berber and Abu here." After a quick nod to the three soldiers he led the way down the road and over a low wall onto a narrow path into the warm, sultry Maghreb night.

We must have walked for fifteen minutes before I realized that the path which had been going slowly down hill was also turning this way and that between increasingly large outcrops of rocks. Sometimes we walked through small open spaces and at other times along paths that were almost tunnels. I heard the sound of water and then I realized that we were not alone. My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could see other men around us, dozens of them. Most of them were dressed like us, short sleeveless tunics that could be pulled up or aside in a moment and could easily be cleaned afterwards. I had three tunics like these as well as my uniform and a cloak for winter days. The Bey was a good master. I wondered how many of the men here were fellow slaves. Then we came on a group of young men dressed in much finer clothes, the style was the same but their tunics were embroidered and made of far finer and softer material. Clearly lust was the same for everybody. Edem walked slowly through the groups of men many of whom were already having sex. I could hear the rhythmic soft slaps as arses were being fucked and I could see many men on their knees servicing others. There were muffled groans, and sudden cries as someone came, I imagined mouths filled with fresh spunk. Edem was looking from side to side and greeted many of the men he met.

"Who are we looking for?" I asked.

"I want to find Mustafa and his brother. They're always here together and they especially love fucking the same arse, one after the other. Sometimes both at the same time," he added with a conspiratorial smile, I guessed immediately that they had double fucked him, that would be Edem's style. "They have identical cocks, not too long or thick. Always rock hard even after they have cum sometimes. I want them to fuck you first. Then if you are happy, I'll fuck you." Then he whispered in my ear. "Tonight the cum is going to be running down the back of your legs. When you get back to the palace you can get that young soldier Mousa who was kneeling down beside you to clean you out. Nothing he likes more that sucking on a cum filled arse hole, especially if he's helped to fill it." I remembered how he had encouraged me to suck the cum out of Edem's arse, and how he had licked up the cum from around my mouth.

Just then Edem put out a hand. "There they are, can you see them?" I didn't know who I was looking for and there were about twenty or thirty men in the group where Edem was indicating. But as we got closer I realized which they were. They were identical twins. Edem had not prepared me for how they looked; slim to the point of eeriness. I looked at their hard ridged bellies and long slim muscular legs. They were bent over facing each other and kissing while being fucked hard by two other men. They were buck naked, with their thin tunics tied around their wrists. I could see their hard dicks sticking up and out. I longed to get down and suck them, but I noticed that when anyone tried they were politely pushed away.

"That's the twins for you," said Edem. They can stand like that getting fucked all night but they only ever cum when they fuck someone. And one of the arses they're going to fuck tonight is yours. They have a stall in the Copper Smiths' street in the medina. Many a times when I have been out working, that I've slipped in their shop to the private room at the back and got fucked by them; and a few other things as well, he gave me a wink, but didn't explain any more. They supply pans for the palace and are the best suppliers in the city. Who says you can't mix work and pleasure." He gave another of his trademark dirty chuckles.

We slowly made our way through the crowd until we were standing next to them. I could see the same look of bliss on their faces as I had seen on Edem's earlier, as the two other guys continued to fuck them hard. Edem leaned over and kissed the side of their faces. They broke their kiss long enough to respond with a smile and a whispered word, one of them glanced over at me and nodded. Then one of the guys who was fucking them cried out as he filled the arse he was fucking with his cum. He grunted as he slammed into the twin's arse.

"That's it fuck his arse. Fuck my brother. Fuck him hard. Fill his arse with cum, fucker!"

"I can feel him cum, I can feel him sliming my arse." his twin panted out between gasps.

The guy fucking the other brother was turned on by what was happening and announced his own cum loudly. There was a boy next to me, a bit older, Edem's age I guessed who was furiously wanking and I could see from his expression that he was about to cum, so I quickly knelt down beside him and opened my mouth. Immediately he shoved his cock inside and filled it with a flood of sweet watery cum. I was surrounded by a sea of hard cocks, several now pointed in my direction, eager to get a crack at a new cute face. They had all been turned on by the sight of the twins being fucked and were ready to cum. All I had to do was open my mouth and one after another they filled it, I barely had enough time to clean off their cocks before they were pulled away and a new cock took their place. In the next fifteen minutes I must have sucked off ten men. I couldn't believe how easy it had all been. This was a cock sucker's birthday dream cum true.

Eventually I stood up a bit shakily and looked at Edem. We high fived. "Having yourself a good time, slut?"

"Oh fuck yes," was all I could manage to say.

"Well, it's about to get even better. Meet the twins. Hamsa, this is Salim and this is Walid."

Salim smiled, "Edem said we are the first people to fuck you. Your's is the first virgin arse we've fucked in a long time. It will be our pleasure and privilege to open it up and turn it into a cunt."

"Salim is right. He is going to fuck you first then I'll take over. Then Edem will open you up some more. He said you love the taste of cum but for now we won't be cumming in your mouth. Tonight if you like what we have done for you, our cum will be the lube for all the other guys who'll fuck you."

