Haven and Hell

By John Comstock

Published on Jun 23, 2018


Haven & Hell (Installment 3)

If you're not looking for sex – including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

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This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to other places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he wished does exist.

Preface-The story takes place in Chicago and after writing the first two installments, other faggots as well as a couple of Sirs have indicated places in Los Angeles and Germany that are somewhat like this. I started writing this story due to the fact that I was having writer's block with another story that is being worked on...Scout Rob In-Charge. I have started back on that story as well, and hope to have the next part out soon. The other story by this author is called The Trucker's Inn. Both can be found on Nifty.org.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also happy to receive messages on my Tumblr page, which a few of you did. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot.

Please e-mail me at kcamsub@gmail.com Go to my Recon account kcam Tumblr kcolderfaggot

Also wanted to let you know an Alpha Sir in England dared me to write about the first time this faggot realized it was a true submissive faggot. That story is found on my Tumblr page, and I plan on reposting it each time I send Nifty.org a new story line. If you have not read it, I hope you do and maybe even repost it to yours.


Authoritarian/CMNM/Humiliation/Urination _________________________________________________

Haven & Hell Chapter Five – Hell is Heaven

From the end of Chapter Four

I quickly said, "God, did I talk too much?"

"Oh no, this is exactly what I was hoping to hear. So you think you're ready for the next 3 hours? I know I am!"

"Without a doubt in my mind."

He left his boot on my junk, pressing down from time to time as we finished our beers. While we were drinking the beers I laid the leash on the table, but he didn't pick it up right away, which said we were still in Nathan/Bryon mode. Once we finished our beers and he looked at me.

"Once I have the leash you're a nothing but faggot trash slut again...which seems to fit you."

He finally put his foot down from my junk and then picked up the leash, winding it around his hand so it would be a shorter leash. He got up and gave it a yank, which made my cock leak more. Then I got up and he looked at me.

"Let's roll faggot, you need more man piss and cum."

My life had changed and was now going to change even more.

As we walked from the booth into the main bar it was bustling like a mad house. There was the normal' stuff in a bar going on, but then there was the fun' stuff as well. One guy by the wall had his jeans down by his ankles. He probably went both ways since a faggot was giving him one hell of a blow job and what looked like an Alpha Sir in his leather vest, having his cock out and rubbing it along the guy's ass. Another guy walked out of the Anonymous Room" and had cum all over his ass and was just smiling like a true faggot. At one of the tables, four guys were playing poker with a stripped faggot standing next to the table. With ever hand, the winner got to add a letter, with a permanent marker, on the faggot. So far I could tell he had on him WORTHLESS COCK' above his shaved groin and what looked like FAGG' so far written on his forehead. In the distant, I could see that the Piss Trough" room looked empty, which I guess no one was in the cage below.

Sir Nate led me up to the bar and told me to `heel', which I immediately got on my knees and kind of sat on my ankles. Several guys came up to talk with Nate and I just sat there like a good faggot. I must have enjoyed the feeling since I realized my cock was rock hard and again leaking. I hadn't cum all night and yet it seemed appropriate for a faggot like me not to cum. My mind was really doing some strange things for sure. I didn't realize that one of the guys that had come up was Don, one of the first guys Sir Nate talked to 3 hours earlier. The difference this time is that Don had his cock, out of the fly, of his jeans and it was about half erect. It looked like a good 7 inches so far. There were about 5 men in this conversation. Then I felt Sir Nate's hand on my head like he was patting his dog, which brought my attention back to them.

As he was patting my head, I was looking up and could see one of the big TV screens Nathan had told me about when explaining Hell. It kept showing several scenes from different rooms of Hell. As I watched, I saw everything; from guys getting fucked on the Fall Wall to piss action in the Piss Room. There was even one from the dungeon of someone getting flogged. While watching the flogging, I looked closer and realized it was Joe, one of the first people I ever met at Haven. He was bare-ass naked and his ass and back were becoming very bright red from this flogging session. I was in shock; thinking it was Joe, who just seemed like a regular guy at a neighborhood gay bar, but was he a faggot as well? It switched to other scenes and I was really fascinated with what I was seeing. Then the another shocker...while I was watching, they showed the Fuck Room and some guy getting fucked on the fuck bench. I realized it was Sir Nate doing the fucking, which explained to me why he is so good, but then I saw Gary on the platform and thought how strange, because I thought they hadn't met until tonight. All of a sudden I realized it was me they were fucking and I saw other men on the platform cumming on me. Being blindfolded, I had no idea how many men were watching and now I have an idea. My thought was `everyone in here now knows this faggot is a fucking bottom cum slut." With that in mind...no turning back now.

My concentration was broken when Nate said, "Ya, this faggot had already met Don, but glad the rest of you fellas can meet him now."

Don got curious and asked, "Okay Nate, did you plug him like you told me you wanted to earlier?" in which Nate just nodded his head.

