Hayden and Paul

By James Little

Published on Oct 5, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This story is entirely fiction. This does not imply that Hayden Christensen or Paul Walker are gay. The following contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting male adults. If this offends you, or if this material is illegal for you or in your area please don't continue.

Hey Everyone. Here is the next instalment of the story. I hope you guys enjoy it, and as always any feedback is appreciated.

Hayden and Paul -- Part 3

The sun rose over New York, bringing the end to another night Hayden and Paul spent together. Paul's eyes opened slowly adjusting to the light as he woke up. He took a deep breath and stretched out a bit while still lying in bed. He turned his head to see that Hayden was still asleep. He silently watched Hayden sleeping. He watched Hayden's chest, almost mesmerized as it rose and fell with every breath he took. Paul watched Hayden take a deep breath, hold it, and then exhale. He looked up at Hayden and saw that his eyes were still closed. Paul admired Hayden for a second when Hayden said in a sleepy voice "Morning." Paul answered "Good morning." Hayden slowly opened his eyes to see Paul smiling at him. "What are you smiling at this early?" Hayden asked in the same sleepy voice. Paul pulled the covers over him as he curled up closer to Hayden and answered, "Its just nice to see you." Hayden smiled in response and put his arms around Paul in pulled him in closer to him. "So how'd you sleep last night?" Hayden asked Paul. "Like a baby." Paul answered. As he answered, Paul noticed that Hayden's eyes had closed again. Paul lay close to Hayden and looked up at him. As he looked at Hayden it dawned on him, "Today is the last day that Hayden I have to ourselves before we have to go back to work." he thought. It had occurred to him before, but he had put it out of his mind. Paul was comforted by the thought of Hayden spending the time he had left in New York with him, at his place. "What are you thinking about?" Paul heard Hayden say, bringing him back from his daze. Caught off guard, Paul asked "What?" Hayden proceeded "You were staring off into space there for a while. What were you thinking about?" Paul stammered for a few seconds, trying to avoid telling Hayden what he was really thinking about. Hayden interrupted Paul and said "Don't worry about it. Even if we both have to go back to work tomorrow, we still have about a week together." Paul just smiled, partly at Hayden's comforting words, and party knowing that Hayden had the same concerns he did. As it turned out Hayden thought the same thing, but he resolved just to make the best of the time they had left, and worry about everything else later.

Hayden then sat up in bed, pulling Paul up at the same time so they were both leaning on the head of the bed. Hayden pulled Paul into him closer with his arm still around Paul's shoulder. "So you hungry? 'Cause I'm starving?" Hayden said. Paul told Hayden that he was hungry too and Hayden reached over and grabbed the phone. Before he dialled room service he asked "What do you want?" Paul thought for a second and answered "I'll just have scrambled eggs and toast." Hayden picked up the receiver and once the man on other end answered he said "Yeah, good morning. This is Mr. Christensen in the suite 2100. Could you please send up two orders of scrambled eggs, toast and orange juice please?" The man took the order and told Hayden he would send it up as soon as it was ready. Hayden and Paul then both sank back into bed, still in each other's arms. Paul's head was leaning on Hayden's shoulder, and Hayden brought his hand up and gently ran his fingers through his hair. Paul looked up and smiled at Hayden. Paul sat up a little more so that he was in a better position when he leaned forward and kissed Hayden. Hayden responded by bringing his hand up, running it behind Paul's neck, and holding his head while they kissed. Just as they were getting into it, they heard a knock at the door followed by a man saying "Room service sir." Hayden pulled away from Paul, almost disappointed. He pulled the covers back and said "I'll be right back." Before he could get out of bed, Paul grabbed his arm and stopped him. "I'll get this. Remember, you paid for lunch yesterday, and so it's my turn." Hayden just smiled coyly for a second and asked "Are you sure you want to answer the door to my hotel room in just a pair of running shorts first thing in the morning?" Paul smiled and let go of Hayden's hand as he said "I guess you're right. But I'll get the next one." Hayden agreed as he laughed and walked to the door. "Good morning Mr. Christensen. Two orders of scrambled eggs, toast and orange juice as you ordered." Just then, the man started to wheel the cart into the room, when Hayden grabbed it and stopped him before he got in. "Uh, I'll take it from here. Thank you." Hayden tipped the man and once he left, Hayden pulled the cart in, right up to the bed.

