Hardmans Mountain

By moc.liamtoh@nosbigpjver

Published on Aug 24, 2017




Rev Jesse Penfield Gibson, MDiv, DMin

DISCLAIMER: This story is fiction. Any similarities to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Complaints, compliments and comments to revjpgibson@hotmail.com


AJ thought they needed condoms. Afterwards, he regretted that they had done it without them last night but it was fleeting regret. He had been horny and wanted it and it wasn't like they were old guys or anything. It wasn't that big of a deal. But he did think they needed them. They struggled up out of bed, very reluctantly, on about the 15th call from Johnny or Danny. The two adults seemed impatient for them to get up and get going but neither boy was that interested in moving just then. Some food, some coffee and then some more food and maybe. But not yet.

Danny wanted for all of them to go down to one of the zip line places and have that be the days outing. Appropriately caffeinated, both boys were up for it. First they had to shower. AJ secretly wished that they could do it together, let the water drip off and soap each other up and rub against each other but it was a non-starter. There was only the one shower and there was no way they could get away with it. Tashi went and got his stuff first to shower, coming down in a pair of shorts and no shirt, his hairy legs and his fine torso, all rippling and defined, and his broad open face with high cheekbones. It was all AJ could do to not stare at him. The sight of Tashi, all sexy and fine, made him ache to want to kiss him, to touch him. In fact, when his turn came, AJ was so horned up that he almost jacked off in the shower. But he knew not to. When he came, it would be with Tashi.

The zip line was wicked fun. They had multiple ones and a ropes course and it was totally cool. The higher and scarier the better. Danny and Johnny joked about them working their energy out so they would get tired but AJ knew that it wasn't true. They were young and had energy to burn. They were young and they were fit. AJ knew he could go all day and hoped that he could do something else physical all night. It was at some point on the ropes that AJ told Tashi that they needed the condoms. After the zip line, they ate in town, at a rib place which is strange in a faux Bavarian village and Tashi only had salad, and then went and did laser tag, which was even more fun. They made plans to go kayaking tomorrow and more laser tag.

It was well past mid afternoon before they got back to the cabin and Tashi immediately announced they were taking the bikes and going for a ride. Danny seemed surprised but they were off like a rocket. They had a mission after all and it involved sex and nothing could possibly be more important than that. Once free of the adults, they conferred and decided on the solitary pharmacy in the small town but it was really on the other side of town. Getting there was mostly down hill and the flat part wasn't a bad pull. When they went in, the place was empty. The older pharmacist greeted them and they looked for what they wanted. At a CVS, it's just right there with a sign saying family planning or something. They went up and down the aisles looking for it. The pharmacist asked them if they were looking for something in particular but both of them were too embarrassed to say so they searched on. Then they saw the small selection. AJ realized that he didn't really know what to buy but had heard of Trojans so he got that. And a tube of KY. That would be necessary to. It was embarrassing too to have to give it to the old man to ring up and neither of them really looked him in the eye. He didn't say anything although AJ thought he seemed, well, not right. Like he didn't want to sell it to them. But he did and they figured they had enough that they wouldn't have to come back.

The ride back was a hard pull, and the last half uphill. Seriously uphill. AJ thought he was going to die trying to do it, with the heat and the humidity like a wet blanket around him and seeing nothing but climb ahead but he wasn't going to stop before Tashi did. He has a middie, after all. Plays both ways. Not glamorous like playing attack but tougher, stronger, fitter. He couldn't give up. So he pedaled on. One pump after another. Finally, nearly to where they were to turn into the cabin, Tashi pulled over to the side of the road and came to a stop.

"I gotta stop.That was beating me" Tashi said, panting.

AJ glided past him and came to a stop. "You tired?"

"Shut up. You are too"

"Yeah" AJ admitted.

"You want to go swimming when we get back?"

AJ smiled. "With you? Yeah, if I can keep my hands off you"

"Don't try too hard" Tashi said as he mounted back up on his bike and headed up again.

When they got there, it was a question of sneaking it in. Tashi crammed the condoms in his pocket and AJ did the same for the KY. They flew past Danny and Johnny and got up the stairs with explanations about going swimming. They ditched the condoms and KY under the mattress and dressed in their swimming trunks. This time, AJ didn't look away. He stared at his new young lover, his lithe body, broad shouldered and narrow assed, purely male in every way. Tashi reached over and cupped his balls and kissed him on the cheek as AJ stripped off. They flew downstairs and out, Johnny telling them that dinner would be ready in an hour, and into the woods.