"Hey slut, you remember Don don't ya?" I nodded to Sir Nate's question. "Well these are some more Alpha Sirs that might have some fun with you tonight." He pointed to each Sir as he said their names. "This is Randy...Tom...and Turey." I smiled at all of them, but said nothing. Turey looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Randy was wearing chaps like Sir Nate, and had his cock out, which looked pretty average, but still nice. Definitely nothing to sneeze at, for sure. Tom was very lean, like a distance runners build. He was wearing leather shorts that showed a nice bulge. Turey was in jeans that were very worn, with rips and holes in them. Unlike the other two, he wore no shirt on and had a kind of wrestler/boxer build to him. All three screamed Alpha just by how they carried themselves.

"Listen guys, I need to hit the piss room," said Don. "This Miller Lite is running right through me."

"No need, unless you are want to piss on someone," Sir Nate said. "The faggot will drink your piss, right here if you want."

"Fuck ya," was the quick reply and Don stepped up to me and my mouth. "Open up faggot. I have a big gusher coming your way."

With that, I looked at Sir Nate and opened my mouth. Nate smiled at me. Now I remember him telling me that piss play was not allowed up here, but a faggot or slave could DRINK piss if they wanted to or if they were told to do so. With that in mind, I knew I had to drink it all and not let any out. Don took those couple of steps towards me and there was his cock right at my lips.

"Thirsty faggot?" with a sarcastic tone in it. I nodded and he put that 7 inches of man meat in me and let it go. He wasn't kidding about a gusher, considering it was quite a load of piss he gave to this faggot. I gulped as fast as I could, with the other four just looking on and laughing. I felt degraded, even though it really felt right to be in that position. As he finished up, Don took his cock away from my lips slightly and then shook the last drops onto my face for added measure of humiliation.

"How do you flush this urinal Nate?" he said with a slight laugh in voice.

"Don't worry it is an automatic flush system," which got all of them laughing at me. "I really need to get the faggot washed off a bit, don't you guys agree?"

Tuery spoke up, "I think he needs a thorough body wash, so why don't you take the faggot slut to the cage downstairs. I'm gonna have to go soon, and would so enjoy pissing on the little faggot." He emphasized `little' like making fun of the fact that I am so tall and yet a true faggot. What made it even more degrading is that Turey was the shortest of the guys at about 5'6". But as he finished, I again had a strange feeling about Turey, like I know him from somewhere.

It didn't matter...Sir Nate yanked on the leash, causing my cock to leak some more precum, and told me to get up. I think he would have made me crawled this time if it wasn't for the fact that we were going back downstairs. Getting thru the crowd, which was very packed, was the usual pinching, grabbing and slapping the faggot all along the way. As we got downstairs, I could see in the Fuck Room which seemed really busy, and I was still hoping that my plugged ass would be unplugged for some fun on the wall. We walked into the Piss Room, which was somewhat busy, but luck must have been with Sir Nate. The Cage was empty. We walked over and he opened the cage and told me to crawl in and stay on all fours. Once in The Cage, he shut the door and took the leash and wrapped it around one of the bars of the cage, which I assumed, like in other places, shows that this faggot is under someone's control tonight, but is now open for some piss play.

"I'm not gonna to unplug you, so there will be no pissing in your faggot ass now...that will be later. But I'm putting the long funnel in your mouth and locking the harness with it around you head; so no options here," as he pointed to my mouth. I thought `long funnel', then I looked at what he got; a funnel that stretched all the way up to the Trough Room, so anyone could piss IN me from up there, as well as on me. As he was strapping the harness on me, I started to feel piss on my ass. A guy in the room was already pissing on me and I was loving it. What I had not realized is this head harness would cover my eyes, so once again I was blind and would not see who was doing what or when anything would happen. I couldn't see it, but I know my cock was rock hard and it had to be leaking.

As he finished with the harness and the funnel now attached to my mouth he said, "Have fun with all the recycled beer slut."

Then it all started. The first thing (after the piss on my ass) was tasting piss from the funnel. Someone upstairs had wasted no time and he was pissing right into the tunnel. I could tell it had that kind of beer taste to it and it was hot, both in taste and sexuality. As I am drinking as fast as I could, I started feeling more piss on my back, but this time it was hitting me harder than the earlier guy that had pissed on my ass. I finally figured it out; the pissing was coming from upstairs down on me, which, thanks to gravity, made the piss speed up before hitting me. Some was hitting my head, some my ass, but mostly on my back. As this was going on, all of a sudden I felt a spray like thing, spraying my ass. I was confused, thinking that someone was trying to rinse the faggot off with water. Then it dawned on me...someone was taking their beer and shaking it up then using their thumb spraying it all over me. It wasn't long before beer spray was hitting me from every direction. The pissing and spraying went on for quite a while. I tried to think back, but I don't think I was ever NOT having something wet dropping on me or filling my mouth with piss during the time in the cage.

