Hanging Out with Corey and his Roommate Gay - Adult Friends

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Aug 17, 2021



Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to AtlantisGuy@aol.com

I don't know what the hell brought all that on. I mean, I had always seen myself as perfectly straight, a guy who whose fantasies and experiences were with women only, thank you very much. Maybe that was the problem... that I'd never thought about it before, so I had no counter-argument ready when all that was challenged. But still, even in my wildest imagination, there's no way I would have ever thought that....

Sorry... I'm jumping the gun. Let me back up.

It all started because Corey and I had become friends. And we were the most unlikely of friends. I knew him somewhat while we were in college, as he was the roommate of one of my best friends. My friend and Corey were themselves an unlikely couple, with different personalities and interests. But as roommates they were perfectly matched, with something of a yin and yang kind of thing going. So again, I ran into and talked to Corey all the time, but we had never really hit it off for whatever reason.

That all changed in the year after graduation, after my best buddy suddenly found a woman who became The Love of His Life™. He was so enamored (ok, pussy-whipped) with her that the guy started flaking out on getting together with anyone else, many times leaving both Corey and I in the lurch. Finally, my friend up and moved in with her, and more or less fell off the face of the earth. By that point, Corey and I had gotten into the habit of hanging out together, and I actually started having a blast with him. We never looked back.

The thing about Corey was... well, he was the most intense person I think I've ever met. Everything about him was intense. Quiet. Reserved. Brooding. Almost like coiled tension in human form, ready to spring. I think some of the intensity sprang from his upbringing. I didn't know his whole story but I knew he had a rough childhood, and he was very closed off, especially at first. At times it felt like he viewed the world with a certain... wariness. And his hobbies tended to be solitary, and hard core. He was a dedicated distance runner, always pushing himself. And he loved hiking, but his true love was rock climbing, and did it every chance he could. All this gave him a nice athletic build. He wasn't bulky, but the man had more strength in his little finger than most guys had in their legs.

Beyond that, he was a great looking guy... but he had sharp, angular features that added to his overall vibe of intensity. He had the most piercing, icy blue eyes I've ever seen, which had a way of stopping you dead in your tracks.

But as I got to know him, I got to sense that this quiet intensity was just a shell... really just the tip of the iceberg. While he might seem stand-offish, I got the sense that deep down he hungered for real connections with other people. I came to realize I had never met a guy with more zest for life. The man was up for anything at the drop of a hat, a guy who ran around like he wanted to experience everything the world could possibly throw at him. He salivated at the thought of travel, especially if it was to new places. Plus, give him a couple drinks, and he became the world's most engaging, interesting conversationalist--you had to work to keep up with him. And most of all, he was fiercely loyal to his friends. I mean like Blood Oath loyal.

In terms of personality, I was as different as I could be... like a yin to his yang. I'm Sean, and I am as sun-shiny as Corey is stormy. I'm well known for my humor, a great circle of friends, and my ability to talk to anybody. I've kept active and have good build, and am hairy in all the places a guy should be hairy. I have a devilish smile that I've used with devastating effect on the ladies... and overall I can say with no false modesty that I'm pretty good looking, in a puckish way.

Even in our love lives, Corey and I were worlds apart. I kept up an active love life with several women, including a serious 2-year relationship that lasted right up until the last few weeks of school when she dumped me in spectacular fashion. Corey, as far as I knew, had a long-distance thing going on for at least four years with a girl named Jenny, but I rarely heard him talk about her. I only know the few times she stopped by they had animal sex that matched Corey's trademark intensity.

That summer in the late-1990s was challenging. I had started working at a big indoor-outdoor music festival as a bar back, hauling kegs, cases of wine, bags of ice and what not. There was something going on nearly every night, so I was able to get loads of hours, and the endless shifts of heavy lifting was giving me a body to envy without ever having to go to the gym. Best of all, being a sometime musician myself, I got to hang out with all kinds of people in the industry, ranging from musicians and promoters to roadies, so I got a chance to get to know the business.

The tradeoff is I had next to no free time. Fortunately, Corey's work schedule had more flexibility, and pretty much alone among my friends we were able to hang out fairly regularly. Over grilled food, endless conversations, and plenty of liquor, we became pretty tight. We planned big plans, argued about music and groused about the sad state of our respective love lives.

And then things took an unexpected turn.

I was heading over to Corey's place... we were planning on grilling some burgers and he wanted to share some Brazilian jazz he had just picked up. I knew nothing about Brazilian jazz, but was in need of company. He mentioned that he had brought on a new roommate named Jake, who might be around as well. All fine with me.

Once I arrived, we cracked open some beers and Corey put on his music. Shortly thereafter, Jake showed up. I really didn't see him--he shouted out a general "hello" and shouted over his shoulder that he was just back from a run, and was going to hit the shower. Corey shouted back that since we were about to be hit with a summer thunderstorm, Jake should have just waited outside and let nature clean him off. Jake grunted something indistinct and hopped into the bathroom.

