
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 18, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 18

We had a great time at Carr Creek State Park. I know what you're thinking, it was winter what kind of fun can you have? Besides a huge snowball fight we saw a lot of beautiful sights. I'll get to the sights later.

My feet started sweating on the way there so I slipped off my boots when we pulled up Dad and Porter got out and waited while I put them on and tied them up. As soon as got out I was bombarded by snowballs.

I dodged behind the jeep and started to make my arsenal. I looked through the jeep and saw Dad sneaking around one side and Porter the other. I Rand to das side and hit him. Dodges back behind the jeep and got Porter as he stuck his head around the back.

It ended up Porter and me ganged up on Dad. He finally declared his defeat. "And here I thought I was loved by my son."

"All's fair in love and war Dad. Just admit you got your ass handed to you."

"Whatever kid." He said as threw and nailed Porter in the back of his head.

"That's for jumping ship." He laughed

We went up the trail to the creek. It was beyond beautiful. The creek was frozen over bare trees with snow on the branches and ice hanging on the off them. It was like a scene out of a Terry Redlin painting. I tool some pictures of this winter wonderland.

We hiked up the trail to the falls, there were huge ice sickles coming down from the top of the falls but yet there was water still flowing down it. We spent an hour looking around in the area, making sure we didn't stray too far from the parking area.

After two hours of being outside we decided to go find something to eat. We ended go to Ponderosa in Hazard. We all big juicy porterhouse steaks and yes we teased Porter. Dad finished his and started eying mine while I was only halfway through. I knew I wasn't going to finish it but I thought I'd make him drool a bit more.

"That's was good I need to burp to make more room, if even I can." I grinned patting my belly.

"Don't force yourself Noah." Dad said eyeing my half eaten steak as if it was a babe in a bikini.

"I don't want it to go to waste." I smiled innocently. I knew he wanted it if I couldn't finish it.

"It won't go to waste." He smiled.

"I guess I could take it home in a doggy bag. The dog would love it." I giggled.

"Fuck that." Dad said and grabbed my steak. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't think I was fooled brat. I knew what you were up too." Dad said as he polished off the rest of the steak. Once he was done he leaned back and let out a huge belch.

"So who's ready for desert?" Dad said. WE looked at him like he was crazy. He just laughed.

"Guess no one is. I don't think I could eat any either. I am at that comfortable spot." He said.

I had to laugh at that. Most people would be fat and bursting with what he ate. Not my Dad though. He was built like a god and ate like a man having his last meal. We paid our check, well Dad did and headed home to the farm.

I had a great Guy's Day with Dad and Porter but I was exhausted. I curled into bed around 10 and fell asleep. I had a really sweet dream. I woke up that morning all sticky. Don't ask you perv's, I ain't telling what dreamed about. Go have your own sweet and sticky dreams. I will tell you though, it did have Porter in it.

Dad asked if I minded if he took Nancy to an Art exhibit at the University of Kentucky. I said I didn't mind as long as he took his own vehicle. Which earned me a frown. I gave Dad a hug and said I was looking forward to Hanging out with Porter and to have fun.

I was excited about hanging out with Porter, who wouldn't. He was, built, good looking and seemed nice. I just didn't know much about him. Dad just said he was from Utah. He turned 18 just last on December 1 and was a good marine. I wanted to know more.

We worked out in my new gym. Watching him use the Bowflex gave me instant wood. Especially since he the only thing he had on were a pair of running shorts he borrowed from me.

I took my turn on the machine while Porter did sit ups. I wasn't sure but I think he was getting a semi. We worked out for an hour and a half. We used the shower in the corner of the weight room. It was large with duel shower heads on either side with three feet between us.

I couldn't help but look at him. The water on his body was sexy. I let my eyes drop downwards, he had a semi, though still hung limp like. It looked about five inches long at that point. I wondered if he was just a grower or just for show. Either way I'd be happy. Wishful thinking on my part.

I tried to look away before I got wood, I was a little too late. He looked at me, then my dick and I watched him get hard. It grew to about ten inches, thick, with a mushroom shaped head. It stood straight out from his body. It was beautiful. It looked like a pipe sticking out his strawberry blonde bush.

