Hannah and Sara - A walk in the Park by JYM

By moc.loa@bnallaekiM

Published on Dec 26, 2009



Hannah and Sara - F/f, b/d by JYM

A Walk in the Park

My name is Hannah Jensen and I'm a happily married woman. Very happily married. I'm thirty-one years old, have a 13 month old daughter named Sarah, and a wonderful husband, Jim, who's a CPA. We've been married for six years and it's been wonderful. Jim is the classic tall, dark and handsome' man that every girl dreams about. Don't get me wrong, we've had our problems, but for the most part it's been wonderful The only rough stretch came during the first six months after Sarah's birth. I couldn't seem to rekindle any interest in sex and Jim suffered through it without a murmur. I worked hard and got back into shape and did my best, but sex just didn't appeal to me. It wasn't that I was scared of getting pregnant again (Sarah's birth was very difficult), but..... I was just reluctant. Sarah was just six months old when we went for a walk in the park. We live in a nice suburb that borders a big park with a world famous rose garden that's over 100 years old. I love to put Sarah in her carriage when the weather is good and walk through the park with her. I know she'll love the flowers when she's older. This particular day was a very hot day in July, a week or so after the 4th. The sun was shining, the sky was cloudless, and it was very humid. When we left the house I was wearing a rather baggy, loose fitting sleeveless cotton top, a short denim skirt, and sandals. I was back in shape and proud of it. I'm not beautiful, but I am fairly attractive. I'm 5'8" tall, usually weigh around 125 pounds, and I have a nice figure (34c-25-35). My legs are my best feature - they're long and sleek and nicely curved and my thighs are smooth and firm. I'm proud of them and like to show them off. As for the rest, I have brown hair, worn very short now, brown eyes, and a smooth olive-tan complexion. We crossed the street into the park and went up the path to the rose garden. Sarah was content to suck on her pacifier and wave her little hands around. I walked slowly to give me time to admire the flowers and to avoid getting sweaty. It was hot and I knew I couldn't keep Sarah out too long - but there were shady spots where I could park the carriage and take a break out of the sun. After a few minutes I turned away from the rose garden and crossed the grass to the new rock garden that had been put in over the past two seasons. It was shady there and much cooler. I was crouching to examine a plant I' d never seen before when I heard the click and whir of a motorized camera. I glanced up and saw a very attractive young woman taking pictures a few feet down the path. She glanced over and smiled and I smiled back. She had a Nikon camera, with a macro zoom lens, set on a sturdy professional tripod. My husband and I dabble in photography (he'd hate it if he knew I said dabble - he's serious about it) so I knew that I was looking at a professional setup. The woman looked to be no more than 18 or 19 but I knew she had to be older. She was a redhead and I was surprised at how tanned she was. Her thick red hair was pulled back into a French braid that hung almost to her waist. She was wearing denim shorts, a tank top, and was barefoot. Her arms and legs were smoothly muscled and I guessed she worked out regularly. She took a couple of more shots and then straightened up and walked over and bent over the carriage. She smiled at Sarah and glanced up to ask me how old she was. I saw that her eyes were a deep green, a shade I'd never seen before. "Six months, her name is Sarah." My voice sounded strange to me and I wondered if I was catching a summer cold. The redhead grinned and said, "My name is Sara - without an h'. Your Sarah is very pretty." "So are you!" As soon as the words were out of my mouth I found myself wondering why I'd said that. It was true of course, but still.... She blushed and said, "Thank you, you're very kind." Desperate to change the subject, I asked about the pictures she was taking. She told me that she was a professional photographer and was working on a book about public gardens in the United States. We chatted for a while and I found myself fascinated by her descriptions of the gardens she'd visited and photographed and the characters she'd met while doing so. She had a wedding ring on and I asked how her husband dealt with all her traveling. She blushed again and admitted that she wasn't married, she just wore the ring as a way to discourage unwanted attention. We talked for a few more minutes and then she asked me if I'd mind posing for her. I hesitated and then let her talk me into it. I wanted to pose, but didn't want to seem too eager. She moved her tripod and replaced the macro zoom with a 105mm telephoto. I posed in front of the rock garden, moving and changing position as she directed. I found that I enjoyed posing very much. She kept up a steady stream of encouragement, directions, flattery, and just plain chatter. She stopped at one point to change film and I changed Sarah's diaper while she was busy. Then she posed me crouching in front of an ornamental grass plant, a big purple specimen that I wished I had in my garden. I was facing the camera at a 45 degree angle and she directed me to pull my skirt back a little to show more of my `long beautiful legs' as she put it. I tugged it up a little and then a little more. She moved a little and asked me to open my knees slightly - I knew she was going to get a revealing shot of my inner thighs, but I didn't mind. She finished the roll very quickly and I learned a little about what it was like to model for a professional photographer - it was mostly a matter of taking directions, something I've always done well. She had me take my sandals off for the third or fourth shot, then kneel with my skirt up high to show my thighs. A later pose had me roll my top up from the waist to show my bare midriff. I quite enjoyed posing and was disappointed when the second roll of film was finished. Sara told me she'd develop and print the pictures overnight and would have them ready the next day. She offered to meet me in the park and give me a set of prints. I hesitated for a moment and then suggested that she bring them to the house in the morning. "My mother is taking Sarah for the day so I can work in the yard. You're welcome to come over for breakfast and I 'll show you my garden." I held my breath while I waited for her to answer. I didn't know why, but it was suddenly very important that she accept my invitation. It was her turn to hesitate. Then she smiled and said, "I was planning to check out of my motel and leave in the morning after dropping off the prints, but I guess I could stay over and spend the day visiting. Maybe I can get some pictures of your garden for my book. She gave me the address of the motel and the phone number so I could call if anything came up. Then we walked to the parking lot and she packed her stuff in her van and followed me home, irking a few drivers who didn't like her slow pace. She pulled into the driveway and we chatted for a few minutes. She wrote down the address and I gave her the number of my cell phone. Then it was time for me to take Sarah in for lunch and time for Sara to go. She held her hand out and we shook. Then, holding my hand tightly, she pulled me forward until I was pressed against the door of the van. We stared at each other for a moment and then she kissed me on the mouth. It was strange kissing another woman - strange and different, softer, more intimate, more erotic than kissing a man. I was stunned. I leaned againt the door and let her tongue probe deep into my mouth. The kiss ended, finally, and I stepped back, dazed. I stared at her for a moment and she smiled and whispered, "Bye. Call me if you change your mind about tomorrow." Then she put the van in gear and backed out of the driveway. I stood there and watched her drive down the street and turn the corner. Then I took Sarah inside and fixed lunch for both of us. The rest of the day passed in a kind of a blur. I couldn't forget the kiss. Nor could I forget how much I had enjoyed modelling for Sara. And I couldn't forget her strange green eyes. That night seemed to last forever. My husband got home late and was preoccupied with some problems one of his clients was having. I went to bed at 10 p.m. and had trouble falling asleep. Then I woke up at 2:00 a.m. and had trouble getting back to sleep. I went downstairs and walked in the yard, wearing only the man's undershirt that I use for a nightshirt. It's an XL and fits me like a short dress - to mid-thigh. The armholes are huge and revealing and it's been washed so many times that it fits me like a glove and the material is very thin. It's my favorite thing to wear to bed, but that night it felt stifling even though the temperature at 2:00 a.m. was only 70 degrees. I turned the hose on and let a stream of cold water wash over me. My nipples hardened and then I was shivering. I went inside and dried off and went back to bed nude. I was up at 6:00 and took Sarah over to my mother's house at 7:00. I was home and showered by 8:00. Then I tried to decide what to wear. I finally decided on plain work-in-the-garden casual - an old pair of faded denim cutoffs, a sleeveless denim shirt - old, faded, and soft, plain cotton underwear (Hanes), white cotton socks and workboots. I took a long look in the mirror and decided that the cutoffs weren't short enough. I took them off and cut another 2" off each leg and then made a little slit in each side next to the seam. Much better, much sexier. Sara arrived at 9:00, wearing linen shorts and a sleeveless top cropped just below her bust. She looked very sexy. I poured her a cup of coffee while she spread the prints out on the dining room table. I was stunned when I saw them. They were black and white, developed and printed in a portable darkroom in the bathroom of her motel room, but they were great! I looked.... professional, sexy, beautiful, mysterious. I looked at each one several times. It wasn't vanity - I was just stunned at how good she made me look. I asked her how she'd done it and she grinned, "Magic, it's magic! But seriously, there are just some people that the camera loves - photogenic some call it, but I call it love, and you happen to be one of them. People like you always look great in pictures. You should see some of the top models in person - you wouldn't give them a second glance. But the camera loves them and they look great on film. If you were a few years younger....." Her voice trailed off and I shrugged. "That's okay. I'm 31 and I'm happy with my life." Sara nodded. "I can see that. You ooze contentment, but I sense a slight discord. And yesterday you did seem to respond...." I shook my head. "Not now, please. Let's go look at my gardens." I turned and started toward the kitchen and the back door. Sara grabbed her cameras and followed. I stepped out onto the deck and held the door for her, enjoying her gasp of surprise as she got her first glimpse of our backyard.

