Happy New Year Calvin

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Mar 8, 2004


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE


GCutter66@aol.com ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers



G. Cutter


Hi. I'm Calvin Goldspink and I perform as in sing and dance for S Club 8. If you're English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh you may have heard of me and our little Group. We're big with little girls and some little boys (and some older boys). Anyway, we have a fan club and you can quite easily chase us up on the Net to find out who we are.

To get on with it. I fell in love a few months ago just after I turned fifteen and it was with another boy, a beautiful boy called Arron. Quel horreur, I hear you exclaim but this is Nifty after all. I gotta say I've got the street smarts and the artistic bent (ho ho) but I'm not good at the storytelling so I subbed it out.

Before my love bloomed, blossomed or whatever I'd been aware of Nifty and the stories thereon, I'd read stories of myself in the Celeb Section and been rather amused. I liked this guy Cutter's stuff as he made me out a bit more butch than I am and I liked that, I also felt that he really fancied my body which was something else ..... to cut a long story short I EMailed him and asked him if he'd like to write my tale.

I don't think he believed me at first and told me that if I could string a couple of sentences together then I could do my own story. I think I convinced him by offering a one to one in a place of his choice. It happened. We happened and here we go.please don't forget that this is Gary writing for me and I can tell you it cost me many fluid ounces. (if you know what I mean).

The poor old sod can't do what he would like to do so he settles for second best. His name's Micky by the way, how's that for a bit of grassing. He's just shouted over 'bollocks', so as you can guess he's English too.

The Story

Hi.. I'm Calvin Goldspink (here we go again). I think I'm called a teeny bopper or similar and you probably won't of heard of me unless you're English, a twelve year old or a parent of one. I perform in one of these groups that come and go, we cater for the younger end of the market. It's all a bit sad but I earn well even if I can't spend it at the moment (you wait 'til I'm eighteen). Still it's a way into the music business. let's face it the original S Club went on forever, well almost.

I suppose I'm gay or maybe bi, I wobble about a bit. I feel more comfortable with guys than girls but maybe that's all down to do with age. My co-star or co-popster is called Aaron and he's a Cornish boy, he's a bit older than I am and we get on OK even to the extent of fumbles, you know, the wankies bit. I had to pull back on him, I think he wants to do me the big time, you know what I mean, I think he want's my bum and that ain't on at least not for the moment.

Anyway, when I'm at home and when I've got a secure terminal I surf the Net, I've got to be careful because I really feel drawn to boy sites rather than the other and I don't really want anyone to catch me at it. I only came across Nifty as it was linked to a site with nude boys doing the dirty. I naturally enough clicked myself onto the Celebrity Section and to my amazement, horror and finally with a bit of smugness I found myself featured. G Cutter seemed to be the culprit and there were others. Now you'll think this was sick but I quite liked them, I read them all and apart from being portrayed as a bit of a wimp by some I was pretty well chuffed.

I would have liked to have met this Mark and Ryan Cutter put me with a couple of times, apparently they're both sixteen year old fans but he's holding back on that one. He has promised to give me their EMail addresses but he's dragging his feet, I think he's after my dick or something.

Something more important happened around the same time and that was I found a boy I lusted for. I don't mean I fancied a kid, I mean I found a boy I had the hots for and I mean the hots. I got so wound up I could imagine him naked, I could visualise his little white bottom, I could even see his flaccid little weeny. He looked like any other skinny kid and then I found out he was English and he was fifteen, his name was Arron. What a coincidence, I've got an Aaron after my bum and I've got Arron who is just a picture on a screen.

Short blonde hair, tippy up nose (a bit), narrow lips and the most knowing eyes in the world. I'll explain that: I read detective books (believe it) and I read one a couple of weeks ago where this guy has a box of pictures in from charities. You know the score, pay £10 a month to educate this orphan.The top picture was that of a young teenage boy whose parents had been killed by mortar fire in Bosnia. I really shame him by putting him into my story but the writer said this kid had eyes that saw a thousand yards, he'd seen it all and nothing was getting better. I nearly cried at the word image, I'm an artist and I emote. Get me, I ain't talking crap here.

Arron had knowing eyes. He'd seen it all and nothing was getting better. I was in love and I was sick to my belly. I so wanted this kid. I scoured that site and it was called moviesomethingortheother, there were other boys there but not a one held a candle to Arron. He'd featured in a film which had got the Golden Pidgeon of Pakistan or something ludicrous. The site sold photo CDs of the other kids and what I noticed most of all was that the photographers seemed to delight in poking their cameras up the legs of the kid's shorts. Weird.

Good site. Interesting stuff and English based. But so spooky, I wondered if it was a front for pedos ... you know what I mean. Anyway, I didn't care, I wanted that Arron with the sad face. I wanted to see him face to face, I wanted to see that boy, my boy with the thousand yard eyes.

I forgot to mention that I was at home for a fortnight, we had a time out break. It gave me time to sort my mind out. I'd dreamt of Arron, in fact, I'd printed out a couple of pictures of him. One was of him standing in a stream with white sports shorts on showing his fine form, the photographer must have known that the shorts were virtually transparent, I wondered if Arron did.

The site clearly displayed their address and their phone number, up in the Midlands, not a thousand miles away. Like a dimwit I phoned them up and met a blank wall. We don't communicate with customers, etc, etc, blah, blah. You know the score.

Back to the drawing board.

I really thought this one out. I work for a group that has a publicity machine which is superb, we have an ongoing mission to expand our little interests and make money. Why not use this basic, why not use the people who at the end of the road use me. I remembered that some time ago we'd been talking about feeding in maybe a fourth boy, even a couple of boys who would act as reserves, basically mimers. I remember the conversation quite clearly, we wanted good lookers around the fourteen, fifteen mark and I had a scource.

We were a curious group insofar as we seemed to have about fifty managers. Lots of fingers in the treasure chest as my Dad is wont to say. Anyway, I phoned up one who I quite liked and I'm pretty sure he fancied me as well, I told him about the film company and gave him their address and details. Rather to my surprise he promised to get onto it and he'd get back either in the evening or the following day.

Needless to say I was like a cat on a hot tin roof but the phone call never came.

It was whilst I was having my breakfast the following morning that the phone went, it was Masters (the Manager I told you about). He was actually going to visit this mob on the Wednesday meet some of the boys and take some soundings as he put it. The kicker came at the end of his conversation. Did I want to go with him, just for a day out sorta thing.

Did I say yes? I think they must have heard me the other end of the street.

I'd had a wet dream over thoughts of Arron. When Mum and Dad went out and the house was clear I locked myself in my room and had a bloody good wank over that pic of Arron, the one of him bending in the stream. I could even visualise me slipping those white shorts down and feeding my stiffy between his smooth teenage legs. I wondered what his dick was like, I wondered what his bum was like .... I lay there and wondered. It was a good cum, it was all over the place. God I had the hots for this kid, I just hoped that it wasn't all gonna be a disaster.

Wednesday rolled around and here I was tarted up pretty kewl. Nice clean cargoes with rather expensive trainers, an S Club t-shirt showing off my smoothy brown arms and the old barnet fluffed up a treat. I looked in the mirror before I left the bedroom, I was triple A, I was bloody gorgeous. Any teenage boy with an ounce of hormones would want to bed me on the spot, any old perv would want to get at my little bottom in double quick time. Tell ya, Mr Teen Lust was on the move.

'You look nice,' Masters greeted me at the car and I got in shotgun, I was surprised to see Aaron in the back. I'd forgotten, Aaron was staying with Masters for the week. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Dunno if there was any hanky panky going on but I knew our Arron was a randy rat at the best of times.

The drive to their Studio and office took around an hour but Masters drove like a loony tunes. There was the usual welcoming committee of adults and four boys looking quite excited. I felt we were a bit like visiting royalty.

Masters shot up and introduced himself and Aaron and myself hung back a bit like good little boys do.

'Dark one's mine,' Aaron whispered giving his surfer boi grin. Tart he was. I never thought for a moment Aaron was going to be with us, even less that he'd set his sights on one of the kids. The one he fancied was called Darren as I recall, very good looking kid but not a patch on my Arron who was standing waiting and actually smiling for once. God he was beautiful.

