
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 13, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 15

Dad got here around 10:30 on Christmas Eve, along with his marine buddy. He was built, had to be around 6'4" and had strawberry blonde hair streaked with natural blonde highlights. And had the most amazing grey eyes. I couldn't help staring at him. E. Porter Christiansen was his name.

I must have been drooling, because my dad whispered in my ear "Down boy."

I couldn't help but stare at him. He had a nice smile to go with those eyes too. Even if it seems a little sad. I couldn't help but wonder why he seemed so sad.

He and dad emptied the minivan of dozens of Christmas presents, and their duffle bags. He and dad piled the presents under the tree. I was excited. Even though I had little Christmases with Joe, this was like first real Christmas.

I showed dad the trailer and what I thought would be his room. He said he'd sleep in the house for now. I was a little disappointed. Ok a lot disappointed. It must have showed too.

"Don't frown 'lil buddy. I have my reasons." He whispered as he hugged me from behind.

"You don't mind if Porter sleeps in the trailer do you?"

"If he wants to, I guess." I still felt like shit that my dad didn't want to stay in there with me.

It was almost midnight. "Hey! Don't you think you should be in bed before Santa visits?" dad asked.

For some reason, I felt sad inside. I felt tears build up. I tried to play it off though. "Santa visit me? Ha. Never did when I was little. I don't expect to see the dude now." I tried to joke back. Unfortunately, it fell flat as a pancake.

"I guess I'm getting tired. Good night." I said, realizing the whole room went quiet. I can be a downer sometimes.

"If it's OK, I think I'll turn in too." Porter said.

I gave my Grandma and Grandpa a kiss goodnight. I got a huge hug from my dad. I felt so warm and loved at that moment. It was a feeling I always had when my dad hugged me. Even when he was my Uncle Jared, I got that feeling.

Porter followed me out to the trailer. I took my piss and left Porter to take his shower. I was sleepier than I thought. I feel asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I came home from school, it was two days before Christmas. I made my mom a coffee cup for Christmas. I thought it looked really cool. I painted it her favorite color, pink with a Christmas tree on it too. Teacher had given us wrapping paper and we all wrapped what we made.

I was so excited. We didn't have a tree. We never did. Mommy always said they cost too much and I already cost too much. I was still happy though. Mommy always said Santa never came because I was always bad and only took.

I had been really good all week. I stayed out of Mommy's way, so I wouldn't do bad things like I always did. So I figured if I was good for a week and gave Mommy a Christmas present, Santa might visit me.

I didn't mean to be bad I just was. Like two weeks ago, I let that third grader take my gloves after he pushed me into the snow. I was really bad that day. Mommy called me a pussy and gave me the belt.

I climbed the stairs. We lived on the top floor. No one else lived on that floor just me and mommy. It was sixty-four steps. I counted them every time I climbed them. I am proud that I can count higher than anyone in the first grade.

I opened the door and went in. I stood there. I watched my mommy. There was a man there with her, they were both naked. She was facing me and he was behind her. I could see him bumping into her behind.

I knew who the man was. He was the man mommy bought her medicine from. He was big. He had big arms and light brown skin, stringy long hair and a scar on his cheek. He was mean looking. She always called him Poppy.

I just stood there staring. I had no idea why he was doing that. Though he seemed to enjoy it. Mommy's eyes were closed and she was making weird noises.

"Hey kid like watching me fill your mom up?" Poppy askedwhen he saw me.

"What the fuck! Get out of here you little freak. Don't come back in until I tell you." My mommy screamed at me.

I ran out and closed the door. It was real cold out. I had no gloves or hat. So I sat outside the door. I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was dark out. I had to go to the bathroom. I had no place to go. I tried to hold my thing but I ended up peeing my pants. I am really was in trouble now, I thought.

I listened to the door. Mommy was in there making more of those sounds. I fell back asleep. When I woke up again I saw light coming in from the window at the end of the hall.

I was hungry and smelled like pee. I listened to the door it was quiet. I didn't dare open it though. If I went before I was told to, I would be beaten harder than I knew I already was going to be.

The door opened up and a different man came out. He was a different man, but I still didn't like the look he gave me. After he went down the stairs, mommy yanked me into the apartment.

"You smell like piss." She reached for her belt. I figured if I gave her the Christmas cup I made for her, I might not get beaten. Or at least not as hard. Bad boys need to be beaten.

I presented my cup in the pretty Christmas paper.

She took it and opened it. "What the fuck is this?"

"It's a cup! I made it for you in school. It's for Christmas."

"Why would you give me this fucking ugly piece of shit?' She said as she threw the cup against the wall. I watched as it shattered into little pieces.

Mommy had gone. I was huddled in the corner. I didn't cry at all when she beat me. Even when she started using the buckle part. I didn't cry now.

I was hungry. I was hurting and I smelled like pee. I took off my clothes and took a shower. I never took baths. Baths were for girls mommy said. I dried myself off with the towel I found out side and put on cleaner clothes.

I knew we had no food, so I went to my hiding spot and got my money. One dollar and seventeen cents. I can get them noodle things from the store. I put my coat on. It was really tight and the sleeves were too short, but it's all I had. Mommy said she couldn't afford to keep buying me new clothes from the church.

When I got back, I cooked my dinner. I knew how to do it too. You put water in the pot, then the noodles. When it starts getting the bubbles, you put the power in the packet in.

I ate my dinner. Curled up in the chair. I knew if Mommy came in with a friend and I was in the bed I'd be in trouble. So I curled up and listened to the Christmas songs on the radio.

