Happy New Year Calvin

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Mar 17, 2004


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty. My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.


Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE

GCutter66@aol.com ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers

How's about this one for a catchy title.

B/B/B (15, 15 and 12)



G. Cutter.

Hi, my name's Arron you may have read about me and my pal, Darren in Nifty's Celebrity Section in that Dickensian masterpiece 'Calvin's Story' under the Calvin and Aaron flag. Must have been hell for Cutterman writing about Aaron and Arron in the same story. Anyway, here we go.

The weekend after our romantic whoopsy doo the story came out and I got on my computer (a hand me down from Dad actually), I had Darren around and we had a good read and giggle. 'The boy with the thousand yard stare', I ask you. Cutter got all this from Calvin Goldspink so you can't blame him. Actually, it was after reading that Calvin approached him that I did the same, he seemed a bit more happy chatting with me than he did with Calvin but then again he likes my pictures. I think he was the one who invented the phrase 'slush porn' one step above or below 'soft porn.' I'd have to agree, I'd known for some time now what sort of people bought my pictures, who cares, it's a living.

Darren was coming around for the weekend later on tonight which was a Friday, Dad had put a cot in my room and Darren was supposed to kip in that. My young brother was making snide remarks about S Club Eight and a Half, I think in his retarded childish way he thought he was being amusing, once Mum and Dad were out he was gonna get a good going over. I had the hots for the little bugger so I had to be careful, I could spring a stiffy half way through which would make life a bit interesting.

The funny thing about that weekend was that the way Calvin told Cutter and the way Cutter wrote it, it was all essentially true. I think Calvin's love bit was a little over the top but he's an artiste as he kept telling me. The curiosity was that Darren and myself actually had sex with the S Clubbers and we'd never even touched each other. I'd always fancied Darren but I thought he was like any other fifteen year old, straight, that is. I was determined that this weekend we were going to trade spit and fuck otherwise I'd tie him down and abuse him, easy as that, Calvin had given me a taste for boy on boy sex. Darren was not going to hold out on me like a little tart.

The weekend started right now, like this Friday night, I was expecting Darren at any moment. Mum and Dad were out with Joey my kid brother vising friends. Saturday was their drinkies night so they'be be out again tomorrow but I'd be childminding the retard. Joey wasn't actually a retard just a thick as shit twelve year old boy, one who was gonna get a big bro cock before he was thirteen if the Arron man had any say in the matter.

That was it, Darren was at the door, I always knew when it was him, he insisted on ringing the bell and knocking fuck out of the knocker, figures I suppose, what else would you knock if not a knocker. Don't blame Cutter, I've written this and he's just doing the tidying up.

'Hi, Dogbreath,' I greeted my chum, we've know each other quite a while.

'Hi, good looking.'

'Come upstairs, the 'rents are out.'

'Goody,' he was grinning like a little munchkin and I wondered if he was on the same wavelength as I was. Hopefully.

I got him in the room, parked his weekend bag and settled him on my bed. 'So, Darren how goes it?'

'OK,' he smiled rather shyly for him. 'I've been thinking about Aaron quite a lot.'

'Not a love job is it?'

'Maybe,' he flushed and I felt a bit sorry for him but I had problems of my own.

'I've been thinking as well.'

'About Calvn?.'

The sucker had walked right into it. 'About you,' I sat on the bed next to him.

'Really,' he looked at me and there was something in his eyes. I pressed on.

'Yeah, I was a bit pissed off that you just hopped into bed with Aaron and were off like a pair of rabbits.'

'Why?' He looked at me and grinned slightly. 'That's what you did with Calvin. For fuck's sake you were snogging in the barn the week before that.'

'I've always liked you, Darren,' I changed tack if that's the expression. I was a bit embarassed, I just wanted to leap on him and kiss but I thought I'd better play it cool. 'Liked you a lot.' I felt my face redden as I spoke.

'You should have said something,' he muttered and eyeballed the computer.

'No,' I said impatiently. 'I mean I like you a lot ..... like Calvin.' This conversation was getting really cringe making.

'What do you mean?' He turned and looked at me directly. 'Does Arron want sex with his little mate, Darren?' I'm not thick, I sensed a certain amount of piss taking.

'Yeah.' That was blunt enough.'

'Why didn't you say so then,' he looked at me, grinned and then he was on me. We finished up a tangle of arms and legs on the bed and his hot little mouth was on my neck, on my cheeks and finally our lips met. Moments later we were tongue wrestling, he was wearing quite thick jeans but even so I could feel his hard boyhood pressing against my thigh. Things were gonna be OK.

'I thought you were straight,' I mumbled between kisses.

'I am,' he giggled and managed to flatten me out, I didn't fight back, thiings were getting interesting. 'I am straight,' he smiled at me and his head dropped, his dry lips were slipping over the smooth material of my cargoes, to be more precise his lips were running over the hard lump in my trousers. 'What have we here, a stiffy?' He smirked up at me and slid my zip down and my trousers were parted by his teeth.

'Darren,' I moaned as I felt his hot breath on my briefs.

'Lift up lover boy.'

I lifted my bum from the bed and felt my trousers going down and then his hands on the front of my briefs outlining my erection. 'Yeah, nice,' he gave another little grin and lifted the front of the dark blue skimpies and exposed my raging erection to the light of day, or to the light of my bedroom. 'Yummy,' he gave my knobend the briefest of kisses. 'Wanna get naked,' I felt his firm grasp around my dick as he moved up my body pushing my t-shirt up and kissing my belly and chest.

'Yeah,' I responded. Not much else to say. We buggered about a bit and at the end of it we were both naked on the bed exploring each other's bodies. I couldn't understand why it had taken so long for me to get this far. Probably nervousness, scared of being labelled a poof, frightened of destroying a friendship ..... some of these thing? All of them?

It didn't matter now, we were naked on my bed, we had the house to ourselves, we were safe.

'I've always liked you Arron,' he nuzzled at my little nipple and slowly massaged my dick which was as stiff as a poker and was now leaking a trickle of precum making the knob slippery and shiny.

'I like you too, very much, Darren.'

'More than Calvin.'

