
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 9, 2016


This story is fictional though some events and places maybe be real the characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not in any way denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx

The normal copy rights for this story are held by me any copying or placing of this story on any site without consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer is not allowed. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal whether by age or place of residence do so at your own risk and is in no way, the fault of the site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

Please feel free to contact me at RandyWadeStory@gmail.com

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Note from the author: I posted the wrong ending in chapter 10. I did not post the correct version so I am posting the final part of chapter ten to show you the corrected version. I also would like to apologize to my reader for the bad editing in the beginning of this story. I was continuing posting the un edit versions.

I would also like to remind my readers that this a journal of Noah's. I don't know about you but Noah doesn't worry about proper grammar. He just wants to get his message across to you. Mostly though he wants to get across to himself. I am sure he will reprint this story else, be patient folks. Noah storyu is not a happy one but who knows how it ends only he does.

Previous chapter

I got my lunch, Chili Mac. Eh better than nothing. I took my tray to the table I usually sit at. TJ was in the spot where Sam usually sat. I took my normal seat. Leaving two empty seats. TJ nodded.

I knew what TJ was up to he was letting me know in his subtle way `Family' he had my back. The guys acted cool. Like I wasn't outed this morning. I knew they all heard what was being said by the other students but they didn't care or seemed to act like they didn't.

Hank sat down across from TJ in the corner. His tray had nothing but cookies pudding and some chocolate milk. He looked at my tray and TJ's we both had the chili mac.

"How can you guys eat that shit?" Hank asked us.

"Hungry." TJ said using his spork to put some in his mouth.

Sam and Linda strolled up. Sam was holding two trays. He saw there was only one seat left and frowned.

"Noah can you make room for Linda." He said to me. A repeat of yesterday.

"Actually he can't we are talking." TJ said. He was waiting for that. I could tell because he was smiling ear to ear. TJ was enjoying this. TJ doesn't smile.

"Where's Linda going to sit?"

"Not to be mean bro but this is the jock table. You don't see us sitting with our girls here do you?" a guy named Conner said next to TJ.

"Yeah get real bro. Con is right. It's the unspoken rule jocks not chicks. How we gonna talk shit about them if they are here?" said another guy.

"Then what's Noah doing here? He into dicks not chicks?" Sam said. Outing me again. I knew he was pissed but fuck dude. I didn't say shit. Why was he constantly singling me out?

TJ stood up and moved to get right in front of Sam. "I though Noah was your friend Meets. That's the second time you outed him today. I suggest you and your girl go sit somewhere else. We rather have Noah here."

"Ok we will. We got no time for a fag anyway." Said Linda.

Ok maybe I was wrong but I couldn't take that bitch's nasty comments anymore. This 2008 the fag hating shit is old. I am also getting tired of Sam outing me so turnaround is fair play right.

"Funny you said that Linda because Sam had time enough for one when he wanted his dick sucked or wanted to suck one." I said. I figured fuck it everyone knows I am gay. So why deny it. If Sam outed me people might as well know all the facts.

I didn't bother to even look at Sam. I went back to eating my lunch. I didn't see it coming but Sam sucker punched me. Before I could react Hank was up and on Sam. TJ pulled Hank off of Sam.

Of course we all ended up in the principal's office. Grandma was pissed. I had a black eye Sam had one and a bloody nose. Hank looked like a scared a rabbit. TJ though was smiling. Me, well, I felt I was the victim here so, I felt safe.

"Someone what to explain what caused all of this?" Grandma said. I didn't say a word.

TJ spoke up.

"Sure I will. It's simple to understand. Noah didn't give up his seat for the princess when Sam asked him too. So Sam got pissed and sucker punched Noah, after he outed Noah twice today. Hank defended Noah. I pulled Hank off of Sam."

TJ pretty said what happened. He didn't go into detail. Stated the facts as he saw it. Got to love the Way TJ did it. Pretty much blamed Linda and Sam. Which pretty much was to blame.

"Oh and Linda Snow called Noah a derogatory name. Again twice." TJ added for good measure.

"What name/" Grandma asked.

"Faggot." TJ answered. He had a smile on his face. He was liking this too much.

"Is this true Noah?"

I didn't really want to answer. In truth I still was still in love with Sam. I didn't want to rat him out. Though I couldn't call TJ a liar. Especially since he told the truth.