Most people react like that. Our house is set on a lot that measures 400' wide by 800' deep. Originally part of a 15 acre parcel owned by the city, and intended to be part of the park, it had been cut off from the park when the adjoining town, in which the land lay, insisted on putting a road through. The road I live on. So the 15 acres was never developed and the land our house was on was sold to a prominent politican who built the house in the early 1930s. We bought it three years ago. The rest of the parcel is used by the park for various purposes. There is a small greenhouse, a maintainence shed, and quite a number of experimental plots. A lot of it is quite overgrown. Our land is completely surrounded by an 8' stockade fence that the city put in and maintains. So our yard is very private. And very beautiful. We have a two-level deck on the back of the house with exits onto the upper level from the back bedrooms. Stairs lead down to the lowerlevel which has an exits onto it from the kitchen and diningroom. Then another set of stairs lead down to the ground level where there is a bluestone patio surrounding an inground pool and spa. To the left is a three-car garage with a small apartment on the second floor. The pool is surrounded by a 4' wrought iron fence. Beyond the pool is a big stretch of lawn. The land slopes upward starting about 120' behind the house. This is where I've put my gardens. Over the past two years I've created a series of terraces for my rock garden. In the far back corner, on the right, there is a huge boulder that was left when the house was built. It's about 9' in diameter and must weight 7 or 8 tons. It's just inside the fence and is the focal point of my garden. I've got 4 levels of terraces that I've dug by hand. I've had some smaller boulders brought in - 2'-4' in diameter and weighing 500-1,000 pounds. I've got them scattered around the various levels and now I'm filling in with smaller rocks and crushed stone. I've started planting on the upper two levels and I'm currently working on putting in a form for a water garden on the lowest level. I've had water and electricity run out there and I'm working on the hole. Sara glanced at me with a delighted smile on her face and then skipped down the stairs and ran across the lawn to the garden. I followed at a slower pace, enjoying her enthusiasm. She headed back to the garden and began snapping pictures. As I approached, she turned and snapped a few of me. "Oh, Hannah!" She exclaimed, "I love it! I want to document the rest of your work!" I smiled and told her that she was welcome anytime. I watched her as she shot a full roll of film. "Just preliminary shots, I want to have them so I can plan. Can I shoot you as you work?" "Of course, I'd love it. My mom takes Sarah two days a week and Jim is here on weekends to watch her." She turned and looked back at the house and noticed the balcony on the back of the garage - and the skylights. "What's up there?" I explained how the original owner's wife (the politican) had artisitic ambtions and he'd build an apartment onto the second level of the garage for her to use as a studio. "We had plans to renovate when we first bought the house. We thought we'd rent it out and the income would be a nice cushion."

Sara nodded. "What happened?" "Well, we were caught in a kind of Catch-22 situation. We needed the income but didn't have the money for the renovations. Then my grandmother died and left me some money. Quite a lot of money actually, and we didn't need the income anymore so we never renovated the apartment." Sara grinned. "Can I look at it?" "Of course. But I have to warn you. It's pretty grim." She grabbed my hand and tugged. "Come on, please! I want to see it." I let her lead me back up the yard to the house. She went out to her van to get her equipment bag and I went inside to get the keys to the apartment.