Hayden brought one tray of food and placed it on Paul's lap as Paul sat up. Then he grabbed his own and sat next to Paul. They lay in bed next to each other as they had their breakfast. Once they were done eating, they put their trays back on the cart and sat in bed for a few minutes. Paul turned to Hayden and asked "So you still want to spend the rest of the week at my place right?" Hayden reached down and grabbed Paul's hand and lifted up to his lips as he kissed it. He looked right at Paul and then answered "There isn't anything you can do to stop me." Paul smiled in response and reassumed his position resting his head on Hayden's shoulder. Hayden still held on to Paul's hand. Eventually Hayden turned his head and looked at Paul, and said "How 'bout we continue this at your place?" Paul agreed and they got out of bed and started getting ready to head out. Hayden rummaged through his suitcase looking for an extra razor and toothbrush for Paul. He found them and tossed them to Paul who was headed into the bathroom. Hayden packed a few of his things and headed into the bathroom and found Paul standing in front of the mirror, still wearing only a pair of shorts with his face covered in shaving cream and a razor in his hand. Hayden, also still just in shorts walked up behind Paul. He put his hands around Paul's waist and laid his chin on Paul's shoulder. Hayden gently kissed Paul behind his ear a number of times as he ran his hands up Paul's naked torso. Hayden's hands traced their way up Paul's chest and then he grabbed the razor from his hand. "Let me?" Hayden asked. Paul handed Hayden the razor and dropped his hands. Hayden, still standing behind Paul had his hands under Paul's arms. Hayden gently brought the razor up to Paul's face and paused for a second. Paul looked into Hayden's eyes through the reflection in the mirror and said "Go ahead Hayden. I trust you." Hayden could not help but smile at that comment. He then proceeded to shave Paul's face, returning it to the smoothness Hayden loved. Hayden brought his hands down and turned Paul around, so they were face to face. He raised his hands again and finished shaving Paul. Once he was done, Hayden reached behind Paul and ran his hands under the running water. He then wiped Paul's face clean of any shaving cream left behind. Once Hayden's hands were under Paul's chin, he pulled Paul's face in close to his and their lips met in a kiss. Paul opened his mouth and let Hayden's tongue slowly enter. Their tongues wrestled as Paul's hands held Hayden in the kiss. Their mouths slipped off of each other and immediately curled into smiles as both boys still held on to each other. "Thanks." Paul said, and Hayden answered "Any time."

They finished washing up and walked back into the bathroom. "Help yourself to anything of mine you want to wear." Hayden offered to Paul. Paul walked over to Hayden's suitcase and took a few things out of it. He grabbed a red and beige chequered button-up shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He got changed and as soon as he was done, saw that Hayden was changing just next to him. He saw Hayden pull on a pair of jeans and then button up a plain white casual shirt. Hayden looked up and noticed Paul watching him. Hayden had a confused look on face, and then asked "What?" Paul answered "It's just that I don't know what I like more. Watching you take your clothes off, or watching you put your clothes on." Hayden laughed and answered "I'm sure you like them both, but I bet you like what comes after I take my clothes off better." Paul laughed in return and agreed. They finished getting dressed and made their way out of the hotel and back to Paul's apartment.

