Hamsa of Tangier

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Nov 4, 2018



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Quite suddenly I had fallen in love. Ok, some of you will say, a sixteen year old in love! Right, fallen in lust would be better. There's some truth in that, I was in lust with the Berber, who wouldn't be? Yeah, I can also hear you say, and in love with his big cock, you vacuous size queen. Well there is that too, I guess. Being fucked by that thing was a revelation. But it was more than either of those things; he loved me because I didn't just treat him as a cock, and I responded to his loneliness and gratitude. Like him, I was desired not because of who I was but because of my face and my body. I was treated like a sex toy and while I was happy to be treated like that and loved the sex that came with it, subconsciously I wanted also to be loved for who I was as a person, just as he also wanted that. It didn't then matter that for everyone else, I was no more than a beautiful insatiable slut, who never stopped wanting cock. if there was only one person who could see beyond that, that was OK. And the same was true for him also. He could go on being the fucker with the massive cock if there was one person, me, who loved him for the whole person. Cheesy? Sure it was cheesy; from the outside all devotion looks a bit cheesy.

I looked at him next to me, this amazing, beautiful man and wondered why I had not felt like this from the start. But he had built up this hard front and that was difficult to see beyond, and of course I had done the same. I let people into my arse and mouth, but not into my affections. That could spell disappointment and pain. Sometimes fate takes a hand though and you aren't give a chance to back out. I think that happened to the Berber too.

"I can't go on calling you The Berber. What is your real name?"

A look of peace came over his face, "No one has called me by my real name for years, I am The Berber. But I was named Aksil. It means cheetah in the language of my people."

"Aksil! It's beautiful, and you are beautiful, my big Berber lover!"

"Big where?"

I held his amazing cock, "Here, and here," I put my hand on his chest over his heart. I stroked his brow, and kissed him.

Edem was the first to notice the change because I used the Berber's real name. "Oh," he said, "Aksil is it? Since when have you called him that?"

"Since two days ago, actually. Since two days ago when he came into my room and made love to me and didn't just fuck me."

"I thought I made love to you too." It could have been the plea of a disappointed lover if he hadn't said it with a big grin on his face.

"We have a great thing going Edem, you idiot, but don't play pretend that we are in love. You are my best friend and you are one hell of a lover who I hope to have sex with again and again. I will always want to have sex with you. You're my best friend and I hope you always will be. I won't ever want to give you up, either as a friend or a fuck." I punched him playfully on the chest. He pulled me to him and we kissed probing each other's mouths. He climbed over on top of me and pinned my arms back so that I was spread eagled beneath him. I looked up, with my mouth slightly open. As he sat back he felt my hard cock pressed against his naked arse. We were dressed only in our short, out of duty tunics, and were both naked underneath. He reached beneath him and felt my cock and his grin got broader.

"Nice hard cock, and ready to plow my arse," He again held my cock up and slid down on it. His cunt was open and juicy. I wondered how many loads of cum were already up there. He arched his back, closed his eyes, and moaned softly as my cock went into his juice filled arse in one smooth slow glide. I groaned too.

"How many loads of cum are there up here already?"

He looked down at me and opened one eye, "Only three, it's been a quiet day." We both cracked up.

"So now you can make it four Hamsa." He sat back hard and leaned over to kiss me, and began to ride my cock. For a few minutes I was happy to let him do the work. But as the need to cum slowly built up I wanted to be more active, so doing as Aksil had done I slowly manoeuvred us around without taking my cock out of his arse, so that I was on top looking down at him and his handsome smiling face. I spat in his face. For a moment he looked so startled, it was so funny and I started to laugh.

"What was that for," he spluttered wiping the spittle from his eye.

"Because you're a dirty slut whore and I'm going to make you my bitch." I tried to look stern but the effort was too much and I continued laughing. I did manage though to give a hard shove with my hips pushing my cock hard into his willing cunt. He moaned below me.

"Yeah," he said opening his eyes and getting into the game, "Yeah, Fuck me stud, fuck your bitch. Fuck me hard, shove that cock home and breed my arse."

And fuck him I did, I really thought I was a better fuck than I was a fucker, but at that moment I wanted him to know just how important he was to me. At that moment his arse was mine, and the feeling of power that came with that knowledge was a new experience. I had always been the pretty boy slut at the centre of the gang bang but now for once I was the one dishing it out rather than always taking it. At that age I was very flexible and as I fucked him I was able to bent over and suck his cock at the same time. His big wet knob slipped into my mouth and I sucked it lovingly and deep, relishing the taste of his sweet pre cum. I wanted him to fill my mouth with his spunk just as I was filling his arse with mine. I realized that I was going to come pretty quickly, quicker than I really wanted, so I masturbated his cock with my hand as I greedily slurped over the head. It worked. He arched his back and my mouth was filled with his cum; warm, rich, sweet boy cum. Edem's cum. And as the last spurt filled my mouth, I came in his arse. Four heavy pulses.

I collapsed on top of him and kissed him deeply, sharing the taste of his cum with him. We kissed for a long time and I hoped I had proved that no matter how important my new found love for Aksil was, it wasn't going to affect my relationship with Edem. Nor was it going to affect our sex life; in fact I was determined that it would make it a whole lot better and richer. The three of us were going to have a lot of fun together.

Edem looked up at me and smiled. "You're a good fuck, Hamsa and I love the feeling of your spunk filling my cunt. It's where it belongs. I don't ever want to lose you. You're one of the things that makes palace life so wonderful. We can get sex wherever we want but doing it with someone you really care for takes sex to a whole new level."

"Sex with you is always on a special level. And I want us to enjoy Aksil together, you are the two most important people in my life. I want you to watch me as he fucks me and I want to watch you getting fucked by him. Maybe we could tag team his mouth together, then share our cum. I want you to fuck me while he pisses over us. I want you to piss in my mouth while he pisses in my arse. I want to watch you piss over him while I suck him off."

