Hayden and Paul

By James Little

Published on Jul 29, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fiction. This does not imply that Hayden Christensen or Paul Walker are gay. The following contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this offends you, or if this material is illegal for you or in your area please don't continue.

Hey Everyone. I got a few good comments on the first part of this story, so I thought I might add a few chapters. I hope you guys enjoy it, and as always, feedback is appreciated.

Hayden and Paul - Part 2

It was the day after Hayden and Paul first met, and they were sleeping together in each other's arms in Paul's bed. The sun shone through a small opening in the curtains and landed on Hayden's face. The light and the warmth made Hayden stir slightly as he inhaled deeply. As he exhaled he eased his eyes open to see Paul's arm draped over his body. Hayden turned onto his back and then to face Paul, who was still sleeping. Hayden couldn't believe where he was. He ran his hand over Paul's body, partly to feel his skin again, and partly to convince himself that he wasn't dreaming. The feel of Paul's smooth skin on his fingers satisfied Hayden. Hayden lay in the bed for a few minutes just looking at Paul, who was still sleeping soundly. He started to crack a smile as he remembered the previous night. He thought about how loving and sincerely caring Paul was to him. As Hayden thought about how lucky he was, he thought how he could repay Paul for making him feel so special. Hayden leaned in and kissed Paul on the lips and Paul responded by moaning lightly. Hayden then slowly slipped out from under Paul's arm and out of the bed.

Hayden walked into the bathroom and turned on the water in the shower. Having no clothes to shed he jumped in and moaned at the feeling of the warm water over his body. He stood there for a few minutes and let the water fall over him. Hayden proceeded to wash his hair and then his body. Hayden smiled to himself as he remembered his initial plan to run home after his night with Paul and jack off. "The way it worked out was much better" he thought to himself. Hayden stood under the water again for a few seconds and closed his eyes. As soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was flooded with images and memories of the previous night. He remembered exactly what Paul looked like in his blue shirt, what he looked like with his shirt off and especially how he looked with nothing on. He remembered what Paul's lips felt like on his own, what Paul's lips felt like on his body and what Paul's body felt like under his lips. Hayden ran his fingers thorough his hair as he moaned again remembering what it was like just to lay next to Paul. Hayden quickly realized that if he continued thinking about Paul, he would get too excited to control himself. He would love to have kept his eyes closed and jacked off to his memories of Paul, but he wanted to get a head start on his surprise for Paul. Finally Hayden shut off the water and reached out and grabbed a towel.

After he dried himself off, Hayden walked back into the bedroom with the towel wrapped around his waist. He slowly crept in to make sure that Paul was still asleep. He looked over and saw that Paul hadn't moved since he left. Hayden laughed to himself, as he thought "I guess he had a rough night." He then walked quietly through the bedroom to the dresser. He pulled out a pair of Paul's jeans and a dark green shirt and then threw them on. It felt nice wearing Paul's clothes, they fit him perfectly, he even thought he could smell Paul's cologne still on the shirt. Hayden inhaled the smell and smiled as he finished buttoning up the shirt. He left the top two buttons undone, exposing just enough of his smooth chest to offer a tease. He looked at Paul again and found that he still hadn't moved. Hayden then quietly left the room and slowly pulled the bedroom doors shut. He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking to see what Paul had to eat. He pulled out an armful of food and put it on the countertop. He then made his way to the cabinet and pulled out a few more things. As soon as he got everything he needed, he started his task of cooking.

A good half hour passed and Hayden was still in the kitchen working hard. Just as he was finishing up he heard a sleepy voice from behind him say "Morning." Hayden turned around, still holding a pan in his hand and he saw Paul standing there in a just a pair of shorts and he said "Oh shit, you're up." Paul smiled as best he could while still half asleep and walked over and sat at the kitchen table. "Oh shit? Those sound like the words from someone who is doing something they shouldn't be." Paul asked. Hayden answered that he wanted to surprise him with breakfast and he added "You know, kinda like a little thank you." Paul stood up and walked over to Hayden who was now facing the stove checking on the eggs. Paul put his chin on Hayden's shoulders and slouched as he wrapped his arms around Hayden's waist. He asked "What on earth do you need to thank me for?" Hayden, still in Paul's arms, turned around so that they were face to face and answered "I wanted to thank you for being so sweet to me last night." Paul smiled and leaned into Hayden and said "Do you remember last night? You did more than enough to thank me for being sweet." Hayden smiled shyly at Paul's comment and lovingly pushed him away. "Why don't you shower and get dressed and breakfast will be ready for you when you get back." Hayden said. Paul leaned back in and kissed Hayden on the neck and answered "Instead of me putting clothes on, why don't you just take off what you have on." To that Hayden said "Do you really want me to sit here in front of this stove with hot oil in this pan wearing no clothes?" Paul moved off of Hayden after that comment and smirked as he said "Okay, you win. But you had better show me some skin later tonight." Hayden smirked in response and answered "If you go now, I promise you can see me naked whenever you want." Paul then kissed up Hayden's neck and up to his lips, kissed him and said "You've got a deal." Hayden laughed at Paul's childishness and watched as he walked away. Hayden turned around and continued cooking breakfast. He soon finished and started setting the table for breakfast.

