Hannah's Enlightenment

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jul 29, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author. This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

Hannah's Enlightenment By Chris

Linda was getting ready for her boarders to arrive for the new semester. She ran a rooming house just on the edge of a religious based college. What made her house different from all the other apartments that catered to the students was in the way she ran the house.

Five years earlier her father had died leaving her the house and nothing much else. Her mother had died when she was young so her father was the one who had raised her and he spoiled her rotten. She never wanted for anything and never had to work to get anything. It was the year that she graduated from college and was spending a year in Europe that her father got sick. He had a rare form of bone cancer that progressed slowly. Linda called home one day and noticed that there was something wrong in her father's voice but her father said nothing was wrong. Linda went on about her trip in her carefree way but when she got home the following summer, she found that her father was very sick. She loved her father dearly so she stayed home to care for him. He lasted another four years before he passed on leaving the century old house to her and nothing else. The money was all gone, spent on doctors and hospitals.

For six months, she tried to sell the house but there were no buyers. No one wanted an old house that needed a lot of work. Then one day she heard something that changed her life. School was about to start and she was in one of the shops near campus when she heard two mothers talking about their daughters and how they feared for them being out on their own without someone to look out for them. One said she would pay anything to find a place that she felt good letting her daughter live. The seed was planted and it started to grow. She thought the idea through when she got home. She walked through the house seeing how big and roomy it was. She then sought out an architect and brought him in telling him what she wanted to do. Together they studied the house, he came back the next three days, and slowly a plan came together. Her father's best friend was the president of a local bank so Linda started there first. She presented her plans to him and at first he was doubtful that Linda could complete the project knowing that she had never really worked in her whole life. But Linda convinced him to come and see what she had planned. The banker stopped over the next day to find Linda and the architect waiting for him. Between them, they were able to convince him to loan Linda the money. Linda now deep in debt, set her plan in motion. Linda worked alongside of the men working on the house, keeping them going, not letting them rest, until the house was done three months early. She used those three months trying to find boarders for her rooming house. She sent out flyers and was on campus waiting for the parents as they came out of freshmen orientation with their kids. This was held every summer for the incoming freshmen that fall.

She was only able to get three boarders that first semester but true to her word, she took care of them and enforced the rules as she set them up. The girls had to sign in and out on a board she set up by the door, which was also just outside her own room. No boys were allowed past the living room. The girls had a cell phone that she could call them on and they could call her. They could use it to call 911 but could not call anyone else. She made them breakfast and supper. Each girl had a curfew that they had to obey or their parents were called, even if they were a minute late. Each girl had a room to herself but they had to share one of the four bathrooms in the house. When they came out of the bathroom, it had to be as clean as when they went in. The list of rules went on but those were the main ones.

When the fall semester started, Linda was not sure how she was going to pull this off. She knew what the parents wanted and what she told them she was going to do but she was not that far removed from her own college days. So the first couple of weeks it was a feeling out for her and her three boarders. The girls resented her for making them feel like they had not left home and a part of Linda understood where they were coming from. The tension began to rise between them all and Linda was afraid that if she did not pull this off then she would lose the house and more importantly fail at the only thing that she had tried to do on her own without her daddy helping her. She thought things through and decided a meeting was in order. She posted a notice on the sign-in board for Saturday morning. The three girls were ticked off at having to come to the meeting when they really wanted to sleep in. Linda started the meeting by saying that she knew there was some tension and she wanted to clear the air. She asked them to say what was on their minds but they all just sat there. Linda let them sit there a minute knowing that this was not going good, and then an idea came to her.

""Well if you all don't want an opportunity to change the rules around here then you can go."

She turned and started to walk out the room when she heard three voices talking at once all saying different things. Linda smiled to herself knowing that she had said the right thing to get their attention. Linda turned back around and sat down. She got them to quite down and then had each say what was on her mind, she got more than she asked for but she took down what rules they hated and felt demeaning. Once everyone had their say, Linda went over every complaint and on some she stood firm, but the rest she eased off on. The two rules she stood firm on was that they had to sign in and out and she had to know where they were. She told them that she did not care what they were doing but they had to let her know. The other was that the bathrooms had to be kept clean. The girls grumbled at having to clean the bathroom every time they used it but they gave in. In the end, they came to an understanding. On paper, the rules stayed in place for their parent's sake but if any girl spilled the beans, she would be out of business and they would all lose. It took another month for everything to be sorted out. The girls tested her and she lit into them if she found a bathroom dirty or if someone did not sign out. Otherwise, she let them be. They all let her know where they would be and one girl decided to test her by saying she was spending the night at her boyfriend's room and Linda said that was fine but made her write down the phone number. Late that night, Linda called to make sure she was there and she was. That was all that was ever said and the girls trusted Linda even more. By the end of the semester, she was no longer the enemy and they started to go to her when they needed someone to talk to as they had learned that they could trust her. Linda did ask the girls to help her get more boarders, so when the fall semester ended the girls of course told their parents how strict Linda was and so Linda's reputation grew. When the spring semester started, she had two more boarders. Moreover, when the following fall semester started she had a full rooming house.

One more thing happened during the second year that changed things even more. One of her new girls came to her all upset. It seemed that her boyfriend that she had dated all though high school had dumped her for some slut. Linda listened to her and held her as she cried it out. The girl was feeling alone and unloved. Linda did her best to make her feel better. She stroked her arms and back as she held her. Eventually the girl got herself back together but she kept holding on tight. Linda eventually pulled back, the girl looked into her eyes, and Linda saw a need in the girl's eyes. Before she knew what was happening she was kissing the girl and the girl kissed her back. Soon they were in bed. When the girl left her bed that morning, she had her confidence back. Linda thought she had just screwed up, but that was not the case. Word got around the house and when someone needed a little TLC, they found their way to Linda's bedroom and all was better in the morning. It was not something that happened every night but it did happen from time to time.

It was during her sixth year of business that she met Hannah. Her father had contacted Linda in June wanting his daughter to room there. He said that he was against his daughter going off to college but against his better judgment, he was allowing her to go. He told Linda that he was a preacher and he expected Hannah to conduct herself in a Christian way at all times. He had heard that Linda was strict with her girls and he felt you had to be strict with children to raise them properly. Linda held a spot for Hannah knowing that this poor girl needed her more than any other girl did.

On Monday, a couple of days before the fall semester was to start Linda answered the door to find a tall thin man standing at the door. Behind him was an older woman in an old dress that went down to her ankles and had long sleeves that went to her wrist. The woman had a defeated look to her, as if all of the life had been taken out of her. Beside the woman was a young girl. She was dressed like her mother but in contrast to her mother, there was still a hint of life and intelligence in her eyes. The girl had long straight brown hair. She was thin like her father but somewhere beneath the clothes, Linda thought that there was a pretty girl lurking.

Linda escorted the three into the living room. She explained the rules to the parents and the girl. The man said "Amen" to each one and the girl only nodded. Once she was done with her presentation, Linda escorted the girl and her mother to the girl's room leaving the father alone in the living room. Linda was hoping that Carla would not come in while the man was there. Carla was the wild child of her current group and you never knew what she would say or do, but she got lucky and Carla did not choose this time to arrive back from home. Linda got the girl settled in and the parents on their way. Linda spent the rest of the day welcoming her boarders back and wondering how this girl ever convinced her father to let her go to college, even if it was a religious based college. Carla arrived when Linda was cooking supper. She came into the kitchen, slapped Linda on the ass, and said, "The wild child is back and let the partying begin." Linda caught Carla before she ran out telling her about the new girl and warned her to let her alone. Carla looked Linda over to see if she was serious and found that she was.

