
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 12, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events.

The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx. The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk It is in no way, the fault of the site on which you are reading this or that of the writer. Please feel free to contact me at groups.yahoo.com/Randy_Wades_stories

Editor's note:

Hey guys! My name is Sam. Randy has graciously let me edit his stories. From now, until hopefully the end of the ride, I'll be looking them over before Randy submits them. I must warn you. I am currently enrolled in college and have little to know life right now. :) However, I'll try my hardest to get these back to him as soon as possible!

Also, we now have a Yahoo group!

The link is: groups.yahoo.com/Randy_Wades_stories

Please join this group to stay up-to-date on our adventures!

If you need to contact me, please do so through the group!



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Chapter 14

I missed Joe. I know it's a bit off because I hadn't seen him except for Thanksgiving. It was just knowing he was there made the difference. His trailer arrived on December 3 it was a Wednesday which sucked. I had to be at school. Grandma too.

Grandma hired Sam's uncle to be the contractor to make sure it was placed on the foundation correctly. He also had water and electricity to hook up. he said it all would hooked up by Friday.

I was so preoccupied with the mobile home that I couldn't concentrate in my classes. I frustrated the fuck out of my calculus teacher. I think he finally gave up trying to get me to pay attention. It was just reviewing for finals next week.

Yeah I know I am being doofus about it. In my defense though how many 16 year olds can say they have their own place. Well sort of. The guys during lunch were talking about the party's we could have. Um do the realize its only 30 yards from Grandma?

Sam and I renewed out friendship to way it was. Well almost. We didn't have sex. I was ok with that. I realized that though I loved Sammy. I wasn't in love with him that way. He was just my first. Well my only too.

We took out walks along the river every chance we got. My life seemed to be getting back on some course. What course I really didn't know. But it was moving along. The only problems I had were Pork sand company. They would constantly try and provoke a response. I for the most part just ignored them.

TJ was seeing Nikki now which was cool. They seemed to be an odd couple. Nikki was very communicative where TJ was, well was TJ. TJ is not an easy person to describe. He has a big heart and all but he has his moments where he a little like Ruth. not mean just a little testy.

After the last bell rang I ran to my locker grabbed what I would need for the night from my locker. I couldn't move fast enough. I waved at Grandma as I passed her standing at the door. I Ran across the street and stopped in my tracks.

I couldn't believe my eyes. My jeep! My pretty red jeep. Some asswipe Tagged my jeep. Worse part is the wrote 'Dye Fagget'. Fuck the fact the it's spelled wrong. It's in Big bold black letters.

Students started standing around me all staring at my defiled pretty jeep. I men why Jeepy? He never did anything to anyone.

"Whoever did it flattened all your tires too. Bro." Said Keven Deers standing behind me.

I looked at my tires all of them were flat. I wanted to cry. I wanted to beat the fuck out whoever picked on innocent Jeepy.

I turned around looked Keven Deers. "Did you and your fellow pork-rollers do this shit?"

"Dude serious I had nothing to do with it. I stopped hanging with those fuckers." He said. I could tell by looking at his face he wasn't lying.

I went into School. Grandma wasn't at her post at the door. She must be in her office. I found her and Mrs. J sitting at the monitors watching video from the camera's that were outside. She motioned me to sit down. You could see the front of my Jeep.

We watched a car pull up beside it. we saw someone's head in a hoody so we couldn't make out who. They jumped back into the car. Grandma marked the time and switched to a different angle.

We saw the car again this time heading away. Grandma stopped it. Marked time. She sat back breathed out. Grandma got up and looked at the computer. She frowned. She then went back to the camera monitors and switched cameras.

It showed the hallway. Pork was there talking to Mr. Farley He was the school counselor but he also taught some math classes. Farley went into his room. Pork went down the hall. Towards a back door where the camera was waiting to be repaired. Grandma marked time. She switched cameras to the parking lot. It showed Pork talking to someone then getting in the car.

Grandma picked up her phone and called someone. "Marc honey this is Mom. I need you to come to school for official business." "I'll explain when you get here."

Ten minutes later Marc and his partner, I think it was Wesley or something. Came into the office. Grandma explained about the vandalizing of Jeepy and showed marc the camera foot age.

They zeroed in on the plate number. Not that it was needed. Marc called in the plate. The car registered to Nathanial R. Vincent. Who is Nathanial R. Vincent?

Jeepy was towed to jerry's auto repair on East Main. Grandma said they take care of all their vehicles. I followed it thanks to Sam. I wanted to cry I felt so bad my poor Jeepy.

The mechanic said he would do what he can to get rid of the tags and stuff and give Jeepy a good look over.