The water was cool after a hot day and both boys felt recharged as they fell into it. Both of them could stand upright on the rocky floor, the water to their chest. They weren't naked but they were next to each other. AJ reached up and ran his hand through Tashi's nearly buzz cut. He looked like a monk. A really good looking monk. Their lips touched and tongues and Tashi's hand went to the back of AJ's neck as they kissed. AJ was hard. Just being near him and alone was almost overwhelming. It was an intensely sexual sensation having his breath hit his neck, his hand on the body. It was so amazing and AJ almost didn't know what to do. Almost. Make it last. That was the thing to do.

Tashi's hand went between his legs. The hardness strained against his swimming trunks. Then he slid the hand down the front of the swlmming trunks. AJ reached out brushed his hand across the front of Tashi's trunks and could feel that he was hard too.

"Oh, wow. I want you so much. I want to kiss every part of your body. I want to feel you inside of me" AJ said.

Tashi didn't respond. It was as if he couldn't. He was breathing heavy. Then he pushed away and floated away for a second before paddling back. "I could so do you right here."

AJ shrugged and smiled. He didn't care so much where, although the condoms were back at the cabin, as that he did. It basically had been only 24 hours but it was the best day of his life. He had lost his virginity, for real, and now desperatately wanted more. He was moving back toward Tashi when they heard the sound of movement in the woods back in the direction of the cabin. AJ spent a few seconds trying to figure out what it was, fearing for a half second that it might be a bear. Then Danny came through the tree line, in swimming trunks and shirtless.

"Hey, Black and Blue" AJ said, faking it with faux cheerfulness. Two minutes more and they would have been caught.

"Mind if an old man joins you?" Danny asked. Even though he was really old, probably over 40, AJ did think that Tashi's dad was sexy. He had a hairy chest, which Tashi didn't, but he was broad shouldered and flat bellied and clearly in really good shape. But his son was even more fine.

"Whatever" Tashi said.

So that stopped that. The thing he most wanted to do -- kiss Tashi, grope Tashi, hold Tashi down and rape him -- he couldn't. But there was later. The lights off, the old people packed away in bed and the boys could play, provided it was quiet. For now, AJ didn't really hold it against Danny and he even liked him. Even as they bobbed around and splashed, AJ pumped Danny to talk about his glory days at Johns Hopkins. They had been hard luck his time there: his freshman year, they lost in the semis to Maryland (ugh!), sophomore year was a loss in the semi's to the Cavaliers, then Duke in the quarters and finally his senior year to Maryland (damn) in the quarterfinals in overtime. Both boys thought 11-10 in the national quarterfinals to a bitter rival was a tough way to lose. But Danny bragged on Tashi, which embarassed him and AJ kidded him for. Finally, Danny made them go back because Johnny had been cooking for dinner and wouldn't want it cold.

"I don't want him pissed off, you know" Danny said with a smile. "I still want to get lucky"

"Eww" Tashi said. AJ smiled. He wanted to get lucky to.

Johnny had made lasagna. Even though it didn't seem to have meat, it was really good and both Tashi and AJ dived in, scarfing it up. Johnny had warned AJ that it was spicy and it was but Tashi still dumped chili's on it, which made AJ almost wince.

"If it doesn't blow the back of your head off, Tashi Dorje thinks it is too bland." Danny said

"I like chili's. Back home, I really liked the fall and you could smell the chil's on the roof drying. It made the air seem like food" Tashi said.

"Is that like your whole name -- Tashi Dorje?"

Danny smiled. "Well, yes and no. In Tibet and Bhutan, they don't have family names. It is a pretty common name combination."

"Tashi is like 'lucky' and Dorje is this like stick that the lama's use with a diamond thing in the head."

"Oh" AJ said, not really understanding. "So, are you like vegan or something?"

Tashi shrugged but Danny answered. "One day a week"

"Cool. Vegetables it is. How about pizza tomorrow?"

"Yeah, Johnny. Pizza" Tashi said, turning in his seat.

Johnny nodded. "Maybe pizza and movies?"

"Okay" Tashi answered. "But we get to pick one of them. Not boring stuff."

The twilight lingered on and they sat around on the porch talking, all four of them. Danny told some lacrosse stories and a couple of embarassing baby stories of little baby Tashi in Bhutan, Johnny had a few stories about AJ's mom, and Tashi told him about school. The adults sipped on Angry Orchards which the boys tried to talk them into letting them have one each, just one. They couldn't get them to budge. Eventually night fell and they made their way back in.

