Hardmans Mountain

By moc.liamtoh@nosbigpjver

Published on Aug 28, 2017




Rev Jesse Penfield Gibson, MDiv, DMin

DISCLAIMER: This story is fiction. Any similarities to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Complaints, compliments and comments to revjpgibson@hotmail.com


The bed shook and someone poked at him. AJ opened his eyes. It was daylight. Tashi was behind, cuddled up in a spoon position.

"Get up, get dressed and come downstairs" Danny said. "Both of you"

Tashi struggled awake. "Whaa ..."

"Get up" Danny said, emphasizing each word. "Get dressed and get downstairs"

AJ could now clearly see his face. It wasn't good. Danny stared at them for a long minute as they lay there still before turning and heading for the stairs.

"I guess we're caught" AJ said.

"Yeah" Tashi agreed.

Silently they pulled on some shorts and a T shirt each. Their hair in the bed configuration, they headed downstairs. Johnny and Danny were standing waiting for them, Johnny behind the chair looking tense and Danny near the bottom of the stairs with his hands across his chest, glaring. The boys looked at each other and quietly made their way over to the sofa.

"What's up" Tashi asked.

"I want to know what happened last night" Danny said

'What do you mean?" Tashi said

Danny sucked in a big lung ful of air and looked away in disgust. "You know what I mean. The two of you were naked in bed together. You have been having sex"

Tashi and AJ looked at each other. AJ shrugged. "Yeah"

"And you think that's okay?" Danny said, walking over to stand in front of them arms still crossed against his chest, his body tight.

"What's the big deal?" AJ asked.

"What's the big deal?" Danny said, visibly angry. "You're 15. You're too young."

AJ shrugged. "What do you mean?"

"You're 15" Danny snapped back like it was obvious.

"The equipment is all in working order" AJ said.

"He doesn't mean physically" JOhnny said, considerably more calmly. "Emotionally. You're not ready for sex"

AJ laughed. "No, I think we're pretty ready. I am ready all the time"

"You think this is funny?" Danny said, getting up close to him.

"There is a difference between being horny and being ready for the commitment and consequences of being sexually active, AJ." Johnny said

"Oh, yeah, right. You've been committed to everybody you had sex with Johnny? Danny? Never just done it?"

"Well..." Johnny said

"So what are you really pissed about?" AJ asked, leaning forward. He was as angry as Danny was. Tashi shrank away from it for a bit.

Danny paced a bit, looking up at the ceiling. "Tashi, what is the deal? What is it? Are you gay or bi or experimenting or what"

Tashi looked down, trying to avoid the answer. "I don't know. I don't know"

"That's not an answer"

"Maybe he thought that you wanted him to be straight because that proved something." AJ said

Danny turned toward him and stepped in his direction. "That's not true. And you're a guest here. I'll put your ass on a plane and ship you back to Annapolis"

"Okay. Let's calm down" JOhnny said.

AJ glowered at him and Tashi had his head down. Neither boy spoke and Danny walked away to the other side of the room. Johnny stayed behind the chair. Nobody spoke for a long minute. AJ scooted over to where Tashi was and took his hand. He told Tashi to just say it out loud.

"The thing is .... I don't know. I don't have everything figured out. I liked AJ. A lot. And I liked ... I liked what we did. A lot. I don't know. But it seemed like you liked it when you thought I was straight, and I don't know maybe I am or maybe bi cause I like girls and ... You liked it that I was straight."

Danny turned and looked at him. "That's not true Tashi. It doesn't matter to me or to Johnny. We want you happy."

"Danny, why don't you and Tashi talk and me and AJ"

Danny nodded and motioned for Tashi to follow him outside. He stood up and looked at AJ with a pained look on his face, looking beaten down and unwilling. But he trudged outside behind his father. AJ sat staring at Johnny, still pissed but Johnny didn't have anything to say.

"How old were you when you had sex?" AJ asked him, staring directly at him

"It's tough, AJ, when you love someone and are trying to be supportive and respect that they are the parent even though you both kind of are. It's not straightforward."

