Harry Potter and the Whimsical Invocations

By Robbie Robot

Published on Oct 6, 2017


Harry Potter and the Whimsical Invocations

Part Two

© Van T Z Boi 2017

(Harry Potter etc is and remains the property of J K Rowling. My profuse apologies to the author and I hope all nifty readers with keep this magical secret life of Mr Potter to themselves.)

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(Thanks to all who have written it is nice to be appreciated, I do enjoy reading your comments and observations and suggestions and I always look forward to reading your views on this or any of my stories. Please note the new email address lostinspace1966@protonmail.com. Now wands at the ready do please read on. Till the next Time Van T Z Boi)

"Oh Harry what a beautiful cock," Harry's mouth fell open as Percy's pyjamas seemed to fall of his body, the plain blue cotton top unbuttoning by itself and sliding down his arms, the pyjama bottoms flopping open at the fly and dropping down to his ankles and then naked he knelt down before Harry's open legs. "It's so beautiful I must kiss it," Percy whispered. Harry's mouth dropped open even more as Percy now bent forward and kissed his cock. Harry felt the unique touch of soft warm lips on his foreskin and he sighed. He leaned back on the sofa and saw his own pyjama top unbutton and slide away from his body, Harry caught his breath, amazed that he was completely naked and alone with Percy Weasley who was similarly naked. Percy's mouth moved to encircle Harry's cock head; swiftly the fleshy tube filled with blood and pulsed upwards. Harry could not see how much it grew because as his cock swelled it expanded fully inside Percy's sucking mouth. Harry trembled as the first shivers of sexual delight edged along his teenage hormone activated nerves. Percy swirled his tongue around the tip of Harry's cock, savouring the sweet butterbeer taste of Harry's pre-cum. He swallowed the sugary honeyed liquid and Harry moaned as he felt the extraordinary effect of Percy's swallowing on his cock head. Percy bobbed up and down on the mouth filling delicacy that he found so exciting. At the back of his mind a small but very quiet voice was saying `What are you doing?' but he ignored it, he felt impelled to suck the beautiful teenage rod that now filled his mouth and slid partly into his throat, slid it must be said with magical ease as Percy felt no need to gag at all as the thick pole moved effortlessly inside his mouth.

`Wow, oh wow,' Harry thought to himself as Percy continued to suck his newly grown cock. He never questioned as to how Percy seemed to know exactly what to do, all he knew was that new amazing sensations and feelings were coursing around his body and mind and he did not want them to stop. Percy appeared to know exactly when to stop and when to speed up, his tongue was an absolute delight as it licked, slobbered and tickled his glans, running so gently up and down the split and tickling gently at his tiny pee hole. Every now and then Percy would lift his head and kiss the gleaming tip.

"So beautiful," he would murmur and would then sink back on the throbbing teen meat his avaricious swirling tongue rasping over and across and around the plump heart-shaped glans, dipping gently in between the parted cockslit lips. The warm heat that coursed through Harry's inexperienced teenage body became hotter, the tingling warmth emanating from the tip of his teenrod, down the silky satiny shaft, around and through his two gonads, tingling and tickling in the most awesomely delightful way. Harry moaned as the prickling heat rushed through his torso, his belly button tickled with an unexpected twinge, a delicious ache that complimented the other sensual tinglings'. He noticed his nipples ached delightfully too and as if he knew it was needed, Percy's fingertips stroked and caressed and squeezed the pointed teats with just the right amount of pressure to enhance the wonderful sensual delights.

Percy kissed the drooling cocktip again, the tip oozing another slurp of the tasty pre cum; driven by a strange internal desire he leaned up and suckled gently at the two teats, nipping them professionally with just his pursed lips, biting the points with firm lips before slaving his tongue tip over the sensitive teat splits. Harry growled as this produced yet another amazing rushing wave of thrilling delight, he felt the soft hairs on his arms rise slightly, his eyelashes felt as though they too were straining to curl at the end and the hairs on the back of his neck stuck straight outwards, he could feel the heat from the fire waft through them and it helped produce goosebumps down his backbone. Harry strained upwards from the sofa; his torso slightly elevated against the pressure of Percy's naked body, he experienced and enjoyed the new to him sexy sensation of naked skin against naked skin. His teendick trapped between their bodies frotted between their grinding bodies sent more and more tingling itching waves upwards; Harry was almost sure that somehow Percy's stomach was forming a groove, an open furrow for his cock to be caressed with.