While the water ran, Corey somewhat filled me in on Jake. He went to our same college, and Corey had known him from a couple of classes they took together. Jake was pretty much a jock, and kept busy in a couple of amateur league sports since graduation. Jake had mentioned that he thought he knew who I was from college, but I couldn't ever remember meeting him.

After a few minutes, Jake came out to join us, freshly clean.


I mean, I've always thought I was straight and all, but...


Jake was wearing nothing but a pair of lounge shorts, with a sizable bulge indicating he was going commando. While Corey had a tight athletic build, Jake was straight up a hunk, with well-developed muscles. He had dark brown hair that dusted his entire, muscled body. I mean, he wasn't a gorilla or anything, but had hairy forearms, a nice hairy chest, and a treasure trail that I suspected led to a completely unmanscaped bush... as evidenced by the pubes peeking out over the waistband of his shorts.

It wasn't just his body that screamed "jock," however--it was his whole bearing. The way he strode into the room and plopped down on one of the chairs had such a... physicality to it. A swagger. A confidence. Like, that even as he was lounging with a leg casually thrown over the arm of his chair, he could leap into action in a flash if someone suddenly threw a spiral pass.

To be blunt, my boy Jake was hot.

Jake had grabbed a beer and effortlessly joined us in our conversation. We had a blast. He brought a certain cockiness to the table, a snarky sense of humor that balanced out Corey's brooding intensity and my happy-go-lucky charm. We covered a lot of ground, getting into a particularly vehement argument about local bands as we tossed back a few too many adult beverages.

During a break in the storm, we grilled a few burgers and ate them down like a pack of hyenas. It was summer at its finest.

Rain soon drove us back inside again, and our well-lubricated conversation resumed. Perhaps not surprising when you throw alcohol and bored young guys together, the talk turned to sex. At first, Jake made a kind of deliriously raunchy comment... one that often passes between roommates, especially those that share a bedroom wall and have zero secrets. But he caught himself, realizing there was a new guy in the room, and started half-apologizing.

"Hell no, man... don't worry," I responded. "Don't censor yourself on my account. It's been months since I had any action. Hell, it's been so long, I think they've changed it. You gotta let me live vicariously through my friends!" I raised my beer bottle in salute.

Jake registered surprise. "Dude. A good-looking guy like yourself? What happened?"

I winced somewhat, sensing Jake was about to start busting my balls on what was for me still a touchy subject. Corey jumped to my rescue. "We gotta let him be. Sean had the mother of all bad break ups. It was so bad, I think it was even covered in the British tabloids."

I let out a big sigh and took a deep swig of beer. "Yeah. Ripped our whole circle apart. It's taken the wind out of my sails. I need to get on my feet and get out there again, but... you know."

Rather than let me wallow, Corey started a more general lament that we were all in a dry spell. I found myself surprised that Jake didn't have 5-6 women lined up that same evening. Jake noted that he had just gotten out of a bad relationship with a woman who loved everything about him, and quickly set her mind to change everything about him. We agreed that women never understood guys... and certainly didn't understand our need for constant, regularly-occurring sex.

The talk slowly shifted to remembering our best bouts, and chest-pumping boasts about who had the craziest sex adventure. Our hunky friend Jake won that contest hands-down. Moreover, he had emerged as the ringleader of our conversation... leading with smarmy references and lewd asides. It was the kind of obscene fun that only young males could appreciate. I was loving the conversation, but I was also realizing just how horny I was under the surface. I'd had had nothing but my right hand for far too long, and fueled by beer and bravado I was feeling a certain longing. I knew that as soon as I got home, I was going to let fly with some serious jerking off.

Then, the topic of our wildest fantasy came up. And again, Jake was wildly, wonderfully irreverent. We were all laughing hysterically, and envious of his creativity. He had this whole narrative worked out with settings, characters, everything. An over-the-top romp if ever I heard one.

I really didn't have anything to compare with that, but when they guys looked at me for my own obscene fantasy, I went ahead anyway. "I don't have anything that... specific," I started. "But wellllll... let me see."

After thinking for a second, I went on. "OK. My fantasy doesn't involve anyone specific, or any place specific so much as... well, it involves something I love but never get to indulge myself in. The thing is, I'm a butt-guy. And I mean that in all ways. I mean, have you guys ever had a girl pleasure your butt at all?"

They looked at me skeptically... this was the 1990s, and guy's butts were still pretty much off the table.