I grabbed his head and looked into his eyes. 'Much more,' I kissed him hard on the lips. 'I think I love you.' I felt a right pratt saying something like that to another boy but it had to be said.

'Bet you said that to Calvin as well,' he grinned. 'I don't mind, I'm here and he isn't.'

'Bit like Aaron.'

'Big dick,' he laughed as I did, don't forget we'd both sampled Aaron the same as Calvin but as Darren said tonight it was we two.

'I wanna suck you,' his head dropped again and he was kissing and nibbling his way South.

'Ditto.' I started to move around in the bed. If he was happy taking me in his mouth as sure as Hell I could do the same for him. This was a whole new world. The times we'd spent together and the photoshoots we'd gone through, we'd never seen each other naked. I loved his body, he was dark haired and his skin was a shade darker than my own but it was flawless, it was like running your lips over silk. I was so hard it hurt.

The last couple of sleepovers he'd done he'd slept in the spare room but kid brother Joey was in there now. This was another first, sharing a room. I jerked as I felt his warmth and the wetness of his tongue on my ballbag, he was lapping like a good 'un and he was taking each nut in his mouth one by one. I felt a spit slicked finger at my hole and I opened my legs a bit. If he wanted me he could take me, I was gonna do him before the night was out.

Sorry, Calvin. I've just found what I really wanted. I've just changed boyfriends.

I think I must have moaned as his finger entered me but I already had my mouth over his spongy glans so it might have been muffled. I didn't finger him I just enjoyed clasping his firm and beautifully smooth buns, one little peachlike orb in either hand. (I like that bit).

His finger was moving in and out of my anus quite easily now as I fucked into his mouth, his lips were up and down my shaft and he was taking my hardness right into the back of his throat.

'Gonna cum, Daz,' I gobbled around his slippery boy cock.

'Mmmmmfph.' I guess that was his reply.

I nearly died as I came, surge after surge of the white stuff deep into the back of his throat. I choked and gagged as I felt his sweet spunk splash into the back of my mouth and I swallowed his cuming. We lazily finished off, a final spurt and then a trickle and we sucked and lapped each other clean.

'Boyfriends now?' He gave me his chipmunk grin and kissed me again long and hard, I could taste the mixtures of our cums as I sucked his tongue as he tried to attack my tonsils.

'We always have been, we just didn't know it' I grinned at him. Was that a deep remark or what?

'Whatcha going to tell, Calvin?'

'The truth,' I smiled at him. 'I don't mind fuckin' with him but he's got his pick of boy fans, I've got you ..... I hope.'

'You have,' he reassured me. 'As long as you want.' He snuggled up and we lay naked cuddling our slightly sweaty bodies bodies together and trading kisses and caresses. Ain't young love grand?

'We better get cleaned up before the 'rents and the brother from hell get back.'

'How long we got,' he stretched out like a pussy cat and I smiled and kissed his little titty. Gawd, he was so beautiful and he was all mine.

'Hour and a half, time for a bath.'

'Can we share?'

'Yeah, I think it's safe enough,' I broke from his embrace reluctantly but we had all night and Saturday for that matter. 'We need to be in sleeping gear and playing with the PS or something by the time they get back. They won't come in I shouldn't think but Joey's a nosy little shit he's bound to come in and poke his nose in.'

'Can I say something?' He looked at me with a bit of a frown on his pretty face.

'Go on.'

'I quite like Joey.'

'If you mean that you've got the hots for the little blonde twirp, so have I,' I laughed. 'Share and share alike, boyfriend.'

'You're a right perv,' he giggled and slid from the bed and started to rake through his bag for his bathroom gear.

I knew it was going to happen, I must have a crystal ball or maybe two. Halfway through the joint bath venture (sounds like something the DHSS organise) he asked me to turn around and crouch. I was a bit iffy but he expained with all his old world charm that he wanted to wash my fanny out. Anyway, there I was, he had two fingers inside me giving me a good cleanout and incidently stretching the old ring a bit when it happened. A sharp jerk and I felt his hot cock slip though my pucker and he was fucking.

'Darren,' I protested. 'No fair,' I shoved back and impaled myself on his less than massive cock.

'You ain't objecting too much,' he pumped away and nuzzled my soapy neck. 'Who's got a stiffy then,' he crowed as he fucked away and grasped me around the front.

'That's for when we get in bed,' I groaned. He was hammering away into my soapy bottom like a loony.

'Gawd, I love you Arron,' he grunted as he smashed and thrust into my tender bum.

'I should bloody well hope so,' I laughed as I pushed back, he wasn't gonna last too long.

'I'm gonna cum,' he whined and started to flash in and out like he was on speed or something. Then he came, golly gosh did that kid cum, burst after burst of his boyish cum straight up the shute. I clamped my bottom and he just kept coming, he did better than Calvin did and Calvin was good. Darren was excellent, I hung onto the edge of the bath as he emtied himself into my body, he must have spunked a gallon. I felt all squishy and dribbly around the back end so much so that after he slid free I had to perch on the toilet and let it all go.

He thought this was all a hoot, I expect he was feeling rather pleased with himself.

I was as hard as a rock myself but good sense won out. We dried each other off and rerteated to the bedroom after doing a pretty sloppy tidy up in the bathroom. Come on, we're entitled to mess the place up, we're fifteen we're not really civilised.

We were sitting on the floor doing the Playstation bit when the we heard the family come in.

'You up there?' That was my Mother.

'Yeah,' I called back. I felt like shouting out that we'd been abducted by aliens but my mum's sense of humour gets stressed now and then.

'Would you like some cocoa and a sandwich.' More shouting.


'What's the magic word?'

'Please.' I smiled at Darren, parents are so predictable.

Silence. The shouting match was over. Did I tell you that most conversations in my house are carried out well over the safe decibel level. Learnt about them at school before you comment, dear reader.

Actually, my mate Cutter who is doing the typing and all the rest of it says I'm smarter than Calvin G. who he calls the Popster from The Pit. On with the yarn.

Ten minutes later Joey burst into the room with a tray full of goodies. 'Mum says you have to bring it down tomorow,' he announced giving the room the once over. Talk about junior Sherlock Holmes, this kid had eyes like a hawk.