They got back to Paul's apartment and Paul opened the door letting Hayden in. Paul took one of the bags from Hayden's hand and took it right into the bedroom. Hayden followed Paul in as Paul started clearing some space in the dresser and closet for Hayden's things. Hayden started unpacking as Paul fell onto the bed and lay down, just watching Hayden. They started talking about what they would do the next few days. "Does it really matter what we do?" Hayden asked. Paul smiled and answered "Not at all." Hayden finished unpacking and headed to the bed to lay next to Paul. Paul scooted over to make room for Hayden. Paul had one hand tucked behind his head, and the other extended. Hayden lay down next to Paul, using his arm as a pillow. Paul turned to Hayden and said "I'm really going to enjoy having you here." Hayden smiled and curled up closer to Paul in response. The rest of the day was not much more eventful than that morning. They stayed in alone together at Paul's place, both completely content with each other's company. That night, after dinner they got changed and headed to bed early. The next morning was much different than the others they had together. Instead of waking up once they were well rested, they were jolted awake by the sound of the alarm clock. Paul grunted as he heard the unforgiving sound as he reached over and smacked the alarm off. He rolled back into bed and up against Hayden. "Time to get up." Paul grumbled groggily to Hayden. Hayden, in response just moaned and said "Yeah. Just a few more minutes." Paul put his arm around Hayden and they both fell asleep again. A little while later Paul fluttered his eyes open and saw the time on the clock. "Oh shit. We're late. C'mon, get up Hayden." Hayden looked over and saw the time and jumped out of bed, following Paul. They both got ready as quickly as possible. Hayden ran into the kitchen and started the coffee maker before getting dressed. Once they were both dressed and ready they went into the kitchen. Paul grabbed two travel mugs and tossed them to Hayden. Hayden poured the coffee as Paul grabbed a couple of granola bars from the cupboard.

Just as they were running out the door, Paul stopped in his tracks and ran back in for a second. "Whatever it is, forget it. We're gonna be late Paul." Paul didn't even hear Hayden as he ran into the study and grabbed some keys from the desk drawer. He got back to the door and handed them to Hayden. "What are these?" he asked. Paul answered "They're keys to the apartment. Just in case you get back before me." The gesture had a lot of meaning, but neither one of them really had the time to appreciate fully. But just before Paul let go of the keys, Hayden held on to them, and their hands met. Hayden slid his fingers between Paul's and he leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. As they split, Hayden said "Thanks." Paul smiled and answered "No prob." For those few seconds Hayden and Paul were able to escape the rush they had been in that morning and focus solely on each other. Unfortunately, that didn't last and they raced out the door and to the car. Paul dropped Hayden off at a hotel in the city where he was supposed to be interviewed by a few magazines. He pulled up to the side so Hayden could sneak in. Hayden paused before he got out of the car. "So I'll see you tonight?" Paul asked. "Yeah, give me a call when you have a break." Hayden answered. Just as Hayden opened the door and put a leg out, Paul said "Oh, and sorry about the crappy breakfast. I'll make it up to you." Hayden smiled and leaned in for one last kiss and said goodbye to Paul. Hayden walked into the interview room and the folks from the first magazine were already there, waiting for him. Once Hayden's interview was well underway, Paul pulled into the lot at the filming studio. The day went by slowly for both of them. Hayden continuously checked his watch during the interview, and Paul did the same between takes.

That evening, Paul came home to find that Hayden was already there. Once he walked in he saw that Hayden sitting at the kitchen table talking on the phone. Paul dropped his keys on the table by the front door and walked over to Hayden. Hayden moved the phone away from his mouth to make room for Paul, who was leaning in for a kiss. Shortly after, Hayden hung up and this time he moved in on Paul's lips. Once they broke their kiss, they sat back down in their seats and Paul asked "So how was your day?" Hayden answered "Incredibly long." Paul laughed and added "Yeah, mine too." Paul then asked "So who was that?" Hayden told him that it was his agent, and that he called to get his schedule. "So what's the word?" Paul asked. Hayden reluctantly answered "My flight for Chicago leaves Thursday night?" Paul was silent for a second, and then he asked "This Thursday, as in three days from now?" Hayden looked down, feeling almost guilty.

