
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 10, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events.

The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx. The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males.

If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk It is in no way, the fault of the site on which you are reading this or that of the writer. Please feel free to contact me at RandyWadeStory@gmail.com

Editor's note:

Hey guys! My name is Sam. Randy has graciously let me edit his stories. From now, until hopefully the end of the ride, I'll be looking them over before Randy submits them. I must warn you. I am currently enrolled in college and have little to know life right now. :) However, I'll try my hardest to get these back to him as soon as possible!

Also, we now have a Yahoo group! The link is: groups.yahoo.com/Randy_Wades_stories Please join this group to stay up-to-date on our adventures! If you need to contact me, please do so through the group! Thanks! Sam

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Chapter 12

We were in the bedroom. Dad was changing and I was on my computer checking my email. Yeah I know I don't have friends. But I do check it to see If Joe or maybe TJ sent me something. Joe did saying he was taking Grandma up on the offer of spending Thanksgiving with us.

I was happy about that. Even if I did have my dad now, Joe played a big part in my life. He would always have his place in my heart. He showed me that some people care.

"Noah would you mind picking up Nikki on your way to Homecoming tonight? I need to take Grandpa. He is having a good day but you know how that can change." Dad asked me.

"I'm not going."

Dad pulled up his pants and looked at me. I know that look. I saw it before when I decided to not take part in some social thing. Grandma gives me that look too.

"Why not?"

"Because it will probably just be boring."

"What makes you think it will be boring?"

"The fact that I will be hanging out by myself."

"I doubt that Noah. People "hung" out with you in BK."

"TJ, Hank, and Sam did. But they won't tonight."

"Sure they will big guy."

"Dad, Hank's going to be with his girlfriend. Sam, well I don't know if I want to be hanging out with him yet."

"Ok I can understand that, but there's still TJ. From what I understand, he doesn't have a girl yet."

I looked at my Dad like he had a second head. I mean come on Dad your forgetting something major here.

"Well, what's the matter with hanging with your cousin?" he said

"Nothing dad. Ruth will be there, so you know he can't hang with me."

"Yeah forgot about her. I'll be there though. We can make it a father/son thing or something."

"Don't you have a date with Miss Moss? I'm not too sure you'd want me tagging along. I don't wanna be cock blocking you. You might get lucky and get some."

Dad busted out laughing. I meant it to be funny. But the truth was there too. No guy wants a third wheel on a date. Especially on a first date.

"Noah I don't plan on "getting any" tonight. I would really like you to go though." Dad said. He had his big puppy dog eyes on. He used to do that when I was 7, when he wanted me to do something he thought I'd like. I knew then I'd give in. I did when I was 7. I would now at 16.

"Fine Dad."

I picked out what I would wear. It was going to be cold. So I picked out my jeans and a Fantastic 4 tee with Johnny on the front. I loved Johnny Storm. He was hot as fuck! Come on you have to agree with that. Chris Evans is HOT! The final part of my outfit was a hoody with the US marine logo under my jacket.

Dad had gone down to get Grandpa ready. That could be a chore at times. It was like dressing a 150-pound toddler at times. Grandpa was now wearing depends. He would put up a fight on having to wear them. "I don't need diapers I am an ass grown man." He would yell. In the end though he would wear them.

I had Dad call Nikki to tell her I was on my way to pick her up. They lived in a section called The Combs. It was run down area. It was a mixture of trailers and small houses. Most were not much more than shacks.

I put the address into the GPS and followed its directions. I made a right onto Baker Street. And went till the GPS said "You have arrived at your destination." Nikki was there waiting in the driveway of a small, but well-kept little house. It wasn't fancy but then none of these houses were. I guess it fit the purpose. She was dressed in her navy blue and gold cheerleader clothes. She was all smiles as she got into my Jeep. I loved saying that. My Jeep. I had my own wheels. Even if I was the town loser/fag. At least I had my own wheels. Miss Moss ran out to let us know that my Dad called and said he would be running late. Grandpa was giving him a hard time. Miss Moss asked if I minded if she went with us. I had no problem with it. Neither did Nikki.

I followed their directions on how to get out of there. The streets were not wide and were not much more than dirt roads, though they were paved. Well kind of paved.