I wanted to drop to my knees but I have some restraint, not much though. I looked at his face. He was smiling. I smiled back and continued to wash as if we weren't hard. I couldn't help peek whenever I could.

"It's ok Noah if you look. I am gay too." He said, give me a bashful grin.

Whoa. I never knew there was such a thing as a gay marine before. I guess we are all over. I had to admit I was curious about a few things. I mean I had never met anyone I knew was gay.

"Hope you don't mind but I got to relieve it." I said giving my eight incher a few tugs. I had taken a page from Sammy's book of seduction.

"I don't mind at all if I can to do the same." he said as I watched him stroke his shaft, almost caressing it.

I must have a guarding angel or something. Because Noah, that wish came true. I wondered though if he just saw me as a kid? Only one way to find out right?

We both started stroking out dicks. It was so hot watching him. I thought watching Sammy was hot but this beyond anything I could have imagined. Here was this hunk of a marine stroking the biggest dick I have ever seen. I wanted more though. I wanted to touch him. Yeah I know my Dad is bigger but gross, no way!

I stepped forward and touched his abs as I looked into his eyes. They were so beautiful. He was so perfectly beautiful. My hand wandered down to his pubic hair. I felt the hairs silky softness. I let go of my dick and cupped his balls. My other hand grabbed his pole. It was rock hard and pulsed in my hand as stroked it. I looked up and he was smiling. He took mine in his hand and caressed it.

Before I knew what was happening he pulled me too him and we were kissing. His arms were around my back both hands holding butt cheek. My arms instinctively went around his neck. Our dicks were grinding against each other's. That felt so much better than stroking it.

His left hand kept moving up and down my back caring me. His right hand though was still on my ass holding us tight as we grinded into each other. His touch was so tender and soft. Between his caressing hand on my butt cheek the kissing and the grinding of or dicks together, I was in heaven. I knew I was close but I didn't want it to end.

I felt his tongue explore deeper into my mouth. Sam and I kissed before and it was hot. This kiss was different though, I don't know how it was but something more was there, passion. I moaned I couldn't hold back any more.

We unlocked our lips as I started to shoot. I felt his begin to pulse and then erupt. We wrested our fore heads against each other's shoulders as we watched cum burst out between us. I could help but shoot as we looked down and watched thick ropes shoot out of him and then me a few seconds later. Even that was beautiful.

We stood there gasping for breath. Holding the other for support. It wasn't my first sexual experience. It was though the first one that I had that that left me feeling satisfied sexually and emotionally though. I think I was already in love with this sexy marine. I knew I was in for a hurt through.

I looked up and saw Porter smiling. He leaned forward and our lips joined again. Our tongues once again explored each other's mouths. I think by the time we pulled a part we both knew every detail of the other's mouth.

"I wanted to kiss you the moment I saw you." He whispered into my ear.

"Me too."

He let go of my ass and took a step back. My body missed the contact right away. It longed for his touch again. It needed his touch. I let my arms drop beside me. I didn't take my eyes off his face though.

"We better get cleaned up." Porter whispered.

I went over to my shower head and he followed and washed our combined cum off of my abs. I did the same for him. Even though we got somewhat aroused we didn't go any further. I knew this was a different type of moment of intimacy not a sexual one.

We didn't talk as we dressed into out workout clothes. We made a mad dash from the barn to the trailer. It was colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra out. Still being damp it was worse. We made it in record time. We must have been a site heavy coats shorts and boots.

WE quickly went to our rooms and dressed. I didn't bother shutting my door. I figured he done seen it all so no need for shyness. I saw he didn't bother shutting his door either. I guess he figured the same as I did.

If you think that watching a hot guy strip is hot. It can be even hotter watching one dress, especially when you have touched and been with him. He apparently was going to go commando and just pulled on his jeans. I decided to do the same.

"Porter feel like playing some PS3." I called out pulling on a navy blue T-shirt.

"Sounds good he said as he came to my bedroom door in just his jeans. I stared and mesmerized every inch of him. His bi-ceps had to be around 14". His pecs matched perfectly. The ab's though, are what I thought where the sexiest part. The treasure trail leading down into his low rise jeans was hot.