Sam took me by the river. We walked talked and just chilled. We watched the river. It was almost completely ice now. The river seemed asleep cool it needed to rest. It had seemed to always be on the move. Like me, I needed to do that, regenerate.

Sam dropped me off at six that night. I was so preoccupied by what happened to Jeepy that I forgot about the mobile home. I stared at it thinking back to the time I lived there with Joe and unfortunately my mother. It was the first time I had my own room.

I walked into the house and Grandpa was sitting in his chair staring blankly at the TV. Poor Grandpa. He had been having more bad days than good. Even his good days were bad. On a good day Grandpa usually would forget what year it is. It seemed easier for him to remember 25 years ago than 10 minutes ago.

Grandma had Hired a male nurse to look after grandpa. He had gotten too much for Mary or was it Maria, I forget, to handle. He could no longer go out of the house without someone escorting him. We had to keep the doors locked so he wouldn't wonder out by himself.

I went over and gave him a kiss. I got a look but no reaction. I found Grandma in the kitchen cooking dinner. She turned and gave me a I am so sorry smile.

"The mechanic replaced all the tires. Unfortunately, he can't get the Graffiti off of it. He knows someone who will repaint it though, I told him I would get back to him on the color." She said as she turned off the vegetables.

"Thanks Grandma, I want it the same color."

"Okay dear. Why don't you call them? They are in the directory."

"I have their card."

I dialed the number and talked to the mechanic. Lucky for me he was working late. He said the guy was available to do it right away. I explained I had to talk to my Dad about paying for it. I was informed that Nathanial Vincent was paying for it. All I need to do was to give[r1] approval for the work well Grandma did actually I was still to young to approve it. I could pick up on Sunday.

Marc, the cop, stopped by after dinner and told us that Linda and Pork were found and arrested for vandalism and indecent exposure. From what I could gather she put out for Pork for Tagging my Jeepy. The slut.

I wonder if that's was Pork's first piece of ass. Then I tried to imagine him lifting up his fat to, no, no. Erase that image. I almost made myself barf at that thought.

The rest of the week I went in with grandma and helped out in the office. I would have gone in with Sam but his uncle was using his truck to do the work on the mobile home. Sam just went to school with grandma and me.

Grandma had called Mr. Farley into his office. There was a lot of shouting mostly from him. It seems Mr. Farley falsified the school records to show that Pork was in class when he wasn't.

Mrs. J and I looked at each other when we heard Mr. Farley screaming, "That little faggot grandson of yours got what he deserved. If it was up to me, he wouldn't be allowed to be around decent folk."

Talk about delusional and a hypocrite. After I was outed he told that if I feel the need to talk about being harassed by my classmates his door was open. I mean come one dudes I thought people with degrees in psychology were supposed to be enlightened and all that shit. Oh well homophobes everywhere in every field.

Other that. The rest of the week was quiet. I went to classes stayed late to study in the library with Sam until Grandma was ready to take us home. Finals where next week so it was a good thing for Sam. I knew the work. I studied throughout the semester so it was just a review for me.

Dad had control over the money and the estate Joe had left me. I was cool with that. He had some investment firm take care of the investments. I had found out the estate's value was just over 8 million. About 1 million in cash and the value of the mobile home.

Grandma suggested that Joe's old furniture was a little worn and that maybe we should replace it. I agreed is worn and should be replaced. The truth is I didn't want to be reminded of him every time I went in it. I definitely didn't want to sleep in his bed.

Saturday we went furniture shopping. TJ had agreed to watch Grandpa so we could take our time. By the time we were finished we had a Livingroom set, dining room set. And two new bedroom sets. Dad had authorized for it to paid out of my money.

Sunday I picked up my Jeepy. All pretty with a new paint job. The mechanic had given her a checkup too. I was happy. I had my baby back. I loved my Jeepy. Mostly because I remember when I was 7 and Uncle Jared took me everywhere in it. It was a happy time for me.

Dad had told me that he will be bring home guy from his unit to spend Christmas with us. He didn't go into detail just that he was about to turn 18. They both had a week's vacation or leave or whatever they called it.

Monday I had two finals Tuesday just one. Wednesday I had one. Thursday I two. For our art final we had to do an oil painting. We had all week to this but had to done by the end of class on Friday. I chose to do a painting of the farm. It was a lot of work. We were free to work on it in our free periods during school hours or for an hour after school.

I finished my last final on Thursday, not including art. Friday morning since I had done all my other finals I was in Miss moss's classroom finishing up my painting. I just had to detail it. by the time my art class was over I was finished. I was happy with it. I hoped Miss Moss was too.

Yeah I know since miss moss was dating Dad. I should pass right? Wrong. I made sure Miss moss knew I didn't want any special treatment. She made sure I wasn't going to get any.

