Hayden and Paul

By James Little

Published on May 14, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fiction. This does not imply that Hayden Christensen or Paul Walker are gay. The following contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this offends you, or if this material is illegal for you or in your area please don't continue.

Hey everyone. Its been a while since I have posted a story. I thought I might do a short little series with two of my latest fantasy guys. I hope you enjoy it, and feedback is always appreciated.

It had been a long day of shooting, and Paul Walker was glad that he had the weekend off to relax. As soon as they finished shooting, Paul got changed, got everything he needed out of his change room and headed to his car. He drove around the city for a while, not quite wanting to go home. Paul loved that he was shooting in New York, ever since he was a kid he wanted to live in a big city like New York. But there was at least one thing he didn't like about the city, and that was that he couldn't go anywhere where he wouldn't be recognized. He tried his best to conceal his identity though, he never went out without his face hidden behind his sunglasses and baseball cap. As he drove though the city, he wasn't too sure of what he wanted to do, then he remembered that a few of his friends from back home had birthdays coming up, so he decided to do a bit of shopping.

Paul went from one store to another, trying to be as discreet as possible. He knew at least a few salespeople noticed who he was. He was really glad that none of them made a big scene and exposed him to everyone though. Paul had a number of bags in his hands as he walked to the car. A lot of the things he bought were actually for his friends, but like most everyone else in show business, Paul couldn't help spending a good deal on himself. Just as Paul loaded up his car he realized that he was actually really hungry. He glanced down at his watch and realized that it was rush hour, and even if his place was close by, it would be a while before he got home. So, he decided to stop in somewhere and grab a bite to eat. Paul walked down the street and found a pub where he figured he could hide in a booth and eat without being hassled. He was right, when he walked in, no one swarmed him, no one asked for his autograph, and no one bothered him. The girl behind the bar greeted him and told him to grab a seat wherever he wanted to. He smiled his gorgeous smile at her and sat down at a booth in the back. The girl came to him with a menu and took a drink order, and left to get his food. Paul then pulled out a magazine that he bought and started to read it to keep him busy.

Soon enough, his food was ready and delivered to his table. He took a bite out of his hamburger and looked around as he chewed, "nice place, good food, quiet, I think I'll come back here more often" he thought to himself. Paul continued eating as he flipped though the pages of his magazine. Just as Paul thought to himself how lucky he had been that no one bothered him he heard a voice say "Good looking guy isn't he". Paul noticed the voice belonged to a guy, and he wasn't really sure what he was talking about. So Paul answered "Excuse me?" as he lifted his head. The guy apologized and said "I'm sorry man, I was just joking" as he pointed to the open magazine he was reading. Paul looked down and saw a picture of Hayden Christensen and then looked back up to see that very guy standing in front of him. "Sorry, it was a lame joke. I'm Hayden" he said as he extended his hand towards Paul. Paul smiled a bit and answered "Oh I know who you are, and no need to apologize, I guess I am not completely here today." Hayden apologized for interrupting Paul and then he said "I recognized you in the back and I thought I might introduce myself, but I guess I had better be off then". Before Hayden even started walking away Paul said "Why don't you sit and join me for a drink, unless you are in a rush." Hayden told Paul that he was not going anywhere and sat next to Paul, and as he did, Paul slid over to make room. The waitress then came back to the table and took Hayden's order.

Once the waitress left they guys started talking again and Hayden asked "So you said you knew who I was, should I be flattered?" Paul laughed at Hayden's egotistical joke and said "Don't let it get to your head. The only reason I know you is because you scored the single coolest role in the movie business. Plus if anyone should be flattered it should be me, remember you thought to come up and introduce yourself." Hayden laughed at Paul's answer as he watched him eat. The truth was that Paul did have good reason to be flattered. Hayden walked into the pub that he always goes to when he's in town and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Paul sitting in the back. Hayden recognized Paul easily for the same reason anyone else would, simply that he was gorgeous. Ever since Hayden first saw Paul in The Skulls he was mesmerized. There are a lot of good looking guys in the movie industry, but if you asked Hayden, he would easily rank Paul near the top. Hayden always had a few girlfriends here and there, but he was never fully satisfied with those relationships. It didn't take long for him to realize that his interests lay elsewhere. He struggled with his feelings at first, but soon came to terms with it. Hayden was secretive about it nevertheless, other than his family, his manager was the only one who knew about it.