'Hi, Joey,' Darren nearly simpered at my twelve year old brother, what a big girl.

'Hi, Dar,' Joey sat on the floor alongside Darren and slid the tray in front of us both. Good old Joey, he nicked the largest sandwich he could find and gave us that little boy smirk. You know the one, the shit eating grin that says 'hit me', I'm your kid brother.

I resisted the urge and grabbed the second biggest before Darren could. Just to show he wasn't a complete pushover my little fuck buddy grabbed two.

'Sharing a bed, are we,' Joey put on his BBC voice, the Paxman bit.

'I'm on that thing,' Darren spluttered through a mouthful of ham sandwich and nodded at the camp bed.

'Yeah, some chance and no chance,' Joey sneered.

'What's it to you anyway?' I looked at the brat giving him my 'dangerous' look.

'Nothing to me if two homo-tarts wanna sleep together,' Joey grinned. Sorry, he managed to get the grin out before we both leapt on him and wrestled him to the floor. I shoved a sandwich in his gob to stop him hollering and Darren and myself started the tickle torture. By the time we'd finished Joey had a face like a tomato and was trying to swallow the sandwich so he could beg for mercy. It was a surprise he didn't suffocate on bread ..... now there's a thought.

I sat back and sucked air into my lungs, I was fucked, I don't mean Darren's earlier effort I mean wrestling with Joey. It was then I clocked it. The kid brother, the Sibling from Planet X was as hard as a thingy, as hard as an Erected Boy to quote a site I found the other night.

'Hey, hey,' I grabbed his crotch as Darren lay on his chest.

'Gerroff, gerroff,' Joey went even redded and managed to find his voice spraying Darren with half eaten sandwich at the same time. I let go, the way he was going on Mum and Dad'd be in the room in no time flat.

'Nice one, Joey,' I spoke quietly trying to calm him down before he had a juvenile heart attack.

'You dirty bastard,' he groaned as he sat up again and tried to hide behind Darren who had grabbed the Playstation control trying to keep his distance.

'Big little boy.' I knew flattery gets you almost anywhere.

'As big as Darren's he gave a grin, his good humour like his bad was instant.

'Nearly,' I spoke softly and watched him intently.

He just looked at me with his mouth open, I sighted half eaten sandwich but I didn't say he was couth, did I?

I think 'a stunned silence' described the next thirty seconds before he realised or appreciated what I'd said. Much to my surprise he turned to Playstation viewing and went silent. Thank the Lord for small mercies. It was at that moment my Dad gave a little knock and poked his head around the door.

'Keep the noise down, boys.' He looked at me and winked, I was bloody sure he knew, knew about me I mean. 'Bedtime, Joe boy.'

'Aw, Dad. Can't I stay in here for half an hour? It's Friday.'

'OK with me but it's Arron's room after all.'

'Arron?' Joey whinged.

'Half an hour only,' I looked at Dad who just gave a little wave and shut the door. I knew Mum and he were off to bed. We were lumbered with Joey.

There was a deathly hush for a few moments which of course had to be broken by Joey.

'Arron,' he gave me one of his looks behind Darren's back (we were sitting side by side on the floor by the way). 'Whatcha mean?'

'About what?'

'You know.'

'I don't know, Joey,' I was trying to sound reasonable, patient and big brotherly. Normally I don't bother. 'If you're talking about the dick comment ..... of course Darren's bigger than you, he's fifteen for Christ's sake.'


'Before you ask. Yes, I've seen it, we work together and we shower at school. Happy now.'


'Do you do anything ..... sorta together, being mates and all that .....' his voice tailed away.

'Boys will be boys.' I thought that was pretty safe.

'You do, you do,' he squealed. I'd obviously said the wrong thing.

'So fuckin' what?' My boyish charm had slipped a cog. Darren was no help either, he just fiddled with the Playstation as if we weren't there.

'I heard that you and Darren split up last weekend,' Joey peered around Darren again. 'You shared rooms with the S Club 8 boys.'

'Where did you hear that?' I asked him, this was not common knowledge. I could feel Darren between us tense up.

'Your manager man told Dad.'

'What did Dad say?'

'He just shrugged and laughed.'

Whew. I felt we'd gone far enough. I did a Dad. I just shrugged and grinned. 'Where's the problem?'

'Smells in here,' Joeey spoke out of the blue.

'Of what?'

'You know,' Joey smirked. 'That smell, sorta sexy smell ....... you've been wanking. Recently.' He added for good measure.

'Jeezus wept, can't a guy have any privacy at all.' I sneered at him.

'Darren's been here since early,' Joey grinned at me and I was getting so pissed off at Darren not backing me up.

'So what.' Darren had finally spoken and about time too.

'Do you do it together?' Joey asked with bated breath.

To my absolute horror Darren took things right out of my hands. He turned to Joey very quickly and pushed the kid flat onto his back. 'You ask far too many questions.' He glared down at little Joe boy pinned down by his arm.

'Did ya?' Joey giggled. I let out a gust of breath,. Then, horror upon horror.

Darren calmly placed his hand on Joey's crotch and felt the kid up. 'Yeah, not bad.'

Joey just lay there and smirked. I kept in the background watching points keeping silent. Darren must have gone mad.

'Not bad.' I saw Darren smile and shift. He guided Joey's hand upwards and across. JOEY ACTUALLY FELT UP DARREN. His hand lay on Darren's jeans and my kid brother actually fondled my boyfriend's crotch. I wiped my forehead, I was sweating like a pig, all I needed now was for my Mum or Dad to walk in the door. We'd all be dead men.

'Big innit?' Joey sniggered and gave Darren's lump a good feel before letting go as he did so Darren looked at me and smiled. 'He ain't bad for a midget.'

'You pratt,' I looked at him in disgust. 'Look what you've done now.'

'I won't tell, I won't,' Joey was babbling. He could see I was worried. He might even have guessed that there was more to me and Darren than wanking together. Of course, he didn't know the full story, did he?

'You'd better not,' I sighed feeling a bit washed out. 'You'd better go to bed, Joe.'

