Happy New Year Calvin

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Dec 31, 2003


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE

GCutter66@aol.com ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers

This is the second SC8 story dedicated to MARK and RYAN, EMail fans.



G. Cutter

The two sixteen year old boys peered through the attic window at the driveway below, cars were leaving and activity seemed to be winding down.

'You think that's it?' Ryan smiled in the gloom at the shadow of his friend and confederate Mark who was still looking down onto the gravel below.

'Seems so,' Mark probably the tougher of the two and certainly the dominant in the partnership grinned flashing his teeth at his friend. 'Come here, Ry.'

'No fucking around,' Ryan laughed softly and moved closer. He giggled as he felt Mark grab him and reel him in. 'Mark,' he protested but his lips were sealed by Mark's as the slightly taller boy kissed him hard and long. 'Markeee...' he gave a little wriggle as he felt Mark's hands on his butt pulling them closer together, he could feel his friend's hardness mash against his throught the material of their trousers.

'I could fuck you right now,' Mark groaned as he caressed Ryan's lithe form.

'You did it this morning in the shed,' Ryan giggled. 'Anyway, it's Mission Impossible time.'

'It's not impossible, it's a piece of piss,' Mark let go of his friend. 'Go and have a listen out, I'll sort the kit out.'

Ryan sighed as he tiptoed across the dusty attic and cracked open the door, there was an immediate spill of light into the darkened room and he crouched down and crawled out onto the small landing and tried to peer down through the bannisters.

Pulling his backpack into the light Mark did a quick check. Handcuffs, some soft braided rope, a table tennis bat and a tube of Mr Muscle body oil. All in all not the kit burglars normally carry around with them but these two boys weren't your normal burglars.

The story had started just before Christmas when Mark's father who was a maintenance man for the company that rented the house out, usually to foreign visitors had let him into a secret. The not to be discussed deal was that two of the S Club 8 Teeny Band with their parents were hiring the place over the Christmas. They were basically taking a break and rather than go to their homes and be besieged all over the holidays by screaming fans they'd opted to take this place in a quiet Home Counties backwater and enjoy themselves in privacy.

Mark's father had the family's schedule, they were hiring in a chef and housekeeper and were intent on a quiet relaxing Christmas and New Year without the press or the fans on their backs. They had only one function and that was a New Year's Eve opening of a kiddy disco in the evening, the boys and parents would then go onto a private party and stay the night.

The unfortunate incident which started the chain of events was totally Mark's fault, even he admitted that. Without his constant sidekick Ryan he'd been lurking around the house to get a glimpse of either Calvin or Aaron, hopefully both. What he had found was Calvin mooching around the garden wasting time, seeing his chance he approached the young pop star.

'Who are you?' Calvin challenged him as soon as he opened the heavy gate into the garden.

'One of your fans,' Mark grinned. He didn't mention his father he didn't want to get his dad into trouble, after all the visitors were supposed to be holidaying in secret. They were also paying the company a lot of money for that priviledge.

'Always nice to meet a fan,' Calvin scowled. 'But this isn't the time or the place.'

Stuck up little prick, Mark thought but he held his peace.

'How did you know we were here?' Calvin continued.

'I saw you just now, I thought I was seeing things,' Mark was trying hard to be nice. He adored Calvin and Aaron as did his mate and boyfriend Ryan.

'Yeah,' Calvin grinned a little, a not very nice grin. 'How come you're a fan then, most of our fans are girls?'

'You've got boy fans as well,' Mark retorted.

'Little boys not big boys.'

'Whatever,' Mark sighed he was getting nowhere with the rather arrogant little pop idol. 'Gimme an autograph and I'll leave you in peace,' he dug a notebook and biro out of his inside pocket.

'An autograph?' Calvin gave a studied sneer. 'Tell you what, pal. You tell me what you like about S Club,' he paused and leant back on a garden bench. 'Name the boys.'

'Yourself Calvin, Aaron and Jay, the black kid.'

'Excellent,' Calvin grinned and moved in for the kill. 'Now the girls?'

'Dunno their names,' Mark shrugged. Christ he fancied Calvin and Aaron, Jay was a spare prick at a wedding and the girls were just yodelling extras. The mop haired little angel in the cargoes was the only one he was really interested in. Smoothy face, lopsided grin, the works, he was a Calvin nut.

'Course you don't,' Calvin gave another sneer. 'You're a fan .... a fan of the boys.'

'Yeah, if you say so,' Mark admitted. The conversation wasn't quite going the way he wanted.

'Who do you fancy the most, Aaron or me,' Calvin looked at Mark like he was some sort of insect.

'Well, you I suppose.'

'Most gays do,' Calvin laughed.

'I'm not gay,' Mark protested. He knew he was, for God's sake he had a steady boyfriend but he wasn't going to admit it ot this short arsed little twerp. 'You gonna sign this and I'll get out of your hair.'

'Gimme,' Calvin held his hand out.

Mark passed the paper and pen across.

Calvin balanced the notebook on his knee and swifly scribbled something on a blank page, he then shut the book and handed it back. 'Read it outside friend. You're trespassing and I'd appreciate you leaving,' he nodded at Mark and stalked off back into the house.

'What a little punk,' Mark muttered as he left the garden locking the gate behind himself. His estimation of Calvin Goldspink had tumbled. Anyway, he'd got his autograph. Walking down the back path to his home he flipped open the noteboook. I DON'T SIGN FOR POOFS. A short sharp message.

Mark howled at the sky, the little shit, he was tempted to run back and hammer the little singer into the ground but he'd locked the gate, anyway, he daren't. He sat on a tree stump, it was pre-Christmas and it was cold, he groaned as he felt warm tears run down his face. How could his little angel have done this to him. He needed comfort, he needed a warm living being to cling to. He got to his feet and wiped the tears away, he needed a snuggle with Ryan and then revenge.

Over the next couple of days Mark festered, Ryan was in the fullest sympathy, for some jumped up pop star to slag off his lover was well out of order, mingin little ratfink. Whatever Mark was going to do Ryan would be there.

The plan when it came came out of the blue. Just after Christmas Mark's father told him that Calvin had a dose of the flu and would probably miss the New Year's opening event , the teeny disco do. From what the old man had overheard, Calvin would be staying in the house recuperating alone. He would be in the house alone for the night. The house was fully alarmed and fully serviced, the Goldspinks thought nothing of it. Calvin was letting the side down, a trifle cruel but that's the way they thought, he could fend for himself. After all it was a secret location and the boy wasn't famous enough to kidnap. They didn't know about Mark.

'New Year's Eve,' Mark looked at his crony Ryan. 'We've got a job on buddy boy.'

'Yeah,' Ryan snuggled up against his friend. They were both naked in Mark's bed and had just completed some very satisfactory sex. 'We're gona get into the S Club house, squirrel ourselves away in the attic and then come down when our chum Calvin's on his own.'

'You must be fuckin' joking,' Ryan laughed in disbelieve. 'What we gonna do, beat him up.'

'Not quite,' Mark grinned. 'You fancy him dontcha?'

'Yeah,' Ryan giggled and pressed against his friends warm body.

'We tie him up and fuck the arse of the little cunt.'

'You can't do that.'

'Why not, who's he going to tell?' Mark grinned confident in his plan. Everything had worked out so well. An empty house, two against one, they couldn't lose. 'We wear ski masks for the first bit, once we've taped his eyes up we can get naked and give him a good old seeing to.'