Just as Hayden finished setting the table he saw Paul walk out of the bedroom wearing a golf shirt and khakis. Hayden told him to sit down as he walked back into the kitchen to get the food. Paul sat down and Hayden came back in with food and put it down. "Alright, we have eggs, pancakes, waffles, French toast and fruit. What'll you have?" Paul laughed lightly seeing all the food Hayden made. "I think you made enough breakfast for the whole week man." Paul joked. Hayden answered "I don't know what your favourite breakfast food is yet, so I wanted to make sure I had everything." Paul smiled at the thought and answered "It doesn't matter what you make, knowing that you made it, and that you made it for me is enough." Hayden smiled in return at Paul's compliment and sat down next to Paul. They both helped themselves to the food and started to eat. Paul was amazed at how good the food tasted, and Hayden told him how he always loved to cook, and how he would cook when he was bored. They eventually finished their food and reclined a bit in their seats. Paul was talking, although Hayden wasn't really paying attention. He was just looking at Paul, as he spoke, with his lips curling into a smile. "What are you thinking about?" Paul asked Hayden. At this point Hayden chimed back in and answered "Uh, oh, nothing." Paul pressed on, asking Hayden what he was thinking about. Hayden then admitted "I was just thinking about how lucky I am." That answer now gave Paul the opportunity to smile shyly at Hayden's flattery. Hayden then stood up and grabbed a couple of plates in his hands and started walking into the kitchen as he asked Paul "So you really liked breakfast eh?" In response Paul said to Hayden "Come here." Hayden, a bit confused looked back at Paul and walked towards him. Paul pushed his chair back and patted his leg, instructing Hayden to sit on his lap. Hayden just smiled and put the plates in his hand back down on the table and sat down on Paul's lap. Paul raised his hands to Hayden's head and grabbed it on both sides at his jaw line. He pulled Hayden's face closer to his own and soon their lips met. Paul slid his tongue into Hayden's mouth slowly and let him suck on it. Hayden then lifted his own hands and held onto Paul's head as he slowly pushed his own tongue into Paul's mouth. Both boys' eyes closed as they remained locked in their kiss. Eventually Paul let Hayden's mouth slip off of his and as they separated their eyes opened. Paul spoke "Does that tell you how much I liked the meal?" Hayden stood up and answered "Well... you're welcome." Paul stood up next to him and Hayden started to clear the table when Paul stopped him by saying "Don't worry, just leave these here." Hayden looked at Paul and asked "Are you sure?" Paul told Hayden that his maid came in on Saturdays so she would take care of it.

Hayden and Paul then made their way into the living room and dropped onto the couch. Paul was sitting while Hayden leaned up against him slightly. "So what do you want to do now?" Hayden asked Paul. Paul just shrugged his shoulders and then he remembered that they hadn't finished watching the movie the night before. "We could finish the movie from last night if you want." Hayden knew that Paul wanted to watch so he agreed. He leaned forward and grabbed the remote off the coffee table and played the tape. Paul watched the movie intently while Hayden spent more time watching Paul. Eventually the kissing scene with Natalie Portman came on. "Wow, that's really convincing. Its almost looks like you are enjoying it." Paul said half joking to Hayden. Hayden, wanting to bug Paul answered "Oh I did enjoy it. I honestly think she is the best kisser I've met." Paul looked over and saw a devilish grin on Hayden's face and in response Paul said "Yeah, it's a pity she's too good for you." Hayden remained in his leaning position as he continued, still with the same devilish grin, "Yeah, she's a really smart girl. I think I'm too insecure for that, so I only go for people who are dumber than me." In response to his last joke, Paul leaned forward a bit, causing Hayden to slip off his shoulder and fall to the couch. Hayden then sat up but kept his distance from Paul on the couch, he could tell that Paul was planning something. "Come here a sec." Paul told Hayden. Hayden looked at Paul with suspicion as Paul added "Gimme a break, I'm not gonna do anything to you, I just want to sit closer to you." Hayden then slid closer to Paul on the couch, and as soon as he did Paul leaned on to him, pushing him down onto the couch. Paul then grabbed Hayden's protesting arms and pinned them down on the couch as Paul sat up and straddled Hayden with one leg on either side of his chest. Paul and Hayden both had huge smiles on their faces during their play fight, and Hayden kept squirming as Paul's knees tickled his sides. Then Paul leaned into Hayden, towards his face and laughingly said "I cant believe you fell for that. Smarter my ass." Hayden shot Paul a glare and in response Paul leaned in for a quick kiss and then let go of Hayden's arms and let him up. They assumed their original positions on the couch and continued to watch the movie when Hayden looked over and saw Paul smiling. Hayden asked "And what are you smiling about?" Paul looked at Hayden, still with the same grin and answered "Smarter my ass!" Hayden rolled his eyes at Paul and just leaned up against him again.