Edem reached down to his ankle and untied a small bottle which had been strapped there. He pulled out the stopper then poured some of the oil inside over first Salim's, then his brother's rigid cocks, before he anointed his own. "After a few times here," he said, "all you'll need is spit, just like us. But for the first time we'll use grease."

"We want you to remember this as one of the best moments of your life and pain should have no part in that," added Salim. Edem pulled my tunic up and over my head so I was naked like the twins. "Now everyone here will know you're available. If you're naked it means you'll take on anyone."

I was a bit nervous even though I wanted their cocks badly. Walid turned me round and hugged me. "Just relax as much as you can and it will be easier. Tell me if it hurts and I'll slow down. Salim took some more of the grease on his fingers and gently massaged my still virgin arse. Then he slipped first one, then two and finally three inside me, coating my arse inside. I groaned, not with pain, but with unexpected pleasure.

"Oh, he likes it I think brother," said Walid.

"Oh yes," I managed to say. I had thought it was going to be painful but instead it felt wonderful. "What are you doing in there," I asked. "The pleasure is going through my whole body."

"That's your pleasure point Hamsa," said Edem. "Every time a cock goes in and when it comes out the point is massaged. Sometimes I can cum without even touching my cock, when I'm being fucked."

"You said he was a natural cock sucker Edem. I think he is just as much a natural when it comes to being fucked as well. Is that right? He whispered in my ear? It's my cock going in you now."

I could feel something longer slowly being pushed into my arse. He made little fucking motions as he did so. I groaned in pleasure.

"I don't think he needed us to open him up, Edem. This cunt could have taken you on strait away. But I'm glad you didn't. His arse is hot and wet, and so tight, it clutches my cock like a warm glove. He's wanking me off in here. Are you sure this is virgin arse? I could fuck this arse all night!" He began to speed up and put a bit more force behind his fucking. He held my hips as he pulled me onto his cock again and again. After five minutes of this he pulled me back up so my head was resting on his shoulder. "Now you have a real cunt, Hamsa. A cunt that is going to be filled with my cum." As he said this he froze for a moment, then sighed loudly and pushing his cock in as far as he could go and I felt it pulsing as the warm cum shot out, my arse was being bred for the first time. For a moment he sagged against my back gently kissing my ear, before he pulled back and his softening cock slid from my arse. I felt empty. His brother was there to take over. His identical but hard dick slid into me all the way. He didn't waste time on preliminaries but set about fucking me as hard as he could. I loved it.

"Oh shit, fuck me." I panted, "Fuck me harder, I love it. I LOVE IT." I heard some laughter around me as I said this and realized that we had an audience.

"Come on Walid, fucking cum! I want to get in there too." said Edem.

"Wait, you stupid bastard. This is one sweet arse and I'm going to enjoy it." Like his brother he hugged me to him. "Oh you have one hot arse Hamsa. I want to fuck you for ever."

"I know how you can get him to cum faster." said Salim, "rim his arse Edem, he's already been fucked several times tonight so it should taste good."

I couldn't see what was going on but I felt Walid go rigid against my back. He groaned.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming." He twitched wildly and shuddered as he came deep in my arse. As soon as he had finished he was roughly pulled away by Edem, who rammed his thick hard cock into my sloppy cum hole. He slam fucked it furiously and I groaned loudly. I'm sure my expression was just as ecstatic as the ones I had seen on the faces of Edem and the twins while they were being fucked. I clamped down hard with my arse muscles. Edem grunted in response, so I did it again. As he slammed his cock in I clamped down on it and relaxed again as he pulled it out. We got into a perfect rhythm. You don't need to be taught something like that it comes naturally.

"Oh my sweet Lord, Hamsa. Your arse is a jewel." All too soon he came and slowly pulled back, his softing cock leaving a trail of warm cum that was dripping from my arse and I could feel it running down the inside of my right leg. I heard soft clapping around us. "Hey guys, this was virgin arse before tonight. It's his sixteenth birthday. Whose next?"

And so it began. Several guys pressed forward and a queue formed up behind me. I lost count after the first ten dumped their cum in my cunt. Periodically Edem or one of the twins would halt the fucking for a moment to get behind me to rim my arse and suck up the cum running from it. Then they would come round to my front to share it with me. I was in a daze. I just blissed out and let it all happen. I realized after about an hour of constant fucking that the line had finished. As the last guy backed away, I would have collapsed if Edem had not been there to support me.

"Oh shit, oh shit. I can't believe how good that was." I said. "Is it always like this?"

"You can get fucked as much as you like. But it won't always be like this. They just wanted to welcome you. Now what are we going to do with that hard cock of yours? Stupid question." Keeping hold of it he turned round and backed on it. It slid in without any resistance. It felt wet and hot.

"Shit your arse is so loose have you been fucked too."