When I came back out she was just setting her bag down on the deck. She was very excited as we climbed the stairs to the door. I expected her to be disappointed when I finally got the door opened and ushered her inside, but she was delighted. The place was a real mess, but she saw the possibilities - like I'd seen them for a garden in what had been an overgrown yard. The garage apartment is basically two big rooms. A combination kitchen/living room and a bedroom/studio. There is a bathroom and a small room for storage. The total area is about 25' x 35' as the garage is really a 3 car garage with a storage area. Sara walked around and nodded occasionally, whispering to herself. Once she lifted her hand to point at something on the ceiling, a water spot, and her top lifted, baring her small, pert breasts. It was ..enchanting. She caught me looking and grinned. "Do you like them?" I felt myself blushing and stammered, "YYYYes, they're pretty." What a stupid comment I thought to myself immediately afterward. Then I stamped my foot in mock anger and said, "Don't do that - don't make me blush like that. I hate it." She grinned and said, "Then you don't want me to take my top off?" I blushed again and turned away. She laughed. "I heard you. What was that you muttered under your breath."

I glanced over my should, my face still flaming. "Bitch. That's what I said." And I said, "Yes." She smiled, a sweet gentle smile that lit up her face like a thousand watt bulb. "Really?" I nodded. "Yes, really." And wondered what the hell I was doing. She slipped her top off and tucked it into the waistband of her shorts. I tried not to stare at her but her bare breasts were so pretty. They're small, maybe a b-cup, perfectly conical in shape, and tipped with hard little pink nipples. Which instantly came erect. She looked at me looking at her and grinned again. "Now you." I nodded and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. I slipped it off and looked for a place to put it, but there wasn't a spot that was free of dust. I turned and opened the door and draped my shirt over the railing. Then I turned back and looked straight at Sara as I reached back to unhook my bra. When I eased it off my breasts bounced gently and Sara took a deep breath. "God,"

she whispered, "You have beautiful tits. I wish mine were bigger." I tossed my bra on top of my shirt and stepped back into the room. It felt deliciously wicked to be topless in the presence of another woman, an almost total stranger. We walked around the apartment and Sara pointed out things that could be done. Then she said she wanted to talk seriously about leasing the place. We went back to the house and I poured coffee for us and we went out onto the deck. Sara made her pitch. She said she'd do the renovations herself, except for the plumbing, if I'd pay for the material and then lease her the place for a year with an option for a second year at an increase of no more

than 10%. I was hesitant, but she convinced me that she could do the work. She grew up with five older brothers, the only daughter, and her father was a carpenter. One of her brothers is an electrican. She told me she could do the carpentry and the electrical work - we'd just need to have it inspected. And we'd have to find a plumber. Preferably a woman plumber. We talked money and she agreed to do a detailed estimate of material costs. We argued about the amount of the lease and came to an agreement. She dragged her equipment bag over to the table and pulled out a pad and pencil.

Something else fell out, something that looked like a rubber ball, but had black nylon straps attached to it. She picked it up quickly and went to stuff it back into the bag. I asked her what it was. This time it was her turn to blush and I giggled as a wave of red moved down over her chest. She said something too low for me to catch and I asked her to repeat it. "Bitch. I said bitch." Then she grinned. "It's a ball gag." I must have look puzzled because she shook her head and continued, "It's a gag. I' m into mild b&d. Does that shock you?" "A little," I admitted. "But I'm also curious." She pulled the ball gag out of the bag again and set it on the table. Then she pulled out some additional items, naming each as she set it down. "Wrist cuffs." Leather straps like little belts with rings and a place for a small padlock. "Ankle cuffs." Pretty much the same except slight larger. "Nipple Clips." Small metal clips with padded jaws and strong springs. I shivered when I saw them. "Chains." A set of short chains with very fine links and spring clips on each end. "Dildo." A realistic penis made of rubber - about 8" long and thick. "Butt Plug." A black plastic device that had a flared base. "Another Dildo." This one attached to a pair of black nylon panties. "Vibrator." A big one with a black switch on the base. "Penis Gag." Another realistic penis about 5" long and thick, with straps. "Anal Vibrator." Thinner and not as long as the other one. "More clips." Small metal clips some with padded jaws and some with sawtooth jaws. When she was done she sat back and looked at me. "Well, are you too shocked? Should I pack up and leave?" I glanced from her to her collection and then back again. "No." My voice was a whisper. "Please don't leave." She stared at me in silence for a moment and then nodded. She picked up the wrist cuffs and asked if I wanted to try them on. I hesitated and then nodded. "Yes, I would." My voice still a whisper. She got up and came around the table. I held out my hands while she attached the cuffs. The she had me stand up and bring my wrists around behind my back. When I did, she used a spring clip to fasten the cuffs together. I was helpless. And shocked at how excited I was. Sara watched me try to free myself and smiled when I gave up. "Scared?" I admitted that I was. She asked if I wanted her to take them off. I hesitated and then whispered, "Not if you don't want to." She grinned. Then she picked up a pair of nipple clamps and ran her fingers over my nipples until they were erect and hard. I closed my eyes and moaned as she fastened the clamps to my nipples. The pain was intense, but bearable. And made me very wet. She watched me for a minute and then informed me that she was going to strip me. I shook my head. "No, please don't." "Do you want me to gag you?" She waited for me to answer. "No." "Then be a good girl." She unsnapped my shorts and eased them down over my hips. Then she knelt to work them off over my workboots. She folded them neatly and placed them over the back of my chair. Still kneeling, she reached up and pulled my panties down. I lifted each foot in turn and she worked them off over my boots. Then she glanced up and asked if I wanted my workboots on or off. I thought about it for a moment. "Off. I want to be entirely nude." She untied my boots and took them off. But she insisted on leaving my socks on. "Looks sexier," she explained. Then she reached up and ran the back of her hand over my thick pubic bush. "This will have to go." I nodded. She stood up and looked me over carefully, motioning me to turn. "Slowly, I want to study your body." I turned slowly, my eyes closed. I had never been so excited. The pain in my nipples was delicious. After a minute or two, she told me I could stop. "You have an incredibly beautiful body. I want to photograph you extensively. I want you to work nude in the garden. Will you?" I opened my eyes and found I was facing away from her. I turned and told her that I'd think about it. She stepped close and removed the nipple clips. I sighed as the pain vanished. Then she unsnapped the spring clip and freed my wrists. I stood there, hands at my sides, and waited. She sat down and looked up at me. "Decision time." She reached up suddenly and slipped a hand between my legs. Her fingers came away wet. She licked them delicately, like a cat licks its paw. "You're very wet and very tasty." She looked up at me and smiled. "Where do we go from here?" I shook my head. "I don't know," I answered truthfully. "I just don't know." "Do you want me to leave?" She waited patiently while I thought it over. "No, I don't." "You were, are, obviously turned on. Why?" "You. You turn me on. And so do these things." I gestured at the bondage toys spread across the table. "And so does the pain," I whispered. " The delicious pain." She kicked her sandals off and stretched her bare feet out in front of her. "You have to make a decision. Right now. We can go ahead or we can stop and remain just friends. If you want to go ahead then your place is on your knees for I mean to have you as my slave. My nude personal slave. I want you on your belly, licking my feet and acknowledging your slavery." I took a deep breath and looked out across the yard. Then I looked back at Sara. Small, slim, beautiful Sara with her pretty legs and pert little tits. And her wide, smiling mouth. I dropped to my knees and then down onto my belly. I kissed each of her small, pretty feet and then licked them in submission. She sighed with pleasure. Then she leaned over and fastened the cuffs together behind my back. I was a slave.