"Pretty much ma'am."

"Henry what do you have to say?"

Hank looked like he wanted to cry. He was shaking.

"Grandma, Hank jumped on Sam to protect me. That's all he did. When he did Sam's face hit the floor." I said. I knew that if Hank started talking he would start crying.

"Is that true Hank?" Grandma asked.

"Yes ma'am." He said so quietly I barely heard him.

"So what I gather is this. Sam you outed Noah this morning. Then outed him again at lunch. When Noah refused to move from his seat you got angry and hit him. Hank, you then defended Noah."

"I didn't out him I was joking around. No one took me seriously."

A look went over TJ's face. The smile was gone. I had seen that look before. On my dad's face.

"Dude. Where the fuck you been? People been talking shit about my cousin all morning." TJ said. He was pissed.

"TJ language."

"Sorry Grands but that pissed me off. Noah was supposed to be his friend. Since Sam started hanging around the princess, he has been treating Noah like he was dog crap. He broke the golden bro code."

"Bro code?" Grandma asked.

"Bro's before ho's."

"I have to tell you Mr. Meets that I have been hearing the same thing all morning. I don't miss much. Hank and TJ wait outside."

TJ and hank went out to the front office.

"Sam do you have anything you want to say?"

"I want to say I am sorry Noah; I was acting like a total douche. I know I can't take it back but I will make it up to you. I promise."

"Noah?" Grandma said.

"You hurt me Sam in so many ways. I thought we were friends. You outed me. Called me a fag. Joke or not people believe it now. Non matter what you do that's done. Then you laughed at Linda's nasty so called jokes about me. You made me feel like trash. Like it was all fake to get what you wanted. You didn't even care that you left me here to walk home in the cold. Didn't bother to pick me up or call this morning. Even if I had a ride with TJ you totally didn't think past Linda. I can forgive you Sam, but I don't know if I can trust you again. You betray me." I didn't cry. I was nowhere near crying. The old Noah was back. Without emotion.

Sam was looking down at his feet. I knew what I said hurt him. It hurt to say it. It was true though he hurt me so much. I trusted him and he betrayed me. I want to forgive him and I probably will. I don't know if I can ever trust him or anyone again. Except my Dad and Grandma.

"Fair enough, Noah. Maybe someday you can trust me again too. I get that I broke your confidence."

"You broke more than my confidence you broke my heart. I'm in love with you." I yelled.

OH fuck me, I just told Sam I was in love with him. It just came out. I wasn't thinking. I was running on pure emotion. The last bit I had.

I "Buried my head in my lap. I wasn't crying. My head was all over the place. I had no control. This wasn't me. What happened. I always had control. I felt Grandma pull me into her arms.

"It's ok sweetheart let it all out." Let what out. Every pain, torcher, humiliation I endured in my whole life was there. I was now immune to it without feeling. I looked at Sam. The one who brought the old Noah back.

He had tears running down his face.

"I am so sorry Noah. I love you too. I am straight though. I can't you know. I am sorry."

I nodded. Grandma let me use her bathroom. When I came out Linda was there sitting next to Sam. She smiled at me and reached for his hand. He moved it away from her. She frowned slightly. I can tell she didn't like that.

"Glad your back Noah." Grandma said.

I smiled at grandma and ignored Linda. I did though enjoy that she was rebuffed by Sam.

"Noah sit down please."

"Linda it has come to my attention that you have used several words that are considered to be derogatory towards Noah."

"No I didn't use any such words."

"So you didn't use the words Fag or faggot?"

"They're not derogatory. That's what he is. So it's not derogatory."

"Young lady. You greatly misinformed. Those words are very much derogatory. They are hurtful, demeaning, disrespectful and against the Hazard School System policy to be used. You owe Noah an apology."

"No I don't he said nasty lies about My Samuel."

I must have looked confused because my Grandma when she looked at me, she saw she wasn't going to get an answer from me.

"What were those lies Linda?"

"He said that Samuel and him sucked each other things."

"It's true. We did. I did." Sam said quickly

"You're a fag too? I let you fuck me. Now I will get the Fag disease."

"Linda Snow. You are suspended for three days. You are not to set foot on this campus until those three days are up."

"Why I didn't do anything wrong. My mother says fags are disgusting pedophiles and don't deserve any respect."