He looked downwards, `Percy is making me feel amazing,' the thought never crossed his mind that normally Percy was usually more distant with him. Percy looked up from where he was still kissing Harry's pointing teats, a sudden look crossed Percy's eyes, a blazing look of strange intensity. Harry unused to what a body could do when aroused to such great heights was unable to read the look but somehow he sensed it boded well. Percy kissed upwards, his lips granting butterfly kisses to Harry's silken skin. He nibbled along Harry's chin, licking at the bulge of Harry's Adams apple and then his lips closed on Harry's.

It was lucky that Harry was sitting open mouthed when Percy kissed him as Percy's tongue snaked straight inside his mouth. The moist touch as his own tongue experienced Percy's tongue tip licking across his tastebuds sent further hot jolts of desire rampaging through Harry's teenage system. Not completely understanding why Harry kissed back, his tongue duelling with Percy's before he became dominant and he tongue fucked another person for the first time, this unexpected action produced another hot drive within him and Percy opened his mouth and his throat as a tongue for the first time fucked away inside his throat. Harry wound his arms around Percy to pull him tighter; he knew he needed to get his tongue even further inside the tight constriction. Percy continued to allow the intrusion, breathing easily without knowing how he was doing it. All his brain knew was that he had to service the owner of the most amazing and wonderful cock he had ever seen, in his mind it was even better than his own and despite it being the only other cock he had ever touched yet it was the most important thing in his world at that moment. All thoughts of reporting Harry's breaking of the bedtime rules flew out of the window along with all his other natural inclinations, Percy wanted cock and the only cock he wanted was Harry Potter's and here it was in his smoothing hand.

Harry felt a strong demand arising from his groin, further messages were emanating from his balls and shaft. Instinctively he pushed Percy's head downwards, the older teenager happily opening wide to accept the drooling pink thick shaft that awaited him. Up and down he plunged, each time it appeared the delightful, delicious cock he was servicing was getting further and further inside him and he wanted it, desired it, needed it desperately, it was a lifelong objective now in his mind and more importantly in his mouth. Harry lay back against the sofa relishing the wave after wave of hot tingling jolts that raced and coursed through him. He basked in the heat of the fire in front of him and the one that had started in his balls and now rose to engulf him. Percy's head became a blur as he fucked his face against the hard satiny steely shaft that speared him, the swollen cockhead easily piercing his throat, the membranes closing tight to further caress the sensitive nerves than ran under the purple pink coloured skin. Faster and faster and harder and harder Percy face fucked himself against Harry Potters wonderful teenage prong, despite never having done such a thing in his life he now sucked with a gusto as though his life, nay his very existence depended on it.

Harry gave into the wild abandon that enthralled him; he thrashed about on the sofa, his body thrusting upwards into the vacuum of Percy's oral orifice, his whole being enslaved to the sensory sexual sensuality that held him hormonally spellbound. His centre of existence now the tingling itch that required scratching, a sucking scratching that only Percy could provide. Wave after wave of heated tingles bounced upwards and around and through him, flashes and glitters from stars he had never known in the night sky flashed across his eyes, an array of brilliant comets that orbited around and through him, flickering in time with the electric jolts that sent such delightful shocks around his charged body.

