Happy New Year Calvin

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Feb 26, 2004


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE

GCutter66@aol.com ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers

Once again it's for patient Mark and impatient Ryan a couple of young fans (S Club 8 fans that is).

This story is a continuation of HAPPY NEW YEAR CALVIN published by Nifty/Gay/Celebrity on 1st Jan 04. WHICH I ADVISE YOU TO READ FIRST.



G. Cutter

'Thank Christ Jay isn't coming with us.' Calvin spoke to his fellow singer Aaron as they relaxed in the back of the limo taking them to darkest Surrey.

'Yeah, imagine him in a threesome,' Aaron laughed, 'Little black dick and so mingin ugly.'

'Yeah .....' Calvin tailed off and looked from the tinted windows of the speeding car, the driver had told them that they'd be at their destination in half an hour.

'Wassup, kid?'

'Just thinking about the New Year when we were here,' Calvin smiled at his friend and his full time lover. 'I'd really love to get some comeback on them two kids.'

'Got to find out who they are first.'

'Well Miss Marples you've got the lump of paper.'

'Indeedy,' Aaron opened up his briefcase and pulled out a slender file. 'Here we go: Two boys, 16?, 17?, probably the boys at the gate on departure ... then you have a brief description. You suspect the older or senior one of the two was the autograph hunter from about a week previous. Some other odds and ends.'

'What about security?'

'Yeah,' Aaron mused. 'How could kids know how to get around the alarms?'

'They got lucky, the thing wasn't set, they knew the keycode or.....'

'Nah, my dad set it up, he made such a song and dance about it but he did it right.'

'Then how the fuck did they get in,' Calvin hit his leg with his clenched fist. he'd been trying to fathom out how his two young assailants had gotten into the house to carry out their attack and then their rape. The fact that the rape had turned out to be an experience that had brought him into Aaron's private life was another thing. He and Aaron were now lovers, twice when on tour they'd got messages to boy fans in the audience and had sweaty and very enjoyable sex. But the point was there was payback due. The other and more important point was that they were laid up in the house for two weeks before their parents arrived and they were looking for company ..... and a giggle.

'Five minutes, fellas,' the driver warned them on the car's speaker.

'Who's there, adults I mean,' Calvin looked at Aaron who in their private affairs tended to take the lead.

'The Housekeeper, Mrs Norton and the lady chef.'

'Hope that Norton dragon ain't gonna be lurking all day,' Calvin giggled. 'That is some bossy lady.'

'She's been told to leave us alone.'

'Thank fuck for that, we need to scout out these kids, find out who they are and then what?'

'Entrap them,' Aaron smiled. 'Easy, sweetbuns.'

'Want them tonight, the sweetbuns I mean?'

'Always.' Aaron laughed.

As the driver had forecast they arrived on time, they were offloaded and settling into their rooms an hour later. They still carried out the fiction that they slept in seperate beds so their unpacking happened in the same two bedrooms that they'd occupied on their last visit.

They chatted to Mrs Norton and fixed it so that the cook prepared them a cooked breakfast for around eight thirty, a main meal of the day for around one o'clock in the afternoon and then finished up leaving the place well supplied with snacks and the like.They also told Mrs Norton that once the daily cleanup was done they didn't really need her around in the afternoon at least not until their parents arrived two weeks hence.

Once this was done they explored.

'Now these oiks of yours, how did they get in and avoid the alarms,' Aaron spoke to Calvin as the wandered around the outside of the house.

'Front door, lounge doors and kitchen door,' Calvin ticked them off on with his fingers, 'What else is there?'

'A window?'

'Nah, your dad checked them all out.'

'This,' Aaron smiled and shoved a small door by the kitchen almost invisible being covered with ivy.

'You can't open that with all the ivy stuck on it.'

'You can if you ran a knife along the door's actual outline, the door can open but the ivy stays.'

'But it won't budge,' Calvin tugged the door and then tried pushing.

'It's got slide bolts on the inside that's why they never alarmed it. It might even be an old coal cellar or something.'

'Ah, I give up,' Calvin muttered with disgust.

'Hang about,' Aaron grinned in triumph. 'It looks like one of those twirly staircases inside,' he had managed to clear a small part of an ivy and dirt encrusted window. 'Not a lot of light.'

'Well logic dictates that a staircase going up must finish up somewhere.'

'Well done, Sherlock, lets have a sniff about inside.'

'Remember what side of the house it's on.' They were off.

They spent a fruitless hour searching until they finally spotted the door at the end of the bedroom's landing.

'Wrong side of the house.'

'We'll look anyway, probably only a broom cupboard.' Aaron opened the door, there was nothing inside just a small bare wooden staircase leading upwards.

'That thing on the roof they call the attic, I wondered how the hell you got up there,' Calvin grinned and up they went.

The attic was originally designed and built to hold two or three servants back in the old days but was now a room which contained dust shrouded bits and pieces. There was even an old rocking horse and what appeared to be steamer trunks, God know's what was in them. Aaron had made a beeline across the quite large area and opened a small door in the corner.

'Voila,' he pronounced as he opened up. 'One spiral staircase as per haunted house and footmarks looking like trainers.'

'Jeez,' Calvin grinned. 'What now?'

Aaron didn't speak he just clattered down the iron staircase and was back up two minutes later. 'Two bloody great bolts top and bottom and.........'

'And?' Calvin waited.

'Freshly oiled and the door opens with a bit of a struggle.'

'So how did they get in to do that then?' Calvin looked at Aaron

'Inside job.' They spoke as one.