Sir Nate finally came for me, but I couldn't tell you how much time had transpired since I started in the cage. I was drenched in piss and my stomach was full. Even more important, this faggot needed to take a piss himself. As Nate was undoing the harness, I felt the last men peeing on my ass and my cock was still rock hard. But even more interesting is the fact that I could feel the piss sticking to my skin, almost like the skin was now absorbing it like a moisturizer. With the harness off, I was still in the cage and Nate looked into my eyes, almost knowing what I needed to do. "So the faggot has to piss right?" I nodded. He undo the leash and told me to crawl out. I started to stand up.

"Faggot, I didn't tell you to stand. Stay on your fucking knees slut," again in that demanding tone that Sir Nate has. "We ain't goin' far this time, so you can crawl."

As he was walking and myself crawling, I noticed a skinny naked hairless guy on his left following him. There was no doubt that he was another faggot, so my thoughts started thinking, `was I being replaced' or what. He had me crawl over to the trough area along the wall.

"Okay faggot, this is faggot 2 for tonight. Names ain't important. He doesn't have anyone controlling him tonight, so I told him to follow me. You see he wants a golden shower. I told him I would make sure he had plenty of piss on him when he was done, ain't that right faggot 2?"

Faggot 2 just nodded his head, but kept his head down.

"Okay faggot 2, lie down in the trough on your back." He stepped into the trough and laid down. He had a small cock, but it was hard as a rock, just like mine. "Now listen faggot, since you need to relieve yourself, I thought I could kill two birds with one stone. I want you to get next to faggot 2 on all fours, then lift your leg like the dog you are, and take your needed piss. But first act like the dog and sniff around him as well as sniff him. I want to see you act like a true dog. You will need to be very close to him, so when you piss, most of it will be on faggot 2. So go ahead doggy, do your duty pup," almost saying it in a mocking tone of putting me down.

I had never peed like a dog before, so this was going to be interesting, but without a doubt humiliating since he ordered me to act like a dog. Other people were gathering around for the show. He detached the leash from the hook near the cock ring, but reattached it to the ring around the collar, like a real dog. I crawled into the trough and started to sniff around him and sniff him as well. I could really smell the piss on the floor, which shows this room has been busy tonight. I sniffed his face and even licked his cheek, like a dog might do. I heard laughter from the crowded gather. I sniffed both tits and his underarms. Then I sniffed his crotch and waged my pretend tail. Again laughter. My bladder was about to burst, so I positioned myself in a way that when I did lift my leg to piss, faggot 2 would be looking at my asshole. I first straddle his body, so both knees were close. I figured this way, I could mainly piss on his torso. Once in position, I lifted my right leg/knee and let out a gusher of a piss. God did it feel good. I was mainly hitting his tits down to his crotch. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my cock and it turned it to piss on faggot 2's face. It was Sir Nate directing the piss. Once I was finished, I un-straddled faggot 2, pretend like a dog to kick grass over my piss then crawled back to Master Nate's right side and sat in the heel' position. He patted me on the head saying things like good doggy' or `what a good dog.'

Nate then ordered faggot 2 to crawl over by the ledges in the trough. He yanked on my collar and I crawled over to that area as well. Once we reached that area, Master Nate told me to stand, which I did, of course.

"Okay now here is what is going to happen. Master also needs to take a piss." Others had moved over to watch the scene. "So faggot I am going to unplug you. Then...I will plug you with my cock and piss into that faggot ass of yours. Once I remove my cock, you'll squeeze your asshole quickly, to keep the piss in until I tell you to release. Faggot 2, I want you to have a good view of the whole action so lay on your back with you head by the ledge looking up. So come over here faggot 2."

He got faggot 2 on his back with the top of his head close to the ledge. His body then extended over the edge of the trough and on to the main floor. Then he took me and moved me to straddle faggot 2's head, standing, then bent me over the ledge so my ass was now in plan site. He then reached in and grabbed the butt plug. I really almost forgot it was there, since it had been in there for so long. He told me to push out as he pulled. With a little effort he pulled it out. I did feel something coming out of my ass, and as I looked down at faggot 2, I could see a little cum on his chest. Then Master Nate put the plug in front of me and told me to clean it. I stuck out my tongue and started to lick it, he then shoved it into my mouth and left it there.

"Faggot, keep cleaning and don't let it come out of your mouth."

I could taste some of the cum that had been up there for a couple of hours as well as some tart taste, which I assumed was my ass juices. As I am tasting the flavors, I could feel the head of Sir Nate's cock at my asshole. I figured it will not be as hard to take now, especially with my ass feeling kind of empty without a plug in it. He started to push in, but this time he didn't stop to let me get used to it, he just pushed thru and was up my ass in no time. He did a couple of thrust like he was fucking me, then I felt it. The hot piss was hitting my ass walls and filling me up. It seems when Sir Nate had to go...he really had to go. He must have great bladder control, because he was holding a gallon of piss, if not more. He reached around and rubbed my belly, like he was trying to encourage me to keep taking it in. I am sure some fell out onto faggot 2, but most of it was in me. He finally seemed to have finished.

"Okay faggot, squeeze tight and don't let go until given permission."