By the time the movie was over Paul was now laying against the arm of the couch and Hayden was leaning against his chest with Paul's arms around him. Paul turned off the television and Hayden looked up at Paul from his position on his chest. "So you liked it?" Hayden asked. Paul quickly answered "Do you even have to ask that question?" Hayden smiled at Paul's compliment. Then the two guys slid down the couch so they were lying down, Hayden still on top of Paul, and Paul with his arms still around Hayden. This time Paul asked Hayden what he wanted to do. Hayden answered without even looking up "I have everything I need right here" as he gripped Paul's arms and brought them around himself tighter. "So can I ask you something Hayden?" Paul asked. Hayden answered "Of course, you know you don't have to ask." Paul continued "Well if it makes you uncomfortable, we don't have to talk about it." Hayden smiled and said "I don't think I can be uncomfortable around you after last night." Paul agreed and added "Well last night is what I wanted to talk to you about." Hayden sat up a bit now so that he could see Paul; he was actually a bit concerned by Paul's solemn tone. Paul continued "I just don't know what happened. I mean I have never kissed a guy before, and I don't think I want to kiss another guy, but I want to kiss you, I like kissing you, I like being with you." Hayden smiled at Paul's words and added "I like being with you too." Paul asked Hayden if he had been with another guy before. Hayden admitted that even though he had been attracted to other guys, Paul was his first he had kissed and the first person he slept with. Paul told Hayden how he had a pretty serious girlfriend for a long time, and how he even thought he might marry her. "She wanted to wait to get married before we had sex, and I was okay with it. But then we ended up breaking up and I never really started seriously dating since. And then you came into my life." Paul said. Hayden then asked coyly, "So are you telling me that you're a... I mean that you haven't... before last night?" Paul smiled at Hayden's nervous questions and answered "Yes, last night was my first time, with anyone. Why is that so hard to believe?" Hayden looked down for a second and looked back up at Paul and answered shyly "Well I mean you are so good looking, you could have slept with any of a million girls." Paul laughed lightly at Hayden's comments and added "Well then what about you?" Hayden looked back at Hayden genuinely confused and asked "What about me?" Paul threw his arm around Hayden's shoulder and pulled his head closer to his and said "What about you? You could have had any of a million girls or guys, but you waited." Hayden smiled shyly and looked down as he said "Oh. I guess I never really looked at myself that way." Paul was surprised how humble Hayden really was. "Listen to me. You are a gorgeous, talented kind and caring person. Anyone would be lucky to be with you. And I cannot even thank you enough for walking up to me yesterday. I mean this is the first thing that feels right to me." Hayden lit up immediately when he heard those words. To hear what Paul thought of him was great on its own, but he just found out that Paul felt the same way about them as he did, that it felt 'right'. Hayden smiled as he slowly pushed Paul back onto the couch so that he could lay back on top of him Hayden pulled Paul's arms tightly around him like before and said "This feels right to me too."

They lay there for a few more minutes and Paul gently kissed Hayden on the neck behind his ear and then he asked again "Can I ask you one more thing?" Hayden looked up so he could see Paul and said "Yeah sure." Paul started "I was thinking, you look awfully hot in that Jedi costume. Do you figure you might be able to borrow it sometimes, maybe overnight?" Hayden laughed lightly and went back to his position laying on Paul's chest and answered "I'll tell you what. I'll get the Jedi costume and wear it when you get that costume you were wearing in Joyride, you know, in the diner scene?" Paul looked perplexed for a second and said " But I wasn't wearing anything in that scene." Hayden looked back up with the same devilish smile and said "Who's the smarter one again?" To that comment Paul shoved Hayden a bit and Hayden just laughed lightly under his breath. They stayed in that position for sometime, Hayden listened to Paul breathing and Paul slowly relished Hayden's scent. Before either one of them knew it, they had fallen asleep in that position.