"Didn't answer the question though"

"Your age. With a girl. I was trying desperately to not be gay. It was a different time. I admire that you came out early."

"I can be homosexual and Tashi can be bisexual but we can't be sexual. That makes no sense." AJ said.

Johnny shrugged amd cocked his head. As AJ cooled off a bit he saw that Johnny was actually on his side. He thought Danny was being unreasonable. So, he laid off of him. Johnny went into the kitchen and did some cooking. After a few minutes of waiting, AJ went into the kitchen but found that his only interest was what was happening with Tashi. How he felt about it. What kind of pain it was. Not even whether their burgeoning relationship would survive but how he was doing. He didn't want Tashi hurt. After several long minutes, the door opened and Tashi came through, followed by Danny.

"I'm sorry AJ. I was angry. Nobody is leaving and nobody is getting on a plane and nobody has to be angry with anyone. OKay?" Danny said, holding out his hand. AJ shook it.

For a moment, they all just kind of looked at each other. Nobody spoke. Johnny decided to break the silence.

"Did you use a condom?" Johnny asked.

"The second time" AJ admitted.

"When was the first time?" Danny asked. "No, sorry, I don't want to know. You use a condom every time"

Johnny nodded to. "So, where are we at?"

Danny sighed. "I'd like for you two to slow down. Get to know each other. Don't just rush to have sex because your hormones are driving you. Tashi, why don't you sleep down here tonight and AJ in the loft?"

"I don't guess we have any choice" AJ said

"Yeah" Tashi said. It was the sound of defeat.

Johnny made breakfast while the other three pulled up some lacrosse from the national finals on the internet. That at least was something neutral they could all bond over. AJ was a long stick middle, having the endurance to go both ways but not as agile and quick as Tashi must certainly be as an attack, able to dodge and accelerate. Defense, which a long stick middie fundamentally is, like Danny was, are dogged and determined while attack is aggressive. As they tucked into the meal, they made plans, trying to get over the argument earlier.

They went into town, rented kayaks and went down the river. The rapids aren't high grade but AJ was inexperienced and so it was thrilling. He did get rolled over. So did Tashi but both Danny and Johnny didn't although they were soaked by the spray. After lunch, it was more laser tag. As with the day before, it was mid afternoon by the time they were back. Once they got back, AJ announced they were going swimming, recognizing that it might be the only way they could be alone, despite Danny haven come down there before. They changed upstairs and again the sight of his lean, taut body was enough to make AJ drool. It had taken a while for Tashi to brighten up after the morning but he had and AJ sensed that he couldn't stay gray for long. It wasn't part of his make up. Tashi it seemed would go back to smiling soon no matter what. As they piled out the door, Danny started to say something and stopped. They just headed on, running the whole way, careful to carry a towel with them this time.

They stopped at the water's edge. "Let's take off our shorts" Tashi said.

"Fine. What if your Dad comes?"

"We'll be naked. He ought to know that as soon as we're not with them that we are going to do what we want. He's not stupid."

AJ smiled. "Okay. If we go down, okay. I'll go down with you. Anything."

They were in the water and Tashi grabbed AJ and pulled him close. In the water, Tashi lifted him up and settled the other boy on his hip, carrying in bouyent in the water. AJ kissed him. Their tongues met and their bodies pressed against one another. AJ's heart was racing and his whole focus was on the boy he was kissing. The whole world could have ended around him and he wouldn't have noticed. Tashi and that swimming hole, carryed cradled in his arms, was the whole universe to him right then.

He was hard and Tashi made fun of him. But AJ leaned down and slid his hand down there to discover Tashi hard too. It felt right and it felt exciting and it didn't matter what Danny and Johnny said. They couldn't know or maybe they couldn't remember what it felt like. To be this into each other. AJ just wanted him so bad and it didn't matter to him if they got caught or what the consequences would be. It just didn't matter. The only thing that mattered has in this moment right now, the hunger of it and the need for it. AJ plunged back and kissed Tashi even harder and more passionately.