"So what's like?" Paul asked as Hayden chimed back into the conversation after discreetly admiring Paul. "What's what like?" Hayden had to ask. "What's it like to be Darth Vader?" Hayden laughed lightly and told him that he really enjoyed the role. "When you grow up watching a character in the movies, and then to become that character, it is definitely cool." Paul listened to Hayden talk about what it was like filming the movie, and so forth. Hayden asked Paul what projects he was involved in, and Paul told him about his new movie, and that they had just finished filming for the week, and that he got some time off. Hayden thought to himself about how much he would love to be in a movie with Paul, it might give him an excuse to get close to him. The more time Hayden spent with Paul, the more he became entranced by him, and the more he wanted to keep their meeting going on forever. He let his mind escape him as the though great it would be in Paul were gay, and even better, if he were interested. He thought about how great it would be to share his real feelings with Paul.

As they each finished their food, and their drinks Hayden started to realize that their time together was about to end. Hayden was actually usually nervous around guys he liked, he was surprised himself that he was able to walk up and introduce himself to Paul. Despite his obvious good looks, Hayden thought that he was not as good looking as others in the business. And nothing could be farther from the truth, frankly, sitting in that booth in that quaint New York pub were two of the best looking actors in the movie business. The thought that Paul would walk out the door was taking a toll on Hayden. He decided that he would see in Paul was interested in just spending some time with him, since he did have the weekend off. Just as Hayden was going to ask Paul what his plans were for the weekend Paul spoke "So what are you up to for the rest of the weekend?" Hayden was caught off guard and stuttered out "Uh, oh, nothing. How about you?" Paul answered "Actually I don't have any plans. I don't know anyone in the city, so I was wondering if you had some time we could just chill out. You know, you could tell me all the Star Wars secret that every guy wants to know." Hayden cheered right up and was back in the conversation, he said non- challantly "Yeah that would be really cool, I don't have any plans, and I don't really know too many people in town either." Paul then added "Great, I'm sure we can find something to do in this city." Paul then asked Hayden where he was headed, and Hayden told him that he just got out of an interview, and that he was done for the day. "So you weren't headed anywhere then?" Paul asked Hayden, who answered "Not really. I was just going to go back to my hotel and relax a bit, but its not important." Paul then asked "So what do you want to do, unless you still want to head back to your hotel to relax?" Hayden quickly interjected and said "No, its cool, there's plenty of time to relax later. I'm up for anything you are." Both the guys stopped to think for a while and they both came up with their own ideas at the same time and they both said simultaneously "I got something." Paul said "Well I was thinking that if you like basketball, we could catch a game, I think the Knicks are playing Toronto. Or what did you have in mind?" Hayden then answered "Yeah that's a good idea, I haven't been to a basketball game in ages." Paul then asked "You had an idea right, what did you have in mind." Hayden then got a sly smile on his face and said "I'll tell you what, let's go to the game, and then we can do what I have in mind." Paul agreed and said "Cool, so what do you have in mind?" With the same smile Hayden answered "Let's keep it a surprise for now, but I guarantee you'll like it."