A Walk In The Park - II

Sara let me lick her feet for several minutes. Then she said, "Enough." Her tone was commanding and I stopped instantly. She snapped her fingers and ordered me up onto my knees. I rolled onto my back and sat up. The I eased myself up onto my knees. She told me the proper position was with my ankles crossed and my knees spread as far apart as I could. I adjusted my position instantly. Then Sara stared down at me in silence for a long minute. "Hannah, are you sure about this? I don't want you to do it if you aren't. And I don't want it to interfere with our other arrangements." She gestured at the garage to make sure I knew which arrangements she was referring to. I thought about it for a moment, my eyes fixed on her small feet. Feet I had just spent five minutes licking. Then I glanced up at her and said, " Yes, I'm sure. I want this. Need it." She nodded slowly. "Why? Explain it to me?" "Okay, I'll try. Since Sarah was born I have been terrified of having sex with Jim. He's fucked me exactly three times in 13 months. The last time was almost four months ago. He hasn't come near me since. I thought I'd

never feel anything again. Then when you kissed me yesterday.... well, I felt something. The old familiar tingle between my legs. And then today, when I caught a glimpse of your bare tits I felt it again. But when that ballgag rolled out of your bag.... Wow. I really felt it. It scares me. I may be making a major mistake. But I want you here. I want you do use me as you wish. Photograph me. Turn me into your sex slave. Anything you want. And then maybe I can fuck Jim again. The way he wants. The way I want." Sara grinned. Her whole face came alive. "Shall we sign two leases?" And she laughed, reaching down to cup my tits and squeeze them gently. I turned my face up for a kiss. "You don't need a lease on me," I murmurred. "You own me. For as long as you want." And so on that hot humid July morning I became Sara Louise Hunter's personal sex slave. And landlady. She took me down onto the lawn and put me on my knees. Then she gagged me and put clips on my nipples and labia. And she photographed me while I knelt there and whimpered from the pain in my tits and between my legs. After a while she removed the gag and continued to photograph me while I whimpered and begged for mercy. The more it hurt, the more I begged, the more excited I became. She went to change film and came back with a riding crop. I stared at her and whispered, "Yes, oh please. Whip me. Hurt me." She took my shoulders and eased me forward until my head and chest were on the ground and my ass was elevated nicely for the whip. And she leaned over and whipped me on the ass. Fifteen hard strokes while I sobbed and begged for mercy. Mercy that I didn't really want and didn't get. After fifteen hard strokes my ass was burning. She lifted me back to my knees and kissed the tears streaming down my face. She went back to the deck and returned wearing the panties with the attached dildo. She put me back

down in the same position and knelt behind me. I was very wet and the dildo slid in easily. I took a deep breath and moaned with pleasure as she fucked me hard. A few dozen strokes and I had a fantastic orgasm! She continued to fuck me and I had another. And another. Then she withdrew and I whimpered with disappointment. A few seconds later I felt her spread my buttocks and press the head of the dildo against my anus. I turned my head and tried to look back up at her. She pushed a little and I moaned. "Do you want it? Have you ever been ass-fucked?" "No, I've never been fucked there." I hesitated. Then I pushed back against the dildo and she chuckled. And thrust her hips forward in one strong, smooth stroke that drove the dildo into my virgin ass. I took a deep breath and screamed with pleasure. "Oh! God! Yes! Fuck my ass hard. Please."

Sara grasped my hips and fucked me hard and deep. I moaned as she drove the dildo in and out of my tight asshole. Then she reached around and grabbed my tits. She found the clips and squeezed them hard. Pain shot through my nipples. I bucked under her and screamed, this time in agony. "Oh shit! Yes! Hurt me! Hurt me! Hurt me!" She she found my clit and rubbed it with knowing fingers. I climaxed again, bucking under her and screaming with pleasure/pain. After I calmed down, she removed everything and helped me to my feet. We walked up to the pool and jumped in. We swam for an hour, enjoying the feel of the cool water on our nude bodies. During the swim we stopped frequently to kiss and fondle each other. She brought me off with her tongue and taught me how to do her with mine. I loved the taste of her pussy and couldn't get enough. And I licked her tightly puckered little anus and loved it! By then it was almost 11:30 and I heard my cell phone ring. It was laying on the table by the pool and I hopped out to answer. It was Jim. He wanted to tell me that a problem had come up and he was flying to Chicago, in fact