"Again your misinformed. You are suspended."

"I am the homecoming queen. I have to be here Friday night and you can't a stop me."

"You are no longer Homecoming Queen. I believe the runner up as Carol Davies. She will take your place."

She was about to say something more. Grandma headed her off.

"If you say one more word I will extend your suspension longer."

In the end of all of this Grandma suspended Sam for two days. As she put it the fight was instigated by Linda BUT STILL Sam was could have handled it better. TJ, Hank and I got three days' detention in the library for our part in all of it.

Didn't bother me I was there anyway tutoring. I did forgive Sam. It would take a long time though before I trusted him again if I ever could.


Chapter 11

The rest of the week was pretty much what you would expect. There were comments and pointing of fingers in the hallway. I didn't care though. Fuck them. I used to it. I been pretty much the brunt of the jokes, comments and hate my whole life.

TJ and his table was cool and kept inviting me to sit with them. I would smile, fake of course, I declined. I would sit by myself. I didn't want to be bothered by the students or anyone.

I come to school to learn. I enjoyed that part. I didn't enjoy the betrayal of people. I wasn't going to allow anyone close enough to betray me again. I wasn't going to get hurt again. Best way to do that is be alone.

I walked to and from school the past two days. I did my detention. I was no longer tutoring. Wasn't my decision. It was theirs. No one wanted to be tutored by the school fag. I did my time. While I did my time I did my homework. So when I got home I could chill. Play a few video games.

TJ and Hank both tried to get me to interact with them. I wasn't rude but really could be bothered. I know they took up for me and all that shit. I just wasn't going to allow them to turn their backs on me like Sam did.

It was Friday morning; Sam's suspension was up. Tonight was home coming. I had no intention of being bothered by either one. I was just going to school to do what you're supposed to do learn. Fuck the rest of that shit.

I had been to go to school early. I decided to go in with Grandma. I figured my life at school is fucked anyway. So hanging out and going to school with the principal can't make it any worse. Right?

I started main office. Today I helping Mrs. Jensen do some copying. Paid little any attention to the teachers that would come in, check their mail boxes give their lesson plans for the following week to Mrs. Jensen. That was one thing that surprised me. Grandma insisted that she knew what each teacher was teaching and what their lesson plans were. I figured it was typical of her. She wanted to know everything that happened with in her school.

I was staring blankly at the copy machine as it spitted out it's copies of whatever bulletin it was. I didn't care what it said. I figured if I didn't my school work and didn't bother with other students I was safe. I wasn't really think about much. My mind just wandered. I glanced at the clock it was 7:45. Another 15 minutes until homeroom. TJ still sat next to me but he stopped trying to get me to talk.

"Being the good helper or is this a punishment?" a voice whispered from behind me.

I jumped. I guess I was so lost in whatever my mind wandered back and forth to, I didn't hear anyone come up behind me.

I turned around. I saw who it was and jumped at him. My legs where wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck like I was 7 again. I buried my head in his shoulder. I was surprised and thrilled. I wanted to cry at the injustice of the last week that has been done to me. there was no emotion about that anymore though.

"Wow, I take it your happy to see me? Miss me that much did you?"

"Fuck yeah. I thought you weren't able to come back until Thanksgiving Dad."

"Oh someone told me you needed a little pep talk because of some shit that went down this week. I got to also admit, I miss the fuck out of you too kid. So here I am until Monday."

"Grandma told you huh? I asked her not to."

"No not your Grandma."

I couldn't figure out then how he found then. I didn't tell him anything. Grandma didn't. Grandpa was clueless. In fact, Grandpa was having a bad week. So how did he find out?

Dad smiled, then laughed. "Noah, whether you believe it or not you have a cousin who is very worried about you. He may not admit it but he cares a lot about you."

"TJ told you? I didn't know you guys talked. I thought Ruth monitored his emails? Aren't you on the blackball list?"

"She does, but only the ones she knows about and yes I am."


The bell rang. Homeroom. I didn't move I wanted to spend the day with my dad. The fact that he was here so early meant that he had gotten up early to take a flight here. Then there was the two-hour trip from the airport.

"Don't you have school to do kiddo?" he said as I just stood there looking at him.

"Yeah I guess I do." I said. I gather up the copies which had finished. I placed them on Mrs. Jensen's desk. Grabbing my bag, I waved at my dad. he waved back as went into Grandma's office.