Joey looked at me with round eyes. He knew I had the hump when I called him Joe and not Joey.

'I won't tell, cross my heart,' he stood up and I could see he truly was a Mr Pointy Pants. 'I'm sorry, Arron.' The poor little sod was on the verge of tears.

I've never been soft with my brother, in all honesty we've never been very brotherly. I had my mates and he had his but I really felt sorry for him and I felt something else. He wasn't a bad looking kid, probably a junior version of myself and I could feel myself hardening inside my trousers. Was that sick, or what. I was getting a stiffy on looking at my twelve year old brother.

I suppose at this stage I should say the Devil made me do it but I think it was the hormone thing. I reached out, took his hand and tugged hin back onto the carpet but this time he was alongside me.

'Keep quiet, behave yourself and you can come in with Darren and me tomorrow night.' What on earth made me say that?

'Yeah,' his eyes opened wide. 'Great,' he rose to a crouch and before I could stop him his hand shot out and he grabbed me briefly and you know exactly where. 'He, he, he!' He practically had hysterics as he felt my arousal for just one moment and he was up and running.

'Shit,' I looked at Darren and he was grinning.

'Looks like you've got an admirer,' he laughed and stood up making sure the catch was on the door. It was only a little slidey thing, my catch, but Dad said growing boys were entitled to privacy just as much as he didn't want too much trouble if there was a fire. Hence the flimsy catch. Now you know.

'Jeez, you just about let the cat out of the bag,' I cuddled him as he sat back on the floor again. The Playstation was forgotten as we shared a long slow smooch. I felt like I'd just spent an hour in a tumble dryer, I was all shook up as they say.

'He knew,' Darren said confidently. He did the same as he'd done with my kid brother, he laid me out flat on the carpet but he went a stage further. T-shirt up a bit, trousers down a bit and he was lapping and sucking on my navel his hands slowly working my semi hard to the full blown version. 'Arron, we going to bed?'

'Thought you'd never ask.'

We finally had peace. I really wallowed (if that's the word) in bed with him, his body heat, his clean smell and the smoothness of his body. I could feel his hardness between my legs then not and finally his surrender. He lay on his side and pressed his soft bottom against me. 'Do me, Arron,' his voice was barely a whisper.

'I'd better get some.....'

'Put some spit on it,' he groaned impatiently and pushed onto me again.

I licked my hand leaving stacks of saliva on my fingers and coated my straining knob. I did the same again and slipped my fingers between his cheeks, I felt his sphincter yield but I didn't finger him I just smeared his pucked and slid my dick between his cheeks. I was precuming, lubrication was no real problem neither of us were giants in the dick department.

'You ready,' I breathed hotly on his neck.

'Do it, Arron.' He pushed back at exactly the same time as I pushed forward and I felt my slippery glans spear into him and his tight little ring clamp around my shaft leaving my knob well and truly seated in his hot little boy fanny.

'Aaaaah,' he groaned but it was a sound of pleasure not of pain. 'Slowly,' he whispered and I gently began to feed my hardness up and into his tight little arse. He was fantastic. I could say it time and time again. He was fan-bloody-tastic. My lover boy, my Darren.

I slowly pumped away into his tight little bum, at some stage he rolled onto his belly taking me with him, he opened his smooth legs and I was in like a ferret. God, this was so good. It was like plunging my boyhood into an oiled velvet fist. The feel of his smooth back against my belly, the smell of his clean hair and the pleasure I got from just nuzzling his neck just under the ear was incredible. Above all this was the sensation of FUCKING. The smoothness and the heat of pentrating his tight little butt time and time again.

It couldn't last. 'I'm cuming,' I groaned and started to go faster, I could feel the heat arising and it happened.

'Harder,' he pushed his sweet bottom up onto my thrusts.

'Dar,,,,' I shuddered as I exploded inside his tummy. I thought I'd never stop. I just pumped and pumped, splatter after splatter of the hottest and probably the thickest and meatiest cums of my young life. I felt absolutely drained as I stirred myself in his spunk coated tunnel. I'd given my Darren my all, I had nothing left, I was empty of everything except my love for my boyfriend.

I gently slid free feeling the slipperyness of my cum inside Darren's tightly clenched cheeks. I knew now what Joey had meant, the smell of boy sex was on the air.

'God, that was so good,' Darren giggled and turned to face me. We mingled and I mean mingled, we clung to each other like Siamese twin ..... should be Thai-amese twins I suppose. Anyway, it was over for now, I think we were still swopping spit when we fell asleep.

It was daylight when I woke up feeling absolutely shattered. There was no Darren so I sat up rather promptly. What a brilliant soul mate I'd gotten myself. He was in the camp bed and the window was wide open airing the room taking away the scent of our joining. I jumped out of bed and slipped the catch, being a bit chilly with the wide open window I immediately hopped back into bed.

My timing was good. Two or three minutes later the door was flung open and Joey burst into the room, he was still in his jimjams, his old ones with the Gandalf the Whatsit on the bum and flies. Whoever designed these pyjamas was some sort of a pervert, needless to say my Dad had bought them down the street market. Also, needless to say, Joey loved them. Sad little sod.

'Hey, hey,' he jumped on the bed. 'What were you doing last night?' He looked just about ready to wet himself. 'I could hear the bed creaking.'

Shit. In the excitement I forgot Hawk Eye or Hawk Ear was in the next room, he'd probably spent all night with a glass to the wall.

'Not a lot.' I looked up as I saw Darren's head coming over the edge of the bed like something out of a horror film.

'You must have been wrestling or something,' Joey insisted.

'Something like that,' I grinned as I saw Darren's head drop, he was keeping a low profile again.

'Perhaps we were having seeeeex.' Darren was doing his spooky voice. I should tell him not to joke with Joey, Joey takes everything as Gospel.

'Were you?' Joey was doing his Macauley Culkin bit, you know, the wide open eyes and mouth. Unbelievably he slipped into the bed and snuggled, I could feel his warm body against mine. 'You've got no clothes on,' he giggled.

'Must have come off in the night.' What else could I say.