They had to be quiet. They knew they did. It would be maximally embarassing to have Danny or Johnny come up to investigate while Tashi had his dick in his ass after all. But they were eager and enthusiastic and both wanted it so bad that it almost hurt. They were alone in the loft, surrounded by the darkness, neither naked but AJ on top of Tashi kissing him and trying to get his hands under the shirt. Tashi kissed back, both boys struggling to contain their passion, and Tashi was pawing and groping at AJ's ass. That damn shirt had to come off. AJ wanted to see, wanted to touch, his ripped body but neither could stop kissing long enough. Finally, tugging at it, Tashi sat up and pulled it off, his pit hair, slick with sweat, showing. AJ thought he might die. He was hard as a rock. They went back to kissing, slurping at each other, messy and wet, as Tashi continued to grope the boys ass. AJ stoppped and pulled off his shirt too. Two boys, mid teens, one brown and the other freckled, both hard and cut from an active life, excited and straining. The shorts need to come off. They need to be naked. AJ is pawing at him. Tashi is hard and erect but thin films of cloth keep them apart. He yanks on it. Oh God.

Together, both naked and together in a twin bed, pushed together, bodies touching. Hardness between them. They kissed and touched and rubbed themselves together. AJ wondered if he would just explode from the lust of it to begin with. But he didn't. Propped up on a pillow, his legs spread and his dick sticking up in the air and Tashi between his legs licking and tugging at his balls. AJ wanted to moan but had to stifle it. God, it felt good.

Tashi pulled up the foreskin and then pulled it down. He put the head of the penis in his mouth and stroked AJ's hardness. He had one hand on the shaft and the other tugging at his balls. AJ sucked in a big lungful of air, trying not to groan and trying not to give it away. But Tashi's tongue and lips on his tool was a pure sensation. He would have cum in his mouth but they had the condoms and that meant fucking.

Tashi had stayed hard as he had pleasured AJ. A sign of pure lust. Of sexual excitement. It was good sized, belying the stereotype of Asian as having small dicks, brown and beautiful, like the rest of him. Just holding it and touching it, flicking at it with his tongue and swallowing him whole was exciting. And AJ did. He had received and he would give. He too stayed hard the whole time. AJ had no doubt of his attraction. He lusted after Tashi in a way that wasn't normal. He wanted his lover to have every full measure of pleasure that he could give and wanted the same back. AJ went after his manhood eagerly.

"Put a condom on" AJ whispered.

Tashi tore at one, fligging the ovoid disk onto the bed. In his haste and excitement, he had a second's worth of trouble finding it which was frustrating. He found it and then tried to roll it on the wrong way. He stopped and turned it over but again fumbled with. Frustrated, Tashi threw it away. He got another and hastily ripped it open. He so desperately wanted to be inside of him. He wanted to be moving back and two and feeling it but the damn condom was stopping him. Somebody ought to give lessons. It's not like boys are born with the knowledge. Opening it, he turned it over and forgot which side was right. AJ took it and turned it over, gripped the top bulge and rolled it hesitantly onto the stiff shack. This time it went down and about a quarter of the way, AJ just slammed the latex sheath on down. Tashi was still hard.

"Fuck me" AJ said softly.

They were side by side, on their side, with Tashi behind. AJ threw his top leg forward and grit his teeth. It hurt as Tashi entered him awkwardly and slowly. It did hurt. As bad as last time? Who knows. The same full feeling as Tashi filled him up with his cock. The same sensation of not knowing what he should do, the uncomfortable fullness of a full bladder or needing to shit. But then slowly as Tashi rocked back and forth it hurt less. Felt better. Then better. Then better. Then, oh my God.

"Ohhhh" AJ moaned. He couldn't help it. It just felt too good.

Tashi grunted softly. He moved back and forth, the dick pushing past whatever pleasure button there was in there, sending paroxysms of pure pleasure flooding AJ's brain. He wanted to call out but couldn't. He wanted to groan and cry and couldn't. He wanted to yell for Tashi to fuck him harder but could only reach back and grab the boy's ass to draw him in closer.

"Ohh, fuuckk" AJ said in soft exhale, his eyes closed. The sensation of Tashi's body against his back, his stiff rod inside him. It just felt to good. AJ reached down and stroked his own semi hard dick. It took nothing, nothing at all, to coax it to life. It felt beyond amazing as stroked himself while getting fucked. Tashi reached over and put his hand on AJ's cock, taking over and stroking him.

Then it came faster. The bed creaked in the rhythm of Tashi's thrusts and the noise reverberating like an echo chamber throughout the still house. Neither of them could care. Some dim part of AJ's brain recognized it, worried about it but it was such a small percentage of the whole. The rest was lost in a sea of ecstasy. Just a little harder, just a little more.

"Oh God" Tashi said in a pant.

AJ actually felt Tashi's dick twitch inside as he came but his own orgasm wasn't far behind. He wanted Tashi to stay inside him as he came, for the intimacy but for the sensation too. When Tashi began to pull out, AJ waved his good arm and stopped him. Then in a blind wave of heat and electricity flowing over him like plasma, AJ shot rope after rope of cum.

Tashi was soft when he pulled out and most of the contents of the condom stayed in his ass.

"It doesn't matter" AJ whispered. "Just hold me for a while"

Next: Chapter 4

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