Hardmans Mountain

By moc.liamtoh@nosbigpjver

Published on Aug 18, 2017




Rev Jesse Penfield Gibson, MDiv, DMin

DISCLAIMER: This story is fiction. Any similarities to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Complaints, compliments and comments to revjpgibson@hotmail.com


They were naked on and by a rock near the bank of a mountain stream. It was like they were frozen. It was only that their erections were ebbing made for any motion for a long minute. Neither said anything more for an eternity. Tashi looked lost. Feeling awkward and ashamed, AJ went for his shorts, drying a bit on a rock and slipped them on. Tashi had not moved or really even looked around. AJ took the other boy's shorts and tossed them to him. Tashi. though in a daze, came to and caught them. Wordlessly, he put them on.

"We probably ought to head back" AJ said.

"Yeah" Tashi answered in a dead voice.

AJ thought it was the thing that he had feared. He had drunk the boy's semen and now he wouldn't even look at him. He could only imagine the degree to which Tashi was freaking out behind his silence. The regret, the revulsion, The promises to himself to not do it again, all of that must be going through his mind. AJ had known that he shouldn't have given in to his lust and horniness. They could have been friends but not now.

They walked through the woods, down the steep rocky path, trying to keep their footing, under the shaded canopy of trees in the late summer. Picking their way down silently, AJ continued to beat himself up over it. And the worst part of it was that they still had days and days to go in close company. There was no way that it wouldn't matter tomorrow or the next day. No way.

Just before they made it to the tree line, AJ feeling like the world was on his shoulders because a boy he liked was rejecting him, Tashi stopped him, putting his hand on AJ's chest. He dreaded to hear what was going to come out of Tashi's mouth but he was also a little scared, fight or flight kicking in. Straight boys that give into their curiosity might be dangerous, AJ decided. Tashi just stared him, breathing hard. He tried to find the words and then stopped, continuing to stare. AJ went from being scared to being angry.

"Well?" AJ asked, his body squared up and defensinve.

Tashi kissed him. Again.

AJ stumbled back. "What?"

"That was the best I have ever felt ever, in my life. Ever, ever, ever." Tashi said. "I don't want it to just be ... I don't... Okay, but I don't want them to know, not right now. Dad and Johnny, I mean. Not yet. Maybe not ever, I don't know but you gotta promise. As long as we are here, I want to do that again and more than that maybe but don't say anything."

"I mean, I won't but Tashi," AJ said. "They're going to be okay with you being gay or bi or whatever. I mean, they're going to be okay with it."

Tashi looked down. "Yeah, you don't get it. When you got gay parents, there is pressure to be straight. That way, they can say to the straight people 'hey, you see, we have normal kids just like you'. It would be like I'd be letting them down. They'd be all right. They'd be supportive and all but ... And I don't even know what I am anyway. I don't... I just know right now, I want to do stuff with you. Okay?"

"Okay. But that's kinda fucked. About them."

"Yeah" Tashi agreed.

They kissed again, in shelter of the trees, safe from the outside world but they had to head in. For this part, AJ was walking on air. Every step had been leaden with despair because he had blown it but now, he floated. He hadn't messed it up. Everything was okay. Better than okay. Great. With a promise for more. He couldn't help but smile. They burst throught the front door and stormed in, loud and raucous.

"You're back" Danny said, sitting on the couch, looking over a magazine.

"Got hungry" AJ said. "There any food?"

"Oh, God. There's two of them" Johnny said, standing in the kitchen. "We're going to have to go grocery shopping"

Tashi spied a plate on the counter. It was like steamed buns, sort of like dim sum but not exactly. "Momo's!"

Tashi grabbed one up, dunked it in a sauce and swallowed it whole. "All meat?"

"Half with meat, beef. half cheese. Chhurpi"

Tashi broke out into a broad grin. "You gotta try these. The best. Almost like home" he said, offering the plate to AJ.

He hesitantly picked one up and went to put it in the dipping sauce when Johnny warned him it was spicy. BUt he dunked it in anyway because he liked spicy foods and bit off half of it. It was cheese, a strong pungent cheese but good. The spice was nice touch too, kind of balanced it out. He shoved the other half in his mouth and got another. This one was meat, beef and onion and garlic, and just as good. Tashi gobbled up a couple of more and so did AJ. They practically devoured the whole plate before realizing that Danny and Johnny might want some.