Paul laughed at Hayden's childishness as they both made their way out of the pub. "So where are we gonna get tickets on such short notice.?" Hayden asked Paul. Paul knew that the producer of his movie had seasons tickets, so figured he would call. He pulled out his cell phone and made the call. They lucked out, the producer at his wife we going out for dinner, and no one else took the tickets. The producer told Paul that they would be at the VIP entrance waiting for him. Paul hung up the telephone and put it back in his pocket "We have tickets for tonight's game." Paul said. Hayden smiled at Paul's enthusiasm. "So we have a couple of hours before than right?" Hayden asked Paul. Paul told him that they did. Hayden wanted to get changed and cleaned up before the game, and Paul told him that he wanted to as well. So they agreed to meet at the VIP entrance at the Garden's. Hayden went to hail a cab, realizing that Hayden didn't drive, he offered to drive him to his hotel. Hayden asked Paul if he was sure, and then agreed. They both hopped into Paul's black BMW convertible and Paul pulled out onto the street. As they drove to the hotel, the guys just talked about what was going on with them and other small talk. Paul tried to convince Hayden to tell him what he had in mind, but Hayden was adamant. "Trust me, it's worth the wait." Paul smiled as he shook he head. They finally got to the hotel and Hayden jumped out. Paul suggested instead of meeting at the stadium, that he pick Hayden up form the hotel. Hayden agreed, gave Paul his cell number and then walked into the hotel as Paul drove off.

Hayden walked into his room and had a smile on his face. He sill could not believe that he met Paul Walker, and that they were going to spend the evening together. Hayden knew that Paul wasn't gay, but he really enjoyed his company regardless. He thought that Paul was a really nice guy, and just from their lunch together, he realized that he and Paul got along. Hayden got undressed and headed to the shower. He let the water fall over him and started to lather up. His hand brushed up against his dick as it twitched slightly. Just the thought of Paul excited him more and more. He thought to himself that he would enjoy getting off even more if he did when he came back home from the game. That way he could close his eyes and recollect the night spent with Paul. Then Hayden quickly finished up and started to get dressed. He wore a pair khakis, a white shirt and threw on a denim jacket. He went back to the bathroom and gelled his short blond hair and walked back into his room. He has just enough time to look at his schedule for the nest week, then he got a call on his cell. It was Paul, and he told Hayden that he was on his way and would be at the hotel in about ten minutes. Hayden told him the he would be there. He had just enough time to get some stuff together and head out the door.

Hayden stepped out of the hotel just as Paul was pulling up in his car. Hayden hopped in and threw his bag in the back. "Let me guess, that's the surprise, and its for later right?" Hayden smiled and said "Yup!" Hayden looked at Paul, and was amazed that he could look even better than before. Paul was wearing dark grey pants and a blue button-up shirt that made his eyes stand out, and look more amazing that usual. Paul's blond hair was gelled and he was clean-shaven. Hayden thought that Paul looked especially good when he was so clean cut. They got to the game, and headed in. Before they went to their seats, Paul asked Hayden what he wanted to eat. Hayden insisted that he would pay for his own food, but Paul wouldn't hear any of it. "Just stop being so stubborn man, and let me pay." Hayden gave up arguing and told Paul what he wanted. They got their food and walked to their seats. Hayden was impressed at how genuinely nice and mannered Paul was. He thought to himself "Good looking, and a gentleman." Hayden completely lost himself while he was with Paul. Every now and then Hayden would look over at Paul, and every now and then Paul would look back at him. For Hayden, seeing Paul's eyes shine as he smiled was great. They watched the game, and cheered and talked as though they were long time friends. It seemed that Paul was enjoying Hayden's company as much as Hayden was enjoying his. As the game was in the last quarter Paul stood up and jeered at every bad call, and cheered at every good play. Hayden couldn't help himself, just looking at Paul, and how he filled his pants started to get him excited. Soon the game ended, and the guys made their way out of the stadium. Walking to the car Paul playfully threw his arm around Hayden ask they walked "That was an amazing game wasn't it?" Hayden smiled as he agreed with Paul.

