Harry and His Magic

By johnny shale

Published on Oct 14, 2007


Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

Harry and His Magical Fucks: Malfoy and the House of Slytherin O.W.L. exam is in two weeks time. Harry was worried as he could not remember the ingredients for the potions Snape taught him. The professor was so intent on bullying him, it was all Harry could do to remember the names of the potions, much less the ingredients. Muttering to himself as he tried to recall, he suddenly realized he took a wrong turn as he navigated the massive castle. The fact that the staircases moved did not help. Looking around he realized in his lapse of concentration he had turned left after the main staircase in the Entrance Hall instead of right and is now directly in front of the doorway leading down the stone steps to the labyrinth of corridors that goes to the Syltherin dormitories.

Realising his mistake he immediately started to turn when he heard a loud voice call out "Locomotor Mortis!" He felt his legs locked together, preventing him from moving them in any fashion. Stopped dead in his tracks, he almost fell forward and had to wave his arms desperately to keep his balance. But years of dealing with enemies all around him has given him a keen presence of mind. Without hesitation, he whipped out his wand in self-defence but . . . he was too late.

"Expelliarmus!" the voice called out again.

The disarming spell sent his wand flying out of reach. Frozen to the spot, and now defenceless, he saw Malfoy, followed by Goyle and Crabbe emerging from the door that led to the Slytherin dormitories.

"Well, well," Malfoy said with a sneer. "What have we here? A Gryffindor spying on the Slytherins?" He walked around Harry, looking him up and down. Harry gritted his teeth, furious with himself for being caught by his nemesis this way.

"What's there to spy, Malfoy?" Harry retorted. "You are not worth our effort. We Gryffindors have better things to do."

Malfoy stopped pacing around his captive and looked him squarely in the face.

"The Gryffindors may not be interested in us, but may YOU have an interest in us^Å"

"Me? That's utter rubbish," Harry spat out.

"Oh, yeah, Potter? But I've seen you looking at us when you thought we were not looking." Malfoy cast a glance at his companions, who nodded their heads dumbly in agreement. "Tell me, Potter? Do you like looking at us? Do we turn you on? Do you find us hot?"

Crabbe and Goyle were laughing by now. Malfoy grinned at Harry puckishly. Harry swallowed hard. Has Malfoy figured out his secret? Damn, he looked so hot standing in front of him, with his golden blonde hair slicked down stylishly, and his air of arrogance which both infuriated Harry and at the same time made him envious of Malfoy's confidence. Harry burned with a strange mixture of hate and lust.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Harry replied, trying to sound cool and indignant at the mere suggestion. But he was no longer convincing.

"Really, Harry?" Malfoy continued. "Hmmm^Åmaybe we could do with a little experiment. How would you like to be a guest of the Slytherins?"

Harry remained quiet, his heart beating fast. He wondered what Malfoy meant by that.

Without waiting for a reply, Malfoy turned to his burly companions and commanded them. "Guys, let's give Mr Potter an unprecedented tour of the Slytherin dorm. He shall have the privilege of being the first Gryffindor to visit us."