By this stage Edem was laughing and he hugged me to him. "Shit Hamsa, I love you man. I love your beautiful face and your body and your cock. But most of all I love your filthy sleazy mind. I want to do all those things too. Let's make our teenage years a glorious never ending fuck fest. And we have the biggest cock in the empire to share it with!"

The other Slaves of the Body, also soon spotted the new relationship between Aksil and me. The fact that I used his real name, that we were often together, that we sometimes held hands, the fact that he often slept in my cubicle or I in his. Relationships are tricky in slaves' quarters and it is very important that there are no barriers or unnecessary jealousy, so if anything I went out of my way to have sex with as many of my fellow slaves as I could. I was much more of a slut than before. In any case after the party I was officially on offer to anyone in the palace, so I made a point of leaving the curtains to my little apartment open as an invitation to whoever wanted to use me. I was certainly the cutest of the Body Slaves and I had no shortage of others who wanted to take up my offer. I got fucked everyday by Aksil and Edem and we frequently had an audience. In fact it wasn't so unusual to see a small queue outside my cubicle of people waiting to fuck me or get sucked off. My fellow Body Slaves, some of the cooks, and quite a few soldiers regularly opened up my arse. At least once a week when I was on duty with the Bey, I would get fucked by him or I would suck him off. I would dearly have loved to fuck him too, just to be able to say I had done it. But he did suck me off a couple of times before he fucked me.

I was getting fucked ten and often more times a day. And I fucked them too, Aksil and Edem of course, but I surprised a few others as well. I found that Mudassar and Harun and Mesrut and Marcus all loved having their arses plowed. And as likely as not when I did fuck them it was to find that they already had cum up there. The palace was full of eager whores with insatiable cunts.

On one occasion, the situation nearly got out of hand. Harun invited me to join him and his fellow soldiers for supper one night. There were twenty in his mess. It was his birthday and he was having a few friends over together with his fellow squaddies. They had all chipped in with money to cover extra food and wine, and the Bey himself had contributed. We made a real night of it. When everyone was pretty pissed and lying around with coffee, I got up on one of the tables and began to dance, three of the soldiers were musicians and had provided some music during the party, they got into the mood and played suitably rhythmic tunes to match my moves. I was quite a good dancer I thought, and I stayed in front of Harun teasing him. I kept my open sleeveless jacket on but otherwise I quickly stripped off, and my hard cock stuck out in front of me. The platoon was soon cheering and clapping and Harun was urged to get up on the table with me. He too stripped off his uniform, and with a cock just as hard as mine, he climbed onto the table with me. I immediately knelt down to suck his cock, but after a few minutes, he pulled me up and turned me around. I had already been fucked twice that day and my cunt was open and juicy. He didn't waste any time, he just held my hips and shoved his cock straight up my arse. I loved it and I loved the sight of so many soldiers around us, most of them openly wanking themselves or each other. Harun was drunk and so were many of them. After Harun had come in my arse, others climbed on to the table too. I got fucked fore and aft for the next hour. Taking on twenty drunken soldiers and a few other palace workers was a big deal and at the end I had a very sore arse. Cum was streaming down the inside of my legs and I looked a wreck with cum on my face and in my hair. Thank goodness I didn't have to see the Bey the next day. I loved being the centre of attention but the sex was a bit off, they were too drunk so it was much rougher than it would otherwise have been. They were showing off to their mates as much as having sex for pleasure. Some went twice. It wasn't the first or the last gangbang I had had. and I had a very experienced cunt, which was just as well. I staggered back to the slave quarters, and for the first and only time, I said no to Aksil. My arse needed a rest.

The next day Harun sought me out to find out how I was. He apologised for what had happened, it wasn't a rape since I had encouraged it in the first place. But he wanted to know that I was alright. I assured him that I was, that my arse and my mouth would recover but that I was taking things easy for a day or two, until, I said with a grin, my arse had shrunk back to its normal size! He gave me a lop sided grin and whispered in my ear, "That was the best birthday I have ever had. It's the talk of the whole garrison!" I didn't quite know if that was good news or not.

A day or so later I was on my way to the private part of the palace to serve the Bey's breakfast as usual. As I went up the outside steps from the great courtyard, one of the guards on duty winked at me and groped his cock. I smiled back trying to remember when I had met him (or as was more likely when he had fucked me) he must have been one of the soldiers from the gangbang, but their faces had become a blur. He lifted up his short tunic to show me his half hard cock, and a very nice cock it was too. He raised his eyebrows in a silent question and when I nodded he gave a quick glance at his mate, and motioned me to follow him. When we had got into their little guard room, he hitched up the front of his tunic to show me his cock which was thick and very hard. I told him I was on the way to serve breakfast so we only had a few minutes. He laughed and said that was all he needed. I just turned around, leaned forward against the wall, and stuck my arse out. I heard him spitting, then his spit wet cock was at my hole and he pushed in. He was a good party size and I had learned how to take those in my sleep, (now there was a thought!) He was in a hurry, and so was I. No one loves cock more than me and of course it felt wonderful to be fucked. I hadn't had a cock in my cunt for ten hours! Shit, of course I needed it now. But this wasn't really about me. The soldier was horny, my arse was there, and that was it. His fucking was very enthusiastic and fast, but he didn't last long, which was just as well. After rabbit fucking me for five minutes, with a low grunt he spunked heavily, or that's what it felt like, inside me and quickly pulled his still hard cock out. It was glistening with cum and I bent over to suck it clean. He pulled his uniform straight, and with another wink was gone. I also straightened up, but just as I was leaving, the other soldier was there in front of me. He had such a forlorn puppy dog look on his face that I almost laughed which would have been very unkind.

"I can't, I'm sorry. I have to serve the Bey's breakfast. I'll see you on the way back." He gave a half smile and nodded. I shot down the corridor and took up my station.

While I was serving him the Bey said, "I hear you have been putting new heart into my troops."