'Come on, let's trap Norton before she goes home,' Aaron galloped off trailed by Calvin.

The cook who was another middle aged lady was preparing the lunch which the boys called the main meal and was being helped by Mrs Norton who with her friend just wanted to get the two boys fed and get home.

'Hello boys,' Mrs Norton was unusually cheerful, probably a fortnight of half days had cheered her up a little.

'Do you have help with the cleaning?' Aaron went straight into the attack.

'The maintenance man, Mr Carter helps me and sometimes his son.'

The boys looked at each other.

'His son?' Aaron looked innocently at the older woman.

'Yes. A boy about your age, Mark.'

'Live local?'

'Of course. They live in the village, that's only half a mile away past that bit of woodland.

'Right,' Aaron and Calvin moved to the dining room where they would eat in a few minutes.

'That's go to be him, the bigger one, the leader, Mark.'

'Mr Nasty,' Calvin whispered as Mrs Norton started to truck in the meal.

The cook stood whilst they ate and told them what was in the fridge and what wasn't and when the boys had finished Mrs Norton and herself cleaned up and were gone. The boys had the house to themselves.

'How do we capture this prick and his mate and when we get them what do we do to them?' Aaron looked at Calvin.

'Easy, Calvin grinned. 'Oil them up, spank them and then fuck them silly ..... easy peasy.'

'It's a plan I suppose,' Aaron said doubtfully. 'But after the last time will he get close enough.'

'I think so,' Calvin grinned remembering his last sex with 'Mr Nasty' who he'd codenamed Aaron funnily enough. He also remembered that he'd begged the boy for it, that was what he wanted his revenge for, that and the spanking. The other boy Ry, he wasn't fussed about he was by far the gentler of the two.

'We want all the kit they had.'

'We don't need the gags or blindfolds,' Calvin pointed out.

'I just hope we get the right guy,' Aaron looked at Calvin. 'If we're wrong we're in so much shit.'

'The ski masks when we left were the giveaway, they were flaunting it.' Calvin retorted. 'I got no hassle with this Ry geezer, it's the spanker I want to shaft.'

'I want to shaft both of them,' Aaron laughed. 'Hurting my little baby,' he grabbed Calvin around the neck and planted a big wet smooch on his cheek.

'Wanna lie down a bit, I've got jet lag,' Calvin managed to look coy and sex starved at the same time.'

'Jet lag,' Aaron grinned. 'You've got a jet lag and I'm as hard as a rock.'

'What's new,' Calvin laughed. 'Yours or mine?' He got up and raced for the stairs Aaron in close pursuit.

The following day they got a taxi and visited Guildford and visited a theatrical costumiers they'd found in yellow pages. A rather bewildered assistant supplied them with what they wanted and a visit to the local chemists provided them with clear oil which was guaranteed to be scent free and soluble. Getting a dildo was out of the question but a solid cucumber with lettuce and tomatoes as a cover filled that void and then they were on their way back to the mansion. Stage One complete.

'They must know we're here if one of their dads is one of the workers here,' Aaron mused as they sorted through their kit admiring the handcuffs and thongs. they'd found a table tennis bat in the attic, possibly the one used in the original attack.

'Mark and Ry, gotta stand for Ryan,' Calvin grinned. ' I gotta punish that Mark, fuck the arse of him.'

'Looks like I got Ryan,'Aaron laughed.

'Change around at midnight,' Calvin giggled. 'How we gonna get them here,' he added more seriously.

'How are we gonna overpower them is more to the point,' Aaron looked at Calvin. 'You said that Mr Nasty was pretty tough and the other, this Ryan don't seem to be an angel.'

'A straight invite,' Calvin suggested. 'We know they're bent and like sex with boys, we're good lookers, they'll come,' he gave his trademark grin and winked at his friend. 'Get a couple of drinks in them and the first one that goes to the toilet, we jump. Divide and rule, my man.'

'Sounds easy but I suppose a crap plan is better than no plan,' Aaron walked over and looked out of the window over the back garden. 'Hey, short stuff, I think your number one fan has just arrived.'

Calvin leapt to his feet and rushed to the window, sure enough the same boy who'd asked him for the autograph in the winter was perched on a bike and surveying the house.

'Go out and chat him up,' Aaron hissed. 'Invite him and his mate around for a drink and some music tonight.'

'Fuckin' 'ell,' Calvin wobbled.

'Go on,' Aaron hissed. 'Get your sweet arse out there.'

'Orrite,' Calvin opened the French windows and stepped out into the warm sunshine, as if just spotting his fan he gave a casual wave and wandered across the lawn.

'Hi there,' the kid on the bike grinned self confidently and looked Calvin up and down.

'Hi,' Calvin grinned back, This was the one, he recognised the voice. This kid was as bold as brass. 'Sorry about the autograph Christmas time, I was a bit out of order.'

'You were,' the other boy agreed and then stuck his hand out. 'I'm Mark, my dad works here,'

'Pleased to meetcha Calvin shook hands with the boy feeling the handshake last just a little bit longer than it should. 'It's just Aaron and myself for a week or so, unwinding time, you know.'

'Yeah, I expect you need to ease off,' Mark smiled. 'You must get bored here but then again you came back.' He was so sure of himself Calvin felt like punching him on the mouth.

'Not really, we just like to chill out and do boy things,' Calvin gave what he thought was a knowing grin.

'Really,' Mark beamed.