'Mingle,' Masters woke me up. He did the introductions as if they were needed, this mob of kids knew exactly who we were. I finally got to shake Arron's hand, I nearly passed out, in the flesh he was even better than his pictures. We all trotted into a spacious reception which was decked out with a stand up buffet and loads of soft drinks. Boys being boys we piled into the munchies and let the adults do the nattering. Let's face it, any organising and fixing would be done by them and not by us. The boy that Aaron seemed to fancy was called Darren and the two smaller kids, both blondies were called Ashleigh and Harry, both sweeties but not my cuppa meat.

Serendipity means happy coincidence I believe. Well it happened, over the course of the food and drinks Aaron and myself found out that the two older boys Arron and Darren were interested in song and dance just a little, the smaller two boys had no interest whatsover. Now that was good news. We had a tour of their so called Studios and then we lads went out back onto the grass whilst the adults had a chat.

The little 'uns began to run riot with a hosepipe whereas Arron and myself got into a huddle and chatted, I noticed that Aaron and Darren (sounds like a comedy duo) were also deep in conversation.

'I'm a fan of yours,' Arron got the ball rolling as he flopped onto the grass.

'I'm a fan of yours. I repleid. How's that for repartee?

'Really?' He treated me to one of his rare grins. 'How did you come across my work?'

'I found you on the Net.'

Shit. Did I forgot to mention, Arron's site was a kid's actors thing and they did crap movies (sorry for that one, kid).

'Really?' It seemed to be his favourite word.

'Yeah, we were hunting for good looking kids to blend into the group for extras here and there, plus people with video experience.' It all sounded a bit lame to me but it was true.

'I thought most people who look at our site were dirty old men,' Arron grinned. At least he was a man of the world.

'And dirty young men?' I took a risk there.

'Yeah,' he agreed and looked at me long and hard. 'I think your mate fancies my mate,' he gave a boyish giggle and looked across at Darren and our Aaron the all singing, all dancing ........ Oh, shit, Aaron had his hand on the kid's leg, that guy was so fuckin' bold.

'Er!, I didn't know where to put my face.

'Don't worry,' Arron smiled. 'I'm broad minded.' He flopped onto his back and gazed up at the blue sky, I had an overwhelming urge to caress his lumpy little shorts and you know just where. 'Wanna stroll?' he spoke to the sky.

'Yeah,' I croaked and felt my eyes glued to his pert little bottom as he clambered to his feet.

'You're eyes are out on stalks,' he gave me that thousand yard stare for a moment and then he smiled. 'If I didn't know better I'd think that you fancied me.' He turned away as if he'd regretted what he'd said.

'I do,' I blurted out, all modesty was out of the window. I'd said it. I'd shot my bolt as they say in the books.

'Good.' He turned to me and this time it was the full ear to ear grin. 'Wanna look around?'

'Yeah.' We left Aaron and Darren laying on the grass and chatting, at least Aaron had stopped fondling the dark haired kid. The two little blondes were still playing around with the hose although they seemed to be tiring. There was no sign of the management bodies, they were probably swigging champagne and noshing canapes or doing something posh.

Arron led me around the side of the building where there was a barn, as in farmyard barn. Loads of straw, a couple of horses giving you dirty looks as horses do, farmyard junk all over the place.

'We do lots of pics here,' Arron led me into the barn and I looked around. It was a double decker with a half deck at the rear for a hay storage. It was warm and it was perfect.

'I saw some pics of another kid, in here,' I could barely get the words out.

'Wanna look upstairs?' He looked at me and I looked back. I knew then he wanted me and I'd known for a while that I wanted him, I couldn't say no.

'Yeah,' I croaked.

He laughed and started to climb a rickety ladder as I stood at the bottom and watched his tight little butt sway from side to side, I was as hard as a chocolate frog. I was up so fast behind him I nearly had my nose up his sweet little crack.

'Nice and cosy,' he panted and sat on a bale of hay.

'Nice and private.' I sat down and looked at him and grinned.

I read in a book once about two lovers kissing and how they seemed to melt into each other's eyes. It can happen, believe me.

I stared at his beautiful regular features, a boyish face with nary a blemish, absolutely beautiful. I felt my head move closer and I kissed him lightly on his lips. I could no more have stopped myself than cut my own throat. It was something I had to do and I did it.

His eyes opened really wide in surprise and then he returned the kiss lightly and then put his hand on the back of my neck and really kissed and I mean really, long and hard and as I felt his tongue slip across my lips I opened up and let him probe my mouth.

'Gawd,' he gasped as we parted. 'I wasn't sure .....' He grinned with relief.

'I wasn't either,' I admitted. 'But this was,' I reached down and placed my hand on his groin, I could feel the hardness of his boymeat inside his shorts.

'Oh,' he jumped and then smiled at me as I put one hand on the top of his ultra smooth thigh and slid it up under the hem of his shorts. Unfortunately he had briefs on but with a bit of a struggle I could feel the heat of his sex.

'We gotta go,' he grabbed my neck and kissed me again. 'I've got to see you again.'

'Me too.' I felt like a spurned schoolboy (which I was). I knew he wanted it as I did but he was being sensible far more than I was. If we were going to get anywhere we had to cool down and think about things. We were both fifteen year old boys and we had the hots for each other, love would find a way. We stood together and had a final butterfly kiss and I felt his hand softly grasp me and fondle my raging hardon.

'Soon,' he promised and started to climb down the ladder.

We'd just got down when Aaron and Darren burst in, they took one look at us and started laughing.

'What's up?' Arron scowled.

'You're covered in straw,' Darren giggled and glanced down to Arron's crotch. 'Looks like you had fun anyway.'

'Shut it, nosey,' Arron marched out of the barn in high dudgeon with moi in tow.

The other two just stood there grinning like idiots and Aaron gave me a wink, so much for the first brief encounter, nearly caught in the act.

The management were on parade as we rounded the corner, a photographer was clicking away at our two little rugrats as they played around with the hose. The pictures should be brilliant, both boys were wearing thin shorts and the water wasn't leaving too much to the imagination, I could see the outline of their bottoms and the cleavage no probs. I didn't tempt fate by staring too long.

'Hi, Cal, Aaron,' Masters greeted us. 'We've had a chat and we're going to try out Arron and Darren, that's the two older boys (as if we didn't know). The youngsters aren't really interested and they're out of the age group anyway.

Aaron and I stood like the nodding dogs wankers have in the backs of their cars, I do love it when a plan comes together.

'In two weeks time when we have another break I'd like you and Aaron to tie up with Arron and Darren for rehearsals,' he paused and looked at us all. 'The movie people will have the movie and picture rights and we may get a pair of standby dancers.'

'Leastways .....' One of the movie people, their Bossman I think then piped up. 'You'll have a fun weekend, we'll spring you a hotel for the weekend and you can rehearse in the local gym.'

'Where at?' I had to ask.

'Murky Manchester Town,' Masters grinned back. 'Most central place for all of us.'

'Queer as Folk,' Aaron whispered and I heard Darren snigger. God knows what these two had in mind but whatever it was it surely couldn't equal what I was thinking. I was switched off, I was daydreaming of myself and Arron together, naked in a huge bed and doing all sorts of naughties. I adjusted my crotch, this was all too much for a poor white boy.

'I suppose we'd better make a move,' Masters broke into the dream and spoilt my day completely. I managed to get Arron's phone number before I left and gave him mine. We couldn't say much but our eyes talked volumes. The weekend planned was going to be a make or break experience for both of us and I'm sure we both knew it.

It was a fortnight of pure hell, we had around four gigs which were tedious to say the least. I was in love, I was in love so hard it bloody well hurt. All I wanted to do was to cuddle my beautiful blonde boy and snog, that was apart from getting him naked and doing the dirty of course.

Arron phoned me a couple of times but we didn't say too much on the line because you never knew who was earwigging you. We tried to met up on the inbetweeny weekend but Arron had to do some stuff for his mob and I had important stuff to do. At the end of it all the weekend we yearned for was on it's way.

Would you believe the four of us were put in adjoining rooms which shared a bathroom. It must have been cheap but how convenient can you get. Jay the number three boy of the group was off sick and the bimbos (sorry the girls) were quartered in a different hotel altogether. Masters told us that supervision was minimal but we had a pretty hectic schedule over the weekend and Aaron and myself had to get used to a couple of cameramen flitting all over the place. Anyway, here we were in the foyer of the hotel and Darren and my Arron burst through the doors like a couple of schoolies. They were acompanied by these two arty types who started to chat to Masters.