"Hey you got a T-shirt I can borrow? I have nothing left clean."

"Sure." I said tossing him a white shirt out of my drawer.

I drooled as I watched him pull the shirt on. It was tight but it made him look bigger and hotter.

"A little tight but it works." He said.

"I think it makes you fucking hot." I sad as I stepped up to kiss him. He pulled me tight against him and returned the kiss.

"As much as I want to do more I think it's best if we just keep it to this for now." He whispered to me.

"Okay. I understand." I didn't really understand but I figured it was better than the awkward weirdness that could follow. I may be sixteen but I been told I have lived the life of a Fifty-year-old in those sixteen years.

He took a step back and smiled. "Hey, It's not that I don't want to do more and all. It's well, being Sarg's son it could get complicated. I really like you a lot Noah. That was the first time I ever did anything with a guy. A sexy and hot one at that."

"I understand. Really I do." I said and I really did understand now. My Dad was a little over protective at times. That and the fact he was huge and was Porters boss. If he found out what happened, I knew he would be ok with it. Porter didn't know that though and I don't think I could convince him otherwise.

"Do want to wash your clothes before I beat your ass on PS3?" I said smiling.

"Thanks that would be great I ran out of clean underwear." He giggled.

"I noticed. I have to admit though I like this commando look. It is so hot." I said. I couldn't help myself. I grabbed his crotch.

"Hey now none of that. At least not until know your Dad is ok with this. Let's just keep it to this for now." He said giving me a deep kiss and moving my hands above his waist.

I felt like swooning. Yeah I know it makes me sound girly and all but hey I never felt this way before. I loved Sam and all but this was different. What I was feeling inside was stronger that what my body felt. All that and the fact he was a great kisser.

We gathered up his dirty clothes, separated the darks from the whites and put them in the washer. I couldn't help but touch him every chance I got and stole kisses. I did though keep my hands above his waist and below it. I do have some decorum and control, though it was weak.

"Does my Dad know your gay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, he knows." He didn't elaborate so I let it go. He looked as if he didn't want to talk about it. I didn't push it. I didn't want to ruin the moment we are having right now.

We played Fallout 3. We were pretty even in kicking each other's asses. In the end though he won but not by much. It was 5:30 so we went over to the house to see if dinner was ready.

"I was just about ready to call you two. Dinner is about ready. Would you boys set the table for me?" grandma smiled at us as we came in the kitchen door.

Grandpa was having a rare good day. He seemed to grasp a little bit of reality, well a little bit of it. He was in a time lapse. Though he called me Jared and thought Porter was a high school friend. Porter played along. He understood what Grandpa was going through. That made me feel even more love for him.

Grandpa talked about the great football season we had. Well, that Dad had. We just played along with him. Why confuse him and upset him. He was happy. He had few days like that. Most of the time he barely knew anybody.

After dinner Porter and I cleaned up. I couldn't help steal a few kisses as we rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. We joked and kidded each other. We both seemed to feel something for each other. St least I hoped he felt the same way about me.

At one point while I was getting a glass from the cabinet he came behind me and reached to grab a glass too. I felt him push into my butt with his crotch. I could feel every part of what was there packed into those jeans. I felt his breath on the back of my neck.

"I hope you know I am falling for you, Noah." He whispered into my ear.

I felt his hands go about my waist. I turned and looked up into his eyes. "I think I have already fallen for you" I whispered. His lips touched mine. I was in heaven. I was in love. We didn't use tongues. It wasn't that kind of kiss. It was better. It was pure emotional, it was loving.

We broke our kiss and giggled. Filled out glasses with some of Grandpa's homemade cider from last year. It was the best I ever had. It was sad though that soon we wouldn't have any more.

We joined the grands and watched a movie. I can't tell you what it was about. I kept thinking about Porter. He was sitting on the couch. I sprawled out over two thirds of the couch, with my feet down towards him. Every so often he would touch my ankle. Even with socks on, I felt the heat of his touch.

My cell phone rang. It was dad. "Hey Dad." I said.