'Really,' Calvin smiled. 'I wondered if you wanted to come around this evening and have a bit of a drink and music, maybe watch a vid or so. Aaron and myself like to look after our fans.'

'I'd love to but I was going out with my mate, Ryan. Mind you Ryan's a fan of yours as well.'

Calvin nearly burst out laughing. Ryan, no doubt the Ry of the night, Mr Nice. 'Why don't you both come around ..... you didn't have an invite last time.'


'Don't worry, it's all history,' Calvin grinned, he had the dummy hooked. 'I'd like a bit of a get together, a bit of a reunion, Aaron would as well.'

'Aaron's OK,' Mark looked surprised.

'Aaron's just like me,' Calvin grinned. There it was, a proposal was on the line, he couldn't offer any more. Would Mr Nasty take the bait.

'So Ry and myself have an invite?' Mark sat back on his bike and looked at the popster he had nearly raped four months previously.

'Around eightish or whenever.'

'Eight's fine,' Ryan moved closer. 'All forgiven?'

'Yeah,' Calvin moved upto the boy on the bike and reached down to Mark's crotch. 'Mmmm, hard already,' he felt the boy's burgeoning penis through the thick material of his jeans.

'Yeah,' Mark croaked and his eyes opened wide as Calvin's dry lips met his briefly.

'See you both around eight,' Calvin laughed and broke away. 'Don't let us down, book a night out if you can.'

'Yeah, no probs,' Mark laughed and with a wave cycled off. It was a four hour countdown,

Calvin returned to the house to find Aaron lurking just out of sight.

'I heard most of it,' he grinned at Calvin. 'Well done, we've got a party going on,' he grabbed Calvin and kissed him long and hard. 'We are gonna have so much fun.'

'We are,' Calvin put his hands on Aaron's waist as he felt his friend's hardness crush against his own.'Wanna fuck me, Aaron?'

'Always,' Aaron took his partner's hand in his and tugged the willing boy towards the bedroom. Two hours for sex and two hours to prepare for the visitors.

It was in the afterglow that they laid in the cum scented bed and laid their plans for what they were worth. The problem was how to secure their targets. It seemed to be a matter of splitting Mark and Ryan and tackling them one at a time, the best they could come up with was feeding them booze and then jumping one when the other went to the toilet. The other alternative was just going for straight forward sex without the amateur bondage.

'I just want to have a go at that smart arse, Mark,' Calvin sighed with frustration and cuddled Aaron's smooth body. 'I wanna oil him up and paddle his bottom with that bat, we'll see how he likes it,' he nuzzled at Aaron's neck. 'And then you can shove that monster cock of your's right up his jacksie.'

'I'll go for that,' Aaron grinned. What he'd seen of the village boy had turned him on, the kid looked pretty fit, he was handsome and he had some very tasty highlights in his hair, Calvin could sort out the other one and they could pick a turn around time. Sex all night long with a couple of kids their own age or roughly so seemed a fine start to their break.

'We'd better get up,' Calvin moaned. 'Get ready for these two, dunno how we're gonna capture them.'

'Something'll turn up,' Aaron said confidently.

Although it was the beginning of the summer the place was beginning to get chilly by the time they made it downstairs, they turned the fire on in the lounge and in the master bedroom. they'd put towels on the bed and rigged a double set of ropes to the head and footboard of the huge bed, If the plan went well the two visitors would finish up tied to the bed side by side and the action could begin. The alternative was that they'd use their own bedrooms if it came down to a normal one on one. As it happened they got lucky.

There was the sound of a knock on the main door closely followed by the sound of the bell, both Calvin and Aaron went open up and to greet their guests. It was Mark and he was alone.

'Hi, guys,' he looked a little sheepish. 'Ryan's running a bit late, he'll be over in around twenty minutes.'

'Fine,' Aaron looked at Calvin and grinned. This was just perfect. They're rehearsed taking their victims down one at a time and now seemed like a good time to start. 'Come in, let's find you a drink.'

Mark grinned and followed his two idols into the house. He was beginning to regret the New Year's escapade with Ryan but it had been fun all the same, his penis thickened at the thought of Calvin's sweet teeny butt oiled up and bright red from the spanking.

He was still vaguely daydreaming when he felt someone grab him around the waist and pin his arms to his side.

'What the fu.........' His voice was cut off as a burlap sack was dropped over his head as he fell to the carpet with his original assailant. He was so surprised that he made little effort to fight back before he felt handcuffs being snapped onto his wrists. He was effectively captured and he couldn't see a thing with the black bag over his head, luckily he could breath quite normally but he was furious. 'I'll kill you fuckin' pair,' he shouted but the bag was whipped off in time for Aaron to give him an evil grin and slap a strip of duct tape over his mouth ending the tirade there and then. He struggled around and kicked out but it was to no avail as he was hoisted to his feet and escorted up the stairs.

'We gotta be quick,' Aaron hustled the captive along and grinned at Calvin. What a stroke of luck they had the tougher of the two boys secured and they still had around fifteen minutes. to go. 'Rush, rush.' Aaron and Calvin quickly hustled Mark along the landing to the master bedroom.

'How we gonna get his jumper off,' Calvin was nervous, it was alright talking about things but this was basically kidnap and assault, they could be in a lot of trouble regardless of the provocation which itself would be hard enough to prove.

The other point was that an active well built teenager of sixteen was no kid. Mark was strong and he was bloody mad, so mad he was wriggling and writhing and was well able to do damage with his kicking feet alone.