It finished up after a short natter in the lounge that we were on rehearsals at nine o'clock on the following morning, we had a dinner booked for around eight that evening and the rest of the time was ours. Masters gave us the usual brief about not wandering around outside the hotel but we knew from past experience the dangers of that. I think that both Aaron and myself wanted to get on making better friends with the two young models, slumming around Manchester wasn't any great attraction.

Our bags had been taken upto our room by a rather attractive Chinese bellboy of all things and we went up also having said goodnight to Masters and the photographers.

'Ever do any nudes for those guys,? I whispered as myself and Aaron tailed the other two up the stairs to the first floor where the rooms were.

'Tell ya later,' he grinned and made kissy motions at Darren's backside in front of us.

'Slut,' I hissed.

'Only for you,' he glanced at me quite seriously, his greeny grey eyes twinkled. 'All night long,' he added in a stage whisper. I blushed as I heard Aaron and Darren laughing up front, the bastards were listening.

We got to our rooms and it didn't take too long to decide who was sleeping where. I expect the management expected the S Clubbers to take one room and the models the other but it didn't quite happen that way. Aaron and Darren promptly grabbed the first room and left Arron and myself to take the second ..... shame. We got in and closed the adjoining door. Finally, we were on our own.

'Missed you, baby.' This time there was no nervousness, I grabbed him and we fell on the bed wrestling and kissing like we'd been apart for six months or more.

'Me too,' he grabbed my head and forced his lovely slippery tongue into my mouth.


Shit. We broke apart and sat up both crimsoned up like tomatoes.

'A little deal,' Aaron was standing laughing with his arm draped around Darren's neck. 'We won't burst in on you if you don't burst in on us, OK?'

As we both nodded Aaron turned and grabbed Darren in a clinch and kissed him sweetly on the lips. They both grinned at us and left us to it.

'Well we know where we stand,' I got up and snapped the bolt on the adjoining door, that was the last time they'd be bursting in.

'Single beds,' Arron grinned and stretched himself out and kicked his trainers off. 'How long to the meal.'

'Two hours,' I laughed. 'What is all this about your bed, there's room for two in that, it's huge.'

'I didn't say it was mine,' he protested with a grin. 'Come here, it's back to the barn time.' I didn't need a second invitation.

I lay alongside him fully clothed and snuggled up to his warm body. I suppose if I was a big fifteen he was a small fifteen but he did me. 'I wanna see you naked and then I'm gonna kiss you all over,' I nuzzled his smooth cheek and as he turned his head softly kissed him on his sweet lips.

'ALL over,' he smiled.

'All over,' I repeated. 'Starting with your little titties.'

He giggled as I peeled off his sweatshirt exposing his pale skin, this kid needed to do some serious sunbathing but to me he was like one of those alabaster Grecian kiddies you see in museums. I just hope he didn't have a fig leaf glued to his dangly bits. Talking about them, they weren't gonna dangle much longer, they were destined to go stiffy mode. Tell ya.

'Aaah,' he held my head and played with my mop of unruly hair as I lapped and nibbled at his flat coral pink nipples, first one and then the other grew stiff and stuck our from his narrow chest.

'They normally do that when it's cold,' he grinned.

'Yeah,' I laughed. 'What happens to this when it gets cold?' I tugged at his zip.

'Take you're top off first,' he demanded.

'No probs,' I was barechested in a flash and he was down onto my darker nipples in a flash, he seemed amazed when they hardened up. He was in love with my skin, his flickering tongue and hot lips brushed up and down my chest right down to my navel. 'Ever blown anyone before?'

'Course not,' he looked rather indignant, a bit like an upset budgie.

'Ever been blown?'

'Not yet,' he grinned running my zip down actually taking the lead this time. 'Cor, that's hard.' his hand was inside my cargoes feeling me up through my CKs. 'Yummy,' he grinned and licked his lips and I wondered how far we were going to go before it was time to feed with the others.

'Undress,' I groaned and wrestled him off me, we wriggled and fought about on the bed playfully undressing each other until I was down to my CKs and he was down to a pair of skin tight white briefs more like a bikini thong than anything else. I suspected baggy drawers weren't very popular in the type of photography that he did. Privately I thought of it as pedo-graphy but hell, I was hooked on it.

'Get 'em off,' he growled trying to sound tough.

'I'll do you, you do me,' I felt my voice break. This was it, I was going to see my blonde angel naked for the very first time, I was so hard it was painful. I felt a damp patch at the end of my cock and sure enough there it was, the CK's were soggy just under the waistband. To my everlasting pleasure he was showing the same and his boy cock wasn't a widget. It wasn't huge but he wasn't a big boy. it was quite enough for me, I couldn't wait to take it into my mouth and give it a parking space.

You're dark,' he stroked my chest and he was right if he was pale complexioned I suppose I was dark. I wasn't swarthy or anything just darker than he was, we looked good together as my arms encircled him and slipped into the back of his briefs grasping his jellylike bubble buns. I was in heaven and I had this glorious child in my bed and arms for the rest of the night.

'You ready for this,' I lay him onto his back and crouched alongside with my hands inside his briefs caressing his firm flesh and kissing his tightly stretched belly as he reached out and up.

'Go on, Cal,' he moaned and arched his back lifting his little butt off the bed. I slid my hands down his smooth skin taking the briefs down, they jerked across his penis and it popped free as the garment headed for his ankles. Off over his feet and he was totally naked.

I kissed and licked his toes and up his shins and he wriggled with anticipation but I dropped my head at his knees and did the other leg. As he groaned with frustration and jerked his pelvis up I kissed inside his thighs, his hands dropped and grabbed my head trying to guide it to his groin but I wasn't going to be rushed. I nudged his furry ballsac with my nose and then licked the bottom. He squealed and his dick jerked. I could see the trail of precum on his belly like a snail had visited. I couldn't wait, I grasped his hardness by the base and swiped my tongue over the ultra smooth pink head tasting his boy juice for the first time.

Writers talk about cum as sweet as nectar and you think what a load of bollocks that is.

Not true. Arron's love juice was the sweetest, I licked up his dribble and sank my mouth over his spongy glans. He spasmed and gave a pelvic thrust up nearly choking me with his cock. I reckoned it was a bit smaller than mine, probably just under the five inch mark but as I've said he wasn't a giant. Who needed giants, I needed my Arron, I sucked on his sweet shaft and played with his velvety scrotum until I felt his nuts tighten up, he wasn't a thousand miles away from a climax.

'Calm down little man,' I grinned and transferred my mouth to his smooth belly lapping out his sweet little sunken button.

'I was gonna pop there,' he sighed and smiled at me with the world of affection in his eyes. 'I think I'm in love.'

'Hey, hey. Early days my son,' I wanted him to slow down. This was far to early for this sort of thing. It was OK me being infatuated but I didn't want him, my Arron getting hurt.

'Come on, Cal. You know there was something there the first time we met,' he pushed me flat onto the bed and then crouched over me with his glistening spike bouncing. There and then I was determined we would sixty nine and cum together. If we drank each other's thick juices that just about made us boyfriends. Another thing I was determined to do and that was to make love to him overnight and I wanted him to make love to me too. I knew I was a virgin and I reckoned he was as well, in fact, I was sure of it. I wanted to take him all the way and for him to do the same to me by dawn. Love, I dunno if he knew what he was talking about but he might have a point.

He got my CKs down and gazed at my dark meat, I had a healthy growth of pubics far more than his and he seemed to delight in the frizzy hair, He nosed it and his little pointed tongue swiped up and down my hard shaft. I'm not a bragger so I'm not going to give you the normal Nifty shmutter about my seven inch cock, I've got around five plus inches, it was just a bit bigger than Arron's but it was thicker. I think he was using me as some sort of a training platform as he licked off my precum and then washed my swollen glans with his tongue grinning all the time. His final act was to take my hardness into his mouth and begin to suck with his wet lips running up and down my shaft. I could feel my scrotum tightening up, I was so tensed with the proximity of this fabulous boy I could cream at any moment.

'Sixty niner,' I gasped and started to swivel on the bed. he looked at me for a moment and then it sunk in, a final swift kiss on the lips and then he was down head to toe. We were away. The moment I felt his sweet lips on my penis I took his slippery hardness into my mouth. I let him lie flat and I hovered above him as one does in these cases.

He was sucking me like a giant lollipop, I just encased his hardness in my mouth and gently tickled all around the rim of his glans with my tongue. My little Arron was putty in my hands.