The next few days flew by for Hayden and Paul. They had a good arrangement for the rest of that week; they would both go off to work in the morning, and come home and spend the evening together. They made the most of the free time they had, and they enjoyed being able to spend every night in bed close to each other. But most importantly, they had the chance to really get to know one another. Sooner than either had hoped, Thursday arrived. Since Hayden's first interview in Chicago wasn't until Friday afternoon, he managed to convince his agent to let him take a flight early Friday morning, giving him and Paul another night to spend with each other. Hayden had only one interview early Thursday morning, and Paul decided to call in sick for the day. Once the interview was over, Paul picked Hayden up and they both went back to the apartment. After a late breakfast, they found their places on the couch, in each other's arms. "Do you maybe want to go out for a bit? I mean it's such a nice day out." Hayden asked Paul as they lay together. Paul thought it was a good idea and asked Hayden where they should go. Hayden answered "Well, in all the time I have spent here, I haven't really seen much of the famed New York City sights. Maybe you could be my tour guide." Paul sat up a bit and smiled as he said "Sounds perfect." They both got up off the couch and got ready to go. They grabbed their hats and their sunglasses to keep from being recognized and made their way out the door. They went down to the garage and drove out into the city.

"So where would you like to go first?" Paul asked Hayden as he drove. Hayden shrugged his shoulders a bit and asked "Well, what is good to see?" After thinking about it for a second, Paul figured out a good place to start and drove on. Hayden noticed that Paul was driving towards the water, and then he finally pulled into a parking lot next to a boat dock. They got out of the car and joined the people waiting to board the boat. "So are you going to tell me where we are going, or am I just supposed to trust you blindly?" Hayden asked jokingly. Paul smiled as he leaned in closer to Hayden; he discreetly put one hand on Hayden's stomach to steady himself, as whispered into Hayden's ear "I haven't steered you wrong yet have I?" Hayden laughed lightly giving consent. Just as Paul pulled away from Hayden, he heard the boat captain call "All Aboard." Hayden and Paul got on the boat with all the others, still managing to keep their identities concealed. "Do you want to sit inside for the ride, or stand on the deck?" Paul asked Hayden. "Why don't we stand on the deck, get a view of the city?" Hayden suggested. Hayden and Paul then found a spot on the deck as they leaned on the banister. They watched as the boat pulled away from the dock and as more of the city skyline came into view. "You know, this is my favourite part of a city" Hayden mentioned. Not completely clear on what Hayden meant, Paul asked "What is?" Hayden smiled realizing his vagueness and answered "The skyline. No matter how much is going on in a city, when you look at the skyline, it looks peaceful. It's kinda comforting." Paul didn't answer Hayden, instead he leaned in a little closer to let him know that he heard him. The ride was short, and soon Hayden heard the captain's voice again, this time over the speaker. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now approaching Liberty Island, our destination for the day, you can catch a boat back to the dock every thirty minutes. Thank you." Hayden turned to look at Paul, who was smiling. He asked "Statue of Liberty?" Paul nodded as Hayden added "Good choice."

They made their way off the boat with everyone else and headed to the entrance of the statue. They were lucky it was the middle of the week; it wasn't nearly as busy as it is over the weekend. The wait was short and they made it up to the top in little time. The view was guaranteed not to disappoint. Hayden and Paul walked up to the edge and relished the view of the city. Hayden looked over and saw Paul staring attentively at the skyline. Paul heard Hayden sigh and turned his head to see him looking at him. Paul smiled in response to seeing Hayden smiling as he said "Beautiful view isn't it?" Paul turned back to look over the city as Hayden kept his eyes on Paul. For Hayden the most beautiful view was that of Paul, as he was savouring that view he answered "Yeah, it really is." Paul turned his head to look at Hayden again; he saw that Hayden was still looking at him, and he realized the compliment Hayden had just paid him. Paul moved closer to Hayden and whispered in his ear again "I wish I could kiss you right now." Hayden smiled as he heard Paul whisper in his ear. "Me too Paul, me too" Hayden answered as Paul slowly pulled away. Hayden sat up on the railing like a kid and Paul stood next to him. Paul smiled at Hayden's childishness as he looked up and caught Hayden in a priceless smile.