'It's dodgy,' Ryan wobbled. He knew he'd follow Martk to hell and back and the excitement was a bit of a draw. The thought of sitting on Calvin's cock or worstways fucking that tight little bottom was an even bigger draw. 'How do we get in, what do we do.'

'I know the house,' Mark wrapped his arm around his mate's slender body and held him tightly. 'Mid afternoon we go in the old servant's door, I've nicked a key, we go up into the attic and lurk until the others leave. Calvin if he's got any sense will have locked up and set the alarms, he's locked in and so are we.'

'How do we get out?'

'Easy, the alarms stop people breaking in, they don't stop people going out, I've checked with the old man.'

'What do we need then,' Ryan grinned apart from the plan having possibilities he could feel Mark's long cock beginning to harden.

'Couple of ski masks, I've got one, we need one for you.'

'I'll borrow my kid brother's he won't notice.'

'Excellent, we'll tell the rents we're going to a rave and bobs your uncle.'

That was the chain of events that lead to them being in the attic and now it was time for some fun. They were both physically bigger than Calvin and the boy should prove no opposition.

'Lights are going off,' Ryan whispered and Mark came out onto the landing and peered down the stairwell. 'He's watching TV.'

'Hoods on,' Mark pulled his ski mask on and Ryan pulled on his kid brothers. 'Remember, overpower him first, tie his hands, gag him and worry about the blindfold later.'

'Overpower, tie and gag,' Ryan repeated and smiled inside his mask, this was such a buzz it was unreal.

It was a big house on two levels excluding the attic, the boys went down the narrow staircase to the first floor, it was evident that the bedrooms were empty but they checked them anyway. From a cursory investigation it seemed the two sets of parents had the larger en suite rooms and the two boys had the smaller rooms which shared a bathroom. They peered over the bannister onto the ground floor.

'He's watching television,' Mark whispered but ducked back in time to see Calvin leave the large lounge and wander into the kitchen, a few mintes later he returned with a can of coke and a bag of crisps.

'Can't be hungry,' Ryan tried to supress a giggle. This was it, action stations.

Mark fished two lengths of the thick rope from the bag and a gag he'd made up earlier in the day. Hopefully it would quieten any noise Calvin would make without suffocating the boy.

Mark and Ryan descended the stairs onto the ground level and into the hall, Calvin hadn't quite closed the door to the lounge and the could see him lounging on a sofa with his stockinged feet resting on a glass table.

'Right,' Mark grinned under his mask, it was payback time. 'I'll go in and you follow ..... dead quiet, he's well into the telly. I'll loop a rope around his neck and you catch his hands as soon as he starts to choke.'

'Just grab him in a Half Nelson........ Shit,' The two scurried for the shadow in the corner of the unlit hall, Calvin had got to his feet.

'Busting for a piss,' they heard him say. Thankfully he was talking to himself.

As they lurked in the shadow he left the lounge and walked the short distance to the downstairs loo.

'Cop him when he comes out,' Ryan decided taking the lead for once.

'OK,' Mark agreed and they sprinted silently down the hall and stationed themselves either side of the toilet door.

The toilet flushed and Calvin walked out right into the ambush. The two sixteen year olds both slightly taller than he was and heavier bore him to the floor as he shrieked in fright. A few sweaty minutes later they had his hands tied and to stop his semi hysterical ranting and cursing Mark shoved the wad of the gag into his mouth and velcroed the back. They looked down at him wriggling on the floor, he was clearly very frightened and probably on the verge of wetting himself.

Ryan crouched and put his hand on Calvin's hot forehead. 'We're not going to hurt you Calvin, don't be afraid. We will not hurt you,' he spoke slowly and clearly, they needed the boy to calm down. Calvin lay there with his eyes wide open trembling, he could have been in minor shock.

Mark was not to be denied his revenge though. With a nod for Ryan he walked briskly into the lounge and switched the television off, he then turned the lights off and shut the door.

'Bedroom,' he whispered in Ryans ear, they lifted their captive up and away they went with Mark turning the lights off as they went.

Once in the bedroom they lay Calvin on the bed. It was then that Mark came into his own he'd been dreaming and planning this moment for five days, he'd discussed it with Ryan step by step and they went to work like a well organised team.

First of all they flattened the struggling Calvin onto the bed and tied a rope from his bound hands to the bed's headboard, the second step was harder. They tied each leg to the baseboard but each one more to the corner leaving him with his legs apart. Now was the time for the fun bit. Calvin was tied he could move a little but not effectively and he hadn't got a dog's chance of freeing himself from his ropes.

It was getting the top bit off time, the boys had discussed cutting Calvin's stuff off him but the waste and the risk of jabbing him with the scissors was too great. With Mark straddling the singer's toso cutting the struggling down to a minimum they shucked his sweatshirt and the t-shirt he had on underneath up his chest and over his head. Quickly so as not to suffocate the boy they got the pair of garments over his head and onto his arms. The difficult bit was releasing each arm individually and getting the jumper off and getting the arm resecured.

'Nice,' Ryan gazed down at the wriggling and no doubt cursing boy tied spreadeagled to the bed.

'Nice tits,' Mark spoke for the first time, he'd just realised that if Calvin did recognise his voice he would have had no idea who he was other than an obsessed autograph hunter.

'One each,' Ryan grinned. He knelt by the side of the bed and mouthed one of Calvin's nut brown nipples, Mark did the same the other side. They toyed and played with Calvin's nips and smooth skin running their hot lips and wet tongues all over the boy's flawlessly smooth upper body. Calvin just wriggled and kept humping his hips up and down as if trying to dislodge them, it was no good, they were too heavy, he was too light.


Mark unclipped the waistband of Calvin's cargoes, Ryan made short work of the boy's socks. Calvin's eyes nearly popped from their sockets, he knew now what was coming, he knew what these two hooded figures had in mind and he didn't like it one little bit. He wasn't expecting his parents and Aaron's mob back for another ten hours and ten hours is a long time.

Mark slowly worked Calvin's zip down he then drew the khaki cargoes down to the boy's knees exposing Calvin in a tight pair of CKs and a meaty lump which seemed to be an appreciable size for a boy of his smallish build.

Mark held five fingers upto Ryan. They'd discussed this as well. Ryan had five minutes before Mark took over and extracted his revenge in full. Full and absolute payment for the insult of the other day.

Ryan grinned and mounting the bed crouched over the still bucking figure secured to the bed. He flathanded Calvin's smooth tight belly muscles and tugged the elastic of the CKs out and down finally exposing the boy's shrunken penis. Calvin was circumcised and his cock was in full retreat a fact which didn't bother Ryan in the slightest, he'd been practicing with Mark for three years at least. He fingered the limp noodle and straightened it out. To Calvin's shock and horror the hooded head dropped and he felt warm lips on his prize possession. A masked pervert was mouthing at his sex and another one was standing and watching.

'No, please.' He tried to speak through the gag but it was no good. The other sickening thing was that he could feel his penis reacting to the warmth and wetness, he was getting hard, under the gag his face flushed crimson. He'd never been so humiliated in his life.

He was distracted by the boy who was standing, he'd finally decided that they were boys and not men. The one standing was unpacking a backpack, a bottle of some sort of oil, a ping pong bat of all things, more ropes and a set of handcuffs. Oh, no,' he breathed into his gag. What the fuck was happening? What the fuck was going to happen?