was calling from the airport. Said he'd try to get a flight back late, but expected he'd probably have to stay over. I told him I'd miss him and had some news for him. He told me he'd miss me too. "I love you," he whispered and then he had to go. I turned back to the pool and Sara was sitting on the far side with a concerned look on her face. I put the phone down and dove in, swimming underwater to the far side. I came up in front of her and held the wall on either side of her. I kissed her pretty knees and told her that Jim would be out of town. She smiled and asked if I was happy about it or sad. "A combination, I think. Happy that we can have more time, sad that he won't be home tonight so I can show him what you've done for me. Turned me back on. Literally. Thank you." She grinned and ruffled my hair. "No problem. Any time." She pushed me back gently with one foot and slipped into the water. We hugged, rubbing our bodies together and I rested my chin on her shoulder. "Would you be upset if I said I love you?" She shook her head. "No, I wouldn't. Do you?" I leaned back and stared into her eyes. "Yes, Sara Louise, I love you." She kissed the tip of my nose. "Good, because I love you, too. Now how about some lunch? I'm starving!" I laughed and climbed out of the water, reaching back to help her. She grabbed my hand and I lifted her out of the pool in one smooth motion. She's only 5'3" and maybe 110 pounds and it was no strain to lift her. She was surprised and impressed. I pointed at the garden. "I've been digging and lifting and hauling for two years. I've developed some muscles." We squeezed the water out of our hair and climbed the steps to the lower deck. I went in through the basement door and grabbed two towels from the pile I keep on a table just inside the door. I threw one to Sara and we climbed up to the upper deck and dried off. I loved looking at her body and told her so. She grinned and put her underpants down. "Okay, we'll stay nude if you prefer." We went inside and rummaged through the refrigerator, finally settling on Tuna sandwiches with a salad. And lemonade. Sara made the salad while I mixed the Tuna with lemon juice, chopped green pepper, chopped onions, and a pinch of Basil. I made big sandwiches on Beefsteak Rye and Sara protested that she'd never finish hers. But she devoured every crumb and looked hopefully at the last quarter of my sandwich. I groaned in mock dismay and pushed my plate across the table. She grinned happily and dug in. As she was finishing up, I casually mentioned that my mother had been bugging me to leave Sarah overnight sometime. Sara glanced up. "Really? Do you want to....." Her voice trailed off. I nodded. I ran down and got the cell phone and called mom. She was delighted when I asked if she could keep Sarah overnight. I told her that Jim was out of town and I had a girlfriend over and wanted to spend some time with her. Mom told me to enjoy myself and got off the phone as soon as she could, before I changed my mind. When I put the phone down Sara snapped her fingers and I dropped to my knees in front of her. I kissed her right knee and waited to see what would happen next. She leaned back and told me I could sit back on my heels. I did so and then she lifted her feet and placed them on my thighs, just above my knees. I took her left foot in both hands and lifted it so that I could massage it. She closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure as I worked on her foot. When I finished the left one, I did the right one. When I was done she opened her eyes and smiled lazily. "How can I whip you after that? Maybe we should wax your pussy instead. Ok?" I nodded. "But why are you asking me? I'm your slave." "Good point." She leaned forward and slapped me lightly. "Get you ass going and get dressed. We'll go buy a waxing kit. Wear a short skirt, a little top, and sandals. Nothing else. Now go." I nodded and jumped to my feet. I ran upstairs and dried my hair with the blowdryer. Sara followed lesiurely and used it when I was done. Then I pulled out some things and showed them to her. She chose the denim skirt I'd worn the day before and a little blue cotton top. I slipped them on and she nodded in approval. We did our makeup and then she went downstairs and picked her clothes up from the deck. I watched her dress with mixed feelings. God, I loved seeing her nude. On the way to a drugstore in her van she brought up the subject of the lease on the garage. "Will you have to get Jim's agreement?" She was stroking my left thigh, my skirt pushed high, and I was finding it hard to concentrate. "No, the house is in my name." I glanced at her and grinned slyly. "He did it for business reasons. So nobody could come after it if they sued the partners and won. Besides, most of the money we have in the house came from my inheritance." We pulled into the parking lot at the drugstore and I looked around quickly to see if there were any familiar cars. She noticed and said, "Don't worry, I'll behave. The last thing I want to do is embarass you or endanger your marriage." I sighed with relief and whispered, "Thank you. I love you so much!" Once inside the drugstore we hurried to the cosmetic counter and spoke to the teenaged girl working there. She showed us where the waxing kits were shelved, but most of them were the kind with the pre-waxed strips, suitable for doing your legs, but not for your bikini area. At least that what Sara said. The girl nodded. "Yes, you need the hot wax kit. And then you need some cheesecloth. We have a couple under the counter. They don't sell too well these days." She found them and we took both. Then we found a package of cheesecloth over near the car polish. We made a couple of more stops while we were out. A hardware store, where we got a lot of attention, and a wholesaler that carried all kinds of supplies for hair salons. Sara bought some scissiors and a set of electric hair clippers. I didn't need to ask what she needed them for, but I was in for a surprise. Once back at the house, out on the back deck, she had me strip and sit on one of the kitchen stools she brought out. Then she told me she was going to give me a haircut before waxing my pubic area. I looked over my shoulder and she laughed. "Don't look so skeptical. I trained as a hairdresser before I quit and went to school to learn photography. I'm going to cut your hair short, much shorter than it is now." I turned and gazed out over the garden and she went to work. She cut my hair very short, no longer than 2" anywhere, and used the clipper to clean the hair off the back of my neck. When she was done I went inside and stood in front of the mirror. I was astonished at how great my hair looked that short. She had me washe my hair in the kitchen sink when I returned. Then Sara was rummaged through the refrigerator until she found what she was looking for, a lemon, and cut it in half. Then she had me sit in the sun and she squeezed lemon juice in my wet hair. She told me that it would give me sexy blonde streaks in my light brown hair. She had me sit in one of the chairs from the patio set, with my feet up on the railing and spread wide. Then she had me scoot forward until my butt was on the edge of the chair. This allowed her to crouch in front of me and clip the hair on my pubic mound while the sun worked on my hair. Later, she had me stretch out on my back while she carefully placed strips of cheesecloth over my pubic mound and carefully ladled warm melted wax onto them. "Don't move," she warned, "I don't want to burn you." I stayed very quiet. She rubbed my belly gently while the wax dried. Then she grabbed the end of one of the strips of cloth and said, "You may scream." Then she ripped it off. I did scream. She ripped the other strip off before I had a chance to think. After a quick check she told me it would take two more to do the job. At least two. Actually it took four. And then she rubbed in a liberal amount of Jergen's lotion to soothe my skin. I was as smooth and as bare as when I'd been when I was 11. I went inside and looked in the mirror. "So very sexy," I thought. I hoped Jim felt the same when he saw me. Sara came in while I was staring at myself in the mirror. "What do you think," she asked? There was a slight note of uncertainty in her voice. I looked over at her and said, "I think it's great! I love the way I look. But you sounded tentative when you asked? Is that any way to question your slave?" Sara sighed. "You may be my slave and I may beat your ass from time to time, but I care about you. I want you to be happy. In fact, your happiness is the most important thing to me." I was impressed by her obvious sincerity and I walked over and dropped to my knees in front of her. She ran her hand through my hair and I sighed with pleasure. Then I reached and took her hand in mine and kissed it. "Sara, I'll be your slave for as long as you want me. It's amazing, but in only two days you've become one of the most important people in my life." Then she cuffed me on the shoulder and told me to go take a shower. We were going out to dinner and then dancing. I glanced at her in alarm and she grinned. "Don't worry, I'm taking you to this quiet little lesbian club across the river." I showered and shaved my legs. Then Sara showered and we took turns drying each other's hair. Mine took about 2 minutes. Hers maybe 3. Then we chose our outfits for the evening. She had to run out to the garage and get some clothes out of her van. She wore a little green dress almost the same shade as her eyes. Black patterned stockings - thigh highs, black heels.