"You have a thing for this girl don't you?" Carla blurted out.

"Heavens no, she is just very innocent and she needs to be protected fro the likes of you." Linda said hoping that would satisify Carla.

"Oh I think that you want to do more than protect her. You got other things on your mind." Carla said.

"No I don't, now stop talking like that." Linda replied but she felt her face blushing as she thought about Hannah.

"Then why are you blushing and why do your eyes light up when you mention her?" Carla said laughing. "Don't worry; I will leave her in your capable hands."

Linda start to come up with a retort but Carla was already out of the room and on her merry way.

At supper, the new girls were introduced to the rest and then they started eating. Soon everyone was talking and catching up with the exception of Hannah. She kept quiet all through dinner except to answer a question and then it was only a polite answer. When supper was finished, the girls scattered, leaving the kitchen to Linda. Linda was clearing the table when she noticed Hannah helping her.

"Honey, you don't have to help. I do the cooking and cleaning of the kitchen. It is included in the rent that you pay. That is why I can charge more than just an apartment."

"I was taught to always help, so I am going to help."

"Okay, suit yourself. Maybe you can tell me about yourself as we clean. I always like to know who my boarders are."

"Okay," Hannah said with the first sign of a smile that Linda had seen from her. Hannah at first told very little about herself but Linda was good at getting people to talk and by the time the kitchen was clean Linda had more of an idea about the girl. Hannah's father was a preacher in a poor mountain community. He had a say in about everything that was said and done in the town. Hannah was raised as a preacher's daughter and was allowed no freedom. Her father ruled the town with an iron fist and ruled the home with an even a tighter grasp. Linda had to ask how she managed to get to go to college and there she got a shy smile from Hannah. She told her that she started telling her father during her junior year in high school, how much better a preacher's wife she would become if she went to college and learned more about the bible. Then when she got married, she would be a much better wife to her husband. By the end of her senior year, her father gave in for the first time in his life. Linda knew Hannah had pulled one over on her father but she did not make Hannah confess to the truth. When the dishes were done, Linda shooed Hannah out of the kitchen and she went to her room to get her books in order for the upcoming school year. She kept her door open and watched, as the girls went in and out making sure that they signed out. It was about ten and the house had quieted down when she heard someone in the kitchen. Linda got up from her desk to see who was lurking about and she found Hannah in a long nightgown that went down to the floor, at the refrigerator.

"What are you doing down here? Are you hungry?"

"No, I could not sleep and I thought a glass of milk would help."

"It's only ten. It's a little early to be in bed already. You don't have any classes yet, you know?"

"We were always in bed and the lights out by nine every night at home."

"Well, you can stay up a little later now if you want, I won't tell."

That got a giggle from Hannah and a smile.

"Why don't you come in to my room and we can watch a little TV and maybe that will help. Hannah again smiled and followed Linda to her room. Linda sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and took Hannah's glass of milk from her. She directed Hannah to join her on the sofa. Linda had Hannah lay down on the sofa with Hannah's head on her lap. As they watched TV, Linda could not help but to take Hannah's long hair in her fingers and caress it. In only a few minutes Linda heard Hannah's breathing change and she knew that she was fast asleep. She sat there through the end of the show then slipped out from under Hannah. She went and got a pillow and sheet and covered her up. She took one final look at the innocent girl on her sofa before retiring to her bed.

Tuesday morning Linda awoke to find Hannah still sleeping on the couch. She woke her up with a gentle shake of the foot and told Hannah it was time to get up. When Linda got to the kitchen, she found Hannah already there getting the food out. Linda just shook her head at the girl. They just had the food cooked and Hannah was taking the biscuits out of the oven when the rest of the girls started coming down. Breakfast was at seven every morning and if you were late then you went without. Needless to say, rarely did a girl miss a meal. They all ate and Hannah stayed around to help Linda clean up. When everything was done, Hannah just hung around and Linda had to force her out the door. She told her to look over the campus and to find where her classes were. Hannah went on her way but did not seem to want to go. She returned early that afternoon and again seemed to want to hang around Linda as she went about her work. Linda tried to get her to visit with the other girls but Hannah seemed to prefer her company. Again, Hannah helped Linda fix dinner and again stayed after, to help her clean up. Linda had to admit that she liked the help and liked Hannah but there was the beginning of a desire growing within her belly, that if started, she was afraid she would not be able to put the flame out.

Later that evening Linda again heard noise coming from the kitchen and she knew it was Hannah, and she tried to ignore it, but the longer she waited, the more noise came from the kitchen. Finally, she gave up and went to see what Hannah was up to. When she entered the kitchen she found Hannah acting like she was trying to find something to eat.

"Still can't sleep?"

"No, I guess it is just the newness of everything and starting classes tomorrow has me a little nervous."

"Well come on in and you can sleep on the sofa again but we cannot make a habit of this."

"Hannah smiled a big smile and said "Okay." She followed Linda to her room and waited for Linda to sit on the sofa and she then lay on the sofa laying her head on Linda's lap. Again, Linda could not resist caressing Hannah's hair. Hannah was soon asleep and Linda was left to her own thoughts. When morning arrived, Linda woke Hannah up and they made breakfast. This time Hannah hurriedly helped Linda to clean up before she rushed out the door for her first class. Linda saw Hannah come in at about noon as she went up to her room to study. However, she was back down an hour before dinner to help Linda, who had given up trying to keep Hannah from helping out. Once dinner was done they cleaned up and Hannah went back to her room to study, but was back down at ten. This time she went straight to Linda's room. Linda had returned to her favorite perch, watching to make sure her girls all returned home safely. When she noticed Hannah, she patted a spot next to her for the girl to sit. Hannah was soon in her favorite spot too, with Linda caressing her hair.

Thursday and Friday the same nightly scene was played out with Hannah sleeping on Linda's sofa. At least it was until about 11:00 Friday evening. Hannah was again sleeping with her head on Linda's lap when Carla came in the door. She paused at Linda's door and looked in at Hannah and Linda. She then entered the room and came up to Linda putting her mouth to Linda's ear and whispered.

"Is she going to be here forever? I am horny as hell and I struck out tonight. I have got to have a little lovin'."

Linda thought for a second and decided that she could use a little sex herself. Having Hannah so close and not being about to do anything about it was beginning to get to her. If she could not have Hannah then Carla would do. She was always fun. Linda slipped from under Hannah and followed Carla to her bedroom. Once there, Carla attacked Linda pushing her to the bed and then landing on top of her. They started kissing as they tore the clothes from each other. In no time, they were both naked with Linda on top of Carla. She moved down to Carla's C cup breasts and took them into her hands. She squeezed them hard, as Carla liked her sex rough. She moved her mouth to Carla's nipples and sucked each one into her mouth. She sucked as much as she could into her mouth and as she let them pop from her mouth, she gave them a hard bite. This caused Carla to squeal in delight and Linda had to "Shhh" her to quiet her down. Linda spent a little more time on Carla's breasts then went on down to Carla's pussy. Carla was completely bare as she shaved her pubic hair. Linda ran her fingers lightly up and down Carla's slit and she could feel the moisture leaking out. She lowered her mouth to Carla's pussy and began to lick. Carla lifted her knees up and out exposing all of her pussy. Linda used her fingers to open Carla up and she dipped her tongue in deep, caressing Carla's inner walls with her tongue. Linda covered every part of Carla's pussy and Carla was starting to move her hips, getting into what was happening to her. Linda followed the juices that were running out of Carla down to her perineum and then on to her puckered little anus. As her tongue grazed across that forbidden area, Carla squealed again as she loved having her asshole licked. Linda ran her tongue around the rim then put it dead center. She slowly pushed her tongue into Carla's brown hole, past her sphincter muscle. Linda had to hold on to Carla's hips to keep her tongue in her ass. She fucked Carla's asshole with her tongue a minute, then went back to her pussy licking up the juices, then went to her clit which had swollen and was peeking out from its hood about a half inch. Carla's clit was big and sensitive. Linda took it into her mouth and used her tongue to lick it. Carla moaned and moaned as she fought off her orgasm but it soon caught up with her and she came.