'Yeah, yeah,' he looked at me with a mocking grin. I froze, I could feel his hand on my bare thigh inches away from my morning glory.

'Joey,' I croaked.

'Arron,' he grinned wickedly and gently placed his hand on my rigid flesh. 'Wanted to do that for a long time,' he whispered and gently moved his hand up and down.

'For God's sake,' I hissed urgently. 'Get out before Mum or Dad comes in.'

'That invite for tonight still on?' His soft hand encircled my hardness and he gently wanked me under the bedding. 'Say yes,' he squeezed my erection. 'Then I won't tell anyone that you and Darren were doing the dirty last night.'

'Yes,' I moaned, I was on the verge of cuming. I looked for Darren but his low profile meant keeping below bed level. So much for through thick and thin.

'Excellent,' Joey chirped and slipped from the bed, Gandalf's nose was sticking out like bloody Pinnocio's. 'Mum said breakfast in half an hour,' he grinned. 'See you tonight lovers,' he gave us a gleeful laugh and was gone.

'Deary me,' Darren's grinning head apeared over the edge of the bed. 'Looks like we might have to put on a show tonight.'

'If we do it's with audience participation,' I threatened and I meant it.

After breakfast we just stooged about, we helped Mum out a bit and went down the Arcade for a while. Mercifully Joey was missing with his mates, I expect by now every twelve year old on the planet knew about Darren and myself. We watched the Newcastle United match on the box in the afternoon but that was no great shakes.

The shocker came around four o'clcock when my Dad beckoned me into a kitchen leaving Darren glued to the television. Heart in mouth I wobbled over expecting the worst. I got a pleasant surprise.

'Your Mum and I have been invited to stay over at Aunty Maude's for the night, it's her birthday and it could be a bit of a booze up.'


Your Mum's a bit nervous about leaving the three of you in the house by yourselves.'

'No probs,' I gulped. What was this, a dream come true. 'Darren and I can keep an eye on Joey.'

'Yeah,' Dad said impatiently. 'It's not a matter of keeping an eye on him, you've got to get him involved. If he gets stroppy let him sleep in with you.'

'Well .... I suppose,' I was playing hard to get.

'You're Mother's banking on you Arron.

'OK, no probs.' I mean to say, how could I spoil my parents pissup, I am a loyal son after all ..... and it left Joey was in my power.

'OK. I'll tell her,' Dad grinned and patted me on the head. I hate it when he does that. 'You're the bossman tonight. By the way Darren's sleeping over Sunday as well, it's a Bank Holiday Monday which this family seemed to have missed.' He said 'this family' like it was Mum and us two boys. Funnily enough Darren hadn't said anything about a Bank Hol., we must be living in the Twilight Zone around here.

I didn't mind, it was another night with lover boy.

I told Darren and he was over the moon, we went to the bottom of the garden to have a chat in private on how we were going to handle the Kid Bro from Hell for the coming night.

'Think he'll fuck?' That's my Darren, straight to the point.

'Shouldn't think he knows how to do it,' I grinned. 'I'm a bit surprised he knows about wanking.'

'Come off it,' Darren laughed. 'He's twelve years old not five and a half.'

'He hopped into bed and grabbed my stiffy this morning,' I finally got around to telling lover boy.

'There you go,' Darren spoke as if it was the most natural thing in the world. 'What time we eating?'

Did I tell you Darren is a bit of a gannet, he's a bit like a waste disposal although much better sex .... not that I've ever done it with a waste disposal, the thought of those blades is enough to make you shiver maybe quiver if you're a real heavy masochist. Anyway, I digress.

Dinner or supper depending how posh you are came and went and the time for the big happening arrived. Mum and Dad left around eightish, the final instruction was to make sure Joey had his bath, the brat was a bit anti-water, probably scared of going rusty or something. Darren and I looked at each other and grinned, we'd never thought of the old bath routine.

'Well here we are,' Joey rushed for the family sofa and sat dead centre. A master of the obvious our Joey. He wasn't that smart though, a second behind him Darren and I sat one of us either side, our Joey was flanked.

'Now about tonight....' I started but Darren beat me to it.

He draped his arm around Joey's thin shoulder and dropped his head onto Joey's slender neck and kissed him. 'Mmmmm ... yummy.'

Joey squealed like a stuck pig but it was to late, I also put my arm around him on top of Darren's and kissed the other side of his neck. God, that boy wanted a bath.

Yah, you pair of girls,' Joey was trying to flap his arms about but giggling like a girl himself. I had the idea that he wasn't too upset.

'You wanna joint the club, you gotta let yourself go.'

'How far?' His giggling suddenly stopped.

'All the way,' Darren glanced at me and I gave a little nod, it was this night or maybe never.

'How far's all the way,' Joey mumbled and looked at the carpet.

'As far as you want to go, Joey,' I nuzzzled at the side of his neck and dropped my hand onto his crotch. The little prick was as hard as a choccy frog. 'You can stop whenever you want to.'

'If you want to,' Darren added with a snigger.

'You were fucking last night, weren't you,' Joey's voice was barely a whisper.

'No comment.' Trust Darren to put his foot in it.

'You were, you were,' Joey squealed. 'Arron's got a boyfriend,' he sang out and burst into laughter. So much for the brotherly solidarity.

'You little prick,' I grabbed his head and with a quick twist that nearly took his block off I glued my lips onto his and enjoyed the look of complete astonishment on his face. He tried to say something but my tongue slid between his teeth. He closed his eyes and I thought he'd fainted but he turned slightly and put his hands on my hips and I felt his body go slack. His mouth opened wider and I felt his tongue flicker and then slide against mine.

'Oh my,' he gasped a moment later when we broke apart. 'So pervy.'

'But nice,' I murmured.

He didn't answer but just grinned and turned away, I saw Darren's hand go onto the back of Joey's neck and I had the dubious pleasure of watching my boyfriend and my brother enjoying a good snog.

'Wowee,' Joey gasped when they'd finished. He sid down the sofa between us and gazed vacantly at the muted TV. 'Do I get to watch you tonight,' he asked quietly.

'You get to join in ..... if you want,' I ruffled his short blonde hair.

