
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 21, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 19

That night when we got to the trailer it was after eleven. I woke up the next morning with my head on EZ's chest. His right arm was hold my back and his left hand was holding mine as it rested on his abs. I loved that feeling. Unfortunately, I had another feeling, it's morning piss.

I gently pulled my hand from his and detangled myself from his left arms grip. I made my way to the bathroom and let lose my stream. I was joined by a half asleep EZ. He put his arm on my shoulder as we relieved ourselves.

We shared the sink and brushed our teeth. We did the same in the shower. Even though we both were hard we didn't do anything other than wash each other. I stood there and rinsed off I felt the warm water it felt so good.

What felt better though was when EZ took me in his arms and held me. If felt all the hurt come up and again and started to cry. He didn't say anything just held me until I stopped. He gave me a slight kiss and turned off the water.

We dressed and headed over to the house for breakfast. We all made plans to go to Lexington for New Year's eve. Let's face it New Year's eve in a small town sucks twat. Grandma was staying home with Grandpa.

Sam called and asked what we had planned for the night. I told him we were going to Lexington. He asked he could go and if he could take his Uncle's sister too. She was nine-teen and in college. I said sure.

I talked to Sam about EZ. He was cool about it all. He said he was happy I found someone. Though he'd miss my blowjobs, he joked. I wasn't sure but I think he was a bit too happy. Like it was a bit forced. Oh well, I wasn't worried Sam will have a girl before long.

We left around three. We took two vehicles because we had seven people. Dad suggested that EZ drive and follow him. The reason being I had a junior's license and had those damned limits on driving.

Sam's `cousin' as she called herself, was pretty. She had coffee colored skin. Light brown eyes with gold flecks in them. Long naturally straight black hair. She was about 5' 9" and had big boobs.

"Oh So you're the queer friend of Sam's, Noah right?" she said grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, I guess." I said. Vanessa or Nessie as she liked to be called was a bit too much. I was a bit taken back when Sam introduced us with her comments.

"I just love queers. They are so much fun."

I just stood there with my mouth wide open staring. I couldn't believe this girl. I didn't know if I should be insulted or not. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

"Anyone ever tell you that you could pass for Dean Geyer's twin?" she babbled on. I didn't know who Dean Geyer was anyway so it didn't matter.

I didn't get a chance to answers as EZ came into the living room of the trailer. Nessie stopped talking as soon as she saw EZ. I swear her eyes totally ripped his clothes off.

"Oh my thank God there's a man in here besides Sam and family doesn't count." She said as she sided up to EZ.

"My, oh my your all man." She cooed as she felt him up.

Ok now that was an insult. I could feel myself beginning to steam. up. I swear, if she doesn't back off my man I will rip her tits off and use them for floatation devices.

I was watching closely. EZ smiled, he maneuvered so that he was next to me. Sam saw I was getting very annoyed and pulled her away to show her my art work that Grandma framed and hung around the trailer.

EZ and I sat on the loveseat as Sam showed her my different pieces. She smiled but kept glancing towards EZ. EZ grabbed my hand and locked fingers. I saw her frown a bit.

"Oh Noah, your Drawings are so pretty. You're a regular Michael Angelo or should I say Michelle Angelo." She giggled at her own joke.

I was about to say something but EZ squeezed my hand. He knew I was getting really pissed off so did Sam. Unfortunately, the only one who didn't realize it was Nessie.

"Homo's have so much artistic talent and are so pretty." She said not knowing enough to stop or not caring.

I couldn't take it anymore. "Nessie, us gay men really do not care to be referred to as homo's queers or fags. Please do not use them words around me."

"Oh honey I forgot how you people can be so sensitive about those things. I am sorry."

I didn't like her. I knew that she knew it too. Just by her sarcastic smile. Sam knew it too. He was at a loss about what to do though. I was his friend and she was his `cousin'.

"Hey it's almost three let's go see if your Dad's ready." Sam said. He knew if he didn't get her away from me she was going to be a missing person on a milk carton sooner or later.

We went towards the house. I held on to EZ's hand the whole time. Letting this bitch know he was mine. I could tell she wasn't happy about that either. Not my issue though so, fuck it.

As we neared the porch Dad, Nancy and Nikki came out. "Ready guys." He said.

"Yeah Dad." I said as I watched Nessie eye him up.

Nancy, I think it noticed too. She grabbed Dads hand and smiled as Sam introduced her. "Oh all the men here so handsome. You too Noah."

I dramatically grabbed my crotch "Yep it's still there. I thought it fell off there for a second."

Everyone laughed well almost everyone. Nessie had a confused look on her face. Either this girl was a closet bigot or she was just that stupid. I wasn't sure yet.

I gave EZ the keys as we headed toward Jeepy. EZ made it a point to walk with his arm around my waist. He knew I was agitated by her showing to much attention to him.