The two came forward and grabbed Harry by the arms and physically lifted him. Harry tried to struggle at first, but after a while he just gave up. Crabbe and Goyle have been training with weights the last two summers and solid, impressive muscles have replaced what used to be flab of fat that came from engorging themselves with whatever food their dirty hands could find and stuff into their faces. At almost six foot each, they were too big for him. And without his wand, Harry knew there was nothing he could do. Besides, his legs were still frozen by the "locomotor mortis" spell. As if he were a child, the two hefty lads lifted Harry effortlessly and followed behind Malfoy who descended the steps leading to the Slytherin dormitory and common room which were actually located under the lake. The steps ended and they came to a bare stone wall. Despite himself, Harry was intrigued, having never been to this part of the castle before. This is Slytherin territory and out of bounds to students of other houses. Malfoy stopped in front of the wall and hissed a password at it. The wall opened and Harry could see past Malfoy and caught sight of the Slytherin common room. Quickly they all bundled into the common room as the wall closed behind them. The common room was long and low with a rough stone ceiling and walls. It was lit by green-tinted lamps hanging by chains, giving the place a gloomy and dank atmosphere befitting the Slytherin house's dark reputation. On the carved chairs which stood around a fire burning under an elaborate mantelpiece, sat several Slytherin boys . They were surprised to see Malfoy and his cohort dragging the famous Gryffindor boy into their common room. "What the hell is going on, Draco?" one of the seniors stood up to protest. "We are about to have a party," Malfoy answered carelessly. Although he was not a senior student yet, he knew he wielded enough influence to call the shots. His father was an influential member of the magical community and a man to be feared. Malfoy knew that gave him certain privileges and liberty. "If you are interested to be part of it, you can come to my room." He pushed past the boys and proceeded to his private quarters. Hearing this, Harry swallowed hard. Did Malfoy say party? He began to feel really worried, wondering what they were going to do to him. Malfoy had a large room which was elaborately furnished. It could very well have been the chambers of a prince. There was even an ornate chair on a dais. It looked like a small throne. Malfoy plonked himself into it A chair was brought to the centre and Harry was forced to sit in it. Perched carelessly on his `throne', Malfoy pointed his wand at Harry again and with an elaborate flourish, Malfoy cast an incarcerous charm on Harry. Immediately, ropes magically appeared to bind Harry to his chair. "Now, Potter," Malfoy said smoothly. He got off his throne and started pacing around his prisoner again. "Are you denying that you have been spying on us?" "You're mad, Draco!" Harry practically spat out. "Why should I care about you and your snake friends?" "Really?" Malfoy raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. He sounded eerily like his mentor Snape. Malevolence oozed from his smooth voice. He cast his eyes around the room. "What say you we get to the bottom of this? After all, we ARE wizards. Finding out the truth is not something beyond us^Å" He spun around and pointed his wand at Harry's temple. Harry began to feel a rising panic. Is Malfoy about to find out his deepest darkest secret? "W^Åwhat are you going to do, Draco?" "Ha! Ha! Ha!" Malfoy laughed dramatically. "THIS! LEGILIMENS!"


Harry cried, as Malfoy cast the spell which allowed him to delve into Harry's mind. He felt he was being rape as Draco invaded into his memories, his most private thoughts, and emotions. Everything was laid bare: his secret admiration for the suave and handsome Draco; his fantasies of being sucking Draco's cock; of being fucked by Draco and the other Slytherins every time he jerked himself off; his envy for Crabbe and Goyle's newly sculpted bodies; his desire to touch and stroke the sexy boys from Slytherin and being taken by the whole house.

Then it was over.

Harry stared at Malfoy, sweat pouring down his face.

Leaning down, Malfoy hissed softly into Harry's face. "You want me, don't you, Harry Potter?"

Harry remained defiantly silent, humiliated.

"Say it, Potter!"

Still, Harry fought back, as if refusing to believe Malfoy has just looked into the depth of his soul.


Finally he could fight it no longer. Close to tears in shame, Harry whimpered, "yes."




"YES, I WANT YOU, DRACO! I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME! I WANT TO SUCK YOUR COCK!" Harry couldn't believe he said it. But before he could recover from the shock of his own outburst, he felt a pair of lips smashing into his. Malfoy had grabbed his head and pulled it towards himself, giving him a crushing kiss. Harry could not believe it as his secret idol sent his tongue snaking expertly into his mouth.

Malfoy pulled away. "You Gryffindors are nothing but wimps. You have no idea what a real man is like. Well, today we are going to show you. Watch and learn." Malfoy opened his robe and revealed his snake-like cock which was now hanging freely. "Behold, the Slytherin serpent."

Harry gasped to see Malfoy's tool which must have been at least ten inches long. It was longer than he had imagined. It pulsed like a living animal as blood pumped into the massive tool, filling it and inflating it to its fullest.

Malfoy grabbed his cock slapped it at Harry's face, smearing his cheeks with precum. By now Goyle, Crabbe and ten other Slytherin boys who came for the `party' had taken out their own snakes and started stroking themselves as they watched the sexy pair in the middle of the room.

Abruptly Malfoy stepped away from Harry, leaving him puzzled. He thought Malfoy was about to let him suck the giant cock. Instead he returned to his throne, and absent-mindedly played with his cock with one hand. With the other, he wielded his wand and sent a charm at Harry, releasing the ropes.

"I don't think you will be going anywhere, Potter. You want us, don't you? Well^Åyou are about to get your wish today."

