Hardmans Mountain

By moc.liamtoh@nosbigpjver

Published on Sep 4, 2017




Rev Jesse Penfield Gibson, MDiv, DMin

DISCLAIMER: This story is fiction. Any similarities to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Complaints, compliments and comments to revjpgibson@hotmail.com


They woke up to the light streaming in. Well, AJ did. Tashi slumbered on. Then he stretched and yawned and that woke Tashi up. Neither wanted to get up and so they burrowed in further in the bed, AJ pressed up against him, his hard on pressed into the small of Tashi's back and then threw his arm over Tashi's thigh to go back to sleep. Even though he was sleepy, just having his hand so near that dick kind of turned him on. He grabbed it, steel hard, and rubbed a little. He nuzzled up next to Tashi and kissed him.

"I'm sleeping" Tashi said

"No, you're not"

"I am" Tashi insisted. AJ took his hand off his dick but Tashi grabbed his hand and put it back on. "I didn't say stop"

AJ giggled. "Okay"

Tashi stretched and yawned and then turned over, facing AJ. His hot breath was on AJ's face and his eyes were shut, obscuring the beautiful almond color iris, but his perfectly symmetrical face, slightly oval, was calm and peaceful. THeir dicks were against each other. AJ closed his eyes too and tried to drift back off. But then Tashi, very gently began to rub himself into AJ's crotch.

"I thought you were sleeping"

"It's your fault. I'm horny now" Tashi said

AJ thought about for a minute. "OUr last full day here"

"Yeah" Tashi seemed unconcerned about it or maybe just in the moment. AJ worried about it though. Danny's doubts had penetrated. Maybe what they had was just puppy love, destined to not last. He didn't want it to be that way, definitely not. Tashi was interesting, he was good looking, he was hot and AJ had enjoyed every second with him but some seconds more than others. Why would he want to give that away? He hoped against hope that it would last. But he didn't know what else to do about it. He didn't want to tell Tashi his fears. that's for sure. He didn't want to seem needy.

Tashi kissed him, wiggling an arm underneath and getting both hands on his ass, pulling them together, hardness against hardness. AJ reached down and took both dicks in his hands and stroked them as they kissed. Sex in the morning seemed really cool and good. It was so excellent to wake up with your boyfriend right there next to you. They kissed and pressed themselves together, stroking and touching.

They smelled bacon. The adults were up. The confirmation came a few minutes later when Danny two thirds the way up the stairs called up for them to come down. It took a second call and a grumpy answer before they stopped what they were doing and got up to pull on underwear. Tashi again was in black boxer briefs, and AJ again had gayer underwear aqua, white and yellow plaid designer briefs. They headed down in just their underwear. Danny looked up from a magazine and was going to say something but didn't. Johnny was making a Southern breakfast, including grits and even biscuits. AJ was happy. He was starving and it seemed like real food to him.

They were eating machines, like locusts. They devoured food in mass quantities. But they were so energetic that it didn't matter. They had the low body fat percentages that athletes have. But the energy had a tendency to spill over.They needed entertaining. So Danny insisted on miniature golf, which ended up being kind of lame but they had fun anyway goofing off. After that he decided that they should go to one of the places to pan for gold.

"Seems kinda, you know, family friendly" AJ said

"We're a family" Danny replied

"We're not little kids"

"You'll have fun" Danny said

They didn't. Both of them found it really lame and better suited for little kids. Finally frustrated, Danny agreed to go back. Once there, AJ and Tashi decided to go hiking without the adults. They climbed up the mountain along the stream bed, confident that it would lead them back.

"So, back to ATL tomorrow, huh?" AJ said, taking Tashi by the hand as they walked through a clearing.

"Yeah. You'll have to get everything unpacked I guess"

"Yeah. Then school"

"Yeah" Tashi said.

AJ desperately wanted to ask what was going to happen to them in the real world. Would they have a relationship? Was this just a vacation thing that he would deny every happened later on? Was he ready to come out to his friends? He didn't ask any of it. He decided that if it was going to be over tomorrow then it was. He wasn't going to waste the last bit talking about it if it wouldn't change anything. If it wasn't over, why worry about it and even risk making something happen that would have otherwise? So he kept his thoughts to himself.