"Let's go get some more groceries" Johnny said.

They piled in Danny's SUV, leaving Tashi's Dad behind, to head down the mountain but both boys complained that Johnny was driving and not one of them. Tashi got to go down the mountain, since he knew where the store was, and AJ could drive back. They were laughing and cutting up in the store, trying to get Johnny to get more junk food than he wanted to, but also making dish suggestions to eat for the week. On the way back, AJ decided that driving in the mountains was tough. You need enough throttle but not too much.

Once back, they went back out to the swimming hole. This time, they both happily stripped off and jumped in naked. In the water, they mashed themselves together, body against body, kissing and caressing. Both boys rapidly got hard. It was muscle against muscle, firmness against firmness, hardness against hardness. AJ pushed himself even closer and harder up against the Asian boy, their dicks mashed between them, still kissing.

"It's going to be hard keeping it secret, you know. I want you every second" AJ said.

Tashi shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe, dunno. Let's just ... let's just make out and whatever happens next, happens. Okay?"

"Do I get to be naked with you?" AJ asked with a devilish smile.


"OKay, cool"

They plunged in again and kissed. The feel of his skin was amazing to AJ, like velvet. He was getting excited, maybe too excited, and backed away. Tashi laughed at him and AJ had to giggle some too. They found themselves sitting on the rocks by the bank as the afternoon drug on.

"So, you're what, Tibetan or something?"

"Bhutanese" Tashi answered. Seeing AJ's confusion, added, "It's between India and Tibet."

"But kinda like Tibet. I mean, it's in the mountains right? The Himalayas?"

"Yeah. I grew up in Paro, where the airport is and then in Thimphu, the capital. That's how they met, because of the airport, cause he's does avionics on airplanes. Paro is like half again higher than Denver."

AJ looked down, "Too bad about your Mom"

Tashi nodded, "Yeah".

AJ had gotten the back story last time he was down, overheard it from Danny telling his mom and neither of them thinking he was listening. How Tashi's mom had died when he was 10 and he was living in a Buddhist monastery while the Bhutanese government got in touch with Danny, shipping him over here to be with him since he didn't have any other family in Bhutan.

"But you speak, like, Bhutanese or whatever"

"Dzongka. Yeah"

"Your English is really good"

Tashi laughed. "Well, I am half American. And school in Bhutan is in English"

"Wow, that's weird. But you're actually Buddhist, right?"

Tashi nodded. "And you're Christian"

"Not really. Not anything I don't guess. Definitely not Christian. They don't want me. I'm too gay"

"Not all of them" Tashi said

"Doesn't matter. I'll be Buddhist too" AJ said as he dove back into the swimming hole, coming to the surface and floating on his back.

Tashi jumped in behind him and goosed him on the ass. AJ spun around and began to splash him. They spent the next little while happily playing like little kids. But, it was getting late and they had to head back. They were hungry again anyway.

"I have stuff for taco's" Johnny told them as they came through the door demanding food. "But Danny and I are going out to eat on a date."

Tashi grinned broadly. "Oh, la, la. You might get lucky, Dad"

"Maybe," Danny said. "After the children go to bed"

"Hmmm. You're too old to stay up that long"

"Watch it" Danny said as Tashi broke out laughing.

As far as AJ was concerned, it was fine. They'd be gone for a while, leaving him and Tashi free to do what they wanted. They finished off the momo's as Danny and Johnny got ready for their date but AJ kept him away from the taco's. Practically as soon as the adults got outside in the SUV, AJ was all over Tashi. They needed no other encouragement. AJ was horny and wanted him and Tashi must have felt the same because they were pressed against each other, kissing passionately. AJ figured they had an hour and a half or maybe two hours by themselves and they didn't need to rush but they didn't need to waste time either. They had their hands all over each other too. Each boy had the mismatched squares of muscles - pect and abs and delts - like plates of armor in their bodies, leanness and hardness and every nerve fiber alive as they were in each others arms.

AJ, his erection tenting his swimming trunks, reached out for Tashi's crotch and found him hard as well. He knew what he wanted. It would be a first time and he was nervous but he knew. But he wasn't going to tell Tashi just yet. Or at least he didn't want to. But there were logistics.