Harry felt the twitch, the tingling twitch between his legs. He tensed; that certain intense micro moment that all teenagers know; except that Harry did not know, his summer of hard work serving the Dursley's had meant that when he did tumble into bed, all it took was a quick chirrup' goodnight from Hedwig and he fell deeply exhaustedly asleep. No nocturnal cockwrangling for him, he was always too tired and his days were so filled with the tasks set him by his uncle and aunt that all sexy' thoughts never had the time of day to ever enter his mind. Harry knew about how babies were made, even if he did not understand the niceties, like other scholarly institutions there had been talk in the dormitory and overheard discussions between seniors boys, so Harry knew about `wanking' and cumming' but had so far never experienced one, let alone a nocturnal emission, so the strange tense tingle was at first just another wonderful thing that he was adding to his list.

Harry felt the jolt in his balls, they contracted strongly, at first he was concerned that something bad had happened, in a micro, micro second that thought was extinguished from his mind as the most wonderful, fantastical, amazing sensation began to vibrate within him. It was even better than anything that had happened before; the electrical sensations shocked up from his balls, all along his shaft, spinning around his cockhead before spitting directly into the sucking maw that was Percy Wealsley's swallowing mouth.

"Wow, Oh, Wow, Ohhhhhhh, woooooooohhhhhhooooowwww," Harry's moans of orgasmic delight echoed around the hall.

Percy in turn, although this was the first time he had ever done anything like this, coped magnificently with the spicy salty juices that flooded his mouth; despite the fact that he had admittedly dreamed of it happening to him rather than doing it to someone else, he swallowed the teenage spunk with almost professional ease, the spicy concoction sliding down into his stomach where he felt a warm tingle of his own. Moments later he enjoyed his own climactic orgasm, his teen cock, rock hard and hot to trot, also blasted, his sperms mostly hitting his stomach, his body contorted as it was to continue to suckle Harry's wonderful cock. Percy sole reason for his existence at that moment was to ensure that Harry's orgasm lasted beyond the usual spunk blast and spermal dribble. Harry floating mentally as his first ever ejaculations were fed to Percy's digestion, relished the exquisite and sensational extensive joys as his throbbing cock was suckled gently, the pursed lips and rasping tongue of Percy's oral attentions ensuring his climax was lengthened and continued until the last tiny teen sperm was sucked out of his undulating tubes.

"Fuck me that was good," Harry naughtily swore, yes it was that good that it made him forget his high standards when it came to saying rude or naughty words. "Fuck me," he drooled as the last trembles of sensual joy ebbed away. He stroked Percy's head, "Well done," he sighed, it felt a bit like patting a well behaved dog, but at that precise moment Harry was, well, in `sucked heaven.'

Percy sat up, his cock splatter had dripped onto Harry's body and embarrassed that he had tainted Harry's splendid torso he did something new, he licked and cleaned up his own spunk. Harry, slightly adrift in his hormonal heavenly delight, just about noticing but not seeing this attention to detail but he instinctively continued to caress Percy's head, enjoying the extra sensation of the teenagers rasping tongue sweeping over his skin.

As Percy finished his clean up Harry slowly fell back down from his orgasmic trance; as he regained his composure he noticed his pyjamas, slowly sliding back onto his body. Percy however appeared locked in position on his knees, a happy dreamy look on his face. Harry surmised he too was in some kind of similar trance.

Bed!' thought Harry, I need my sleep after that,' he sat up yawned wide and closed the open book, it flashed slightly, a red glimmer emanating from the book as he snapped it shut. To his surprise Percy stood up and walked back up the stairs; he was however still naked. Harry stood up, `I really need to get back to my dorm before Percy wakes up,' he decided and quickly stepped past the comatose Percy who stood naked and still on the landing. Harry hurriedly disappeared clutching the ancient book close to his chest; thoughts of what he had just experienced filling his mind as his feet carried him onward. As Harry stepped from view Percy startled.

"Harry Potter," he said to the open air and then he felt the coldness on his flesh. Astounded he looked down to see his body was completely naked, not only that a drop of what he recognised as semen hung from his cocktip. Wildly and embarrassed he stared around the hall which gaped back empty.