"Hey kiddo. Listen, we are going to get a room here and spend the night rather than take the two and half hour drive back tonight."

"That's cool Dad. Don't do nothing I wouldn't do."

"Hey, that's so not right. You're not in to the ladies like I am." He laughed.

"You know what I mean."

"Yes I do. So how are you and Porter getting along?" he said in a tone I wasn't sure of. Could I be wrong? Was he going to not want Porter to be with me?

"What do you mean." I said panicking a little.

"Bro. I saw how you two look at each other."

"Dad, we're cool with each other."

"I can see that Noah. I just want you to know that I think the world of Porter."

"I do to Dad."

"So something happened?"


"Put Porter on the phone." He said giggling.

I handed the phone to Porter. From the one sided conversation it was hard to tell what was said exactly Porter had stood up and turned his back to me, so, I couldn't read his face.

"Hi Sarg."

"Well no not completely."

"I won't sarg I promise."

"Yes. I do."

"I hope so."

"I will."

Porter handed me the phone. I wasn't sure what to expect. "I just want you to know that I am ok with you and Porter. I was hoping you two would connect but play it safe."

"Dad, it's not like that."

"If you say so. Just be careful he is still a virging or was until you corrupted him." He said giggling.

"He still is dad. So am I." I giggled.

"If you say so kiddo. Tell grandma I won't be home tonight. I love you."

"Ok, love you too. Bye." We disconnected the connection. I looked at Porter who was smiling.

"Grandma, Dad said he wasn't going to be home tonight."

"Good. He needs to get laid. Maybe I will too." She said winking at us as she led Grandpa to the bedroom. It was cute the way the Grands acted sometimes. Though I still didn't want to think about them doing it. Gross.

I was used to Grandma's bluntness, Porter wasn't. I watched as his eyes went wide and his mouth open wide. His eyes followed them then he looked at me with disbelief.

"You'll get used to Grandma." I giggled.

"I hope so." He smiled sheepishly.

"Do you want to finish watching the movie?" I asked. Secretly hoping he said no.

"Actually, I haven't been paying much attention." He said caressing my abs under my shirt. I been preoccupied with this hot guy. He laid on top of me and gave me a kiss.

"Same for me. What were we watching anyway?" I said wrapping my legs his.

"No idea. My mind was on this." He said kissing me again. I was already hard but that kiss made my dick ooze with precum. My hands grabbed him by the butt and pulled him tight. He was hard too.

"Let's go to the trailer." I whispered.

He got up and turned off the TV. I turned off some lights and locked the door after we left. It was about 100 yards to the trailer. We had didn't bring our coats so by the time we were in side we were chilled.

Porter lead me to the love seat. "We need to talk first babe." He said as he sat me down.

I watched as he left the room, only to return with the thick quilt from my bed. He sat next to me and pulled me to him. We snuggled under the blanket. I felt his arms around me. My back was against his muscular chest and his right arm wrapped around my waist.

I could feel his hardness against my ass. It was hot but for some reason it didn't feel sexual. It felt loving and romantic. It was a time to just cuddle and enjoy each other's closeness.

"I want to be with you, Noah. If that's what you want too."

"I want it more than anything. I love you, Porter." I blurted out. I wasn't sure at first but I was now.

"I love you too." He giggled.

"Your Dad's ok with us as long as I tell you about my past."


He must have felt me tense up a bit. "Shhh babe it's about my family and stuff. I just need you to listen. The only other person who knows this is Sarg. Can we keep it between the three of us?"

"I won't tell anyone."


"I promise."

I sat back as Porter took a deep breath. Throughout his story, I could hear the hurt and at times his sniffles. I felt some tears against my cheeks. I felt my own too. I felt for Porter. I knew what it felt like. I didn't turn to look at him. I knew how hard it is to talk about some things. I couldn't do it.

Porter was raised as a Mormon. He was the next to youngest of seven brothers and sisters, one brother being younger. His parents were very strict in the faith. That being said his parents were strictly against homosexuality. Not only was it a sin against God but they also felt that it was the work of Satan.