'Mmmph,' I heard a strangled croak and I felt his boy's cock swell in my mouth, I fucked faster downwards into his suction and we both came together. Beautiful, one for the book.

I think we were both surprised at the heat and the passion of our cums, mine seemed to go on forever and his was amazing for such a slight boy, I swallowed and gobbled and he just kept splattering his thick creamy spunk into my mouth. We fell apart at last and I slid up alongside him, we shared a semen stained kiss and I trapped and sucked on his sweet tongue. We gazed at each other, dunno if it was love or lust but IT was there, IT was in his eyes and I hope IT was in mine as well.

'That was bloody fantastic,' he laughed with glee and crushed me in his thin arms. 'God, I think I love you Cal.'

This time I didn't try and put him off, I just gently kissed his eyes, his nose and then his lips. I couldn't get enough of this kid. I wanted to stay on this bed with him in my arms for ever.

We were disturbed at last by a hammering on the bathroom door, it was Darren calling out that it was time to feed.

Full of bravado I opened the door naked and left Arron trying to cover himself on the bed. Darren peered in and grinned, would you believe it, he was naked too and I caught a brief glimpse of his extended and shiny and spit slicked cock before he fled giggling like a little girl no doubt to report back to Aaron. I didn't give a shit, we didn't have secrets ..... not now.

'He was naked,' Arron spluttered. 'Christ, all this time and I never even suspected.'

'Someone to keep you warm when I'm away.'

'You don't mind?' He looked at me with a slight grin.

'It's all in the family. As long as you think of me when you do him I don't care.'

'Let's eat, smart arse,' he started to sort a towel from his bag.

'Don't worry, it's all in the bathroom.' I went into the bathroom closely followed by Arron to find the other two splashing and generally tarting around, we joined in and that was fun as I got to grab Darren's dark skinned bum. Mind you I saw Arron take a feel of Aaron's mansized cock as well. This was gonna be some sort of night.

We managed to get down to dinner on time and even managed to get through it without getting thrown out. Funnily enough the Chinese bellboy was waiting table, he must need the money. I tried to study him a little but little Arron started to give me dirty looks, seems my little lover could turn out to be a bit possessive, that was something to bear in mind.

We visited the small bar after eating, not for booze you understand but just for a couple of soft drinks before hitting the sack. I mean to say we did have rehearsals in the morning and we still needed our beauty sleep, some hope and no hope I suspected.

I went to the gents in the process and bugger me if the Chinese kid wasn't in there mopping the floor, I wondered if he was the manager as well.

'I know you.' That was a good start.

'Bully for you,' I replied in my standard teeny bopper persona.

'Yes.' He grinned at me. He was quite tasty, around seventeen, possibly eighteen. 'My young brother is a fan of yours.'

'Good for him,' I cracked a smile. I was going to offer a photograph and auto but you don't offer you let them beg.

'I wondered if I could trouble you for an autograph before you leave, some sort of memento?'

'Why don't you pop up our room tomorrow afternoon,' I suggested slightly nervy. 'I could let you have some goodies for your brother and we could sit and have a chat.' I boldly dropped my eyes to his crotch. Nothing like being obvious.

'You are rooming with the nice blonde boy,' he spoke very good English if a little stilted and whammy, his eyes also dropped, his slow grin was more of a smirk if you know what I mean. He wasn't that daft, he must have been spying on us because no one else knew how we'd sorted out the bunking arrangements.

'Spot on Sherlock,' I grinned. 'Maybe you could bring some drinks up, nothing lairy you understand.'

'I finish around three tomorrow.'

'Fine. You know what room we're in?' I looked at him with my 'come on' look. 'Perhaps we could have a bit of fun.'

'I know the room,' he gave a broad grin. 'I shall be delighted to visit your friend and yourself.' He added quite formally.

'Excellent.' I grinned, washed my hands and returned to the table, I could feel Chinky's eyes on my bum all the time. This one was a goer.

'Took your time,' Arron grumbled, the others had buggered off and left him all on his own.

'Sorry, sweetnuts.' I sat down again. 'I might have us a bit of entertainment for tomorrow afternoon.'


'Yeah a bit of Chinese.'

'That kid, that bellboy guy.'


'What, you reckon he's .......'

'I don't reckon, I know,' I looked at him seriously. 'You and me tonight though.'

'Chinese bellboys for afters,' he returned my grin. Thank God for that, we were on the same wavelength.

'Wanna go?'

'Too true, sweety.'

God I loved my little Arron. I was as hard as a bloody flagpole and tonight was our night.

The first thing we did in our room was kiss, come on we hadn't had a snog for a whole hour.

'How we doing this,' he looked a little nervous. We gonna lie on top of the bed or get in it.'

'We're going to bed,' I spoke firmly. Jeez. He was nervous, I was bloody nervous. I knew all the theoretical, I could pass exams on how to shag a boy, the foreplay, the fingering, easing the ring and all that but doing it, now that was another thing. I wanted us to enjoy what we were going to do, I didn't want any pain and I certainly didn't my Arron getting hurt. I'd never forgive myself. We stripped off in silence, I was really chuffed to see that his boyhood stuck out like a prong, he grinned a little embarassed as he slid under the sheet.

'Brrr, it's cold in here,' he stared at me and grinned. 'Come and warm me up, Cal.' Something must have crossed his mind as he suddenly laughed and then had a fit of the gigles. 'Let's play mums and dads.' He cracked up.

I've got to admit his laughter was infectious, I was laughing as well as I slid into the bed and then grabbed his slight frame and pulled him onto me. This was it, naked in bed together.

'God, you've got a lovely bum.' My arms were around his slender waist and I cupped his tight white bubble butt in my hands. It was like grasping two peaches one in each hand.

'You gotta way with words,' he laughed and then reverted to his serious mode, I felt him feed his stiffness between my legs and I promptly clamped on it's heat as he gently moved to and fro.

'I got some KY,' I breathed hotly in his ear and rolled onto my back and he lay on my belly still making little prodding movements moving my cock up and down with his smooth tummy.

'That's the proper stuff,' he looked nervous again.

'You ain't that dumb then.'

'Bollocks,' he gave a more forceful pelvic thrust and I could feel his already slippery glans at the base of my crack.

'Put some on,' I nearly choked on my own words as I produced the blue tube from under the pillow where I'd hidden it earlier.

'You want me to go first?'

'You're nearly there, kid.' You see my worry wasn't him broaching me. OK so I was a virgin but he was only whatever he was in size but I was bigger. He might hurt me a bit but I didn't want to hurt him a lot, can you see what I'm getting at.

As I took my knees upto my chest and prepared myself for my lover's very first fuck I watched him mesmerised as he coated his hardness with the glistening oil. God, from where I was it looked bigger than it had before.

'Better put some on my bum,' I almost choked.

'Orrite,' he was almost speaking in a whisper. I felt a smear of oil on my ring and then a gente pressure as he pushed one finger slowly inside me and then he started to move it to and fro sinking deeper and deeper.

'Yeah, that's good.' I felt like a slut. But fuck it, it did feel good.

'A bit more .......'

'No, Arron do it, I want you to do it now.' I was nearly crying. I wanted him so much and as he bent lower to kiss me I held his oiled penis and guided it to my pucker. 'Gently, Arron.............'

Gawd, it was marvellous. There was no pain. Just a twinge, I felt his oiled cock open me up and then the mass and the heat as he began to fill my body. He was as tense as a drum, I felt his belly as hard as iron as his hot cock slid inside my hole, filling and satisfying.

'My Gawd,' he murmured and grinned at me. 'You are so fuckin' tight.'

'Good,' I tried to sound sarcastic but hadn't got it in me. I was so happy for him. He groaned again as he settled his belly against my ballbag, his stumpy cock was well and truly sheathed in my living flesh. Arron had taken my cherry and now he was going to fuck me ..... and I couldn't wait.

'You alright,' his lips fluttered over mine and then my cheek and finally on the forehead, I could feel his heat stirring within me. 'I am in love, no doubt about it,' he kissed me long and hard and I felt him push into my bottom as far as he could. Did I say he had a little dick? It wasn't that bloody little, it felt like a slippery log inside me, it was beautiful.

'Shurrup and fuck me,' I slurred, my dick was jerking on my belly and I could feel the slipperyness of my own juices on my gut.

'Yes sir,' He grinned. He started slowly and whatever anyone says sex is natural whether you do it with a girlfriend or a boyfriend the act is the same, the love is the same.

