
By Randy Wade

Published on Dec 29, 2015



Chapter 2

"Looks like your aunt is here." Grandma said with a sigh. I looked up at the Lexus parked beside the Jeep. I guess this is the first meeting of family. I thought to myself.

Grandma turned off the engine and slowly opened the door. I did the same and we went to the back of the Jeep and unloaded the groceries, leaving the Walmart purchases in the back. Grandma' walked slowly toward the house. She seemed to not want to go in to see my Aunt Ruth, her daughter. I followed behind her taking baby step so not pass her. Her demeanor was totally different now, slow and unrushed. Like she was going to the executioner and not in to see own her daughter.

I followed Grandma inside and looked around. The television was on, playing some kid show. On the couch was a boy about my age he had dark hair like me. He was broad like a football player, which I found out later he was. He was busy texting on his phone. Beside him was a girl I figured to somewhere around ten years old. Standing by the fireplace was a woman talking on the phone.

She looked like an older, more severe version of my mother. Her hair was pulled back tight from her face in a ponytail. Her makeup was done to perfection. She wore an expensive looking pant cream pant suit with what I figured was a silk blouse.

"I will call you back. My mother is here." She said and hit the end call button. I followed grandma into the kitchen and put the groceries on the table. I jumped when behind me when behind me my aunt spoke.

"Mother where were you? I needed to talk to you about the arrangements for the funeral." Aunt Ruth said, pushing past me as if I was just some pet in her way.

Grandma stared at her like she was disgusted. "Ruth Marie holt! I think it would be nice of you to introduce yourself to your nephew before you start cackling like a hen out in the yard. I know I raised you with better manners than that." Grandma said chastising her. Then proceeded to unpack the groceries.

"Hello, Noble nice to meet you." She said barely turning to look at me. I held out my hand to shake hers but she had already turned away. I decided not to say anything about her calling me the wrong name.

"Mother I have a dinner party for Saturday so you will have to change the arrangements for burying my sister." She said to Grandma.

I watched as Grandma slowly closed the refrigerator door and turn around to face my aunt. She stared at her like she had spoken in a foreign language. And continued to empty bags.

"Mother did you hear me you need to change the date of the funeral." Aunt Ruth said raising her voice. Grandma continued to unload and put away groceries handing me things to put in the pantry.

"Mother!" Aunt Ruth said stomping her foot. Which was not easy considering she was wearing High heels. "Did you hear me? You need to change the funeral. I have a dinner party set for that day. It's been planned for a month."

Grandma sighed. "I was hoping I miss heard you. Honestly Ruth I don't know what to say to you right now." Grandma stood looking at her as is she was an alien.

"What is that supposed to mean? I just simply told you that the funeral day has to be changed. We can do it on Sunday after church. Not like any one will care or be there anyway. Or at least anyone of importance." Aunt Ruth said siting down in the kitchen chair.

Grandma stopped putting away the groceries. "Noah, please go get the rest of the packages and take them to your room. Take your cousins with you." I looked at Grandma's face before I left the kitchen. There was no way of masking the anger that was there. I looked at my aunt who didn't seem to notice.

I walked into the living room where the other kids where. I saw they were both looking at the doorway from which I just came through. The boy waved me over, then put a finger to his lips. "This should be good."

"What the hell is the matter with you, Ruth? This is your sister we are talking about and that was your nephew that you just pushed way like some stray mutt." Grand yelled at her.

"Oh mother please. Not like she was anyone or that anyone of importance will be there. We really don't even need waste money on a funeral just let her be put in by the state. As far as that boy is concerned I will do my duty as his aunt as is expected. If I could deny any association I would but since you made it clear that his related I have the choice but to. That boy is nothing but trailer park scum." My aunt said as if she was talking about some road kill.

I couldn't take it anymore I turned to leave the house when I heard grandma scream. I stopped frozen to in place. "You fucking stuck-up bitch. That is your baby sister. She is someone of importance. That boy is a child that needs love just any other child and is a blood relative."

"Mother your language is not appropriate. What would people think of me if they heard my mother, a teacher at that speak with such foul words?" Ruth said trying to sound calm. I could no longer think of her as my aunt.

"Is that all you think about is yourself Ruth? Don't you care about anything other than what your so called friends think? Here's what I will do Ruth. I will have the funeral as it is planned. You can have your precious all important party. Come don't come I don't give a damn. However, if you don't come." Grandma emphasized the word don't. "Don't you dare ever cross my doorstep again. This includes all holidays and birthdays. My grandchildren and your husband will be welcome but you will not be." Grandma said. I could hear the hurt in her voice.

