
By moc.oohay@acitoreniar

Published on May 4, 2002


Hi there people! I am so sorry it took so long I have so much going on in my life. Forgive me... well here is the 3rd part hope you like it. Coz I enjoy writing it.

Haven part 3

Chapter 5: You Got It Bad

It's 9 in the evening, me and Tonet is leaving her pad since I'm going

to sleep there later on and I brought my clothes in there. We called a

cab and hop inside then we went to the club where we are suppose to be

jamming. When we got there Raine, Mitch and Liz are waiting for us, but

I noticed some guys behind them wonder who could that be. We approached

them and exchanged kisses.

" So who are they?" I look at those men and Liz started holding the

hand of the guy, now I figured out who he is

" Yen this is my boyfriend Yvonn" I look at him and I thought he's some

kind of different culture

" Nice meeting you Yvonn, and who is he?" I saw Raine kinda laugh so I

was very interested to know him

" And this is Rai" my heart stop beating and I remember that name while

Tonet and Liz is talking about him while we are having lunch, I might

say he looks good and look like he is working out

" Is he some kind of related to you?" I pointed at Tonet

" Sort of, Kinda, I don't know" she shrugged

" So let's go inside"

We went inside and its dark and music is all over, kind of deafening.

We sat on a long couch and take a drink, the guys use some beers and us

are ladies drinks. It's so cool talking to them and I bet there is

something going on between Rai and Tonet so it's kinda ok with me

except I'm a little jealous.

" Yen let's dance" Tonet is giving me her hand

" Is it ok with you, `coz I'm steeling your partner for the night?" I

ask Rai

" No, it's ok with me go ahead"

We went to the dance floor and we danced to some kind of cool music, I

feel hot maybe due to the drinks so I let my body swing to the music

and I feel very exhausted now. Tonet is letting loose on the dance

floor, and I have to keep up with her even though I know I cannot do

that anymore. Then the expected thing happen, I passed out, I hate it

because I drunk last night and I drink today, I have an allergy with

alcohol but my friends told me to drink so that the allergy will go

away completely. I didn't know what happened next but I know Tonet

catch me, then I woke up at the couch in the bar.

" You will not have another drink anymore"

" Hmmm?"

" I said you will not have another drink anymore" I saw Tonet, she

looked worried and I noticed that everybody is gone

" Where are they?"

" They went to the dance floor, are you ok?"

" Yeah!"

" What happened, If I didn't catch you, you'll be laying on the floor"

" Thanks, I just don't know what happen, I know I'm tired but you dance

so fast and I have to keep up. But maybe my body can't do it anymore

so I passed out"

" Do you want us to go home?"

" Do you want to?"

" Yeah, I don't want to stay here any longer, let's just leave and tell

the waiter that we went home, so that they'll know where we went"

" Ok!"

She helped me stand up and walk me towards the door, the sounds are all

faded and it's kinda silent now. She called a cab and headed home, I

slept all the way there because I can't fight the feeling anymore I am

so tired. When we are there, she prepared the bed and I went to the

shower and have a bath. When I'm finished, she went in and have a

shower; I put on some clothes and climb at the clean sheets of the bed.

It smelled like her so it's very comforting to sleep then I dozed off.

I didn't notice that she was already finished, put on some clothes and

lay beside me.

" Yen are you still awake?" I mumbled and face her but I can't open my


" Yes, why?"

" Can you open your eyes?"

" I don't know but I'll try" I tried to open it but it's so hard like

something is stopping me to open it.

" Ok I'm gonna open it now" I opened my eyes and I saw her staring at


" Why?"

" Nothing, I just want to see your eyes, you know you look like an

angel when you sleep"

" No kidding, get some sleep Tonet, I'm so tired we can still talk

about it tomorrow"

" Ok, I don't want to bother you so get some sleep" she kissed my

forehead and hug me and I went to sleep as fast as I could imagine.

I feel so cold and it's a Sunday that's why I don't need to get up

early, I feel someone is holding me that's why I didn't move. I felt

that I have a headache and there is something inside me that I can't

figure out. Tonet woke up and saw me all curled up in her arms and she

kissed me on the forehead.

" Good Morning Sweetie, hey why are you curled up"

" I feel cold" she touched my forehead and she gasped

" Oh my God you're sick, let's see here's a thermometer put it in your

mouth" she get the thermometer out of her side table and place it in my

mouth, she covered me with a blanket and hug me.

" You know you are so tired this past few days and I guess you should

be here for a while so that I can take care of you."

" You didn't have too, I have my own place and I might just gonna get

you sick."

" Don't worry, I'm well protected." She left the room and went to the


Tonet make some soup for Yen and juice, while she made a coffee for

herself. She kept thinking that if she convince Yen to move in with

her but she's afraid that Yen might say no. She returns to the room,

take off the thermometer and take a look at the result.

" God, 39 degrees you really need some rest and you are not leaving

here until your temperature goes down"

" But I can still walk and there are cabs out there they can take me


" No, you will stay here. I made you some soup, eat it." Tonet put a

spoonful of soup and she even blows it gently to lessen the heat and

then she gave it to me.