A jade necklace and matching earrings. She looked stunning when she was finished. I agonized and finally chose a little black sleeveless dress. I was going to wear black stockings, but Sara insisted that I wear white thigh highs. A sexy pair of thong-style panties in white silk and a pair of black pumps completed my outfit. Jewelery was limited to a single strand of artifical pearls and matching earrings. I called my mom and talked to her for a while, then `talked' to Sarah. I told mom to call me on the cell phone if she needed me and she told me that she'd raised children herself and hadn't forgotten how it went. I took the hint and told her I'd call in the morning. The restaurant where we ate was one of the best in the city. Very hard to get reservations, but Sara knew someone and we were welcomed warmly. Dinner was superb and the wine was perfect. I had a filet and Sara had prime rib. We chatted and giggled like a couple of college girls. Then, about halfway through dinner, she leaned over and said, "I want you to go to the ladies room. Remove your panties and then walk back her holding them in your left hand. Then sit down and hand them across the table to me. Don't attempt to hide them, but don't call attention to yourself either." I hesitated and she told me I would take 5 strokes on my bare ass in the parking lot as punishment. I got to my feet and carefully placed my napkin on my chair. I walked to the ladies room and went into the end stall. I lifted my skirt and pushed my panties down and stepped out of them. Then I used the toilet. I took my time washing my hands. Then, holding my panties so they dangled from my left hand, I walked back to the table. My face was buring and I was sure that everyone was looking at me. Sara told me later that only one couple appeared to notice. I resumed my seat and handed my panties

across to Sara. It was the most humiliating, and most exciting thing I'd ever done. Later, when we left, she opened her purse and took out a little leather quirt. She made me bend over between the van and the next car and lift my dress above my waist. Then she gave me 5 hard strokes across my buttocks. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as she whipped me. When she was done she rubbed my buttocks for a moment and then allowed me to straighten up and slide my dress down. I was crying, tears running down my cheeks, and she lifted herself on her toes and kissed me. Then we got into the van and left. She had me lift my dress so that my bare buttocks were in contact with the leather seat. "Sit that way from now on when we're alone." She took me to the `Evergreen' a quiet lesbian bar across the river. It wasn't busy that night and I was thankful for that later on. We sat in a booth in the back of the room, Sara facing the front of the bar, and ordered drinks. White wine for me, seltzer with a twist of lemon for her. "I have to drive," she said by way of explanation. The barmaid was cute, a slim blonde who looked like a college girl. After she took our order, Sara excused herself and went up to talk to the bartender, a tough-looking woman in her late thirties or early forties. After some back-and-forth, Sara pushed a couple of bills across the bar and the bartender nodded agreement. I asked Sara what that was all about and she said, "Five in the parking lot later. You need to learn some manners."

I stared down at my hands and nodded. "Yes, Sara, I'll try." Our drinks were served and Sara toasted our relationship. Then she called the barmaid over and handed her some change for the jukebox. After the girl left, Sara leaned across and said, "As soon as the music starts I want you to get up and dance. Kick your shoes off first. Then get up and dance on top of that table over there." She pointed to a large round table in the middle of the room. I looked at her in shock, but that wasn't all. "Take your dress off too. You're going to dance in your thigh highs." "Sara, please....." She shook her head. "Ten in the parking lot." I stared at her, tears in my eyes. "Yes, Sara, I'll do as you say." The music stared and I gave her a last appealing glance. She lifted her chin and said, "Dance slave." I kicked off my shoes and stood up, unzipping my dress as I slipped out of the booth. Then I stooped, grabbed the hem, and pulled it off over my head in one smooth motion. I walked to the table, climbed up using a chair as a step, and started dancing. My mind was whirling - here I was, a respectable married woman, dancing nude in a lez bar. Well, almost nude. But having the white thigh highs on somehow made it more humiliating than if I'd been totally nude. The music seemed to go on and on. After each number I glanced over at Sara

