Hard Days Work

By allan johnstone

Published on Jan 28, 2007



This is my first attempt at writing something. So any feedback that anyone has, good or bad, will be gladly recieved. I do plan on writing some more so the feedback you give can be used to make further stories better than they would otherwise be. And Thanks in advance.

This story is entirely fiction, but is based on something that did happen to me.

This story is not meant for minors and is intended for adults only - so if you are too young to read this where you live go away and come back when you are old enough!

Hard Days Work - Part 1

Taking the train home was always commuter hell for some. Not quite so much for Alex though. He always had something to do, or most often someone to watch. Making his way home from the City, as in The City in London, was an hour long ordeal that was made just a little more bearable by the men in suits. The way these tired men just slumped around in the seats, worn out by their hard days work made them so much more appealing to him. It must have been the loosened ties and rolled up shirt sleeves that did it for him because every night he had someone to divert his attention from the suburbs rolling past through the windows.

Tonight was no different. There he was, tonight's man of Alex's dreams, standing next to the doors on the cramped commuter train. Alex could just see him through the crowd. It was his height that drew Alex's attention, he must have been a good 6ft 4, and the man had the build to match, solid without being brick- shit-house like; there was proper muscle under that white shirt for sure. The shirt had the top button undone and the mans navy and white striped tie was undone a little and pulled aside to let his neck breath. It was a very sexy sight for Alex and his balls tingled a little inside his briefs in appreciation.

The train had pulled into the next major station, some junction or other, and quite a few of the other passengers struggled their way through to get off and another bundle made their way on. In the melee that ensued the man in Alex's thoughts had moved further into the carriage and closer to him, giving Alex a better look at the man. He was definitely tall but broad shoulders and large thighs could now be sneakily looked at through the man's dark grey chalk-stripe suit. Maybe he was a swimmer thought Alex, as the build was one of power without being overly muscular like those of the gym-bunnies. Whatever he was, he was a powerful man in a sexy suit and that was good enough for Alex. Ten minutes later, at the next stop, the man left the train and Alex's thoughts lingered on him only briefly before he got out his book and started reading to waste the thirty or so minutes it would take to get to his own stop.

The next day the train was worse than the day before. Something had gone wrong somewhere and the train was carrying more than Alex had ever seen on it. Meaning that everyone was squashed in and people were getting irate with the lack of space. Alex was fine though. He liked the closeness that it gave to the suited men on the train. Seeing them up close and in detail was going to provide him with some material to use in his wank fantasies for days. But there was a man standing behind him. He could feel the guys shoulders above his, pushing back into him, making him feel a little uncomfortable. He decided to shift position to see if that would help things. He moved himself round 180 degrees, shuffling his feet in the cramped space. All it meant was that he was now facing the back of a tall suit. Not that that was a bad view, well in some circumstances anyway. The back he was facing slowly began turning, just as Alex had done, so that the guy would be face to face with him in a matter of moments. As he turned Alex realised that it was the sexy man from yesterday. This time in a white shirt and red and white striped tie, knot slightly undone and top shirt button loosened. And then the manoeuvre was complete. They were as close as Alex could only have wished for this time yesterday.

Squashed face to face, cheeks only inches from apart, this truly was commuter hell from some peoples point of view. But he was squashed up against the sexy man, so all was fine. The sexy man gave him a wry smile, as if to apologise for being so close. Alex gave the same back to acknowledge him and that there was nothing either could do about it.

The train geared up and moved off again. They were stuck like this for at least another stop, another five minutes. Alex decided to make the most of this chance and moved his hand up from his side towards the breast pocket of his suit jacket, pretending to look for something important. On its way there the back of his hand accidentally, of course, brushed the chest of the sexy man squashed against him. He mouthed an apology to the man. But he had to move his hand back down again now, this time the back of his hand brushed against the silk of the mans tie and he allowed it to follow the course of the tie downwards for an inch or so, before bringing his hand back to his side. Only a few moments later he could feel a hand gently brush the outside of his thigh, quite high up, where his trousers clung a little. It could only be the hand of the handsome stranger. He decided to be bold and not move, not give in to this invasion of personal space and left his leg where it was. The back of the hand brushed some more. Alex flexed his thigh muscle in response. To some this would have been a signal to move the invading hand but the hand stayed where it was, gently moving in rhythm with the train motion. If anything the hand made contact more rather than less now. In response to that thought Alex's cock stirred inside his briefs. He moved his own hand, trying to make it seem casual and as if with the train motion, down to where the hand was brushing his thigh. His hand made contact with skin, that of the handsome man.