They got to the car and got in. "So what now? I'm too wired to call it a night." Paul said. Hayden sat next to him and said "Well I got something we can do. You have a TV at your place right?" Paul answered his as he asked "Right, the infamous surprise, you ready to tell me what it is yet?" Hayden smiled and told him he would have to wait. "Well you want to grab something to eat before we head over to my place?" Paul asked, and Hayden answered "Yeah sure, I'm game." They sat there for a few minutes trying to decide where to eat. "Seriously man, it doesn't matter to me, just pick a place" Hayden said playfully sarcastic after they bickered a few minutes. Paul then retorted "Alright, I make a mean pasta. Why don't we just go to my place, and I'll cook." Hayden agreed and joked "You're inviting me over to your place for dinner eh? I hope you don't think this is a date." Paul laughed and answered "Call it whatever you want, so long as I get laid tonight I'm happy." Hayden laughed at Paul's joke, while thinking "If you only knew man..." Paul pulled out of the parking lot and raced down the streets towards his place. It was one hell of a sight; two gorgeous, young blond, accomplished actors racing down the street in a black convertible, a definite turn on.

In no time they got to Paul's apartment, and they went up, Hayden with a videocassette in his hand. When the walked in Hayden put it down on the television and admired the place. "Wow man, this is some place you have here." Hayden said. "Thanks, but I can't take the credit. My manger hired one of those uptight big city designers to put this together. If you left it up to me there probably wouldn't be anything in here yet." Hayden laughed as he said "Well tell her it's nice if you ever see her again." They talked a bit and Hayden asked Paul how long he had been there, and how long he was going to be there. In the meantime Paul asked Hayden if he wanted anything to drink. Hayden agreed as Paul pulled out two bottles of beer from the fridge and handed one to Hayden. Hayden was starting to get really comfortable in Paul's place, and a lot of that had to do with the fact that Paul was a very hospitable host. "So what kind of pasta do you like?" Paul asked. Hayden forgot about Paul's promise to cook for him as he asked "What do you mean?" Paul laughed lightly and said "Pasta. I told you I would make you pasta. Remember?" Hayden clued back in and said "Uh, whatever you want is good." Paul smiled and said "You aren't gonna make a single decision tonight are you?... How about pasta primavera?" Hayden told him that would be great, and Paul reached into the fridge and pulled out everything he needed. He walked over to and washed his hands and started to cut the vegetables. Hayden asked if he could do anything and Paul answered "Yeah sure, you can take over here." He let Hayden finish cutting the vegetables as he started to heat the sauce and boil the pasta.

In no time, the food was ready and Paul brought two plates out to the dinner table. They sat down to eat, but didn't say much because by that time they were both pretty hungry. Every moment Hayden spent with Paul, the more attracted he became. When he first met him, Hayden just thought that he was hot, the type you dream about waking up next to. During lunch he got to know him better, and became attracted to his personality. This continued over the basketball game, Hayden realized that Paul was quickly becoming a good friend. And now, Paul just cooked for him. Could anything have made him more attractive, Hayden was getting the opportunity to meet the charming and caring Paul. Every moment brought something new. "Well how is it?" Hayden was brought back to reality when he heard Paul's voice. "Its alright I suppose. It could use a little salt" Hayden joked. Paul kicked Hayden under the table as he said "Jackass!" Hayden and Paul laughed as they continued to eat. As soon as they were done, Hayden helped Paul clear the table and they made their way to the living room and sat on the couch.

"So I think you have something to offer to this party?" Paul asked referring to the tape. "Oh yeah, almost forgot." Hayden got up and grabbed the tape, just as he was handing it Paul he said "You have you swear that you will not tell anyone that you saw this, or that I had it." Paul looked at Hayden a little weird and asked "Dude, we're not watching a porno that you made are we?" Hayden smiled and shoved Paul for the joke and handed the tape to Paul as he said "I'll take that as a yes." Paul grabbed the tape and opened the case, 'Star Wars: Episode Two -- Editor's copy' Paul looked up at Hayden and said in amazement "You're fucking kidding me? No way is this what I think it is?" Hayden smirked snidely at Paul's reaction. Without even thinking Paul leaned forward and grabbed Hayden into a hug. "This is great man. I owe you huge." Hayden told Paul it was cool and Paul let go of Hayden "Looks like you're the one getting laid tonight" Paul joked. Hayden explained how the editor wanted him to watch it, so instead of watching at the studio he asked if he could bring it home. After signing a number of non-disclosure agreements, they let him. "You're not gonna get in trouble for this are you?" Paul asked concerned for Hayden. Hayden smiled at Paul's concern and laughingly said "Not so long as you keep your big mouth shut." Paul smiled again knowing that Hayden was safe. "So have you seen it yet?" Paul asked Hayden. Hayden told him that he saw it, but he saw it in parts.