I walked into homeroom and took my seat. I was smiling. I looked at TJ and smiled. He nodded.

"Thanks TJ."

"Family bro. Family."

"I, well yeah thanks."

"Hey Noah."

I was so in my little moment that I hadn't seem Sam come in.

"Hey." I said.

"TJ Really though thanks for doing that." I said turning back to TJ. In away letting Sam know he was still not out the shithouse with me yet. If he ever would be. Yeah I forgave him. I didn't trust him. I trusted my Dad, Grandma and I am really begging to trust TJ.

"Hey someone had to fix the shit in your head. Only uncle Jared knows how to do that." He smirked.

I went to my English Lit class. The girls were all in the corner giggling and whispering about something. I didn't pay it any mind. I couldn't give a fuck. Girls were a strange confusing thing to me and any guy. Mostly though I was gay and no interest in them what so ever.

Grandma decided that we would perform, A midsummer Night Dream. She assigned rolls according to how we felt about the character we related to in an earlier assignment. She handed out a sheet of paper that had our names on it. next to the name was the Character they would portray.

Next to mine was Robin Goodfellow aka Puck. I was not happy. I didn't want to do this. I hated crowds. I didn't want to be the center of attention. My who existence in life so far was that I was better off being invisible.

"I know most of you are not into acting. Some of you will not be comfortable on stage. I will not force anyone to do this. I don hope that you do it. We all need to at some time be out of our comfort zones. It will not affect your grade. If you decide you want to do this, it will be considered extra credit." Grandma said to the class.

"I want you to get into two groups one group is those who were assigned a part. Talk among yourselves quietly on this. For those of you have not been assigned a part or. I expect you to be part of the stage crew. You will make up the second group."

I stayed in my seat. I didn't join either group. I really didn't need the extra credit. My grades where high. Yeah I know what you're thinking of course they were Grandma was teaching the class. The thing you didn't know she didn't grade my work. She asked the English professor at the community college to do. She was smart. She didn't want people to think she was showing favoritism.

I was reading The Great Gatsby. Yeah I decided to read it anyway for the second time. It's a good read. I was probably the only one reading it too.

I saw a shadow fall over my book. I looked up and Carol Davies was standing over me.

"Noah aren't you join us? You have a main character." She said.

Was she serious? I looked over at the group. Most had that look of why is asking me to join them. A few though, had looks of indifference.

"Why should I? They don't want me there. I don't want to be there. Look at Joe Pasteli? He would rather I just stay away completely."

"Look Noah, Joe's an ass. He is only one person."

"The others don't want me there either."

"They are just lambs being led. Forget them. I would like you to join us. Please." She said smiling and batting her eyes.

"You know batting your eyes doesn't work on me. I am gay."

"I know but I figured it was worth a try. So will you?"

I didn't know what her angle was. She never talked me before. Fuck, I didn't even know she knew I existed. I let out my breath. I knew Joe was the alternate. Joe was one of those Pork buds. Fuck it.

"I will but if I get to much shit from the assholes I am out."

"Great, come on." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me across the room.

The look on Pasteli's face was enough to make me want to do it even more. He looked as if some homeless guy sat down beside him. Joe decided he was in charge. Which in my opinion was like a blind man playing baseball. In truth though Carol took the lead. She diplomatically just let Joe think he was in charge.

We agreed to meet every morning at 7 to go over our lines. Joe put up a big shit about the hour.

"We can always meet after school then." I said. Knowing he had football practice.

"Shut the fuck up Fagboy. You're lucky I am allowing you to be a part of this. Not to mention be this close to my hotness."

"Are you serious Pasteli? There is so many things wrong with what you just said. I don't know where to begin." Carol said.

"How about the fact that he is about as hot as an ice cube?"

Said one girl.

"Oh I think the part that he has any say about who is here in this." Said another girl.

"How about the fact I don't give a fuck about anything he has to say? Everything that comes out of his mouth is pure stupidity anyway." I stated without any emotion.

Pasteli stood up he pulled his arm back.

"Is there a problem Mr. Pasteli?" I head Grandma say in her principal voice.

"No ma'am." He said and sat down

"You're lucky your granny is here right now or I'd be kicking your Faggot ass." He whispered.