Now they stood in the water, facing each other, still pressed together, still kissing but each had a hand on the other's swollen cock, stroking it. Both uncut, the foreskin slid easily up and over and no lube needed. Just the touch of his hand on it was enough to send shivers of pure lust surging through AJ's body. Both boys were increasingly urgent as they groped and grabbed and kissed.

They spread out the towel just inside the tree line on the far side. Tashi wasn't sure if anybody lived over that way or not but had never seen anyone come from that direction and neither of them could see an obvious path. They figured it was hidden enough. They wanted privacy and they wanted to be alone. They laid side by side, head to toe. Each could get to the other. AJ loved Tashi's dick. It was perfectly formed, perfected veined, just big enough but not too big, attached to a beautiful and sweet boy and all his to love and tend to just now. And he was going to love and tend to it. AJ slide his tongue up the underside of the shaft and put one of Tashi's balls in his mouth and lightly sucked on it. Tashi's warm mouth had been on his dick and he jerked his head away when AJ did that and let out a long satisfied moan. So, he likes his balls played with, AJ thought. Good to know. But the dick is the main attraction. That had to go in his mouth. And it did. Deeper than before but he was at a funny angle.

"Careful" Tashi said. AJ pulled off and reminded himself about being careful his teeth. It can hurt.

But Tashi wanted it still and just as bad. He went back on it. He stroked and he sucked and he tried to keep going despite the growing pleasure down below where Tashi was doing the same to him. It was all too much. It felt so good to have him and be with him, to use each other and to pleasure each other. He was growing more excited by the minute, the fact that it was forbidden of course mattered, but just the beauty of the body next to his. He almost couldn't concentrate on doing Tashi for how great he felt. But he had too. Tashi deserved to feel the same surge of ecstasy.

Too late. Too much. "Oh God" AJ said in a moan.

He unloaded in Tashi's mouth. THe other boy didn't spit it out or act grossed out about it. He swallowed it. He taken it because he wanted it. Even as the horniness ebbed, the love that AJ felt grew. He went back to work on Tashi's dick, stroking him and sucking, flicking with his tongue. Breathing grew ragged. His muscles tensed. The balls drew up. He was close and AJ kept going, wanting to milk it out of him. Then, as Tashi grunted loudly, AJ's mouth filled with hot salty jizz. He could even feel the dick twitch and spasm in his mouth.

They laid there, naked for a long while, just the two of them cuddled up together, spent and happy. AJ would have been happy if he could have laid there forever, just them two in post orgasm bliss. They talked for a while about the events of the morning. They both thought it fucked up and neither intended to do what Danny wanted. When they were alone, they were on their own. They both agreed. Reluctantly, they eventually they made their way to the other side and retrieved their dry swimming trunks. AJ ruefully thought that if they had been followed, they weren't being as slick as they thought. But he didn't share that thought with Tashi and if he thought it too he also didn't give it voice. At a certain level, AJ just really didn't care. It would be easier and less drama to not get caught but he knew he would fight for his right to be in charge of his own body and his own sexuality. It was really no one else's business.

When they got back, AJ stopped at the door. He could hear them talking inside.

"It's puppy love. It's not going to last" Danny said

"I get it, Danny. It's too intense to last. It'll flame out.Sure. But that is what being 15 is. And just because it's not going to last doesn't mean it isn't real to them. It is intense. It's overwhelming. Being overwhelmed that way is one of the great things in life. I'm sorry but I think that if we get out of the way this may end up being the week in their life that both of them look back on as one of the greatest weeks they ever have"

With that, AJ burst through the door. The men suddenly stopped talking.

Danny looked up. "Black and Blue"

"Go Blue Jays" AJ answered.

Johnny looked at them. "I was going to say to be careful of your wet trunks but they're not wet"

AJ shrugged and Tashi did too.

"Did ..." Danny started and then caught himself. "There's food in the kitchen. You guys want to watch a movie?"

"Depends on what it is" AJ said. "Not a sappy drama"

Danny took the remote and flicked through the screen at movies to order. "How about Rogue One?"