"Of course I've been fucked you stupid boy. Do you think all I was going to do was watch you getting screwed? I have my own life to live too. And I fucked the twins to say thank you. Now for fucks sake fuck my arse again, don't just leave your cock in there." So fuck it I did. I tried to remember how people had fucked me, and when it had been good for me. I wasn't very good I'm sure, but I got pretty enthusiastic, and Edem was moaning appreciatively. I heard him coming and thought what a waste it was on the ground. But I needn't have worried. Edem had caught his cum in his hand, then offered it to me over his shoulder. As I sucked it up I also came as far up in his arse as I could get. "Can you feel all that cum your cock is bathing in up there? Good warm, man spunk all around your cock. Show me just how big a slut you are. There were five loads in there, your's was the sixth. Now get down there and suck it out."

My deflated cock slipped from his arse and I slowly slid down his back and looked at his open puffy arse. I gently rubbed my finger over it. He must have relaxed because suddenly a flood of cum came out. I quickly dived in to make sure I got it all. Six sweet, very hot loads; for a moment I thought of sharing it, but then just swallowed it all down myself.

Edem turned around and kissed me deeply, "Have you had a good birthday Hamsa? I've done my best."

"I've loved it. I love swallowing cum, and now I know how much I love to be fucked," then I smiled, "I loved fucking your arse too Edem. Thank you." We both looked at each other and cracked up.

"Isn't sex just great?" He said, then he put his arms round me and hugged me close. "I loved you fucking me too. And I loved fucking your sweet arse. I'm going to fuck you every day, Hamsa. We are going to have so much fun. Make sure your arse is always greased up, I need you ready. Wait till I tell the Berber. He'll be so fucking jealous. You ready to take him on? If you are he'll want to fuck you everyday as well. He'll open up that sweet cunt of yours butt good." We were approaching the palace wall and the guard house.

"I suspect that our evening isn't quite over yet. Abu Musa will have to let us back in again. This time he probably wants to collect his fee in your arse."

Edem was right of course. We got back to the guard post and found Abu Musa and four other guards playing dice. He saw us coming up the back path, over the low wall and onto the road.

"Well look here boys they're back." The four of them stood up and greeted us." He looked at me and I gave him a shy smile. We each got a hug, then Abu Musa slid his hand up my right leg. "Shit, is this cum?" He tasted it. "Yes, cum sure enough. Hey Mousa, come over here. Clean this cunt out. How many loads are up there anyway?"

"I don't know," I said, " I kind of lost count."

"My O my, from virgin to slut in one day. What have you created here, Edem." Mousa obediently crouched down behind me and began licking the cum from my leg, working his way slowly up to my gaping sloppy cunt. I could feel his tongue push past the rim opening it up, to get the cum loads still inside."

Edem came up to me and kissed me gently on my lips. "I know exactly what I've created here. I've created a second palace cum dump! Isn't that right Hamsa? Now there are two of us."

"Oh yes," I whispered to no-one in particular. I was aware that Abu Musa was behind me. He lifted my short tunic up and I could feel his enormous cockhead testing the entrance to my loose cum slick arse, for such a man he was gentle at the start. I was relaxed and couldn't wait to feel him inside me. I pushed back and his cock after a moment of resistance slipped into my cunt with barely a pause. Oh it felt glorious. I wanted to shout out, but that wasn't a good idea here. So I just groaned and pushed back hard. I could feel that huge nob going up my cunt and working it. I arched my back pushing hard against his groin trying to get his cock even further up my arse. This was what I was born for. I repeated again and again, "Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me." The other guards started clapping in time with Abu Musa's fucking, laughing and cheering him on. Abu Musa started slapping my arse as he fucked me. Somehow the incredible pleasure of feeling his massive cock inside me blended with the warm stinging of his slaps.

He started grunting and I could feel his cock pulsing as he filled my arse with another load. When he had finished he pushed me off into the arms of Mousa of the long tongue. He was laughing too, and kissing me. Ali was the next one to get in my arse, but he was so worked up already that he had hardly got inside before he came. Then it was the third guard's turn. His cock was inside almost before I realised. His technique was to rabbit fuck my arse. In all the fucks I had taken that night no-one had fucked me so hard or so fast. I felt his thrusts as a blur. I was hanging on to Mousa as my arse was pounded into oblivion. I could feel my eyes rolling up in their sockets. Eventually he shouted out and filled my arse with the third and last cum load. When his cock was out of my arse Mousa quickly lay down and pulled me on top so that I was sitting on his face and I could let the cumloads in my arse drain into his eager mouth. In front of me was his cock, hard and dripping precum, I lunged forward and swallowed it. When he had cleaned out my arse he moved onto my cock and sucked it expertly. It was buried in his throat when I came; I should hardly think he got a chance to taste it. Just after he had swallowed my cum he filled my mouth with his own. I savoured, rolled it around my mouth, loving the taste, and the texture before letting it slip slowly down my throat. I fell over sideways and lay on my back panting and looking up at the stars. I had never felt so contented, and so fulfilled.

Eventually Edem helped pull me to my feet, and we two happy, cum filled and bow legged slaves, staggered back through the quiet palace to our compartments. I slumped down on my divan, and without bothering to get out of my clothes, fell into a deep sleep. My birthday was over.

Next: Chapter 2

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