Linda gave Carla one last lick and crawled up into bed. She was hoping for a little lovin' in return, but Carla had other things in mind. Carla leaned over and opened the top drawer of Linda's nightstand pulling out a strap-on dildo. She gave it to Linda.

"Fuck me. I need to be fucked."

Linda put the dildo on as Carla got up on her hands and knees. Linda put the head up against Carla's slit getting it lubricated with her juices. She then put it at the entrance and in one shove, buried it deep into Carla who groaned. Linda adjusted herself and put her hands on Carla's hips. She slowly pulled the dildo out until only the head was in her and she shoved it back in. She started with slow strokes and then picked up speed. Carla got into the action by pushing back, as Linda went forward. Linda felt the end of the dildo rubbing against her own clit and she felt the first wave of a small orgasm hit her. She had to pause a moment as it past then she went back to fucking Carla ever harder and faster. Carla was taking it all in, moaning and telling Linda to go harder and faster. After about five minutes of fucking, Linda heard Carla let out a long and loud moan and she knew she was cumming. Linda did not stop driving the cock into Carla repeatedly until they both came a second time. Then they both collapsed on the bed with Linda lying on top of Carla. After they rested a minute, Carla spoke up.

"You know we have a guest at the door."

Linda opened her eyes and saw Hannah with her head peeking around the corner of the door taking it all in.

"Oh shit, I am fucked now. Her father will expose me and shut me down. How long has she been there?"

"She showed up about the time you started licking my pussy."

"Why didn't you tell me? Do you want to go back to living in the dorm? You know her father is a religious fanatic."

"I don't think she will say anything. She has as much of a crush on you as you have on her."

"I do not have a crush on her!"

"The hell you don't."

When Linda looked up again Hannah was gone. Linda had an uneasy night of rest, if rest came at all. She felt Carla get up some time in the morning hours and go back to her own room leaving Linda to her thoughts. She was afraid that Hannah would call her father and tell him about what she had seen. She was also afraid that Carla was right and that she and Hannah had a crush on each other. Carla was wild and brash but she was also very insightful. There was not much that got past her. At six, she heard her alarm go off and she got up to face whatever fate had planned for her this fateful day. She went to the living room hoping that Hannah was not there but she was and sleeping soundly. Linda gently shook her and Hannah woke up with a gentle smile. Again, when she got to the kitchen Hannah was there starting breakfast. Linda did not know what to say. She wanted to bring up last night and what Hannah had seen but she also wondered if it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Linda could not stand the silence and started talking. Not talking about anything in particular, just talking. Hannah joined in and nothing was said about what Hannah saw the previous night.

Breakfast was served and eaten and everyone went on their way. Some of the girls retired back to bed for a few more hours of sleep, while others headed to the library to study and some just went out. That left Hannah alone in the kitchen.

"So what are you up to today?" Linda asked.

"Nothing I guess. I have all my homework done and I don't have any money to spend so I guess I will hang around here with you if you don't mind. I could help you with anything you are doing."

"I am afraid that I am not doing anything exciting. I am going to go to the grocery store this morning and then work in the yard this afternoon. The grass is in need of some mowing and the bushes need to be trimmed. So you might want to find something to do as you can see I will be working all day."

"That is fine with me. I have worked all my life so that helping you would be okay with me. Just let me go to the restroom and I will be right back."

With that, Hannah ran upstairs to the bathroom leaving Linda to think that she would be stuck with Hannah all day. She liked her company but what Carla had said last night was still ringing in her ears. She gathered her shopping list and her purse and met Hannah at the door. Hannah was dressed as she always was, in a long sleeved dress that went down to her ankles. It was still August and it was supposed to be a hot day as it had been all week. Linda wondered how Hannah could survive the heat dressed like that. But that was her problem.

It took them two hours and three buggies full of groceries to complete the shopping. Linda was constantly surprised, at how much teenaged girls could eat. Linda paid for the groceries and did not fail to notice the shock on Hannah's face at the total. They loaded the groceries and headed home. Once there, Hannah helped Linda put the food up and they took a break before starting in the lawn. Linda suggested that Hannah change into something cooler as it was already 85 degrees outside and heading to 90, but Hannah said she was fine.

Linda put Hannah to trimming the bushes as she started mowing the lawn. Soon Linda was soaked to the skin in sweat and she noticed that Hannah was constantly wiping her brow with her sleeve. Linda was burning up and she knew Hannah had to be even hotter. She decided they both needed a break so she shut off the mower and collected Hannah for some tea. They rested for a half hour then started back, but this time Hannah insisted that she mow so Linda let her. It was a little while later that Linda stopped to wipe her brow and she saw Hannah going back and forth across the yard with the mower in her long dress. The girl had to be dying but she never faltered. At about two, the mowing was done and heat was at its worse. Linda told Hannah that it was time to quit and that they needed to get out of the sun before they both died. Hannah looked thankful but she would never admit to that.

Linda made Hannah sit at the kitchen table as she fixed them both a sandwich and some more tea. They talked some but then Linda had to ask the question that was burning in her brain.

"Is it your religion that causes you to dress in those long dresses?"

"Not really. Father bought all of my mothers and my clothes and he insisted that women never show any skin. I have never picked out any of my clothes and these dresses are all I have to wear."

Linda could not believe that something like that could happen in this day and time and she felt sorry for Hannah.

"Would you like to get some new clothes? I can help you pick some out if you like."

"I would love to but I can't. I don't have any money."

"Well, I'll tell you what. I will buy you some new clothes but it has to be our little secret."

Hannah thought this over and looked like she so wanted to take Linda up on her offer but something was holding her back. Linda let her think a minute then spoke up sensing there was something else.

"Is there something else? Are you afraid that your father will find out?"

"No. I don't care about him." Hannah said emphatically.

"Then what is it?"

Hannah studied Linda a couple of minutes then spoke up.

"I have hair on my legs and I don't know how to shave them. Father would never let me shave and I don't have any money to buy a razor or anything to do it on my own. I am too embarrassed to ask any of the other girls. They will make fun of me. I know they make fun of my clothes but I don't have any choice in what I have to wear. This is all I have."

At that confession, Hannah burst into tears. Linda came quickly over and took Hannah in her arms. She hugged her tight and she felt Hannah hug her back just as tightly. When Hannah stopped crying Linda let go of her. There was a tear running down Hannah's face and she reached up and wiped it away. Hannah took her hand and held on to it. Linda felt the electricity go from Hannah's hand to hers and she had to let it go before she up and kissed the poor girl.

"Well let's get you fixed up. This has gone on long enough. It's time to bring you into the twenty-first century."

