Hardy Ben

By Olando Reez

Published on Nov 1, 2023


This is a fictional story about this hunky and obviously hung cub bear that had a you tube show. I have caught quite a few times. His name is Ben and he does car reviews online. Just his thoughts and reviews to help us (the viewer) make the best decision in our next car.

This is only fiction as the guy is straight and married. But all I can say is I wish he would plow me up. Inside or outside any car.

Enjoy. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

Hardy Ben (2)

... Yeah Ben was a hot meaty hunk of man. Above average height and good looking. A fairly decent yet full beard. A nice smile and burly looks. A thick looking body and definitely thick legs. The viewing of just the one video on the car I had interest showing off the man's legs in his snug fitting jeans. And just from that short lived shot if just his thighs I wanted to be between them. I wanted my face in his crotch. A crotch I had yet to see. All I knew was Ben was a hunk of a man. And he was reviewing the car I would eventually own.

"Bet his legs are thick" I had said "Real thick"

I actually researched that video again. Hoping to get a better glimpse of and crotch shot I might see. I figured the rest of him was a a beefy hunk of man, that his crotch might be nice too. Especially in what appeared to be tight fitting jeans on his ass. I then started to watch more of him. Shoot after shoot of his car reviews. Trying to get images and glimpses of his crotch. There were certainly a lot of his thoughts in pants though. Every time he stepped into a car the camera on his showed those thighs. And the .ore I saw them the more I wanted him. Then I caught what I wanted to see. Very brief moments of his crutch in the shoots. And only in the reflection of the shiny car paints. There as he moved next the that car or truck. The camera catching his reflection in the paint. So if course darker colours were better views. But I had to rewind and push the videos a lot to get it just right. The image of his meaty crotch.

"Holy shit" I huffed "There it is. Crotch shot" "And a meaty crotch it is"

And I found that trucks was the best videos. That and low slung sports cars. In the trucks I caught more crotch viewing as the hunk stood behind the truck. Showing the bed and then closing the bed door. There in the reflection of the paint in the bed door was nice bull crotch. Any time it was a dark color (black or dark grey preferred). And he had to have light colored pants. Every time these factors were in play and he was reviewing a truck. I almost always froze the image on his awesome bulge. And the other was sports cars. Low sitting vehicles of power. And it would be always when he was getting into the car. His camera catching his crotch as he sat down low. There before me a nice full pouch of his junk. So I was all the hungrier when he was reviewing such vehicles. Because my chances were beat there.

"I want to shive my face in that" I would say again "He looks pretty bug down there" "Unless it's trick of the light in the reflections"

I sure hoped it wasn't. Because this hunky stud had me intrigued enough by his looks. The imagery of him having a nice dick only made me watch him more. And want him more.

So why am I talking in detail about this hunk of male deliciousness. Well it's because this take that I tell is one of a hit connection I have had with this beat of a man. This hairy thick bull stud. I had been following him for a while when I connected with the hunk in person. It was because of the videos he posted. As you know on the you tube site you can send messages to the video makers so long as you have an account with you tube. Well I did. And as I watched the videos this dude made. I had decided to just send the guy some comments of the cars he showed. Just to let him know how I felt about such cars. Being a car enthusiast as I was. And he by chance in many occasions would respond to the message on that particular car. And those replies kinda tinted me on. So I would go back and view the videos again. Mind you, the comments always seemed to be on the ones where there was crotch to be seen

But it was one in particular the made the connection possible. He was reviewing a sports car and he was in shorts in it. It was a more casual video than some of his others. He apparently had the car for a week and was reviewing from his home. So he reviewed it in shorts and a T-shirt. To my joy of course What this video hard was the hot man looking disheveled and unkept. Yet still hot as fuck. His hair not comes and over his face. Yet the shirt and those shirts gave me views I didn't think I would ever get. Those were views of his meaty and hairy forearms and those massive and hairy thighs.

"Holy fuck me!" I shouted as I saw those legs "Body crushing thighs"

I was instantly hard from looking at the hunks thighs. Those glorious hairy tree trunk thighs of his. And as I was obviously going to comment on the video (A video I found myself jerking off to), I didn't even think of what I was typing as I punched in the letters and then sent the comment. And it was only when he sent back a reply that I realized that I had been sending a very strange message to this hunk of man.

"Er thanks" he said back "I used to be a power lifter." "See my other video on insta"

I look at his message and wondered what that was all about. But then went back to mine and my face near fell off when I read back my original message....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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