I would find out my final grades on Monday. Which was cool by me. I knew I p-assed. Sammy was panicking though. I am sure he did ok. He had been getting A's and B's on all his tests since I started tutoring him.

After school on Friday, Grandma Sam and I went to a Christmas tree farm in Irvine to get our tree, Sam drove his truck, so his uncle told him to get them a tree too. We picked a really nice spruce tree as did Sam.

Saturday I did my Christmas shopping. Grandma and Dad were easy to shop for. Grandpa was hard though. I was looking in JC Penny's and saw a big photo album. I texted grandma explained my idea of the gift for Grandpa. She said she would help me.

I went to Walmart. I found some really cool cd's and cd player for dad's marine buddy. I picked out music I would like as my Dad told we listen to the same type of music.

Monday was December 22, We had a full day today and then we are off until January 5th. The only reason we had full a day was because we got our final results. I was surprised when I Tied with Nikki for the highest scores in our grade' we both got the highest in the whole school. Sam did good too he passed easily.

My art project was praised by Miss Moss. She said I went into such extreme deal that it looked like something Andrew Wyeth would do. Which is like wow. Even though Wyeth worked mostly in watercolor. I was proud of it.

Dad was due home late tomorrow night. He was driving home as soon as he got off duty. I was excited because the art show was Christmas eve at Hazard City hall. Miss Moss entered six of my pieces including my marine figure which I named 'With Honor and Old Glory.' Dad was going to be able to see my work.

On the down side Carol had suggested we make 'A Midsummers Night Dream' into a musical. So that would be delayed until spring so music could be written. Now not only will I have to get up on stage and act. I will also have to sing. Fucking carol. Sometimes I wondered if she did this shit to torment me.

An hour before school let out it started to snow lightly. As we were leaving it got heavier. Sam suggested we go to the river and watch it fall. I thought that would be so cool. We parked where we always did. I watched as Sam smiled. He loved walking by the River. It was a favorite spot for him like it was for me.

We took an old piece of canvas to cover us so we didn't get drenched while we sat and watched the river. We just enjoyed watching the snow fall and peace of it all.it was really a sight.

"You know something?" Sam said in soft voice. I think anything loud would disturb the peace.

"I never brought anyone else here. This like our own special place." He said continuing.

"I only been here with you and Dad. Well TJ that one time." I said.

"That doesn't count."

"yeah I guess."

"You want to know what's really special about this place?"

"No one comes here."

"Yeah that too but this is where I had my first sex it was the best."

"Really? I thought you and Linda did it."

"Yeah I did it with Linda but it wasn't any wear near as good."

"How about that girl your dating Meghan?"

"We aren't doing it. She wants to wait. She is really religious. I am gonna break up with her after Christmas."

"Oh wow after Linda I thought you two be going at like bunnies."

"yah well just me and my hand now."

"Is there another girl you like?"


"How about you? Have you been with any boys you like?"

"Nope. Only been with you and my hand."

"That was like months ago bro. You must be dying."

"Well I don't know about dying but I don't even think about sex and I hard." I giggled.

"Me too. I have to run to the boy's room and polish a quick one."

"Damn Sam and here I thought I was constantly horny. You are worse."

"Dude I am so hard right now." Sam said as leaned back to show me.

I smiled. "Is that a hint Mr. Meets?"

Sam looked at me and smiled.

"Do you want to?"

I reached over and felt his dick through his pant leg. I felt it twitch. He sighed as I rubbed it. Sam spread his legs out as I unbuttoned and opened open his fly. He let out a soft moan.

I reached in and pulled him out. He grabbed the back of my head and kissed me. as I stroked him.

I broke off the kiss and took him into my mouth while he pulled my dick out and stroked it. it didn't take Sam long before he exploded in my mouth and I exploded into his hand.

I loved the taste of his jizz. It was thick and had a sweetness to it I savored the taste of him. His dick was now soft as I let it go from between my lips. I smiled as looked into his face. He gave me another tongue wrestling kiss.

"I still love you Noah. But you know."

I love you to Sam. I have to tell you though I don't love you like a boyfriend."

"I know bro I feel the same way."

We got quiet again after we closed up our pants. We watched the snow fall on the ice that covered the river. He didn't say thank you. I was glad he didn't. it would have made it seem cheap.

The snow fall on the iced covered river was like a blanket. Tucking the river into bed. Making it secure and safe from the garbage that was dumped in or on it thought out it's travels to final destination.

I felt the same way about myself. instead of the snow covering me. it was my Dad, Grandma and Sam. They were my blankets with them I was safe and protected just like the river when it snowed on the ice.

At the suggestion of Sam (editor):

We started a group on yahoo. Join if you like randy_wades_stories@yahoogroups.com

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Next: Chapter 15

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