Linda helped Hannah up and led her to the bathroom. Linda turned on the hot water and started filling up the tub adding a few crystal bath beads to the water. Once it was full, she left the bathroom, telling Hannah to soak in the warm water to soften up the hairs on her legs before they started the shaving lesson. As Hannah was soaking, Linda went upstairs to an empty bathroom and took her own shower, getting the sweat washed from her own body. As the water ran down her body, her mind kept going back to her bathroom where Hannah was sitting naked, soaking in the tub. Her mind drifted off thinking about what that body really looked like. With the dresses that she wore, you could not tell what was hidden underneath. Linda's hands went to her breasts caressing then and pinching the nipples getting them hard. She imagined stepping into the bathtub with Hannah and taking her into her arms. They would kiss and then their hands would explore the other's body. Just as her imagined hand went to Hannah's pussy, her own hand found her own pussy. She slowly stroked the outer lips feeling them swelling with the caress of her fingers. She moved her fingers to her clit placing it between her index and middle finger. She squeezed it gently and massaged the hood making her clit emerge. She stroked it softly at first then harder as she imagined she was doing to Hannah. Soon she found that she was fast approaching a climax. She took her other hand and forced two fingers into her pussy fucking herself with them as she continued to stroke her clit. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning out loud as she climaxed. This was the first time she had masturbated in a long time and it felt so good.

She rinsed off one more time and stepped out of the shower now confident that she could face Hannah without attacking her. Once she was dressed in some shorts and tee shirt, she went back to Hannah. She knocked on the door, Hannah told her to wait a second, and then she said to come in. Linda opened the door to find Hannah hidden behind the shower curtain.

"Are you ready to start?"

"Yes," came from behind the curtain.

"Well, let most of the water out of the bath." Linda said and then she heard Hannah letting the water out. A couple of minutes later Hannah said, "It's most of the way out."

"Okay, look at me and I will show you how to shave."

Hannah stuck her head from around the curtain and Linda had to smile. Her hair was wet and stuck to her head and she looked so fresh and innocent. Linda felt a little guilty about masturbating to the image of this girl a few minutes before. Linda unsnapped her shorts, slipped them to her feet, and then off, leaving her in her hip hugger panties. Hannah's eyes popped open as she watched Linda do this in front of her. Linda was surprised that she got this reaction from Hannah considering what Hannah had seen her do the night before. Linda went on with the lesson. She got some shaving cream and covered one of her legs.

"Now put some of this on one of your legs." Linda said as she handed the shaving clean to Hannah.

Hannah disappeared for a moment and Linda heard the shaving cream come out. When Hannah reappeared, Linda picked up a razor and handed one to her.

"Now do everything that I do," Linda said as she started shaving her leg, from the ankle up. Hannah watched a minute then disappeared again. Every few seconds Hannah would reappear to watch Linda shave some more. Linda heard only one or two "Ouch's" as Hannah shaved. When Linda got to her upper thighs, she opened her legs to Hannah and showed her how to get that area around her pussy. This part wasn't easy, considering she still had her panties on, but Hannah paid close attention with her eyes glued to Linda and where her fingers were. As Linda shaved, she noticed that she had the beginning of a wet area at her pussy and she knew Hannah had to notice. Linda knew this girl was getting to her more and more and there wasn't a damn thing that she could do about it. When Linda was done, Hannah disappeared behind the curtain to finish that leg.

"When you are done with that leg then you can do the other just the same way."

"Okay," came the reply. Linda went ahead and shaved her other leg as she waited for Hannah to finish shaving her legs. Linda took a washcloth and wiped her legs down and put lotion on. She waited a few minutes then Hannah said she was done.

"Well, you are done. Now you know how to shave. How often you shave depends on how fast your hair grows back, so you just feel your legs and you will know when to shave again. Be sure you put lotion on. That will make them nice and soft. I will be on my way to let you dry off and get dressed."

"What about my armpits?"

"You have never shaved them either?" Linda asked incredulously.

"No. I have never shaved anything."

"I have to see this. Stick out your arm."

Hannah pulled the curtain back a little and stuck her arm out. There under her armpit was a patch of fine blond hair. Hannah's skin was so white from never seeing the sun that the hair seemed darker than it really was. For some reason seeing the hair under Hannah's armpit was sexy and Linda wanted to leave it there but this was not about her, it was about helping Hannah.

"Well, I wasn't going to shave mine but I might as well. Linda pulled off her tee shirt leaving her in her bra. Linda got the shaving cream, put some under her arm, and shaved it giving Hannah a good view of her bra- covered breasts. At least it was a comfortable cotton bra and not a sheer one or no bra at all. But again Hannah's eyes were glued to her armpit or maybe her breasts, Linda was really not sure. Linda made quick work of her armpits and then left Hannah to finish, as she suddenly needed to get out of the bathroom. It was getting a little hot in there for her.

About twenty minutes later, Hannah came out in one of her bathrobes. They had forgotten to get Hannah any clean clothes out. Linda just stood there in the living room staring at Hannah. The robe went to just above her knees and she could see the smooth legs that were exposed. Knowing that Hannah was naked under the robe only made things worse for her. Linda felt her panties get moist again and she knew if she kept this up, she would have to be changing them soon. Her eyes moved on to Hannah's body, to her waist, and then on to her breasts. It was the first time she could get an idea as to their size, which was probably a B cup. Her eyes went on up to Hannah's face which seemed happy for the first time since she had been there. It was as if she tasted freedom for the first time and she liked the feeling. Linda finally got her voice back.

"Well, I guess we should get you something to wear before it is time to fix dinner, then we will go out to buy you some new clothes. They went into Linda's bedroom where she went through all her clothes trying to find Hannah something that would fit. Linda was a couple of inches taller and she was a few pounds heavier but in the back of her closet she found a sundress that she hadn't been able to wear in years but for some reason failed to throw out. Linda held it up to Hannah and they decided that with a belt or something, it would do until they went shopping. Hannah took it and headed for her room to get dressed. When she came down, Linda looked at her and almost did not recognize her. It was as if she was a new person. The look of innocence was still there, but where there use to be just a hint of life, there was now full blown life in her eyes.

"Well, well. Let me take a look at you girl."

Hannah twirled around letting the dress fly up and she started to giggle. She then ran over to Linda and hugged her.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, but we are not done yet. We still have some shopping to do. So help me get dinner started and we will be on our way."

Hannah let Linda go and she started to work. In no time they had dinner fixed and on the table. The rest of the girls suddenly came out of nowhere to eat and they all stopped in their tracks to look at the new girl. They all complimented Hannah on her new look and told her that she looked great. Hearing praise was new to Hannah, but slowly, and for the first time, she began to talk a little to the other girls. She was beginning to feel like she was the same as they were. Dinner was loud and boisterous as ever but as soon as the girls had eaten, they disappeared, leaving the clean up to Linda and her new helper Hannah. It did not take them long to get everything cleaned up and they were out the door.

Linda suggested that they go to the local discount store as they could get more for the bang there. It might not be name brands but still nice clothes. Hannah said she did not care as long as they were not long sleeve, long length dresses and that she could pick them out. When they got to the store Hannah was beside herself and had to hit the bathroom first as she was about to pee on herself. When she emerged from the bathroom, she was ready. They got a buggy and headed for the women's section. Hannah went from one rack to the other looking at everything. It seemed like she made 500 trips to the dressing room, modeling the clothes for Linda, who gave her advice but left the choosing to Hannah. By eleven, they had a good start to Hannah's new wardrobe and had spent most of Linda's allotment. Linda told her that in a few weeks, they would go to the mall and maybe pick out one or two nice items to wear, but for Hannah there could not be anything nicer than what she had already picked out.