I went on. "I had one girlfriend who did. We were fucking on the floor, her on her back and me on top of her... it was a hot, steamy session. Right there on the carpet, couldn't even wait to get onto the bed. I had my rhythm going and she was moaning like a bitch--we were into it. And then, out of the blue, she reached around and without any fanfare she slid her finger into my buttcrack and started fingering my hole. Fuck, I lost my mind. I never felt anything like it! Jesus, just thinking about it gets me hard now. I had a good sweat going, and her finger was slick... and fuck if that move me into another gear. I couldn't even keep fucking her, I was just circling my ass around her finger. It set off lighting all over me. And as I bucked, it slid in... and that's when I almost fucking lost it. I turned into an animal, and started fucking the shit out of her. Like harder than anything we'd ever done. And with my pounding her pussy, it was like she was finger fucking my hole. It was like nothing you could ever believe. I didn't last, and I swear with her finger up there I came in technicolor."

The guys were looking at me with intense interest.

I continued. "If you ever, I mean ever get a chance for that, fucking take it. Promise anything, if you have to. I think I scared her with how out of control I was. We saved that for special occasions, and every time she fingered me it was a fucking party. But it was only that one girl... everyone else thought it was too nasty. I wish I could have a massive session where a woman gave my ass that kind of attention."

As I finished my story, I could tell the guys were thinking long and hard about that... hearing expert testimony on a source of pleasure they had never contemplated before. I didn't add that I would occasionally finger my own ass still today if I was really riled up--that was a bit too personal to share. But sadly, exploring with my own finger never gave me the thrill of having her do it for me.

"But there's the other side, too," I went on. "I have this other fantasy kinda related to that, but no woman I've ever known has ever let me do it. So, I love a woman's ass. I mean, like love, love love it. Everything about it. The shape, how it curves. Those two sweet ass cheeks. Yeah, tits and pussy are great, but I've had my way with them. I want to get into her ass. I mean, to really get into her ass. Not just fucking it... I want to do something, dark, taboo, forbidden. I want to eat her ass out the same way I eat out a pussy."

Jake made somewhat of a face. "Aw, dude, seriously? Isn't that gonna be nasty? I mean an ass is... dirty. Jesus, wouldn't the smell of it gross you out?"

"Well, first, doing something nasty is itself a fantasy of mine. I always played it safe, played it 'normal.' Just once in my life, I want to do something totally fucked up!"

Here, Corey snorted in derision. I rolled my eyes at him and went on. "But it's more than that. Scents... well, scents really rev my motor. I don't know what it is. But everyone always jokes about how bad a woman's snatch smells, but I fucking love it! I love that scent. I want to do more. Really explore. Maybe I'd hate it, but the thought of burying my face in an ass gets me hard as a rock."

At this point, Jake did something unexpected. Totally unexpected. "Well, fucking hell man... if you want to bury your face in an ass so bad, be my guest!"

With this, he stood up, pulled down his lounge shorts, and shoved his now bare ass into my face, inches from my nose.

And right there, time stopped.

I recognize that he was just shitting me, mocking me... giving me a snarky "fuck you" to my face, and fully expecting me to react in kind. A bit of physical humor, if you will.

But I stopped. And strangely enough, considered.

Now, I've seen lots of male ass in my time. Having done high school sports, living in a dorm, working out at the gym... yeah, I've seen all kinds of butts before. But I never took notice of them. For one thing, doing so was a quick invitation to getting your own ass kicked... homophobia still formed the bedrock of male relationships at that time. But more than that, years of socialization had taught that a guy's ass--particularly a hairy ass, like Jake's clearly was--was the textbook definition of nasty, ugly, and disgusting. There was a reason "butt-ugly" was a common smear. And guys themselves wrote off their butts; while guys were forever boasting about their arms, and a guy's dick was the mark of his masculinity and sexual prowess, his butt was all but forgotten. As a result, you never, ever paid attention to a guy's backside.

But right now, Jake's ass has my undivided attention. Unlike the pear-shape of a woman's ass, his was both rounder, yet straighter. And it was clearly solid muscle. It was lightly dusted with hair, that became darker and fuller down his crack, thickening considerably where his asshole was. It was... powerful. And... it was fucking masculine. Raw. Animalistic. And intently sexual... I had no idea a man's ass could be that fucking hot.

I had never in my life thought about a man's ass, but suddenly my mind was considering things I had never considered. Nasty, taboo things. I had dreamed so long of getting my face inside of a woman's ass, and now I was... holy fuck, was I considering doing it with Jake's? How similar, but how different would it be? What would it be like with that... hair? My gaze rippled across his muscled backside, taking it in... and was my pulse quickening? Was I actually considering it? What the fuck was....

...oh shit.

Instead of making a smart-ass response to Jake's peep show, I realized I was staring. Thinking about possibilities. But for how long?

I looked up and my heart fell. Jake was looking at me. He had seen my expression.

He knew.

"You're fucking thinking about it, aren't you?"

Blood drained from my face. And any thought about sex was washed away in a wave or raw terror. Like I said, homophobia was the bedrock of all male relationships. I had just given this well-built jock an open invitation to fucking punch my lights out. Or worse.

I immediately started jabbering in a panic, desperately trying to keep my voice from raising up several octaves. "What? Fuck, no, Jake! No way...! No...! No, I was... that's crazy!" I tried unconvincingly to laugh it off. "Fuck you! I wasn't looking at anything! I'm not gay. I am not gay!"