I looked a bit sheepish I guess, and blushed. "It was a celebration for Harun's birthday."

"Yes, and he tells me your arse was the star attraction."

"I do my best to be of service Highness."

"I thought Edem was a slut, but you're in a different league. And you have formed an attachment with Aksil." I was astonished that he was as always so well informed and even that he knew the Berber's real name. "He comes here, I like to fuck him and sometimes he fucks me. I like him and I am pleased he has found a lover at last. He has been lonely I know, and now he is not. And he has you to thank for that. Be kind to him. He loves to play the great stud and God knows nature has certainly endowed him with everything he needs in that department, but he is actually not so strong or so brave or so sure of himself. Has he told you his story?"

"No Highness."

"Then it is not for me to tell his secrets. He came to work in my service after he had been rescued by my troops. He had had a very hard time. Experiences like his can never totally be put behind us. He is happier now that he has ever been and I want that to go on. It is good to see him smile."

"He makes me smile too, Highness."

"Then you are doubly blessed, God is sometimes good. And how has Edem taken this? You two were close I know?"

"I make sure both of them are kept very satisfied Highness," I said, with perhaps a touch of pride in my voice.

The Bey looked down at his food and chuckled, "Yes, keeping men happy is your special gift Hamsa. And speaking of that, I have had a request from Ali al Rashid, you remember him perhaps?"

"O yes Highness, will he be visiting us here?"

"He will indeed and he has requested that you serve him during his stay. Would you like that?"

"I should be honoured Highness." I replied warmly.

"Um, as well as being honoured you'll be fucked and pissed on too, I'm quite sure."

I took a chance on being familiar, remembering the advice I had been given never to presume, "That would be an added bonus, Highness."

The Bey laughed, the chance had paid off. "Maybe you can get Aksil to fuck him too; it's high time for Ali to know that there are cocks around that are even bigger and longer than his." As he was saying this the Bey gently stroked my cheek then pulled me into a soft kiss. I followed his initiative and ran my hand over his hard smooth chest and played with one of his nipples. It grew harder with my touch. I heard him catch his breath and he leaned slightly back to give me more room to continue. I pulled aside the silk tunic, and leaning forward, sucked first one and then the other nipple. He took my hand and brought it down so that I could feel his hard cock. I pulled it free, then slipping to my knees I took the big, wet, dark head into my mouth. I love sucking a cock that is already slimy with pre cum. I loved and worshipped it with my mouth. I took it as far into my throat as I could, massaging it with my throat muscles. The Bey gave a groan and taking hold of my head he gently fucked my mouth. The Bey was never a rough lover, at least not with me. What he did with other people of course I didn't know. But I thought he would always be a thoughtful lover as he was a thoughtful and kind man. He pushed his cock into my mouth as far as he could go without making me choke too much. And I loved it; I thought once again that this was the thing that made my life worth while.

I suppose I sucked and did my best to deep throat him for twenty minutes. Several times I thought he was about to cum; then I eased off. I knew the more times I could bring him to the brink before he actually came, the bigger the load of cum would be in the end. So I played with him. Then finally he held my head tightly, grunted once, his cock jerked in my mouth and flooded it with his thick warm cum. The preparation had been worth it, it was an enormous load. I savoured it, rolling it around in my mouth, relishing the taste, its warmth and texture, before slowly swallowing it. After a few seconds he pulled me up and smiling kissed me again.

"I have had my breakfast, I have fucked the mouth of the most beautiful boy in my palace, and I am now ready for the duties of the day. Ali arrives in two days time. I might suggest that you go back with him to his farm for a few days? You have already met some of his farm slaves. You can see the countryside around his estate and you can spend all day being fucked by his slaves."

I was silent for a few moments while I took this idea in, "One of his slaves we met one evening in the pit was described as the estate cock sucker. From what they said, that was his principal duty, sucking cock and swallowing cum. He said his record had been 67 loads in one day, but he said the estate had two hundred slaves and it was his ambition to suck all of them off in a day. That would be one cock and one load of cum swallowed every six minutes for twenty hours! Wow!"

"Yes, wow! Ali has talked about him, rather enviously I suspect. Perhaps you could have a competition. A hundred cocks and loads each, one each every six minutes for ten hours!" I was thinking about this as I continued to serve breakfast. We could get them to wank into a bowl and drink it like that.

Having just sucked off the Bey I had forgotten the soldier on guard duty at the door of the private part of the palace. But I saw him immediately when I got to the entrance. He was still there, still with the hopeful expression on his face. I smiled broadly and went over to him and after kissing him, I pulled him to the side. I lifted his tunic, went down on my knees and sucked his cock. When I started it was bloated but still soft, but very soon he was rock hard. He didn't have a big cock, just average, but he was so cute and young that that wasn't at all important. For me the only important things about a cock are: Does it work? and can it fill my mouth or cunt with cum?

He gently lifted me up after just a few minutes. "Can I fuck you?" he asked.

Well, that was fine by me. I spat on his cock and whispered that he would be fucking into his mates cum. It wasn't the most exciting fuck I had ever had, but he was so nice and so enthusiastic that his lack of evident skill and experience was charming and added enormously to the pleasure. I really enjoyed it, and I wanted him to enjoy it too. I tried to help train him using all my little tricks to add to the pleasure of his fuck. In the palace the skill to fuck a man cunt well, was essential. (It was pretty important to be able to take cock too, for that matter) He groaned and whimpered into my left ear. I reached behind me and pulled him into me, telling how good he felt in my arse. I begged him to fuck me harder, and not to cum too soon because he felt wonderful. Of course he didn't last long and all to soon I felt the rush of warmth deep inside me and the pulsing along his cock as he came. His cock softened and slipped out of my arse followed by a small dribble of his and his mate's cum. I turned round, then kneeling again, as I had done for his mate, I sucked his cum covered cock, cleaning off all the cum and my arse juice.