Almost a couple of hours later both boys stirred at a sound coming from outside the door. Hayden opened his eyes and awoke from his nap to see the door opening. He jetted up, awakening Paul at the same time. He knew that whoever it was, his being found laying on the couch with Paul would not be good for either of them. "Mr. Walker, I'm sorry I didn't think you were home. I knocked but there was no answer. Oh, and you have company, I'm terribly sorry, I can come back a little later." said the lady who walked in. Paul answered "Its okay Maria, c'mon in. There's no problem. This is my friend Hayden." The lady smiled at Hayden, who smiled back. Paul continued his introduction "Hayden, this is my housekeeper, Maria. Let me tell you, there is nothing this woman doesn't do for me." Maria smiled at Paul's words and asked "Are you sure I won't be a bother?" Paul assured Maria that it would be fine and she agreed and said "I'll start with the master bedroom, that way I'll be out of the way while your company is here." Paul smiled again and she started walking towards the bedroom when Hayden nudged Paul. Paul looked at Hayden who whispered "Both of our clothes are still all over your bedroom Paul. She's gonna figure it out" Paul's eyes widened realizing that anyone would be able to tell what went on in the bedroom the night before, and he stood up quickly just before Maria got to the bedroom door and said "Uh, Maria. Could you actually do the kitchen first? We have some work in the bedroom, I mean I have some work, I mean I need to talk to my friend here." Hayden tried not to laugh at Paul's guilty ramblings as he watched Maria walk towards the kitchen. Then the boys walked into the bedroom and closed the door. "That was close" Paul said. Hayden added with a huge smile on his face "Yeah and if it wasn't close to begin with, you told her that we had some work to do in the bedroom.?" Paul just shoved Hayden playfully, and said "Why don't you just pick up your clothes before she's finished in the kitchen." Hayden answered "I will, but answer me one question first. Who's the smarter one again?" Paul sarcastically shot Hayden a nasty look and Hayden just smiled and picked up his clothes and hid them in with Paul's laundry.

They managed to hide all the evidence and Hayden turned to Paul and asked "So how long do you figure it will take Maria to clean the kitchen?" Paul thought Hayden was just making conversation so he didn't look up right away. Paul finally lifted his head and faced Hayden and answered "I dunno, a good twenty or thirty or minutes I guess." Just as Paul answered Hayden's question he caught a glimpse of Hayden's smile starting to curl. Hayden walked up Paul and put his hands on his chest and leaned in for a kiss as he said "Twenty or thirty minutes? That's more than enough time." Paul smiled as Hayden's lips met his. He could not push Hayden away even though he knew Maria could walk in any moment. Paul moaned through the kiss "You really want to get caught don't you?" Hayden moaned in response and answered "No, but its such a turn on knowing that we might." They continued kissing for a few seconds longer when Paul moved back slightly and said "You really are an exhibitionist aren't you?" Hayden fell to the bed and sat watching Paul and answered "You better believe it. Want me to take my clothes off to prove it?" Paul looked over at Hayden who had a huge smile on his face and he couldn't resist but to smile in return. "I have a better idea. Why don't you pull your mind out of the gutter and figure out what you want to do today." Now Hayden lazily lay on the bed and thought about what they do. "Whatever we do is fine by me. I just gotta get back to my hotel eventually." That comment caught Paul's attention as he asked "Oh, you do?" Paul just assumed that Hayden would stay at his place, he then realized that he hadn't really asked Hayden to stay. He wanted Hayden to stay but wasn't sure if Hayden even wanted to. Hayden cut off Paul's thoughts as he said "Yeah, well all my stuff is still at my hotel." Paul thought how he really wanted Hayden to stay so he asked "Is that it? Or do you have something to do at the hotel." Hayden wasn't really paying attention to Paul's questions, so he didn't catch on right away. "No, I don't have anything to do." Paul then suggested "Well, why don't you get your stuff and just stay here while you're in town?" Hayden stood up and walked over to Paul again and playfully said "Are you asking me to move in with you the morning after our first night together Mr. Walker?" Paul smiled at Hayden's sarcasm and answered likewise "Well if that's how you are gonna act like this, maybe you should just stay at your hotel." Hayden playfully shoved Paul and said "I would love to stay here with you Paul." Paul still smiling answered "Good, 'cause I really want you to."

The boys eventually decided to get some lunch, then to go to Hayden's hotel and maybe by then something else might come up. They left Paul's bedroom and said their goodbyes to Maria, grabbed a few things and headed down to the parking garage. They got into Paul's car and Paul turned to Hayden and asked "Where to?" Hayden just laughed and said "I think we spend more time deciding what to do than actually doing something. Why don't you just drive and we'll stop when we see something good." Paul responded "Sounds good to me" With that Paul put on his sunglasses and sped off onto the streets. After driving around for a while, Paul suggested that they go to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch. "Yeah, I'm game" Hayden answered. Soon after, they pulled up and parked near the restaurant and walked in. They were recognized as soon as they walked in. Although the hostess was professional enough not to say anything, she smiled and giggled like a little girl. "Do you think we could get a table near the back?" Hayden asked politely as he smiled at the girl. She answered "Of course Mr. Christensen" and asked them to follow her towards the back. As she led the way Hayden looked at Paul and smirked at how she recognized him. The hostess showed them to their table and Paul and Hayden sat across from each other as she placed two menus in front of them. "Your waitress will be with you shortly." They thanked the girl and before they could even speak to one another, they heard a voice "Hi. My name is Kelly, and I'll be your waitress today." Paul and Hayden looked up and greeted her. She continued "I'll let you guys have a few minutes with the menus, but can I take a drink order in the meantime?" The two guys looked at each other and Hayden spoke first "Yeah, could I get a Coke please?" The waitress wrote on her pad and then looked at Paul and asked "And how about yourself Mr. Walker, what can I get you?" Paul ordered the same and she left to get the drinks. "So is this how its always going to be?" Hayden asked laughingly. Paul asked Hayden what he was talking about and Hayden answered "We get recognized everywhere we go?" Paul laughed it off and told Hayden that he had better get used to it. "I guess this means that we can't make out wherever we want eh?" Hayden asked. Paul smiled and shook his head.