'Same as he did you,' Aaron grinned, he was thoroughly enjoying himself, he just couldn't wait to see Mark naked. His own little toy boy, bare arsed and tied to a bed. They flung Mark onto the bed and as Calvin lay across the boy's chest and stopped his hancuffed hands doing any damage Calvin removed trainers and socks. Next came the fun bit. he slowly unzipped Mark and removed his trousers and briefs leaving the local boy naked from the waist down. 'Not bad,' he gently grasped Mark's meaty organ flaccid with all the upset. He squeezed the warm meat in his hand and the boy kicked out.

Next step was to secure Mark to the bed after turning him onto his belly. Then the hardest bit was undoing the handcuffs and keeping the violently bucking body under control enough to remove the sweat shirt. It was easier than they'd expected, the fight was out of Mark, his legs were pinned, his mouth was taped up and breathing let alone fighting was a problem.

'Take the hood off?' Calvin looked at Aaron as they cuffed the struggling youth to the head of the bed placing him to one side to leave room for his chum.

'Yeah, leave the tape on, I don't want to alarm the other one.' Aaron stroked Mark's smooth bottom. Beautiful, well muscled but smooth, warm to the touch and all his. He slipped one finger between Mark's cheeks feeling a trace of sweat and a sphincter that twitched as he brushed across it with his finger. 'Gonna enjoy this,' he breathed hotly in Mark's ear and dropping his head gently nipped one firm flank. Mark jumped but was stuck, he was well and truly hogtied.

The boys straightened out their rumpled clothing and tidied themselves up a bit, a last view of the naked Mark face down on the bed and they were downstairs again into the lounge to await their second visitor. They'd only been seated for a minute or so and the bell went again. As before they both answered the door. Ryan was similar if a little shorter than Mark, he wasn't as well built but he was a good looker, Calvin grinned at him, he remembered the splendid sex they'd had all that time ago. He was rather fond of Ryan but that didn't matter, this was payback time.

'Come in, come in,' he invited the teenager in.

'Mark not here yet?' Ryan spoke quietly and semed a little nervous.

'He's in the bathroom,' Aaron grinned and gently guided the boy into the lounge. this time the two fell upon the single lad with the routine well in hand. Calvin attacked from behind pinning Ryan's arms to his side and Aaron slipped the bag over the kid's head. He'd decided that the lack of light and the breathing difficulty had cracked Mark easily enough it should work on the slighter Ryan and it did.

Ryan struggled and kicked but nowhere half as violently as Mark, it was as if he was accepting the retribution that he must know was coming. Repayment for the night that he and his friend had attacked and ravished Calvin Goldspink of S Club 8.

'Do it the right way around this time,' Aaron panted from the exertion, this was more wearing than dancing about with all those bloody girls. 'Get his jumper off and we'll worry about the rest of it upstairs.' That is what they did, they disposed of Ryan's sweat shirt and then escorted the bare chested boy up the stairs to the large bedroom, the one with the already secured Mark half heartedly writhing trying to relase himself.

'Calm down,' Calvin bent over the bed and quickly reversed the boy onto his back he then kissed the struggling boy on his smooth belly just above his pubic bush, Mark froze and then jumped violently as Calvin ran his tongue over the his limp organ. They could almost hear him groan throught the gag.

'Go on,' Aaron giggled.

Calvin held the limp noodle in his hand and sensually licked Mark's glans and grinned as he saw the boy's penis fill out and stiffen. 'Yeah, gotcha,' he slipped his hot little mouth over his captive's rapidly hardening organ bringing it to a full erection.

'Enough,' Aaron declared and they secured Ryan to the bed removing his lower garments and leaving him as naked as his trussed up mate.

'What first?' Calvin nervously shuffled and whispered to Aaron. Things had gone better than expected. He knew that Mark and probably Ryan had a night out pass, they could virtually do what they liked.

'Oil up the big lad and then we'll warm up his bottom,' Aaron whispered back. 'I desperately want to give that one some babies, he's so fuckin' tasty.'

'Ryan's the cute one,' Calvin grinned. 'But I don't want to spank him, I fancy a bit of dildo work.'

'OK,' Aaron looked at his mate as they talked in a whisper just a little bit away from the prisoners. 'Get the masks off so they can see what's happening to them, keep the tape on their gobs though ..... both on their bellies, yeah?'

'Yeah,' Calvin agreed eagerly. This was it. Payback time.

A bit of a struggle later Mark and Ryan were spreadeagled on their bellies totally defenceless against any perversions the S Clubbers could come up with. The spanking came first. Calvin oiled both boys up from their necks down to the backs of their knees getting a buzz as he oiled Ryan's pert bottom and Mark's tightly muscled butt, this was going to be a gas. As a bit of revenge on Mark he slipped two fingers into the boy's hole and finger fucked him massaging the boy's prostate until he felt his captive willingly respond and start pushing his bottom up onto his thrusting fingers.

'Jeez,' Calvin groaned and looked at Aaron, the other boy was standing patting the table tennis bat on the palm of his hand, his hardness was plainly visible in the front of his cargoes. Calvin reached out and graped his mate's crotch. 'Your turn.'

Aaron laughed and took a swipe with the bat connecting with an oily thwack, Ryan's body spasmed and seemingly tried to sink into the bed but Aaron hit him again harder this time. Red circles showed up brilliantly on Mark's pale bottom.

Calvin grinned, revenge was so sweet. He adjusted himself in his trousers, he felt damp and he knew he was leaking at the thought of what he was going to do next. He bent down and got the cucumber from it's bag making sure he was well out of sight of the boy's on the bed who were craning their heads trying to see what was going on.

