Harry Potter and the Magic Mirror

Published on Nov 27, 2023


Harry Potter and the Magic Mirror - Chapter 5

Chapter 5


Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of J.K Rowling. Copyright belongs to J.K Rowling.

To my fans, I'm wish I could produce these more often but life always seems to get in the way. These will most likely, alas, continue to come out in a slow and steady trickle (puns intended). Kudos, but especially detailed comments and praise, will help coax me circle back to the effort more quickly. I appreciate the feedback you've been sending and I HAVE been reading all messages. Please keep them coming. Several of you have also been sharing some of your own fantasies of Hogwarts and I've been able to incorporate a few of them; don't hesitate to keep sharing. I will say that I'm not inclined towards bi-sexual encounters and I don't intend to include that in these stories so please don't send those. (no judgement, just not my cup of tea)

My goal is to get over 100k hits to this story on archive of our own. So, that will mean more chapters to come. There's still lots I want to do with this story. As I've said, constructive criticism and suggestions for specific plot points are welcomed. Darlock90 over at Yahoo (com) for feedback and/or, please post comments direct to the story on Archive of our Own. Now, on with the next chapter.

When Oliver and Harry got back into the locker room they started making out immediately. Kisses were tentative for a moment while each boy found his footing but grew intensely passionate in almost no time. Both were hot for each other as the abrupt end to their flight practice has just demonstrated a minute ago. They broke their kissing only for a few seconds at a clip while they quickly shucked all the remaining clothes and gear they were wearing. When they were fully naked their hands roamed all over the other's body. Harry's ministrations were a bit slower and more cautious as this was new to him. He'd very much enjoyed Colin sucking him off, but the younger blond had orgasmed very quickly after Harry and there hadn't been as much lead up to that encounter.

What Harry and Oliver were doing now was so much more engrossing, so more EROTIC. He loved the foreplay; letting his hands roam around his captain's body and feeling the smooth and nearly flawless skin on his fingertips. He rubbed him all over: back, arms, shoulders... whatever he could lay his hands on. Caressing Oliver's balls lightly with the tips of his fingers elicited a moan. Oliver did the same to Harry, and got the same response. They both quickly honed in on the other's crotch and alternated between jerking the cock in front of them, playing with ball-sacks, and teasing the other's hole.

After a few minutes of this Oliver broke the kiss and stepped back slightly. "Let's get cleaned up a bit, OK?"

"Sure" agreed Harry.

They started up one of the shower heads (there was no way they weren't sharing) and got it to the right temperature. They continued their foreplay by soaping each other up and rinsing off parts of their bodies while still lighting kissing each other every few seconds. Every time Harry looked into Oliver's eyes it was clear that the older boy had the hots for him. Harry felt the same way and hoped that Oliver saw the same longing reflected back from his own eyes.

They stayed under the water for a little while, even after they were both squeaky clean, just enjoying the sensations. Oliver looked over at his teammate and paused to catch his gaze.

"Harry... do you... do you... know what rimming is?" Oliver asked, betraying a bit of hesitation in his voice.

He's still worried that he's taking advantage of me, Harry thought. I need him to get past that.

"Yes" he replied. "I've never done it but I know exactly what it is. Oliver... I really REALLY want you" he said, grabbing the other boy's cock and wanking him lightly to drive the point home. "I want to do everything with you. I want you to show me how good it all can feel."

By the expression he saw play across Oliver's face over the next few seconds he could tell that his comments had the desired effect. The hesitation disappeared completely and only a lustful smile remained on Oliver's face.

"Turn around" Oliver said, placing his hand on Harry's shoulder and lightly nudging him in the direction he wanted, facing the shower room wall. Harry complied, placing his hands flat against the tile. Oliver stood behind and wrapped his arms around Harry to pull them together. He nipped lightly at Harry's ear and ground his cock into the seeker's ass crack. Harry moaned, feeling the very hard cock tease his rosebud. Then he suddenly felt a tingling in and around his ass as Oliver cast a spell towards it. He hadn't even realized that Oliver had brought his wand into the shower, he'd been that caught up in the moment. Harry recognized the spell as one he'd heard Oliver use on the twins, sure that the light tingling sensation that was quickly dissipating meant that he was now pristinely clean inside and out.