On the drive home, Hannah insisted on keeping all the clothes in the front seat with her and she kept pulling one thing out after another just to look at it again. Linda had a hard time keeping her eyes on the road, as she wanted to watch Hannah. She was like a child on Christmas morning, and Linda was the proud parent. When they got home, Linda thought Hannah would take her new clothes to her room but instead she headed to the right as they entered the door and deposited them on the sofa. She then started to model all the clothes again. Linda got them both a glass of wine and sat done to watch the show. Hannah was hesitant at first at drinking the wine but after the first couple of sips, she decided it was all right. It was about twelve- thirty when Hannah finished trying everything on again and she sat beside Linda as all her clothes were piled up on the other end of the sofa. Linda put her arm around Hannah's shoulder as Hannah leaned into her. They sat there a few minutes not saying a word as they sipped on their wine. Linda thought about the soft body that was lying against her and the desire began to creep back into her mind. She so wanted to turn and take this creature into her arms and kiss her but was afraid to think about it. She pushed the thought out of her mind only to have it come right back. She was lost in her thoughts when she felt Hannah stir. Linda looked at Hannah and saw something new in her eyes. Linda put down her wine glass and took Hannah's glass from her. She turned to face Hannah and Hannah did the same. Linda reached up and took a strand of hair from Hannah's face. She put her hands on Hannah's cheek and ran it lightly against the smooth soft skin. Finally, she put her hand behind Hannah's neck and pulled her in close. Linda lightly kissed Hannah on the lips and pulled back to get her reaction. Hannah looked unsure and scared, and Linda thought that she had missed up, but then Hannah gave her a half smile and closed her eyes. Linda leaned forward and kissed Hannah again this time, leaving her lips in place. Hannah did not do anything at first. She just left her lips still and Linda realized that Hannah had never kissed anyone before. Linda pulled back and then kissed Hannah again and this time Hannah was more responsive. She began to copy what Linda was doing. Linda opened her mouth a little and Hannah did the same. Linda left her tongue out of play, just wanting Hannah to get used to kissing first. Linda kissed and kissed her, parting only to let them both get their breaths, and then kissing Hannah again. Slowly Linda eased Hannah onto her back against all her new clothes and she was lying on top of her. Linda felt Hannah begin to pull on her shoulders so she knew Hannah was getting as excited as she was. Linda slowly stuck her tongue out and slipped it into Hannah's mouth. Hannah had the hang of it now and she met Linda's tongue with her own. Hannah may have been new at making out but she was catching up fast. Linda moved her tongue around Hannah's mouth, up against her teeth and Hannah's tongue followed along. When Linda withdrew her tongue, Hannah moved her tongue into Linda's mouth. Linda felt her pussy start to tingle and she was not sure how far to take this but decided to let Hannah stop her when it started going too far. Linda pulled back and kissed Hannah on her cheeks and to her ears. There she lightly nibbled on Hannah's earlobes. That got the first moan from Hannah. Linda moved down to Hannah's neck kissing her from one side to the other. Hannah stretched her head back exposing her neck to Linda. When she got to the other side, she moved back to the center and kissed Hannah down her throat to the top of her dress. Hannah was panting now and squirming. Linda took the next step and placed a hand on Hannah's breast. Hannah tensed up a second but made no move to stop her. Linda left her hand in place as she went back up and started kissing Hannah again. This time Hannah had even more passion in her kisses. Linda gently started squeezing Hannah's breast through the material of her dress and bra. Hannah moaned in Linda's mouth and Linda felt Hannah grip her shoulders. Linda moved her fingers to Hannah's nipple and squeezed it and she heard Hannah squeal her delight.

About this time, Linda heard the front door close and she glanced up to see Carla in the doorway watching them. Carla gave her a big smug grin and went on her way. Linda decided that they needed to move before someone else saw them. Linda gave Hannah one last kiss and squeezed her breast one more time then she rose up. Hannah moaned at the lost of contact.

"I think we need to take this somewhere more private." Linda said as she rose and helped Hannah up. She took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. When they got there, Linda shut the door and turned to Hannah. She took her into her arms and kissed her again. They kissed for a few minutes as their hands began to roam. Linda caressed Hannah's back and on down to her butt where she grasped a cheek in each hand. Hannah gasped at the contact on her ass but then she moved her hands to Linda's ass. Linda felt her hands clumsily caress her ass. But even at that Linda thought Hannah's hands felt so good. Linda knew it was time to take the next step. She stepped back and put her hands at Hannah's belt. She unhooked it and let it fall to the floor. Next, she went to the top button on Hannah's dress and began to unbutton the dress. She got to the last button at Hannah's waist. She moved her hands to Hannah's shoulders, slid the top off Hannah's shoulders and down to her waist, and then let it drop to the floor. Hannah was still wearing her old underwear. They looked like hand-me-downs from her mother. Linda quickly realized that they would have to go out tomorrow and get Hannah new undergarments, but that would be tomorrow. Hannah looked nervous and scared but she did not move. Linda placed her hands on Hannah's breasts and started to gently caress them. Hannah just stood there a second and then closed her eyes. Soon Linda heard a moan from Hannah and she knew that Hannah was still with her. Linda caressed them another moment then stepped back in close and kissed her. As they kissed, Linda slipped her hands behind Hannah and unhooked her bra. As she stepped back after the kiss, she took the bra with her. Linda could tell Hannah wanted to cover her breasts but was proud that she didn't. Linda let her eyes fall to those breasts. They were a B cup and her areoles were about the size of a quarter and pale. Her nipples were sticking up and hardening. Linda smiled at Hannah, bent down, and took the right one into her mouth. She sucked on the nipple then took more of the breast into her mouth. Hannah moaned louder than she had before. Linda brought her hand up to the other breast and started to caress it and pinch the nipple. Linda switched breasts after a few minutes only this time she moved her hand down Hannah's belly and on top of her panties to her pussy. Linda ran her hand over Hannah's mons and to her pussy. Linda was not surprised to find a wet spot on Hannah's panties. Linda caressed Hannah's pussy through the panties as she continued to suck and lick her breasts. Hannah began to pant and Linda knew she was getting ready to cum. She stopped a moment to let her cool down. Linda gave her a kiss and then dropped to her knees. She took Hannah's panties in her hands and pulled them down revealing first her thick blond pubic hair and then the top of her pussy. Linda took in her feminine aroma and she felt intoxicated by it. When she pulled the panties on off, the wet spot stuck to her pussy temporarily and there was a line of juice that connected the two for a moment before it broke. Linda pulled the panties on down and she lifted her head and kissed Hannah on her pussy. Linda felt Hannah shiver from the contact. Linda licked her lips, tasting the juice as she rose up.

Linda kissed Hannah gently on the lips and then eased her back onto the bed. Hannah lay there as Linda began to undress. She took her time but not too much time, as she did not want Hannah to change her mind. She shed her top and shorts and then she unhooked her bra to reveal her C cup breasts and her dark, hard nipples. Next came her panties and in contrast to Hannah her pubic area was trimmed to where there was only a small patch above her pussy. Linda gave Hannah a smile and crawled into the bed. She moved in close to Hannah and she kissed her and started to caress Hannah's body. She ran her hands across Hannah's breasts caressing them and pinching the nipples. She then went on down to Hannah's pussy and started to caress it with her fingers as she took a nipple into her mouth. Linda stroked Hannah's pussy just on the surface at first and then she pressed her finger down between the folds.