He slowly pulled out his cock and I was squeezing my asshole as tight as possible as he was doing it. Once out, I could feel a couple of dribbles, but it seemed I was keeping most of it in me...even though I really wanted to release...BAD!!!

"Ok faggot 2, crawl over here," Nate said pointing to a place that was at floor level. Faggot 2 did that. "Now lay on your back faggot 2, time for your golden shower from me...via faggot's ass," he said with a slight grin on his face. "Okay slut," looking at me, "walk over here without losing any of my golden nectar and squat above faggot 2."

There was a good size crowd watching of all of this now, especially watching me try and walk with an ass full of piss. Several of them made comments or just laughed as I tried to walk without squirting any out while the butt plug was still in my mouth. I finally got to where faggot 2 was, which seemed like a mile with all this piss in me. Sir Nate, stuck his hand out right under my chin, which I assumed for me to spit out the butt plug, which I did. He ruffled my hair like I was a little boy that had done something good, but all I wanted to do was to release the piss in my ass. I squatted over him, my ass mainly over his lower torso, so he could look right up my ass as I let loose.

"Faggot 2, you said you wanted a golden shower from me, but you didn't say it would have to be direct. So here you go, you piss lovin' slut...your wish. Faggot you can release the piss all over him now."

With that I just let my asshole relax and it all just started spraying out all over him, from head to crotch. As the piss was coming out, I looked up and saw Turey with his very nice cock out and he started pissing on me.

"Since you got my earlier piss in your stomach...Yesss...that was me giving you the first piss, pissing into the funnel...but, I thought I owed you a fresh coat of piss faggot," Turey said with a glean in his eyes. I remembered how that first one tasted and how much there was in that piss...and now I knew it was Turey. Still couldn't place him, but I feel I know him. He also had a gusher, but as degrading as this was...letting piss flow from my ass onto another faggot and a Sir pissing on me at the same time...my mind was again in that state of euphoria. I was a fucking faggot, born to be humiliated and degraded, just like this. My cock got rock hard, since it kind of got deflated during the fucking session I received from Master Nate.

"Okay faggot, let faggot 2 clean your ass off for you, sit on its face slut," Nate ordered.

I fell to my knees and put my ass on faggot 2 face. I could feel him licking my asshole, but then I felt more piss being sprayed on me. As I looked up, it was Randy and Tom right in front of me pissing on me. They both had average cocks, but they looked very tasty. Then Tom, as he finished pissing, put his cock in my mouth I started to suck on it and the cock grew quickly. He started face fucking me faster and faster, as if he were in heat and needed some release.

"That's it Tom, fuck the faggot's mouth like it was his pussy, since it is one of his pussies," Nate said, with the crowd laughing behind him.

Tom just kept it up and pushing faster and faster. Turey and Randy were now encouraging him as well. Then I could feel his balls pulling up and his cock very stiff. "Oh my fucking god, this faggot's mouth is hot," Tom screamed as he started shooting cum into my mouth and down my throat. He must have saved his load up all night because it seemed like more than just one load and it tasted fucking nice.

As Tom pulled out, Nate said, "okay faggot, you have had enough here. I need another beer, so let's head upstairs faggot. Faggot 2, how'd you enjoyed your golden shower?" Faggot 2 just laid there in the trough, but thanked Nate for the opportunity to have his piss, even if it was via another faggot's ass. Nate undid the leash and reattached to the ring above the cock ring. Then he tugged on it like before, which now I understood was meant to say, `let's go'. We just left faggot 2 there and as we walked out (which Sir Nathan had told me to stand up, since we were going up stairs), I quickly turned and saw two older men pissing on faggot 2.

Even with the place thinning out some, there were still a great deal of people throughout the place. The usual slap and grab happened all the way up the stairs. I still couldn't believe I hadn't cum yet, but my cock was dripping like crazy and I would just use my finger to swipe it and then put it in my mouth. Sir Nate didn't seem to mind. As we walked thru the bar area, several people made comments about me to Nate, as several took the liberty to grope and grab. We walked towards the "Anonymous Doorway", which meant he wanted me on the Fuck Wall. As we reached the doorway he asked the attendant there, if any holes were open, laughing at the irony of that statement.

"All the holes are open on the Fuck Wall Sir," said the attendant, trying to be sarcastic. "We do have a couple of holes open right now."

"Put my boy in the most visible one you have open, so he can get a lot of action in that ass."

"Can do Sir," with a smile from the attendant.

"Okay faggot...you wanted to sometime on the Fuck Wall, here is your chance. Not sure how long I want you in there, so when I am ready for you to leave, I will put this butt plug back up that ass of yours. That's when you tell the attendant your done as you slide your table back into the Anonymous Room, got it boy?"

I nodded. With that, Sir undid my leash and I followed the attendant. He took me to one of the holes that was almost center in the area and told me to lie down on the table on my back. I did that with my feet out towards the window. What I hadn't noticed earlier is the fact that if a window was not in use, it had a sliding panel to close it. He slid open the panel and I stuck my feet and lower legs out, then he rolled the table into position. As is made a click sound, I could tell that it was in place. The next thing I felt were hands lifting my left leg up, then a couple of straps were put around it to keep them up as they hooked to the wall. Then he did the other leg the same way. There I was, my ass exposed and I couldn't tell what was going to happen.