They just stood there for a few minutes discussing it and Hayden answered all of Paul's enthusiastic questions. "We had better start the movie if I want to get back to the hotel before sunrise man." Hayden said to Paul. Paul looked at his watch and realized what time it was. "Oh shit, it is late. I have an idea." he said to Hayden. "You don't have anything to do in the morning do you?" Paul asked Hayden who answered that he didn't. Paul went on to say "Well, why don't you just spend the night here, there's an extra room. I don't think anyone's ever been in there, finally someone can use it." Hayden was really excited at thought but didn't want to seem that way. He played it down as he told Paul that he didn't bring anything with him. "Don't worry about it. Anything you need you can borrow, hell you brought me Star Wars, anything you need you can have." Hayden laughed at Paul's evident enthusiasm and then said "Alright alright, I'll stay the night. But you're still not getting laid." Paul then laughed as he walked up and put the tape in the VCR, grabbed the remote control and let himself fall on the couch next to Hayden. Paul was acting as though they had been friends forever. Hayden realized that Paul didn't seem at all uncomfortable around him, even though they just met. When Paul sat down he playfully fell up against Hayden and shoved him. Paul then playfully threw his hand around Hayden's neck, putting him in a half headlock and said "Alright, let's get this show on the road."

Hayden noticed how comfortable Paul was becoming around him, and the more he did, the more he enjoyed it. Every time Paul would touch him, either on purpose or by accident, Hayden's mind would start doing flips. Hayden started to think again about how friendly Paul was being with him. "Could Paul be interested?" Hayden thought to himself. Hayden looked over at Paul who was watching the movie intently. When Paul noticed that Hayden was looking over, he turned and smiled at Hayden. This drove Hayden further into insanity. He knew there was no chance that Paul was interested in him, although he wished there was. The though suddenly made Hayden very quiet. He just admitted to himself that there was no chance of anything happening between him and the guy he so desperately wanted. Hayden glanced over at Paul again and he was so attractive to Hayden. Hayden appreciated Paul's smooth face, his beautiful blue eyes. At that point Paul reached up and paused the movie. Hayden thought for sure that Paul noticed him. "This is a long movie, I just gotta go take a leak." Paul said as he got up and headed to the bathroom. Hayden looked at the television screen and he noticed that almost an hour had gone by. If felt like he was sitting there for a few minutes.

Hayden knew he had to clear his mind or he would totally give himself away. He stood up and walked to the balcony. He figured some fresh air might help. He stood on the balcony and looked over as he ran his fingers through his hair. He tried to think about what he could do. Then he started thinking about how good a friend Paul had been. "He's a good friend. I cant ruin that much. I gotta keep things together." Hayden thought to himself. As he was looking out into the city's skyline he head a voice from behind him. "Good idea. The fresh air is nice isn't it?" Paul said. Hayden looked over and saw Paul, he quickly tried to change his demeanour so Paul wouldn't think there was something wrong. "Oh yeah, its just a long movie, and I thought some fresh air might help me sit though it." Hayden said. Paul quickly retorted "Sit thought it? What do you mean, its great." Hayden answered "I guess I'm always too critical of my own work." Paul did his best to mend his new friend's ego "The movie is great, and so are you. You did a really good job." Paul said as he stood next to Hayden and friendlily put his hand on his shoulder.