I looked at my cousins. The boy, I remember grandma said his name was T.J. was looking at me with daggers in his eyes. The little girl, Aliza was crying. I felt like everything was my fault.

That if I was never born this would never be happening. That my mother would be alive and married to a nice guy and they had would have lots of kids. I wish I was never born. This wasn't the first time I felt like this. Probably the ten thousandth time. I really was the scum that Ruth called me.

"Let's go." Ruth said as she stormed out of the kitchen. He heals sounding like a thunder as she walked instead of the soft clicking you usually hear from ladies in high heels. She stopped and looking at me.

"Why did you come here?" she said to me as if I had a choice and left without waiting for an answer.

I heard something crash in the kitchen. I walked to the door and peeked in Grandma was sitting at the table with face in her hands. I could tell she was crying even though there were no sounds. The refrigerator door was open. On the floor was the glass pitcher Grandma used for lemon aid, broken in a hundred different pieces.

Instinct took over. I grabber the broom and swept up the broken pieces into a dust pan. I got the mop and mopped up the lemonade. When I was finished that was when I didn't know what to do.

I stood there looking at my grandma still crying. She didn't even seem to know I was there. Grandma, I am sorry I caused so much trouble." I didn't know what to do or say so I just said it.

Grandma looked up at me and shook her head then wiped the tears from her face with the palms of her hand. "Oh sweetheart. You have nothing to be sorry for." She said pulling me into a hug. "Your aunt is, well she is just a person who has her priorities' confused."

"Now let me clean up this mess." She said turning to clean up the broken pitcher. "Well I guess I am too late. Some little kitchen elf did it for me." she said winking at me.

We finished putting away the rest of the groceries. "Now to start dinner. Your Uncle Jared should have a good home cooked meal when he gets here." I could tell Grandma was tired. It was about four thirty in the afternoon and we been out all day and the thing with Ruth seemed to have drained her.

"Grandma I can cook dinner if you want to go rest a bit. No offence but you look tired." I said with a smile.

"Thank you sweetheart but I am going to make a pot roast. Your uncle's favorite. I am sure you can cook but that is a bit to ask you to do." She said. I could hear the tiredness in her voice.

"Grandma, I did all the cooking at home. A pot roast would be easy to do." I said laughing at the thought of it be 'hard'."

Grandma went to the refrigerator took out a big roast, vegetables, potatoes and set them on the table. "Go to town." She said. "Wake me up when grandpa and Jared get home or two hours whichever comes first."

After grandma went to her bedroom to lay down I got to work. I looked in the refrigerator and pulled out carrots mushrooms and two big onions. I put the pot roast in a large pot cleaned and cut the mushrooms and carrots laced them in the pot. I then peeled and sliced the onions in half and put them in and added some water.

After putting a lid and turning on the burner I started the peeling the potatoes. Once I had them boiling> I grabbed some flour and started to make biscuits. This is one recipe I knew from heart.

Once my main meal was cooking and the kitchen cleaned up I decided go to my room chill and think. I was still down from the incident with Ruth. I wasn't tired so I didn't want to lay down. I went to the little desk and I opened my lap top. I was already connected to the internet so I decided to surf the net for normal things teen boys look for. Porn.

After finding my favorite porn site. I looked through and found some hot guy that got me instantly hard. My hand instinctively went to the hard bulge in my jeans. I undid my pants and pulled my 8 inches out of my pants.

I didn't take long before I felt that tingling in my cock. I lifted my shirt and moaned and shot a large load of boy juice on myself. The first shot almost went over my head but landed in my hair. The rest hit my face chest and abs.

When my breathing returned to normal. I looked down at the amount of cum I had shot. It must have been one of the largest loads I ever shot I scooped up a little bit and licked my fingers. I loved the taste of my own cum.

I couldn't help wonder what another guys would taste like. I will never find out in this redneck town I thought. I planned to stay in the closet until I leave this town. Come on now, a town named Hazard in Kentucky. That just screamed homophobia.

I figured if I could stay in the closet until I graduate and turn 18 I am out of here. I may come back to visit grandma and grandpa but only for a short visit. I mapped out my plans in my head for a while.

When the clock showed ninety minutes had passed I went back down to check on dinner. I put the green beans in a pot and started to steam them. And then drained and mashed and whipped the potatoes.

I set the table in the dining room. I went out to Grandma's garden and picked a few flowers and grabbed some ferns from the edge of the woods. I went in and arranged a nice center piece for the table.