"I don't blame you, I've got a hot ass," Jake responded, levelly.

His casual response only raised my level of panic. For a second it occurred to me that the only thing worse than getting the shit beaten out of me because this man's man thought I was checking him out... was having this man's man actually believe that I really was gay. That would lead to social death, and worse, it would rip apart everything I thought about myself.

"Jake, no... I swear it wasn't anything. I'm not gay! I swear I wasn't checking you out! I would never do anything like that!" The words kept pouring out of my mouth, indistinct, desperate... and not fooling anyone.

"Dude. I saw the look in your eyes. A guy's a guy--he can't help it. Not when he's fired up. You're into ass. And you're thinking about mine. You can't stop thinking about it."

"Jake... NO! Look, I'm not like that!"

"Get over yourself, man. It's all ok," he retorted. There was a cockiness to him, like he knew he had already won. But it wasn't dominance... it wasn't like he was going to... I don't know, blackmail me. He was just... interested. No... aroused. If I had never considered doing anything like this, neither had he. But here he was... considering. "Dude. You're the one who was telling us how awesome it was having your ass get attention. No one's ever talked that way to me. No one's ever offered. I know you want it. I'm not afraid to try something new; hell I live for trying out something new. Do it. Here's your chance to live out your fantasy. Make a believer out of me."

I couldn't do anything but stare at him, in slack-jawed surprise.

Finally, he had enough. He reached back, grabbed my head and pulled me toward him. Toward that fucking incredible ass. "C'mon, do it."

I didn't resist.

I first brought my face in close to his cheeks. Tentative, but with growing excitement. And my deep hunger for ass slowly started burning away my fear. I lightly touched him with my fingertips. Fuck, his ass was incredible. Harder than I thought, way harder than any woman's ass I had ever touched. Not smooth like a woman's, either... I could feel the gentle brush of his man-hair. Fuck. Raw muscles. Fucking strong. My fingers took on a life of their own, not wanting just to touch him... I wanted to feel him, to luxuriate in him. The strength and power of his muscles amazed me, and I started massaging him harder.

My pulse was rapidly gaining strength, and I could feel my breaths starting to tremble... hormones were flushing through my system. I couldn't believe I was doing this. This was so wrong... so dangerous.

There was no way this incredibly masculine guy was letting me do this, not just to touch his ass but to... fucking feel it like this. Butts were always a turn on, but this was so unlike anything I expected. It wasn't "butt-ugly," it was fucking hotter than hell. I was finally living my fantasy of doing something taboo... and I was feeling both exhilaration and an amazing sense of freedom.

Soon both my hands were kneading his asscheeks, rolling the muscle, as my own body responded. I realized I was getting hard, as my cock responded to the flood of hormones. Beginning to strain uncomfortably in my shorts against the constraints of the fabric.

I wanted to get closer, horny as hell. I wanted to... I fucking wanted to kiss it. Alive with forbidden thoughts, and living dangerously. I slowly brought my face in... and brushed them against his muscled flesh. Just a whisper of a kiss.

He groaned approvingly, his first response. My passion was quickening. I kissed him again... harder. Dragging my lips, and feeling the light brush of hair against my tongue. He groaned again, breathing out "That's it. You know what you want. Show me."

I kept kneading his ass, harder now. As I massaged him, my hands slightly pulled his asscrack open, revealing his hairy trench. My passion boiled over into hunger. This is what I'd dreamed of for years. Ok, slightly different... but this opportunity was right here, right now. I was horny as fuck. I was into this, and we both knew it. Time to quit being a tenderfoot and live like a man.

Time to make my fantasy real.

I moved my face to the top of his man trench, and began muzzling it, moving my mouth around and getting my nose inside him. I wanted this to last, to savor every part of it. He had showered a couple of hours ago, but I could still make out a distinct scent... the scent of man-ass.


It was earthy, unlike anything I had experienced with a woman. Dark and musky, tinged with sweat. And slightly sour. It was raw, and full-on masculine. Like nothing I had experience before. Or ever thought to experience. Unbridled male. Fuck. FUCK! I suddenly wanted... no needed that scent. Fired by lust I never thought I had. Fuck, I never needed anything that badly in my life.

I ran my face hard down his trench. Scenting myself as I went, rubbing my face like a buck rutting against a tree. My breaths coming as explosive pants as I went. Jake growled, "Fuuuuck, yeah, man. Fucking... YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Fucking get in there!" There was no turning back. Whatever he may have thought it would be like, he was very vocally expressing his encouragement now.

I drove down further, loving the friction of his hairy buttcrack, my senses alive with his scent. It was getting stronger, and my hunger for it was shooting through the roof. I couldn't believe my luck that I was getting to do this! To live out my fantasy! I was way past whatever reservations I had about doing this with a guy--the thrill, the danger of breaking this utter taboo was part of the thrill.