To my right was a young...probably about 24 or 25...twink who was moaning like a cow. He must have been getting fucked really hard, but it looked like it felt good. On the left, was an older man with a small belly, who was just laying there waiting for action. He asked me if this was my first time, and I said it was. He reassured me it would be worth it. But as he was saying that, his face showed signs of him getting fucked. Pain and pleasure across his face.

It wasn't long and all of a sudden, there was a cock next to my asshole. I felt some spit on my hole, then the cock head started to enter. It really wasn't that thick, so I didn't feel too much pain. Then the cock just kept going in further and further until I wasn't sure how far it was going. Finally it seemed to be all the way in, since I could feel small balls on my ass. It had to be 9 to 10 inches long, but not a lot of girth. Then the onslaught, he started pumping in me. At first it was slow, then it started to pick up. He took his time and seemed to be there forever, but it was about 5 minutes long in total. When he started to go faster, I could tell he was getting closer and closer, then I felt it...stream after stream of cum up my ass, and it felt great.

Again, not sure how much time passed, but my ass didn't seem to take a break. Some of the more memorable ones included one who wore a condom. It was the only one that used one, and still not sure if he came or not. He acted like he was exploding, but I really didn't feel the pulsing of his cock. Another one was a guy whose cock had some real girth to it, but it was only about 5 inches long if that. He was one of the ones that worked my ass and played with my balls. He would squeeze and stretch my balls then he would smack them hard. I would have doubled over, but having my legs tied to the wall made that impossible. I could see why Sir Nate told me that I was at the mercy of the person on the other side of the wall.

One thing I didn't know about all this before entering the room was the fact that the table would go up or down about 5 inches to make it easier for the person on the other side. I felt it go up a couple of times, so I would image it was a taller dude, and if it went down, then my image turned to a short man. It really added to a faggot's thinking of what might be going on with this whole scene. Sometimes I would image this really tall guy (taller than me) fucking me or maybe some 5'2" guy shaggy my ass depending on where the table was. Some would deposit in the ass, but several put it on my ass or across my crotch, so my cock and balls were feeling very sticky.

The twink to my right finally slid the table back, and indicated to the attendant that he was done for now. As he was getting off the table I could see he was shaven down by his crotch. He bent over to pick up a pair of shorts and as he did, I could see cum leaking from his asshole. Added to that is that fact that he had cum all over his butt. He looked at me.

"Hope you having as much fun as I did tonight," he said with a big smile.

"Couldn't tell ya, but my ass is enjoy this a lot."

As he left, I felt this very good size cock going into my ass. I really couldn't hear words from the other side, since the wall was pretty thick. However, this time, it sounded like cheering was going on, like this guy had a bunch of people cheering him on to take this faggot's ass. It had good girth, and the length was about 7', but all together it was a very nice package. He started slow and had a really nice pace. I could feel his big balls slapping against me as he was pounding. Then he took my junk, cock and balls together, and started twisted the whole package. I tried hard not to yell too loud, but I was in pain, yet it was pleasure in the since that this faggot knew this was right. I swear he was at my ass for an hour, but I am sure it wasn't. This building might have a Haven and a Hell in it, but right now, I was living `heaven & hell' for sure. After a relentless pounding, he finally started tensing up and let loose what felt like a gallon of sperm right up this faggot's ass. My mind went into a mental orgasm just thinking and feeling it. As he withdrew his cock, I tried hard to squeeze fast.

What I also remember about that is the table going up right afterwards, and within a minute a new cock was at my backdoor. It was a fucking nice cock. About the same size as the last but a bit straighter. The one before curved up a little. I was getting good at telling the difference between cocks. He started pounding pretty quickly and he didn't take much time. I could feel the cum going right up my ass. The biggest difference is that he just popped out of there as soon as the deposit was made, so I had to squeeze my asshole fast, but I think I lost some.

There were many others; but it was so good that it seemed like I was in there for 5 or 6 hours. Some were just dicks up my ass and either the left a deposit or not. Some just fucked me for a minute or so, then just left without even some droplets of cum. Then there was the last one. At the time I didn't know it was the last one, but since the butt plug went in right afterwards, that was that. He put his cock in and it felt very nice. My mind was wondering if he had been in my ass before, since it felt a bit familiar. He pumped and it took him about 4 to 5 minutes and shots were cumming fast. Then shortly after I felt the butt plug at my asshole. My assumption was that either it was Sir Nate or Gary as the last one. Then I thought does it really matter, most of the cocks had been great and the experience was overwhelming.