We pulled up to the school, there were cars everywhere. I decided to park as close to Main Street as I could. I figured it would be easier to get out in the mad rush after this crap was done.

We walked the quarter mile or so to where it was being held between the football field and the ballfield. There was a huge pile of timber surrounding the mascot of the Bulldog rival, a big yellow bee. Ok it was supposed to be a yellow jacket.

I looked around and saw Grandma talking to some grey haired guy. I saw TJ hang with his group. Not far off was Ruth. She, of course was totally overdressed. That didn't surprise me though. She was with Teddy of course.

Aliza, like her mother, was overdressed. She looked very uncomfortable and unhappy. While all the other kids her age where dressed so they could run, play, and just be kids. She was dressed like her mother. Like they are out to go to some elaborate party or something.

Little Seth was not there. Ruth rarely took him anywhere. He was an embarrassment to her, like I was. I felt out of place here. TJ was with the guys I would normally just go hang around. So that was out. Ruth and all that crap.

I didn't see Sam anywhere. So even if I wanted to hang out with him I couldn't. I really didn't know anyone else well enough to just go up and hang with. Nikki pulled me along with her to the Bimbo squad. Miss Moss went over to where the teachers were grouped together.

I looked around at the different clicks. The jocks, the geeks, the popular kids, the dead heads. Goth and emo. Even the adults had their clicks. Teachers, politicos, religious and then there was Ruth's. She was holding court as if this was all about her.

The bimbo squad greeted Nikki with the normal enthusiasm you'd expect. I just got looks. You know the ones that say 'Why are you here with us.' I paid it no mind though. I stood off to the side and faded into the background. Yeah dad. This is so much fun.

I felt an arm around my shoulder and someone whisper into my ear. "Hey stud. Why you hanging with the cheerleaders?"

I looked at Sam. "I brought Nikki and Miss Moss. No one else to hang with I guess."

"Well if you want, you can hang with me. That is, if you really want too." Sam said with a sheepish smile.

I shrugged. "I guess if you don't mind being seen with the school fag." I saw his smile leave his face and his eyes get smaller. "Noah, I don't give a fuck about that. Fuck dude I ain't that much better. If you remember I sucked your dick too."

I nodded and we moved away from the girls. Much to their relief that I left them. I am sure they wanted Sam to stay though. I mean the guy was hot and the football god of the school.

We walked around and ended up at the football jock clique. TJ was on one end of the group. I was on the opposite end. I saw my dad come up with Grandpa. He deposited Grandpa with Grandma and went off to join Miss Moss. He winked at me as he passed us.

We were all joking around. I had to admit, I was having fun. Sam was paying me a lot of attention. TJ was keeping his distance from me but didn't ignore me exactly. He was just trying to not get Ruth worked up, and that was okay with me.

Grandma got everyone's attention. Made a short speech and introduced Daniel Mongiardo, the Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky. He said he was proud to be here tonight and being an alum of Hazard High School was something he was proud of. Blah, blah, blah. He seemed like a cool guy.

He lit the fire and it went up with a whoosh. I smelled my dad come up behind me. Yeah I said smelled him. He has a distinctive cologne. I recognize it anywhere. I know what you perv's are thinking. No I don't want to fuck my dad. I mean it. Dad may be hot as fuck, but gross. He's my dad.

"Having fun?" he said placing a hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze.

"I guess."

"Oh whatever, Noah. I saw you laughing with the guys. Don't play it off." He laughed.

Dad grabbed TJ and pulled him over. "Now I got my two favorite guys here. I want you both to know I am proud of both of you and how you handled yourselves in all the mess at school."

TJ and I looked at each other. We bust out laughing.

"Uncle Jared, I got to tell you. I so wanted to beat the fuck out of Linda when that shit went down. I think Noah did too." TJ said between giggles.

"You know it." I said

"Theodore James Holt! What did I tell you? I'll tell you again do not be around that boy!" Ruth yelled and pulled TJ away.

"What are you doing here Jared?"

"Same thing you are doing. Enjoying Homecoming."

"I meant here in Hazard, Jared. You're not supposed to be here until Thanksgiving."

"I came to visit my parents and my son." He said pulling me too him. "He is not your son. That is a farce."