About this time, Hannah pushed her away. "I have to pee." She said as she ran off. Linda laid back, thinking about the young body that she had in her bed and how soft and sensual it was. After the first couple of minutes, Linda began to worry. At about five minutes, Linda knew something was wrong. She got up and went to the bathroom door. Inside she heard Hannah crying. "Oh God what have I done," Linda thought as she opened the door. There she found Hannah sitting on the toilet softly crying. Linda got on her knees in front of Hannah.

"What is wrong baby? Did I go to fast? I am sorry; I know I should not have done this."

"No, I want to do this. It's just that I am scared."

"Scared of your father and what he would think?"

"No, I don't care about him. I am afraid that I will not be able to do all that you and Carla were doing last night. I am afraid that you will not like me if I can't please you like she did."

"Honey, don't worry about anything. We can take our time and do this slowly. Don't worry about pleasing me. You please me just by being here, and anything else is a bonus. Okay?"

Hannah looked up to see if what Linda was saying was true and found that it was. She reached out for Linda who took her into her arms. They hugged for a minute or two until Hannah realized where she was.

"Oh my god, I am sitting on the toilet naked."

Linda laughed and gave Hannah a quick kiss and left the bathroom to return to the bedroom. In a couple of moments, Hannah appeared at the door. Linda took in the body of her new lover. Her blond hair hung to her shoulders and her pert breasts were begging to be suckled. Her eyes went on down to her pussy and saw the blond hair covering the area that Linda so wanted to lick and suck. She wanted to please this girl to the point she would never want to leave her.

Linda patted the bed beside her and Hannah moved toward the bed and climbed in. Linda had her lay down on her back beside her. Hannah looked nervous so Linda took it slow. She moved over and started to kiss Hannah. She kissed her lightly on the lips until Hannah started to respond to the kisses. Linda moved her body over so that her right leg was over Hannah's left and her breast was lying against Hannah. Linda kept kissing Hannah, putting her right hand on Hannah's arm, and ran it up and down the upper arm. Hannah began to relax and Linda put her tongue into play, moving it into Hannah's mouth. Their tongues pressed against each other and they both began to breathe a little harder as their excitement rose with the longer they kissed. Linda ran her tongue along Hannah's lips then went back to kissing Hannah, who this time pushed her tongue into Linda's mouth. Linda let Hannah take the lead a moment as Hannah kissed her and she felt Hannah's hands on her back and Hannah's tongue in her mouth. Linda sucked on the tongue and that got her a moan from Hannah. When the kiss ended, Linda started to kiss Hannah's face and then her neck. Hannah watched, as Linda's kisses got closer and closer to her breasts. Linda looked up to see how Hannah was doing and got a smile from her. Linda then bent down and took Hannah's left nipple into her mouth. Linda felt Hannah tense up for a second and then she relaxed. Linda gently sucked on the nipple and felt it get hard in her mouth. Hannah took it slow and just sucked and licked the nipple. She then went over to the other nipple and did the same there. She felt Hannah's breathing go shallow and then faster and she knew that Hannah was still with her. Linda brought up her hand and cupped Hannah's free breast. She squeezed it and started to pinch the nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She worked the breasts for a few minutes and when she went back to the left breast, she slowly moved her hand down Hannah's belly, giving Hannah plenty of time to stop her, but she didn't. When her hand got to the edge of Hannah's pubic hair, she stopped a moment. She let her fingers comb through the long full bush. Slowly her fingers went over the mons and finally to Hannah's pussy. Again, Hannah tensed up and Linda stopped, leaving her hand covering Hannah's wet pussy. She could feel the heat and wetness coming from Hannah. Linda went back up and started to kiss Hannah lightly on the lips. It took a minute but Hannah relaxed and she opened her legs up for Linda's fingers. Those fingers then began to stroke the outer lips and Hannah started to moan. Linda pressed down a little harder and Hannah raised her hips slightly getting into what was happening to her. Linda ran her fingers up and down for a minute then pressed her middle fingers down, parting Hannah's lips. Hannah cried out and she really started to moan. Linda pressed her finger just inside Hannah, feeling Hannah's vaginal walls trying to catch her finger. Linda moved it in and out for a couple of minutes then she went to Hannah's clit. It was swollen and very sensitive. Linda only had to rub it lightly before she felt Hannah have her first orgasm and it was a powerful one. Hannah moaned, groaned, and cried out as the waves of pleasure went from her pussy to her brain.

As Hannah enjoyed her orgasm, Linda was lavishing kisses all over her face. It took a few minutes before Hannah got her composure back.

"Oh god, nothing has every felt that good before."

"Is that your first orgasm?"

"Yes and it was great. I never knew it could feel so good."

"Haven't you ever masturbated before?"

"No, I was always afraid that mother or father would catch me. If I had known it would feel like that, I would have chanced it."

"Well just wait a minute and you will feel ever better," Linda said as she gave Hannah a kiss and then got up and moved between Hannah's legs.

"Oh God!" Hannah cried, as she knew what Linda was about to do. She opened her legs for Linda who smiled at her willing victim. Linda bent down and first inhaled Hannah's aroma and then she planted a kiss on Hannah's clit. Hannah cried out again and pushed her hips up toward Linda's mouth. Linda lay down between Hannah's legs and began to lick the cum from Hannah's outer pussy lips. She loved the taste of pussy and Hannah's juices were as good as she had ever tasted. Linda licked all around Hannah's swollen lips. Hannah moaned and moaned as Linda licked. After a minute or two, Linda stuck out her tongue and went between Hannah's lips scooping up more juices. She stuck her tongue into the entrance of Hannah's pussy and twisted it around. Hannah was going crazy with lust. Linda sucked and fucked Hannah with her mouth and tongue and was rewarded with her juices. Linda stayed away from Hannah's clit for as long as possible. She spread Hannah open with her fingers to lick her even deeper. Hannah's moans were rattling the walls and Linda knew the whole house knew what was happening to Hannah. Finally, Linda moved up to Hannah's clit, sucking it into her mouth. As she did this, she slipped a finger into Hannah's pussy. As the finger went in, it eventually came to a barrier and she knew Hannah was still a virgin, which was of no surprise. Linda fucked Hannah with just the end of her finger as she sucked and licked on Hannah's clit. Hannah raised her hips and Linda had trouble keeping up with her but she did. Soon she brought Hannah to another earth shattering orgasm. Hannah cried out Linda's name and shook violently from her orgasm. Linda licked up the juices from Hannah then got back up in the bed and hugged Hannah tightly as she came down from the second orgasm of her life.

Linda kissed and caressed Hannah until she was lying still, in her arms. Hannah lay there not wanting to move, for fear that she would wake up and find out it was all a dream, but when she felt Linda kiss her forehead, Hannah knew it was real. They both lay there in silence thinking about what had just happened. Hannah wanted to return the favor but she did not know how. She drew back from Linda and Linda noticed the worry on her face.

"I don't know if I can do that as well as you can."

"You don't have to do anything. It is okay. I feel great just making you cum for the first and the second time."

"But I want to, I really do."

Linda kissed her and rolled over on her back bringing Hannah with her.

"Then just do what feels right to you. You will know when you hit a good spot and I will help you."