He glopped some lube on the green vegetable which they'd tried some hand carving on earlier accompanied my much giggling and smoothed the end. They'd peeled the first two inches so that it was smooth but the remainded retained it's lumpy outer skin. A final grin at Aaron who was still taking the occasional swipe at Ryan's bottom and he knelt on the bed alongside Ryan. 'Ready for this kid.' Of course Ryan couldn't answer, he couldn't even see what Calvin was about to do.

Ryan probably thought Calvin was about to mount him as he felt the smoothness of the peeled cucumber move between his cheeks but he soon found out that wasn't to be.

He clamped his cheeks hard when he realised his mistake but he had no chance with Calvin pushing the thick object into his body. The narrow pre-smoothed tip entered easily enough but the thicker ridged shaft was another thing altogether. His face in the pillow Ryan felt the pain as his ring was stretched and tears sprang to his eyes.

Calvin grined gleefully, he had about three inches inside his captor and was moving it in and out sinking a little bit deeper at each move. There were two marks on the cucumber, one at six inches and the other at seven. Seven was the target, he didn't want to damage Ryan, he wanted to make love to him later and Ryan in good enough shape to return the compliment.

He made his own decision, reaching down around Ryan's face he caught and end of the duck tape and ripped it off.

'Shit,' Ryan yelped and bucked absorbing another inch of the made up dildo.

'You alright?' Calvin grinned as he fed another inch up inside Ryan and then moved it to and fro, he now had five inches of the fat vegetable inside Ryan's pretty little bum.

'You bastard,' Ryan groaned.

'Bet you don't say that when we go to bed,' Calvin whispered.


'Fair enough,' Calvin slowly and carefully slid the cucumber deeper and watched the mark, he had six inches of the thick object sheathed in Ryan's firm flesh, another inch to go. Glancing across he saw that Aaron was oiling Mark's flaming red bottom. Aaron looked back and grinning stood up and dropped his trousers, his boxers were tented out and a damp patch showed where his knob strained against the thin cotton. He shucked them off and stood and slowly worked his foreskin across the end of his gleaming glans. He was about to take Mark all the way but before he did he copied Calvin's example and ripped the tape from Mark's mouth.

'You bastard.' Mark screamed trying to crane his head around but Aaron was on him, kneeling between the supine boy's legs he ran his engorged meat between Mark's buns and pushed in hard and deep. 'Aaargh,' Mark shouted as he felt Aaron's man sized cock take him in one. One sure thrust deeply sinking until Aaron's belly rested on Mark's oiled back.

'Nice one,' Aaron sighed as he stirred his aching erection deep inside Mark's hot tunnel. 'Nice one,' he repeated as he gently pumped to and fro.

'I'll fuck you so bad for this,' Mark sobbed as his red hot and stinging bottom was ravished. He was defenceless, he couldn't move and Aaron's hardness was gliding in and out of his well punished and well oiled bottom. 'I'll fuck you senseless.'

'Goody,' Aaron laughed softly and continued with his slow fuck. 'When you want to talk sense, I'll untie you and we can do some proper sex ..... if you behave yourself.'

'You promise?' Mark asked like a small boy.

'You and me, a bed to ourselves for the rest of the night ..... OK?'

'You're on,' Mark pushed his bum up and surprisingly giggled through his soreness. 'You and me, all right.'

'You've got it,' Aaron laughed and continued to slowly move in and out of Mark's tight arse. He could do this all night.

Meanwhile Calvin had reached his seven inches and Ryan was accepting it, he wasn't too happy about it but his sweet little bottom was accomodating the vegetable as it slid in and out on it's coating of oil. 'Rather have the real thing,' he tried to look over his shoulder.

'I can't manage, seven inches,' Calvin whispered and kissed the back of the boy's sweating neck. 'Only got five.'

'Yeah but it spurts good, this thing won't.' Ryan giggled. 'Jeez man, roll me over I gotta have a wank.'

'I can't trust you,' Calvin mumbled and ran his lips over Ryan's smooth bum as he slowly worked the cucumber in and out.

'Yeah, you can,' Ryan pleaded. 'I am staying the night after all, you don't want me tied to the bloody bed all night, do you?'

'No I suppose not,' Calvin wavered until Aaron spoke.

'Take him to the other room, we'll meet up in the lounge for a bite to eat and a drink around midnight.'

'And swop around?' Calvin grinned and started to release Ryan's ankles.

'Whatever,' Aaron was now pumping into Ryan hard and fast and he suddenly groaned, from the twitching of his flanks and the expression of bliss on his face he was cuming deep into Mark's red bum and it was a good one.

'Gawd,' Mark gasped. 'You cum like a donkey.'

Calvin and the now untied and unshackled Ryan grinned at each other and Calvin slowly slid the cucumber free.

'Next thing up there is you,' Mark whispered and smiled and then grabbed the cucumber. 'I wanna try this on you later.'

'Anything for a laugh,' Calvin grinned and slapping Mark on his bare bottom ran for it closely pursued by the other boy. The pairs had split, now it was time for the serious sex.

'You letting me go,' Mark clenched his squishy bottom and looked at Aaron who had flopped out alongside.

'Depends .....'

'Come on,' Mark whined. 'Let's go to bed, let's do a bit of loving.'

'I would have thought you'd had enough for the night.'