Ryan glanced up at Mark, neither could see the other's grin but they were there. Calvin's penis had stiffened and thickened out, under Ryan's sucking and lapping it was rapidly coming to full stretch. Ryan held it by the base and sank his lips over the bulging glans licking and titillating the tip and the rim of the dark red mass. Calvin closed his eyes. Perhaps it was all a dream and they'd go away. Ryan was well pleased, he would juice Calvin before the night was out, not once or twice but as long as he could until the kid was absolutely drained. He ducked his head on Calvin's slippery heat, Mark was probably getting impatient, he could see a lump in his friends jeans, Mark was getting turned on by the show. Ryan took Calvin's furry nuts in his mouth and juggled them about. Bingo, Calvin's scrotum was tightening up, little Mr Straight Guy was being turned on by a blow from a boy. He grinned up at Mark and took the trainer lace that was handed across. Smoothing down Calvin's scrotum he eased the boy's balls back to the bottom of the pouch and tied the lace around the neck. That'd stop Calvin's balls getting uptight, that little knot would stop the kid cuming. He reapplyed himself to Calvin's straining shaft again for one long wet minute and grinned up as the boy's balls tightened up against the knotted lace.

Ryan stood and grinned at Mark, it was time for the punishment to begin. They untied a leg apiece and drew off the boy's cargoes and CKs, Calvin was now totally naked, his blood gorged penis jutted up on his belly red, almost glowing, it looked painfully sore.

'Wouldn't have thought a normal kid would getting hard being sucked off by a bloke,' Ryan laughed.

'Not a normal kid,' Mark agreed quietly. They grabbed a leg apiece and flipped Calvin over onto his belly then they stood back to admire the view.

His back view was just as good as his front, a slightly suntanned body but a white bum, pure white like carved alabaster in the shape of a pair of briefs. It was pretty clear that Calvin liked his sun, he also liked pretty skimpy swimwear.

'Beautiful,' Mark breathed. He was as hard as a rock inside his trousers but the punishment came before the fun, it was debatable if Calvin would appreciate the difference. Mark pooled the oil in his hand and slapped it onto Calvin's bottom, the boy leapt on the bed but the thick ropes kept him in place without marking his skin where they were tied. Mark and Ryan knelt either side of the bed and massaged the oil into the tightly clenched little boy butt. Both of them were as hard as iron bars as they massaged the firm flesh and fed more oil into the tightly clenched crack.

'I think I've hit base,' Mark pulled a face of intense pleasure as his fingers forced apart Calvin's cheeks and played with the boy's tight little sphincter. Calvin's body spasmed as he felt a finger penetrate his ring and slowly move in and out of his tightly clenched boy pussy. 'Fuckin' fantastic,' Mark breathed and almost reluctantly eyed the table tennis bat but he'd made his mind up. Ryan oiled up onto Calvin's back and down onto his hairless upper legs. He also took the opportunity to invade Calvin's inner body as well but he used two fingers slipping in and out of Calvin oiling and easing.

'I'm gonna take his gag off, if he starts hollering we'll put it back on.' Mark looked at Ryan. ''OK?'

'I'd holler,' Ryan grinned.

'No you wouldn't,' Mark laughed. 'You'd love it.'

Sure enough as soon as the gag came off Calvin the foul language came out in a flood. Any teeny bopper fans would have run a mile, their little clean cut boy cursing like a dustman, a foul mouthed dustman at that.

'Shurrup, you little shit,' Mark swung the bat none to lightly and gave Calvin a mighty thwack. The boy screeched in pain and surprise but mostly pain, the red mark of the blow was plain on his snowy white flank.

'You bastard,' Calvin sobbed and spasmed again as the second blow landed on his other cheek raising a similar welt.

Mark caressed the bruised and reddened flesh and watched as Ryan began to get naked but leaving his ski mask on.

Whack, whack.' Two more sharp blows, one either side. Calvin was now sobbing, there was no escape and he just had to hope for his assailants to have mercy but worse was yet to come.

Whack, whack.' Two more less meaty blows. Calvin buried his face in the pillow and cried his eyes out, no more curses no more shouting. He didn't even protest as he felt knees between his legs, one of the attackers was kneeling between his parted legs, he had a good idea what was coming next but it couldn't be as painful as the paddle. Ryan guided his straining meat between Calvin's tightly clenched cheeks, there was so much oil there, Calvin's defence was useless.

Ryan hissed with delight and pushed harder, his engorged cock penetrated Calvin's ring and sank deep and hard into hot boy flesh. Calvin who was a virgin from the rear at least was deflowered but Ryan was only the advance guard. Ryan didn't sink his prick in for it's full length that was going to be Mark's pleasure, what Ryan was after was trapped between Calvin's belly and the bed.

Calvin sobbed his heart out. He'd never been abused like this before. A young pop star, weathy and getting wealthier, a protected environment and hundreds of adoring fans ..... all nothing on this New Year's Night. New Year's Nightmare.

'Whack, whack.' Two more on Calvin's already crimson and blue cheeks.

'Stop, stop, please,' Calvin cried into the pillow already soaked with his tears. To his absolute chagrin his penis was still hard and getting harder in spite of the beating and a man or boy's penis thrusting into his most private of places. 'I'll do anything,' he sobbed. 'Just let me go, I haven't hurt you, I don't fucking know you.

Mark slowly undressed as Ryan rubbed more oil onto Calvin's battered bottom. 'Relax, kid, or more of the same,' he whispered and kissed Calvin's ear nudging aside the artistically unkempt hair.

'Whatcha going to do?' Calvin sobbed, did he detect a bit of sympathy.

'Just relax,' Ryan soothed and nuzzled the side of the boy's tear stained face. 'It'll be over in a bit.' He looked at Mark as the other boy climbed onto the bed and knelt between Calvin's legs.

'My arms hurt,' Calvin whined. He leapt in his bonds, his belly tried to force itself throught the bed. Another intrusion this time thicker than the first had speared into his bum and this one wasn't just exploring it was fucking. He tried to protest, to shout or to curse but a ski masked face was alongside and hungry lips met his. As he opened his mouth to object he felt the other boy's tongue slip inside and attack his own. He was helpless. he was tied. One boy was kissing him and smothering his groans and sobs and another was forcing what seemed to be the whole of his penis right up his bottom.

Remembering the warning he tried to relax as he felt the boy on his back slowly and almost gently sink his hard cock into it's fullest extent. He could feel a rounded belly on the small of his back and his rapist's weight on his body but what he felt most of all was the boy's big cock slowly moving in and out of his aching bum. His ring was sore but that was overshadowed by the pain on his butt where the bat had struck, his arse felt like it was on fire.

He felt himself go crimson as the one boy continued to kiss him and the other worked his penis in and out now corkscrewing and then digging just a little bit deeper. His cock felt like it wanted to explode and he realised that he was no hero. He'd rather be fucked than beaten, he pushed his bum up a bit to meet the thrusts, keep the bastard on top happy was his only thought. Mind you being fucked wasn't as bad as he'd imagined. The guy wasn't ravishing him, he was taking it nice and gentle and Calvin felt himself relax. If this was the extent of the night's activities he could live with it, he just hoped that the one at his mouth would stop kissing and suck his cock, he wanted desperately to cum. His ballbag and cock were painfully sore.

What was happening, Calvin could feel the hard meat inside his belly being withdrawn. It couldn't be over, the bastard hadn't cum yet, or maybe he hadn't felt it. How did he know what someone cuming was supposed to feel like.