"He was here, I swear Harry Potter was there, just sitting on the sofa, out of bed, out of hours," he spoke to the empty room. His eyes flared even wider as he observed the clothes on the carpet by the sofa, My pyjamas,' he thought horrified and sensed the fall of the drip of sperm falling to the staircase landing, he stared down as the glittering pearl plopped on the carpet, his mouth hanging wide open in disbelief. I must have had some weird wet dream' he told himself. Nervously he swallowed, tasting now the unfamiliar taste of a certain spicy saltiness in his mouth. Horrified and concerned he checked around the room, `there's no one here,' he thought thankfully to himself as he bundled up his clothes and proceeded back to his bedroom, he gave not one thought to the fact he had remained naked, carrying his pyjamas, slippers and dressing-gown instead of putting them on. He also did not notice Oliver Wood waking up as Percy entered the dormitory, naked and carrying his clothes.

Dirty sod, he's been somewhere for a secret wank,' Oliver thought, before turning over and returning to his own dreams. Not like Percy that,' his sleepy mind acknowledged as he drifted off.

Harry stood in his dormitory, he was feeling elated and very tired, he still wondered about what had happened but the happy state of post ejaculation gave him a sense of satisfactory accomplishment. Once more he yawned, Must get to sleep,' he gazed drowsily at the sleeping form of Ron Weasley, idly his mind wondered about his friend Ron. Can he spunk yet?' he asked himself and one hand caressed his soft sleepy teenprick. Unconsciously his finger rubbed down the closed pages of the book as he explored his thought about his best friend Ron, unseen by Harry's sleepy eyes a dark red glimmer showed along one of the closed pages. Harry climbed into bed and slid the strange book underneath his pillow, he was about to put his glasses on the bedside table when he became aware that Ron was standing close by his bed.

"Goodnight Harry," smiled Ron.

"Goodnight Ron," Harry replied and then to his astonishment Ron leaned over and kissed him, kissed him softly, tenderly on the lips.

"Pleasant dreams," said Ron and as Harry lay back on his pillow he watched his friend get back into his bed. Harry closed his eyes and settled down to sleep, his closing eyes caught the slight red glow from under his pillow but he was too tired to do anything but fall into a deep sleep.

"Morning Oliver," Percy Weasley stood by the sink, he was just finishing his ablutions and was cleaning his teeth.

"Morning, Perce," Oliver yawned and stretched, trying to get rid of the last vestiges of sleepiness from his limbs. He looked at Percy Weasley and his eyes boggled. "Percy!" he exclaimed.

Percy turned to look at him, his mouth foaming as he continued to brush his teeth, a questioning look of enquiry on his face. "What's up?" he asked slightly irritated at being interrupted.

"Percy, you're naked," Oliver pointed out stunned by the sight of Percy's expanse of pink flesh revealing to all his natural state, the curly patch or red hairs and the slim tube of deflated prick.

"Huh," Percy puzzled looked downwards; I am naked!' he smiled to himself.' Normally he either wore his dressing-gown or covered himself up with a towel as he washed but today the dressing-gown hung on a hook and his towel lay to the side of the basin. He looked at Oliver again, who stared back at him. Percy looked in the mirror, I'm naked,' the thought registered again and then the slow horror of realisation flooded across his face followed by a reddening of embarrassment which slowly rose in hue to match the colour of his Weasley red hair. "I'm Naked!" he screeched and hastily wrapped the towel around his reddening naked body, followed by awkwardly scrambling into his dressing-gown. Giving Oliver who was now bent over with laughter a cold freezing glare Percy stalked out of the washroom, his bare feet slapping on the tiles.

In the Slytherin dormitory Draco lay completely hidden underneath his bedclothes; he opened one eye and using the small torch checked his hair in the hand mirror; not a trace of red glowed. He opened the other eye and did the same check, Oh thank goodness,' he said to himself, it's all gone.' He had suffered all week with a reoccurrence of outbreaks of Red' happenings; following the original disastrous demeaning red hair incident. One day it was an eyebrow that turned red; Professor Snape had been his usual snappy disdainful self in helping him only for the other eyebrow to be similarly affected the next day. Snape had been extremely curt about helping him about that and then he had woken up to find his fingernails on one hand had turned red overnight. Professor Snape had been very exasperated with him over that. I'm clean,' he thought triumphantly and sat up in bed.