I told the attendant I was ready, and I felt my legs being taken down. This was a smooth operation, since no one tried to get to my butt after that. I slide back and as I pulled my feet in the panel slid shut. I got up and he helped me to the doorway. Sir Nate was standing there and reattached the leash to the ring above the cock ring and yanked on it. As we started walking, I could tell the place was winding down. I looked at the clock over the bar and it said 1:47. Again, I was so unaware how much time I spent in any one place, but it all seemed like more than 6 plus hours I have been here. Sir Nate was walking to the hallway we entered in, which meant we were leaving, and I kind of felt disappointed. He yanked me again to keep up with him and we started towards The Locker. There were a couple of people who were dressing in there and I remembered no sexual activity here. As we got to our locker, Nate looked at me.

"Listen Faggot, I haven't let go of the leash yet, so we are still in Sir Nate/faggot mode...understand?"

I nodded. He opened the locker and got out the covering for his chaps. He re-snapped them on covering that ass and beautiful cock. Then he grabbed my shoes and threw them to the ground.

"Put on your fucking shoes boy." I put on the shoes quickly not even sitting down to do it.

He then grabbed my t-shirt and threw that at me. "Put that on you fucking slut," which I proceeded to do.

"Okay faggot turn around and bend over, we need to unplug you now." I turned around and bent over. He told me to push and he pulled on the plug. It came out. He told me to stand and turn around. As I did he showed me the plug and it was covered with cum. "Lick it clean boy." I started licking it. The taste was amazing this time. I barely tasted any of my ass juices, but the blend of the different cum on the plug was so intoxicating for sure. "Open your mouth boy." Once I did that, he put it in there and twisted it around so it was pretty clean. After a few twist around, he pulled it out and said, it looks good.

Now, all that what was left were my pants. He grabbed those and threw them over his shoulder. I am sure I looked kind of surprised like what is going on'. He closed the locker and yanked on the leash. I just started following, thinking that he might make me go outside and up the stairs before he had me put them on, at least that is what I hope would be the most he would do. He was for sure still in Sir Nate' mode without a question. We stopped at the front window where timmy scanned the butt plug (that way it was checked back in) and we returned the key to the locker. He then yanked again, and we went out the door of Hell.

Chapter Seven – Homebound

As we walked up the stairs from Hell, the night had gotten a bit chilly. We reached the top, and I could feel a gentle breeze blowing, which gave added sensation to the precum dripping from my cock. Standing at the top were several patrons just chatting, which seemed typical of any bar at closing time when the `last bunch' would just hang around a bit to chit-chat. The difference was the fact that most had their clothes on. There I was in just a t-shirt and a leash attached to my cock. There were a couple of other faggots standing with little to practically nothing on, but being over 6 feet tall, I was really standing out. Nathan stopped and talked with a couple of them, and even one guy was pissing on his faggot/slave as we stood there. Watching all this, my cock just stayed rock hard and dripped constantly.

"Hey faggot, it is a nice night out, go ahead and take off your t-shirt while we stand here," Nathan said, again in that commanding tone, which I have come to enjoy more and more.

I took off my t-shirt, but he didn't tell me to heel this time. Instead he realized I was naked and taller than most of the men around so I stood out like a sore thumb, and he was enjoying the humiliation. He took the t-shirt as we stood there. Standing to his right, just behind him, I felt so subservient to him, and yet my mind was shooting fireworks of endorphins, making me even hornier.

"Hey Nate, I am hornier than hell and I have only cum twice tonight. Mind if your faggot gives me one last fuck, before I go home?" said rather demanding voice. I couldn't tell who exactly said that, but I couldn't believe that I was going to get fucked one more time before I left.

"Hey Billy, think it would be a good send off for the crowd to watch this," Nate said as several started agreeing with him. "Okay slut, one more exhibition fuck for the group, get ready."

"I have really wanted to do this all night," said Billy. The voice was lower in the crowd, so I turned. When I looked down and saw this little person (drawf) standing right next to me with his six plus inches cock out and a big grin on his face. "Get down on your back faggot."

"You heard the man, do it!" came out of Nate's mouth.

So I laid down on the ground by the sidewalk, flat on my back. Billy took off his pants, as the crowd started to gather around. How humiliating is this; that I was going to get fucked by a dwarf with a fucking hot cock. He stepped in between my legs and started to lift them up, so I started to help. Then two guys, each grabbing one leg, lifted my legs up and over my head so my asshole was exposed. As Billy stepped into position he took a big swat at my right cheek and landed a really hard hit.

"This ass is worn, but needs one more load for the road," Billy said to the crowd with a big smile.

He lined up his cock, and with little fanfare, he shoved it into my asshole...balls deep. He started to pump; at first slowly but would pick up the pace. The crowd was really getting into this, and a few phones were out taking pics of this scene. How degrading to be fucked by a guy who was under 4 feet tall. To add to the fun, several of the onlookers started to piss on me to humiliate me even more. All of this only made my cock get harder and more precum dripping out. Even one guy came on me as this was happening to add to the piss already on me. As Billy quicken his pace, he started sounding like a true Alpha Master.