'We're gonna have to blindfold you, Cal,' Mr Nice Guy who was the kisser whispered and kissed his sweaty nose. But if you hoot and holler we'll have to put the gag back on and we don't want to do that.'

'I won't shout,' Calvin gave a tearful promise. 'I don't want a blindfold on.'

'Sorry, Cal.' Mr Nasty spoke from behind. 'We've got to get these masks off before we fry.'

'I won't look.' Calvin began to cry.

'Of course you will,' Calvin was surprised to feel the guy behind the one he had down as the baddy kiss him between the shoulderblades. 'We'll untie your legs but if you start kicking it's back to the paddle and the ropes.'

'Whatcha going to do?'

'We're going to have sex with you and you're going to return the favour,' Mr Nice Guy kissed him on the cheek.

'I dunno if I can,' Calvin sobbed. His emotions were a mess. Pain was pain but what they were doing to him was disusting, the problem was he was as hard as a rock, how did that one work out. You were supposed to get hard when you were enjoying youself not when you were being abused.

'You will,' the voice behind sounded vaguely familiar but Calvin couldn't place it, maybe it was his imagination. 'Lift your head kid.'

Calvin obeyed and felt a soft silky cloth go around his head covering his eyes. Thankfully it was soft and not uncomfortable but he couldn't see a bloody thing, it was like being in a blacked out room. The next thing he felt was his ankles beig untied and him being rolled onto his back, he felt the pain of his arse but the pain of his cock was nagging and aching he had to cum.

'My cock's so sore.' He despised himself for begging.

'I'm taking a risk here.' The one he had down as Mr Nasty spoke. 'We'll until your hands but if you attempt to attack us or remove that blindfold it's the bat and it'll be a full dozen.

'No, no,' Calvin was beaten. He felt the other guy kiss him on the lips and he responded. He lifted his head trying to kiss harder, the guy was a terrific kisser. The fuckin' GUY..... he nearly freaked but then saw his way clear. It was either pain of get on with it and see the night out, if he was going to have sex with these two he may as well try to enjoy it disgusting as it might be. It's not as if they were going to advertise their nights work. It was going to be an all time secret of theirs as well as his. He relaxed as he felt his wrists being loosened and the ropes removed. Gratefully he rubbed his wrists and barely protested as he felt his legs being lifted and his knees being pushed down onto his chest. You didn't have to be a brain surgeon to know what came next.

When it came it came with the gentleness he'd begun to associate with Mr Nasty, the boy and now he was certain it was a boy, slid his oiled knob over Calvin's pucker, Calvin felt a brief stab of pain and then the boy's big cock start to work it's way back into his Tunnel of Love.

'Aaah,' he sighed and reached out and held the other's slowly pumping hips. Joy and relief, he felt the other boy fiddle with the lace around his scrotum and the thing being removed.

'Oooooh.' He wailed as he felt the fucker sinking deeper and deeper and the kisser become a sucker. The hot wet mouth started to move up and down his ragingly hard cock, Calvin grinned, now this he could live with, anything but that bloody bat.

Ryan looked at Mark and smiled with his mouth around Calvin's bright red organ, when this kid came it was going to be bigtime.

Ryan slowly pumped away, he didn't want to hurt Calvin, he just wanted to punish him and that was over. He slowly moved in and out of the boy's exquisitely tight bottom, Calvin was the fuck of the century and now he was making little thrusts up with his hips forcing his cock deeper into Ryan's blow and also harder onto Mark's fuck.

There was a lock on the door, Ryan's head went into overdrive. Locked door, remove the bulbs, no masks or blindfold required. All they had to do was to make sure Calvin didn't do a runner and where would he run to naked in the middle of the night? It was a thought. He started to move faster and dig just that little harder, he felt the familiar heat arising.

'You are so good, Cal,' he leant over Ryan's bobbing head and kissed Calvin fully on the lips.

'You're pretty good yourself,' Calvin replied. He could have torn his tongue out, why the hell had he said that. He could have cried, he was actually enjoying being fucked and sucked at the same time. The only sex he'd had in his young life was solo wankings and the odd mutual shower wank with Aaron and he'd been disgusted with himself after those. This was the absolute pits and he was enjoying it. He didn't want it to stop but he could feel his nuts tight and knew he was on the verge.

When it came it was like a minor volcanic eruption, Calvin actually cried out as his red hot sperm tore up his shaft and fired burst after burst of thick creamy spunk into Ryan's swallowing mouth and then onto the boy's face, although Calvin couldn't see that. The final white ropey burst shot over his stomach and puddled in his navel. What a cum. Then the final horrow, he felt the boy, the one who had been sucking him moved up the bed and then the feel of something hard yet spongey at his lips. 'Come on, Calvin,' the mystery visitor wheedled. 'Do me, I'll do you again later.'

LATER. Calvin cringed. How long was this abuse going to go one for. Resigned, despairing and yet savouring the feel of a boy's penis gliding in and out of his bum he opened his mouth to feel the other boy wipe his cock end over his lips. He felt a smear and a strange taste, it must be cum, his tormentor was precuming.

'I'm cuming,' the boy up Calvin's butt groaned and started to moved faster ramming in deep and hard, Calvin held onto the boy's moving hips and maybe the final horror. He WANTED the boy to come, he wanted to feel this kid's cock pump his load, he wanted the sensation of the hot body raping him to be satisfied. AND THEN HE WANTED IT AGAIN.

'Cum on, cum on,' Calvin chanted as the boy's big cock hammered into him and then the unique and wonderful sensation of a boy's sexual organ in his belly stiffening for the last time, swelling and then pumping blast after blast of thick lumpy boy spunk deep into his belly. The movement eased and Calvin could feel the thing just glide in and out ejecting it's final watery bursts.

'Gaaargh,' Calvin choked and spluttered, his mouth was full of sweet tasting cream, slippery and sticky coating his tongue and teeth. He gagged and then swallowed and the slimy mess slid down his throat. More and more another two or three spurts across his face, he felt the stuff soak through the blindfold, Mr Nice Guy had cum in his mouth and even covered his face.

'Time for a rest I think,' the youngster inside Calvin slowly and carefully withdrew his still hard but spent organ from Calvin's tight arse now full of oozing boy juice. 'You are one good fuck, Calvin, my man.' Calvin squirmed and held the boy's smooth body as he lay alongside, the other was lapping at his face. Calvin felt a wave of disgust and then laughed, he licked cum from his lips, it wasn't that bad after all.

'Yeah, rest,' the other boy agreed and kissed Calvin. Calvin felt himself respond, his tongue met the other boy's and they spent a long two or three minutes in a wet, sloppy and breathless kiss.

The boy who had done the fucking quickly slipped from the bed and Calvin heard the light switches go off, more fumbling around and the kid was back alongside him, his warm flesh pressed up against Calvin once more.

'Lights are our, bulbs are out and you're out if you try to do a runner. Savvy.'

'Savvy,' Calvin croaked and felt himself being turned into the other boy's embrace, suited him, it took his sore bum off the bed. He felt the blindfold being removed and then the set of a fresh pair of lips on his, he kissed, what else could he do. He felt the other boy, the one who had sucked him snuggle up behind he felt the boy's soft cock pressing against his bottom but it was getting harder, unconciously Calvin wriggled his bum letting the hardening meat slip between his oiled cheeks and upper thighs. The other boy gave a sigh of satisfaction and snuggled up tightly.