'I ain't done you yet ..... or Calvin for that matter,' Mark smiled. 'Come on, let bygones be bygones, Ryan and me did a wrong 'un and you got your revenge ..... end of story.'

'End of story,' Aaron agreed. he was tired of the handcuffs and spanking, it wasn't really his scene but it was a thing he had to do if only for his little lover Calvin. The record was now straight, it was time for a little fun. He started to untie Mark's ankles but still smoothed some more oil onto Mark's reddened butt.

'Fuck off,' Mark giggled. 'My turn next.'

'In my bedroom,' Aaron undid the handcuffs and stepped off the bed and looked as Mark struggled himself over, the tough looking boy's big cock jerked up onto his stomach which Aaron noticed was smeared with precum. Mark was ready to rock and roll. 'No fucking about mind you.'

'All over,' Mark stood up and winced. 'Gotta sore bum,' he declared.

'Better let you have some fun then. Come in,' Aaron smiled and led from the room to his own bedroom. Once inside he turned the dimmer down and flopped onto the bed. 'Come on, butch.' He opened his legs and looked up at the still standing Mark. Mark didn't need any more inviting he knelt between Aaron's outspread legs andd kissed the prone boy directly on the lips. a chaste kiss, a slightly more lustful version and then his tongue was in Aaron's mouth swirling and twirling with the young singer and dancer's.

'Come on, you're ready,' Aaron husked and raised his knees to his chest. However butch he was with Calvin he still liked boy meat up his bottom as he'd proved many times with stray teenage boy fans. Calvin and himself had actually entertained two twelve year olds a month ago and nearly got caught at it but this was quite another scenario. Here they were as safe as houses and they had a whole week to indulge in their couplings with the two village boys. 'Aaaaah,' he quivered as Mark's tongue moved inside his mouth and he felt the slip of the boy's swollen glans slippery with pre cum slide across his ring.

A gentle push and he felt the hot knob spread his sphincter and spear into his inner flesh. Gawd, that was so nice. They continued to kiss until they had to part to suck in lungfulls of air, Mark slowly fucked himself into Aaron's tight surfer boi arse sinking deeper and deeper into hot and willing flesh. Mark adjusted his position and slowly fucked enjoying the exquisite sensation of plundering Aaron's bottom, he rested his hands on the other boy's smooth chest and rolled Aaron's dark brown sticky out nipples in his fingers giving them a squeeze now and then, a squeeze acompanied by a hard thrust. Aaron's eyes were watering and he held onto Mark's plunging hips pulling himself onto the fuck.

'God, you're good,' Mark grinned as he started to move faster. He couldn't contain his climax and he didn't want to. He wanted Aaron to take him again from the front and he wanted to do Aaron again before their break and change around. Crist, aaron must have stamina, he thought. The singer dancer was now erect once more and was using one hand to wank his man sized cock. 'Don't do it, don't waste if,' Mark was cuming on his climax. 'I'm cuming.'

Aaron let go of his penis as he felt the urgency in Mark's voice and felt the village boy's tumescence swell. 'Aaaah,' he sighed in satisfacton as he felt Mark's oiled flesh inside his belly expand and begin to pump surge after surge of boy spunk deep into his recptive bottom. 'God, you are good, Marky,' his legs slid down Mark's sweat sheened back as the other boy slipped down and they lay belly to belly.

'So are you,' Mark smiled tiredly as his spent organ slipped from Aaron's flooded boy cunt. 'So are you,' he repeated and gently kissed Aaron on his sweaty jaw.

In the other bedroom Calvin and Ryan were on the bed and they were TALKING.

'I'm really sorry about Christmas,' Ryan was saying, he was also keeping a wary eye on the cucumber which after being wiped off was laying on the pillow.

'It's all over,' Calvin grinned. He rolled on top of the slighter of his two assailants and fed his erection between Ryan's smooth legs.

'Good,' Ryan grinned and lifted his knees resting his calves on Calvin's back. 'Gonna fuck me now. I'm talking to Calvin not the fuckin' cucumber.'

'Yeah,' Calvin grinned and pushed himself up with Ryan's legs still on his shoulders and now crossed behind his neck. He pushed into Ryan's relaxed and well stretched ring with a satisfied groan.

'Yeah, thasss better,' Ryan beamed as he felt Calvin's boyhood slip deep into his tunnel and start to move, the S Clubber wasn't going to take too long he was pretty well hyped up already. In fact, as soon as he was solidly sheathed in Ryan's soft little bottom he started to fuck like a bunny rabbit on crack.

Ryan moaned and groaned as his partner who was about the same build as he was fucked him savagely pounding and ramming in deep and hard.

Ryan closed his eyes and clenched his cheeks. He opened his mouth to draw in air as he felt Calvin inside his gut explode his sweet sticky load of creamy boy cum. Both he and Calvin slowly moved to and fro as the young popster voided himself of his load of teen spunk, they collapsed still joined as one in a sweaty cum stinking mass. Both satisfied and both exhausted ... for the moment.

Calvin was one of those hyper kids, a few moments later after a few lazy kisses he was laying on his stomach with his legs spread wide apart. 'Try the seven inch mark,' he looked sideways at the bemused Ryan.

'I haven't got seven inches,' Ryan grinned knowing full well what Calvin was suggesting. 'Poor ol' five and a bit,' he held his erection and pointed it at Calvin's face.

'Gimme,' Calvin opened his mouth and licked his lips, his need was obvious. Ryan moved closer and turned on his side, his dripping organ an inch away from Calvin's mouth and Calvin took it in his sweet lips.