I hugged the two soldiers, told them they had been great, hoped we would meet and fuck again soon, and slipped away to return to the slave quarters.

I made a special effort to seek out Aksil when I got back. I found him in the common room. I took him by the hand and practically dragged him back to my cubicle, stripped him of his loose tunic, and looked again at his beautiful body and amazing cock.

"I want you to fuck me. I need your cock in me. I need to feel your love and your urgency. I want you to know that I am yours and always will be. I want you to fuck me senseless. I need your love Aksil. I need to feel you inside me. Can you do that Aksil, my big beautiful lover?"

He looked astonished and again I saw tears forming at the corners of his eyes. It was calculated of course, I was using what the Bey had told me to bring us closer together, but I didn't tell Aksil what the Bey had said. If I had helped Aksil, he had also helped me and made me feel loved, and had filled a gap in my life that even I didn't know was there. You don't know what being in love really means until it happens to you.

I was determined that this fuck was going to last. With all the cum already in my cunt, it was no problem taking even his huge cock. I told him that there were already cum loads from the two soldiers because I knew he found the idea of fucking an already cum filled arse a huge turn on. (Who doesn't?) When he had bottomed out in me, I held still, just enjoying the feeling of being totally filled, impaled, owned. What had I done to deserve this lovely man? I was on my back looking up at him. He looked down with such love and pleasure on his face.

Slowly he pulled out before plunging back in to the hilt. The walls of my arse wrapped his cock in a long warm, wet, tight tunnel. I shivered with pleasure as he fucked me. Aksil was a master fucker, his skill was incredible and our talents matched, skilled arse, skilled cock. He paced himself perfectly; long slow glides, out until only the huge nob of his cock was still in me, then pushing hard burying into me as far as he could. I went into a kind of trance. I wanted this fuck to go on as long as we could possibly make it. Aksil had all the stamina in the world. We fucked like this for nearly an hour. We nearly came several times, but managed to hold off by stopping any movement and just enjoying being joined together in the most intimate way that two men can be connected. It was me who gave in first, I came hugely catching the spunk in my hand, then offering it to him, he sucked it up furiously and then came in my arse. I felt his cock pulsing seven, eight times, before he collapsed on top of me. Our bodies were wet with sweat, it was running down the sides of his handsome face as I knew it was running down mine. He kissed me furiously, pushing his tongue deeply inside my mouth. I could taste my own cum. Deliberately he had not swallowed it all so that he could share some with me.

Life really was bloody, fucking wonderful.

Two days later when I was serving breakfast again, the Bey said. "Ali will be here for lunch, make sure you assist." I bowed and went back to our quarters and told Aksil about Ali. I told him how we had met in the Pit, how beautiful he was, how Ali was obsessed with sex just as we were; how he had created a male only estate, where sex was enjoyed as much as it was in the palace; and I told him that he loved piss play as much as the Bey. If there was one disappointment in my relationship with Aksil, it was that he wasn't really into piss. He would join in, and a couple of times, he had played with Edem and me as I had fantasised we would. He had a big bladder and he had pissed over me and Edem, and he took pleasure in it because he took pleasure in giving pleasure. I enjoyed drinking from his cock. Edem had pissed over Aksil too, he didn't complain but didn't encourage him to do it again either. Aksil went along with it because of me. He was not going to be coming with me to Ali's estate, and he was relaxed about it, I think because he guessed that piss play would be a major part of the sex life there.

We were all aware that Ali had arrived, he brought with him quite a retinue, guards and slaves, most of them on horses. He and the Bey met in the great courtyard of the palace. We watched from a distance. The Bey and Ali embraced, before Ali kissed his hand, as a subject should always do to his Prince, before going into the private apartments. I smiled to myself, thinking that wasn't going to be the only thing he kissed.

At lunch time a message came that I was to go to the private apartments. Ali and the Bey were lying on couches on the terrace sipping coffee. Three other Slaves of the Body, the duty slaves of the day, were in attendance, Mudassar one of them. He grinned at me in welcome. It was clear that sex was very much in the air. Mudassar and the other slaves wore short tunics too short to cover their cocks completely and they were bare chested. Mudassar's cock was hard and sticking out proudly at right angles to his body. The Bey and Ali were bare chested also, their long bare legs stretched out on the couches. I swallowed, wondering if I was about to get fucked again or maybe I could get to do the fucking?

"Hamsa," said Ali, "It is good to see your beautiful face again." He held out his hand. I went over and knelt to kiss it. He held my hand and drew me to him, he kissed me first on both cheeks and then gently on the mouth. "I have thought of you, and His Highness tells me that he would like you to come and visit me. I have proposed that you return with me in three days time. Would you like that?"

I was still kneeling and bowed my head, "It would be an honour and a pleasure, my Lord."

"It will be a pleasure also for me and my staff I have no doubt. We will make sure you have plenty of things to keep you occupied while you are with us. The estate has much to offer a guest."

"What he means Hamsa, "the Bey broke in, laughing, "is that you will be fucked morning noon and night. You will be fucked by Ali, the house staff and the field slaves. You will only be going for a week, I need you in one piece at the end of it! Edem will be going with you too. He will be able to take some of the pressure off your arse perhaps. I spoke with Aksil this morning. I did not want him to worry or be jealous about the two of you together. He said he was sure of your love, and that as Slaves of the Body it was your pleasure and his that you serve men as he does also. He is right to be sure, is he Hamsa? I will not have him hurt."

"He is right Highness. I am his and he is mine. I will love him as long as I live. But that will not stop us having sex with as many men as possible. We met and had sex for the first time remember after I had had sex a hundred times. He proudly fucked me in front of all those people. He knows what I am like and what I love to do. And anyway yesterday evening he was in the garrison barracks and told me he had fucked three of the soldiers and got fucked by ten of them. He sat on my face when he got back and fed me the loads from his arse. He has no reason to be jealous I think."