The handsome man didn't move his hand away, he let it dangle there, brushing side by side with Alex's hand. A gentle touch but a touch for sure. As the train continued it's journey a couple of the commuters around the two men moved and stirred to get into more comfortable positions. All this jostling for position left Alex face to face with his handsome stranger and surrounded by the backs of other commuters. The handsome man moved his hand away from Alex's. It went from being a gentle touch to suddenly not being there anymore. The hand reappeared in front of the man's face and with a little lopsided smile the man scratched his nose with the big hand. And then all Alex could do was watch as the hand went from the man's face and travelled down. He felt that he couldn't stare at it on its journey so he lost sight of it but felt it touch his chest as it went lower. Lower still the hand went until Alex could feel that the back of the handsome strangers hand was in front of the zipper of his trousers. He could feel it there, gently brushing the material, moving from left to right until it found it's target, Alex's bulging cock.

The handsome stranger smiled again as the back of his hand made contact with Alex's bulge. His smile widened as he turned his hand around and cupped the bulge in the palm of his hand. Alex took a sharp breath and couldn't help but let his eyes widen at the brazen touch of the handsome man. He couldn't do anything about it even if he wanted to. He was stuck, crushed next to this man with no way out. What would the man do now that he had discovered Alex's horny state?

What did happen next almost made Alex gasp with fright and cum at the same time.

The handsome man let Alex's bulge drop from the palm of his hand but the hand stayed at the front of Alex's trousers. It flattened out and slid down to stroke Alex's balls. Slowly the man moved his hand back upwards. Then Alex could feel the fingers at his zipper. The man was trying to get in for a closer feel. Slowly the man inched down the zip to Alex's trousers until it reached the bottom. Then the man put a couple of fingers into the opening and let them wander along the bulge in Alex's briefs. They went in and unable to reach the end of Alex's cock rested on the shaft and squeezed a little on it. Alex's cock pulsed in response, giving the man all the signals he didn't really need. The fingers moved on. They moved back out a little and then went down and touched Alex's balls that by now were tight and hot inside the briefs. The man left his fingers there so that he could stroke at Alex's balls.

The man looking at Alex all this time gave a little wink and a gentle nod down. Not quite knowing what he meant Alex thought this was a request for him to do the same to the man. He obliged.

He gently stroked the mans cock through his trousers and felt all the way along its shaft until he was sure he head the head in his palm and gently squeezed it. Quickly he moved his hand to the mans zip so that he could get as much access to the handsome man as the man had to him. He eased down the zip until it was all the way down and taking a couple of fingers he popped them into the hole in the trousers. He was surprised to find that his fingers met with flesh straight away. No underwear, no jock, the man was naked under his suit trousers. Alex's fingers met flesh and hair and Alex couldn't help himself but reach in as far as he could to try to get a couple of his fingers around the shaft and reach up for the head. He managed some way in and the look on the guys face was telling him that he was enjoying it.

They could both feel it at the same time, a slight change in the trains' momentum. It had begun its slowing ready to approach the next station. Hastily the two guys sorted out their clothes. Zipping up and re-arranging stiff cocks so that they didn't look too obvious to any others that might see if too many got off the train at the stop. Motioning slightly with his head the man indicated that this was his stop and that Alex should join him. Then it was there. The train had stopped and the doors had slid open.

Moving swiftly off of the train the sexy man looked back to see if Alex was following him. Seeing that he was the man strode down the platform and headed for the exit. Alex kept him in sight all the way. Coming out of the station the man lingered on the pavement waiting for Alex to join him. As Alex took the final few steps to reach the man he noticed that the guy was grinning almost from ear to ear.

"That was pretty dangerous" the guy said as an opener.

Alex grinned back at him, "Yeah, it was, but it was worth it."

"Do you want some more?" the man asked, still grinning.

"For sure. You've got me all horny now, you have to finish the job." Alex was suddenly in a demanding mood. Something had taken over him and he was full of lust.

"I live five minutes away, come join me then. Oh, I'm Dave by the way" as he stuck out his hand, although a handshake seemed a little formal after what they had already done.

"I'm Alex, nice to meet you Dave."

