
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 11, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk It is in no way, the fault of the site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 13

The next few weeks were quiet. Ruth pretty much stayed out of my life. For some reason that made me more worried than her sticking her nose in my life. At least then, I knew what she was up to.

TJ seemed to run hot and cold with me. Some days he was really cool, and others he was an ass. If he was a girl I'd say it was pms. Since he isn't, I figured it was his mother.

It was Friday, Halloween. Somehow I got roped in by Nikki and Carol to help with the Halloween dance. I had suggested we do a haunted school theme. Which of course, everyone liked except for Linda.

Linda had somehow weaseled her way onto the decorating committee. Ehh whatever. The girls had their boyfriends help with the heavy stuff. Like handing the ghost and creatures around the school gym. We put cardboard coffins around it. Some were open, with fake vampires. But some were closed for a reason.

I asked a few guys from the team to help out in that area. Hank, Connor, and Sam all agreed to dress up as vampire football players and zombies. The vampires were to hide in the closed coffins and jump out at people.

We made a mound out of a wood platform with some AstroTurf and a few styrofoam headstones. On the headstone were comical names and sayings. We cut a slit in the grass, where there was a cut out for our zombie. Which was Sam. I am sure you can figure out his task.

We hung ghosts made of sheer curtains around the gym. They would drop down to people's head levels periodically. Just low enough to brush their heads.

Carol agreed to be Carrie, covered in blood with a crown. Her boyfriend, Jamie Torino was playing Tommy. Linda, not wanting to be out done by carol again said she wanted a part too. I was like `a part?' This ain't no movie or a play.

"Just get dressed up in something scary. That's all I am doing." I suggested

"I can do that. I'll get dressed up like a fag and go as you." She said with as much venom as she could.

"You know what would be a scary costume?" Nikki said.

"What's that.?"

"Go as a homophobe. Won't take much work for you." Nikki said as she placed spiders on the cobwebs.

I had to laugh at that. I saw Carol smile too. It was Nikki's expression that made us laugh harder though. She had a look on her face like she was serious and wasn't saying anything funny.

"Fuck you fag." She said to me. What the fuck? I didn't say it.

"You know Linda, I would like think you would have learned your lesson when Mrs. Mac suspended you. Unfortunately, you're too ignorant to learn that homophobia is disgusting and not accepted amongst the normal people." Said Carol.

"You're only friends with him because he got you to be Homecoming Queen."

"No. I am his friend because he is nice, smart, and funny."

"Yeah, well watch your boyfriend, because Fags steal them. Like he did mine."

"First off the fact that Noah is gay doesn't bother me or Jamie. My brother was gay. It's because of people like you he is dead. I don't want that for Noah." Carol said with tears streaming down her face.

"Do us all a favor Linda and leave." Jamie said as he held Carol.

"Fuck you Jamie. That trash probably had his fag lips on you already."

"Linda, I want you to come with me to the principal's office." Said a pissed off Miss Moss.

"My mother is on the school board now. She wouldn't dare suspend me. So fuck you too."

"I wouldn't count on that Linda." I said as Grandma came storming into the gym.

"Your word against mine. I will just say you all conspired against me. My mother will believe it. She'll convince the school board and that old bitch will be fired." She said smugly.

"Think again Linda." My grandma handed Linda a piece of paper.

"It's their word against mine they are conspiring against me."

Grandma pointed to the cameras around the gym.

"No it's on tape Linda. It was even your mother's idea to install the camera's around the school."

"So what, I am suspended? Again?"

"Look again."


"I already notified your mother and emailed her the tape. Clean out your locker. Your mother will be here shortly to pick you up."

Linda stormed away cursing and call Grandma every name in the book. That young lady will learn the hard way, that hatred will only bring sadness.

I had to admit I had fun. Sam pulled me out on the dance floor. I wasn't much of a dancer. I hated it, to be honest with you. It made me feel as if I wasn't invisible. That, and the fact that had two left feet.