Calvin was sandwiched between two youths he'd worked that out. Sixteen, seventeen, he hadn't got a clue, the point was he was in their power and how the hell did he get out of it, a secondary and more important question was,..... did he want to? It seemed the punishment bit was over, he hadn't got the slightest idea what that was all about but it was over. In a sick way he could have a fun night, he was a ladies man, everyone knew that but he could have fun with these boys, you know, like he had an option?

The kid behind him, the one who'd done the blowing and probably the more femme of the two, Mr Nice, he'd call him Nick, as in Nick for nice. It helped to have a name for these bastards. The one in front now snogging him was Mr Nasty, he'd done the batting although his fuck was quite gentle he'd have to be ...... er, Aaron. He'd always fancied his band mate Aaron a bit and this boy seemed to be about the same size.

Two ficticious names in mind he lay there and submitted to Mr Nasty's lazy kisses, codename Aaron that was.

'Why are you doing this,' he whispered into Aaron's ear as he felt the interloper's lips slip down and kiss his throat.

'Because we want to,' Aaron replied. 'You earnt tonight you litle prick.'

'But why,' Calvin wailed. It was unfair, who the hell were these guys, they blew hot and cold. One minute they were abusing and beating him the next minute they were snogging.

'Don't question, just enjoy,' he felt the boy behind him drop his head and then the feathery touches of lips on his back down his spine. Mr Nice, Nick was going South.

'Oooh,' Calvin trembled he could now feel Nick's mouth on his buns and kisses on his cheeks. 'Aaaar,' he shuddered as he felt the boy's hands spread his cheeks and then a hot flickering tongue at his back end licking and probing into his cleft. He opened his legs and heard a chuckle behind him as the boy's tongue began to wash an lap at his pucker. This was so tatally gross he actually giggled, what a sensation, it was fuckin' marvellous, he wriggled his little boy fanny back onto Nick's cow lick's.

From his front Mr Nasty, codename Aaron had dropped his head as well and was kissing down his chest also heading South. Calvin cringed, he could feel his penis filling out and hardening, he stroked the boy's shaggy hair in the dark. Shaggy hair, where did he remember that from, he lost it as he felt the boy hold the base of his revitalised cock and sink his mouth over the now bulging head. This was so off planet, one kid with his tongue up his bum and the other with his mouth round his cock. He wiggled his bum and made lazy prods into the kid in the front.

'Eeek,' Calvin yelped, he felt the mouth leave his cock and cold oil on his hot meat, if anything his hardness got harder.

'You ready for part two,' Aaron spoke and kissed him on the side of the mouth.

'What's that?' Calvin's voice shook. No more pain please.

There was no answer but he felt the boy to his front turn around in the bed and then a tight boy bum being pushed up against his groin, he automatically held his erection steady, he knew what the other wanted. He nearly fainted as he felt the boy's warm bum engulf his hardon and then a halt. He gave a gentle push and he knew full well what he pushed against, he was at the kid's pucker, he was being invited or more properly he was being forced to fuck another boy. For Christ's sake this was so absolutely over the top gay he was absolutely sickened for about five seconds flat. Holding the kid's slender hips he pushed gently and for the first time began to sheath himself in teenage bottom and it was fuckin' marvellous. He groaned and gasped with pleasure as the hot flesh grasped his penis and seemed to absorb and massage it as he slowly moved to and fro sinking into this boy's willing arse.

The other boy Nick had also moved up and Calvin could feel the boy's slippery knob slip up between his cheeks but he couldn't care less. Hit bottom was sore with the spanking but his ring was loose and he was still well lubricated with oil and excess cum. All in all his back end was a mess. He gave a token groan as he felt the other boy enter him and start his own slow fuck.

But now it was three boys having a cluster fuck Calvin started to move faster fucking Aaron and Mr Nice tried to keep his fuck in time. Surprisingly enough it was all over quickly Calvin experienced his first ever cum into someone else's body and he felt the now familiar jerking and spurting up into his own body. As his fucker withdrew from his bottom Calvin felt the slime of spunk between his cheeks and the squishy feel of a full bottom, he had to get out, he had to get to a toilet.

'Gotta go to the loo,' he tried to struggle from the bed.

'Wait.' It was Mr Nasty again taking charge. 'Where is it?'

'Between mine and Aaron's room,' Calvin lay in the sweaty and now very smelly bed clamping his cheeks.

'I can see it.' Mark could the doorframe showed up lighter than the surrounding dark. 'I'll go first and stand by the lights, Cal. You follow me but do not attempt to put a light on, got me?'

'Yeah, OK,' Calvin replied in a very small voice. 'I won't.'

'Good kid,' Mark kissed the frightened popster on the head. He didn't like frightening the youngster but he had no idea of Calvin's reactions when he found out who had raped and then assaulted him. Anything could happen.

Calvin emptied himself and washed off his bum in complete darkness, he knew the other boy was standing by the door in the dark and this was confirmed as he was grasped as he fumbled his way out.


'Nothing,' the other boy chuckled and putting his arms around Calvin's waist lowered his head and kissd the young popster.

'Mmmm,' Calvin returned the kiss eagerly and allowed the other to slip his tongue inside to meet his, incredibly enough he could feel their soft organs which were touching begin to stiffen up again.

'You have such a nice butt,' the mystery boy Calvin had named Aaron caressed Calvin's flanks kneading the soft flesh. 'An arse to die for.'

Calvin giggled and held the boy's cock, it was getting harder. 'Perhaps you want to make love to me again before you go,' he whispered.


'You heard,' Calvin went crimson in the dark. He'd actually asked his rapist to fuck him. 'Did you wash your dick?'

'Yeah, when you were crapping,' the other boy seemed unsure of himself for the first time of the night.

'Good,' Calvin grinned in the dark and dropped to his knees, reaching out he grabbed the semi stiff flesh between the other boy's legs and slipped his lips over the bulging knob.

'Aaah, the other boy groaned and leant back against the door holding Calvin's cruffy hair as the smaller boy bobbed his head up and down on the rapidly hardening erection.

Moments later the boy leaning against the door bent down and putting his hand under Calvin's armpits pulled the shorter boy to his feet. 'I wanna make love to you, Cal, and then we gotta go.'

'We've got the rest of the night,' Calvin mumbled. What had been a nightmare was now a dream and it was a dream he wanted to last.

'It's too dangerouns for me and Ry.... the other guy.'

'Ry?' Calvin giggled.

'Don't tell him you little squirt.'

'I won't,' Calvin laughed and followed Mark from the bathroom into the equally dark bedroom.

'Where the fuck you been?' Ryan whispered urgently from the bed.

'Don't panic,' Mark sat on the bed as Calvin quite happily clambered into the centre slot again.

'It's nearly five o'clclock, it's light at seven,' Ryan was panicking.

'Can't be,' Calvin and Mark spoke as one.

'Time flies when you're having fun,' Ryan retorted and laughed nervously. 'Look at the fuckin' clock.'

'Well I'm on a promise,' Mark slipped back onto the bed again and clasped Calvin in his arms. 'You and me Cal?'

'Yeah,' Calvin muttered in a very small voice and snuggled upto his new friend, the rapist.

'Well I'm off, I'll get the gear bagged up and I'm on my bike.,' Ryan started to get from the bed but Calvin grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Calvin pulled the bemused Ryan down onto the bed and kissed him. 'I thought you guys were getting into fair shares.'