"Not according to the state of Kentucky it is."

"We will see." Ruth said storming off, pulling TJ with her.

"Okay that sounded ominous. She's up to something."

"She always up to something dad. She wanted Grandma to give you a letter."

"I know, she told me this morning. I am sure I will find out what it is soon. She is on a mission, she will deliver it before I leave."

"Noah, I am so glad you came. I was afraid the assholes would scare you off." Said Carol Davies. She was wearing a pretty fifties style dress and of course her tiara as homecoming queen.

"I wasn't going to come, but my dad kind of made me." I said.

Carol smiled at my dad. She introduced herself and thanks. She excused herself and went off to greet other people.

I was still wondering what her angle was. She was popular, smart, on the girls' basketball team and yeah I guess she was pretty too. Why was she singling me out so much lately? Why was she being nice? I mean she knew I was gay so it wasn't like she wanted to date me. Not that anyone would even if I wasn't. I am not a bad looking guy and all but I am Noah, a.k.a. the loser.

We enjoyed the rest of homecoming. For the most part, kids behaved themselves. A few were drinking. Grandma knew it too. She seemed to just ignore it. They were out of school, even though technically on school property. She and Grandpa were standing with Dad, Miss Moss, and me now.

I wasn't surprised though, that Marc was on duty and rounded the drinkers up. They were all given tickets and given a ride home on a school bus. I laughed when he came up to Grandma.

"Thanks Mrs. Mac for that tip. Nothing worse for Hazard than drunk kids driving."

I took Nikki home. Dad finished his date with Miss Moss. Grandma drove Grandpa and herself home. When I walked in the door it was quiet. My room was empty so I did what a teen age boy normally did every chance he got. I wanked.

We all were sitting down eating lunch when Ruth barged into the kitchen. She had the look of satisfaction when she dropped a letter in front of Dad. Stepped back, crossed her arms and smiled. Dad picked up the envelope and opened it. I watched his face as he read the contents. His eyes squinted. He handed the pieces of paper to my Grandma. She frowned and looked at Ruth.

"Why are you so evil? What has this child ever done to you Ruth?"

"Dad? Grandma?"

"He is not your father. That paper proves it."

I looked at my Dad. He was looking at Ruth as if she was the devil. I am not so sure she wasn't either.

"Dad? What's going on?"

"I said he is not your Father. Do not address him as such."

"Shut the fuck up Ruth. He is my dad no matter what you or that paper say."

"You will not talk to me like that. I am an adult and your aunt, I deserve respect."

"You are not my aunt. You're a mean spirited bitch, who thinks only of herself. I would rather admit Freddy Kruger is related to me than you. As I see it, you don't deserve any respect from me, since are not adult enough to give it to me."

"Mother are you going to allow that spoiled child talk to me like that?"

Grandma shrugged.

"Ruth as I see it my son told you the truth. Now please leave before I forget that you are a woman and hit you."

"You will not lay a hand on me. So do not make empty threats Jared Mac Daniels."

Grandma had gotten up and looked at Ruth. Then smacked her face. It was loud and hard. It left as hand print.

"Jared may be a gentlemen and not hit a woman. However, I am a woman and have no problem doing it. Now get out of my house. You are no longer welcome here."

I had taken the piece of paper. It was a copy of a DNA report. It showed the Theodore James Holt Jr. was my birth father. The other paper was full of legal mumbo jumbo. I did understand though, that it said that since Teddy was my father he was considered my legal father. And since he did not give consent to the adoption of me by dad, it was null and void.

I got up from my seat. I looked at my dad or Uncle Jared. I was confused. I ran grabbed my coat and went out the door yelling "I'll be back." I wasn't running away or anything. I needed to be alone.

I ran down the trail towards school. As I passed the school I saw Sam's truck parked beside the track. I slowed down a bit. I thought about talking to him. I couldn't though. Sam had betrayed me once. I wasn't ready to trust him yet. I sped up. I ran down Main Street. I cut through the Whitaker Bank parking lot and up the train tracks to my spot on the river.

I tripped and fell, scraping the palm of my hand. It stung, but not bad. I started to cry, as I laid there. I just balled my eyes. I let them close. I didn't want to open them to see that it was a dream. That is was some elaborate joke of my mom's. That it all was just a dream, and now, just a bad dream.