I woke up when I heard the man on the radio say, "Merry Christmas children, young and old." I watched the snow fall out the window while I waited for mommy to come home. I ate more noodles. I just waited. It was getting dark out. I fell asleep in the chair.

There was a little light coming in from the window when I heard the door open. I was being grabbed from behind, and my pants were being yanked down. the man with the medicine was behind me. Then I felt it as I watched mommy take her medicine.

"No! Stop, please." I screamed. "Please it hurts." I screamed.

"Noah, wake up." I heard a voice.

I sat up in bed. I looked around and saw a face. I didn't know who it was. I ran from the man. I curled up in a corner so scared my mommy was going beat me. The man went away.

I could see the light through coming through the window. I stayed there. I didn't dare move. I was terrified. The man and mommy would come for me again.

"Noah?" I heard a familiar voice.

I looked into the face. Uncle Jared. No wait, not Uncle Jared.

I started crying and was pulled into my dad's arms. All could say was "daddy." He just rocked me. I was safe. It was a dream. It didn't happen I told myself. I knew I was lying to myself. Iit did happen.

I had forgotten that night. I made myself forget it. I remember then landlord saw me bleeding and told us to get out. We left that day.

"Want to talk about it?" my dad said when I finally calmed down.

"I can't right now dad. Please don't make me." I begged him.

"Ok Noah. Eventually though, we'll talk about it. But not until you're ready.

"You up to going to church?" dad asked.

"Yeah dad I think I need to."

I got my suit out and laid it on the bed. I was doing everything by instinct. I didn't think about it. I just did it. I felt like every emotion was drained from me.

"Um Noah, is it alright if I change in here? The other bedroom is a little tight." I heard from behind me. I jumped a little.

"Um yeah sure. I was going to take a shower anyway."

I tripped and got in after getting the right temperature. I never took long in the shower unless I needed to get off. I was not in the mood and my dick was like saying, "no way," anyway. So it only took me about 5 minutes.

I dried off, wrapped the towel around my waist and went to my bedroom. Porter was still there. He had his uniform dress pants, still open socks and shoes on. I stared. OMG he was so hot. He was hotter than Sammy.

My eyes traveled down his chest the perfect pecs, six pack, and thick biceps. What really got me was the thick treasure trail of almost red hair that disappeared into his boxer briefs.

"Oh. I'll just go. Sorry I was trying hurry." He said blushing.

"No. um, like. It's OK. Finish! I don't need much room." I said blushing even more than him.

We quickly dressed. I removed my towel and quickly pulled on my underwear. I think I saw him peeking. I felt like I was blushing all over my body. We dressed in silence.

I had to admit, Porter looked hot in his uniform. Though I think my dad looked better. He was bigger across and filled it out more. Porter was hot though.

Everyone stared at dad and Porter in their dress uniforms. Miss Moss and Nikki sat with us. The Grands sat in the back, in case Grandpa started acting up. It was sad. My Grandpa was more like a toddler now. He had a few good days when he was better. But it's hard to explain it.

Church was wonderful. The homily made me forget about my dream for a while. He talked about how the baby Jesus was like Spring. Spring gave the world a chance to wash away the old and start anew with life. The baby Jesus did the same for us. He gave us a chance to wash away the sins of our past and start fresh and clean. My dad is doing that for me, I thought.

We went home and Moss's joined us. I had learned that Nikki and Miss Moss's parent were killed in a car accident several years ago. With no other relatives, it was them.

I was dying to open presents and for everyone to open theirs. Grandma though, made us all eat a big brunch. I helped her clean up. I must have worked fast.

"I think Noah is channeling Speedy Gonzales." She said to my dad as they stood back and watched me. Who the fuck is Speedy Gonzales?

We all took turns opening a present. I was glad Porter liked the CD's. I was thrilled though, when I watched dad opened the special present. I saw him smile. Miss Moss whispered something in his ear and his eyes went wide.

"Noah! You made this?"

"Yeah dad. Do you like it?"

"I love it. Even more now that I know you made it!" He showed everyone the figure. Everyone had seen it except for Porter. To say I was proud was an understatement.

I was given my last present. It was shirt box size. I opened it expecting a shirt. I pulled back the tissue paper and there was a card. I open the card. It read 'Go out into the barn.'

I looked at my dad confused. "Go on. Do what it says."

I put on my new coat. A leather trench. I loved it. I walked out to the barn with everyone following me. I went in and looked around. I saw a big, red, ribbon on the old tack room door.

I looked at my dad and he pushed me to it. "Go ahead."

I opened the door. I was in shock. It was amazing. Grandma had told me that Sam's uncle was doing a little repair on the barn. What I saw was a workout room. It was heated too. Though what really caught my eye was the latest bow flex in the middle of the room. It had a big ribbon on it and big card that read: Merry Christmas Noah. From Santa.

My dad had stayed up all night putting it together. That why he said he'd sleep in the house. I was speechless. I hugged dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Miss Moss, Nikki, and Porter. Maybe a little too long but, what the fuck. Any chance to get a feel, right?

It was a nice day. The best day. Grandpa made me a little sad though. He was confused and Grandma had to give him a sleeping pill to calm him down. Again, my Grandpa is hard to explain.

The only way I can explain it, though, is that Grandpa is like the river. Like he was nearing his final destination, making big waves. Mentally though he was like in the beginning of it. Only able to make a few little splashes and ripples.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. -Benjamin Franklin

At the suggestion of Sam (editor):

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Next: Chapter 16

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