The waitress came back and took their orders. Hayden ordered a burger and Paul ordered a sandwich. They both started eating with no delay. "Mmm, this is really good, you have to try this." Paul said as he lifted the sandwich to Hayden's mouth. Hayden took a quick look around and smiled when he realized there was no one around. He took a bite out of the sandwich and saw a drop of mayonnaise spill onto Paul's finger. Before Paul could pull away his hand, Hayden laid his lips on Paul's finger. He seductively licked off the mayo and then wrapped his lips around Paul's finger and then pulled away. "You're right, it is really good." Paul laughed and jokingly answered "Well, only the best for you. And you're lucky I was available." Hayden rolled his eyes and playfully kicked Paul under the table. Paul kicked Hayden back and they agreed on a truce "Alright, let me eat now, and then you can play footsies all you want with me." Hayden said. Paul agreed and said "That's fine, but I am going to hold you to that." Hayden agreed and they continued eating. Throughout their meal the waitress came back a few times. It seemed like she was spending more time at their table than all her others combined. Neither Paul nor Hayden really minded, they were actually flattered by the attention. They spent the rest of the time talking and getting to know each other better. Hayden finished his food first and reached for this Coke as he watched Paul eat. "What did you do, inhale that burger?" Hayden laughed and joked "I just wanted to be able to focus all my attention on you." Paul laughed at Hayden's joke, knowing that he was half serious. Hayden was taking a sip from his glass when he felt something run up the inside of his leg. He looked up and saw Paul smiling while still trying to chew. Paul suggestively raised his eyebrows at Hayden and asked "You're done eating right?" Hayden slouched in his seat and spread his legs a little, letting Paul move his leg up further. All the while they were looking straight into each other's eyes, and the rest of the restaurant faded away. Their concentration was broken when they heard a voice from behind them. "So how was everything?" their waitress asked. As soon as they heard the voice, Hayden quickly sat up in his seat and Paul pulled his leg back down just as quickly. Hayden answered first in an almost guilty voice "Uh, everything was great, thanks." He then shot the waitress a heart melting and suggestive smile. At that, she lit up and almost started daydreaming. Paul interrupted her little high as he asked "Could you tell me where the restrooms are?" She chimed back from the fantasy that Hayden has sent her on and said "Oh of course. Just around the bar and it's the second door on the left." Paul stood up and thanked her as he walked passed Hayden, accidentally hitting his on the shoulder as he passed. Hayden turned as Paul walked away and saw Paul look back with his lips starting to curl into a smile. The waitress brought Hayden back to reality again as she asked "Can I get you anything else Mr. Christensen?" Hayden spun around in his seat and looked at the waitress and asked for another Coke and the bill. She thanked him again and walked away.

Once the waitress left, Hayden stood up, took the last sip from his drink and headed to the bathroom. He walked around the bar and walked into the bathroom. Just as he walked in, he had to move aside to let another customer out. Hayden saw Paul standing at the hand dryers just by the door. As soon as Paul saw that the man had left, he walked towards Hayden. Paul smiled seductively at Hayden and said "It took you long enough. I've been sitting here for like ten minutes pretending to wash my hands." Hayden looked at Paul and asked him what he was talking about. Paul gently pushed Hayden towards and up against the door. He reached under Hayden's arms and locked the door. He leaned in, pushing Hayden up against the door even more and tilted his head and placed his lips on Hayden's. Paul opened his mouth, letting Hayden slide his tongue in. Paul gently sucked Hayden's tongue for a moment and they moved back. Hayden's started to smile and said "Oh. I see now." Paul smiled again and leaned in again. Once Paul's lips made contact with his again, Hayden lifted his arms and wrapped them around Paul's back. Paul then pulled Hayden forward slightly and placed his hands behind Hayden's head. Hayden's hands slid down Paul's back until they reached his pants. Hayden tugged on Paul's shirt and pulled it out from his pants. Hayden then slipped his hands under Paul's golf shirt and up his back. The feeling of Hayden's hands on his bare back made Paul moan. Paul let go of Hayden's head and reached behind him and grabbed a hold of Hayden's wrists. He pulled Hayden's hands around front and led them up the front on his shirt. Hayden moved his hands slowly feeling every muscle on Paul's defined stomach. Paul brought his hands back to Hayden's head and continued kissing.