I finally got to his puckered hole. Fuck. FUCK! I was fucking in heaven! His scent was strongest here, filling me with his masculine essence. But I had never been this close to an asshole, and I looked at it in amazement. Raw. I fucking needed it. I fucking had to have it. Without a second thought... I fucking ground my mouth against it.

And fucking started to eat his ass like it was my last chance at life.

"FUCKING YEAH, MAN! Eat me! Fucking EAT ME! EAT ME YOU FUCKING SONOFABITCH!!" Jake grabbed my head and tried grinding my face into his hole... as if I needed any encouragement. "Fucking YES! YES! YES! Fucking EAT ME!"

I was on fire. I ate him for all I was worth, savoring the taste, the smell, the feel of him. It was like nothing I had experienced. The force of my oral assault drove him forward, off balance, flailing. He braced himself against the chair he had been sitting on, then hauled up his legs one by one so he was kneeling on it, his ass spread as wide as he could.

And still it wasn't enough for him. He desperately switched from trying to grind my face in deeper, and to pull his cheeks apart to give me more access. All along the way he swore out an increasingly desperate string of vulgarities before letting lose with an animalistic howl. He was completely swept away by my furious attack, by my raw hunger, and the completely unexpected pleasure that he was feeling.

And I had no idea how much I was turned on by the masculinity of it all. Jake was direct, and loudly vocal in his pleasure. There was a directness to this, an excited willingness to wallow in physical pleasure. And since I was doing with a guy, I knew what to do, even if I had never done anything like this before. I acted out what I'd love to have done to me, and it was clearly working. We were falling into synch, a desperate dance of hunger as we let our freak flags fly.

By now I was painfully hard, and in frustration wrenched open my shorts and pulled down my jockeys. My titantium-hard cock slapped against my abdomen, desperate to finally be free. I similarly wrenched away his lounge shorts, so he was completely naked before me.

And then I really let him have it.

I was insane with lust. I kissed his puckered hole *hard,*then sucking it in as hard as I could. Throwing him forward, forcing himself to try and anchor himself to keep from being bowled over. With him opened up, I rammed my tongue in as far as I could, tongue fucking that hairy hole for all I was worth. I then violently shook my head from side to side, dragging my stubble across his tender skin while he roared in approval. I then moved to lapping him like a puppy, and then repeating the cycle. Constantly changing. Constantly keeping him on his toes. And loving the raw scent and taste. The taste of man. In his undulating roars, he actually begged me for more, like a bitch in heat.

Then, something different happened. I was giving his hairy man trench a sweeping, serpentine glide with my tongue, starting from the top of his cleft to his hole, when I kept going... taking in his hairy taint. I got to his hairy balls... and had a moment of decision. Up until that moment, I was laser-focused on Jake's incredible jock ass, glorying in this forbidden part of a man. But now I was coming up on his balls. Heavy, full and hairy... churning out his spunk. I had been focused on him that I didn't realize something. If I kept going, if I went after his man parts, I was well and truly going to be gay--going after his manhood for the sake of going after his manhood. Fuck it. I was ready to take that plunge, but there was a sound.

As I started taking in Jake's hairy balls in my mouth, I heard something behind me. Another masculine groan, growling in sexual need.

Fuck. Corey. My friend. Fuck.

I was so swept up my sexual moment with Jake, I had entirely forgot my buddy was there. He had been watching... watching me go from a panicked idiot to a sexual aggressor, desperate to experience a guy's ass and bathe in his sexuality.

I looked over at my buddy, deadly afraid of what I might find.

To my amazement, his expression was one of raw sexual need... the desperate expression of a guy seeing another guy experiencing the greatest sexual thrill of his life, and needing to experience it himself. The desire in his fierce blue eyes was undeniable, and augmented by the fact that his right hand was openly groping himself through his shorts. He was as horny as a Grizzley Bear in heat, and in need of release.

There was no way I was going to let my friend down.

I moved away from Jake, and stepped over to Corey. He looked at me with disbelief, and absolute hunger. Looking him dead in the eye, then spun him around. I roughly pulled down his shorts and underwear, revealing his ass.

Holy fuck.

Jake's ass was a picture-perfect vision of jock ass, perfectly shaped and slightly hairy. Corey was something else. It was rounded and perfectly sculpted. But while Jake was lightly dusted with hair Corey was fucking furry with asscheeks that were heavily covered with hair at their base. If anything, his muscles were more developed than Jake's... harder, and even more masculine in their musculature. Fuck. FUCK!

I threw Corey down into the chair, and spread his cheeks to reveal his heavily hairy hole. I never wanted anything more in my life. I had no idea what Corey thought about any of this, and fuck it... I didn't care. I rammed my face into his butt-crack, and holy FUCK. Unlike Jake, Corey hadn't showered recently, and the intensity of his butt-musk was off the fucking charts. I thought I would hyperventilate breathing in his scent, which was carried by his hairy trench.