Porter was 14 when he realized he was gay. He read articles on line about homosexuality. Most of what he read went against everything his parents taught him about homosexuals. In time he grew more comfortable about it. He knew that he couldn't tell anyone in his family. He would have to endure his parents and family's tirades against faggots and dikes until he was eighteen.

One night though, he forgot to erase his search memory. He usually kept some there to show to make it look like it was all innocent school work. His father checked it periodically, stating he wanted to make sure his children where not being lead a stray by the sinful thoughts of the sinners, meaning liberals.

He happened to check the one night that Porter forgot to erase some incriminating search. His father saw that he was not only looking at porn but gay porn. He beat Porter so bad he had to go to the hospital. He told them he was hurt by falling off his mountain bike and tumbled down a ravine.

He had a lot of bruises and a cracked rib other than that. He was allowed to go home. He had to walk the 2 miles from the hospital. When he got to the front door, he was met by his family. They told him he had to either go get cured or leave. Curing to them meant a conversion camp. He had twenty-four hours to decide.

The next morning, he went to the Marine recruiting office and signed up. He needed a parent's signature since he was under eighteen. He took the paper work home told his mother he was joining the marines. She signed the paperwork and he went to pack his personal belongings. His whole family was there when he left. His three brothers and three sisters. All with their kids.

"This is a sinner; this is a creature of Satan. He is stricken from our faith and gods book. As with any sinner he is stricken from this family no one is to mention his name he dead to all. Leave here spawn of Satan. Never return." His father said.

When he finished, I turned myself around and straddled him. "I am so sorry. Porter."

"Thanks. I don't miss any of them except for my little brother. Other than that, I am glad I am no longer around all that hate."

"So what made you tell my Dad?" I said after he seemed to have control over his emotions.

"I didn't."

"I thought it was don't ask don't tell? He didn't ask you did he?"

"He found a letter I left on my rack."

"From a boyfriend?" I said feeling a jealousy start to rise in me.

"No babe your my first. My little brother Micaiah found out where I was and wrote me. It would be easier if I just showed you his letter."

He got up and came back with an envelope and pulled out a somewhat worn piece of paper. He looked at it with a sad smile and handed it to me. I opened it up and read it.

Dear Porter,

I bet your surprised I found you. You shouldn't be since I know how to use the internet better than you, hehe. I am sorry that Father found that stuff on your computer. It was my fault he did. I forgot to check it after you used it. I knew you forgot sometimes to do it so I usually would check to make sure it was cleared off of the porn and stuff. I am so sorry.

I knew you were gay. I know you think of me being dumb to that stuff. I may be two years younger and was 13 but I know more than people think I do. I want you to know I am ok with your liking guys. I don't know if I like guys that way but I have to tell you I've checked out other guys in the shower at school. I check out the girls too.

The Rents said I am not allowed to shower with other guys now. I have to wait until they are done. If I did that I would be late to my next class so I don't shower. I spray on some of the Axe body spray you left instead. The Rents are getting really weird now.

They took the computer out of our room, well I guess it's my now. They even took off my bedroom door. They took very picture with you in it and burned them. I hid a few of you and me though.

I can't wait until I turn eighteen. I want to get out of this nut house. They make me go to temple every day and pray for my soul. One Sunday, at the family dinner, I said your name and Mother smacked me and sent me away from the table. I yelled at them `just because they are their love is conditional mine isn't.' I was grounded for a week. It was worth it though.

I miss you so much bro. I asked a friend if I could get letters at his house. His parents are not like ours. They are in the inclusion sect for gays. He said to just use his address and put on it EPC. Your initials so he will know it's for me. I hope you write me. If you don't I understand too. The way the family treated you was wrong. I should have stood up to them but I was scared. I am so sorry for not doing it. Please write me. I love you big bro.

Love always your brother,

Micaiah Christiansen

P.S. I hope you write me. I'll keep writing you either way.

I had tears in my eyes when I finished reading the letter. I handed it back to him. I saw the tears on his cheeks. I wiped them off with my thumb and gave him a soft little kiss.

"I started crying when I read that letter. I ran to the headso no one one would see."

"My Dad saw you and came up?"

"Well he saw me run off to the head. I left the letter on my rack. He read enough of it to know I was gay."