His slowness didn't last too long, he must have had the itch, he certainly had the hots, he started to hammer into my love tunnel and I freaked. 'Harder, harder, Arron.' I held onto his smooth buns as he pummeled me to death. At the end he smashed into my slippery butt and I felt his boy sex swell and then the glorious pulsing as he voided his climax.

Jeez. The feeling for the first time of a lover's cum shooting and pumping into your body, I nearly passed out. It was so hot, I could feel every inch and every movement of his perfect cock as he filled me with his thick youthful spunk.

'Gawd,' he groaned and fell on me his sweaty stomach trapping my painfully hard erection. 'Was it OK,' he looked at me with some concern in his greeny grey eyes. 'Was it OK?' He asked again.

'Perfect loverboy,' I kissed his freckled nose. 'You can do that anytime.'

'In about an hour,' he giggled and slowly stirred his limpening cock in my messy bottom.

'Why not,' I had to laugh, he had one of those boyish giggles that get you going.

For some reason his eyes slid away from mine and he pulled back a little resting on his elbows. 'You gotta do me now and then we're proper lovers.'

'You don't have to,' I grabbed him fiercely and kissed him hard and long. I hated myself saying it but it just came out.

He struggled and returned the kiss. 'Yeah, I want to, I just don't want to get hurt, you're so big.'

Jeez. I've never been called big before. I let it pass.

'I wouldn't hurt you Arron. The moment you feel any pain let me know and I'll stop.'

'Did I hurt you,' he looked so worried, my little angel.

'A bit,' I admitted. 'But it was worth it ..... and I want you to do it again.'

'You're on,' the little laugh again and he carefully slid out of me and flopped onto his back. 'Let's get married,' he blushed a bit and closed his eyes. Ostrich in the sand syndrome. God, I loved the little dimwit.

'Roll over, lover. I read that you should go in on the back first time around.'

'Does that mean you weren't a virgin?' He gave me that disconcerting stare of his.

'No it bloody well doesn't,' I think I snapped back. 'It's just that I though..........'

'It's 'cs I've got a small dick innit?'

'Partly that, Arron but mainly because I don't want to hurt you.' I felt myself near to tears. 'Don't let's fall out ..... please.'

'We're not.' He rolled over onto his tummy and grinned over his shoulder. 'All lovers have tiffs, we won't.' He opened his smooth legs and clutched the pillow. 'Hurt me Goldspink and you're dead.'

'Right on,' I laughed and got betwen his legs opening them up a little more. I could see his pucker clearly exposed and so inviting. I felt like plunging in straight away and sod the consequences but I knew that would kill any relationship off there and then. I don't know what made me do it but I ducked my head and licked up his crack from bottom to top.

'You dirty oik,' he giggled and wriggled his sweet bum. 'Do that again.'

I spread his cheeks a little and licked even deeper this time.

'Eek,' he squealed und pushed his sweet botty up in the air. This time I got a firm grasp, one hand to each ultra smooth boy bun and spread them. A long slow saliva drenched lick from bottom to top again, this time I got a taste of his sphincter, nothing nasty, nothing could be nasty about my little Arron.

'Yum, yum.'

'You perv,' he chuckled into the pillow and pushed his pelvis up even more really spread his legs. His bum came up and his spit sheened ring was there totally exposed and at my mercy. Another couple of licks and I grabbed the KY. It was time.

He didn't even flinch as my oiled finger entered his moist heat. He just gave a contented sign. muttered a bnit and forced himself up onto my slowly moving finger.

'Two fingers then do it,' he demanded, his neck was bright red, his face must have been like a beetroot with the shame of asking for a boy's cock.

I slid the first finger free and watched his oiled pucker close and then slowly slid two fingers in and then worked them to and fro until I felt his muscle ease. 'Wanna try now,' I whispered and kissed the back of his smooth neck.

'Don't try, do it.' Suddenly he wriggled on the bed and flipped over. He took his knees upto his chest and stared at me defiantly. 'I want to see you when you cum in me,' he gave me a slow smile. 'Come on, tiger.'

I didn't argue this time, I positioned my swolled glans at his pre-oiled sphincter and slowly pushed. He pulled a face but holding my hips made adsolutely no protest as my penis entered his most private place and was encompassed by his tight little arse. It was so wonderful, one of the real ace experiences of my life.

This beautiful fifteen year old boy beneath me on the bed and pinioned by my rampant sex, I was inside my lover and he was gently smiling up at me. 'All the way, Cal. Nice and slow.'

I did as he asked. I slowly and carefully fucked myself into his hot tightness feeling his flesh accept me and feeling his hands on my hips finally pulling me into my pubics.

'My God, this is such a buzz,' I moved gently in his tight arse. 'I love you so much, Arron.'

'Bout time you said that,' he grinned and ran his hands up and down my slightly sweaty skin. 'Prove it, gimme babies.'

That was it. I started slowly at first but as he wriggled and started to mutter sweet nothings I started to ram and thrust harder and harder. 'You alright, Arron.'

'No probs,' he grunted and forced his sweet bum up onto my assault. 'I'm as hard as a rock again.'

Indeed he was, I could see his cute cock bouncing and jerking on his belly and it was at full stretch again.

'I'm gonna cum,' I grunted and speared in deep and hard.

'Make it last,' he wailed and I felt his legs pressing on my back but it was all over. I felt my erection jerk inside his hot body and then the the swelling and the pumping. I nearly passed out at the pleasure and the emotions that come when you catually climax inside someone you love. A first for me and I assumed a first for him. He literally beamed as I spunked into his tender flesh, it seemed to go on forever, I felt the hot spurts as I ejaculated and I felt his tunnel seem to constrict on my organ seeming almost to milk me dry.

I eventually slipped onto my side turning him with me still stuck up his flooded, spunk drenched tunnel.

'You're dead legging me, Romeo.' He wriggled his leg free and as he did so my spent organ slid from his beaitiful bottom. 'Was I good?' For once his eyes avoided mine.

'Excellent ..... more than excellent, Ace, Superb,' I laughed and grabbed his sweaty body tightly and kissed him long and hard.

'You're happy, I'm happy,' he grinned tiredly and held my cum coated organ. I moaned, I could feel it twinge and begin to thicken. For God's sake, I was getting hard again.

'I've got to go to the bathroom,' I sliped from the bed. 'You filled me up.'

'Eugh, gross,' he grinned looking quite pleased with himself. 'What happens if one of them's in there?'

'It's alright, the toilet's in a cubicle. Anyway, I might find a real fuck.'

'Turd,' he snarled and leapt from the bed and jumped on me.

'Get off, you loony,' I struggled on the floor with him but he was surprisingly strong. I felt him spread me and I've got to admit I was pretty willing.

'Who's a loony,' he grinned manically and got between my legs, his boy's cock was standing out hard and proud, almost glowing.

'You can't,' I looked up at him and smiled. 'Can you?'

'Watch me,' he laughingly folded my knees back to my chest, positioned himself and took me in one slow thrust.

'Ooooh,' I relaxed as I felt his hardness slip inside me on a coating of his last cum. He started to fuck taking it almost out before slipping it back in again every thust jolting my teeth and battering my bottom. I idly wondered where he got his energy from and then gave myself over to the pleasure. The funny thing was that I always had myself down as the active partner in my dreams never the passive. I knew that in any relationship that I might have to take turns but I never thought I'd enjoy being fucked. With him I did, I couldn't get enough. As I lay on my back and he took his pleasure in my body my mind just drifted and I took delight in the feel of his penis inside and the cum he was going to squirt inside my belly. Must be love I suppose.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck,' he muttered and frowned down at me.

'Whassup,' I mumbled, I was having fun what was the matter.

'I'm cuming too soon,' he groaned and then the glorious pumping and then more of his hot slippery cum deep into my battered butt. By Christ, the kid was a rabbit. Mind you, saying that I was hard again and ready for seconds.

'Nice one,' I squeezed my buns of his juices, I swear I was leaking.

'Yeah, it was,' he agreed and slipped out of me spilling his pearly juice between my legs and probably some on the carpet as well.

I managed to get to the bathroom on the second attempt, I heard him washing and cleaning himself up and he followewd me into the toilet, it was abortion time to put it crudely. We were back in bed in ten minutes with the lights off and the room fitfully illuminated by the street lights.