Draco hung his dressing gown on the hook, slipped of his black satin pyjamas with the interlocked DM silvered motif and stepped under the hot water. Vigorously he scrubbed himself as though ridding himself once more of the dreaded `red hair curse'; as he scoured his skin hard he recalled the last session with Snape.

"`Quite an intricate creation of incantation and spells," Professor Snape had mused thoughtfully as he studied Draco's aura, he leaned closer to Draco's head, the magnifying eyepiece in his left eye giving him an expanded view of Draco's scalp. Abruptly he sat up and snapped shut the book that he had been consulting. Draco had sat there in Snape's study quivering with rage and trepidation. Snape had flowed across the room in that threatening gait of his and looking through the array of glass containers on the shelves of his potions cupboard, some of which glittered and sparkled, some of which moved shadowy and gloomily and after moving his finger back and forth had finally tapped several phials, muttered under his breath and nodding his head had selected two of the darker looking containers.

"Hmm, yeeessss," he said his words drawn out broodingly as he unstopped the bottle's, a black vapour issued from one and red smoke dribbled downward out of the second one. Snape sniffed at both, "Yes, I think so," he had then picked up the red smoky one and held it over Draco's head, muttering under his breath he then held the second bottle in his left hand. "Stay perfectly still boy," he had growled at Draco who had twitched at the Professors closeness, "we are dealing with Dark Arts here. I need to ensure the suppressant potion passes through the inhibiting vapour, if it misses," he cackled, "but that would be another problem then." Draco terrified froze immediately on the spot, hardly daring to breathe as he sensed Snape's hands move, he tensed waiting for whatever was going to happen but he felt nothing, there was no sense of anything touching him, all he could hear was Snape's spell mumbling voice and then Snape whirled away, his cloak billowing as he returned to the cupboard where he deftly stoppered the glass containers. "Away with you boy," Snape had barked at him, "and next time don't be so foolish about your appearance. Vanity never has become a Malfoy," his eyes blazed as he spoke and Draco hurriedly vacated the room. He had rushed to the nearest bathroom to check his head, his hair and eyebrows all appeared normal and he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

In the shower he worked his personal specially formulated conditioner into his pubes. Draco was proud of his glimmering pearly bush, he thought about Vincent Crabbe's sparse spatter of dark hairs and Gregory Goyle's greasy looking thatch, `None of them have such a luxuriant growth as mine,' he smiled to himself.

"Come on Draco, get a move on, we'll be late for breakfast," Crabbe's grunting tone broke through his reverie.

"Hand me my towel," Draco said imperiously and held out his soapy hand, the thick soft flannel felt comforting and warm against his hand, Hmm that towel, a special present from mother still keeps warm, despite the fact it has been washed weekly, good spell that,' he thought. Draco dried himself down and stepped into the bathroom, the heated towel still comfortably warm was gently steaming as the water evaporated, Draco secured it loosely around his waist. Crabbe's fat lumpy body plodded past him to enter the shower. Draco stood in front of the mirror admiring his slim physique and patted his white silver blonde damp hair into place, he rubbed his chin noting that there were still no signs of any stubble which pleased him and then he undid the towel intending to admire his little nest'. A gasp of horror blurted from his mouth and he immediately closed the towel, he glanced around the bathroom, no one appeared to have noticed his outburst and he took a deep breath. Trembling he stepped closer to the mirror and carefully slid the towel downwards, all the time watching both to the front and to the sides. Another look of abject horror crossed his face as he saw the redness glow, a quick flap of the towel revealed all to him. The nest of red hair around his cock and balls glittered mockingly at him, angrily he stomped out of the bathroom and then still furious he returned to snatch his dressing gown and pyjamas of the hook, wrapping the gown around himself and the towel he hurtled back to the dormitory. Goyle was slipping into his cloak as Draco pushed past him.

"Hey," Gregory was annoyed, "that hurt," as he staggered slightly off balance due to Draco's passing shove.