I felt someone pull me up and hold me. I wasn't sure who it was, but I let them hold me. I wanted someone, anyone, to show me that it was a dream. I cried out. Every damn thing in my life was just one big fuck job. No matter what I did, what anyone did, my life was one fucked over hell after another.

I opened my eyes after I finished crying like a baby. My head was cradled against his chest. Sam's chest. He didn't say anything. He didn't ask why I was crying. He just held me.

He kissed my forehead and smiled. "You get it all out? If you need to cry some more Noah, you can. I don't mind."

"I'm good thanks." I said. I could feel he was hard under me. I could feel it size and thickness. It pulsed and twitched a few times. Normally that would set me off. Even if I was still a bit put off with Sam with trust shit, he was sex on legs.

I wasn't hard though. Sex was the farthest thing from my mind. I moved off of him and sat up. I didn't talk and neither did Sam, and we sat there. I looked out at the river. The river had no care where it was going to. It didn't have a care in world. It just kept moving along. I wish I could be like that.

I heard the crunch of gravel. I looked behind me and TJ walked up and smiled. He sat beside me. He surprised me when put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a hug. I needed it. I admit that, but it was weird because it was TJ giving it. He wasn't the kind of guy that showed affection or emotion like that.

"What're you doing here?" I asked him.

"Checking on my cousin and brother dude." He replied.

"OH but how did you know where I was."

"I called him. I don't have your dad's cell number. I tried your house but your Grandpa said that there was no Noah there and had the wrong number." Sam said.

All of the sudden I got angry. TJ knew what his mother and father were going to do. He didn't warn me or anything. I know his mom is a bitch and all, but he could have said something to me and my dad. Yeah my dad. As far as I am concerned he is my dad. Not Uncle Teddy. I pushed TJ away.

TJ was confused by my sudden shove. By the look of anger on my face.

"You fuck! You knew. You knew about all of this."

"Not until a little while ago."

"Oh so your mom came in bragging about how she finally got over on the little trash fag kid?"

"Not exactly."

He explained that right after she got home his father told her that her parents and Jared were on their way over. His dad was pissed, but didn't say anything. Ruth said they were not allowed in her house. Teddy informed her that it was his house too, and that they were welcome.

Once they arrived, all hell broke loose. Teddy informed everyone that he knew I was his son. He had an affair with Emily. Ruth was pregnant with TJ at the time, and when she got pregnant with me, he gave her money to get an abortion. She took the money and ran away.

Ruth knew about the affair and that Noah was his son. So that was why she had so much hatred for me. I was a skeleton in the closet. One she felt that would ruin her social standing in the Hazard society.

Teddy assured dad and the grandparents that he has no part in this and that as far as he was concerned I was not his son. He would deliver a paper stating that he will not claim any parental rights. To keep Ruth happy, it was decided that they would keep my birth father a secret.

I admit that it was a little insulting to know I was Teddy's dirty little secret. I liked it better when I didn't know who my birth father was. Though, I admit I wish it was more like I didn't know who my birth mother was would be better. But then, I wouldn't have my Uncle Jared when I was 7 or my dad now that I am 16.

TJ gave Sam and me a lift back to his truck next to the track. He also gave me another hug. TJ acting like he cares, giving hugs. I swear I saw a tear when I pushed him away. Is TJ becoming a decent human being? Time will tell.

Like he promised, the paper Teddy was talking about was delivered that evening. The adoption would go through. Even while it was on file with the state it would take a year for it to be final. That sucks. I have to wait a year to have Dad to be officially my dad.

We hung out all night. I felt a little down still so I just got out of my bed and crawled in with my dad. He spooned behind me pulled me in tight. I fell asleep like that. Still wishing I was the river. It didn't have a care in the world it just moved on.

Thanks so much to my editor Sam for helping me get those Grammar police off my back. That will stop some people from emailing me to point out mistakes. I could be Stephen King and they would find mistakes lol+

At the suggestion of Sam (editor):

We started a group on yahoo. Join if you like randy_wades_stories@yahoogroups.com

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Next: Chapter 13

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