'Cal,' he whispered as I moved up behind him playing spoons.


'You're hard,' he giggled and pushed back onto my fresh erection.

'I thought you're never ask, I slid between his smooth cheeks and centred in one.

'Aaaaah,' he groaned and pushed back onto my cock. 'I never asked anything,' he reached back and held my hips as I began to slowly fuck for the second time.

'My mistake,' I cackled and began to pound into his sweet bottom. This time I knew he liked it and I was unlikely to do him any damage and he was pushing back hard, he really wanted it.

When I came it was almost an anti climax, I spurted, he wriggled. Been there, seen it, done it and got the t-shirt. We were boyfriends, lovers an item, end of story.

Not quite.

We managed to get the rehearsal out of the way the following day and both boys did quite well, in honesty probably Darren better than Arron but I wasn't going to admit that. In fact Darren had a nice little arse, S Club Aron couldn't keep his eyes off it, gotta laugh aintcha!.

Masters seemed quite pleased and let us go around one o'clock, that gave us time to get a lunch before my Chinese friend was due to visit. Masters was going to pick us up in the morning and take the two models back to their base and then return Aaron to my place where he was going to shack up for a week before our next tour. I think we were all a bit sad that we'd cracked the weekend but we had the afternoon together and another night.

Darren and Aaron had made out that was pretty obvious. Anyway, I asked, Darren was clearly in love, dunno about our Aaron.

We had lunch together in the hotel's dining room and then we split. Aaron and Darren were off to take in an afternoon film and we had an appointment.

'This is a pretty odd relationship,' Arron commented. 'We're both saying we love each other and now we're going for a threesome with a Chink.'

'Don't call him a Chink for God's sake, he might sort us out with a meat cleaver.' I looked at him seriously for once. 'We're lovers, right?'


'If we truly love one another a little bit on the side can't damage that love, can it?'

'Very glib,' he laughed. 'Let's have fun, I've got loads of hormones, the love I'm gonna reserve for you.'

'Right on lover boy,' I grinned and sampled one of his tender kisses. Another crisis over.

Tell you what our Chinese man didn't muck around. Right on the dot there was a knock on the door and there he was. A bonus was he had a totally gorgeous kid in tow, I imagine this kid was around fourteen or fifteen.

'My kid brother, Eddy,' he grinned. 'I hope you don't mind.'

'You introduced Eddy but not yourself,' I smiled and took the boy's hand in a shake, it was so soft and warm, I had visions of him naked. problem was just because a certain big brother was bent, It didn't mean the kid was.

'He's Ricky,' the kid spoke out.

'This here's Arron, my boyfried.' Let them sort that one out between them. Arron glowed.

'Nice to meet you Arron,' both the Chinese shook Arron's hand. Jeez, they were so polite, not a hair turned at the mention of boyfriend.

'I brought some drinks,' Ricky announced. 'As you said nothing too extravagant. He produced eight bottles of some alcopop from his bag.

'Excellent,' I didn't know where we were going from here, let's face it this was another first for me. From the way Ricky was giving Arron sly glances I could see where his interests lay. Looks like I might be lumbered with the sprog, Eddy. Shame. Cue for a bit of a gloat.

'Nice to meet one of Cal's fans,' Arron put his foot right in it. 'I thought they were all bent.' Needless to say Ricky laughed and the little one went bright red, curious, I've never seen a Chinese blush. They do go a funny colour.

'Shurrup, Arron,' I grabbed Eddy and sat hiom on the sofa alongside me and consoled him, I mean I oput my arm around his bony shoulders and he leant against me with a little smile. 'I got some pictures, mugs, t-shirts.'

'Wow,' Eddy really smiled this time. 'Have you got any signed.

'I'll sign some ..... To Eddy from Calvin with Love. How's about that?' God, the kid nearly wet his knickers.

Woops. Poacher alert. Arron and Ricky had plonked themselves on one of the beds and were looking for a bottle opener, there seemed to be an awful lot of bodily contact for a search for something as ordinary as a bar utensil. 'Try the little bar,' I might have just sounded a little sarcastic.

'We've been practising dance steps this morning,' Arron smoothed over the little bump.

'Have you,' both Eddy and Ricky looked at us with some interest. It looked like demo time, I accepted a drink first, I had a plan.

'Do you dance,' I asked Eddy ignoring Ricky, Arron could cope with him. We both knew what we were after and I'm pretty sure Ricky was a goer, the kid was the fly in the ointment. I just happened to look up and Ricky happened to look at me, he gave me a grin and a nod, he also mouthed something but I didn't quite get it.

'Whay?' I mouthed back. Do love a bit of mime.

'He's trying to say I'm alright,' Eddy sniggered alongside me and he cuddled in closer.

'Ah, right,' I was stumped for a moment and so resorted to my drink. It was nice, sweet but cool and I suspect it had a bit of a kick. Righton, I noticed the label, 5%, that is pretty strong for a kid's drink.

'You gonna show us a few steps.' Eddy looked at me adoringly.

'Might finish up in a striptease with another one of these,' I felt myself giggle. The way forward was clear.

'Do it like this morning,' Arron suggested. 'You lead and I'll follow,' he promptly sprang to his feet and shot across and locked the door, the two Chinese boys looked like a pair of cats that had just nicked the cream and the Christmas turkey.

I swiftly downed the first bottle of my ration and sorta fell over and stuck a disc in the room's music machine, I kept it down we didn't want the neighbours complaining although it was our guys on one side anyway.

We started off with a slow one by Robbie Williams and I mimed into the Smirnoff bottle and got a good sway going. My prickish mate Aaron got behind me and held me by the hips. The song went on and every time Robbie mentioned love Arron nuzzled the back of my neck and played with my nipples through my t-shirt and then he'd run his hands down to my waist and up inside my shirt caressing my smooth skin. Jeez,' I was getting so turned on. Ricky was sitting with a big grin on his face, Eddy was open mouthed in shock.

Fuckin' rock on. The second bottle went down well, I drunk that on the move, I vaguely remember Arron unclipping my waistband and the next thing I know he had the tips of his fingers on my bare belly just inside the waistband of my CKs.

'I'm shagged,' Arron declared. 'You have a go, Eddy. You're the top man.'

I smile invitingly at Eddy, would he wouldn't he. Arron just flopped onto the bed alongside Ricky. He'd done his part, well done Arron. I take back all I said about his crap acting.

Eddy stumbled to his feet and moved in, he nervously stood by me and backed onto me as i guided him around. Back to the swaying, it wasn't dancing, if it was it was dirty dancing. We moved with the music in what they used to call a boozy, you know, the one you do when you're half pissed or out on funny fags. I held onto him and guided him backwards and forwards in front of the music box. Arron and Ricky just lay there pretty close together taking alternate swigs from the same bottle, what you'd call saliva swopping I suppose.

'I can feel you,' Eddy giggled.

'Feel what,' I lightly kissed the side of his neck.

'Ooh, he shuddered and pressed back onto me. 'I can feel your thingy,' he wriggled his sweet bottom grinding against my groin.

'I'd like to lay down with you,' I whispered and kissed his ear.

He giggled and pushed back again, this kid was ready for it.

'Naked,' I added and gave a little pelvic thrust.

Hang on, action. It was broad daylight but Arron got up and drew the thick curtains enveloping the room in a gloom just barel;y lit by odd rays of sunlight coming through the cracks where he hadn't quite drawn the curtains properly. It was perfect, I saw Arron and Ricky lay on the bed we hadn't used last night and kick their trainers off.

'Wanna lie down, chill out a bit,' I whispered in Eddy's cute little ear guiding him to the bed.

'Yes, please.' I told you he was very polite.

My Arron and Ricky were kissing and cuddling and I could see that the t-shirts were coming off, surprisingly enough ricky was quite chesty, I wondered if he did any swimming or maybe track, he wasn't as skinny as I'd thought at first, he had a nice body.

I dunno how old Eddy was but he was a boy and a boyish boy at that,. He giggled as I pushed him onto the bed and fell on him. Then it was all lips, I kissed him and he clung to me like a leech, his little hands were everywhere but mainly on the front of my cargoes feeling up my pride and joy. We managed to dispose of our footwear and socks and I peeled his sweatshirt off savoured the feel of his silken skin with my lips. He was beautiful, a truly Golden Boy, I couldn't wait to get him naked.