" Hmmm! It's delicious, thanks"

" It's alright, just stay here, I'll take care of you"

" Ok, if you insist" she gave out a smile and give me a kiss on my


There was a knock on the door and I was wondering if Tonet was

expecting a visitor today, and I must leave. But she told me she wasn't

expecting any and a Sunday is just an excuse. She went to the door and

opened it, there was Rai. He was drunk, maybe from last night and he

doesn't have any sleep. He grabbed Tonet by the shoulder and started

kissing her, Tonet wants to get out of his grip and she screams. I get

out of bed even if I still a little lumpy but with that situation you

just get strength from somewhere. I tried to pull Rai out of her and

he started punching me, so much for a day. Then Tonet came over to me.

" Rai get out!"

" But Tonet I love you"

" You could say that, after what you did to me."

" I'm sorry"

" I don't want your apologies, now get out! Get out!"

" But."

" If you don't get out right now, I'll call the police"

Rai left the apartment and I was left lying on the floor. Tonet rush

towards me and help me get up, and put me back to bed.

" You shouldn't have come to help me, I can handle him myself"

" But you screamed"

" Well I'm a girl naturally I'll scream, but you didn't have to. Look

at you, you're ill and then there's a punch mark on your face" we both


" You know you shouldn't be laughing at a situation like this"

" Do you like Rai?" she stopped and looks at me

" Yes I like him a lot but after what he acted on me today I don't

think I like him anymore"

" He's just drunk"

" Well, yeah, but that is not an excuse the way he acted today"

" Can you forgive him?"

" Maybe, I don't know, can we not talk about him?"

" Sure, if that's what you want"

" Yes that's what I want, and the other thing I want is if you get some

sleep. You've been through a lot." I thanked her and I went to sleep.

Chapter 6: The Right Time

I woke up and I stare at the room and I remembered that I'm at Tonet's

apartment. I called out to her but there is no answer, I wonder where

she could have been. I look around and I found a note on the

refrigerator. It says that she just went outside to get some food and

medicine, what a nice girl and I'll never regret if I love you even

more. I peak outside the window and I saw that the sun will be setting

out and I have slept the whole day, but I feel better now its just my

face hurt. The door opened and came in Tonet.

" Hi! I see that you have woken up, you just need sleep that's why I

let you"

" Tonet it's already dark, I need to go home"

" No! I went to your place and ask Tim if you could stay here for a

little longer since I'm the one responsible for that" she points at my


" But I don't have any clothes here"

" That's why I went to your boarding house to get some clothes"

" Ok, you are fast"

" I know"

We went to the kitchen and make some food to eat and we ate in front of

the TV, which is a habit of mine that she likes. She checks my

temperature every now and then and tell me that I'm fast recovering but

still need some rest if I don't want it to come back. In my own

opinion I want it to be there forever so that she can take care of me a

lot longer. Tonet and I became so close since that night at Raine's

condo, and I'm glad we did, hope she likes me as much as I like her.

" Yen can I ask you something?"

" Sure what is it?" She looks at me a long while and I can't figure

what she's going to ask me

" Can you be my roommate?" well I'm dumbstruck, I don't know what to

say, all that I ever wanted was to be with her.

" No I can't" what did I just say? I want to tell I want too but I

can't, she feel rejected.

" Oh! Ok, it's fine with me, just asking" she stands up and went to her


" Ok Yen, you did a pretty good job" then I bang my head at the sofa

What was I thinking? The opportunity is right in my hands and I slip it

all the way. Now what will I do, where will I sleep, sure she doesn't

want to talk to me now. Tonet did not came out of her room and it's

10:00 and I have to sleep we have class tomorrow, I turned off the

lights and lie on the sofa, gosh! I hate Mondays, then I slept.

I feel something is going on, on the sofa. I knew I just slept and

it's not so long but I hear sounds.

" Yen wake up, wake up"

" Hmmm! What is it? It's still dark"

" I know, it's only 11:00"

" 11:00 I just slept for one hour, why is it so dark"

" Come on, let's get you to bed"

I follow Tonet in her room and it's so bright, I can't open my eyes.

" Oh my god!"

" What?"

" Yen you're bleeding"

" Where?"

" You're nose"

" Oh, that's normal just get me ice and put it on my head" she ran to

the kitchen

" I didn't know that this is happening to you"

" It bleeds if I have fever" she put her hands on my forehead

" You are so hot" she put the thermometer in my mouth

" I'm sorry I left you all alone in there"

" Itsh k. ur eysh er wet"

" It's nothing" she pick the thermometer out and see the result

" 40 degrees, do you want me to get you to hospital"

" No, it's ok really, I just need some rest. Sorry what I told you

about the moving, I really love too, I want to move in with you."

" Really" I know that she is starting to cry, her eyes are covered with

liquid, I think she is very happy, I'll be moving in.

" But I'll pay the rent"

" Ok, if that's what you want. Now get some rest." She kissed me on

both cheeks and said good night, I also said good night and she hug me

and I fell asleep.

Ok! How did it go, does it pass your standards, I wish it did, anyway I'll be writing this more often than it should be. Your comments at rainerotica@yahoo, don't forget. Chow!

Next: Chapter 4

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