Everyone laughed when the jocks came out of the coffins. Girls screamed when Connor popped out of the cemetery. The dance was a success! Everyone told Carol it was the best Halloween dance ever at Hazard. Carol told everyone that this was my idea.

"I thought you'd be the fairy princess, Mac Daniels." Pork said.

"He was going to be, but your dress was way to big bro." TJ said as he came up to ask Nikki to dance.

"Mind your own business Holt." Came a retort from one of Pork's buddies.

"My cousin. So it's my business. Shouldn't you guys be out stealing little kid's candy?" He said as he walked away with Nikki.

"Well I would love to stand here and trade barbs with you boys or whatever but I have to be anywhere else." I said and left.

"That's a competition of words Norma." Pork yelled.

I laughed. Even when he was trying to be smart, he was dumb. Competition of words. That's funny shit. I went over and grabbed a can of coke. I watched as everyone danced and talked and just seemed to have fun.

I enjoyed watching it. It was really my first dance and I felt a little awkward. But I dealt with it. I really did have a good time that night.

Grandma nixed the idea of punch. She knew all too well it would be spiked. That didn't stop some kids from drinking. I mean the Hunchback's hump was filled with some booze concoction. I didn't know exactly what he had, but one of the Octoman's arms had some booze in it.

It was the last dance. I sat back and smiled. I felt good about myself. I know it took a lot of teamwork and help, but it was my Idea.

"Hey Noah last dance. Come on! Dance with me." Sam said

"Sam, it's a slow dance. I may be out and all, but I don't want people to Hulk out on me."

"Fuckem." He said dragging me out to the dance floor. I could feel eyes on me and Sam. Some were like whatever. It was the evil looks that I didn't like.

"Sam I can't do this."

"Sure you can! Look at Hank and TJ. And Connor and Marx."

I had to laugh at them. They were dancing together. I laughed harder when I heard Hank say loudly "Stop trying to lead TJ. You led last dance. It's my turn now."

"So who's idea was this?" I asked

"All of ours. You made all this happen, so it's only fitting you get to dance."

At the end of the dance Sam dipped me. I watched as hank dipped TJ and let him go. I had to laugh. Especially when TJ said. "Thank you for the dance, my kind sir. You just dance divinely."

The guys stayed and helped us clean up. There was about 20 of us, so it went pretty fast. We dumped the trash and boxed the decorations and placed them in a storage room grandma had cleaned out for us.

All I had to say was that when I crawled into bed, I was almost too tired to get off. I said almost. Hell, I am a teen, won't ever be to tired.

Dad came home last night. It was cool to have him here, especially for Thanksgiving. Joe was on his way.

It was almost noon when Joe's big Peterbilt, with the custom sleep pulled in. I ran out and gave him a big hug. I was thrilled he was here. We talked for a while. I caught him up on everything that was going on. Sure, I emailed him. But I could tell him more in person.

We ate at 4 P.M. Usually, Ruth and her family would be there too. But since her little antics, she wasn't welcome just yet. Miss Moss and Nikki came though. It was fun watching my dad. I could tell he really liked Miss Moss. He blushed when she said he was just as handsome now as when he was in high school. You go dad!

After dinner, I took Nikki out to the barn and we fed the horses apples. We had treats for all the animals. Even the old billy goat assbutt got an ear of corn. I think, in his own way, he thanked me by not head butting my ass when I left his little stall. My dad told me he did that to him so many times he had an indentation in his butt.

We joined the adults for desert. Dad and I each had our own pecan pie. Which, we of course , shared. I with Nikki and dad with Miss Moss. We sat and ate our pie, drank our coffee and enjoyed the peace of the night.

Grandpa looked odd all of the sudden. Uh oh. I know what happened. My nose told me, I kicked at dad under the table and nodded at Grandpa. He smiled and nodded his understanding. "Hey dad, can I talk to you more in private? I need some advice."

"Sure can, son."

It was clear to everyone what Dad did. Grandpa followed dad back to the bedroom. Everyone knew Grandpa had Alzheimer's. Even though Ruth just made it seem like he was eccentric. God forbid someone should know she had a relative with such a `common' condition as Alzheimer's. Everyone knew though. They understood it was something that happened to families no matter how poor or wealthy they were.