The Bey, Ali and the other slaves laughed and I joined in.

The talk was increasing the sexual tension among us. The Bey put out his arm and beckoned for Mudassar to come nearer. He ran his hand up the inside of Mudassar's muscular hairy thigh, and then played with his hard cock. He used it to pull Mudassar closer until he was able to suck it. Again I saw the skill he had to take a cock to the root with complete ease. He used his hands to pull Mudassar into his mouth and Mudassar responded by shoving forward hard. His pubic hair was pressed repeatedly into the Bey's face as he ruthlessly fucked his mouth. We all watched this display and all of us had hard ons. The Bey loved cock we all knew that and this was the most explicit demonstration of it. Ali had his cock out and was openly masturbating, it was all too much for me. I went over, knelt down, and sucked it for him. He held my head and began to fuck my face. I had had a lot of experience in sucking cock since the time I had first met him in the Pit. I was able to swallow his cock easily. It slipped down my throat and I loved it. When he realised how open my throat was he pushed his long cock in to the root.

He groaned, "Fuck, you're good!" I thought to myself, 'yes, he's right, I am fucking good at this, I am an expert at giving pleasure to men.'

I don't know if I was born to be a slut, but I was certainly enjoying the reality of it now. I went back to the task in hand with renewed enthusiasm. I wanted this cock to cum, I wanted it to fill my mouth with cum, and then I wanted to suck other cocks and swallow more cum. I could hear Mudassar coming loudly into the Bey's mouth and I could hear him slurping noisily over Mudassar's cock, sucking up every bit of his load. Ali came in my mouth. It was sweet and thick and warm like all good cum. (Not that I am unhappy with thin watery cum if there's enough of it. I'll swallow cum whatever it's like.)

I hadn't cum but Ali had thought of that. He held my chin, with his thumb in my mouth. Then he brought his still half hard cock forward and very carefully he pissed down my throat. I hadn't drunk any piss for several days, it had been a really dry patch, so this was an added bonus and I came just holding my cock, I wasn't even wanking. I swallowed the golden juice and thought of all the cock and all the cum and all the piss I would be swallowing over the next week.

When I was able to look up and see what was going on around me, I saw the two other Slaves of the body taking care of the Bey, while he was sucking the cock of one, the other fucked him. They made a beautiful sight. Three handsome men fucking, what could be more beautiful than that? And they were all loving it and totally into the moment. I watched, absorbed by the scene. Mudassar came and sat next to me and I idly bent over and sucked his cum covered cock before going back to watch the Bey taking cock just like all the other palace sluts. Eventually, after quite a while, we could hear the two slaves unloading into his mouth and arse. The Bey came in his own hand then swallowed it himself.

Ali gave them a clap and kissed the Bey. "Your Highnesses' generosity as a host is second to none in the Empire," he said chuckling.

"Yes," replied the Bey," and you are taking two of my best boys with you. Just treat them as well as I do."

"Highness," Ali said with a low bow and a sweep of his hand, "I and my entire staff will treat them just as you do."

"Ha!" said the Bey, "That's what I'm afraid of!"

Two days later we got ready to depart, Aksil had fucked me twice during the night, and got me to suck him off again in the morning, just to remind me what I would be missing for the rest of the week, he said. I told him to look after himself and his cock till I got back. He assured me that it would get plenty of work outs so that it would be ready and in full working order for when I got back. He told me Harun had arranged a little party in the barracks that night to make sure he wasn't lonely while I was away. It was my turn to guffaw.

Ali's party was ready in the courtyard when we arrived. Edem and I were put onto one of the wagons, which was a relief. I had never been on a horse and the estate was a full three days riding away. There were two other baggage wagons and another with discrete curtains for Ali al Rashid. The rest of the party, ten slaves and eight of his personal guards were on horseback.

I had asked Ali in the palace if Mut was with him, he had practically choked. "What! Take Mut and his mouth away from the estate for nine days? I would have a rebellion on my hands. No, no, he is safely home sucking cock where he belongs."

Then the Bey and Ali appeared and we were off.

There was no rush and we rode slowly, two of the slaves were musicians, and while one played the lyre the other sang. The estate was in capable hands, it was late spring, the air was full of the scents of herbs and flowers and there was a gentle breeze. The roads were safe, thanks to the work of the Bey, so the guards were not wearing armour, though I guessed if was on one of the wagons if suddenly it was needed. Ali liked informality and most of the slaves and several of the guards were bare chested. I was in voyeuristic heaven. I didn't know where to look next, knowing full well that all these men were gay, and all were available for sex, duty allowing. Edem and I had quickly slipped out of our tunics and lay back naked enjoying the sun on our bodies. I could see two of the guards riding next to our wagon eyeing us hungrily. I turned over on my tummy and just raised my arse up a little, then turned onto my back again to show them my hard cock. One of them sped his horse up until he was parallel with Ali's wagon,. and After a few minutes it was back at our side. He slipped off his horse, tied it to our wagon and climbed on board. He was one of the guards who was riding bare chested, now I realized that all he was wearing in fact, was his short soldier's skirt and boots. He was deeply tanned and the sun glistened on the oiled muscles of his body. He stood above us and threw aside his skirt, showing off his hairy groin and stomach and hard cock.

"Ali says I can fuck you, you little tease, so fuck you I will."

Edem raised himself up on one elbow and laughed, "That's it fuck the little tramp. He only knows two things, how to take a hard cock up his arse and one down his throat. Fuck the slut as hard as you like, he loves it."

Several of the guards near by had quietly ridden a bit closer to watch. "Are you sure Ali won't mind?" I asked.

"No," the guard laughed, "when I asked he was being fucked my one of the slaves, it's the way he always travels. We'll all get a chance to fuck him before we get to the estate. And he'll fuck some of us too. Having two of the Bey's best whores on board is an added bonus. None of us had been expecting that. When I asked Ali all he could say was that that was what you were here for and it was what you wanted too."