The two boys stood there with smiles on their faces, the New York skyline behind them, completely in their own world when they heard a woman's voice ask "Could I take your picture?" The voice brought them back to reality, and the first thought that came to both their minds was that their cover was blown, despite their disguises, they were recognized. The woman's voice brought them back to reality a second time, this time she said "C'mon guys, it will make a nice keepsake." It was then that they noticed that the woman was wearing a uniform, the same as all the other staff at the Statue, and she was actually from the photo booth taking professional pictures of the tourists to sell to them. Hayden and Paul looked at each other for a second, trying to decide whether to have their pictures taken or not. Hayden was the first to speak up, he shrugged his shoulders as he said "Yeah, why not." Paul agreed and the woman answered in an almost motherly tone, "Great. I'll just get you two to move in closer, so you're both in the shot." The guys did as she asked; just as she was about to take the picture, she lowered the camera and said to Paul "Why don't you sit on the railing next to him, that will make a good picture." Paul complied and sat up on the railing next to Hayden and she lifted the camera up to her face again. Just as she was about to take the picture, she lowered the camera a second time and said "I can't see your faces boys, why don't you take of your hats and sunglasses." Hayden and Paul looked at each other, both a little apprehensive about doing away with their disguises. Without exchanging words they decided it would be okay for the second it took to take the picture. The woman lifted the camera again, and this time it seemed like she was finally going to take the picture. She was making some small talk with Hayden and Paul as she focussed the lens. She said "You two remind me of my sons, they are always wearing their ball caps wherever they go. Although they don't get along nearly as well as you two seem to." That comment made Hayden and Paul look at each other for a split second as their smiles grew even wider. "She thinks we're brothers" they both though at the same time. They turned away from each other and back to the camera just in time for the shutter to open and close. The shot was perfect; they were both looking at the camera with the most beautiful and sincere smiles, sitting next to each other with the New York skyline behind them. "Great, here you are, this is your pick up slip, just take it to the photo booth for your picture." the woman instructed as she handed a small slip of paper to Paul. They both thanked her and she moved on as Hayden and Paul both put their hats and sunglasses back on. They walked towards the photo booth, still laughing lightly about how the lady thought they were brothers.

They waited in a short line at the photo booth and finally got to the counter. Paul handed the slip to the young woman at the desk and she left to get the picture. When she came back she slid the picture into a small cardboard frame as she glanced at the picture. "This is a great picture" she commented as she handed it to Paul. Both boys smiled in response and Hayden leaned in and asked "Would it be possible to get another copy of the picture?" The girl answered "Sure. I'll go print off another one now" and walked to the back. Paul looked at Hayden inquisitively and Hayden explained "This way we can each keep one." Paul smiled in response and told him it was a good idea. The girl came back and handed the other picture to Hayden. They both went to pull out their wallets to pay and Paul grabbed Hayden's hand to stop him and he said "Let me get this." Hayden gave in and Paul paid the girl. They both thanked her and made their way down and out of the statue. They took the short boat ride back to the dock and got in their car. Just as they got in and closed the door Hayden turned to Paul and brought his hand behind Paul's head and pulled him into a kiss. Paul didn't resist, rather, he returned the affection. As their lips split apart Hayden brought his hand down and Paul asked "What was that for?" Hayden smiled and answered "Just 'cause I couldn't do it before." Paul laughed lightly at Hayden and then started the car and drove on to the road.

They were able to get a lot done that day. They went to the Empire State Building, to Yankee Stadium and to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They walked down Broadway and grabbed a hot dog for lunch at Times Square. After all that, they finally ended up at Central Park sitting on a bench next to each other. Hayden was holding a bag of cotton candy he bought from a vendor and they were both snacking on it. They sat there, both of the really quiet. It was a long day and they were both tired, but not too tired to talk; there was something else on their minds. Hayden knew what Paul was thinking and he said "It won't be permanent, as soon as all my publicity is over I'll be back and I wont have anything to do but spend every waking hour with you." Paul just smiled at Hayden's words and moved closer to him. It was obvious that Hayden was trying to comfort Paul a bit, but the truth was that he was just as upset about having to go. They sat right up on one another and Hayden leaned his head on Paul's shoulder. Even though the park was packed with people, Hayden and Paul had some privacy because no one really paid any attention to them, so they took advantage of it and sat close together for a while longer. Paul eventually sat up a bit causing Hayden to lift his head from his shoulder. He cleared his throat and broke the sombre tone by saying to Hayden "Alright, let's go. There is one last place I have to take you." Paul stood up and reached his hand out to pull Hayden up. He pulled Hayden up and said "Trust me. It'll be worth it." Hayden complied and got up and walked with Paul back to his car.