They didn't go far, just to a bald a little further up the mountain and settled in on the grassy slope, AJ laying in Tashi's arms, his head on his chest.

"I think you'd play as long stick if you're any good. Charlie kinda sucks."

"Cool" AJ said. "I'm ... kinda worried I guess, you know, about being gay and all. I had some problems in Maryland. I mean they came around but ... not everybody and not at first."

Tashi rested his hand on AJ's chest and pulled him a little closer. "I think they'll be cool. If you're good, it doesn't matter"

AJ leaned up and looked at him. "I'm good"


They had to kiss. They were alone and they only had today and they felt the urgency of it. The urgency of now. The feeling of being fully alive and in the moment. The little bit of scruff tickled AJ's face but he liked it. THe sweetness of his breath, the firmness of his body. THe beauty that he was. The way he got hard and had to struggle to get it into a more comfortable position just from holding and touching and kissing. AJ thought he could just be happy doing this right here for forever -- kissing Tashi, touching him. Well, more than touching. He wanted him with a hunger that a couple of days of constant contact and repeated sex had even begun to slacken. He was even more hungry than he had been at first.

He reached down and put Tashi's dick in his hand through his shorts. As Tashi unbuckled, AJ stripped down to his underwear too and climbed on his lap as Tashi lay supine, crotch against crotch, the hardness of his manhood pressed against AJ's fanny. He patted his solid chest and leaned over and kissed him just as hard and passionately as he could. But cotton is no protection and AJ wanted it. He grabbed at it and then finally liberated it. He kissed the tip of it, just lightly and just a little flick of the tongue. THen he put the head of the penis in his mouth and sucked hard, again flicking at the head with his tongue. Then he swallowed him whole as Tashi moaned a bit. He used his mouth and his hand and his tongue to crank out a load, all three, to make his pleasure just that much better.

"I'll cum" Tashi said.

"Okay. I don't mind" AJ said, coming off his dick.

"No, not yet. I want to make love to you" Tashi said

AJ grinned broadly. That's what he wanted too. So they stopped, hard as it was, and just laid there and talked. About school and the team and Tashi's friends. AJ listened and said little, wondering how he would fit in, if at all. Would Tashi's friends be his friends? They were, after all, going to be teammates. Or would they resent him? If Tashi didn't want to continue as boyfriends, and AJ almost had to stop himself from thinking that way, would they still be friends? There were so many possibilities that he thought about as they talked and he didn't give voice too.

They walked back, holding hands, just chatting about nothing in particular in the warmth of the day before plunging in the speckled light of the woods. As they headed down to their swimming hole, AJ suggested a bit of skinny dipping. Tashi hesitated since Danny had all ready been down there twice and they had been lucky not to have been caught.

AJ laughed. "We don't have to make out to swim" he said

"I know"

"Even though I like making out with you"

"Yeah" Tashi said. AJ thought it cryptic but didn't push him.

They splashed around and did kiss some but mostly cooled off. Neither Danny nor Johnny interrupted them and they spent one long lovely afternoon together, just them two together alone in the world. Nobody else mattered. The sun and air dried them off and they pulled on their clothes before heading back in the dwindling light.

They had steaks for dinner, more rare and bloody than AJ liked but he didn't complain since Tashi didn't and he didn't want to seem backwards and unsophisticated. As the day wore along, he found himself more and more editing himself, changing or keeping silent because he was conscious of how Tashi might intrepret it or what he would think. He knew it was wrong and that he should just be himself but this was the first actual relationship he had ever had and it hadn't lasted but a couple of days and he was increasingly worried that a couple of days would be all there was to it.

The movie was this silly British thing that Danny and Johnny loved, like a weird telling of King Arthur's search for the Holy Grail. It was really just kind of goofy with the nights going around pretending they were on horses while a guy behind them clapped two coconut halves together to make hoof sounds. Despite the fact that was weird, AJ found himself really liking it and laughing, more than Tashi, who had seen it before and didn't like it nearly as much as the adults. They same guys made a couple of other movies and Danny promised to show them to him later on, which Tashi groaned at.

"Last night, huh?" AJ said as they sat in the dark, Danny and Johnny outside having wine and enjoying their last night too.