Hannah smiled at Linda and then kissed her. As they kissed Linda felt a hand touch her breast. Hannah was clumsy at first but slowly she got more confidence. Linda felt the hand began to squeeze her breast and then gently pinch her nipple. Hannah then kissed her way down to Linda's breasts. Linda watched as Hannah took one into her mouth. Linda knew Hannah would need time to get the hang of it, but in no time, Hannah was sucking and licking her nipples as if she had been doing it for years. Linda had to moan as Hannah sucked, and that pleased Hannah, as she knew she was doing something right. Hannah worked her breasts and Linda felt herself getting wet from excitement. Linda then felt a hand work its way down her belly to her pussy. There it stopped and just lay there for a second. Linda waited for Hannah to make the next move and she did as she started to press her hand down and stroke her pussy. It only took a stroke or two to get Linda to moan again. Hannah ran her hand up and down then moved a finger between Linda's lips. Linda opened her legs up more and Hannah slipped a finger inside her. That felt so good to Linda and she moaned louder. So far, she did not have to tell Hannah a thing as she was doing fine. Hannah sucked and nibbled on Linda's nipples as she stroked her. When Linda was ready, she gently pushed Hannah's head downward. Hannah got the message. She kissed her way down to Linda's pussy. There she hesitated for only a second then she dove right in, licking up and down Linda's pussy. Hannah tasted pussy juice for the first time and she liked it. She began to lick harder and deeper. Linda moaned and pushed her hips against Hannah's mouth. Hannah licked and sucked for all she was worth. What she lacked in technique, she more than made up with enthusiasm. Hannah licked with everything she had and she even brought up a finger and pushed it into Linda's pussy. She moved it in and out slowly for a minute. Linda was ready to cum now so she spoke up.

"Use two fingers and lick on my clit."

Hannah inserted a second finger into Linda and her mouth found Linda's clit. She sucked on it and then as Linda had done to her, she began to lick on the clit. Between the fingers fucking her, and Hannah's mouth on her clit Linda felt an orgasm coming on. It took a couple of more minutes then it hit and she clamped her thighs against Hannah's head holding her in place as she came. When the orgasm eased, she released Hannah's head and pulled her from her pussy. Hannah was reluctant to stop licking but Linda wanted to stop here for the night. They would have plenty of time together. When Hannah got back up in the bed Linda saw her juices all over Hannah's face and Hannah could not look any happier than she was right now. Linda kissed Hannah lips and face, cleaning the juices from it.

"Today has been the best day of my life. I hope I did okay."

"You did fine honey." Linda said as she kissed Hannah again to make her point.

"Will you want to do it with me again?"

"You don't have to worry about that. I think we will be making love a lot in the future. But are you fine doing it with another woman and not a man."

"I have never been interested in boys. They just tease you and try to control you. I don't want any part of that. I just want you."

"Well you got me but I think one day you may tire of me and cast me off for a younger woman."

"Oh no, I will never do that. I just want to make love to you and sleep with you."

"Well, we will see, but for the time being we will just enjoy each other."

While Linda was tired, Hannah was just getting going and she did not stop talking until about three am. At six Linda had to get up to make breakfast. She slipped out of bed trying not to disturb the sleeping form of Hannah. She took a quick shower and then went to make a quick breakfast. She always kept some frozen sausages in the freezer for times just like this so she put those into the microwave and put some frozen biscuits into the oven. She then cooked up some eggs. About the time everything was done, the girls were coming in to eat. Linda tried to stay awake during the meal but she found that she was drifting off the sleep and then someone would wake her up asking her if she felt all right. She would just say that she was tired. When everybody had eaten and left, she was left with the dishes. She was about to say forget it, when she turned to find Carla grinning at her.

"Well that little girl about wore you out last night didn't she."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"The hell you don't. You are about half-asleep and she is nowhere to be found. In addition, I stopped by last night and I heard a lot of moaning coming from your bedroom. Don't worry, I didn't look in, and I will keep your secret. You deserve someone who wants more than a one-night stand and that girl is so in love with you. Enjoy her and I think she will take care of you. I will just miss our times together but everything has to come to an end. So, go on to bed and I will clean up the kitchen."

Linda smiled at Carla and leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Linda then went toward her bedroom where there was a little girl waiting for her. When she got to the bedroom door, she found Hannah sleeping soundly. Her blond hair was splayed across the pillow and the sheet covering all of her body except for one breast. She watched a minute as that white breast with its petty pink nipple rose and fell to the rhythm of Hannah's breathing. Linda felt so many emotions as she stood there, it was almost overwhelming her. She finally made her way over to the bed and crawled into bed next to Hannah. She put her arm around Hannah and drew her in close to her body. Hannah cooed in her sleep but otherwise did not stir. Linda took in a deep breath and she could smell the sweet scent of Hannah's body but also the residue of last night's sex. Both were intoxicating aromas. Linda snuggled in close and closed her eyes. Soon she was asleep with Hannah securely in her arms.

At about noon Linda began to wake up. She felt a stirring in her body. It was very sensual and arousing. It was like a dream that she did not want to wake up from; she was feeling so good. But she did wake up and found it was not a dream. She was lying on her back and Hannah was lying on top of her sucking on one of her nipples. Linda put her hand to the back of Hannah's head and caressed her. Hannah looked up with a grin on her face then went back to Linda's breasts. Linda laid her head back and enjoyed the sensation of having someone wanting to please her, and not the other way around, as it usually was. Hannah went from one breast to the other sucking, licking, and nibbling on the nipples. Linda felt a moan come from deep from within her body and she let it out. She wrapped her legs around Hannah's waist and started to rub her pussy against Hannah's smooth belly. This was feeling good to Linda but after a minute, she wanted more. The friction she was getting against Hannah's belly was just not enough. She put her hand on top of Hannah's head and gave it a gentle nudge. Hannah got the message as she gave one last kiss to each nipple and she slid down the bed until her head was above Linda's pussy. Now that she could see in the daylight, Hannah took a few seconds to examine Linda's pussy. She ran her fingers through the short pubic hair and then she used her fingers to open Linda up. As anxious as Linda was to get some satisfaction, she let Hannah play and learn. Linda felt Hannah's fingers pull her lips open and then she felt a finger slowly enter her. The finger moved around and then backed out only to go back in. When it came out, a second finger joined the finger as it came back in. Again, the fingers moved around, feeling her vaginal wall. While this was not exactly getting her off, it was exciting her all the same as she knew Hannah was trying to learn. The two fingers went in and out of her a few times before a third finger joined the first two. This stretched her pussy but it was not painful or anything. The three fingers moving inside her also got her going again and she moaned softly. Hannah, remembering what she came down there to do, went back to trying to please Linda. She moved her fingers in and out a little faster and she placed her mouth on Linda's clit. She sucked the nubbin that was sticking out, into her mouth. She used her tongue to lick and stroke the end of the clit. Linda was feeling it again and she moved her hips against Hannah's fingers. Hannah pushed her fingers in deeper and licked harder as Linda closed in on her climax. Hannah let go of the clit with her mouth, took her fingers, and began to rub Linda's clit. It only took a minute or two of that to bring on her orgasm and it was a good one. Linda put her knuckle in her mouth to keep from screaming as the orgasm rushed over her. Hannah removed her fingers, put her mouth to Linda's pussy, and sucked the girlcum out of her. When the orgasm ended Linda pulled her little loved one up in the bed and kissed her. There was cum all over Hannah's face, some from last night and a fresh batch from this last orgasm. Linda kissed the cum from Hannah's face. They kissed a minute and Linda pushed Hannah over on her back to return the favor but Hannah stopped her.

"I really got to go pee." Hannah said as she got out of bed. She got to the door before turning around and coming back to the bed and she leaned over and kissed Linda.