Paul drove to Chinatown and it was evident that he knew where we was going. "So where are we going?" Hayden asked and Paul answered smiling "You'll just have to wait and see." Hayden just laughed lightly and leaned his head back and let Paul drive. Paul parked in front of a restaurant called The Three Dragons and led Hayden in. Once they got in they saw the lobby was packed with people waiting for a seat. Hayden looked around him and noticed that the restaurant was really nice. He commented to Paul and said "This looks like a really nice place Paul." Paul smiled and answered "Yeah this place is one of a kind, and the food is great too. Definitely a New York Institution." Just as Paul started to tell Hayden about the restaurant they heard a loud voice from in front of the crowd of people "Paul Walker, little Paul Walker is that you?" Then an older woman walked up to them and hugged Paul. "Hayden, this is Mrs. Lee; this is her place. Mrs. Lee, this is my friend Hayden." Paul introduced them. Hayden shook Mrs. Lee's hand and she said "Always good to meet one of little Paul's friends." She let go of Hayden's hand and asked "So can I get you guys a table?" Paul told her that would be great and she walked them both right through the crowd and into the dinning room. As she led the way and Hayden looked curiously at Paul and whispered "Little Paul? I take it this has nothing to do with your celebrity does it?" Paul smiled and nodded 'No' as Mrs. Lee showed them to a private booth, which seemed to be the best table in the place. "Here you are." Mrs. Lee said as Paul and Hayden sat down. She handed them menus as she asked Paul "Your parents are good?" Paul answered that they were and she then asked about his brothers and sister. Paul answered that they were all good too and she left them to look over their menus.

As soon as Mrs. Lee left, Hayden looked at Paul for some explanation as to what just happened. He smiled and answered "Let's figure out what we want to eat first, and then I'll explain." Hayden agreed reluctantly and started to look over their menus. Mrs. Lee came back personally to take their orders. She made sure that their food was made ahead of everyone else's and brought it to the table quickly. Hayden and Paul thanked her and she left them to eat. Hayden was really enjoying the restaurant, the service was obviously excellent and Paul hadn't lied about the food. They finished their meals and reclined a bit in their seats as they sipped the last of their tea. Hayden then asked "So do you want to tell me what kind of arrangement you have going on here now?" Paul smiled and scooted over on the bench, closer to Hayden. Paul told Hayden how that place was part of the Walker family history. He said "This is the place where my mom and dad had their first date. My mom would come here whenever she was in the city and then my dad brought my mom back here when he proposed. Eventually when me and my brothers and sister were born she would bring us here too. We made sure to come here every time we were in New York and Mrs. Lee has seen all of us grow up." Hayden smiled at the story as Paul continued "So this place is a part of me, and I know it sounds dumb, but you mean a lot to me and I wanted to share this with you." Hayden could not help but smile widely hearing Paul tell him how he felt about him. He leaned in a little closer and said lightly "Thanks for bringing me here Paul, and letting me be part of this." They locked gazes for a quick second when they heard someone walking towards their table. Just before Mrs. Lee turned the corner, they quickly moved apart. She grabbed the plates and while she was gone Paul said to Hayden "I'll tell you what Hayden. We argue about this all the time, so if you really want to pay, I'll let you pay this time." Hayden smiled thinking that he'd beat Paul. When Mrs. Lee came back, Hayden reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. She responded quickly saying "Oh no no. The Walkers do not pay in this restaurant, and you're a good friend of Paul's, so you don't pay either." Hayden insisted he be allowed to pay, but she stubbornly pressed on. All the while Paul was trying hard not to laugh, and Hayden looked over and noticed a smirk on Paul's face and he knew right away that Paul set him up. After a short and pointless argument, Hayden gave in and put away his wallet. He and Paul both gave their thanks to Mrs. Lee and finally made their way home.