'What, actually fff.....'

'Yeah, ffff.....ing,' Darren laughed.

'Only if he wants to,' I put my oar in, I didn't want Joey doing anything he wasn't happy with in spite of having a 24 carat case of the hots for his tiny little bottom.

'Yeah, please.' Joey looked up at me like a polite little boy. 'Please Arron, I wanna go at everything.' Jesus, the kid thought he was at the local fairground. A go at everything, I bloody well ask you.

'Well don't forget you gotta have your bath before the fun starts,' I gave him a little sniff. 'You're a bit ripe.'

'Shurrup,' he reddened up and tried to ignore me.

'Wanna get that cheesy little foreskin of yours nice and clean,' Darren murmured.

'Shurrup,' Joey squealed and stormed out of the room, I heard him clattering up the stairs.

'Now you've done it,' I scowled at Darren. 'Suppose I'd better go and sweet talk him.'

'Perhaps a bit of privacy before the event might pay off,' Darren grinned. 'About time you came out properly to him anyway. Put him in the picture and see which way he jumps.'

It's alright for Darren to talk but he was right. Joey was old enough, in fact, he was thirteen in a couple of weeks. As I walked up the stairs to his room I decided to tell him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and just hope that he wasn't a rancid homophobe. I didn't think he was anything of the sort but I had to say my bit and suffer the consequences.

I knocked on his room door and got a grudging invitation to enter. He was flopped on his bed idly flipping through a football magazine which he was obviously not reading.

'I'm sorry,' I sat down and patted his leg.'

'He didn't have to say something like that and you're just as bad. I'm not dirty.'

'Yes you are.' I decided to be firm. 'But the foreskin remark was out of order.'

'Especially when I haven't got one.' He gave me a little grin.

'Well he doesn't know, does he,' I returned his smile. That was a funny thing between us, we were separated by about two and a half years, I was uncircumcised but he was. We'd never asked why and we'd never been told.

'Can I sleep in with you two tonight,' he looked at me a bit like Little Orphan Annie.

''You know Darren and myself are friends, sorta boyfriends.'

'Oh, I know that,' he shrugged. 'So what.'

'We could go the whole hog tonight.'

'Like last night,' he laughed. 'Who was fucking who?'

'I was making love to Darren.'

'Does he do you?'

'Sometimes.' I felt a slight blush, I wished to hell I'd never started the conversation. It was funny, I didn't mind admitting to being a shirt lifter but I was a bit wary about admitting to the other, you know playing the 'bottom' bit.

'Ah, sorta two way,' he nodded wisely. 'You know Darren.....' he paused and looked at me.

'Go on.'

'Do you think he'd sorta let me have a go.'

'What? Fuck him?'

'Yeah.' It was his turn to blush again.

'I can't speak for Darren but I know he likes you,' I stared at him long and hard. 'Tell you one thing, shrimp. If you get to fuck tonight you could get laid yourself.'

'I don't mind with you and Darren,' he voice was barely audible.

'Good,' I slid up the bed and grabbed him, he gave a little squeak but snuggled up as I held him and kissed him on his nose and then on the lips. How pervy can you get, kissing your own brother. Joey didn't seem to mind, actually he seemed to like it. He returned my kiss and his tongue was in my mouth. I felt his jeans and he was hard again. 'I think it's time for your bath, Joe boy.'

'You gonna help me,' he sounded almost coy.

'Darren and myself, we might even join you.'

'Be a bit of a squeeze,' he giggled. 'Three in a bath.' He looked at me seriously for a moment and reached out, I felt his hand on my hardness and knew that after tonight there'd be no going back.

I gently removed his hand from my crotch ignoring his pretty little pout. 'Get in the bathroom, time for the first lesson,' I stood up, ruffled his hair and left to go and collect Darren. The show was about to begin.

'Hey. grungebag,' I snuck up behind Darren and put my hands on his shoulders.

'Yes, dearest,' he grinned over his shoulder.

'I get to take his cherry,' I bent and whispered in his ear.

'You going for it,' his voice nearly broke into a squeak.

'Right now. Bedroom and strip off and then it's the bathroom with Joey, Lesson one. See how big he is, I ain't seen his dick for yonks.'

'Some big brother you are,' Darren laughed. 'I'd be checking it out every night.'

'You would,' I followed as he raced up the stairs. I caught him halfway upto the bedroom. 'He want's to fuck you, I think he fancies a tight little arse for his first one.'

'Probably why he wants me and not you,' Darren laughed and shot into the bedroom.

'Bastard,' I chased in after him and we spent a merry ten minutes getting undressed and working ourselves up into a pair of steaming hardons. Joey, your days are numbered in minutes.

'Let's go,' I unglued my lips from Darren's and naked as the day we were born we walked across the passage to the bathroom. I could hear Joey splashing around and singing some pop crap before we walked in. His head shot around as he heard us enter. His jaw dropped down to his chest as he saw us standing there totally naked and just as totally erect.

'Wow,' his face split in a huge grin. 'Jeez, they're so big,' his eyes were glued to our midsections.

'Stand up, Joey,' I smiled encouragingly. I hadn't seen him naked for years and the sight of his bare shoulders sheened with soapy water was sending my sex drive into top gear. The little prick teaser took his time but when he finally stood on his feet in the bath what a sight. His cock was hard and I mean hard, it was sticking out and up, the shiny glans glistening with with soapy water, his narrow chest and slender hips still showing the traces of tan but as he gave us a slow twirl I think myself and Darren nearly passed out. His pure white bum was simply adorable, a real high riding boy's bottom with his cleft promising hidden delights.

We'd done a quick bit of planning in the bedroom and Darren stepped straight into the bath and knelt in front of my brother.

I think Joey must have thought he'd gone to Heaven or maybe Disneyland as Darren held his hips and slowly sank his mouth over the boy's straining cocklet. Darren hadn't remarked on Joey's lack of foreskin I think he was embarassed at his remarks of earlier on. He slowly ran his lips up and down Joey's slippery cock taking Joey's hardness into the pubics. Joey just stood there almost catonic, he was in a daze. The best was yet to come. I managed to get in the bath on my knees the same as Darren and held onto Joey's hips just a little lower down.