"I'm in a hurry," panted Draco, "out of my way," Draco grabbed his clothes and sped off in the direction of the toilets. Goyle stared after him, an annoyed look on his face, `What's got into Draco this time,' he mused as he smoothed down his cloak.

In the solitude and comparative safety of the enclosed toilet cubicle Draco examined his pride and joy, no longer a beautiful array of slivery blond curly hairs, now a jumble of brilliant red, flame red plumage that blazed back scorchingly, searing bloody his eyes. "Oh no, not again, not again," he sobbed.

"You okay in there?" a voice called to him through the closed door.

Draco clapped a hand across his mouth and summoning up his composure replied in a high pitched squeaky voice, "It's okay, I'm fine just feeling a little bit homesick," he sucked in a deep breath and hurriedly added, "I'm new here, a first year student," as he thought about what he had said.

"I'm sorry," said the voice, "Look I can help you if you want, I can take you to see Professor Snape, he's our Housemaster and I'm sure he will be able to help you out?"

Draco swallowed furiously and then contorting his vocal chords once again spluttered back, "No, its okay, Professor Snape knows. I'm seeing him after breakfast."

"Well if your sure," Draco heard the sound of footsteps walking away and then the clatter as they returned, the voice spoke closer now, down by the lock, the tone secretively softer, "Look if you need someone else to talk too, you know, someone more your age rather than a grown up, you can speak to me, I'm Terrence Higgs, I'm the seeker for Slytherin House Quidditch Team, just ask your Dorm Monitor he can point you out to me? Okay? Bye then."

Draco breathed a sigh of relief as Terence walked away again. His relief was short lived as he once more caught sight of the fiery glow below and dejected dropped down on the lavatory seat as the desolate anguish rolled over him. What am I going to do?' he thought miserably, I can't show my hot bush to Snape,' the idea of having to expose his flaming nest to Snape's eyes caused a burning rushing flush which coloured his cheeks, coloured them to a near perfect match to the crimson pubes that decorated his teenage dong. "What am I going to do?" he spoke aloud and then clapped his hands over his mouth, holding his breath in case anyone had overheard his outburst. The final bell for breakfast clamoured throughout Slytherin House and reluctantly and depressed Draco covered his disgrace, nearly causing himself an injury as he angrily zipped his trousers up catching his radiating pubes in the metal. "Salazar's balls," he cursed to no one in particular as gently massaging his smarting groin he stalked to the dining room.

Percy Wealsey flicked his hair, smoothing the line across his ears and picking up his wand headed towards the classroom. He had managed to forget it in the rush for breakfast and holding it tight he walked through the deserted hall of Gryffindor House. As he passed the Fat Lady who guarded the entrance he heard her call his name sharply.

"Percy Wealsey, you are improperly dressed. Where are your clothes?" she snapped the question at him.

"My clo..." Percy gulped and turned bright red as he looked down to see that he was not wearing a stitch of clothing, he was totally naked; stunned he attempted to cover himself completely forgetting he was carrying his wand and with a shriek he bent over in pain as the pointed end caught his cock, sending searing jolts of intense pain throughout his body. Unable to do anything else he sank breathless to his knees, his free hand slowly caressing his groin, his stomach churning with waves of nausea.

"I shall have to report this outrageous display to Professor McGonagall. Such an exhibition of crass nudity is not expected of a Gryffindor student." The fat Lady turned her back. "Please return to your dormitory immediately and dress yourself properly." Glowing red with embarrassment Percy ran back to his dorm, his aching cock and balls flopping around in the air as he did so. Scant minutes later he returned still very much flustered at his apparent forgetfulness.

"My apologies my Lady," he bowed his apologetic head to the forward facing Fat Lady, "I do not know what came..." but she interrupted him.

"I meant fully dressed Mr Weasley," her tone was fiercely snappish this time. Confused he looked down just as she added curtly, "Not just your school cloak," horrified he saw that apart from his wizard cloak he was still completely naked underneath the cape. Uttering a squeal that would have done credit to a pig on its way to slaughter he returned to the dormitory, he stared at his clothes which lay resolutely over his bedspread where he had laid them.