Harry stood up, rubbing his wrists. He looked around and to his horror, everyone in the room had their wands pointed at him. At Malfoy's signal, as one they cast several spells at him.

"Mobilicorpus!" Harry found himself suddenly lifted off the ground. Through the manipulations of the wand bearers he was spread eagle, like a sky diver falling from a plane. Only he was not falling but suspended in mid air, one metre from the ground.

Someone else whipped his wand at Harry, causing all his clothes to fly off. Now he was stark naked, his half rigid penis dangling below him and his white cheeked bubble ass pointing upwards.

"Goyle!" commanded Malfoy. "Prepare Mr Potter for me, won't you?" Goyle happily stepped forward. He went behind Harry and pushed his legs apart, accessing his asshole. He then stuck his finger into his mouth to wet it before pushing it into Harry's hole. Harry's anal ring protest by clamping shut tightly, but it didn't take long for Harry to accommodate the finger, so Goyle stuck in another finger.

Meanwhile, Crabbe stepped in front of Harry's face. He held Harry's head, and then prodded at his face clumsily with his cock. Harry looked up. Although he thought Crabbe was one ugly piece of shit, he could not help admiring his well buffed body. Crabbe has been working out with weights the last three terms and in place of the lard that came from eating too much crisps, he now had a masculine V shape with huge pecs and tree trunks thighs. His arms were bulging with hard muscles.

Reluctantly Harry took it into his mouth. Despite Crabbe's huge muscular body, his cock was not very big. He could take it all the way in without any difficulty. Crabbe began to piston in and out of Harry's mouth and was soon lost in his own pleasure. But Harry was looking out of the corner of his eyes at Malfoy who was lazily leaning back in his `throne' stroking himself while taking in the sight before him.

Behind him Goyle felt he had prepared Harry enough and aimed his cock at the entrance of his asshole. With the saliva he had slathered on the rosebud, his cock slid in easily. Soon he too was pounding Harry from behind. All around him the other Slytherin boys were jacking themselves furiously now. But Harry kept his eyes on Malfoy. Damn! He looks so hot stroking himself. He did not even realise someone has crawled below him and took his cock into his mouth. Suddenly he felt a wet mouth around his cock. In spite his anger, the cock sucker below him made him felt really good and he found his cock hardening fully. He thought to himself he must be a damned sight to look at, surrounded by the Slytherin boys jacking themselves off, with one sucking him, one pounding him in the face and one from behind him. Ashamed of himself, he fought against being aroused and focused on his anger, not willing to let the Slytherins have the pleasure of seeing him turned on by them.

He felt Goyle quicken his pace and then there was a final thrust and a loud groan from behind him as Goyle's pelvis smashed against his cheeks and drained his balls into Harry's ass. He felt the warm semen leaking out as Goyle pulled out of him. He cast a glance at Malfoy, but Malfoy's expression did not change. He continued observing them passively all the while stroking himself.

"Another one. I want it real wet," was all Malfoy said, giving a wave with his free hand to dismiss Goyle. Another Slytherin, a tall lean boy with a slim cock, came forward and took Goyle's place. In no time he too was huffing and puffing as he fucked Harry from behind.

Crabbe too was almost done. He quickened his pace and began to cum. He tried to thrust deep into Harry, but Harry did not want to swallow his load. As a result of his resistance, Crabbe could only ejaculate into his mouth. As soon as he came, Harry tried to push the cum out of his mouth with his tongue, resulting in it dribbling out of his mouth. It was a token act of resistance but he felt he denied Crabbe the pleasure of his smooth wet mouth at the point of his climax.

"Fuck you," Crabbe cursed, as he pulled away, a disappointed. Immediately another boy took his place, and Harry was soon face fucked again. This was a fantasy Harry have had many times, but the indignation of being ambushed somehow still offended him and he continued to fight. He also could not help focussing his attention on Malfoy who continued to stroke himself impassively on this throne as he directed one Slytherin boy after another. He wondered what the blonde teen god had in his mind.

In no time Harry was a mess, with cum dribbling from his mouth and anus. His mouth was exhausted from the bashing he'd received. And his ass was sore. Because he was distracted by Malfoy, he was not very excited by the boys who crawled under him to suck him and soon his cock shrivelled, and went limp again. After a few attempts, they gave up. Harry felt triumphant in a small way.