Joey spasmed as he felt my lips trace across his super smooth buns.

'Aaaaah,' he gave a quavering moan and started to slowly pump into Darren's avidly sucking mouth.

I licked up and down his tight crack forcing my tongue in and finally spreading his sweet bubble buns probing deep and hard. He gave another long moan as I finally reached his smooth little pucker and stared to lap and prod at his wet sweetness.

'You dirty sod, Arron,' he giggled and forced his bottom back bending slightly wetting Darren's hair and playing with my boyfriend's ears. 'Oooh,' he yelped as I slipped one finger into his vicelick ring and started to work it in and out. I had to have him, I had to take him before I came with the excitement of it all.

'You're ready,' Darren declared. I can tell you here and now that a medium sized council bath is no place to try and have three way sex. Darren got to his feet ignoring Joey's moans and turned around. Bending and grasping the taps he presented himself to my kid brother, Darren was literally letting Joey know he could do what he liked.

'Do I just stick it in?' Joey's voice quavered.

'Ever so gently,' Darren muttered. It was a disaster waiting to happen. I think Joey thought he was harpooning a whale but as he tried to thrust into Darren his feet slipped in the soapy water and they both collapsed in a soapy splash. It was a miracle neither of them hurt themselves but after an undignified scramble we were out of the bath like drown rats.

'Sorry, I'm sorry,' Joey was nearly in tears, I expect he thought his first sexual session was being aborted there and then but Darren and myself were made or sterner stuff.

'On the carpet Daz,' I ordered. 'On your back, the old face to face.'

Joey, gasped with shock as I got down onto my knees and gave him a bit of mouth, loads of saliva and a quick feel on his surprisingly heavy nuts, I also took the opportunity to slide a finger between his legs and probe his tight little hole again. He was ready.

'Kneel in front of Darren and let him guide you.'

'OK,' he gulped and assumed the position.

Darren guided Joey's cock which seemed to be getting bigger down to his own hole and smiled at the boy. 'Slowly, Joey. Nice and gentle.'

'Joey gave a little sigh and I watched as he put his coral pink cock head at Darren's darker skinned pucker. He gently pushed and I saw his four inch cocklet slowly disappear into Darren's body. Darren just lay there with a big grin on his face lightly holding Joey's hips.

As soon as Joey was in I ducked again and flathanded his cheeks really exposing his tight little back door. No messing this time, stacks of saliva and in with two fingers probing for his barely developed prostate.

'Oooooer,' he warbled now moving in and out of Darren's butt with me finger fucking and loosening up his ring muscle. I sighted the sun tan lotion which had fallen onto the floor and grabbed it with my free hand, ideal.

I slid my fingers free and he even moaned his disapproval but they were soon back coated with lotion and moving in and out of his tight little passage like a well oiled piston.

'I'm gonna cum,' he whined and moved faster in and out of Darren;'s heat.

Time to strike. I slipped my fingers free and wiped lotion of my precuming glans and giving a preliminary rub across his pucker and slowly moved in.

'Aaaah,' he froze and his sweet little bottom clamped on my ragingly hard cock. 'That hurts,' Arron,' he whined and stayed frozen in place.

'It'll go,' I promised him. 'Relax and push out like you wanna crap or something. I'll stay still you do all the work. And remember.....'

'What?' He gave a little push onto my stiff boyhood.

'You can do me later,' I whispered and kissed his ear.

'Deal,' he laughed and pushed back a little more, half my boyhood was in his tight heat and he was still pushing back, I held his hips and began to move slowly to and fro. I'd taken Joey's cherry and now he was experiencing the pleasure of fucking someone and being fucked. After that it's be one on one, threesomes were a pain in the arse for everyone ..... well two out of three anyway.

'Orrite?' Joey

'Yeah, this is so weird,' he giggled and started to slam into Darren, I caught the rythm and feeling bolder as he made no complaint started to slap against his soft bottom. God he was a wonderful fuck and I'd been ignoring him for so long. 'I'm cuming.'

As he groaned and buried himself as deep into Darren as he could get I slapped in for the last time and felt my penis explode into his tight shute. Christ know's how much cum I pumped into his tight bum but it was slippery and sticky between us, I could feel it smear in his crack and soggy in my pubics as I lazily slid to and fro at the end.

'Gerroff, you're squashing me,' Darren laughed. 'It's bad enough with one of you on me, I'm not the family fuck toy you know.'

Joey was giggling uncontrolably as I slid from him and he in his turn slipped free from Darren.

'Squishy seconds?' Darren spread Joey on the bathrub alongside the bath.

'No, no,' Joey giggled but he wanted it, I could see the way he lay there almost eagerly. He just grinned at me as I hoisted his legs up in the air and Darren slowly but surely took his turn. Joey was actually begging Darren to go harder as he reached his climax. By the time it was all over we were a sweating and messy tangle of arms and legs on the bathroom floor.

We got in the bath again but I think we were all knackered. We rinsed off and wandered back to the bedroom, the deflowering was finished and we had the whole night ahead.

'My bum's sore,' Joey came out with the classic as we flopped onto the bed and looked at each other. What happenes now?

'We'll have to give you a rest,' Darren looked at me and grinned. 'Anyway, Joey. You said you wanted to watch a demonstration.'

'Bit late now innit?' Joey laughed and snuggled up behind me, I could feel the warmth of his limp noodle against my bum and it wasn't all that limp. The rugrat was stiffening up again. But Darren was also hardening up again, I could see him idly playing with his darker skinned dick and the foreskin was in retreat, the boyfriend was up for it.

'You better watch this, Joe boy,' I moved away from him and lay on my back. I smiled an invitation to Darren, he was ready and so was I. Darren didn't mess around as Joey watched with his mouth open and his eyes out like organ stops Darren knelt between my legs. As he leant over and gently kissed me I raised my knees to my chest.

Darren had recovered the sun tan stuff and just smeared the merest smidgeon onto the end of his dark red knbob and placed it at my hole.

'Nice and slow, Daz,' I whispered and then I gasped as I felt his plumlike knob end spear into me and he started to gently move to and fro sinking deeper and deeper into my belly.