"Oh. I take it he told you about me then."

"The whole unit knows about you. Most are cool about the ones that aren't don't have the nads to say anything. At least to his face."

"Yeah well, I guess they are smart not to. Dad would rip them apart."

"So true, if not worse." He said giving me a little kiss.

"So finish." I urged him.

"He came into the head and handed me the letter and told me I shouldn't leave it around. If someone else found it, I would be court martialed. It felt good telling someone I was gay."

"Yeah it is."

I looked at the clock on the wall it was after midnight. I couldn't help but yawn. He giggled and kissed my cheek.

"Sounds like someone ready for bed." He whispered.

"Sorry, but I guess I am."

"I could use some rack time too."

I got up. I hated leaving his arms. They made me feel so good. I knew though that he was tired too. I could see it in his eyes, the way his body slumped in the corner of the loveseat and hands just rested on my back.

I did my night thing. You know, brush teeth take piss. Porter went in after me to do the same thing. I took off my clothes. I was sleepier than I thought so I just stripped and got in bed naked.

Porter came into the bedroom to say goodnight. He gave me a sweet little kiss and turned to leave. "There's room for two if you want to sleep in here." I said pulling the blanket away to show I was naked.

"Thought you'd never ask. No funny business though I want to take this slow, okay? That and I want to be able to perform well enough to make you want more." He said grinning and stripping down. .

My eyes never left him as I watched him peal off every last piece of clothing. His dick was hanging heavy; you know what I mean. Almost hard but still not completely there, just thick and long hanging down over his balls.

I got instant wood. He saw that and got him get hard too. He got into bed and pulled the covers over us. "I am so falling in love with you Noah." He said as he gave me a deep kiss his tongue explored my mouth and mine his.

"I already fell in love with you."

We broke the kiss. "Porter, what does the E stand for in your name?"


I can see why he used his middle name. Apparently all of his siblings were named after people in the bible.

"Can I call you EZ?"

"You can call me anything you want." He said pulling me close and cuddling me tight against him with our erections mashed between us. We both fell asleep within minutes.

I awoke the next morning and Porter was spooned behind me. His arm he was around my waist and held my morning wood. I don't know if he had morning wood or was still hard from last night. Either way, it was sandwiched between my butt checks. It so felt good there.

I could help but push back a little. He pushed forward. I could hear soft little snores, so I knew he was still asleep. I maneuvered my butt a little until the head was against my hole. He must have been having a good dream. There was copious amounts of precum. I pushed back a little. I didn't want him inside I just wanted to feel it against it.

I felt him push forward a little. I felt the head of his dick push slightly into me. Not enough to completely enter just enough to feel it slightly inside. I felt his arm pull me tighter. I felt a kiss on my neck. Then my shoulder.

He moved his dick down between my thighs against my taint. I felt his hand take hold my hard dick. He started sliding his dick in and out between my thighs the head rubbing against my taint and hitting my balls. His hand slowly stroked my dick.

His dick was ejecting so much precum my balls and taint where covered in it. He kept kissing my neck and shoulders as I felt him increase his pace. I felt him get thicker. He was close.

I was so turned on I came. My thighs tightened around his dick. He started breathing heavier I could feel him pulse between my legs as he exploded and mean exploded. He shot eight thick streams of cum. This set me off again and I shot off a nice load before he finished shooting his.

He rolled over on his back and did the same. We laid there catching our breath. I felt wonderfully content. I glanced over at him and he was staring at with a smile. He rolled over on top of me, cupped my ass and showered me with little kisses.

"I love you so much babe." He whispered between kisses.

"I love you too EZ."

"Up I need to pee bad." He said pushing off of me.

"Me too." I said following him towards the bathroom. I waited outside.

"Enough room for both." He said pulling me in. We aimed and let loose our streams. We played the swords game as we peed. Giggling like kids. I have to admit that first pee in the morning is almost as good as shooting a load. Unless of course you're shooting a load with EZ.

"Shower time." He said as he pulled me into the shower with him. We washed each other completely. It was erotic, sexy and romantic. We both got hard and stroked each other till we shot our loads on each other. It was still not just about getting off. It was about making the other one feel good. Sharing our love and enjoying the others touch.