I caught Arron's eyes and he grinned at me, Ricky's head was down at my boy's zipper, things were happening. Good luck to them, I was on Eddy's case. I unclipped the top of his jeans and slid the zip down, he just groaned and closed his eyes in surrender. He didn't really co-operate he just let me take the lead, I stripped him and I stripped myself, he just clung and kissed and made all the right moves.

'Shall we get in the bed,' I asked at the stage when we were both down ot our underwear.

'Are we going to get naked?' He whispered and his warm body pressed against mine, I could feel and see his hardon in his red briefs, he was probably just a little smaller that Arron, could be he was older than he looked.

'If we get naked in bed we're gonna make love,' I tickled his ear with my tongue. 'Gonna fuck you,' I slid my hand into the front of his briefs and felt his hard cocklet.

'Gonna fuck you too,' he giggled.

'Sounds good.' A flurry of bedclothes, a minute of frantic action and we were under the bedclothes lovingly removing the remainder of each other's clothing. Finally we were naked and cuddled together, warm and safe in our little world. A last look at the others. They were alright, I could see Arron's white form and Ricky's darker body in a tangle of arms and legs, a naked tangle I might add.

Bedclothes over our heads my lips found Eddy's and we trades spit both tongues digging deep and hard. 'Do me,' Calvin.' he groaned and turned his back pushing his sweet little fanny up against my hip.

God knows what age he was but I couldn't stop now. I pushed him onto his belly and slipped between his parted legs. No KY. Shit, it was saliva time, I licked my fingers and smeared my glans which was already leaking like a tap. I rubbed some of it on his hot little fanny intruding one finger into his tight little ring. It clamped on me like a little velvety vice.

'Oooh,' he sighed and pushed up, I felt my finger slip into the knuckle and I moved it in and out. There was enough precum to serve. I raised my belly up and rubbed the tip of my dick across his hole smearing my natural lubricant. A little jab and I felt his ring give.

Kissing and in position I pushed harder and felt his pucker yeild and my cock was trapped in his flesh warmth, God his little bottom clamped on me so hard I nearly came there and then.

'Right in, Cal,' he muttered and pushed up onto my erection, I nearly fainted as I felt his smooth skinned bottom absorb my aching hardness. He'd done it before but I didn't care, for the moment he was mine. I idly wondered who'd taken his cherry, probably brother Ricky but as I've said, I didn't care. I was slowly fucking my way into his hot little boy cunt, sinking deeper and deeper into his incredible tightness.

'Aaah, Eddy,' I started to move to and fro gently at first but going for the root of it and I got there, I felt my belly against the small of his back and he was pushing back onto me as if trying to absorb me body and soul.

'Yeah, great. Go on, Cal.' he wriggled and pushed back even harder. I sensed his head turn in the dark and sloppily kissed the side of his cheek and his mouth and then started to fuck this wonderful litle Chinese boy child. I know I've wobbled on about Arron and don't get me wrong, Arron is my boyfriend, my main man and my lover but Eddy was incredible. So warm, so tight and so smooth, this kid was experienced as well, a real boy slut. He pushed back onto me and moaned and wriggled I had a job not to cum, I wanted it to last. I carefully slipped free of his tight little golden skinned butt. 'Aaaw, Cal,' he moaned a protest.

'Shurrup Mr Ed,' I rolled him onto his back and folded his skiny legs back onto his chest, his calves automatically parked themselves on my shoulders and I moved in. 'Do it please. Fuck me, Cal.'

A gentle push and I was back into his delicious tight heat and this time I was fucking for real. No desire to prolong it, just the urge to fill my little boy with my juice. I wanted to cum so hard inside this kid I was nearly sobbing.

'I'm cuming, Ed,' I pushed in hard and he grunted expelling air as I rammed in for the last time and my cock began to jerk in his little Tunnel of Love. My God. It was the cum of the century, it must have been at least six good blasts, six streamers of sticky and slippery spunk deep into my little toy boy. He squealed, fortunately we were buried in bedding, he wriggled and he clamped his little butt on my bursts and sprays. I felt the surges and I felt if life was fleeing my body, as I said, it was one of my supercums, it was brilliant.

I ran my hand across his belly and it was dry. Thank God he hadn't come, I still had his boyhood to drain, his little four inch cocklet was mine.

'You were wonderful.' I kissed his moist lips and managed to wriggle my head out into the dappled sunlight of the semi darkened room. Arron and Ricky were in bed as well and I could see the humped shapes moving up and down, someone was fucking someone and at that moment in time I didn't really care, I wanted little Eddy up my bum ..... like yesterday.

'Lie on your side,' he whispered and prodded my hip with his hardness.

'What about a face to face,' I suggested, he was gonna get no penetration on the side and I wanted his little cock in as far as he could get it.'

'Can I, can I?' He whispered excitedly as if this was something new and maybe it was, for him.

'Yeah, be my guest,' we kissed again as we struggled in the bed and I managed to get on my back and get him into a kneeling position between my spread legs.

Gawd. Couth and charm were out of the window with this one, the randy little rugrat placed his hardness at my sphincter and gave a godawful shove. He hadn't got the biggest penis in the world but he made me leap, no sooner had he got half of it in and he was fucking away like a mechanical gigolo. Talk about a fucking machine, I just hope the clockwork didn't run down halfway throught the session.

Thankfully he slowed down after about a minute and then he was trying to screw into me like a Black and Decker, mind you he was good but I think I preferred the more laid back approach.

'I'm gonna cum in a minute,' he grunted digging like he was trying to tunnel back to his homeland.

I nearly said 'thank fuck' but held back. Come on, guys. Some of you would give your right arms to fuck The Calvin Goldspink. He did cum in the end and I got the familiar and satisfactory stickiness. It wasn;t the biggest cum in the world but he wasn't the biggest kid in the world. He collapsed. I reckon that little session would keep him in wanks for the next couple of years. When we surfaced from under the bedding the other two were whispering and canoodling.

'Do you fancy Arron?' I whispered to my little lover.

'Yeah, he's nice,' he giggled and played with my tacky penis and I felt it stir. Time for big brother Ricky.

'Well go on then, send your bother over here.'

'Ok,' he giggled and shot out of the bed like the famous Taz, the Devil from Tasmania. A bit of a muttered conversation and I saw the lanky form or Ricky slip from the bed and the next think I know was the feel of his warm body joining me in the bed. Round Two.

We had the obligatory snog and I felt down. Who said the Chinese were built small, this kid had the whole nine yards. A meaty six incher which I was gonna sample in around two seconds flat.

'You got a bit more than the kid.' I maneuvered onto my back and I noticed him grin as he lay atop me and his meaty chunk slipped between my thighs.

'You gotta bit more than Arron,' he whispered and kissed me on the nose. 'Nice,' he rubbed his soft belly up and down on my reawakened meat. 'Arron was wonderful though,' he sighed. Christ, that is really all I need, someone in love with my new boyfriend.

'Do me, Ricky.' That was an order. I was the teeny star and he was the bellboy, let's get the chain of command straight. Not that I'm a cock hungry slut or anything but ........

'Ooooh, sooo nice,' he slipped into me effortlessly, I absorbed his his hot hardness with pleasure, this was a young man with all a young man's drive which he was demonstrating right now. Lovely fuck, lovely fucker. I clamped my legs on his sweaty back as he ploughed my furrow (how's about that for a farming metaphor: auth).

I could hear Eddy and Arron squealing and chattering away as they enjoyed themselves, the noise they were making they could be indulging in a bit of all in wrestling. Suddenly it all went silent and I heard a moan, a sigh and then the regular slap of sweaty body meeting similar. Sounded like Arron was haing a little Chinese.

I was having a big Chinese or he was having me. Did I say he was good sex?

He was now thrusting into me hard and deep and I reckoned he was on the verge.

'I'm cuming,' Ricky grunted. Have I got a crystal ball or what?

God, he did cum too, masses of the sweet slippery icky. I loved it, I wriggled on his pumping shaft and clasped his lithe sweat coated body as his solid six inch shaft just pumped and pumped. I was absolutely shagged.

That was it, more fans satisfied. Ricky and Eddy left around six thirty leaving myself and Arron to clean the place up, or pre-clean it before the cleaning staff hit the place in the morning. Little Eddy was on Planet Pleasure, he had a Calvin and Arron mug, about three or four S Club 8 t-shirts and a gaggle of signed photographs. As a special gift for Ricky I let him claim a pair of used CKs which he promised to treasure and sniff before saying his prayers every night.