'Ooooh,' Ryan groaned and lazily pumped his erection in and out of Calvin's hot wetness. God, Ryan thought, Calvin was an expert, he must practice on some of his boy fans. He didn't realise how close to the truth he was. Before the week was out he'd hear stories from Aaron and Calvin of episodes on the road they'd shared with boy fans some as young as twelve. But never mind, for the present he was pumping his cock deep into the back of Calvin's throat and the singer was sucking like he really needed the throat lubrication he was about to receive.

'Gaargh,' Calvin spluttered and red faced laughed as he pulled back with a mouthful of spunk and received the remainder as a spray over his cheeky face and thick lover's lips. 'You dirty schmuck,' he giggled and then took Ryan's cum coated glans back in his mouth and slowly and sensually licked it clean. 'Your cum tastes nice,' he finished off with a gentle kiss on Ryan's shrunken nuts.

'Bet you say that to all the boys.' Ryan smiled affectionately and sliding down the bed kissed Calvin on his spunk smeared lips. He savoured the taste of his own boy juice and Calvin's saliva.

'Of course,' Calvin mumbled through a mouthful of invading tongue. 'I wanna try a bit of that cucumber,' he whispered shyly. 'But you gotta be gentle.'

'I will be,' Ryan promised. Cucumber time, Ryan thought and then they could do it all again, he could feel himself stiffening already, young Calvin was such a turnon, he could fuck the boy all night, better still he'd let Calvin fuck him all night, there was less effort involved. 'Lie on your tum, Cal.'

'No way,' Calvin grinned. 'I wanna see this, I'll take it from the front, I like salad.' Giggling like a loon he slid onto his back and raised his knees and wrapped his arms around them. 'Gently Ry, don't go bloody mad.'

Ryan carefully wiped the skinned end of the vegetable off and smeared some oil on the top, he gently centred it on the middle of Calvin's tautly exposed sphincter. He watched in fascination as the white skinless end of the salad vegetable opened Calvin's ring and then disappeared, one inch, two inches, then three. The darker green skin then started to disappear a bit at a time and Calvin's hole stretched to accomodate the thicker body now steadily inching it's way into his well stretched bum.

'Aaaah,' he groaned and offered his mouth for a kiss. Ryan started to slowly move the makeshift didldo in and out and kissed his lover at the same time, he saw that he was nearly at the six inch mark and Calvin was beginning to show signs of strain. 'Hold up a bit.'

Ryan held the dildo firm and looked at it closely it was a smidgeon off the six inch mark. 'Nearly there, babes,' he muttered and caressed Calvin's nuts with his oily hand.

'Go for it,' Calvin croaked.

Ryan wasn't sure if the boy meant the six or the seven inch marker but he gave a final shove and the green shaft sank deeply into Calvin's tender arse. Calvin gave a long shuddereing moan but the thing was well and tryly in his body, both marks had disappeared.

Ryan grasped what was left of the thing and started to move it to and fro quickly without sinking it any deeper, on impulse he slipped his mouth over Calvin's penis which was now hard and jerking up and down on his tautly muscled belly. Calvin squeaked with surprise and pleasure as he felt Ryan's mouth sink over his hardness and the green makeshift dildo moving faster and faster up his hole.

'Ryan.....' he wailed and without warning he jerked and spurted long streamers of thick white spunk deep into the back of Ryan's avidly sucking mouth. 'Take it out, take it out. Fuck me for God's sake.'

'Good boy,' Ryan raised his spunk stained lips from Calvin's limpening shaft and kissed the young popster smearing them both with the thick creamy goo. A little jiggle and the thick oil covered cucumber began to slide free, that was enough of that for the night.

'We've got an hour,' Calvin groaned as the end of the thing finally popped out of his bottom.

'Why, what happens in an hour,' Ryan looked mystified, he'd forgotten the food break and the possible changeover.

'You know,' Calvin giggled and raised his legs again exposing his oil slicked sphincter puffy but clearly still in good working order.

Ryan fondled his penis, he was hard as a rock yet again, no problems there. With a grin he knelt at Calvin's exposed bottom and with one one determined push sank his five and a bit inches in deep and hard in one firm thrust.

'You fucker,' Calvin groaned and then smiled. He grabbed Ryan's hips and nestled his soft bottom up against the kneeling boy's groin. 'Leave it there a bit, I like to feel you inside me.'

'Ditto,' Ryan smiled and they shared a gum numbing kiss before he started to move his hips and plough Calvin's furrow once more.

This time it was even sweeter and even slower. Lots of kissing lots of nipple massaging, Ryan worked himself in and out of Calvin's heat savouring the working of Calvin'c bum muscles on his erection and the absolute passion Calvin displayed, the kisses, the stroking and finally the tactile sensation of this hot teenager clinging to him as if for life itself.

When he came it was if it was the first one of the evening, he literally exploded in Calvin's hot little passage, gout and splashes of his pearly semen deep into the wriggling boy beneath.

'Ryan, you dog,' Calvin giggled and clenched his buns on the slippery prong moving in and out of his well relaxed ring. 'You've fucked me to death. He gave a dramatic groan and closing his eyes went limp and let his legs slip.

'Betta fuck you back to life then.'

'No. no,' Calvin suddenly burst out laughing. 'Enough ..... for now.'

'Yeah, we'd better bath.'

'Cuddle first,' Calvin grabbed his sweating lover. 'You're still a prisoner.'

'How could I forget,' Ryan slipped down and snuggled against his angelic little popster .