"You are such a slut," he said. "All you giants, even with a decent cock (which he smacked my cock as he was saying this), always think you should be the one in charge or in control. Listen bitch...it is about time you understand height has no place on who is in control." As he continued to spout off, his breathing was getting heavier and heavier. I could tell he was getting closer to coming. "Look at you pathetic faggot so tall, yet so not in control. Letting this midget fuck the snot out of you. Even better, look at your faggotty cock...being so hard, you'll lovin' every minute of this...you pathetic thing of a man. Not a man, but a boy. Oh shit, your ass is hot...fuck yeah." As he was saying this, I started to feel his balls tighten. "Oh fuck faggot, here comes a real man's seed up your pussy...oh fuck.!!!!" And with that he came shooting about 3 or 4 really good streams in my ass. As he pulled his cock out, he smacked my balls saying that I was such a good faggot. He walked around my body and stuck his cock in my mouth to clean it, which I did.

After cleaning Billy's cock off, Master Nate yanked on the leash...still pulling on my cock and balls...so I rolled over and started to crawl behind him. "It's okay faggot, you can walk to the car." He threw me my t-shirt with the command, "Put it on, fag."

So once again I had on my t-shirt only and he yanked again on the leash and started walking. It really felt very strange to walk in just my t-shirt. The fact that we would be walking in front of Haven was weird, but it was a bar that shut down at one so it was dark inside, so hopefully, none of my Haven friends would see me, even though I know now that Joe comes here and likes to get flogged. The other thing was the slight breeze blowing...god it felt strange on my legs and my ass. I could even feel it on my cock and balls, which was sending my mind into another euphoric stage. What had I been missing all this time?

When we finally got to the car, we went around to the backside and he opened the hatch. Throwing my pants in first, he looked at me. "Get your wallet, keys and phone out and give them to me." I looked through my pants for my wallet and keys. I knew my phone was in his car, since I chose not to take it in, which I told him that. Giving him my wallet and keys he said, "Okay faggot, the t-shirt is back off, give it to me." I didn't even hesitate, the shirt was off and in his hands in less than 10 seconds.

With me being totally naked again, I could feel the breeze even more, now especially on my tits. My cock, which I swear has been semi-hard to hard all night, was back to being rock hard. Nathan grabbed a couple of towels from the back and closed the hatch. He walked around to the passage side and opened the door. One towel was laid across the seat itself, doubled up for me to sit on. I was figuring he didn't want anything coming out of my ass on his seat. Then he took the other and laid is on the back of the seat, which made me a bit curious on why that towel. But again, it was his car and it looked like he was getting ready for me to get in. After throwing my wallet and keys on the floor board of the car, he closed the door. Yanking on my leash, he pulled me away from the car about 2 car spaces, both empty. In fact, most of the parking lot was empty so I was standing buck ass naked in the middle for everyone to see. Some of the people from Hell were still across the street as a few made their way over to the parking lot to get their cars.

"Damn fag, this has been fun tonight, but I need to take me one more piss before headin' out. I guess that beer is really going thru me. Lie down on the parking lot."

As I started to lie down, a few of the guys from Hell that were walking to their cars, decided to walk over to where I was laying down to see what was going on. It didn't take long to figure it out, I was about to get one final golden shower before heading home. Nathan pulled out his cock and started to piss all over me. I closed my eyes, so that he could piss on my face as well. Then I felt a second round of piss. That was followed with a third and fourth and even a fifth load on me. As they continued to piss, I could feel most of it was letting it, so I opened my eyes. Not only was Master Nate pissing on me, but to my surprise it was Turey, Gary (from the gym), some guy I didn't know and Phil. Phil!!! Phil was a friend from Haven who I met thru Joe.

"I knew you would find your way to Hell sometime faggot," Phil said.

I just smiled, but was amazed at the sight, never thinking Phil would be into this stuff, let alone an Alpha. As the last of the piss was coming down, my bladder betrayed me and all of a sudden, I let out a gusher of piss on me. It went up my chest and onto my face. It even was getting into my hair, as they all just looked on and laughed.

"Oh my god, Nate, the faggot likes to piss himself?" Phil said in a very surprising tone.

"He is a faggot pig, and a really good piss pig to top that," Nate replies. "Okay, faggot, time to get you home. You've had enough fun for one night."

Again with the leash, so I again rolled over on to all fours, but this time Nathan didn't say to stand up. He just started walking, so this faggot just crawled on all fours right behind him. And as I crawled, the heckling and laughter from the others was so demeaning, yet such a turn on for this faggot's brain. As we reach the car, he opened the car and told me to crawl in without disturbing the towels he had laid down. Some of the piss had run off me, but I swear most of the piss was now just coating and sticking to me like glue. Now seated, he took a hand towel and laid it over my shoulder so the seat beat strap didn't get any piss on it.

Once in the driver's seat, he looked at my wallet and got out my driver's license and saw the address. He put it into his GPS for directions. Then we were off, but he wasn't following it directly, in fact is was more of an indirect route through boys town. Most of the bars in Boys Town, that had a late night liqueur license, were just starting to letting out, so the streets were somewhat full. He drove slowly with both of our windows down, so those close to the street could see me naked. He pulled up in front of one of the bars, which had one of those dispensers of magazines for free (like for newspapers, fag rags or apartment listings). He told me to get out and get one, he wanted to read it at home. But right before I got out, he surprised me with, "I will meet you down at the next corner. Now get out."