Hayden heard Paul's compliment and smiled at he faced him, seeing that Paul was smiling too. As soon as Hayden turned his head, his eyes met Paul's. Hayden's eyes froze on Paul's as his smile slowly faded. Paul looked at Hayden just as intently as Hayden looked at him. Hayden could no longer control himself, his body was no longer under the control of his mind. Hayden leaned forward and his lips met with Paul's. As soon as they did, Hayden came back to reality. He was expecting Paul to shove him off. Instead, Paul brought his hand off of Hayden's shoulder and brought it behind his head as he held Hayden in the kiss. At this point Paul had no idea what he was doing. Paul couldn't resist himself, seeing Hayden smile at him like he did, he instinctively moved into the kiss. Both of them thought that they started the kiss, but it seemed they both did. "Why am I kissing a guy? And why am I enjoying it so much" Paul asked himself. Those thoughts suddenly faded and were replaced by no thought at all, rather he relied on his instinct, which was telling him that he enjoyed it. Hayden then brought his hand up Paul's back and to his neck. They stood there kissing each other for what seemed to them an eternity, neither one of them really knew how they got into that kiss, but neither wanted to think about it.

Eventually the two split and looked in each other's eyes. Hayden looked at him and then looked down and said "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." Paul was hurt that Hayden thought the kiss was wrong. Hayden went on "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you. I think I should go." Paul stopped Hayden by grabbing his arm and said "I'm sorry." Hayden looked over at Paul whose gorgeous blue eyes looked back at him. Hayden looked at him as if asking what he had to be sorry for. Paul continued "I'm sorry I didn't do that before." Hayden looked up and saw a Paul's smile start to curl. This sight was enough to make Hayden smile and return to Paul's arms. While in their embrace Hayden said "I had no idea. I didn't know that you were gay." Paul looked at Hayden and told him that he didn't think he was, and Hayden then asked "Well what then?" Paul looked as confused as Hayden and said "I don't know. All I know is that this feels right. And if it's okay with you, I would like to go with it." That answer was better than anything he expected, so he nodded lightly as he leaned in for another kiss.

The boys made their way to the couch and Paul reached and turned off the movie. "Don't you want to watch the rest of it?" Hayden asked. Paul smiled and said "It's alright, after all, the best part of the movie is right here with me." This made Hayden smile as he leaned in again for another kiss. Soon the boys were laying on the couch, Hayden laying on top of Paul. The two continued kissing, their hands roaming every inch of the other's body. Hayden moved his lips off of Paul's lips and down to his neck where he sucked gently. At this Paul moaned softly into Hayden's ear. Hayden reached his hand underneath of him and started to unbutton Paul's shirt while he continued sucking on his neck. Hayden almost had Paul's shirt completely open when Paul grabbed Hayden by the shoulders and lifted him up. Hayden immediately apologized "I'm sorry, I was moving to fast." Paul just smiled at Hayden, leaned in for a kiss and stood up. He extended his hand, asking Hayden to told it. Hayden took Paul's hand as Paul led them both into the bedroom.

This time Paul pushed Hayden to the bed and got on top of him. Paul sat just above Hayden's crotch as he started to unbutton Hayden's shirt. Paul slowly exposed Hayden's hairless chest and defined stomach. Hayden then reached forward and undid the last buttons on Paul's shirt as Paul removed it. Hayden looked up at Paul's beautiful hairless chest, it was more defined than his own. Hayden then extended his hand and touched Paul's rippled abs, and with the other hand brought Paul back down into another kiss. They both rolled to their sides and continued to lock their lips. Paul's hands found their way to Hayden's belt buckle as he started to undo it. Paul then unbuttoned Hayden's pants and started to slide them off. Hayden not wanting Paul to do anything he wasn't ready for asked "Are you sure, we don't have to if you don't want to." Paul smiled at Hayden and said "I want to, unless you have doubts." Hayden looked Paul straight in his eyes and said "I have never been more sure of anything."