"Well he got that right. Cum one cum all I say!"

The guard stripped so he was as naked as we were and grinned at his buddies who had ridden up to watch the Bey's whores taking cock. Then Edem did a thing the young soldier wasn't expecting, he got up too but instead of offering his arse he stood behind the soldier making it very clear that he was the one about to get fucked. He grabbed the soldier, pulling him into a tight embrace, and twisting his head sideways, kissed him hard. The chatter amongst the other soldiers had died down as they watched intently the tableau developing in front of them. The soldier between us was as cute as fuck, not tall, 1.75m I guessed, with a hard, tight muscled body, lightly haired chest and treasure trail down to a thick bush around a very respectable cock which was hard and wet with precum. He was obviously very proud of his body, as well he might be, and he must have been the centre of a lot of peoples sexual fantasies on the estate. He was obviously feeling very horny; but horny enough to get fucked in front of his mates? Fucking the royal sluts was one thing, getting fucked by them was of course quite another. He was obviously surrendering to his feelings as when I kissed him, he closed his eyes and pulled my face hard against his, probing my mouth franticly with his tongue. He moaned softly as I reached between us, first to tease his nipples then to manipulate his big wet cock. I had to have this thing in my mouth and I slowly slipped down to my knees kissing his body as I went, first his prominent nipples, one then the other; then down his body, massaging his hard muscles as I went; and finally taking his rigid cock in my mouth. He thrusted forward a little to make sure I had all of it. It was a perfect cock for sucking (well, I think all cocks are good for sucking) but with a cock like this he could fuck my mouth as hard as he liked and it wouldn't be a problem. To show him I pulled his cock deep into my throat massaging it with my throat muscles and caressing it with my tongue. I set up a slow regular movement taking his cock down to the root each time. His hands were clamped onto my shoulders.

Then I heard a sharp intake of breath, he went absolutely still with his cock buried in my throat, my nose pressed into the sweaty hair around his cock. Then he groaned, and if anything, pushed forward a little more as if to get further into my mouth. It was clear that he had given in and had allowed Edem to fuck him. I was sure that Edem would have used some of our special oil to make the entrance easier for both of them. We had brought a large supply, intending to keep our arses well greased up for the multiple daily fucks we were hoping to get during our week on the estate, but Edem didn't seem to have had much trouble getting his cock into the soldiers arse, and if it could take a cock as big as Edem's so easily, this was an arse that had been fucked a lot. Maybe getting fucked in front of a crowd wasn't such a big deal after all. Judging by the groans and moaning coming from the soldier between us, he was loving what was being done to him. We quickly got into a rhythm. As the soldier pushed forward into my mouth Edem's cock would pull out a little from his arse, as he pulled out of my mouth Edem plunged his cock back into what was obviously a very willing boy cunt. We were putting on quite a show with a lot of groaning from all of us.

The soldier revealed the truth about his experience, "OH fuck me, ram that cock home. Fuck my arse!" Yes, it was an experienced boy cunt used to taking cock. The soldier came first, three good pulses of cum over my tongue flooding my mouth with its sweetness. It was my turn to groan. As the soldier relaxed Edem slowly pulled his still rigid cock out of the squaddie's arse. Then he gave it a playful slap. It was as if he was saying, 'OK piss off, you're done.' It made the squaddie jump and his mates laugh. With a grin on his face, the soldier picked up his clothes, gave a quick bow to our audience, then got back on his horse which one of the other soldiers had brought over for him. I thought it may be that one of the others might have come up for a second performance but no, and at least for the time being, the soldiers went back to their stations and we went back to lounging on the soft sacks on the wagon.

"I didn't even fucking cum!" Edem complained, "The others were all enjoying it, I thought at least one of the others might have come up too. I'm horny as fuck."

"Never mind," I said, "there are two more days to go, we'll stop to eat and we will camp on the way, there will be plenty of other opportunities. And anyway, I didn't cum either, so you're not the only one with blue balls."

An hour later Ali called a halt for lunch under the shade of a stand of trees. First the horses were watered in a little stream and allowed to eat from the lush grass by the side of the road. The house slaves who had travelled in the wagon behind Ali now set about laying out the picnic lunch. Everything was of course arranged with meticulous care. Folding chairs for Ali and his principle staff and guests including us, and rugs for everyone else. The food was shared equally with everyone, and talk was loud and happy. Not for the first time did I think that this relaxed level of equality would never be possible where everyone was straight. Everyone here was gay and the feeling of brotherhood was consequently far stronger. 'Never presume' the slave master had taught me, and all of the men here, slaves or free must also be aware of that. Ali was still the master, even if a very good one. Lyres were produced and music was played as we ate. It was a perfect scene; a scene out of the Arabian Nights. I almost expected a satyr to come out of the trees and join us. One of the soldiers sang with a sweet tenor voice. As he did so I looked around at the party and realised that many of the soldiers had paired up. They were lying together, holding hands and two pairs were even kissing. A young slave, perhaps as young as Edem and me, was lying in Ali's lap and he was playing with the boy's hair.

Then he turned to me, "Hamsa, you dance I am told, and while you have already entertained my soldiers on the way here, you have not yet entertained me." I was not surprised that he had been told of the display that Edem and I had provided on the journey, and was happy to dance for him too. I wondered what audience participation there would be this time. I got up and slipped off my tunic so that I was wearing just a loin cloth made of the finest linen, my half hard cock on full display. A space was made in front of where Ali was sitting with the soldiers and other slaves in a ring around us. As I danced I put into it all I had learned at the Bey's court from the dancers and acrobats who had performed there. I could not do the back flips or somersaults that they managed, but I was supple and moved with grace. And anyway I wanted to turn people on not dazzle them with my skill; I was a royal whore doing my job. I could see the sexual activity around me was getting more obvious. Several of the soldiers were openly wanking themselves or the people next to them. When I looked across I could see that the young slave was sucking Ali's cock and was doing a good job of it too, despite its length.