Around seven Arron and myself were bathed and pretty eager for the hotel's dinner, we were starving. It was around this time that Arron and little Darren rolled up fresh from their visit to the pictures where they'd been to see Jeepers Creepers II or somesuch crap.

They barged into our room and made themselves at home. Aaron's a bit like a bloodhound, he sat their sniffing, clocked the empty WKD bottles in the bin and gave me his Cornish surfer boi grin (such a pratt).

'Been entertaining have we?'

'Couple of fans,' I looked at my Arron and grinned, needless to say he started his giggle bit.

'Dirty sod,' Darren squealed at his mate. 'You've been rumpy pumpying.'

'Something like that,' Arron expoded in a sneeze and a gale of laughter over the remains of the final bottle. 'Rumpy pumpy, what a pillock.'

'Darren and myself were thinking,' Aaron was suddenly serious, even the hyper active Darren sat still for a moment.

'Bet that was a strain.' I looked at my little blonde angel, something was coming.

'Well we've got to split from the lads tomorrow morning but we do have tonight together.....'

'Well first of all I've got to say that I'm not splitting from Arron, we're boyfriends and we're keeping in touch.' That was it, I'd said my bit and I was so chuffed to see Arron nod his head in agreement.

'Orrite. Orrite,' Aaron waved his hands about 'Same for me and Sweetie Pie actually.'

I was a bit shellshocked, I'd never thought of my Cornish Pasty as a one boy man or a one boy boy..... sod it, you know what I mean.

'Where we going with this?' Arron got into the conversation.

Aaron took a deep breath, I think he'd lost his train of thought. 'Darren and I were thinking......'

'Here we go again.'

'Shurrup, fuckface,' Aaron grinned. 'Darren and I were going to suggest a bit of swopping around after dinner and maybe change back to our boyfriends around midnight.'

'What like me and Darren and you and Arron?'

'Something like that,' Aaron smiled.

I looked at Arron and he just shrugged. I couldn't see any harm in it, Darren was rather sweet anyway. He wasn't my Arron but he'd do. It's not as if Arron and myself had taken vows of chastity and faithfulness, after all we'd shared a Chinese twosome that very afternoon. Of course, when we were on tour Cornish boi and yours truly would be after any young boy fans we could entice into our 'chicken trap'.

'Sounds good to me,' I agreed after I saw Arron give me the nod. 'It's a deal,' I stood as did Arron. 'We're going down to dinner.'

'Sweetie and me'll join you in a bit,' Aaron and Sweetie (I ask you) went into the bathroom as Arron and myself headed for the grub.

The meal as the previous evening was excellent although there was no sign of Ricky, I imagine it was his day off anyway. The other two joined Arron and myself before we got throught the performance with the soup and into the main course. Masters was collecting us around eightish in the morning so we didn't need to have too late a night especially as we had yet another sexfest planned.

As before we retired to the hotel's bar for Pepsis and munchies (On top of dinner ? I hear you ask). Finally we headed for the rooms, there wasn't a lot to be said really, it was nine in the evening and we were going to bed ..... some kids.

Alone at last I took a grab at Darren, he was a little shorter that Arron but if he'd survived the popster Aaron he was no shrinking violet as he soon proved. As we fell on the bed he attacked me with his lips and his hands, he was like a bloody octopus, his hands were everywhere. In the end I lost it and ripped his clothes off baring his beautiful body. As I said, he was shorter than Arron and darker skinned like myself and he was a little love bug. Kissing, he kissed like a sink plunger and he seemed to have a tongue about a yard long. He was uncircumcised but there was little sign of his foreskin, he was as hard as a little chocolate frog. Let's face it, he's been with Jeepers Creepers all afternoon and I'd been on the nest with my boyfriend.

'Christ, you have a lovely bum,' I'd rolled him onto his little belly and parted his pale cheeks. I know it wasn't the most romantic thing to say but it was a lovely bum. He had the faintest suggestion of hair between his cheeks and I shoved my mouth onto his wriggling bottom my tongue seeking his pucker.

'Aaaah, Calviiiin,' he sobbed as my hot tongue attacked his hole licking and probing. I peeled his buns apart and licked and slobbered. Miraculously after the afternoon with Arron there was a dribble of precum on my knobend. Innit great to be fifteen.

I licked and coated his little pucker and then started to slowly lick up his brown back gradually raising my body until my straining hardness slid between his saliva coated buns.

'Yeah, do it,' he breathed and humped his bum up.

Kissing the back of his neck and his overlong haid I gently placed my weeping glans at his slippery hole and gently shoved.

'Yesssss .....' He sighed and clutched the pillow as I slid in quite easily and then gave another thust seating my pride and joy deep into his little love shute. 'Cor, that is so nice. Smaller than Aaron's though.' He giggled.

'Thanks for that,' I answered a bit sourly.

'It's not the size, it's how you use it,' he pushed his bottom up into my groin, a hint I suspect.

I srated to make love to this little brown skinned boy, I wasn't in a hurry and he wasn't going anywhere with me pinning him to the bed. Gawd, he was so tight and so smooth. I was in love with my little blonde angel Arron but this kid was most certainly second favourite. I suppose when we were on tour him and Arron would be at it but I'd have to try not to be jealous, let's face it I'd have Cornish boi climbing all over me ..... which I was slightly looking forward to.

'Go on, faster,' Darren wriggled his bum and pushed his hips up. That was it, a bit faster, a bit harder and a bit deeper. 'Yeah, that's it,' Darren moaned, I must have hit the spot. 'Fuck me.' This time he shoved his little bum up really hard almost forcing himself into a doggy position. I grabbed his hips and pummeled like fuckery, the slap of my sweaty groin onto his smooth bum was the music of love, I fucked that boy like I was trying to split him and he loved it. I could see why he and big dick Aaron got on so well.

I felt a twinge of sympathy for my Arron but I felt my jism rising.

'I'm cuming,' i groaned and Darren lifted his upper body and me with him. In a kneeling position a fired my load deep into his twitching bottom. We both fell flat onto the bed onto our sides and I lazily pumped the remainder of my slippery spunk deep into his little boy's body. That kid was one good fuck.

We messily slid apart and kissed. 'Can see why Arron likes you,' he grinned and played with my messy limpness.

'Can see why Arron likes you,' I countered with a grin. 'Do you fuck or are you a bitch.'

'You cheeky prick,' he squealed and jumped up forcing his way between my legs. 'We'll see who the bitch is now.' Gotta laugh, he was like an irate chipmunk but his four inch cocklet was jerking around and it had a pennant of clear goo dripping from the end. The kid was up for it.

'Come on lover,' I calmed him down and rested my legs on his shoulders guiding him closer. I fet his slippery knob at my passage, a jerk and his hot and very hard boymeat was in me.

'You are so nice, Calvin,' he sighed and bottomed out. I stroked his smooth little buns as he slowly pumped.

'So are you, Darren.'

'What a weekend,' he sighed and looked at me. 'I think Arron loves you, you seen the way he looks at you.' He giggled.

'Good,' I kissed him. I wanted to tell him the our S Club Aaron loved him but I didn't dare, I didn't know how genuine Aaron was, I didn't want to let the munchkin down.

'Surfer Boi loves me,' he looked at me and grinned moving his hips faster. 'But we're playing it kewl so nobody notices.'

'Best way,' I clamped on his thrusts. 'Now shut up and gimme some loving before I have to get my little blondy in here to finish off.'

Christ, he went away like a rabbit. Perhaps he thought he was in a race or something, he pounded into my arse like there was no tomorrow. He did a huge cum for a little lad , I could feel the hot stuff splashing and pumping inside me like I was a banger getting an oil change. There was sweat and cum everywhere, the place stank. Brilliant. God know's what the chambermaids or whatever would think in the morning.

'Gawd, I'm drained,' he slid free and fell onto the bed alongside. 'I fucked Calvin Goldspink,' he grinned and then giggled like the little lad he was. 'Do I get a t-shirt and an autograph?'

'After this,' I rolled him onto his back and lifted his legs as he started to laugh and slid hard and deep into his spunk slippery tunnel. The night was young and I had my lover returning to the roost at midnight ..... it could be a very long night.


GCutter66@aol.com For outlanders who don't know S Club mail me for pix, also pix of Aaron and Darren Please use Story Title/Chapter as header in EM

Next: Chapter 4: Arron and Darren

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