That was Paul's permission, he slid Hayden's pants down the rest of the way, and Hayden kicked them off as he got on top of Paul. Hayden leaned in and started to kiss Paul on his neck, he then made his way down Paul's chest. Hayden then moved along and started to kiss Paul's abs. While his mouth was busy, Hayden used his hands and undid Paul's pants, which were starting to strain. As Hayden unzipped the pants, he could see Paul's cock straining against his black boxer briefs. Hayden pulled Paul's pants off completely and moved back up to Paul's mouth. Hayden was on top of Paul and their members were grinding up against each other. Paul moaned at the feeling of Hayden's cock against his own. Paul's hands made their way back to Hayden's ass as he massaged his cheeks through the fabric of white boxer briefs. Hayden's hands held onto Paul's head as they continued to make out. Paul slowly ventured and inserted his fingers under the band of Hayden's underwear. Hayden brought his head off of Paul's as Paul looked as though he were asking permission. Hayden nodded to indicate it was okay and Paul slid them down. Hayden sat up and Paul's eyes met Hayden's erection. It was beautiful. It was straight, and it was cut and seven inches long. Paul smiled and then he felt Hayden's hands slide across his stomach to the top of his underwear. Paul sat up a bit, giving access to Hayden. Hayden then slowly eased the underwear off of Paul. Paul's cock, caught in the elastic then sprang back and hit his stomach. Hayden looked at it with care. It was perfection. Paul was only slightly shorter than his at just under seven inches. It was also cut, but slightly thicker.

Once both were completely undressed they resumed their kissing. Now their bare cocks rubbed up against each other, both as hard as a rock. Hayden brought his hand down and gripped Paul's cock as he moved his first up and down slowly. He then moved his other hand down to Paul's balls and started to massage them. As Paul moaned, Hayden started to move his mouth downwards again. He kissed down Paul's neck and to his chest and stomach where he stopped for sometime. Hayden then kissed his way down to Paul's cock. Hayden kissed the underside as the member laid against his face. He looked up at Paul who was now looking down at him with lust. Hayden licked up Paul's cock until he reached the head. Hayden kissed the head of Paul's cock and started to lick it. He grabbed hold of the shaft and worked his mouth on Paul's head. Soon Hayden took the whole thing into his mouth. As Hayden's warm mouth enveloped his cock, Paul moaned with pleasure. Hayden was happy at the thought of providing such pleasure to Paul. He continued to massage his balls as he worked on the cock. He moved painfully slowly, relishing the taste. The skin was soft and tender. Hayden's lips too, were soft and were causing so much pleasure to Paul. Paul let his hands slide down and meet Hayden's head, as he started to run his fingers through Hayden's hair. Paul lovingly held Hayden's head in place. Hayden now let go of Paul's cock and started again to lick the underside, up and down. He kissed and sucked the skin below, just before Paul's balls. Hayden kissed up and down Paul's cock again and met with the head once again. He gently sucked the head as he held the shaft in his hand. Hayden could feel Paul tense up underneath him. He wanted to Paul to relish the feeling, so Hayden did not speed up, rather, he slowed down. As the head of Paul's dick rested in between Hayden's lips, Paul's hands massaged Hayden's back and neck. Paul started to moan "Mmmmmmmm.... Uhhhhhh. Hayden, ohhhh." Hayden took these words as encouragement and continued. Finally he heard a report from Paul "I'm gonna cum soon." Hayden showed no sign of movement. He continued his assault on Paul's member. Then he felt it, the head of Paul's dick tense up in his mouth as Paul screamed with pleasure "Aahhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm cummmmming." With that, Paul shot his warm load into Hayden's mouth. The load was huge. Hayden felt at least four shots his the back of his throat and the rest leak into his mouth. Hayden hungrily swallowed the whole load, while enjoying the taste. Paul's hands ran through Hayden's hair and Hayden continued to suck on Paul's softening cock. Paul's moans quieted and he pulled Hayden up to him. Hayden let go of Paul's cock and moved up to meet his lips.