Jake had given me my preliminary training... but my assault on Corey's puckered hole was at another level. Everything I had learned from eating Jake's hole, I put to use on Corey. And if Jake had moaned loudly, Corey bellowed loud enough to shatter the windows.

I was everywhere, lapping at his hole, setting his trench on fire with my tongue, and furiously trying to drive my tongue inside his guts. Corey never even tried to make coherent sounds... he just let out an endless, undulating wail of pleasure. Screaming out a pleasure he had never felt before.

Fuck, I was in heaven.

And then, I experienced something more fucking awesome than I had ever felt in my life.

I realized that since I had stripped off my clothes, my bare ass was wide open. Suddenly, I felt something abso-fucking-lutely amazing, as Jake rammed his finger inside my hungry hole. Even face-deep inside Corey's ass, I let out a howl that made the foundation shudder. Jake's fingers finally had given me that sensation I had thought about and prayed for so long... penetration. This was way, way better than anything my long-past girlfriend had given me... this wasn't just fingering me from behind, but full-on finger-fucking me. From a man. A man who played hard and knew what he was doing. He had listened to my personal fantasy, and was taking it to a whole new level. Even though my face was buried in Corey's ass, I rumbled out a cry that could only be encouragement... and raw need.

Jake heard me. In a flash, he added another finger, and one more. I was torn between eating out Corey's incredible hairy ass, and bucking my own hungry ass back at Jake. Inside my body, bells were ringing... sexual stimulation at a level I couldn't even imagine. I wanted more. Fucking more. FUCKING MORE!

And then I felt it. I heard Jake spit into his hand, and then something bigger, fatter... fucking BETTER than anything I felt before was setting my guts afire... Jake's rock-hard cock was plowing into me.


I felt Jake's cockhead rip into my hole, and fucking roared. Thank God I had long experience loosening myself up, so I could take him. But FUCK. He was thicker than anything I had had up there before. His flared head fucking tore through me. Jake was not playing around; despite the pain and initial shock, I was fortunately able to relax before he started really giving it me. Still tongue-deep inside Corey's ass, I felt Jake's cock hit something, a spot I didn't even know I had. I screamed with my tongue half-way through Corey's gullet, my whole body shuddering with sexual charge.

"THERE!!" I yelled, pulling back slightly from eating Corey's hole. "THERE! Give it to me THERE! Fuck me! FUCK ME!!"

And Jake fucking FUCKED me.

I had never experienced such feelings. As Jake's hard cock plowed into me, my body started... singing. It was like a roaring fire had burst out inside me, and my entire body was suddenly aflame with sexual energy. The fire roared and hissed, and every part of me was engulfed. With each thrust, I felt the flames rise higher, past anything I had experienced. This was fucking sex. Beyond anything I had experienced. And Jake felt it too. He started fucking diving into me, which set off a cascade reaction. I don't' know where it came from, but as Jake pounding me the fire inside me grew. I became more desperate in eating out Corey, who let out a wild howl of his own. Jesus, I don't know what Jake was doing back there, but each thrust was simultaneously sending icy pain through my backside and setting my body on fire. The sexual fire ripping through me... it felt like I was actually cumming, but it didn't stop. It kept building, and building.

And then... the fucking masculinity of everything hit me. I had been taught since birth that gay sex fundamentally emasculates you. But this... this was nothing like that. It's paradoxical and all, but I never felt more alive as a man than I did at that moment. And it was an all-encompassing sensation. I could feel the scouring of Jake's man-bush against my tender hole as he pounded me, augmented by the scour of Corey's hairy ass as I ate him out. The scent of ass, sweat, and man-musk was setting my mind on fire. The fucking fire of masculine sexual energy roaring inside me. The feel of Jake's rough hands as he grabbed my hips to better plow me. The taste of man-salty sweat, and the sound of three guys howling their sexual pleasure... it was the most all-encompassing, masculine experience I had ever had. It was the most masculine experience any guy could have.

And it seemed to be over far too soon. Jake was far, far too gone. As he slammed his body into me, again and again, I knew that he couldn't last. I felt him tighten up, as his balls churned out their man-milk. His howls grew stronger, and stronger, and the friction of his rock-hard dick inside me started triggering a chain reaction. I was stunned... I hadn't even touched my own dick but the roar inside me ratcheted up to epic levels.

My brain stared exploding, and by balls followed suit. I pulled by mouth back from Corey's hole and screamed out an orgasm that sent earthquakes up and down my body. In doing so, I instinctively clamped down hard on Jake's cock, triggering an epic orgasm from him, too. He tossed his head back, and unloaded a tidal wave of spunk into my greedy ass, as I sprayed a shit-ton of sperm all over their floor. It felt like my head had exploded, as I came harder than I had ever cum in my life.

I had never felt so fucking alive as I did right then. I knew I should be spent, but I had just experienced a Sexual Awakening. And I wasn't nearly ready to be done.