I then saw two hours were up so I went and knocked on Grandma's bedroom door. "Grandma it's been two hours." I said through the closed door. I heard Grandma's reply. And went back to the kitchen.

I preheated the oven and sat down to wait to but the biscuits in. I must have been off on one of my mind wandering journeys when I heard Grandma lifting pot lids. I watched as she bent over pots and smell the pot roast. She turned down the heat.

"Smells wonderful Noah." She said smiling at me. "If it tastes half as good as it smells I am sure it will be delicious." She added as she sat down at the table across from me.

"I hope so. I don't want to give Uncle Jared food poisoning. I caused enough trouble already" I said. I instantly regretting I said it when I saw the dark cloud the seemed to come across my grandma's face.

"I was hoping you didn't hear that." Grandma said. "I want you to understand something right now Jared. You are part of this family. What your aunt said was way over and beyond anything that you should even give consideration. I do not want you to ever think that you are any trouble. Your grandpa and I are delighted beyond measure you are with us. Do you understand?" she finished.

I could only nod my head yes. I felt tears but I wasn't going to cry. Even if was because I was happy. Men don't cry was imbedded into me. It was more than that it was reinforced by my mother's smacks if I did cry.

We both were brought out of our own private thoughts with the sound of grandpa's truck on the gravel drive. Grandma stood up straightened her dress and patted her hair to make sure she was all tidied. She walked towards the front porch.

I myself got up and put the biscuits into the oven. I could hear grandma's talking and a man's voice I never heard before talking excitedly. I decided to stay where I was. I heard the screen bang closed.

"So where is my nephew?" I heard coming from the living room.

"He's out in the kitchen. He made dinner for us." Grandma answered.

Before I could move a large man appeared in the doorway. We stared at each other for what seemed an eternity. He was at least six feet two inches. Blonde hair and blue eyes. He was one of the most handsome men I have even seen. I didn't help that he was dressed in his drees uniform. You tell by the way he filled it out that he was full of muscle.

After what seemed forever, though in reality it was matter of seconds, he smiled. It was a smile that made you weak at the knees. I smiled as best as I could. To be honest I was much intimated.

I didn't know what to do. Not that it mattered anyway. Before I knew what was happening he had me in a big bear hug. I wasn't used to being hugged and I stiffened up. I had never been hugged by any man before. If I had to be honest I think it was the fact that he was hot as fuck.

I could feel that tingling in my groin. I knew I was getting hard. I tried to will it not get hard. This was my uncle for God's sake. I kept thinking I am being hugged by my uncle and getting a bone. WTF. I prayed he didn't notice.

Uncle Jared let me go and looked down at me and smiled. "I have waited for ten years to meet you Noah. I can't wait to find all about you." He said and pulled me into another hug.

I couldn't help but smile and fall into that hug. I could feel the love and warmth coming from him.

I heard a ding come from the oven and pulled out of the hug. "The biscuits." I mumbled.

Dinner was full of conversation. I joined in when it was directed to me.

Otherwise I just listened to the stories that Uncle Jared told about his marine buddies and experiences. I was sitting there in awe of him. I had to admit that he intimidated me so much.

I kept telling myself, don't fuck this up Noah. Don't give him any reason to not like you like Ruth did. I kept thinking that I know he will eventually hate me too though out dinner.

"Now for desert." Grandma said.

"Grandma I didn't make desert. We never had it, so I didn't think to make it." I said blushing, feeling inadequate and stupid.

"Its ok sweetie I made a pie the other day while we waited for you to get here." Grandma smiled.

"More like a dozen pies." Grandpa chuckled.

"Nervous much Mom?" Uncle Jared laughed. Then to me he said, "Mom bakes or cooks when she is upset or nervous."

"I think it was a little of both." Grandma said getting up. "I have three kinds of pie. Apple, sweet potato and pecan. Who wants what?"

Uncle Jared and I both said pecan at the same time. Which brought a chuckle from him. "I don't think we are going to get along if you eat my pecan pie." He said to me in serious tone.

"Oh um, well um, I can eat apple or sweet potato Uncle Jared." I stammered.

Uncle Jared laughed. "Relax Noah I was just messing with you. We can share."

I smiled and breathed out. I didn't realize I was holding my breath. I didn't want to make my uncle hate me like Ruth did. I caused enough trouble in the family already. I know Grandma said I was no trouble and all but I still felt I was.

Grandma went out into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee and came back in and started to clear the table. I got up and started to help her. Grandma smiled.

"You cooked, I clean up. As a matter of fact, Seth you can help me."