"That's much better Mr Wealsey," the Fat Lady was less waspish in her tone now, "although I would recommend that you keep your zip closed and not hanging open," she tittered and added, "there are better mousetraps available you know." Grim faced Percy did not even bothered to look, his hand located the open zip and he yanked it upwards, the zizzing sound reverberating down the corridor. Crimson faced and glowing angrily he stalked towards the classrooms.

Harry brushed the soap out of his eyes and scrabbled for his towel which he had placed on the shower rail. His hands only found the metal pole.

"Here let me help," he heard Ron's voice, soft and gentle, the next moment the curtain swished to one side and Ron stepped naked into the shower with him; Ron held out Harry's towel and started to rub him down.

"Er, Ahem," Harry stuttered not quite sure how to react, it's not as if I'm hurt,' he recalled Ron helping him after their battle with Professor Quirrel and then after the encounter with the Basilisk when he had been exhausted and needed assistance to clean up, that was, er right,' he said to himself, but this,' his mind whirled, especially after Percy last night,' the memory came bright and clear, the images in his mind distinct, he felt the blood surge inside his teenage prick and he looked down, compared to the monster last night his normal sized boy cock appeared small, for a moment he wished his four and half inches were as big as last night and then Ron dropped to his knees before him.

"Must make sure you're clean," Ron said in that softly gentle voice. His lips as they touched Harry's slim cock were not as warm and luscious as Percy's had been was the thought that crossed his mind but they felt amazing and sweetly familiar.

On the other side of the shower curtain the rest of Harry's fellow Gryffindor classmates continued with their customary morning ablutions, no one appeared to notice that two of them were sharing a cubicle. In the deserted dormitory there was no one to notice the faint glow that flickered momentarily underneath Harry's pillow, the pin glow brightened to a flaring red for just a brief minute second; if he had been there Harry might have noticed that the surge happened at the precise moment that Ron's lips kissed his cock.

In the shower Harry sighed softly, the usual sounds from those in the bathroom covering his murmuring voice. Ron's lips kissed and then slowly sucked Harry's cock inside his mouth, the lips pressing to ease back his foreskin so that the moist heat excited the sensitive nerve endings on Harry's glans. Harry his mind still full of what he and Percy did felt his cock expand and his balls twitch, the softer touch of Ron's tongue lapping at his cockslit sent a further chill thrill through his spine. Harry reached down to stroke Ron's damp ginger spiky hair. `Here we go again,' he smiled to himself as the tingling itching sensation inside his cock travelled upwards and outwards, warming him in the new found heat of hormonal teenage desire. Ron nibbled at the hard ridge of Harry's ball, his tongue snaking across the bulbous edge and a searing jolt of desire blossomed inside Harry's body.

End of Part Two

To be continued...????????????????

(Okay now for those who know I am well aware that a certain Mr D Radcliffe who is an actor is in fact circumcised, but this is a fantasy about a magical English schoolboy and the majority of English schoolboys tend to be uncircumcised so I plea poetic licence in this respect. So do you like this other magical adventure, is it up to standard and more to the point do you want more? Well if you do want more and want me to continue this story then write and tell me and don't forget if you like this then I have plenty more stories to whet your appetite, just look me up on nifty's prolific authors listing ( https://www.nifty.org/nifty/authorslist.html V for Van T Z Boi ) . Please also make a different deposit in nifty's coffers for without them you would not be able to enjoy this and further chapters. All the best, Van T Z Boi)

(In response to all those who are interested; the Lost/Rejected stories are still undergoing editing and once they have been posted I will announce the link. The good news is that good ole' nifty have provided copies of Detained at Daddies' and Mummy Said' from their records so now I have recovered all the missing stories, so mucho thanks nifty. Sorry I can't be more forthcoming at this time as to when I will be able to post them but please watch this space. Van T Z Boi)

Next: Chapter 3

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