Ruth just takes everything as an affront to her facade. Like her husband having a bastard son with her sister. Get over it Ruth.

Grandpa and dad came back in when we moved to the living room. He was all clean and fresh smelling. He had forgotten already about what had happened and plopped down in his chair.

TJ called and Grandma put it on speakerphone, so Grandpa could hear him. We could hear Ruth in the background. She apparently had the Holts over and she was talking adamantly about some new art exhibit that will be in the arena.

TJ told Grandma how it didn't feel like Thanksgiving because they weren't there. He told us his mom's turkey was so dry. I heard a sniff coming from him. Poor TJ. I felt bad.

It was my fault that his Thanksgiving sucks. It was because of my very presence here that he couldn't be with Grandma. I felt terrible. When TJ said a weak goodbye and I love guys. That made my heart really hurt.

I felt Dad's hand on my shoulder. "Don't. It's not your fault. Ruth has so much hatred and self-indulgence in her, that that's keeping them away. Not you."

How did he do that. It was like he could read my mind sometimes. When I was 7, he would do that. It was like he could look in my face and read what was going on in my mind. I love my dad, but dad freaks me out sometimes.

We all said our goodbyes. Joe had a cross country run to do tomorrow so he took off to pick up his load. He gave me a big hug. He told me how proud he was that I was growing up to be such a good man.

I watched as his truck made the turn down the road. I had a sick feeling though as I watched the truck disappear. I don't know why I felt this way, but I somehow knew something was going to happen. I somehow felt it. I didn't want to voice it. If I did, it would become true.

Dad left for Jacksonville on Sunday after church. We didn't see Ruth in church. Which surprised me. This was a very important social obligation. To not be at church was a definite no-no in Hazard high society.

Did Hazard have a high society for real? I mean who decided who was part of it? What were the qualifications to be part of it? Did they like have meetings on who is to be a member? Eh who cares, right?

We did our brunch thing, Miss Moss and Nikki of course, joined us. It was very nice and peaceful. There were no Ruth comments. I mean rude comments. Same difference though.

I went to school on Monday. Just like any other school day. Nothing special happened I did the normal lunch with TJ and the guys. I found out from TJ that Ruth decided the First Presbyterian Church was, according to Ruth, not a proper religious experience for her and her children. Which simply meant I was a member of the church, so it was bad.

She was now taking them to the catholic church on Poplar and Cedar Streets. He growled about her making him go to confession. He said it was weird telling a priest who never had sex that he fingered Terry Gardner after the homecoming and that his mother caught him.

His mother went in and came out in just a minute.

He laughed when I asked if his mother just confessed she was a bitch to everyone to make it go faster.

Wednesday was parent-teacher day. So we had the day off. Sam was hanging out with me. Grandpa was taking a nap. He slept more now. He rarely went out and tinkered in his workshop.

Sam and I were cleaning the barn. I mean really cleaning it. There was a lot of old junk there. We had come across my dad's hustler magazines under some old National Geographic's. You perv dad. He, he.

I heard a car approaching the house. I went out to see who it was. It was Grandma. I looked at my watch. Not even noon. Way too early for her to be home. Something was wrong. I panicked when I saw her face. It was one that said something bad had happened.

I ran to Grandma. "Is dad OK? Did something happen?" Sam ran up to me. I was shaking Grandma just frowned I could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"No sweetheart, your dad is fine. Come into the house we need to talk. You too, Sam. It might be good for Noah to have a friend there."

Oh fuck me. Whatever it is, it's something bad.

Grandma placed her bag on the table and motioned for Sam and I to sit. Which of course we did. Grandma went into the kitchen and returned with cokes for us.

"Grandma please tell me. Are you sure dad's OK?"

"Yes. I am sure Noah. Your Dad is fine."

She sat down in her chair. She looked at me and tried to give me a smile.