They were completely lost in each other. They almost forgot where they were until they felt someone try and get in. The guy on the other side, realizing the door was locked knocked on it. "Is there someone in there?" the guy asked. Both Hayden and Paul's mouths curled into smiles as they heard the guy. Their lips split apart as they lightly laughed at the guy. "I can you laughing in there. I'm gonna get the manager." the man said angrily. This made Hayden and Paul laugh even more as they resumed their kissing. Paul let go of Hayden's lips and moved down his neck and behind his ear. Hayden moaned lightly at the feeling of Paul's lips on his skin. Hayden moved one of his hands off of Paul's stomach and held Paul's head. A few more minutes passed and Paul eased off Hayden's neck as he asked "You think we should make a break for it now?" Hayden nodded and said "Yeah, I think so. We can continue this later." Paul then stood back and started to tuck his shirt back into his pants as Hayden unlocked the door. Just as Hayden reached for the handle, the door opened towards him. On the other side stood the restaurant manager with a ring full of keys in his hands, and a very angry man next to him. "Were you gentlemen in here the whole time?" asked the manager. The man next to him added "Yeah, and what were you two doing in a locked washroom?" Hayden in a completely calm voice said "Actually I just got here. I do not know this gentleman, but I am sure he is as insulted as I am. Perhaps the kid who I just saw running out of the bathroom locked you out." The angry man looked down with a defeated look on his face and the manager apologized profusely. "I am terribly sorry for the misunderstanding gentlemen." Hayden answered again "It's perfectly fine, I understand that not all of your clientele can be mannered as others." He shot a look at the man, and then looked again at the apologetic manager as he and Paul walked out. As soon as they were out view of the restroom Paul laughed out loud and draped his arm around Hayden and said "That was great. I can't believe you got them to fall for that." Hayden answered "Yeah, maybe I was a lawyer in a passed life."

They walked towards their table to see a distraught waitress. She lit right up as she saw both Hayden and Paul walking back towards her. "I thought you guys ran out on the bill." They both apologized and Paul assured her "We couldn't do that to you, especially after all you've done for us." She smiled again and giggled when she saw Hayden and Paul looking at her, both with the most gorgeous smiles on their faces. Hayden reached over and took the bill off the table and reached in his pocket for his wallet. "Its alright, I can get it." Paul interjected. Hayden told Paul that he could get the next one and Paul agreed. Hayden pulled out a handful of cash and handed it to the waitress. She looked at it and said "This is too much. I can't accept this." Hayden smiled and said "Take it. You deserve it after all that we put you through." The girl smiled and giggled again as she thanked both Paul and Hayden. "Can I bother you for one more thing?" she asked as they started walking away. They both turned around and asked what she needed. "I'm not supposed to do this. But could I maybe get your autograph?" Both were more than happy to comply as they took the pad of paper from her hand and each signed it. As they made their way to the door, the waitress walked them out. When they passed the host's stand, they saw that their hostess was also there. Paul and Hayden thanked both the hostess and their waitress on their way out. The left the restaurant, leaving behind both girls trying desperately to catch one last glimpse of either of the guys as they walked away.

"So that was fun." Hayden said to Paul as they walked towards the car. "It sure was. Where do you figure we could finish what we started?" Paul added. Hayden laughed and gently shoved Paul as he said "You sure are horny aren't you?" Paul just nodded childishly at Hayden question. "We could go to my hotel now if you want." Hayden suggested. Paul answered "That's perfect, no one can catch us there." Hayden laughed again and said "That's not what I meant, I meant so I could... ah hell, lets just go." They reached Paul's car and they both got in and sped off to Hayden's hotel. They eventually pulled up to the hotel, got out and walked in as the valet drove Paul's car away. As they walked in the desk clerk walked up to Hayden and said "Mr. Christensen. I'm glad I got a hold of you." Hayden asked him what he needed, and the man answered "There are a number of messages for you. It seems people have been trying to get a hold of you since yesterday." Hayden answered in a guilty voice "Oh, ah, well I'll take those." He took the messages from him, thanked him and made his way to the elevator with Paul. As the elevator doors closed Paul turned to Hayden and asked sarcastically "So where have you been since yesterday?" Hayden jokingly answered "I don't quite remember. I think I must have fallen asleep early. Whatever it was, it must not have been good enough to leave a lasting impression." Paul just laughed and mumbled "Fell asleep early my ass." Hayden smiled as he heard Paul. They reached their floor and the elevator doors opened letting Paul and Hayden walk out. Hayden pulled his key card out of his pocket and opened the door, letting Paul in. They walked in and Paul took a seat on the king sized bed as Hayden sat at the desk and looked through his stack of messages. "So, who are all these people who are trying to get a hold of you?" Paul asked as he got a little more comfortable and leaned back on the bed. Hayden left the messages on the table and walked over to the bed. He lay next to Paul and looked at him as he answered "No one important enough to take my attention away from you." This made Paul smile and lean in and quickly kiss Hayden on the lips. They lay on the bed, next to each other for a while when Hayden lifted his head up and asked "So what now?" Paul turned and looked at Hayden and answered "I don't know. I am happy right where I am." Hayden agreed and lay his back down.