"I think right now; you better change your attitude buddy. Noah has a mean right hook and his left one is pretty nasty too." TJ said from behind me.

Joe looked at me then TJ. I could tell he was trying to figure a way to save face. There was no way to.

"What you doing here?" I asked TJ.

"Grandma asked me to help with the scenery for the play." TJ answered.

"Nice." I said.

The bell rang a few minutes later. I went down the hall had no issues. I was still stared at but I was invisible. I couldn't see them or them me. American history was ok. Economic was boring as usual.

In art were working with clay all week. I had already put mine through the kiln Now I had to paint, glaze and kiln again.

I had made a Figure of a marine. In one hand he carried his weapon the other the flag. It took time but I painted it. The camo's and flag took most of the time. I had just finished the last of the glazing when then bell rang. I was pissed. I wanted to get it in the kiln. I was going to give it to my dad.

I walked up to Miss Moss. nil explained things to her.

"Noah I can see that the figure is done with a lot of love and thought. Even if I let you put it in the kiln now. You can't take it home until after the final grades."

"When can I take it then?"

"I'll tell you what after the school art exhibit I grade the work. That's the first week of December. After that you can have for Christmas."

I thought about what she said. That would work for me.

"Ok thanks." I said smiling.

I headed for Lunch. I got my tray and sat at the table I been sitting at all week. I heard the girls talking at the next table. Silly creatures that they are I got to admit I enjoyed listening to talk their garbage sometimes. It can be hilarious.

I was facing him so I could see who they were. The Bimbo squad commonly known as the cheer leaders.

"Oh he is so hot with a double T."

My sister went to school with him. She told me he was the BMC. The school stud and football star player."

"I think he still the stud."

Whomever they were talking about must be so fucking hot. I was like who is this stud. I want to see him.

"Shhh, be quiet he's coming this way."

I almost fell over laughing when my dad sat across from me.

"Hey kiddo."

"Hi Dad." I said loud enough for the Bimbo squad to hear.

"So answer something for me."


"Why is my son sitting by himself? When his own cousin and buddies want him to sit with them?"

"Sam is there."

"Don't let one person rule you, Noah. Now grab your shit and let's go out to BK with the guys."

"Dad what about class?"

"Wait." He said then texted something.

"Attention Hazard High School students, faculty and staff. You can thank an alumnus for reminding me of a promise I once made. If the bulldogs had a no loss season until homecoming it would be a half day. So in honor of that promise I am canceling the rest of todays classes. GO bulldogs!" I heard Grandma say over the load speaker.

There was a loud cheer. Throughout the school. there was an excited buzz going through it. You couldn't help feel it. School pride. Bulldog pride.

Dad stood up and stretched. I heard a few gasps coming from the Bimbo squad. Dad smiled and winked at me. he did it on purpose. He knew the reaction he Had on people especially the ladies. He was after all a stud.

He turned and looked at the girls and smiled at them. "Would you Ladies like to join us and the BMC's at BK? My treat."

They all said yes. All except one. I forgot her name. She was a little quieter than the rest of the girls. She was small and a little delicate looking.

"You're Nicole Moss right?"

"Yes Mr. Mac Daniels."

"No way. I remember you. I took your sister Nancy to the prom."

"I remember." She said blushing.

"So are you coming?"

"I have to ask Nancy if I can. I am supposed to go home with her."

"What's her number? I'll call her."

"She teaches here. She is room 122b."

"Miss Moss is your sister?" I said.

"Yes. She says your work is the best she has ever seen."

"Let's go ask her then." Dad said. He pulled us along while texting.

Needless to say Miss Moss had no problem Nikki going with us as a matter of fact she took Dads offer and joined us. They followed us to the BK. The major part of the football team was there. Including Pork and his asswipes. Figures he wouldn't pass up a free meal.

I jumped out of Dad's rental car. Well I thought it was a rental it was new car he had purchased. He had driven out to hazard from Jacksonville NC. This of course I learned later.

I jumped out of the Dodge Durango. I walked up to the group. I didn't say much dad waited for Nancy and Nikki to park and join us.

"Oh who let the Fag come. This is for real men only." I heard pork yell. What dumb fuck he was. His buddies made their cracks too.

TJ and I smiled as Dad charged over to him and his fellow dumbasses.

"You got something say?"