"Noah, there is no easy way to say this other than just say it. Noah, Joe was in an accident."

"He'll be OK though, right?"

"No sweetheart, Joe was killed instantly. He hit a patch of ice crossing the Rocky Mountains and skidded over the side."

I felt tears well up. I knew I was going to cry. I won't though. Not yet. I needed to know. I could tell Grandma had more to tell me.

"I was visited in school by Teddy and a lawyer that's handling Joe's estate. Joe left everything to you. Since Joe has no family at all, it will be handled fast. Joe is to be cremated and his ashes will be sent to you."

`It seems sweetheart, that Joe was a very well off man. He owned his trailer as you know and invested his money very well. The thing is though, that he did not own the land his trailer is on. They made an offer to buy it."

"No. I want it Grandma. Please."

"I thought you would, so I told them to have it towed here. It might be nice to have your own place and a little more privacy for you and your father when he comes home."

"Thanks Grandma. Is it ok if I go for a walk?" I had to get out I was about to cry I didn't want to cry in front my Grandma.

I walked out to my jeep.

"Is it OK if go with you to the river?" Sam asked.


I parked in the parking lot between the bank and Cummins. We walked to the river just behind the bank and followed the river. It was cold and there were patches of ice in some spots. They were easy to see though the shiny spots that stood out against the dirt trail.

"I love walking by the river." Sam said

"Me too. Helps me think. Watching the river." I said as I climbed on the rock I usually sat on.

"Yeah I know what you mean. I started walking along the river a lot. It's peaceful you know."


We sat there in silence and we watched the river.

I felt the tears start. Sam reached over and took my hand and held it. He didn't say anything. Just held my hand as I cried. I lost another part of my life.

I felt it slipping away, piece by piece. Person by person. I couldn't understand why God put these people in my life. Then He just snatched them away. It was cruel. My mom, well that's not that bad. But Joe. Then, before that Timmy.

Timmy was my only friend when I was little. He was my best buddy when I was 4 or 5. He would play with me. I'd go over his house he had with his mom and dad. They never said Timmy couldn't play with me. Timmy would get tired though, and would have to take naps. One day Timmy wasn't in school. It stayed that way for a week. I went to see Timmy at his house. Timmy was gone. His dad told me that God took him to live with him.

I watched the river flowing. There were chunks of ice here and there. They messed up the peacefulness of it. Made it seem as if they were invading it. I felt as if the river was saying I don't like this but I can deal with it. The river accepted it. It went with the flow. As long as it didn't stop it from going to where it wanted to go, it was OK.

I wish I was like that. Could just accept it, and go to where I wanted to go. The problem was that I didn't know where my destination was. I didn't know where I was going. Unlike the river, I had no course to follow.

We had sat there for two hours. I was freezing.

"You ready to go?"




"I love you."

"I love you to Sam."

"You just don't trust me yet."

"I do. Just not when you're pussy whipped."

"How about If I am Noah whipped?"

"That's so loaded bro."

"Not the only thing." Sam said grabbing his groin.

"Horn dog."


I am so glad Dad skyped me. I needed to see his face. To hear his voice. When we Skyped, I felt like he was closer to me. I knew I was lucky to have him as a dad. He was young enough to get what being a teenager is. But he smart enough to be a dad. The best part was that we were buddies too. We could tell each other things. I loved my uncle Jared. But I think I love my dad more. Same guy I know, but totally different too. They play different parts in my life.

I laid back in my bed and stared at the ceiling I remembered all the good times I had with Joe. That's what dad told me to do. Remember the good times we had together.

I thought of the river with the ice chucks. I wish I could just deal with the chunks in my life like that river. I wish I knew where my destination in life was. I just wish I was that river.

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Thanks so much to my editor Sam for helping me get those Grammar police off my back. That will stop

some people from emailing me to point out mistakes. I could be Stephen King, and they would find

mistakes lol+

At the suggestion of Sam (editor):

We started a group on yahoo. Join if you like randy_wades_stories@yahoogroups.com

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Next: Chapter 14

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