The young soldier with whom Edem and I had had sex on the journey once again stood up to join me. I had been right, that was not the first time he had performed in front of his mates. He was greeted with a cheer. He stood in front of me and slowly stripped off. When he was down to his loin cloth he nodded and we unwrapped them together. Both of us were hard. He smiled and licked his lips. I guessed he thought he had something to prove this time. He had enjoyed being fucked by a royal whore but this time it was the whore who was going to be the one to be fucked. That was great by me. I guessed this wasn't going to be a gentle fuck, he would be out to prove what a stud that was a man and making me cry out as he fucked me would be music to his ears. Well he was in for a disappointment, this slutty boy cunt of mine had taken on far bigger challenges that his cock and survived just fine. He had a cute face, an almost perfect body and a great cock, but I could take on fifty cocks like his a day and still come up smiling. I gave him a wink then just turned around and backed on to his cock. It went into my cunt like a hot knife through butter. I heard a gasp in the crowd, and for a moment the soldier was so surprised that he did nothing. Time to take control.

"Well soldier? Are you just going to stand there with your cock in my arse or are you going to fuck me? You're my first fuck of the day," surprisingly this was true, "so you'd better make it good!" There was a ripple of laughter and a few claps.

"Come on Mal, show the cunt who's boss, or let one of us take over." There was more laughter and to give him justice the soldier joined in the laughter and so did I.

"That's it Mal, you heard them, fuck my arse good, fuck my arse hard and fill it with your cum. Show this slut boy a good time!"

And fuck me he did. It was a petty brutal fuck, but nothing I couldn't deal with, in fact I loved it. The exhibitionist came out in me again and I cheered him on; told him how good he was; told him I didn't want it to stop; told him there was nothing I liked more than hard soldier cock in my arse. I have to admit the last remark was meant to be a hint to the other soldiers watching as much as an encouragement to him. It had been days since my last gang bang and I was feeling deprived. He fucked me hard for ten minutes, before I said to no one in particular.

"Hey, my mouth's empty! I need to get fed too as well as take it up the arse." Several soldiers immediately got up, and I was presented with four cocks vying for my mouth. I went from one to the other, deep throating them each in turn, longing for the first mouthful of spunk. Meanwhile soldier boy in my arse was reaching his climax, which he delivered noisily and hard, I could feel four pulses of military cum flood my grateful cunt. As I hoped, one of the boys fucking my mouth pulled away and shoved his spit slicked cock into where his mates had just been. And the glorious feeling began again. there is nothing like a good spit roasting to make you feel alive. I had had time to think on the journey, and I thought about it again at that moment, with luck I had ten more years as a Slave of the Body, basically a royal whore. Ten more years when my slut arse would be gang banged, ten more years of cum swallowing, ten more years of piss drinking, and as I thought of that, a surge of enthusiasm flooded through me and I renewed my efforts on the cocks still in my mouth and clamped down hard on the cock in my arse. It got an immediate response from the boy fucking me, and groaning loudly he added his own cum to pool with what was already left by his mate. In fact, none of the first four soldiers who had come up to be sucked off actually spunked in my mouth. They all took turns on my arse and lost their cum there. But the steady flow of new recruits to my arse and mouth continued, and I did get three good mouthfuls of cum from them which was enough to satisfy my thirst, for the time being anyway, as well as more in my very sloppy cunt. When I looked up to where Ali was sitting, I could see he was now fucking the young slave who had been sucking him off. He long dicked him furiously and judging by the expression of pleasure on the boy's face he was loving it too. One of the soldiers got up and after a moment's conversation, offered Ali his cock to suck. Ali looked at him briefly, nodded, and opened his mouth. The soldier put the head of his cock a hands width away from his mouth, and after a moment's concentration, let go with a huge fountain of piss over Ali's face and out stretched tongue. I could see the muscles of his throat working as he swallowed as much as he could. Edem now came over to me. I was lying down enjoying the after glow of the gang bang and he stood over me, his cock was bloated though not fully hard. I knew what that meant, he was there to piss not to fuck. I did the same as Ali, when Edem raised his eyebrows and looked at me questioningly I too nodded and putting my head back opened my mouth. And just like the soldier, Edem let go full force over my face, in my hair and over my body, before concentrating on my mouth. In seconds I was drenched and loving it. I swallowed as much as I could, but the stream was so fierce that a lot continued to cascade over my body. A couple of the soldiers decided to join in and two more streams joined Edem's. It was incredible, I hadn't been in a piss shower like this since that night in the Rocks when I first met Ali. Edem's stream began to taper off and he quickly squatted down beside me to share in the soldiers piss. We kissed as the piss continued to pour over our heads and faces. One or the other of us opened our mouths to collect some before we shared it with each other. I realised other soldiers and a couple of the slaves had come over too. One of them had brought over one of the cooking bowls and began collecting the piss, it must have held a couple of water bottles full, and as the streams slowed and finally stopped, he offered it to us. First Edem and then I drank deeply. I suppose we had drunk about half when the slave himself brought it to his own mouth and drank furiously. The bowl was shared all around us before it was taken over to Ali who laughed, raised it as a toast to all the contributors, before he drained the rest. There was a cheer and a round of clapping from everybody. It was a signal for everybody to get ready to move on, we needed to get to the Caravansary before nightfall, and it was two hours away.

We arrived there at 7pm. They were expecting us; riders had been sent on ahead. Ali and the senior members of his suite had separate rooms on the first floor, that would have included us. But Edem said we should sleep with the rest on the ground floor. He said it would be much more fun, and gave me a conspiratorial wink.