"Yeah, we don't wanna be around no Fag." Pork stupidly said.

"Then leave. Because my son stays. You shit heads don't." My dad said.

"You can't make us leave." Pork said.

Dad left them and came over to group. We all went in dad talked to the manager. I saw the manager and dad look at pork and crew.

He took Dads Credit Card. Seems the manager was a buddy of Dads. I was in line across from Pork.

"I am sorry sir but I cannot serve you." The young girl said.

"Why the fuck not."

"I was instructed that you and your friends are not to be served."

Pork was making a stink. Of course the fag was mentioned. The manger and owner came over.

"Is there a problem sir?"

"Yeah I want some fucking food. They serve that Fagboy. I should be served too."

"Sir we have a policy against bigotry and racism at Burger king. I am going to have to ask you to leave and not return." He said.

"Fuck you. I ain't moving until you give me my Whopper."

"I have your Whopper right here." TJ yelled and grabbed his crotch.

The whole restaurant busted out laughing even his cronies.

"You a fag to TJ." Was his retort.

"Sir if you do not leave now I will have to call the police."

I think Pork shit himself when Marc and his partner came into the restaurant in uniform.

He turned and left. What happened next surprised the fuck out of me. pasteli came over and apologized for his shit. So did most of the others. I guess some guys are man enough to admit shit and others just cowards.

Sam sat with the second string guys. I sat with TJ and Hank. I felt bad so I asked if Sam could sit with us.

"I got no issues with it Cuz but if he says anything out of line I will smash him." TJ said.

"I am with TJ."

I got up and went over to Sam's table. He looked up at me with a small smile.

Sam, we have an empty seat if you want to sit with us."

Sam looked over at the table at TJ.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. If you don't mind sitting with the school fag." I said smiling.

"You promise not to try and get into my pants? At least not in public." He grinned.

"So not in public I can?"

"Wouldn't be the first time you did."

Sam joined us. It was awkward at first. TJ and Hank finally relaxed and realized the old Sam was sitting there. Not the pussy whipped one.

Dad and Miss Moss talked a lot that day. They laughed about some of the pranks and their former class mates. My dad was smooth with the ladies. The one thing that surprised me though was when it came to good byes my dad blushed. I never seen my dad blush. Miss Moss had said something in his ear and kissed his cheek and my dad blushed.

I was one happy 16-year-old. I had just recently passed my driver ed class. Grandma got me into a driving school. so all I had to do was take the test. I wasn't expecting this today.

When Dad and I left BK he took me over to the DMV on Main Street. I passed with flying colors. I was so proud as I held my junior's driver license. I think Dad was just as proud when he threw me the car keys.

"Home James." He said.

I smiled I don't mind playing chauffer this time. Dad had already told me that the jeep was mine. He would pay for the insurance and gave me a gas card. My dad was awesome, what can I say. Other than I think he like Miss Moss. OMG dad she's my teacher. NO!

It's funny how your week or a day can be so fucking rotten that you just want to crawl up and die. How it can turn you it a robot without emotion. Then one person, whether it's just a smile or a kind word, can turn it all around.

I felt since Tuesday that there wasn't anyone in this world I could rely on that was my age. TJ, regardless of how his mother felt, went out of his way to help me by contacting my dad.

My dad just being him. He made what I thought was just another chapter in the life of God hates Noah. He turned it around. He gave me that hope. That's my dad. My Uncle Jared. My hero and idol. He makes things right. He makes my hurts not hurt.

Then there's Carol Davies she is being nice to me. Okay that confused me big time. What's her angle? I will just wait and see. Unlike TJ I don't know if I can trust her.

When it comes to Sam. I love him. I forgive him. I just don't know if I can trust him. Maybe I will over time. I have to give him the chance though. That's what I decided to do at BK. Start giving him the chance to earn my trust again.


From Randy Wade:

Again Thank you for all your wonderful comments and suggestion. Though I have a set plan and ending for Noah's tail. I take your suggestions seriously. I have used some too. If you wish to be notified please email me and ask me to put you on the list.

I also want to thank someone who has encouraged me more than he knows, he has given me the strength to deal with the grammar police and the critics. (seriously guy if my story is that bad why did you read all 10 chapters so far). This is my first attempt at writing I hope I get better.

Thank you so much IOMFATS.

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Next: Chapter 12

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