'Yeah" Tashi said. "You wanna ..."

AJ smiled. "Yeah"

It was unhurried. By now, AJ knew he would bottom and was okay with it. He knew that Tashi wasn't a greedy lover. He gave and received and AJ's pleasure was important to him too. They kissed and touched and didn't talk at all. It was gentle and tender. Until it wasn't. Then it got urgent and heated. They were hard throughout. They touched and they stroked and they sucked. In a spoon position, Tashi entered him from behind, bodies pushed together. He fucked him slowly, gentle and easy. Slowly over time, he picked it up. By the end, he was fucking hard. AJ blew in an amazing orgasm.

They rode back together with Danny, neither of them demanding to drive, mostly napping in the back seat. They entered the metro area and only then did it seem real to AJ. As they got into town, AJ was sad and regretted that it ever had to end. He pulled into a condo on Lennox Road and AJ got his stuff. His goodbye to Tashi was longer than Danny wanted -- they would at the latest see each other Monday in school --but AJ didn't care. The greatest week of his life was now fully and officially over.

His mom was home, busy. Rather than dwell on his sadness and blues, AJ dived into the work of putting things up and setting up his room, his refuge. It was nothing but frenetic activity the whole of the day and they had no time to talk. Finally in the late afternoon she made him stop.

"How was it in the mountains?" she asked

AJ shrugged "All right"

She looked at him like she expected more. "Did you and Tashi get along?"


She sighed. It was going to be like pulling teeth as usual. "Well, good, you'll have a friend all ready at school"

"Yeah" AJ said. "Um, you're probably going to hear about from Johnny so, you know, I guess that I ought to say that, yeah, me and Tashi got along. Really well. We kinda ... we kinda hooked up"

After he said, he looked up at her as if to gauge her reaction. "Hooked up? You mean..."


"Well is it serious?"

"It was" AJ admitted. "I hope it still is. You upset?"

"No" she said, shaking her head. "No, AJ. Falling in love is one of the great experiences in life. You're going to get your heart broken a lot, just like everybody else. This probably won't be the only time this ever happens. Honestly, there is something really wonderful about making love in the early morning when you first fall in love. It's the best"

"Eww" AJ said, grinning.

"I hope it is still serious too, AJ. I really want you to be happy. More than anything else, I want you to be happy"

"And it doesn't bother you?"

"That you had sex? No, AJ. It doesn't. I know you were smart enough to use protection and if you didn't every time I am still assuming that you are smart enough to know better. And. sweetie, I'm a doctor. I have a pretty clear idea how things work"

AJ looked down, feeling relieved but also a bit guilty. "Have I been a shit to you?"

"A little bit" she said, laughing. "You have been the ordinary kind of shit that 15 years are. You are not special in that regard. But you are special to me"

"Thanks, I love you , Mom" AJ said. Then the phone in his pocket buzzed, startling him. It was Tashi.

"Hey, you want to go see Dunkirk?" Tashi asked. "Some of my friends are going. You can meet them"

"Yeah, sure. Where?"

"Phipps Plaza, be there at 7. I'll meet you"

He was floating on air, begging his mother for permission, acting like a kid with a new toy. He piled through multiple pairs of shorts and shirts in combination, trying the find exactly the right look. Flip flops or Ben Shermans or the Chuck Taylors? Decisions, decisions. He finally made the decision, showered and was ready. No one would guess the angst that went into being teenage casual.

His mom had to drop him off but called to arrange with Danny that only one of them had to come get the boys. She pulled up in front of the theatre and Tashi was standing alone in front. He smiled when he saw AJ get out of the SUV. AJ was worried. Are they friends or boyfriends. No way to know just yet. He would have to play it loose and let Tashi guide him. After all, it would Tashi coming out too. Actually, since they knew Tashi and didn't know him, it would be Tashi coming out and he was just the boy that he was with. Who knows if he ready for that.

"Come on, get a ticket. My friends are inside getting popcorn" Tashi said. He took AJ by the hand as they went to the ticket counter. AJ had a broad grin on his face. After he bought it and they turned to go in, Tashi was still holding his hand. "You're going to like them. They're cool."

AJ was really happy they had moved here after all.


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