When they got home, Paul opened the door and let them both in. Paul threw his keys on the table next to the door and followed Hayden into the living room. Both boys fell onto the couch from the exhaustion of being on their feet the whole afternoon. "Man, I am so tired " Paul said as he leaned up against Hayden on the couch. Hayden agreed and said "Yeah, me too. I just want to go to bed." They got up and walked into the bedroom and started getting undressed. Just as they had changed into their shorts, they heard a phone ringing in the living room. Hayden realized it was his cell phone and he said "Shit. I forgot my phone this morning, my agent said he'd call with the flight information." Hayden ran out into the living room and picked up the phone. Sure enough, it was his agent. Paul leisurely walked into the living room and found Hayden on the phone with an annoyed look on his face. After he got all the information and had been chewed out a bit by his agent, Hayden hung up the phone. Paul walked up to Hayden and grabbed his hand and led him back into the bedroom and said "Let's go to bed." Hayden answered "There is nothing I would rather do." and followed Paul's lead. They both climbed into bed and nestled up close to each other under the covers when Hayden said "I had a great time today Paul, thanks a lot." Paul smiled in response and leaned in and kissed Hayden and said "No prob." Hayden wished Paul a goodnight and reached over and shut off the light.

The city had cooled down overnight, and left the apartment cold in the early morning. It was only starting to lighten up outside as Paul shivered in his bed as he felt a draft from the open window. Almost instinctively, still half asleep he went to curl up next to Hayden for some body heat. He opened his eyes when he reached over and couldn't feel Hayden, and he realized that Hayden was not in bed with him. He sat up in bed and looked around, still in the same sleepy state, and there was no sign of him. Paul threw the covers off of him and shivered again at the cold. He crossed his arms and rubbed his hands on the opposite arm to warm up a bit. He stood up and walked towards the bedroom door, but on the way noticed that all of Hayden's things that had been strewn about his room were now missing. "He couldn't have already left." Paul thought to himself. Paul opened the bedroom door and walked out and saw Hayden in the kitchen making a cup of coffee with the phone up to his ear. Hayden was showered, dressed and ready to go; he was wearing a pair of charcoal grey slacks, a white shirt and a black leather jacket. Paul also noticed Hayden's bags packed and sitting by the door. Once Hayden turned around and saw Paul he smiled happily. Paul smiled as best he could, still quite groggy. Paul, still only in his shorts walked up to Hayden and wrapped his naked arms around his waist from behind. Hayden turned his head and opened his lips and quickly kissed Paul. Hayden split their kiss apart quickly and returned his attention to the person on the other end of the phone. Paul heard Hayden say "Yeah, and could you please send that cab over in about forty minutes, and I'll be going to the airport." Realizing that Hayden was calling a cab he grabbed the phone from Hayden's hand and said to the person "Actually there has been a mistake, we have a ride, so there is no need to send that cab. Thank you." and then he hung up the phone.

Hayden turned around and now was standing face to face with Paul. He leaned in and kissed Paul's bare shoulder as he wrapped his arms around Paul and then brought his hands and rubbed Paul's upper arms as he had done to himself earlier. "You must be freezing." Hayden said as he lovingly warmed Paul up. Hayden let go of Paul and walked towards the door and unzipped one of his suitcases; he pulled out a red sweatshirt that said 'Canada' across the front and tossed it to Paul and said "As much as I love to see you with your shirt off, I won't be able to kiss you if you catch a cold, so put this on." Paul laughed lightly as he threw the sweater on and sat at the kitchen table. Hayden poured two cups of coffee as he said "You don't' have to drive me Paul. You have to get to the set, so I can take a cab." Hayden sat down next to Paul and handed him a cup of coffee. Paul answered "Are you kidding, of course I am gonna drive you to the airport. I can always be late to the set, it's not like they can start without me." Hayden smiled and agreed. Paul took a sip of his coffee and swallowed, then he said, half jokingly "So, were you just gonna leave without saying goodbye?" Hayden, concerned by the worry in Paul's tone answered "Of course not. You were really tired, and you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you up until I had to." Hayden reassured him "But I would never have left without saying goodbye, I care too much about you to do that." Paul smiled at that comment and took the last sip of his coffee.