"You think, maybe, they have some lube and condoms?" AJ asked.

Tashi shrugged. "Dunno. Lube probably. I don't know about condoms"

They had to look even if that meant invading their space. They went into the bedroom behind the kitchen, and directly under the loft, and went to the bedside table. The bottom drawer had a thick polyurethane ring -- neither boy knew what it was -- and a dildo and what looked like a big bulb syringe but most importantly, a big bottle of Glide ID with a pump. As long as they put it back, and they had to since the adults might be wanting it later, there was no way the lube they would use would be missed. But there were no condoms. Not one. Not a single one. AJ was frustrated but knew that it maybe wouldn't matter. They took the lube and went upstairs. They couldn't get out of their clothes fast enough. They had little on anyway and soon they were naked. AJ fell on one of the twin beds and Tashi was on top of him, his lean body pressing down as they kissed. The erections were nearly instantaneous. AJ couldn't get enough of Tashi's body.

He had been horny before, lots of times. Really just about all the time and particularly at night when he would get some relief. The few times he had been with a boy -- furtive kisses, shared hand jobs, a quick BJ without reciprocation -- had all been gloriously more than just jacking off by himself. This was different. He almost couldn't contain himself for the excitement of it. It wasn't just that Tashi was beautiful (and he was) or that he had a perfect, hot body (and he did) and he was naked and hard and in his arms but he wanted to be there. It was the fact they were giving themselves over to their lust. What could be better? AJ thought to himself, even admitting that he was still technically a virgin, that anybody who said sex wasn't a big deal hadn't actually had sex. It is a big deal. Huge.

Tashi kissed him down his torso, the ridge that divided his abs, a quick tongue into his belly button. Then he ran his tongue down there.

Tashi looked up and grinned. "Red"

AJ grimaced a bit. He would rather be blonde and beautiful than red haired and freckled. Tashi just laughed at him.

"You have no idea how hot you are, huh?" Tashi asked.

"People don't think gingers are sexy"

"Or Asians"

AJ jerked his head back. "I think you are incredibly sexy"

He grinned but didn't speak. He took AJ's dick in his hands and kissed in among his trimmed pubes as he gently stroked the pole. All the way up and gathered up the foreskin and gave it a little twist. AJ sighed. Tashi opened up and tried to go all the way down to the root in one big motion. He came off, choking. Looking up sheepishly, he shrugged and tugged on it a little bit more. But he went back at it, a bit more cautiously. Only half way down and using his hand as much as his mouth. But it wasn't right.

"Teeth" AJ reminded him.

He came off and went down again, better. It was clearly his first blowjob and he was learning, even though in truth AJ wasn't that much more experienced than him. But the fact that Tashi stayed hard as a rock while he did it told AJ that he wasn't just trying out a role. He wasn't completely straight. He stroked and tongued and tried and AJ appreciated it. It did feel good. It felt really good. warm and wet and the roughness of his tongue on the tender head of his penis, it was all just great. He just leaned back and let him go about doing it. Just leaned back and let the pleasure roll over him.

But the boy had a beautiful cock. AJ wanted it. In his mouth. He got between Tashi's legs as they changed places and went down on it. He sucked on it and played with it, much more leisurely than before. They could take their time. Tashi was in no hurry. He loved it. AJ did too. He had to admit that he just enjoyed sucking dick. Licking up the big piss vein and sucking hard on the tip. He ran his tongue between the foreskin and the head of his dick. He stroked it, his hand on the hardness of the shaft as his mouth slid up and down, his tongue flicking at the head. Tashi moaned and wiggled a bit, clearly feeling it. He put his hands on AJ's head but didn't force him down. But AJ thought he wanted to. But even as he sucked it, he knew that wasn't the only he wanted to do. Right now, he was going to lose his virginity. This boy would take his ass cherry.

That's when he thought about the bulb syringe down stairs. He suddenly knew what it was for.

"There's something I need to do and I'll be right back. Please, please, please, just wait for me" AJ said.

