
By Tyrone James

Published on Mar 10, 2012


Disclaimer - This story is fictional. I am in no way associated to Hayden Christensen, nor do I claim to know his sexual preference. This story has elements of same sex relationships which may not be suitable to all audiences. My use of Star Wars references are in no way licensed to me, and are owned by George Lucas and Lucasfilm.

Hayden noticed something a red blinking light on the night stand. It was the phone. He had a message. He sat on the side of the bed, lifted the receiver and pressed the button that was flashing.

"You have 'THREE' new messages", stated the electronic female voice.

"Received at 8:39pm. 'Hayden, it's Mom, I hope you're doing OK. I just wanted to call and check on you. Give me a call on my cell when you get this message'". His mother rang every third day, she was always concerned about him when he was travelling alone. He smiled to himself again at her warm, familiar voice. He missed her.

"Received at 9:07pm. .................................". It was a hang up, he wondered who it might have been.

"Received at 9:11pm. 'Hayden, it's George, there seems to be problem. You've got to leave. Give me a call on 0414 104 709 as soon as you get this message. I'll be up most of the night'" It was George Lucas. His voice had an strange urgency to it. He knew something was wrong.

Hayden looked out the window whilst he listened to part of George's message. "... There seems to be a problem ...". He wondered what the problem was. But judging by the sound of George's voice, it was big.

He quickly noted down the number that George had given him to call with the pen and pad that was on the night stand. He pressed the tab on the phone that reset the phone line, dialled 0 for an outside line, then dialled the number. It rang once.

"Lucas." stated a voice on the other end.

"George. It's Hayden, I just got your message. It sounded pretty urgent, what happened?" Hayden asked in a concerned tone.

"Hayden, great, I caught you. Have you seen anyone suspicious hanging around your hotel at all?" George asked.

"No, why? What's going on man?" Hayden's tone, turned from concern to frustration.

"There was a spy on our set this evening. Natalie's, Sam's and your trailers were all broken into and there were things stolen from each one. I only found out tonight after a security guard heard something weird on our set. Nat and Sam are both down here already trying to figure out exactly what's been stolen. Natalie said that her organiser was taken, one of her back packs and her laptop. I rang her first and told her to come down here as soon as she could. She rang me about 10 minutes later from her cell phone and said that there was a photographer waiting for her on her floor when she left her room. I've got a feeling that whoever the theif was, found out where she was staying and leaked the information to the local media. They're going to have a field day if they know where you guys are staying. We need all the cast to relocate immediately. You can stay at my place tonight while we arrange for new accomodation. When you all get here, I'll get one of the vans to drive you there. OK"

"OK, George. I'll be right over", Hayden said. He turned to grab his wallet and bag. He froze. The bag was not on the arm chair where he had been leaving it. He remembered that he had forgotten to take it with him today in the rush to get back to his hotel room to get ready for Tyrone to pick him up. The bag was still in his trailer when he left it. Hayden had a sick feeling in his stomach. Tyrone's phone number was in his diary - which was in the bag, and he hadn't written it down anywhere else. He suddenly realised that if he were required to move out of the hotel room, and he didnt have Tyrone's number, that he would have no way to get in contact with Tyrone again. He could only hope that his bag wasnt taken.

Hayden quickly grabbed his wallet, and ran out of the room to the elevators. He pressed the DOWN button over and over again until one of the elevators came to his floor. He jumped in and made his way to the ground floor. When he reached the lobby. He ran out to the hotel driveway and waved a taxi over. He jumped into the back seat.

"Fox Studios Backlot please" he told the driver.

The whole trip to the Backlot, Hayden's mind spun. He could stand to come out very badly if they had taken anything of value to him. He would have lost Tyrone's number, he would have lost several personal belongings which were in the bag, including a lucky charm that his older brother Tove gave him before he left for Australia. But more than anything, he would lose his privacy. Ever since he landed in Sydney, he had enjoyed relative anonymity, since he was the least known actor out of the main cast for Episode 2, the press pretty much left him alone. But that would all change if they got thier hands on his belongings. He would have to wait till he got to his trailer to find out.

The taxi pulled up just outside the Fox Studios gates. Hayden passed the driver two $10 bills, jumped out and ran towards the set. He saw George and Natalie up ahead, there were a few men in uniform gathered around them and a few crew members loading sets and equipment into some nearby trucks. Another man dressed as a security guard saw him coming and stopped him before he could reach the entrance to the set.

"Excuse me son, you're not allowed here. Movie staff only", the security guard said.

"I AM movie staff dammit" Hayden growled.

George saw Hayden being held back by the security guard and called out to him, "Hey, let him through!"

Hayden, gestured to the security guard with his left had as if to say, "told ya so". The security guard apologized and let him through. He approached George and Natalie.

"Where have you been?" George asked.

"Uh, sight-seeing" Hayden said, looking from George to Natalie. Natalie have him an odd look. He should have made up something less idiotic sounding, like "...dinner...", he thought to himself. "Do you mind if I check my trailer?", he asked.

"Go ahead" George boomed.

Hayden ran to his trailer, and Natalie followed. When they reached his trailer, they both stepped in. Hayden looked around furiously. The trailer looked as if it had been in a tornado. Everything was on the floor and in disarray. Natalie looked at Hayden.

"Sight-seeing?" she asked, in disbelief.

"Can we talk about it later, I have to see what's missing." Hayden said, trying not to sound too rude.

Natalie removed the sweater from around her waist and put it on. "OK, well I'll wait outside for you. If you need any help just call out, alright?"

"Thanks" Hayden said, picking up the items on the floor.

He emerged from his trailer 10 minutes later.

"FUCK" he exclaimed.

"What? What is it Hayd?" Natalie asked.

"They stole a replica light-sabre, one of the scripts, my tunic, my bag with all my stuff in it. Fucking, who knows what else. I've given up on trying to figure out what else is gone." Hayden said, clearly distressed. He had both his hands behing his head, looking up into the sky. All he could think of was how real this was and that his privacy had been breached.

"Look, George said it's not going to be all that bad. He's going to find us all apartments in different parts of the city and register us all under different names so they cant track us. George can replace all the memorabilia that we had along with the costumes and props. And the scripts, they're all encoded anyway, George has the only translators that can decode the scripts so we can be sure that wont get out... So they stole a few things and took a few pictures. It's not that big a deal. Dont beat yourself up over it." Natalie said in a soothing voice, trying to calm Hayden down.

"You dont understand", Hayden said, "I've lost someone's phone number".



Next: Chapter 9: Hayden Christensen 09

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