Oliver put his wand aside on one of the soap dishes and stepped back slightly, pulling Harry's hips with him, causing Harry to lean forward a bit, hands still flat against the tile wall. Oliver ran his tongue down Harry's neck... then his spine... slowly going lower down the smooth pale torso in front of him and coming down to his knees has he did so. As the hot tongue traced lower and lower Harry guessed what was coming and his hole puckered in anticipation as Oliver slowly tasted the length of him.

When his tongue reached the small of Harry's back and began to enter the cleft of his ass cheeks Harry subconsciously widened his stance to allow his partner access. Oliver picked up on this and smiled inwardly. Oliver drew out the last few inches, taking his time as he moved lower. His tongue finally made its way through Harry's crack and brushed his rosebud.

"HUH! OH!" Harry cried, overwhelmed by the sensations that Oliver's tongue was eliciting. Oliver smiled inwardly and shot his tongue across the opening several more times.

"OhOhMerlinFuckFuckYesDon'tStopDon'tSTOP!" Harry shouted, his voice cracking. Sound continued coming from the younger boy but it lost all cohesiveness, the sensation was that delightfully overpowering. Spurred on, and aroused even more heavily by Harry's moans, Oliver put his hands on each cheek to spread them wider and attacked the pink hairless sphincter with enthusiasm. His tongue poked, prodded, swirled, flicked, slurped the gorgeous hole as though he'd been poisoned and Harry's tightness held the antidote.

As Oliver continued eating him out, Harry knees slowly buckled and he slid to the shower room floor. Not wanting the wonderful sensations from his ass to stop, his instincts took over and he positioned himself with elbows on the floor, hands coming together in front, creating a resting place for his forehead. His knees were wide apart on the floor, thrusting his ass into the air, instinctively seeking out more attention from Oliver's hot mouth. The team captain did not disappoint. He slid back slightly to give Harry room and moved with him, barely pausing in his efforts as the boy repositioned himself to give even better access to his most intimate area.

Oliver, now on all fours behind him, continued licking the hole of his year-long crush for several more minutes, then pulled back. He reached around to play with Harry's hardness and licked the index finger of his other hand.

While enjoying the wanking he was getting from behind, Harry's ass still craved attention. "Oliver... please don't stop" he pleaded.

"Oh I'm not" he said with a bit of teasing in his tone. "See?" he asked, placing his digit against Harry's well lubed rosebud. He pushed deliberately but not forcefully. "Just relax" he coached Harry.

The younger boy did so and Oliver's finger slid all the way in. Oliver paused for a moment to let Harry get used to the new sensation then began slowing finger fucking him, triggering a fresh set of moans. Though Harry couldn't see it, head down and sticking his ass in the air, Oliver was grinning lustfully at him. He was already thinking ahead to all the fun that he and Harry (and maybe the twins?) would have together.

Oliver curled his finger downward searching for just the right stop.

"What are you... OH FUCK!" Harry cried has Oliver found it. "What was THAT?!"

"That's your g-spot Harry" Oliver said, pressing it couple of more times with his finger. "You like that, do you?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Merlin yes." Harry cried, barely comprehensible. Oliver began wanking Harry quickly while the finger on his other hand continued poking and prodding constantly at the magic spot inside. This brought Harry over the edge very quickly, and he moaned heavily when he came, body racked with spasms as the dry orgasm overcame him. Oliver could feel that it lasted a while as the sphincter pulsated around his finger for quite some time.

Harry collapsed to the floor, still cooing from the amazing pleasure Oliver had just given him. Finally, Oliver could stand it no longer. He spit into his hand and starting stroking himself furiously, the images and sensations of the last hour overtaking him. Within 30 seconds he shot an enormous load all over the splayed out boy in front of him. Several shots flew so far that they went a couple of feet past Harry's head to land on the floor past him. Despite that, a massive amount of cum still sprayed across Harry's ass, back, shoulders, and into the hair on the back of his head.

Oliver was breathing heavily as his orgasm overtook him. As it subsided and his breathing began to slow, he collapsed onto Harry's back, smearing his cum between himself and his lover. He lay there for a few moments still panting while Harry did the same, both boys waiting for their pulse and breathing to slow enough so that they could move.

As his energy came back to him, Oliver opened his eyes saying "Wow. I've wanted to so that for so long. Thank you Harry."

"Uh huh" Harry agreed, the smile clearly present in his voice even though Oliver couldn't see it from where he lay on top of him. "That was pretty incredible... feeling you do all that to me" he replied.

"It was pretty fun to watch too" said a third voice from the entrance to the shower room.