"So you didn't have any plans for today?" Paul asked Hayden after some time. Hayden turned again so he could see Paul and answered "Nah, not really. I was just planning to go to the gym downstairs if I had the time." Paul thought it was a good idea and asked Hayden if he still wanted to go. "Yeah, I can still go if you want to." Hayden said as he sat up. "Do you have anything I can change into?" Paul asked. Hayden then got up completely, followed by Paul and walked to his suitcase. He opened his suitcase and rummaged through all his clothes. After a few minutes of tossing his clothes around, Hayden pulled out a Nike t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts and tossed them to Paul. "Thanks." Paul said as he caught the clothes. Paul started taking his clothes off as Hayden rummaged a little more and took out some clothes for himself. He grabbed his clothes and walked over to the bed and tossed them on top of it as he started to undo his shirt. Just as he got his shirt off, Hayden glanced over in Paul's direction. Paul just pulled up his shorts and stood there, bare-chested, holding his t-shirt in his hand. Seeing Paul with his shirt off made Hayden quickly change his mind about leaving his hotel room. Paul caught Hayden looking at him and he innocently asked "What?" Hayden started walking in Paul's direction and said "Maybe we can forget the gym. Between you, me and the bed, there is enough for us to have a work out right here." Paul thought Hayden was joking and then smiled as he started to lift his shirt to put it on. Hayden closed the small distance left between him and Paul as he reached forward and held Paul's hand, stopping him from getting dressed. Hayden moved his lips up to Paul's slowly and kissed him softly. Once their kiss broke, Paul asked softly "You're not joking?" Hayden smiled at nodded to Paul. Paul then leaned in and continued kissing Hayden as his shirt fell from his hand to the floor.

Hayden's mouth held onto to Paul's as his hands roamed up Paul's back, to the base of his neck. Paul let Hayden slip his tongue in and out of his mouth, as he did the same to Hayden. After they stood in that spot lip-locked for sometime, Hayden brought his hands around and placed them on Paul's smooth stomach as he had earlier in the day. He slowly pushed Paul towards the bed behind him, all the while keeping their mouths in contact. Paul fell back onto the bed and Hayden climbed on top of him, so that he had on leg on either side of Paul's body. Hayden started to lean in again onto Paul, when Paul stopped him. Paul reached forward and placed his hands on Hayden's shoulders. He pushed back and slipped on Hayden's unbuttoned shirt completely off his body. Hayden then lay back down on top of Paul and Paul ran his hands up and down Hayden's naked back, almost holding him in place. They remained in that position for some time, then Paul lifted Hayden off a bit and pushed him on to his side so they were both laying down on their sides, face to face. Paul and Hayden's mouths made contact as did their hands and their bodies. Paul slid his hands down Hayden's stomach to his belt buckle and undid it. Paul then undid the button on Hayden's pants and then slid the zipper down. As he did, Paul could feel Hayden's package straining against the material of his boxer briefs. Paul then slid his hand into Hayden's pants and rubbed his palm across Hayden's package as he slid Hayden's pants down. Hayden then lifted his hips off the bed a bit, letting Paul ease his pants off the rest of the way. Hayden got up and took his pants off completely and sat back up on top of Paul. Hayden leaned in kissing Paul and at the same time pressed his crotch against Paul's, still covered in his shorts.