Suddenly Malfoy got up and strode across the room, fully naked save for his robe which flew behind him majestically, his long cock point in front like a sword drawn.

"I think he should be ready by now," he said. He walked up to Harry and with a wave of his wand, he flipped Harry over so that now he was floating face towards the ceiling. Harry lifted his head so that he could face Malfoy directly. "C'mon, Potter? Why resist it? You want us don't you? Or more precisely, you want ME."

With the last word, Malfoy pushed his ten inches into Harry's asshole which by now was well lubricated with the slippery cum of the previous fuckers who raped his ass. It slipped in easily, but it was so long, he could not go all the way in. Harry felt the long tool pushing against the bend in his bowels and cried out in pain. Malfoy grinned maliciously. "Admit it, Harry. You want this." He pushed in slowly, gyrating his pelvis in a sexily, making his cock snake about, exploring the dark cave. Now that Harry was facing upwards, Malfoy's cock, which had a slight bend upwards, was able to easily locate his prostate. Malfoy skilfully manoeuvred his pet to attack Harry's pleasure gland.

To his horror, Harry felt his own cock growing, this time to the fullest. Malfoy noticed it and smilled triumphantly. "There we are, Potter. The truth at last. Why resist, Potter?" He quickened his pace and began to piston in and out, stopping occasionally to give the prostate another mind blowing massage with his tool. Then, with a nod of his head, he indicated to the boys standing around to come forward. "Let's help out guest, shall we?"

The Slytherins crowded around the floating Harry with Malfoy attached to him at one end. They continued stroking themselves. But with their free hand they began to touch Harry's lean ripped body. Some played with his nipples, others just caressed and stroke his pecs, shoulders and abs. Harry was overwhelmed with pleasurable sensations. His cock stood up like a mast on a ship. Someone wrapped his lips around it and began to bob up and down on it. All the Malfoy continued to pump, his gaze locked with Harry's.

Harry tried to resist, but the overwhelming stimulation of all this erogenous zones simultaneously was too much even for the strongest willed person. On top of that, the sight of the sexy blond Malfoy pumping him turned him on enormously. Adding the ministration of the Slytherins, he could feel his climax approaching. His breathing became laboured. But still he fought. Instead, he focussed on squeezing his anal ring as he tried to milk and choke the length of Malfoy's cock. At the very least, he could salvage a modicum of dignity; he wanted to be in control and make Malfoy come at his will.

Malfoy sensed what Harry was doing. They were locked in a silent battle as they tried to make the other blow his load first. Intent on making Harry cum first he intensified his penile massage of Harry's prostate. The two boys, lost in deep concentration soon became oblivious to everyone around the room. Many were unable to resist any longer, as the whole sight was too hot for them. Grunts, moans, and even loud cries could soon be heard all around them as one after another shot wad after wad of sweet smelling cum onto Harry's body. A few huge loads splattered onto Harry's chest, face and abs, and even across his spectacles. A few who had cummed earlier when they stroked themselves or when they fucked Harry came a second time, sending out thin wispy strings. Harry was drenched all over. But still he resisted.

Finally, Malfoy let out a cry and threw his head back. Harry gave a last squeeze like Malfoy's cock was a tube of toothpaste that sent Malfoy over the top. He thrust his hips as far forward as he could, stiffened his body and exploded a geyser of sperm into Harry's bowel. Pure bliss sent him into a paralysing spasm. Looking at the beauty of the blonde sex god, Harry too could not hold back any longer.. Like a roman candle, Harry's cock pulsed and fired high up into the air round after around of thick goo into the air.

The magnificent sight caused a few of the younger boys to gasp in awe. Malfoy looked with envy at the powerful shots which flew at least a metre up in the air and hitting a few boys in the face. With Malfoy's cock in his ass, combined with the sexy strokes from the Slytherins, it was unavoidable that Harry would have the mother of all orgasm.

Malfoy pulled out his quickly softening cock, his face full of disgust. Clearly he had lost. He strode away, instructing the Slytherins, "Get him out of here."

Some of the boys had a last stroke of Harry's body. They clearly enjoyed it, not understanding the duel that had just taken place between Harry and Malfoy. Harry grinned to himself, satisfied that he had denied Malfoy the final control in the end. He had cummed on his own terms.

If you like the story write me at lakihappy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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