I got out, grabbed the fag rag magazine and started walking (somewhat briskly) down the street with just the harness-thing on. My cock was 100% rock hard the whole way. The difference this time was that all I got was the jeering from people, yet no touching what so ever. In a way a little disappointing after being grabbed and pinched all through Hell tonight. Once there, I gave the magazine to Nathan and got back in the car. We then took off, this time heading more in the direction of my apartment.

"Okay faggot, have you had fun tonight? Let's say on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best."

"Sir, it is at least a 10 and if you would let me go higher on the number, it would be higher."

"That's what I wanted to hear."

We continued to chat in the car on the short ride to my place. Sir Nate did play with my cock and balls and sometimes a bit rough, but he was the Alpha. He parked about half a block down from the complex, because that was the only parking spot on the street. He took off the collar/harness/cock ring wardrobe and set them in the back seat. Then he put me my keys, wallet and phone in my hand. Then looking at me with almost a starry-eyed look, he then gave me a great kiss out of nowhere.

"Okay faggot here is the deal. You will now have several options, which ever one you pick will tell me something about tonight and possible future ideas, so listen carefully. All of these will start with me getting out of the car and opening the back hatch up. Option one...as soon as the hatch is open, you call back for me to bring your clothes so you can put them on before you exit the car. This tells me you never want to go to Hell again. We will acknowledge each other, but probably nothing more. Understand?"

I nodded and said, "Yes Sir."

Option two is for you to come to the back of the car, grab your clothes and put them on quickly before leaving and then head home. This tells me that you need some time to think what your options are, including is this the life you want. Get it?"

Again with a nod and a "Yes Sir."

Option three is you getting out and coming to the back of the car, and you put your hands out for me to put your clothes in your hands and you walk away with your clothes in your hands, buck-naked, into your apartment complex. This tells me you do want to go back to Hell, but maybe with me or maybe not with me. You are thinking this feels right. If you choose this one, you will have to make the next move on us going there. Okay?"

Again a nod and a "Yes Sir."

Option four is kind of strange. Once out of the car, you come to the back of the car, you get down on your knees and kiss my boots, each 10 times. On the last one, you will leave your lips on my boot until I tell you to stand up. You then turn and walk to your complex buck-ass naked with just your keys, wallet and phone. No clothes. This tells me you want to go there again with me and experience more, maybe even more than just Hell. This way, I will make the next move dealing with us and Hell. You may or you may not get your clothes back, but that will be up to me and only me. Did you get all the instructions with this one fag?"

I nodded again and a quick "Yes Sir."

"Now before I get out, do I need to repeat any of the options?" He looked long at me, and with my silence he said, "Okay, time to get your home boy."

He got out of the car and heading to the back. My head was spinning, but I had to make a quick decision. I know I wanted to go back and I think I wanted Nathan to take me, but I wasn't sure if I could walk into my complex naked. This really scared me. I heard him opening up the hatch and I knew option one was off the table, so I needed to get out pretty quickly. Holding on to my stuff, I got out and headed to the back. In that short time my mind went through everything I had done tonight and wanted it again.

I turned the corner of the car to see Nathan standing there. I froze for just a second, but my mind thought it was an hour. All I could do was think about options 3 & 4 and which one I should choose. Option three would allow me to walk into my complex and then quickly put on my clothes, but option four would send a very clear signal. As I started to put out my arms for option three, I felt myself drop to my knees and started to kiss his boots. First the right one, 10 times. Then I switched to the left and 10 times and with the 10th kiss, I kept my lips on his boots. I had made my decision...so be it. I swear he let me stay there for 10 minutes, but I sure it was less than a minute.

He then said, "Good faggot, go ahead and stand up and walk home boy. Will call you soon."

After I turned to start walking towards my apartment complex, he smacked my ass hard, which only made my cock spring up from the semi-hard state it was in. I walked...not ran...briskly to my apartment. I opened up the front door and went up to my apartment and went in, and I think no one saw me, but it still was exciting.

I went to the fridge and got a cold beer, because I knew that I would need it to settle down to sleep. As I sat in the chair, I just relived the night in my head. I started to relax and feeling tired, so I knew I could probably fall asleep. I looked at the clock and it was just a little after 4. I was able to doze off pretty quickly and slept great.

The next day when I woke up, looking at the clock it said 10:52, so I had slept a good six plus hours and felt great. The only thing is I started to question whether I dreamt all of that craziness last night or did it really happen. For a split second, I thought I had dreamt it, but then I moved slightly and felt dried cum on my ass. Taking a good deep breath of relief, which gave me the smelled the piss that was all over my body. No I hadn't dreamt it and yes Hell was a heavenly dream come true. Then I just said out loud, "Oh yes, I am a faggot."

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