'Jeez,' Joey whispered and propped himself up on one elbow enjoying his front row seat. I could see that his four incher was as hard as a spike once again.

'Yeah,' Darren crooned as he slowly fucked me. 'Boootiful,' he grinned as he started to corkscrew gettng into every corner of my gut making his hardness feel like it was a bloody great log rather than a teenage dick. God know's what he'd be like once he was fully grown, we both had the growth spurt thingy to com.

'Can I try a suck?' Joey looked at my own erection jumping up and down on my belly as Darren fucked me.

I just smiled at him and he got his head between my belly and my raised knees and licked across the top of my glans, he must have tasted pre cum because he grimaced but the sank his hot little mouth over my knob and began to suck it like an ice lolly.

'Watch your teeth, Joe,' I winced what with him being a bit over keen and Darren now humping me faster and harder. What a way to go, young brother sucking your cock and the boyfriend fucking you up the bum. I just closed my eyes, relaxed and let it happen.

It culminated in me cuming in Joe's mouth, he made with the disgusted bit but swallowed most of it down, at the same time Darren did his bit. Grunting and groaning like an old man (not that I've ever been fucked by an old man), he rammed and thrust into my bum spraying and squirting his thick juicy boy cream up into my tight passage.

I remember Joey giving me a frantic fucking around the midnight mark and that was it. Now this time the room really did reek, we opened the windows to allow the rather chilly night air in. Just as a precaution Darren retired to his camp bed, he seemed a bit relieved, perhaps the stamina was running down a bit.

A chorus of mumbled good nights and we were away. Well not really, Joey had to do his impersonation of Little House on the Prarie. Good Night Mum, Good Night Dad ....... Good Night Daz ....... 'Shurrup Joey.'

I woke up to the dawn chorus, we had a small tree in our back garden which was Chirpy Central, every demented bird in town used our tree. I slowly came awake to feel Joey's warmth on my back, his stiff cocklet was between my crack and I clamped my cheeks a couple of time. Anyway, enough of that, I peered over the bed and Darren was away in slumberland. I glanced at the clock and it had just gone six, no wonder lover boy was asleep but not so our Joe. I heard him mutter something and start to give little prodding motions, he must have been dreaming of Gandalf the Good and what wonderful sex they could have.

I slipped out of bed and rushed for the toilet I was busting for a pee. Fuck me, a minute later Joey was in there too.

'I'm freezing,' he hovered behind me clutching his privates.

'Come on,' I jerked my head downwards and he gratefully joined me in our version of watersports. We finished off and I actually got him to give his teeth a quick brush.

'Bloody silly time to clean your teeth,' he wobbled on.

'No clean teethies, no snoggies,' I kissed the back of his neck and eyeballed him in the mirror, he grinned back at me and shoved his tight little buns back against you know what. 'You wannit,' I whispered giving his ear a quick lick.

'Do I get a go,' he smirked wriggling his little bottom against my rapidly hardening five inches.

'Of course,' I reached around and grasped him, the muppet was as hard as a nail .... about the same size too (sorry for that one kid). 'Bum check first.'

'Better not, I need a crap.'

'Right, tell you what,' I looked at him serious like, I wanted him to take this in. 'Have your crap, give it a good wash in and out and then put some of this on and inside a little.' I opened the door to the medicine cabinet and gave him some Pond's Hand Cream.

'It doesn't hurt,' he grinned at me. 'It just feels a bit stretched.'

'Do it, buttercup,' I kissed him on the forehead and left him to it. He'd do it, he wanted me again and that was fair enough, I wanted him.

Darren was still asleep but I silently drew the curtains more to keep the birdsong down than anything else and awaiting my kid brother, Joey.

Sure enough he came creeping in five minutes later, he spared a glance for Darren then slid back into the warmth of the bed and snuggled up. I rolled him over onto his belly and parted his legs.

'Oi, take your time,' he whispered and laughed into the pillow.'

'Just checking,' I dropped my head and kissed one smooth cheek, he shuddered as my hot breath blew on his crack and I gently forced his timy buns apart and peered at his sphincter. He had oiled it and it was shiny with the Pond's Cream, it was slightly puffy and redder than normal but seemed undamaged after his night's adventures. 'Is it sore,' I whispered not wishing to wake Darren .

'Just a bit,' Joey admitted.

I slipped one finger inside his smooth tunnel and worked it in and out, he wriggled on me and moaned softly into the pillow.

'Roll over Joe.'

He did as I asked and lay their like a little angel smiling up at me. 'Gonna do me properly now?'

I grinned back at him, I knew what he wanted and I knew what I wanted. I moved in close as he folded his knees back onto his chest, a shuffle closer and he held my hips. I bent to kiss him on his sweet lips and our tongues got into a wrestling match, I could feel my aching knob slip against his pucker and I slowly pushed. His eyes opened wide and he frowned with discomfort but then smiled as my swollen glans slipped into his body followed by my rock hard but thinner shaft.

'Oooooh, Arron,' he sighed and grabbed me around the waist pulling himself onto my gentle rocking motions as I slipped deeper and deeper into his hot and willing body. He was loving it, he'd tasted the forbidden fruit and was hooked. 'I could get used to this,' he whispered hugging me tighter so that I was forced to start ramming harder and deeper. I was hoping that this one was going to last but I had no chance. I could feel my heat, his willingness and his clinging and squeezing as he clamped and relaxed his buns on my rampaging cock. It was all too much.

'I'm cuming.' I thrust into his eager hole and exploded. It was a classic, I almost passed out as I felt my surges and spashes of hot spunk shoot inside Joe's tight little boy butt. He was delighted, he grinned at me like a right little slut as he felt my hot jism splash inside his belly. I collapsed on top of him and his skinny legs slid down my back.

'That was a good one bro,' he whispered and kissed my cheek.

'Mmmmm,' I didn't bother replying, I just stirred my softening meat in his flooded bum.

'My turn now.' I could feel his four inch dickie slipping against my belly. The Kid Brother from Hell was ready for the off.


GCutter66@aol.com: comments, etc

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