He grabbed the lube and flew down the stairs, retrieved the anal douche set and retreated to the bathroom. He debated the ethics of borrowing such an intimate item but figured he had no choice. As long as he wasn't caught, it wouldn't be an issue. He had to if he was going to get fucked and he desperately wanted to get fucked. He grabbed it and ducked into the bathroom. Wrenching the top off, he poured water into it and wondered if hot or cold mattered. He smeared some grease in his ass and on the tip and shoved it in, pushing the water in. He didn't know if trying to hold in helped or not but he did for a minute and then let it go. The water in the toilet turned brown. He figured he would do it again to make it clean in there. After that he decided a third time might be even better. He just hoped that Tashi was still ready to go.

AJ climbed back up the stairs, carefully putting the douche thing back, dried off and no one the wiser he hoped. Tashi looked at him with an curious look. "What's up?"

AJ grimaced. Tashi's erection was going down. He climbed on top of time so that one body pressed against the other. "I want you to fuck me"


"Yeah" AJ said, reaching down to kiss him. He knew he needed Tashi hard.

"You ever done that before?"

"Yeah, sure. A couple of times," AJ lied. "But go slow"

In porn video's, it seemed like there were all kinds of ways to do it. But, he figured doggy style might be the easiest. He smeared some more lube in his ass and got on his hands and knees, his ass up. Tashi took the lube and smeared it on his dick.

"We don't have any condoms" Tashi said

'Just do it" AJ said. He figured it would be all right.

He had trouble finding the hole. AJ tried to reach back and help him but it was tough. It took some struggling and a false start but it went in eventually.

It hurt. Bad.

"Slow, slow, slow" AJ pleaded.

Tashi stopped and then tried to go slow but AJ felt like he was going to split open. He was being wrenched apart. He lurched forward to get Tashi's dick out of him.

"I'm sorry" Tashi said.

"No, it's just ... it just hurt"

"We don't have to. Sucking is good"

AJ thought about it for a second. "No, I want to"

He had to stroke himself to get hard completely again. They went back to the start position. Tashi had better aim this time. He had a finger in the hole as a guide.

"Slow" AJ reminded him.

It hurt less. It hurt, but less. Not much less. AJ buried his face in a pillow and clenched his fist and got through it. Tashi pushed it in, slowly and AJ didn't stop him even though he wanted to.

"Just stay right there" AJ said.

He felt full. He felt like he needed to take a dump, that feeling when you really need to take a shit and holding in actually hurts. And he needed to piss. Not as bad as shitting but sensation of needing to piss was there. It didn't hurt but it was uncomfortable. And maybe not. It was hard to say because he needed to cum too. Maybe not need but it did feel sexual. He just didn't know.

"Okay. Slow"

Tashi slowly backed his dick out about halfway and then slowly back in. That felt some better. Still full and uncomfortable but better. Another slow stroke and some better. Another and better still. Another and better. It was feeling good. He didn't need to shit. He needed to cum. Another stroke and another. Better and better.

"Harder" AJ said

So Tashi did fuck him harder and a little faster. Then a little faster and then a little harder.

"Goddam" AJ moaned.

He reached down. He dick was going towards soft but everything down there felt on fire, like electrically charged. He stroked himself hard as Tashi began to fuck him harder. And that felt best of all. It felt incredible. His brain was on fire too. It was like his whole body no longer existed. He was dick and balls and ass and pure pleasure flooding his brain.

"Ah, ah, ah, Fuck. Oh God" AJ panted.

God it was too much. The pain forgotten. The pleasure was overwhelming. He thought he'd die. You can't feel this good and live. No way. How do you deal with what comes after this pleasure? Tashi had lost control. He was fucking hard and AJ had no sense of anything. He was not capable of rational thought.

"Oh God" Tashi called out. "Oh God. Oh God, I came"

His dick twitched in his ass and he unloaded his cream there. AJ was close and he wouldn't stop. He flopped on his back and stroked his hard cock furiously, practically flailing out a load. Then, just when his breath left him, he came. He coated his own chest with thick pearl white cream.

By the time Johnny and Danny got back, they had scarfed down the taco's and were settled in playing video games. Neither of them asked them much about their night, assuming they were in teenage boy mode, absorbed by the video game.. They got some wine and went out on the porch and had some more couple time before heading in to make love. They went to sleep with the sounds of sex beneath them as they giggled at it.

Next: Chapter 3

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