With that the started walking. True to his word Dave's flat was only a couple of streets away from the station. They didn't say another word to each other as they walked, a little tension building between them. With nothing but a "come on in" from Dave when they reached the door the mood was altering from the playfulness on the train.

Once inside though the mood changed once again, the tension changed from that of strangers struggling to make small talk to sexual tension. Alex stood in the hall of the flat, unsure of where to go or what to do. Dave broke the ice by taking Alex by the hand and guiding him into the lounge. It was off-white in colour and full of pale wood furniture, very modern gay-man-styling. Just like Alex's home really. Then there they stood, facing each other in the middle of the room a few feet apart from each other. They grinned again and stepped towards each other.

Dave reached for the front of Adams trousers to feel the bulge again. His hand touched the wool and he could feel, underneath it, sloping off to the left, Adams hard cock. Dave brought his other hand in and reached between Adams legs to stroke behind the balls. Adam was gently thrusting his hips forward in pleasure and anticipation of more.

With Dave's hands already occupied Adam decided to move in closer. He took one step forward and brought his own hands up to Dave's chest. Placing one hand either side of the red striped tie he felt through the white cotton shirt. Spreading his fingers out, then moving his hands up and apart, he discovered the full expanse of this broad, solid chest. He brought his hands down and over to where he could find Dave's nipples and gently rubbed the palms of his hands over them. Dave's chest expanded even further to this touch and his hands on Adams cock gripped a little tighter.

Gripping harder through the trousers wasn't enough for Dave. He wanted to feel flesh. He fumbled with Adams belt but managed to get it undone. He undid the buttons and the zip quicker. Finally Adams trousers were open for him. He slid one hand inside to rub his fingers over the rock solid dick that was pushing hard on the white briefs. The other hand he put inside the waistband of the trousers and gently eased around Adams waist to reach his butt, easing the trousers off him making them loose enough to fall to the floor under the weight of whatever was in the pockets.

As his trousers fell to the floor Adam could feel the air on his leg hairs, giving a welcome sensation. His butt was cupped by one of Dave's hands and his cock by the other. This had to be reciprocated. Adam slid his hands down from Dave's chest to his waist, felt for the belt to undo it, moved on to the buttons and zip and had those undone in an instant too. One tug at the pinstripe trousers was all it took to send them to Dave's ankles. Revealing Dave's cock, standing upright and solid, his thick thighs were just as solid and smooth to the touch, with Dave's dark bush of pubes being the only visible hair. But then Dave's calves were fully covered by a pair of long, ribbed black socks that came up almost to his knees. Showing how muscular they were in silhouette with the pale surroundings. Adam moved his hand over to connect with Dave's dick and took it in his palm, gently wrapped his fingers around it and gave it a little squeeze, like checking the ripeness of fruit. He moved his hand up and down to move the foreskin, make it retract back from the head then forward to cover it up again. Adam had beaten him to touching cock this time.

Dave wasted no time in sliding down Adams briefs, so that he too could feel the heft of a thick cock in his hand. He pulled Adams foreskin all the way back to make the head shine. Letting go the skin slowly crawled back along the length of Adams shaft. Not wanting to be beaten to a first again Dave dropped to his knees so that his face was inches away from the cock he had so dangerously fondled on the train. As he leaned forward he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. In no more than a moment it touched the base of Adams cock, where he had a choice of going down for the balls, already tightening with eagerness, or going upwards along the shaft. He moved up.

Adam felt the tongue move up his shaft leaving a wet trail as it inched along. The sensation was outstanding, sending tingles down to his balls making them tighten further. And then he was there. Dave's tongue had moved up seven inches to rest on the slit at the top where it licked away the first bead of precum. Alex felt his whole cock being engulfed by a warm and wet mouth, his cock twitched in appreciation. Soon Dave had a smooth up and down motion going on, giving Alex the most nerve tangling blowjob he had had in a long time. Alex looked down to see the shirt and tie move back and forward, appear and disappear from view with Dave's motion. Wanting some of the same Alex moved the two of them onto the floor into a sixty-nine position and used his lips to move Dave's cock into his mouth and began sucking and licking on this sexy man's meat as the man was doing to him.