'Meaning?' Ryan unconciously reached out and grasped Calvin's penis which was at full stretch, he idly worked the meat up and down and imagined Calvin giving him a good fucking. He wouldn't have thought the smaller boy would have the strength.

Calvin put his mouth close to Ryan's ear. 'I wanna make love to you before you go ..... please?'

'I can't say no, can I?' Ryan laughed. He'd wanted Calvin to take him all night but there was no chance with Mark leading the way. This was his chance and he wasn't going to let it get away from him, every time he saw Calvin Goldspink on the box he'd be able to remember that he'd fucked that boy and that boy had fucked him. 'Come on, little big man,' he flopped onto his back on his side of the bed and he felt Calvin clamber between his parted legs. Mark slid up alongside and kissed him on the cheek.

Calvin must have found the oil because as Ryan lay on his back and assumed the funky frog position with his knees upto his chest he felt the glance of Calvin's knob across his buttock and it was slippery. Ryan felt Calvin's thighs against his stretched buttocks and then the kid's oiled penis lay on his briefly and Calvin made a vague to and fro motion.

'You're supposed to put it inside me,' Ryan croaked.

'In time.' Calvin leant over and lightly kissed Ryan as moved his hips back so that his erection moved away, prolonging his kiss he aimed his weapon at Ryan's pucker and slowly pushed into the warmth.

'Aaaah,' Ryan groaned. Calvin wasn't all that big but Ryan always made a noise, it was of satisfaction more than of pain, Mark had been fucking him for two years now so he was well used to boy cock. The thing was he was used to Mark's six inch tool and he was in love with Mark, Calvin was his first adventure outside his little 'marriage' to his boyfriend. They kept themselves to themselves and never ever was there a third party involved until now. 'Go on, fuck me, Cal,' Ryan grammed the boy's moving hips and pulled the kid in or pulled himself onto Calvin's hot cock which was moving faster and faster. Calvin was a rabbit type fucker not like his beloved Mark who liked to take his time.

'Jeez, this is wicked,' Calvin grinned from ear to ear in the dark. This was his first fuck where the boy was actually pinned underneath him, an absolute bottom and he was the top. 'Yeah,' he slammed and rammed into Ryan's tender arse and Ryan was loving it.

'Go on, Cal, go on,' he rested his calves on Calvin's slippery back and pressed trying to keep the excited boy in deep. It couldn't last, Calvin was too hyped after the events of the night and already he could feel his hot sperm boiling in his nuts.

'Shit,' Calvin groaned and rammed in deep and hard pushing Ryan up the bed. 'Jeezus,' he felt the searing heat of his cum shoot up his shaft and then the blessed relief as he spurted and jerked his load into the boy beneath. 'Whassat?' Calvin felt warm splats on his belly, the boy beneath had also come and groaned as his cock jerked and smeared across Calvin's smooth tummy.

'Now I am going home and going to bed,' Ryan groaned as Calvin slid free. 'I am fucked, shagged and totally exhausted.'

'Aren't you staying?' Calvin grinned in the dark. 'Protect your mate or something.'

'He can look after himself,' Ryan leant over and kissed their victim. 'Believe me, Cal. Don't fuck with him once I've gone.'

'I won't,' Calvin promised and returned the kiss. 'I won't mess with him but I will fuck.'

'Ho, ho,' Ryan tottered to his fet and as the others lay on the bed having a lazy smooch dressed and collected all the kit and put it in the backpack. 'I'm off now,' he stood awkwardly at the end of the bed. He thought Mark was pushing his luck staying but that was Mark's problem and Mark was always the team leader.

'See you again.' Calvin spoke from the bed.

'I don't think so,' Ryan laughed. 'I don't like policemen.'

'We're gonna use this place in the summer,' Calvin chuckled. 'There won't be any cops around.'

'Go out of the kitchen door and leave it open,' Mark butted in, once Ryan was out of the way the safer he'd feel. Anyway, he had further business with Calvin and then he too could leave. He didn't want to be around when first light arrived and it was beginning to get just a fraction lighter now.

'OK mate, see you later.' The dark shape of Ryan was more or less invisible but showed up briefly against the lighter doorframe and he was gone.

'Now, Calvin Goldspink, my little darling. Where were we,' Mark turned the boy onto his side and snuggled up against his back, his erection slid between Calvin's legs.

'Oooh,' Calvin shuddered and clamped his legs on Mark's thick penis. 'Am I gonna see you again?' He pushed his soft bottom back against Mark's groin.

'Dunno,' Mark nibbled at Calvin's sweaty neck. 'I don't mind paying for my sins but I can't let .... er, whatsit into trouble.'

'Ry,' Calvin giggled and moved his bottom against Mark's hot crotch.

'This turns you on, doesn't it?' Mark kissed Calvin fiercely and bent the boy forward so that his arse was fully exposed.

'With you,' Calvin mumbled into the bedding. He could feel Mark's slippery glans nudge at his sphincter and the meaty was was in him once again. 'Aaah,' he straightened himself up and pushed back absorbing Mark's slow thrust. He pushed his back onto Mark's smooth chest and felt the boy's solid cock sheath itself in his body. Mark flathanded Calvin's belly and on their sides they slowly fucked Mark kissing Calvin's neck all the time and the side of the boy's face as he tried to turn.

Another move and Calvin found himself on his belly and Mark was between his legs still slowly fucking but pushing in hard at the end of each movement. Calvin shoved his bum up, this was great, no third person just a nice slow fuck with someone you liked.

'Doggy,' Mark whisped and pulled Calvin's hips up. Calvin didn;t need telling, he pushed himself up into a knees and palms pose and Mark continued but he was moving faster now, the slap of sweaty flesh was clearly audible as Mark thwacked against Calvin's cute little boy bottom and his rampant meat pierced the smaller boy's sweet flesh.

'Yeah, go for it,' Calvin pushed back hard against his mystery lover. 'Fuck me,' he almost shouted as he dropped his heat and his sweet little bum stuck up in the air. Mark raised himself a bit and lunged and plunged down into sweet boyflesh, he could feel his cum boiling in his balls, he was gonna flood this little raver.

'Yes, yes, yes,' Calvin squealed as he felt Mark's organ swell and spurt. It was amazing and it seemed to go on for ever, Mark's thick cock was rammed up his little boy bottom and spraying spunk like there was no tomorrow. 'Jeez,' Calvin collapsed on the bed and Mark lay ontop stirring his cum covered cock in Calvin's spunk flooded buy cunt.

'You are so good, little lover,' Mark slowly slid free and lay alongside his victim. 'You are so good.'

'Am I,' Calvin laughed sleepily. 'I am so knackered.'

'Sleep,' Mark whispered. 'It was only a dream.' He sat there in the dark with the dawn gradually making things lighter. Once he could hear Calvins regular breathing and he was happy that it wasn't a con he covered Calvin's naked body from the early morning chill, got dressed and silently crept from the room. By the time he got home dawn was well on it's way and once he was indoors he sat in the kitchen. Ryan had called it Mission Impossible, now it was Mission Accomplished.

Calvin was hyperactive in the morning, he stripped the bed, air scented the room and tidied up. Last night seemed like a dream but it wasn't. The red and blue bruises on his bottom were the proof of that. By the time Aaron and both sets of parents returned he was almost as good as new.

Aaron was the first to notice. 'What you hobbling for, Cal?'

'I fell down the stairs,' Calvin tried his scatty voice. He was used to acting like a muppet in public, it went with the job.

'Silly sod,' his dad laughed. 'Are you OK though.'