Dad got home around one that afternoon. He took one look at us and smiled. "That good huh?"

"Oh yeah." We said in unison.

"How about you?' EZ said.

"I don't kiss and tell." Said Dad

"One room of two?" I asked.

"One." He answered.

One bed or two?" asked EZ.

"One." He answered.

"Enough said."' EZ and I said in unison.

We all laughed. Looks like Dad and I both got lucky. Well EZ and didn't go all the way yet but I considered myself lucky. I wanted to but he was pretty big. Honestly that scared me a bit but I was willing and waiting for him to take the rest of my virginity. That was for him only.

Sammy had been at his aunt's parent's house from the 27th during Christmas week. They lived in Knoxville Tennessee. He was due to come home on New Year's Eve day, which was tomorrow. I knew he said he was straight but we had played around a bit. I wasn't sure how he was going to take EZ and me. I needed to talk to EZ about Sammy too.

I asked EZ if he wanted to go for a ride to special place. You guessed it the north fork of the Kentucky River. We sat down on the rock. I told him about Sammy and how close were. I told him about our sexual encounters and about Linda. I explained that I loved him but it wasn't like I loved him.

EZ nodded his head and didn't say anything until I was finished. He just looked over the frozen river. I couldn't really see his face so couldn't tell if he was upset or angry at my confession or whatever.

"Noah, I have to tell you something. I know about Sam. Your Dad told me a little about you. Don't be mad at him. I think he was just concerned about your relationship with him."

I was a little angry. "I thought he liked Sam.?"

"He does. He said he was a good guy. He was just concerned you were setting yourself up to be hurt."

"Why would he think that? Sam wouldn't hurt me."

"No not that. He said Sam is for the most part straight and not built for a gay relationship. He knows Sam cares about you just not the way you might want him too."

"I know that. I care about Sam the same way he cares about me. I am not in love with him. He is my best friend. We can talk to each other about anything. He understands me."

He didn't say anything at first. He took a deep breath and turned to face me. he took my hand and looked into my eyes. He had a half smile. One that had a question attached to it.

"Noah, I meant when I said I love you. I don't mean it just as a friend either."

"I meant it too. The same way, not as a friend but more."

"I want you to know I love to have you as my boyfriend."

"I thought you already were." I said with a mischievous smirk.

We kissed. It wasn't like any of the other kisses we shared. This was different. It was with all the emotion and love that we had for each other. I didn't want it to end. I wanted the kiss and the moment to last forever. Nothing does though, we pulled away and looked into the others eyes. Our eyes said it all. Our feeling and love would last forever though. There would be more kisses. We just had to enjoy and love each other when there wasn't kisses.

EZ was about to say something. I put my finger to his lips. "No more playing with Sammy."

He smiled "Good. I don't share some things and you I will never share with another man." He said pulling me onto lap. Resting my back against his chest. I think this was my favorite way to to cuddled by him. It made me feel protected by him. I was safe in his arms, mind body and soul.

We looked over the ice covered river. The wind had blown the snow off of the ice. It had a silvery look with a slight greenish blue tinge to it from the river flowing still underneath the ice.

It made me think. Even when there seems that nothing is alive on the surface like the ice on the river. Underneath it was alive and moving. Waiting for spring to melt the ice so it can show the world how alive it was.

I felt that way too. I was covered in ice my whole life. No one knew that I was alive. They acted as if I was dead under all that preverbal ice. Now spring is here for me, if not the river, for me. Ezekiel Porter Christiansen was my spring.

I am ready to show the world I am alive on inside. Thanks to someone who I love completely and fully. Knowing he feels the same about me has melted the ice that surrounded my heart and soul. I was in spring.

From Randy;

I know a lot of you folks expected Sam to be his love interest. I hope you're not disappointed in the way this chapter turned out. Wait and see though where things go.

I decided to give Sam a break so he can tend to his studies in college. So any grammatical errors are my fault. Not his.

Thanks Sam for doing a wonder job editing this story. Be ready for chapter 19 though. :)

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

At the suggestion of Sam (editor):

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Next: Chapter 19

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