"I call shot gun." Nessie said from behind us.

"I don't think so. That seat is reserved for my boyfriend." EZ yelled back.

I could see in my mind her frown. Oh well bitch get your own boyfriend. I got mine. I smirked and gave EZ a kiss as he opened the door for me.

"Oh such a gentleman too. He opens the door for his lady. She said after we were all in.

I was about to let her have it but EZ grabbed my hand and squeezed it. It told me what I wanted to know. That I was what he wanted and her words meant nothing.

After ten minutes I put my ear plugs in and listed to some tunes. Honestly if I didn't I would have shoved a sock in her mouth. She never shut up. We stopped at Applebee's in Winchester just outside of Lexington, to grab something to eat.

EZ Nikki and I sat a table together. Sam, Dad and Nancy sat at another. Nessie said she had to use the little girl's room. I think she expected Nikki or Nancy to go with her because she held back a few seconds looking at them.

"How's TJ I haven't seen him since Christmas?" I asked Nikki.

"He's a bit nervous but he tries to hide it." she said with a frown.

"Why would he be nervous? Ruth giving him shit still?" I asked.

"No about school."

"Why, it will be the same as before Christmas. Dicks, jocks and bimbo's"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?" I said after selecting my food from the menu.

"His mother is sending him to Exeter Academy in New Hampshire."

I couldn't believe it. Why was Ruth doing that. It didn't make sense. TJ was in the top ten in the class. He was co-captain with Sam on the football team. He didn't get into trouble. Well not anymore.

"I thought you would know."

I excused myself and went to Dad's table. I asked if he knew about TJ. He said he didn't. Sam didn't know either. Nancy said she knew but assumed we did. Since we didn't talk about it she figured it was a sore subject so she didn't bring it up. Dad said we'll talk about it later.

I went back to my table. Nessie was just sliding in beside EZ. "Sorry I was sitting there."

"Oh Noah, I just want to borrow him relax." My mouth flew open.

"I'll return him I promise. That is if he wants to go back to the dark side."

I was ready to spit fire. Forget that I was ready to beat the fuck out of this stank piece of fish. If I was cat my claws would be out and my hair raised.

"I hope you do mind but I wanted to sit with Noah." EZ said politely.

I know he saw the look of murder in my eyes. EZ was smart he saw she was trying to block me. He was politely letting her know it wasn't going to happen.

"Oh course I understand." She said winking as if it they were conspirators.

I ordered my food. I just got a burger. I had lost my appetite. EZ ordered the ribs. Nikki ordered a salad as did the twat.

"Us ladies have to watch our figures or the men won't want us right Nicole?" Nessie cooed.

"Better watch your waist too Noah. Don't want to get any fatter. Your man may look for another fish in the see. I am sure he doesn't have to look far." She smirked at me.

"No0ah doesn't have an ounce of fat on him. Even if he did. It's not his body I love." EZ smiled sweetly as he looked at me. He directed the comment to her though.

Our food came. I pretty much tuned her out. I had finished my burger and fries so I rested my hand on EZ's thigh. A minute later I felt him tense. I leaned over and let my hand drop towards his crotch and her foot was there. I grabbed it and twisted her toe. She jumped but didn't say a word. She just jerked he foot away. I smiled as I eyed her.

We had a great time. We had a little champagne at midnight and watched the fireworks. EZ and I cuddled under a blanket. Dad and Nancy under theirs's. Sam was sandwiched between Nikki and Nessie under another one.

Nessie stayed clear of EZ and me. We wouldn't have noticed if she didn't. we joked, giggled, kissed and touched each other witch out it being sexual."

At one we were heading back to our cars. I stopped to grab so90me sparklers. When I caught up to the group. I saw Nessie standing close to EZ. She didn't see me as I came up behind them.

"Oh Porter why are you with a little boy, when you could have a woman?" she said. I looked around for Sam and the others they were over by Dad's SUV.

"Look I am with Noah because I am in love with him and I am gay so that's a no." I heard EZ say.

"Have you ever been with a woman?" she said as seductively as a crack whore.

"No and I don't care to be. Please stop."

"I can take care of this better than any boy cam." She said grabbing his crotch.

"I believe the gentlemen said no!" I yelled, yanking her hand away from my playground.

"Don't touch me." she yelled. Attracting the rest of the groups attention.

"Listen bitch. I had enough of you fucking degrading and derogatory comments. So shut the fuck up." OH please little boy. All of you gay boys are just afraid you can't cut it as man. Your just worried I will make him see what it's like to be a man."

I never hit a lady but since it's obvious you're not one I am about to if you don't shut up and go away right now." I hissed. Truth was I wouldn't but I knew it would feel good to hit this bitch.

"Oh Samuel. Did you hear him threaten me? you need to do something about it right now." She said to him.

"I think I better do that right now." He said coming up to me.