with a silent appeal. Each time she smiled and waved me on. I danced and danced, finally losing myself in the music. Sweat rolled off me and several women gathered around, clapping with the music and making appreciative comments. There was an occasional whistle too. Sara kept me dancing for what seemed like hours, but actually it was only 45 minutes. When the music finally stopped I was stunned. I glanced at Sara and she nodded permission for me to get down. The blonde barmaid met me with a towel as I stepped down from the chair. She smiled and said, "You were fantastic!" She looked me over as I dried my shoulders and arms and whispered, " You've got a great body! I wish my breasts were as nice!" I smiled and thanked her, then made my way back to the booth. I stood there, drying myself off, while Sara sipped her seltzer and watched quietly. I realized I couldn't put my dress back on or I'd ruin it. Sara went out to the van and returned with a large t-shirt she used as a nightdress. I slipped it on and then sat an removed my stockings. The women in the bar clapped as we walked to the door. I blushed and nodded. We went outside. I was carrying my dress, shoes, and stockings. We walked to the van and Sara opened the door. I put everything inside on the back seat. Then she took out her little quirt. "Take the t-shirt off and stand with your hands clasped behind your neck." I obeyed instantly. I was standing there, staring across the parking lot, when the blonde barmaid appeared. She had a slim sheath of bills in her hand. Her eyes widened when she saw me standing there nude. Sara asked her what she wanted. She explained that some of the women had given her money to give me. A tip. Sara told her that she could keep it. She nodded. " Thank you. What are you doing to her?" Sara told her that I was being punished for not obeying as I should. The girl nodded and asked if she could watch. Sara glanced at her and asked, "Would you like to punish her?" The girl's eyes widened and she nodded. I moaned, "Please, Sara, no...." Sara glanced at me. "Twenty." I bit my lip and remained silent. Sara handed the girl the quirt and told her to give me twenty strokes, hard strokes, between my upper thighs and my shoulder blades. The girl took the quirt and laid it on with a heavy hand. After two, Sara held up her hand to stop her. "Gag?" I nodded and she gagged me with a strip of duct tape she ripped off a roll she kept in the van. Then the girl whipped me hard while I screamed into the gag. After it was over, Sara ripped the duct tape off and snapped her fingers. I dropped to my knees, sobbing, and thanked the girl for whipping me. She smiled and whispered, "I loved doing it. I' d love to do it again." Sara took her elbow and walked her a short distance away. They chatted for a moment and Sara wrote something down. Her name and phone number I found out later. Then Sara returned and allowed me to crawl into the front seat and crouch on the floor. I wasn't allowed to put on any clothes.

A Walk In The Park - III

The drive home seemed endless, but didn't take more than 20 minutes. I was terrified that we'd be stopped and I'd be discovered - crouched nude on the floor on the passenger side. Later, when I mentioned my fear to Sara she nodded and said, "You're right, that was an inexcusable risk. It won' t happen again." Jim called shortly after we got home and we talked for a long time. I was sitting at Sara's feet, talking on the cell phone while she ran her fingers throught my hair. I told Jim about my hair, but said I had another surprise for him when he got home. Then I changed the subject and told him I'd met a photographer named Sara who wanted to renovate and lease the apartment over the garage. He shifted into accountant mode and questioned me about what had taken place. He was pleased when I told him she'd pay $1,000 a month on a 1 year lease.

Even more pleased when I told him she'd renovate the place and all we had to do was pay for materials and a plumber. He said he wanted to see estimates and I told him she'd have them the next day. He told me to call our lawyer and get a lease drawn up, plus an agreement about the renovation. Then he asked me about her. I grinned at Sara and winked. "Well," I began, "She's a cute little redhead with big green eyes and freckles. Very good photographer - she's shown me some of her work." I muted the phone and whispered, "He loves redheads." I listened for a moment. "Yes, I told her she could have one stall in the garage and use of the pool. She agreed to clean it a couple of times a week." (He hates to clean the pool) "She swam with me today. Well, Jim, you' ll just have to see for yourself. I think she looked cute." I rolled my eyes and Sara giggled. We chatted for a while longer and then he told me he'd be home late the following afternoon. I told him I'd have the estimate and would arrange for Sara to be there so he could meet her. After I hung up, Sara collared me and put leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles. I spent an hour that night on the floor of my bedroom. On my belly, hands cuffed behind me, ankles cuffed together. A butt plug in my ass and a penis gag in my mouth. Sara watched television and gave me an occasional stroke with the quirt. She assured me that the red marks would disappear by the next afternoon. Finally, she released me and took me to bed. The sex was fantastic! The next morning I was up at 6:00 a.m. Sara woke up while I was in the shower and joined me. I shampooed her hair, washed her from head to foot, and then dried her with gentle pats using my newest bath towels. I blow dried her hair for her and brushed it for 15 minutes. Then, while she was dressing, I hurried downstairs to pour her a cup of coffee (automatic coffeemaker, set up every night because Jim is up VERY early and likes his coffee). When I brought the coffee into the bedroom, Sara was still nude. She sat on the edge of the bed and I dropped to my knees and presented her with the

cup. She sighed appreciatively as she sipped. I leaned forward and kissed her knees. Then I dropped down onto my back and lifted her feet onto my belly. She leaned over and smiled at me. "You're the perfect slave!" Sara allowed me to masturbate while she watched. Then we were both rushing to get dressed. I had to go to my mom's house and pick up Sarah before mom decided I'd abandoned her. Sara had to get busy and make some measurements and then start hitting Home Depot and the like to price materials. It was a busy day for both of us. My mom was glad to see me and I could tell that Sarah had given her a workout. Of course mom picked up on the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra and made a couple of snide remarks. She assumed that Jim was behind it and of course I did nothing to change her assumption. We chatted as we got Sarah ready to travel and I found myself wondering what would happen if I came right out and said, "Oh, by the way mom, it wasn't Jim who got me to go braless. It was this woman I met the other day. She's introduced me to lesbian

sex and bondage. Mom, I'm her slave and I love it." Of course mom noticed the little smile and asked what I was smiling about. I shook my head, " Nothing mom, just thinking about this woman I saw in the park." Then Sarah and I were out and on the road home. She's always glad to go to grandma's but she's like me - glad to leave again. We went home and I took her with me from room to room as I cleaned house. I changed into shorts and one of Jim's old undershirts before I started. After a few minutes I stopped and cut the shirt off just below my breasts. I felt very sexy in it. The deep armholes did little to conceal my breasts. Sara was turning me into a real exhibitionist and I was loving it. I knew Jim would too. He