Paul stood up and said "Okay, well let me just get ready and then we can go." Paul walked into the bedroom and took off Hayden's sweater and tossed it on the bed and then walked into the bathroom, and Hayden followed him, with his coffee still in hand. Hayden propped himself onto the counter as Paul started to wash up. "So do you have a full days worth of filming today?" Hayden asked. Paul answered that they were behind in filming, so they had to do more and more until they were caught up. Hayden just watched as Paul brushed his teeth and shaved and finished getting ready. "Are you just gonna sit there and watch me?" Paul asked playfully. Hayden answered "I can't think of anything I would rather be watching." Paul finished in the bathroom and walked back into the bedroom, and Hayden followed him back in. Paul changed into a pair of jeans and threw on Hayden's sweater again. As he pulled it over his head he could smell Hayden's cologne still on it from the last time he wore it. He inhaled the scent deeply and he said "This is a nice sweater, you know you are not getting this back right?" Hayden laughed and answered "You can keep it as long as you want." They walked back into the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table as Paul pulled out a bowl and filled it with cereal and milk. Hayden just kept watching Paul, now as he ate. "I wish I could just watch you all day long." Hayden said and Paul looked up from his food. Paul finished eating and put his dishes in the sink and walked towards the door when Hayden called back to him from the couch. Paul walked over and sat next to Hayden and asked "What's the matter?" Hayden answered "Nothing's the matter, I just want to sit with you for a second before we go." Paul smiled at Hayden's gesture and leaned up against Hayden. Hayden lifted an arm and brought it around Paul as they sat there for a few minutes in silence. "Hayden." Paul said. Hayden answered "Yeah." and Paul continued "We should get going if you want to catch your flight." Hayden agreed and they both got up and headed out the door.

They made their way to the garage and loaded all of Hayden's bags into the trunk and drove off towards the airport. They were both rather quiet in the car, both knowing that Hayden was about to leave, and both too upset to really say anything. Once they got to the airport Paul pulled up to the entrance and shifted his car into park. "Just drop me off here, you don't have to come in." Hayden told Paul. Paul asked "Are you sure?" Hayden nodded as he laid his hand on top of Paul's, which was on the gearshift. Hayden rubbed the back of Paul's hand gently with his fingers as he looked up at Paul. Hayden's eyes were glazed over, and when they met Paul's he noticed that his were as well. The car was silent, neither one really knew what to say. Hayden spoke first and said "My evenings will be free, so I'll call you from where ever I am." Paul nodded in consent and smiled as he answered "Yeah, and it's only for a few of weeks. No sweat, you'll be back in no time." Hayden smiled in response and agreed as he said "Yeah, no time at all." Paul spread his fingers a bit and let Hayden's fall between his, interlocking their fingers together. Hayden looked at Paul and spoke again "I should really get going if I want to catch my flight." Paul agreed and lifted his hand from under Hayden's and pulled him into a hug. "So we'll talk this evening then." Paul said to Hayden while they had their arms around each other. They pulled apart from the hug, and their locked their eyes. They moved their lips closer together and made contact. They slowly opened their mouths in the kiss and Hayden slid his tongue into Paul's mouth. As he did Paul brought his hands up to Hayden's neck and lovingly held him in place as they kissed. Hayden brought his tongue out of Paul's mouth, and at that moment, Paul darted his tongue into Hayden's mouth and prolonged the kiss. Hayden moaned at the feeling as best he could while still tongue tied with Paul. They relished that last moment before Paul brought his hands down and they finally split apart. Hayden then got out of the car and grabbed his bags and walked around to the driver's side of the car and pulled open the door. He leaned in and pecked Paul on the lips one last time and said "So I'll talk to you later." Hayden walked towards the entrance and just before he went in to the airport, he turned and waved to Paul who watched from his car.

Next: Chapter 4

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