"It was about time you let her have it bro." he said clasping my shoulder.

"Well I didn't want to cuss out your family."

"Fuck dude, she is the family slut. Her roommate kicked her out because she caught her fucking the girl's boyfriend."

"Dad is alright if that rides home with you?" I said pointing at Nessie who was now pretending to cry. Unfortunately, she couldn't produce tears.

"No way." he said.

"Then how the fuck will I get home?" she said forgetting to fake cry.

"We can't leave her here Jared." Nancy said.

He thought for a moment and smiled. "Ok here's how it's going to work. I drive Noah, Porter and Nikki. You drive Sam and her. I really don't just her either. I feel like a side of beef when she looks at me."

"I agree to that in every sense of the word honeybear." Nancy said kissing his cheek.

"Honeybear?" I said giggling.

"Hush you." Dad laughed.

It was a peaceful ride home. Well at least for us. Sam told me she bitched the whole way home. Oh well, not my issue. I got to cuddle up in EZ's arms and fall asleep. Nikki sat next to Dad and kept him company on the two plus hour drive home.

I was so tired I barely remember EZ stripping me and putting me to bed that night. I was just happy to wake up with him spooning me. his arms wrapped around me felt t so good I went back to sleep.

Ez and I got out of bed at one and made our way over to the house. This of course after helping each other out in the shower. We still didn't go any further than heavy petting, kissing and hand jobs. I was wanting a bit more but he left me satisfied. For now, at least.

Dad had talked to Grandma about TJ. It was news to her too. She hadn't gotten any requests for TJ's transcripts. She had called Ruth and was informed that the reason was because he was hanging with a bad element in Hazard High School. grandma quoted her exact words to us over lunch slash late Brunch.

"Bad element." I said smiling while raising my hand.

"Bad element here too." Said Nikki doing the same.

We all laughed at that. I hope though, that TJ will be ok. We weren't as close as some cousin's but we were getting there. I had grown to love the guy. He had his ways but he had a good heart and meant well.

Fucking Ruth has to meddle into everyone's business. Why can't she just worry about herself. Wait that what she did. Sadly, though, she thought what everyone else did reflected on her. Someday that's going to come bite her in the ass. I hope I am there to see it.

We just chilled the rest of the day watching football. Sam came over stating he couldn't stand being around the piranha any longer. She had told some bullshit story about how I was just jealous of her because EZ kept coming on to her. Her uncle didn't buy it because Sam just said one word. `delusional'.

That night EZ and I were cuddled up facing each other. We kissed and caressed each other. My hand found his hardness and slowly stroked it as he stroked mine. I pushed him on his back. I continued to stroke him. He had so much precum that he was self-lubricating. I lifted my fingers to taste it. it was so good. Better than Sam's and way better than my own.

I kissed his abs and looked up at him. He smiled. He knew what I wanted. He guided my head down towards the beautiful thing that made him all man. I licked the head and all around the shaft. I wanted it to bad I just hard to go for it. I took him my mouth. He was so big I could only get one third of him in my mouth.

He pulled me around and he started licking mine and then like me he went down on me. We did a sixty-nine for about 45 minutes. We edged each other then backed off only to do it again. Finally, we needed to finish off. We took each other all the way.

We flooded the others mouth with our juice. His was thick and creamy I had a hard time keeping up with swallowing it all but I didn't miss a drop of my man's love.

He had just as hard of time with my cum. He let a little get away but he licked up. I crawled back into his arms when he let my now soft dick slip out of his mouth. We smiled and kissed as I laid on top of him. We feel asleep that way.

I woke up in almost the same position I fell asleep in. just my lower half was riding his hip. My top half was sprawled across his torso with my head on his chest. He had wrapped his arms around me his hands on my ass.

I didn't want to move for two good reasons One was that I loved the feeling being with him like this on chest and in his arms. The second was he had to go back to Camp Lejeune today. I didn't want him to go. I know he had to.

After many kisses and hugs from EZ and Dad. Well the kisses were mostly from Ez so were most of the hugs. I said good bye to Dad and my boyfriend. Nancy of course was there to give dad a kiss and a safe trip. These were my men as far as I was concerned though One being my guide the other my lover. Both though had my heart.

I text EZ about an hour later, I miss you. Come back'. He sent back I miss you too but your Dad won't turn around.' We text back and forth for a while. You know the stuff new boyfriend's talk about.

I took my walk along the river. Sam likes to walk here too but he likes to watch the sunset so he is usually later in the day. Normally I would wait and walk with him but I wanted to be alone this time.

I couldn't help think how the river turns at this point. Just like my life did. That's how it is though the river twists and turns until it gets to its destination. I guess that's life too, we take twists and turns until we reach the end.

Thanks Sam!

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

At the suggestion of Sam (editor):


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Next: Chapter 20

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