Paul kissed his way down to Hayden's neck. He lifted Hayden so that he was now sitting up on top of him. Paul then continued kissing downwards on Hayden's chest. He held Hayden by his sides as his lips trailed down to Hayden's abs and then down past his navel. Paul looked up at Hayden with a smile on his face as he slid off his boxers. Hayden gave Paul access as he slid his shorts off completely and threw then aside. Hayden now sat naked on top of Paul's bare chest. Paul continued kissing Hayden's stomach and Hayden's member stood erect next to Paul's face. Paul sat up a bit to give me better access to Hayden's throbbing cock. Paul grabbed it softly in his hand and slowly brought his lips up to it. Paul split his lips open and slid the head into his mouth. Once the head of Hayden's dick was covered in Paul's mouth, he let out a moan in pleasure. Hayden brought his hands down to Paul's head and held in lovingly in place. "Mmmmmmm." Hayden groaned as Paul slid more and more of his member down his throat. Paul held Hayden's cock in his throat until he had to ease off to get some air. He then started to quicken his pace as he slid the member in and out of his mouth. Paul brought his hands up and cupped Hayden's balls and rolled them around in his hands. "Ahhhhhhh. Pauuuulll." Hayden moaned again. Paul felt Hayden's balls tense up in his hand as he heard Hayden's warning that he was about to cum. Paul then slid Hayden's cock further into his mouth when he felt Hayden grab a tighter hold of his head. Hayden screamed out Paul's name as he shot his load into his mouth. Paul felt the warm fluid fill him mouth, as he eagerly swallowed it down. Paul continued rolling Hayden's balls in his hand as his cock started to soften in his mouth. Hayden sighed as he came down from his high. Hayden laid Paul back on to the bed and kissed him again. Hayden smiled as his lips met Paul's. Paul opened his mouth and let Hayden slide his tongue in and Hayden could taste his own cum in Paul's mouth.

Hayden's hands roamed over Paul's body and down to his stomach. Hayden loved the feeling of Paul's defined abs under his fingers. As one of Hayden's hands remained on Paul's stomach, he slowly slid the other one into Paul's shorts and under his boxer briefs. Hayden ran his hand over Paul's already erect cock. Paul moaned out, causing a break in their kiss. "You don't have to do me if you don't want to." Paul said so Hayden didn't feel obligated. Hayden smiled and answered "I am doing it for me as much as I am doing it for you." Paul smiled at Hayden answer and pulled him back down into their kiss. As Hayden lay on top of Paul, he slid his other hand under Paul's shorts, so both his hands were rubbing and caressing his hard member. Paul moaned lightly as he felt Hayden stroking his cock. Hayden sat up and took his hands out from under Paul's shorts. He smiled and looked up at Paul to see him smiling back at him. He slid his fingers under the elastic of Paul's shorts and boxer briefs and pulled them off at once. Once he slid the shorts off, Paul's dick sprung back on hit his stomach. Hayden leaned in and pulled Paul up so that he was leaning up against the headrest of the bed. Hayden then spread Paul's leg slightly and sat between them. He reached forward and grabbed a hold of Paul's cock. Hayden leaned in and kissed the head of Paul's member. Paul moaned at the feeling of Hayden's soft lips around his dick. Paul brought his hands down and ran his fingers through Hayden's hair and held Hayden's head in place. Hayden had both of his hands wrapped around the shaft of Paul's member as he continued to suck on the head. Hayden moved his hands off of Paul's dick and moved them back onto Paul's stomach. Paul then let go of Hayden's head and grabbed a hold of his hands. He guided Hayden's hands over his stomach and then over his pecs. At the same time Hayden started sliding more and more of Paul's cock into his mouth. "Ohhhhhhh. Hayden. That's...Mmmmmm." Paul moaned as his entire dick was soon surrounded by the warmth of Hayden's mouth. Hayden then brought his right hand back down and grabbed a hold of the shaft of Paul's cock. Paul held onto Hayden's left hand and brought it up to his mouth. Paul slid Hayden's fingers into his mouth and sucked them gently. Hayden pulled back off of Paul's dick slightly and focused his attention on the head. Hayden sucked the head of Paul's cock as he slowly stroked up and down the shaft with his hand. Hayden could feel Paul squirm under him and he knew that he was close. Paul then moaned and said "I'mmmm gonna cum soon." Paul let go of Hayden's hands and brought his own hands back to Hayden's head. Hayden looked up at Paul and saw him close his eyes. Paul screamed "Ahhhhhh" and Hayden felt Paul's member swell in his hand as it shot Paul load into Hayden mouth. Hayden relished the taste of the creamy fluid before his swallowed it. Paul brought his hands back up to his body and rubbed over his stomach and chest. Paul's dick softened in Hayden's mouth before Hayden moved off it.

Hayden then leaned back on top of Paul and their lips met again. This time Paul could taste his cum in Hayden's mouth. Paul brought his hands up Hayden's back and held his neck as they kissed. They lay next to each other and slowly broke apart as they looked at each other with huge smiles on their faces. Paul leaned in for a last peck and then they lay back onto the bed. They looked out the window and saw that the sun was setting. Hayden looked at the clock and realized that a number of hours had passed. Hayden smiled and said "You know what they say. Time flies when you're having fun, right?" Paul smiled in response and wrapped his arms around Hayden. The guys eventually let go of one another. They showered and made their way down to the lobby for some dinner. When they got back to Hayden's room they decided to stay the night and go back to Paul's apartment the next day. They each got undressed down to just to their shorts and hopped into bed. Once in bed, Hayden reached over and shut off the light. Paul leaned in against Hayden and kissed him on the lips as he said "goodnight."

Next: Chapter 3

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