An hour later Ryan and Calvin wandered into the lounge where they'd heard voices, Mark and Aaron were sitting on one of the sofas watching a film on the TV, the clock had just turned midnight.

'Whatcha watching?' Calvin draped his arm around Ryan's neck and eyed the half consumed plate of sandwiches.

'Bit of Thai porn,' Aaron grinned as did Mark, both of the boys looked remarkably like Cheshire Cats on a good day.

'Got to do our own food I suppose,' Calvin grumped.

'I suppose,' Aaron agreed with total unconcern.

'Come on,' Calvin hustled Ryan kitchenwards, food first, then changeover and then the second part of the evening. he wondered how both Aaron and Mark would feel if they decided to stay with their own partners for the night instead of changing around. He was strangely reluctant to let go of his everloving Ryan, they were just beginning to get used to each other.

'Looks like a love job there,' Aaron observed as the two other boys wandered out to feed themselves.

'Mmmm,' Mark looked at Aaron and grinned. 'Maybe lust.'

'Whatever,' Aaron grinned. 'Anyway you owe me one.'

'I owe you a fuck.'

'That's what I meant,' Aaron grinned. 'What say we slip off back to bed, we can catch up with the kiddies tomorrow.'

'Better tell them,' Mark mumbled as he felt Aaron's lips against his. 'Just shout through,' he forcefully returned the kiss and reached down, he could feel Aaron's mansized erection firm and stiff through the towelling of his bathrobe. 'Don't want to waste this on Ryan.' He squeezed the firm flesh. He wanted to get inside Aaron again and he wanted the Cornish boy's cock in him again, they had the rest of the week to play games with the other two.

Sanwiches weren't getting made in the kitchen but Ryan and Calvin were clutching each other in a close encounter mumbling sweet nothings when Aaron poked his head around the door.

'Mark and me are off to bed, catch you in the morning.'

Ryan and Calvin looked at each other and grinned. 'Whatever.' They both answered as twins.

The scent of boy sweat and sex was heavy in the air, the room was chilly and the morning light was only kept at bay by the drawn curtains. The noisy dawn chorus of birds failed to wake the sleeping couple and possibly it served to mask the sound of the door opening and the mutter of voices.

Ryan opened the door for Aaron who was carrying a tray of mugs containing coffee, crfeam and sugar which he placed quietly on the bedside unit alongside Calvin. Ryan was spooned up against Calvin and they slept the sleep of the pure and the innocent. Gotta be joking. Our baby pervs were exhausted, they'd been at it all night. In fact an hour or so previously when they'd had their last session the two older boys had been laying in their bedroom hatching their plot.

Mark moved to Calvin's side of the bed and Aaron to Ryan's, both boy's shed their bathrobes and stood naked. Two proud, firm youthful bodies still brimming with hormones and lust, both teenage six inch penises jutted from their groin. Two boyhoods wanting, even needing further play, a further sheathing in flesh and eventual release.

With a nod from Aaron they both grasped a corner of the bedcovering and slowly and carefully drew it down inch at a time revealing the naked boys beneath. A glance between them and Aaron as if on eggshells clambered onto the bed and insinuated himself between the deeply slumbering kids. He managed to slip between them peeling the sleepily grumbling Ryan off Calvin and flat onto his back on his own side of the bed. Mark gently rolled Calvin onto his back, Calvin was dead to the world, Ryan was in the stage of just awake but clinging onto his slumber, neither had the lightest idea what was happening to them. First Aaron got a knee between Ryan's and edged them apart and then knelt himself into the gap, Mark did exactly the same with Calvin.

Both boys grinned at each other and pulled the bedding upto their waists. The remainder of it was a foregone conclusion. Aaron lifted Ryan's legs up to his shoulders and moved in, he gave a sigh of satisfaction and he slid effortlessly into Ryan's well used bottom and Ryan muttered something like: 'Not again Cal.'

Mark watched with a wide grin and did the same, before inserting himself into Calvin he gave the sleeping boy a long kiss and pushed sliding deep into Calvin's slippery little ring, deep into the little popster's still tight love passage.

'Shit,' Ryan opened his eyes, did a double take and then laughingly held Aaron's hips as the larger boy started to move to and fro really sheathing himself deeply into the lithe body pinned on his moving prong.

'Gawd, I'm dreaming,' Calvin awoke at more or less the same time and gave Mark a wide mouthed smile. 'You have a seriously big cock my man.'

'Glad you're happy,' Mark laughed and plunged deep into the tousle haired moppets firm young bottom. Calvin gave a token squeak and tightened his fanny on the man sized cock now reaming his back passage, what a way to greet a new dawn.

Mark fucked hard and fast, Calvin may have been half asleep and even exhausted from his night's play but he reacted. He clamped his bottom on the meaty invade and held Mark tightly. When the sixteen year old youth came he surged and splurted jet after jet of creamy spunk deep into the loveable little S Clubber's tight little boy fanny.

Aaron groaned and then lazily grinned as he felt his own hardness begin to throb and spurt deeply into Ryan who lay there with a broad grin on his face.

Aaron glanced across at Calvin still speared on Mark's slippery shaft. The night of revenge was over, now was a day for fun and it was only just beginning.


GCutter66@aol.com for comments, queries, etc.

For non Brits (who have never heard of S Club 8) I have a couple of pix of Calvin and Aaron (decent ones unfortunately).

As before I have no reason to believe any one mentioned in this short story is anything other than STRAIGHT.

Next: Chapter 3: Calvins Story

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