"We won't be the only people there. There'll be travellers from all over the Maghreb. We will be with the slaves and soldiers my slut friend. It's a big caravansary, one of the soldiers told me about it. We are the Bey's personal whores. When word of that gets round and believe me it will, you and I are going to be very busy. Ali wont put himself up for use by everybody, he has too much regard for his dignity, and anyway he has quite enough of his own staff to take care of his needs. You and I however are under no such restraints." This was a whole new idea for me, I had never travelled far from Tangier. Edem had come from far away Egypt and had travelled across the south of the Empire, stopping at caravansaries along the route.

I had no real idea what the place would be like and it was far bigger that I had ever imagined. There was a huge walled compound and the building itself opened on to it. There was stabling for hundreds of horses, together with carriages and carts. The building itself was a huge hall with three tiers of balconies with private rooms for the more prosperous travellers. There were areas for eating and drinking and huge open kitchens to provide food for the three or four hundred guests that stayed there each night.

Ali's party excited a lot of interest as well it might, a mounted guard of soldiers and twenty slaves all in uniform and livery, not to mention Ali's own curtained wagon and the other carts. The slaves belonging to the caravansary itself together with Ali's own staff spent the first hour after our arrival, sorting out the horses securing the baggage and settling everyone into the various rooms and spaces that had been allotted to us.

The ground floor was divided into areas by wooden screens with open entrances, and it was into one of these that our bed rolls were laid out. Edem made sure ours were close to the entrance, he wanted us to be visible to the other travellers.

We went to sleep on our bed rolls at ten. An hour later, I felt someone joining me on the roll, a hand gently felt my body. Someone kissed my shoulder. It felt good and I relaxed into the feeling of being caressed. I reached behind me and felt the hard muscular shoulder of my bed fellow. I also felt his hard cock against my arse. I shifted slightly so that it was lined up against my hole. I heard him spit on his hand and reach down to wet his cock before he tentatively pushed it against my cunt.

Almost automatically it opened up and the cock slid in. I groaned appreciatively, it felt pretty big. But I didn't care about that, it was a hard cock and it was fucking my arse, that was what was important. He fucked me for quite a long time, twenty minutes I guessed, before I felt the tell tale signs of his impending orgasm. His thrusting became more intense and harder. Eventually after one particularly hard thrust into my cunt he filled it with his cum. For a minute he stayed there until his cock softened and slipped out. He immediately got up and left. I never saw his face. I drifted back to sleep with a smile on my face. No sooner it seemed than I had got back to sleep, when more or less the same thing happened again. This time I got more sight of my fucker. Before he got in beside me, he kissed me so I saw his face, young and a bit battered I thought, a broken nose but still attractive. His body was hard and so was his cock. I wanted to suck it but he wasn't interested in that. He turned me over so my cummy arse was sticking up and simply pushed inside me. He was a lot rougher than my previous fucker, I guessed he was a soldier used to fucking what he wanted. That was just fine by me, I loved being fucked hard without being given too much choice in the matter. He didn't last as long as the last one, he was out to cum as quickly as possible, and five minutes into the fuck, I felt the familiar pulsing along his cock and he slimed my arse. He pulled out before his cock got soft and disappeared. I relaxed still on my stomach revelling in the feeling of being used by strangers.

This went on at regular intervals for the whole night. I became aware that it was happening to Edem as well. Sometimes we knew who was fucking us; it was one or other of Ali's bodyguards or slaves, but most of them were totally anonymous, they came, they fucked us, they left. Near dawn the activity speeded up. I guessed they realized that we would be moving on, and two such willing and open cunts would then disappear. Both of us took a steady stream of cocks (pun intended) and cum, one after the other till the cum was running out of our arses. I guessed they must have been lining up. No one was rough, though quite a few were hard and fast. I lost count of the cocks fucking me, thirty at least over the whole night. As dawn began to light up the interior of the hall our fucks decreased. Both of us were still lying on our fronts and Edem grinned at me.

"I told you we would be better in the common part rather than having a room."

"That was incredible," I said, "My arse is so full of cum I'm afraid to turn over and soak my bed roll."

"You're not the only one. It's a great feeling isn't it? There's only one thing to do about it," he said with one of his trademark evil chuckles. "Clamp down hard so none leaks out and squat over my face so I can rim your arse and get whatever is up there. Then I'll do the same for you."

I had to move very carefully so that none of the cum was lost but managed to manoeuvre myself so that I was sitting on his face, and looking down his body at his very hard cock which he was wanking hard, I leaned forward and sucked the huge nob into my mouth and at the same time relaxed my arse and flooded his mouth with the accumulated cum loads. As his mouth filled up, he groaned, and I could hear the gurgling in his throat as he swallowed. His cock jerked in my mouth and his cum shot out across my tongue where I savoured it greedily before swallowing. When he had stopped rimming me, sure that he got all that was there, he did the same to me. I ran my tongue gently over the soft pucker of his well used puffy cunt. Suddenly it relaxed, my tongue slid inside, and a huge gush of cum filled my mouth. I could barely swallow it and my face was covered. I was wanking too and as I swallowed I came long and hard into my hand. As Edem moved away I sucked my fingers clean.

It was time to pack before leaving.

Breakfast was being served and we joined the queues, taking our food to the long tables set up for everybody. I sat with Edem and kept an eye open for anyone who might look as if they were one of our anonymous fucks from the night before. I wanted to catch someone staring at us or nudging a neighbour before pointing in our direction, but I never saw anything like that. Edem said these places are famous for casual sex, so while our experience was exceptional in scale it wasn't anything unusual. He said that at many of the travellers' halts on the way from Egypt he had been similarly gang banged as soon as it was known that he was willing.

The rest of the journey to the farm was fairly uneventful. Several of the soldiers had seen our performance the previous night and Edem in particular was fucked several times by horny soldiers who hadn't managed to get into our arses before. I got fucked by two of them. We arrived at the estate as dusk was falling, The house was long and beautiful, I had been expecting that. It was beautifully positioned with a long drive between Cyprus trees and surrounded by carefully tended formal gardens with splashing fountains. Immediately slaves came out with the master of the household to greet Ali back home.

Next: Chapter 7

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