'Yeah,' Calvin grinned ruefully. 'Bit bruised, that's all.'

'I'd better get the Doctor.' Calvin's mother got in on the act.

'No, no. I'm OK,' Calvin grinned. 'I'm fine.'

And that was it, the New Year's Day wore on and they were on the move on the 3rd of January, they only had two more nights in the place. Calvin wasn't expecting any break ins tonight.

Everyone one was well shagged after the New Year's Eve celebration, Calvin probably more that the others. Himself and Aaron decided to hit the sack quite early probably around ten o'clock. The had adjoining rooms which were separated by a shared bathroom and it was always a bit of a race who got to use it first, this time Calvin happened to be first and was in the shower when Aaron stepped in with his towel around his waist.

'Can I share the shower?' Aaron called. It wouldn't have been the first time and they'd even had a mutual wank on two occasions.

'I suppose,' Calvin tried not to sound too interested at perving Aaron's naked body. Aaron was into surfing and being a bit taller that Calvin he also showed better muscles. He also had a bigger penis, whereas Calvins was probably around the five inch mark Aaron's was well over six inches. Calvin had never thought about it too much but after the previous night's events his mindset had changed more than a little.

The door slid open and a naked Aaron stepped in. 'What the fuck happened to you're arse?'

Shit. Calvin was mortified. He'd forgotten all about the bruising. 'Fell down the stairs, didn't I,' he muttered.

'Bollocks,' Aaron laughed shortly. 'Turn around, let's have a proper look.'

'Piss off. I'm not letting you oggle my bum,' Calvin giggled. 'Perv.'

'Turn around,' Aaron shoved his smaller chum around and studied the bruising. 'Some one's paddled you.'


'Don't lie to me Calvin. 'You've been paddled, I've seen it before. Who did this to you.'

'Nobody,' Calvin snuffled, the whole sorry story could come out now. The house might even be full of police and that would be a disaster, statements and all the rest of it. 'Leave it alone, Aaron. I can't tell you.'

'Tell me or I'll tell your parents,' Aaron grabbed the smaller boy and hugged his wet form. 'I won't tell but you've got to tell me.'

'If I tell you it's gotta stay secret,' Calvin muttered. 'Dead secret.' He broke free. Christ he was getting hard just standing against Aaron. He turned away and rinsed his hair.

'Pity, it's such a nice bottom,' Aaron murmured.

'Flattery'll get you nowhere,' Calvin giggled.

'Why not,' Aaron stepped closed and ran his hand over Calvin's wet buns. 'Soooo smooth.'

'Jeez, Aaron,' Calvin went crimson, he couldn't put the night out of his mind and here was Aaron making a move on him. To make matters worse he couldn't turn around he'd just totally boned up, he was as hard as a chocolate frog.

'Hey, Cal,' Aaron stood closer and Calvin felt something slip against his hip. 'Turn around, I've got one on as well.'

Calvin turned around and looked at Aaron, what a handsome fucker he was. He gulped as he felt Aaron's hand slide down his belly and grasp his erection, Aaron brought both erections together and held them in both of his hands.

'Aaron,' Calvin croaked.

Aaron grinned and to Calvin's surprise kissed him briefly on the forehead. 'I like you Cal and it seems you like me. How's about you go to bed and then I'll come in and then ..... you can tell me who did this, you can tell me all about it because I don't like seeing you get hurt.'

'Orrite,' Calvin gave a strangled sqeak and fled the shower grabbing a towel on the way. In his room he turned the light off just leaving the bedside one lit, he also locked the door, he had the funniest feeling that Aaron was going to make a move on him and he was going to be ready for it.

He thought of Aaron in the shower, an excellent sun tan with the soapy water running of his broad shoulders, his erection, it had to be a seven incher, bigger than both the boys from last night and his cute little bubble buns ... Jeez. His own hardon was aching at the thought of himself and Aaron actually doing something more than just a wank. Still damp he put his pyjama bottoms on and slipped into bed, his bum was still sore but his actual hole was fine, in fact, it was ready for more boymeat as was his stiff penis. He'd got a taste for it last night and that taste wasn't going to go away. He wondered who the hell the two were last night, it had started off so bad, so really bad and it had ended so good. He'd love to meet them again and there was a chance, the families were coming back in two months and it may even become a regular holiday home.

Aaron came in the through the bathroom door wearing a bathrobe and slippers. 'I was going down to get a mug of cocoa, fancy one.'

'Yes please,' Calvin snuggled in the bed, deep into the fresh bedding. What was going to happen tonight, what was Aaron going to do.

'Alright,' Aaron grinned and unlocked the door. 'Keep it hot for me,' he whispered and then disappeared with a laugh.

Wow,' Calvin thought. One night of rape and then Aaron goes all gay on me. Can't be bad, he idly stroked his erection under the covers and waited for his cocoa.

Aaron returned in ten minutes carrying a tray with mugs, sugar and some biscuits. Balancing the tray he carefully locked the door before coming across to the bed and placed the tray in the middle. He carefully sat up on the bed as Calvin moved across. 'Tell me,' he picked up his mug and took a sip.

'You won't believe me, Aaron. You won't,' Calvin's eyes were drawn to Aaron's gown which was parted at the chest, he could see down to the gentle round of Aaron's belly. Calvin gulped he just wanted Aaron in bed with him, both of them naked and both in the mood for love to borrow a song title.

'Tell me your little story and I'll tell you if I believe you or not,' Aaron smiled encouragingly. 'Somebody paddled you and I want to know who, those marks weren't there two days ago.'

The telling took about half an hour and Aaron sat patiently raising his eyebrows now and then but saying nothing. At the end of it he removed the tray and placed it on the floor. He reached into his bathrobe's pocket and drew out a small tub.

'Guaranteed to reduce bruising and pain,' he declared. 'I knew it was in the medical cabinet somewhere.'

Calvin looked at him open mouthed. 'What about my story?'

'Yeah a good yarn,' Aaron laughed. 'What annoys me is that you're gay and you never let on. I've fancied you something rotten for yonks and you've been playing Mr Straight Guy.'

'Wha.....' Calvin was speechless.

'Wha .....' Aaron mocked. 'You stay in a night sick. Some new local friends come around for a bit of an orgy, you get a slapping and then make up a story about being raped ..... you fuckin' disgust me.' Aaron stood up. 'I've wanted you for a year now, I've wanted to go to bed with you, I've wanted to love you and you're slutting around with a pair of country yokels.'

'Aaron .....' Calvin burst out crying. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard. His mate, his super straight mate was bent, Aaron was gay and Aaron wanted him. What a complete and utter fuck up. He turned away and clutched the pillow and sobbed his heart out.

'Calvin,' he heard Aaron get on the bed and an arm went around him. 'I'm sorry but you're fucking about with these new mates of yours who bully you and beat you up and I've wanted you all this time and never even got the time of day.'

'I'd didn't know you were gay,' Calvin sobbed. 'And they're not fuckin' mates, they raped me.'

'You said you fucked them, that's not rape is it?' Aaron spoke mildly and cuddled Calvin. 'You either got attacked, beaten and raped or you had a mutual fuckfest, one or the other.'

'Both,' Calvin snuffled and turned a little to look at Aaron. 'I can't explain it,' he looked away.

'Try,' Aaron turned Calvin's head. 'I won't take the piss and I won't say anything.....'

'They got in somehow.....'

'Through the burglar alarms,' Calvin butted in.