Jake, barely conscious, pulled out of my ass, and as his cum started oozing out my well-used hole, he fell back into his chair with an audible thud. I pulled back from Corey's ass, as looked at him, marveling that this incredible hunk had just fucked the shit out of me. I looked at his still-hard cock, glistening in the light with cum and my ass juices. And my hunger at eating ass awoke again... his cock was glistening with my ass juices.

Jake looked spent, but there was no way I was letting him off that easy. I left Corey behind, fell to my knees in front of Jake... and swallowed down his still-hard cock in my hungry mouth.

He let out a sound that was partially a growl of extreme sexual pleasure, partially a squeal of painful discomfort... he was clearly sensitive from having just cum. His hands moved to push me back, but I was far too gone. In a concession, I didn't suck as hard as before, just milked him gently as I savored the experience of tasting my ass and his cum. He squirmed, and his body shuddered repeatedly, while he mouthed some silent screams of exquisite agony. Finally, he couldn't take any more and wrenched me off of him.

Before I could react, I felt it. Corey. Hard as hell, in fucking hormonal overdrive. There was no way he was being left out of this. After Jake's assault, Corey didn't need to loosen me up. He didn't need to lube me up. He just lined up his cockhead against my well-used hole and dove in as far as he could go.

I threw back my head and gave out an animalistic scream of joy. I hadn't gotten anywhere near Corey's cock; his depth charge into my guts was my first acquaintance with it. He was slightly longer than Jake and not anywhere near as thick. While Jake just tore me open and bulldozed through, Corey slid in smooth as silk, lubed up by Jake's cum.

I belted out "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Jake fucking me was pure aggression. Corey was still aggressive, but he fucked with finesse. With a cock that fit my ass fucking perfectly. I could feel his cockhead as he pistoned me, hitting pleasure zones I didn't even know I had. My body... it was like I was being filled with golden, liquid light. And it kept building. And building. I was reduced to letting out a baying wail as everything else went away... there was nothing but Corey's dick, an endless sea of liquid light. I started squirming, undulating, desperate to have the light slosh through every part of my being. And it kept building some more. And Still. Fucking. Building.

I was vaguely aware of him gripping my hips for leverage as he pounded the absolute shit out of me... all the coiled tension in him exploding in sexual form. I could hear the slap of his body against mine as each thrust pounded me forward. His hairy balls smashing mine from behind. Thrusts coming faster than I thought possible. Just the force of his fuck....!

Corey didn't last as long as Jake did, pummeling me with terrifying energy. Suddenly, I could hear his own cries build, and as he gripped me I knew what was coming. He exploded inside me, spouting like an open fire hydrant. For good measure he kept pounding me for several minutes thereafter, slowly losing force, but unwilling to give up.

In that down time, I had a chance to get my bearings. Short as it was, that was the best sex of my fucking life. Corey's dick fit me perfectly, doing things to my body I didn't know were possible. I had no idea there could be such a difference between guys' dicks. I mean, I'd let Jake fuck me again in a heartbeat... that was a fucking wild ride. But Corey had given me a taste of something fucking incredible. And I needed more of it. Now. Fucking right now.

As I had done with Jake, I got up, turned around and threw Corey back onto the chair he had been sitting on. I was tempted to go for his dripping cock, but no... not yet. I rammed my hands under him and sharply hoisted up his ass, bringing it again to my face. I knew with all that exertion, he was going to have some worked up some serious ass sweat, and that shit was mine. I dove in again and lapped his wet, hairy trench desperate for all of it.

Corey did not disappoint. The hair of his ass captured the scent and gave me a fucking man feast. I ate his has harder than even before, barely giving Corey time to catch his breath. He writhed and ground his butt into my face, letting fly with a series of strangled gurgles.

Finally, I had enough. Letting his legs down, I buried my face in his hairy crotch. Fuck... his musk was particularly potent, with his regular funk heightened with sweat and cum. I was fucking hooked. THIS is what sex smelled like. THIS is what sex should smell like. Raw, unfiltered masculinity, not giving a fuck about you or your feelings.

But I needed more. Now. I turned my attention back to his cummy, assy cock. It had lost a bit of its hardness, but was still gorged, thick and heavy. I swallowed it. I wanted to savor the sensation, but more important... I needed him to fuck me again. And he needed to be at full strength to do it. So with a ruthlessness I didn't know I had, I sucked him hard again. It took no time at all.

When he was ready I clamored up into his lap, squatted over his cock... and while looking him dead in the eye, I drove down to the base.

We both gasped out loud and I threw my head back. Fuck... the raw sensation of penetration again. There was no physical sensation like it. It was something I had only vaguely experienced before, either with a woman's delicate finger, or through feeble efforts of my own. It was nothing like the fucking animal insanity that comes with having a man's rock-hard dick plow into you. Nothing compared to the feeling of masculine penetration. I don't know if I was gay, but I was definitely getting fucked again.