"What was that for?"

"For being my friend."

"Well, thank you. Now go pee and come back to bed, you have an orgasm waiting for you."

Hannah giggled and ran off to the bathroom. Linda waited for a few minutes but Hannah did not return. Linda got worried that Hannah had a change of mind but when she got close to the bathroom she heard the shower going. She walked in and found Hannah was indeed in the shower.

"What are you doing in there? I thought you were coming back to bed."

"You did not tell me what time it is. The day is half over already." Hannah said as she put her head around the corner of the shower curtain. "And you did not wake me to help you with breakfast. How am I supposed to pay you back for all those clothes you bought me if you let me sleep?"

"I wanted to buy you those clothes so don't worry about it. Just like I want to buy you some panties and bras this afternoon. You don't have to do anything to earn them. I give them to you just because I want to."

"But I can't give you anything back, I have to earn it or I don't deserve to get anything." At that, Hannah began to cry.

"Honey, it doesn't work that way with me," Linda said as she moved over to Hannah and took her into her arms soaking wet as she was. "I give because I want to and I don't ask for anything in return. If anything, just watching you last night picking out all those clothes and having so much fun gave me back more than I could ever give you."

Linda stepped back and took Hannah's face in her hands making Hannah look at her. "You don't have to earn my love. Do you hear me?"

Hannah looked at Linda and a small smile came to her face. Linda kissed Hannah on the nose and nuzzled her. She then took her back into her arms and hugged her tight. When they parted, Linda gave her a quick kiss and pushed her back under the shower.

"Now get washed up so we can get to the store."

"I'm about done. And I'm still going to help you."

"That is fine if you want to, but you do understand that you don't have to."

"I know, but I want to help you."

Linda gave a small laugh and dried off. She went from there to get dressed and to the kitchen to see if Carla kept her word and she did, as the kitchen was spotless. Linda set out some chicken to thaw to fix for supper. Hannah came in about this time wearing one of her short outfits. Linda thought she looked so cute in the outfit but you could tell that she was wearing her old cotton panties and a bra that looked like it was made in the fifties. Actually, Linda thought, in that top and with her firm breasts Hannah could go braless but she didn't think Hannah was quite ready for that step. As they walked to the car, Linda snuck a look at her checking book. With what she spent last night and what she would probably end up spending today she was going to be cutting it close this month but she had only a week before everyone's rent was due so she would be alright.

When they got to the store, they went straight to the lingerie section. Hannah went immediately to the old ladies underwear and Linda had to guide her to the more modern things. Linda went through each type of panties and told Hannah what clothes she would wear it with them. To Hannah they all looked so skimpy but she quickly warmed to the idea of wearing them. When Linda saw some thongs, she held them up high to show Hannah. At first, Hannah did not know how you wore something like that so Linda had to explain that the back piece went down your butt crack. Hannah turned a bright red and made Linda put those back away. Linda had to burst out laughing at Hannah's embarrassment but when Hannah looked hurt Linda went to hug her and told Hannah that she wasn't making fun of her. Hannah then smiled and laughed with Linda. But when Hannah wasn't looking Linda put a couple of pairs of thongs in the basket. She could not resist the thought of Hannah in a pair of thongs and she would make her wear them sometime. When they had enough panties, they went to the bras. This time Hannah waited for Linda to start picking out the bras. Again, Linda went though all the different types of bras and they picked out some that they both liked. On the way home, Hannah said one more thing about her father that shocked Linda.

"You know I did not know that there were that many different types and styles of panties and bras."

"Didn't you buy your own underwear?"

"No, I told you that father bought all of mother and mine clothes."

"Yea, but I did not think he also picked out your panties and bras."

"He did everything. I only got out of the house to go to school and to any church function. The rest of the time I was home helping mother."

"No wonder you wanted out of there. I would have died living like that."

"But you were raised differently and in a different place. I was raised as my mother was raised and her mother and her mother before her. They were all married to preachers like my father so they did not know any different. I was smart enough to know that there was something different out there. I knew I did not want to be a country preacher's wife. I did not want to be anyone's wife. I knew that I did not know a lot about this world but I knew that there was something else out there for me. That is why I had to get out from under all of that history. If father had not let me go to college then I would have run off. I also knew I never wanted a boy to touch me. My father would condemn me to hell if not kill me outright for liking girls instead of boys but that is the way I am. Like I said, I may not know much about this world but I do know what I want and don't want!"

"Thank God for that." Linda said as she took Hannah's hand in hers, squeezing it tight.

They got back just in time to fix dinner. Hannah, as she said she would, joined right in and helped Linda prepare everything. Like dinner the previous night, she talked more than she did that first week when no one could get more than a word out of her. If it were not for her country accent and the words she sometimes used, you would never think that this girl and the one that walked through the front door on Monday were the same girl. Once dinner was devoured and the girls scattered, the kitchen was left to Hannah and Linda. They talked as they cleaned up the kitchen with Hannah opening up more and more. Linda learned that Hannah did not really know what she wanted to do. All her concentration was on getting out of her home, so she had never really thought about what she wanted to do if she made it to college. She told Linda that she never dreamed that her father would let her go, so she never worried what she would do once she got there. Linda assured her that somewhere along the line she would figure it all out. She had all the time in the world. Once everything was cleaned up, Linda told Hannah that she had some paperwork that had to be filled out and that she would be working in her room for the next couple of hours. Linda saw Hannah hesitate and she looked like she was unsure what to do.

"What is the matter?"

"I ahh ... I thought ... I mean ..."

"Just spit it out sugar, you can ask me anything."

"I thought I could stay in your room with you."

Linda started to answer the question then suddenly realized that there was a bigger question here. "I think we need to talk a minute." Linda said as she held out her hand to Hannah whose face turned from confusion to fear.

"Don't worry, it's a good talk not a bad one."

That made Hannah feel a little better but not much. She followed Linda to Linda's room and then on back to the bedroom. There Linda made Hannah sit down on the bed and she sat beside her.

"Okay, how shall I say this so that you will understand? When I said that I had something I needed to do, that did not mean that I didn't want you around. I only meant that I would be busy for the next couple of hours."

That made Hannah happy until Linda put the "but" into the next sentence. "But, I also want you to think about something. We have had a great weekend together and I would love nothing more than to have you move in with me but is that the best thing for you? You have come from one controlling influence and I don't want you to replace that with me. You need to experience what there is out there and I am not sure that living with me is the best thing even if I would love nothing more than to have that happen. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Hannah nodded her head. "Good, then go think about that for a while and we can talk again once you have thought everything through."

Hannah got up and went out the door and Linda wondered if she just sent the best thing she had seen out her door but she knew it was the right thing to do even if it was not something she wanted to do. Linda went to do her work, all the time thinking about Hannah.

About three hours later Linda looked up and saw Hannah carrying all her books into the room. She deposited her things on the sofa and went back out the door with out saying a word. A few minutes later she went came back in the door and deposited another load. She then went back to the bedroom. Linda got up and went back to the bedroom to find Hannah undressing.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I am not sure living with me is the best thing for you."

"You also said something about having someone always making all my decisions for me. Well I am not going to let you decide if living with you is the best thing for me. I will decide that and here is where I want to be. If you start telling me what to do then we will have another talk only that time I will do all the talking."

"I can live with that." Linda said as she went over to Hannah and helped her move her clothes. Linda knew then that Hannah might have a lot to learn but she already knew how to make up her own mind.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad.

You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

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