'You said you weren't going to say anything,' Calvin turned away and started to softly cry again.

'Come on, come on,' Aaron stroked Calvin's bare back. 'I'm sorry start again,' he leant forward and kissed Calvin's smooth shoulder. 'Go on baby.'

Calvin turned to look at him with tear streaked face. 'They got in and captured me when I came out of the loo. They brought me up here and tied me up and undressed me, a bit of both, undressing and tying up, you understand?' Calvin paused.

'Go on.'

'They had ski masks on for the first half and when they got hot they put a thing round my eyes. I had a gag as well so that when the spanked me I couldn't holler out.'

'Poor baby. You must have been scared shitless. Go on,' Aaron snuggled upto Calvin and nuzzled at his neck. 'Tell it as it was.'

'They spanked me with a bat or something and then when it hurt so much I started crying one of them fucked me and one of them sucked me.' Calvin snuffled again. 'Then we sorta snuggled and when we all got hard again I fucked one and the other fucked me, like a daisy chain thingy.'

'A fuck sandwich,' Aaron tilted Calvin's face. 'That is so hard to do when you're soft.'

'I wasn't soft, I was as hard as a rock for fuck's sake. I was getting turned on can't you understand. It started off with them raping me and I started to enjoy it ..... I'm fuckin' queer,' Calvin tore away from Aaron and buried his face in the pillow again.

'Lotta queer people about,' Aaron spoke softly. 'Queers; love, lust, hurt, cry and die the same as anyone else. What you have to do is accept what you are.' He tugged at Calvin until the smaller boy faced him again. This time he kissed Calvin right on the lips a second later Calvin was returning the kiss but Aaron broke it. 'You accept what you are or you don't. I'm gay, I don't broadcast it, why should I, my sexuality is my business. If I want to come out I'll do it when I'm good and ready, maybe never.'

'But I liked it, I really liked it,' Calvin blubbered.

'Why not, you're supposed to like sex,' Aaron grinned. 'It'd be a shitty world if the act of sex was a pain in the arse...'

Calvin burst out laughing. 'Do you know what you just said?'

'Yeah, I should rephrase that,' Aaron laughed. 'Anyway, let me do your bottom and then you can get a good nights kip.'

'I want you to sleep with me,' Calvin avoided Aaron's eyes. 'If you want to after all this.'

'So much,' Aaron gently tugged the bedding down exposing Calvin down to his pyjama clad knees. 'If I get into that bed with you there won't be much sleeping done.'

'That sounds good,' Calvin giggled, the tears were forgotten. He rolled onto his belly and shucked his pyjamas down exposing his battered and bruised butt. 'Let's play Doctors and Nurses.'

'There's an offer I can't refuse,' Aaron tugged the pyjama bottoms clear, they'd only get in the way. He scooped a dollop of clear gel from the pot and smeared it onto Calvin's smooth buns. 'Orrite babes?'

'Don't stop,' Calvin quivered in anticipation.

Aaron smeared the ointment into Calvin's bruised bum covering the affected area and the lightly ran his slippery finger down Calvin's crack from top to bottom, as he slid his finger inside Calvin quivered but his bum came up as if inviting more.

'One thing I wanna do,' Aaron spoke quietly and kissed the oiled area.

'Yeah,' Calvin ground his midfriff into the mattress. 'Do it, Aaron. Do it.'

'No,' Aaron laughed. 'Go on your hands and knees and open your legs as wide as you can. I just want to check out you haven't been split or anything.'

'Split,' Calvin sqwarked.

'It happens. Lets have a look.'

'OK,' Calvin hoisted himself up and spread his legs as far as he could. 'OK?'

'Looks OK,' Aaron conceded. His oily finger stroked across Calvin's tiny pucker and the boy quivered. Aaron gave a gentle push and his finger slid inside the puffy entrance, Calvin's spincter was firm and strong, Aaron slowly moved his finger in and out. Looking underneath he could see that Calvin was fully erect and that the kid's penis was jerking every time he slid his finger in deep. 'You like this, Cal. Doncha?'

'Prefer the real thing,' Calvin giggled and then slipping off Aaron's finger lay flat on his stomach on the bed. 'Take me I'm yours, dum de dum,' he sang a line of an old song.

Aaron was ready, his erection jutted from his belly like a battering ram, a long streamed of precum oozed from the tip and he winced as he rubbed some of the clear gel on his knob, he was so hard it was painful. He had to take Calvin like right now.

'Tell me if I start to hurt you,' he whispered as he covered Calvin with his body keeping his middle clear with his tight little surfer's bottom up in the air.

'Count on it,' Calvin retorted with another little chuckle, he lay still and totally relaxed. One of the best looking kid's on the planet was going to shag him.

Aaron slowly lowered himself until he felt his oiled knob start to slip between Calvin's smooth buns he then removed one of his supporting arms and steadied his fleshy spear, his engorged glans slid right onto target and nudged against Calvin's sphincter. A gentle push and he glided into incredible tightness and the boy's internal heat.

'Aaaaah,' Calvin clutched the pillow as he felt his friend's stiffness begin to fill him with it's virile thickness. Aaron was bigger than the other two and he felt his ring and anal passage stretch to accomodate the meaty intruder.

Safely lodged inside Calvin's tight little arse Aaron began to move to and fro, this was going to be a quicky, he couldn't help it, the next one would take longer. A slow push and he was docked, he felt his crisp pubics nestle against Calvin's soft bottom and he began to fuck.

Calvin moaned and pushed up, this was willing sex and this he was enjoying it. He pushed up harder onto his lover as Aaron lunged and plunged into his already well used bum, the slap, slap of oiled boy flesh against another boy must have been audible all over the house. In fact nobody heard, just the two young lovers having messy and frantic sex for the very first time.

'I'm sorry, I gotta come,' Aaron cried out and his cock jerked and splattered Calvin inside with a generous load of thick white boy juice, splash after splash of creamy spunk coating Calvin's insides with it's hot liquid goodness.

'Aaaah,' Calvin moaned in satisfaction and clamped his bum and wriggled on Aaron's limpening organ. 'You cum like a donkey,' he rolled onto his side with Aaron still fully inserted. 'Keep it in until you get hard again,' he pushed hard back as Aaron pushed into him. He could feel Aaron's stickiness inside his gut, he could feel the surfer boi on his back, the heat and even the beat of his lover's heart ..... he was in heaven. Things were going right at last.

They left on the 3rd of January and everybody was in good humour. Both sets of parents remarked on how smiley Calvin and Aaron had been over the last two days, they were even looking foward to coming back to this godforsaken chunk of Surrey. The country air must have done the boys good the mums and dads decided.

Calvin was leaning on the car waiting for the last of the gear to come down whilst Aaron was inside talking with his father.Two boys with bikes were perched on a low stone wall across the road watching the proceedings, Calvin looked across and then did a double take, one of them was the kid he'd offed a week or so ago the boy fan. Aaron remembered the conversation, what a self centred prick he'd been.

He looked at them and gave a friendly wave, he would have like to have gone across and apologised but with two of them he might even get a smack in the mouth, anyway, the rents were coming out.

The boy's across the road got on their bikes and cycled across, they stopped about ten yards away and pulled something from their winter jackets. Calvin froze, both of the youngsters grinned at him and slowly and deliberately tugged on ski masks.

'Come on Ry,' one of them yelled, they waved at Calvin and they were off.


Next: Chapter 2: Happy Easter Calvin and Aaron

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