The pair of them stayed on the floor in a sixty-nine for some time. Mouths moved from cock to balls to butt hole back and back to cock again. They wetted and licked and sucked on each other as if there was some kind of nutrition to be had in what they were doing. Finally it was Dave who made a move. He moved his mouth off his Alex's cock and brought himself up so that he was kneeling on the floor facing Alex. Alex moved into a similar position so that they were face to face once more. They both leaned forward and kissed again, their lips wet from sucking cock and warm from each other's bodies. During the kiss they both reached out for the other mans cock and gently stroked each other. With the other hand they fondled the others ties, touching the knot, stroking down the silk and back up to the knot in front of the throat again, using it to pull the other into a closer and firmer kiss. Alex broke the kiss and looked down at the cock in his hand, hard firm and wet with spit and precum it was as inviting as a cock had ever been.

Dave had other ideas though, he leaned over to Adam and whispered in his hear "Fuck me."

Adam needed no further encouragement. He disentangled himself from Dave, sat upright, looked down at the firm, sculpted body and knew that he wanted inside it.

Dave reached over and brought some condoms and lube from out of a drawer. He tore open the wrapper, took the condom in his hand and reached Adams dick. With one swift movement the condom was on and Adams dick was safely ensconced in rubber. In another moment it was lubed and ready. Adam placed a hand on Dave's broad chest and gently pushed at it, moving him onto his back. Dave leaned back willingly and parted his legs as he went. Adam took Dave's legs and lifted them into the air, making Dave move his butt forward a little more. While he settled Dave's legs onto his shoulders Dave was lubing himself ready to receive the firm cock that he had just been sucking on.

Adam settled Dave's feet on his shoulders and slid his hands down the inside of the legs, along the long black socks, then onto skin. He reached along those wide firm thighs to the balls and feeling under them he reached a finger out to probe Dave's butt. His fingertip slid into the lubed hole and Adam pushed it in a little further feeling the warmth open for him. Pushing deeper he reached in to ease Dave open some more. He slid his finger out again and lent forward to rest his cock on the hole. With a little push he eased his cock head into Dave, who placed his hands on his butt cheeks to spread them for Adam. Pushing further Adam eased more of his cock in and could feel his shaft getting deeper until his balls brushed against Dave. With all of his cock inside he leaned forward and kissed him. With mouths joined and one inside the other they were, for a moment, a joined unit. Dave's butt gripped onto Adams cock and pulsed on it to make sure it was in and comfortable. Adam slowly slid his cock out a little, removing it half way, so that he could slide back in again. Dave moaned his pleasure to let him know it was good. Adam broke the kiss and leaned back. Taking each of Dave's feet in a hand he parted them some more and used the strength in his legs as a brace as he slid his cock in and out some more, gently increasing the speed until he had built up some pace and was properly fucking Dave's butt.

Fucking hard at Dave made Alex even harder than he thought he ever could be. But the sight of this sexy man in a half opened shirt, with his striped tie askew, legs in the air and black socks still on was a vision from heaven for Alex. Just how a man should be. His cock pistoned deep into Dave and fucked him for minute after sweet minute, causing the cum in both of them to rise and rise, until at last after a good ten minutes of shafting they were both ready to shoot their loads. Sliding out of Dave and peeling off the condom took only a second. Alex manoeuvred himself so that he was lying beside Dave; so that they could take the others cock in their hands, kiss and bring each other off. Kissing deeply with tongues in each other's mouths they came together. Eyes clamped shut and mouths pressed together they were lost in each other as the warm wet strings of cum were spewed forth by their hard cocks. As the last drops were squeezed out they opened their eyes. Lips still sealed to each other they looked into the others eyes, causing grins to form across their faces once more. They broke their kiss and took a deep breath each. Looking down Alex could see that their cum had soaked Dave's shirt and his tie looked like it had been criss-crossed by strings of wet cum. Stealing one more kiss Dave sat up and struggled to get onto his feet.

The cleaning up happened in silence. Towels were handed over then passed back. Clothes were rightened and fixed back into place. Hair was smoothed down. Finally Alex was presentable again.

"That was very horny, horniest I have had in a long time." Dave was expressing his gratitude, more to break the silence again than anything else.

"I've always wanted to have sex with a guy still in his shirt and tie and that was just how I hoped it would be" Alex wasn't just being polite, this is what he had wanted and it getting it was better than he had imagined.

Alex made his way back to the train station with a grin on his face and a couple of damp spots on his shirt. Commuter hell was beckoning him again, this time to make his way home properly without diversion. Never had it been so appealing.

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