called while I was cleaning the kitchen and told me he wouldn't be home until at least 7 p.m. I told him I expected that Sara would be back by then and we could go over her estimate. Sarah went down for her nap shortly after Jim's call and I stripped my clothes off and washed the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. Then, still nude, I cleaned all of the bathrooms. When I heard Sarah wake from her nap I threw my clothes back on and took her for a walk. While we were walking I decided to have steaks for supper - done on the grill. Sarah would be sleepy by the time Jim got home. I knew he'd spend some time with her and that would allow me to grill the steaks and get everything ready. I called the Wine Basket, a local liquor store that delivers, and had them deliver two bottles of Woodbridge Blush Chardonnay - I know, it doesn't go with steak but we like the wine. Sara pulled in at 5:30, hot and sweaty from a day of frantic activity. We took Sarah out on the deck and Sara bounced her on her knee while I went in and got her a cold bottle of Rolling Rock. And one for myself. Sara took a long drink and then I asked her how her day had gone. She grinned and told me that it had been hot and tiring, but worth it. She'd met some helpful people and had a pretty good idea of what it would cost to do over the apartment. She told me that the materials would cost roughly $12,000 and the plumber would be about $2,500. She was a little surprised when I said, "Let's double both numbers to be safe." Then we shook on it and I told her that Jim would be pleased. She nodded. "Got any plans for tonight?" It was my turn to grin. "I'm going to fuck his brains out!" Sara tipped her glass in salute and said, "Good for you. You know that I never intended to come between you and Jim." "Yes, I know that. In fact, he has you to thank for waking my libido again. " And I tipped my glass in salute. Sara said she'd bring a sleeping bag up to the apartment and spend the night there. I told her she could have the guest room but she said, "Maybe tomorrow night, not tonight. You need privacy." I had to agree with her on that. We finished our beer and I went into the house while Sara headed for her van to go shopping for a sleeping bag. I took another shower and put on a white terrycloth robe, a short one that just covers my butt. I left my hair wet, grabbed Sarah out of her crib, and went down to check on the potatoes I'd put in the oven earlier. As I passed the full-length mirror at the end of the upstairs hall I noticed how nicely the white robe contrasted with my tan. I knew Jim would like it. I heard a car door as I was closing the oven door. A minute later Jim opened the front door and set his bag and briefcase down in the hall. I stepped into the hall from the kitchen with Sarah balanced on my hip and saw his eyes widen as he realized what I was wearing. He hugged us, making faces at Sarah and laughing at her response. I set Sarah down and gave him a big hug. Then I put my chin on his shoulder and whispered, "I want you to fuck my brains out later." He stepped back and gave me a long, searching look. Then he smiled and said, "Count on it! What's for dinner?" I swatted him and suggested that he take his daughter and amuse her for a while or there might be no dinner. He scooped Sarah up in one arm and ran his other hand up under my robe. He

chuckled as his hand moved over my bare bottom. "Oh my, no panties, just like the big girls!" I slapped at his arm and danced away, escaping into the kitchen while he and Sarah headed for the livingroom to play. I went out onto the deck and fired up the gas grill. Then I went inside to start a salad while the grill heated up. I opened one of the bottles of wine and poured two glasses, bringing one into the livingroom for Jim. Then it was back to `drudring' in the kitchen. I pulled the steaks out and seasoned them. The grill was hot when I went back, so I used a wire brush on the cooking surface and then put the steaks on. For the next few minutes I divided my time between the grill, the salad, and checking the oven to see if the baked potatoes were ready. Everything came together at the right time, no small accomplishment considering my limited ablity in the kitchen (I hate to cook) and I called Jim as I ferried things out to the patio table. Jim came in with Sara and brought

carriage out for me and put her in it. Then we sat down to eat. Sara, with perfect timing, pulled into the driveway just as Jim was raising his glass in a toast to the coming evening. Sara was toting a large bag as she started up the outside stairs to the apartment. I was inclined to let her go, but Jim suggested that I invite her over for a drink at least. I called to her and she waved and continued on up the stairs. I glanced at Jim and shrugged. He suggested I go and talk to her. I hesitated, but I could tell that he wanted to meet her so I got up and ran down the stairs and across the grass. The door was open when I got to the top of the stairs and Sara was sweeping with an old broom she'd found. She glanced up with a surprised look. "What are you doing here? Go and have fun with your

husband." "He wants to meet you. He's shifting into `accountant' mode and I thought I'd better humor him. Please come and meet him and have a glass of wine. " She cocked her head to one side and studied me for a moment. "Do you really want me to come?" I grinned. "No, but come anyway." She grinned back at me. "I can't resist when you sweet-talk me like that. " We walked back to the house and I introduced them. Jim shook her hand and I could tell that he liked her. I glanced back and forth as they chatted.

It was hard to tell how Sara felt. We sat down and Sara accepted a glass of wine. She glanced at my plate as she took her first sip and I realized that she probably hadn't eaten anything. I insisted that she share my steak and she gave in after some half-hearted protests. I got her a plate and gave her half of my dinner. Let me tell you, it was an interesting meal with my husband and my lesbian lover sitting on either side of me! What really got me going was the way they hit it off. Sara had taken some accounting courses in college and they soon lost me as they got into investment strategies and market trends and the like. I was daydreaming when I felt a touch on my left knee. Jim didn't miss a word as he caressed my knee and then slid his hand up my bare thigh. Neither did Sara when she ran her toes up my right calf. I glanced back and forth, they were both seemingly intent on their conversation, but both of them were feeling me up! I did the only thing I could think of and got up to get another bottle of wine. As I opened the door I glanced back. They were deep in conversation and didn't seem to notice that I was gone! Talk about a strange evening! After dinner, while Jim put Sarah to bed, Sara helped me clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then she left and I went upstairs to see my husband. When he finished with Sarah he found me waiting in the hall. Nude. I dropped to my knees as he approached and unzipped his pants. He was ready. I took his cock into my mouth and moaned with pleasure as I ran my tongue over it. I've always loved sucking a nice hard cock. Jim ran his hands through my hair and sighed as I sucked him. "Oh shit, Hannah. You are soooo good. Suck it babe! Please suck it! Take it all in." And I did. He's about 7" when he's hard and I've learned how to take the whole thing in my mouth without gagging. Then he started moving his hips, literally fucking me in the mouth. God, I loved it!

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