They kissed again, and Paul could taste his own cum in Hayden's mouth. Paul started sucking on Hayden's ear as he whispered "Thank you!" Hayden and Paul started kissing again as Paul's hands instinctively moved to Hayden's crotch. Paul rolled Hayden over so that Hayden would be under him. Just as Hayden had done, Paul started to kiss and lick his way down Hayden's chest. Paul stopped at Hayden's stomach and licked every ab. He sucked them slowly and licked his way down to the next one. Paul grabbed Hayden's stiff cock as he kissed all around it. Paul kissed up and down and then up and down again. It was as though he was worshipping Hayden's cock. Hayden slid his hands down onto Paul's head to encourage him. Paul had never even thought of pleasuring another guy this way. He had never done anything like this, yet he seemed to know exactly what to do. Hayden hadn't done this before either. Although he knew he was attracted to guys, he never met anyone he wanted to share this with, until tonight. Both amateurs at it, both were guided by what they understood the other enjoyed. Paul continued kissing until he reached Hayden's balls. He spent time kissing them as well. Paul then took both of Hayden's balls into his mouth. As the warmth of Paul's mouth covered his balls, Hayden moaned, and this just encouraged Paul further. Hayden's cock rested against Paul's face as he continued to suck on Hayden's balls. Paul stroked up and down on Hayden's cock as he pleasured his balls. Paul released Hayden's balls and moved back to Hayden's cock. He started by kissing it up and down. He then kissed the tip as he slowly eased it into his mouth. The feeling was incredible for Hayden and even so much more special because of the person with him. Paul's mouth covered the length of Hayden's cock. Paul started to bob up and down on Hayden's cock just as slow as Hayden had. Hayden brought his hands to Paul's neck and lovingly caressed them. Hayden looked down and saw Paul's gorgeous blue eyes staring at him. Paul wanted to give Hayden as much pleasure as he had just given him. Paul slowly eased Hayden's cock further into his mouth, and slowly towards his throat. Hayden knew where Paul was going and smiled in appreciation. Paul slid Hayden's cock all the way down his throat. The head of Hayden's cock passed Paul's tonsils and the feeling made Paul gag. Concerned, Hayden reached down to try and ease Paul off a bit. Paul grabbed a hold of Hayden's hands and assured him it was alright. The feeling of Paul's throat against his cock was bringing Hayden close to coming. He told Paul "ooohhhh. I'm gonna cum soon." Paul kept Hayden's cock buried deep I his throat. Paul started to swallow hard, constricting around Hayden's member. Hayden moaned again, louder this time at Paul's actions. Paul could feel Hayden's balls tighten as he held them in his hand and he heard Hayden's cry. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Paaaaaaullllllll. I'mmmmm commmmming." With that Hayden shot his load straight down Paul's throat. Paul lifted his head off of Hayden's cock so he wouldn't choke. The rest of Hayden's load was shot into Paul's mouth. The warm fluid filled his mouth, and Paul held it in his mouth for a few moments, tasting it before he swallowed it. He looked up and saw Hayden's chest heaving up and down, slowly subsiding. Paul sucked one last drop from Hayden's cock and let the softening member go. Hayden helped him up as their lips met again. This time it was Hayden's turn to taste his own juice. They swapped a mixture of their own cum and saliva with each other as they savoured the kiss. Both boys brought their hands up and held the others' head in place as their naked bodies tangled together.

Paul let go of Hayden's head as he pulled the covers over both their bodies and then continued to kiss Hayden. Hayden smiled and said "It doesn't look like that guest room will ever be used." Paul smiled back and said "I think it's better this way." They eventually eased off of one another and their kiss broke, instead, they held each other as their eyes met again. They smiled at each other still relishing the experience they both shared. Soon, both the boys drifted off to sleep, each still in the other's arms.

Next: Chapter 2

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