And Corey's cock brought my body to life. As if every part of my body was filled with fire. As if every hair on my body was standing on end. I was nearly dizzy, my head spinning wildly from over-stimulation. I swung my head down, to look at Corey, eye to eye. The intensity of our gaze.... I hissed out between clenched teeth, "You. Don't. Know. What. You're. Doing. To. Me."

"You're not going to walk straight for a week!" he snarled back.

And he unleashed. With all the intensity I had ever known him to have. With ferocious animalistic rage. It was the most fucking unbelievable experience of my fucking life. I lost any control, surrendered, and gave myself over to the purest sexual pleasure a man could get. The kind that only another man could give.

I don't know how he did it, but from a seated position he fucking pounded my ass. I started bouncing in time with him, desperate to increase the feeling, but he was driving everything. Furious in his power. He clutched me so hard I was sure I was going to have bruises the next day... trophies of sexual victory.

But from that position we couldn't get the leverage we both needed. To my astonishment, he locked his arms behind me, with his cock balls-deep in my ass. Then he fucking stood up, lifting my athletic frame like it was fucking nothing. And then Oh. My. Fucking. God he fucking gave it to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, while my legs locked around his waist, and from a standing position he fucking went after me like a piledriver. The golden light that was burning through my body ratcheted up to 11, and my blood pounded in my ears like the roar of a hurricane. I screamed harder than I had ever screamed in my life. This was the best fucking day ever.

I don't know how long he lasted; I was oblivious to anything but Corey's cock. At some point, he shifted, letting me down and throwing me face-down across the couch. He got behind he and renewed the assault... hard, heavy thrusts that smashed me forward with each blow. He was merciless, and the intensity was overwhelming me. At one point he laid down directly on top of me, and I could feel the bristling scrape of his chest hair against my back, made bearable by the slickness of our shared sweat. His face rested right along my neck and his stubble scraped viciously against my skin. He shot his arm forward for a minute to steady himself, opening his hairy, sweaty pit. I could smell him, and for a moment I thought about how I could add this scent to my collection, too.

Through all of this, there was something else going on inside me. Along with the liquid light filling me came a sense of euphoria that swept through my entire body. A feeling of joy... no... bliss, that was mostly sexual, but so much more. As he fucked me on my back, his face so close to mine, the euphoria boiled over. I felt connected to Corey on a primal, indescribable way. I had never had anything like a romantic thought for the guy, or to any guy. But as his dick brought my body to searing life, I couldn't stop myself. Without thinking, turned my face to his, stretched my neck and fought to bring our lips together. He must have felt something too, as he moved in and met my lips with his. Oh, FUUUUUUUUUCK. He didn't stop for a second, and our kiss couldn't have lasted more than a moment, but it triggered something.

Something deep.

The light that had filled me suddenly exploded like a volcanic eruption that kept blowing up in intensity. It felt like my whole body was about to explode... and it kept building. The sound of his grunts and slap of our bodies faded as a roar filled my ears... and it kept building. My skin became hyper sensitive... and it kept building. I had never experienced anything like it, and it started to scare the shit out of me. It rose and rose and rose... and then my mind shattered. It was like every nerve fiber in my body fired at once. I fucking CAME. My mind went fucking white, and I could feel myself shuddering with the force of an internal earthquake. I lost everything, and felt like I was roaring like a comet in the sky. And then falling. Falling. Falling forever. And the absolute whiteness of my mind slowly faded to pitch black.

I don't quite know when I reemerged into reality. Everything a blur, I asked myself, what happened? What was going on? I was dimly aware that muscles I didn't even know I had were all screaming at once, and my mind felt like it was wrapped in gauze. I finally wrenched my eyes open and blinked a couple of times, trying to get my bearings. After a bit of confusion, it slowly dawned on me that I was at Corey's place.

And then suddenly, everything snapped back at once. With a sharp take of breath, I shifted my aching body, and realized that someone--Corey--was still lying on top of me, weighing me down. I realized from his breathing he was probably out cold, and it occurred to me that it was quite late. The apartment was dark, and Jake was no where to be seen. I shifted my ass and could feel Corey's soft dick still lodged in my crack. Fuck... he was right, I was going to be sore as a motherfucker for a week.

I slithered out from under Corey, who barely stirred. I looked down on him, and took in an admiring gaze of his hairy ass. But... holy shit, what the fuck just happened? What the fuck was going to happen? I'd never so much thought of getting it on with a guy, let alone having two guys fuck me. Let alone raping two guy's asses with my tongue. What did they think? What would they say? Shit. Shitshitshit.

I gathered my clothes with a mixture of confusion, and... maybe shame? Maybe panic? Maybe... acknowledgment of how fucking alive I felt? Shit. Get home. Get home now.

Once dressed I made for the door... back to reality. But I saw Corey's discarded underwear lying there among his clothes. I picked them up and brought them to my face. Fuck. I could still smell Corey.

I took them with me.

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