Both boys jerked in surprise and scrambled to their hand and knees, looking towards the source of the unexpected sound. They were greeted by the sight of the Fred and George Weasley, each with identical smirks.

"It certainly was George" his brother replied. "Good show mates" he said and they both broke out into light applause knowing this would only add to the teasing and discomfort of their two naked teammates.

"Oh... you bloody wankers!" yelled Oliver. His adrenaline surge trigger by the alarm at the intrusion quickly faded as he realized he wasn't in danger. It was quickly followed by a full body blush as embarrassment overtook him. Harry was going through a similar emotional roller coaster.

"From what I just saw, you're the wanker" Fred retorted.

"How long were you watching us?" Harry asked.

"Oh, a little while now. We came in as you were sliding the floor Harry. You were facing the far wall and Oliver only had eyes for your cute little bum-"

"Sod off" Oliver yelled, half laughing. Oliver knew they were busted and so figured he'd just roll with it.

"-and between that, the shower running, and the blood pounding in your ears I doubt you were have heard us even if we'd blasted the door down" he finished.

"So... looks like you finally got your wish, eh Oliver?" asked George.

Harry had also quickly come to the conclusion that there was no point in trying to deny what had just happened. In fact, he was actually really happy that the twin has "caught" them. He wondered how the cute gingers might enter the picture once he'd broken the ice with Oliver but hadn't worked out how to rope them into a sexual encounter. Now he didn't have to. However, he didn't want to let on that this has been his plan all along. So he played dumb in order to allow this to run its course.

"Oliver..." Harry said, turning to him, "what's George mean by that?"

"Well... Harry..." Oliver said after some hesitation, "I've had my eye on you for a while but we wanted to wait until you were a bit older-"

"We?!" Harry exclaimed, giving Oliver a look and then glaring over at the twins. Now it was their turn to look embarrassed. They wouldn't meet his gaze.

"Yea" Oliver finally said. "The three of us have been having sex for a couple of years now. When you came here as a first year we immediately noticed how cute you were when you joined the team and we saw you in the locker room. I thought it best to wait until you were in your second year before we tried anything."

"So, the three of you have discussed YOUR plans for MY sexual initiation?" Harry said, deliberately trying to lay a guilt trip on them.

None of them responded right away. Finally, Oliver spoke up, "Yea. Sorry for going behind your back like that."

"I'll say!" Harry nearly shouted. He paused for a moment. Then he drew his hand back and spanked Oliver has hard as he could. This caused the boy to shoot forward a bit and cry out in pain and surprise as he instinctively grabbed his ass and rubbed it in surprise. He hadn't seen it coming.

Harry dropped his pretense of anger and let out a chuckle. "I wish you'd done this a YEAR ago" he said with a bright smile on his face.

A second later the twins nearly collapsed in a fit of laughter and Oliver soon joined them. "Good one mate" said George. "You really had us going there."

"See, you guys aren't the only practical jokers around here" Harry teased. "Now, if you're quite finished spying on us I think we should-"

"Merlin!" Fred shouted. "Speaking of spying... George, we forgot about him!"

"Crap, that's right!"

"What are you talking about?" asked Oliver.

"We'll show you. Be right back" he said turning. They both darted back into the changing area and outside before either of two naked boys could inquire further. Harry and Oliver shared a look and slowly got to their feet (they were still coming down from the post orgasmic high they'd both just shared). They got their footing on the wet tile floor and were just crossing the threshold from the shower room into the changing area when the twins burst back in from outside, carrying a heavy burden between them.

They dropped the bundle to the floor, closing (and locking) the door behind them. Harry looked down and after a moment recognized that under the pile of very ruffled robes was Draco Malfoy, blindfolded, bound, and seemingly unconscious.

"We brought you a present" they two redheads exclaimed in unison.

"Well now, what are we going to do with him?" Harry asked to no one in particular. Then a mischievous grin appeared on his face. "I have an idea" he said, looking up. He teammates smiled back. "Oh... do tell" said George.

Thanks for reading. As I've said, please keep the (constructive) feedback and any suggestions for future chapters coming. The more praise and encouragement I get, even a brief "I liked your story because..." the better. darlock90 at yahoo to contact me directly. The more feedback I get, the more likely I am to write further chapters.

Also, I post my works on another site: archive of our own. If you like Harry Potter fan fiction, including mine, take a look. http://archiveofourown.org/users/Darlock/works You can leave comments or suggestion about my story right there if you like and use the advanced search functionality to find other stories in the same vein.


Next: Chapter 6

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