"Okay, cool" Tashi said. "Let's eat. I'm starving"

They crammed hamburgers into their mouths, both of them eating machines, as the movie started. Then as night began to close in in the late evening, about the time that Death Star destroyed the Holy City, they had finished eating and AJ leaned against Tashi's shoulder and they held hands as they watched. It just seemed to happen. Both were into the movie, even though they had seen it before, and weren't being self-conscious about it. As they action slowed down, before the big battle scene, AJ stretched out on the couch, his head in Tashi's lap, who idly played with deep red hair. Danny turned and looked as AJ moved. attracted by the movement. They were so much into it that neither noticed him watching them.

"You guys staying up or going to bed?" Danny asked as the movie ended

"Staying up I guess. It's not that late" Tashi answered.

"Which one of us is sleeping down here and which one upstairs? I forgot." AJ asked.

Danny looked at Johnny who gave a little shrug. "I don't guess it matters. You can both just sleep upstairs."

Tashi and AJ looked at each other. It wasn't permission exactly but it wasn't saying they couldn't either. "Okay" AJ said.

They did go to bed, after Danny and Johnny. Silently and unspoken they knew they needed to. But alone upstairs, they were all over each other. They both knew and didn't have to say that they needed to be quiet and end up in separate beds. As long as it wasn't blatent, maybe it was okay. Either way, it didn't matter. Their bodies, their hunger, their needs drove them along. Lust and infatuation powered them.

Tashi's skin was golden bronze in the moon light. AJ was more pale. Both were firm and lean. They both were hard. Tashi had their dicks pressed together in his hand, stroking them as they kissed. Despite cumming once all ready, AJ was horny almost beyond belief. Just having his solid male body, the weight pressing on him as their tongues meet and the feel of his hand stroking his most private part was a thrill beyond measure.

AJ's legs were splayed apart. Tashi was between them, tonguing at his taint, licking up onto the shaft of his rod, taking a ball in his mouth. He could only sigh. It felt amazing. That Tashi wanted to, that he enjoyed making him feel so good also nearly drove him over. With each time, he was getting better and better at it, looser, more playful. And it showed in the paroxysms of joy flooding AJ's brain.

He wanted to see Tashi's face as he got fucked. He pulled his knees back and his legs were in the air as Tashi got ready to mount him but the angle was wrong and he was having trouble getting it in despite being a rod of steel. AJ reached behind him and pulled the pillow out from under his head and shoved it under his ass, pushing it up. That did it. Tashi guided himself in slowly. His latex sheathed member slid all the way in, his pubes resting against AJ's ass cheeks. He stopped to let AJ get used to it. It was less uncomfortable with each passing time and he knew with just a little movement that it would begin to feel better.

Tashi wiggled his hips and slowly began to move back and forth.

"Fuuuuck" AJ moaned softly. It seemed loud though.

Tashi smiled. They were looking straight at each other. Brown eyes and green. AJ closed his eyes and bit his lips as Tashi moved on top of him. He opened them and looked at his lover, his face in serious concentration. AJ's knees were on his shoulders and feet in the air. AJ reached up and stroked Tashi's face, his hand rubbing across the small bit of bristle from the hair on his chin. Tashi reached down and they kissed. Long and hard, tender and then passionately, as Tashi never stoped fucking him.

Tashi reached down and began to stroke AJ's semi hard dick as he fucked him now a bit faster and harder. He stroked it alive, alive and hard. The intense sensation in his ass and now the sensation of a hand on his dick. It was almost too much to bear. But Tashi kept moving in him and AJ could see his eyes, could see his face contorted. He too was close. But he stroked.

"Oh God" AJ said on an exhale suddenly. It was going to happen no matter what now.

He shot out a big spurt of semen at high speed, hitting him on his cheek and then three or four more hard spurts and finally some dribble as the electrical pin pricks of orgasm swept over him. The site of AJ cumming drove Tashi right up to the edge and then over. He pounded hard, his face in pain almost, but he pumped and pumped. Then with a grimace he came.

This time they got the condom out without spilling anything.

Next: Chapter 5

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