Grandpa stood up and winked at me. "Old woman forgets what a woman's work is and what a man's work is."

"Get your ass moving before I show you a work over." she retorted laughing.

I could hear their joking in the kitchen while they put the dishes away. I was nervous without Grandma and actually grandpa there. Even though grandpa didn't talk much he made me feel safe. I just stared down my lap and peeked up at my uncle every so often.

"You cooked dinner Noah?" Uncle Jared asked.

"Yes sir." I said shyly, looking up at him then back down at my lap.

I felt as if I looked at him he would not like me. Not that I ever really looked at people directly. I learned a long time ago not look at people so they would bother me. If I didn't look at them they ignored me. Well not really but I still tried to do my best to avoid it.

"Really? I thought Mom cooked that. I just figure is was better than usual because it has been so long since I had a good home cooked meal." He said to me.

"Thank you sir."

"Noah you don't have to call me sir."

"Okay Uncle Jared." I said blushing again. Feeling I am doing and saying everything wrong.

Grandma came in carrying the coffee, cream sugar and cups on a tray. Grandpa followed her with a tray with the pies, plates, forks, and ice-cream.

Grand ma started to cut the pies. She then opened up the ice-cream and looked for the scoop.

"Did you forget something?" she said looking at grandpa.

"Not that I know of?" he smiled back as he stood up and pulled the scoop from his back pocket.

Grandma shook her head. "I hope no one minds ice-cream that smells like you ass Seth." Grandma chuckled.

Uncle Jared and I both had three slices of grandma's pecan pie.

"Ever have a better pecan pie Noah?" Uncle Jared asked me.

I shook my head no while I took the last bite of my pie. I had to admit it was the best I ever had. Though truth be told, I only had store bought pies. This was my first homemade pie.

When were done and the table cleared grandma shooed us into the living room. Before I could sit down Grandma asked me to get Uncle Jared bags out of the truck while she talked to grandpa and him.

"No ease dropping either Noah." She giggled. I smiled and agreed with a nod and went out to the truck.

After taking up my uncle bags to his or my room. Guess it's actually his I am just borrowing it. I went out and looked around the barn.

There was the normal animals. Two pigs and few little piglets, a cow and few hens in the hen house in the corner. It was the three horses that caught my eye though.

I had always loved horses. I remember in one of the places we lived there was a horse farm near us. I would walk past and spend time watching them. I read that they liked sugar cubes so I would pilfer some from the dinner my mom worked at and feed them. They had grown so used to seeing me they would be waiting for me to walk past on my way home from school. They wanted their sugar and a rub on their nose or neck.

I was petting the big black horse a white both that came down his forehead and then between his eyes. I jumped when I realized I wasn't alone.

"His name is Bolt. I bet you know why." Uncle Jared said coming to stand beside me. "My Pa bought him for me on my fifteenth birthday." He said as he stroked the big horse's side. "He hated Ruth. Always nipped at her if she got close enough. He's a good judge of character I guess."

I didn't say anything. I figured my grandma was going to fill both Grandpa and Uncle Jared in on Ruth's visit. I figured I would let my uncle lead the conversation. I knew he wasn't going to agree with Ruth demands but I figured he be mad that I was causing an argument between in the family. Best to remain silent.

"Mom told us about your aunt's visit. I am sorry you heard those comments."

Uncle Jared said turning me towards him.

I looked down at my feet. I saw that he had changed into a pair of jeans. It was really a mistake to look down. I couldn't help notice that they were tight in all the right places. The bulge in front seemed huge. It could be seen from a mile away it was so big. Not cool Noah he is your uncle stop thinking like that I told myself. Unfortunately it was too late I was already boned.

"Noah Look at my face and not your feet. I am not going to hurt you or turn away." He said to me as he lifted my head up with a finger on my chin.

He smiled at me. "That's better." I was stared into his blue eyes and was lost. God, I am the thoughts that ran through my head were bad. I am such a pervert, I thought to myself. I am thinking about dirty stuff about my uncle.

He put his arm over my shoulder and led me to a bail and motioned me to sit. "Scoot over kiddo." He sat down next me once I moved over to make room for him.

"You know I was 4 years old when I came here to live with mom and dad. Ruth treated me pretty much the same way." He said looking straight ahead.

I looked at him and wondered what he was talking about. What he said didn't make sense to me. My mother always talked about Uncle Jared and how he was such a nice boy growing up. What she said about Ruth wasn't bad but I could tell they didn't have that sisterly love.

Uncle Jared chuckled. "Confused?" he asked.

I was in my own world again and didn't realize he was looking at me. I blushed and nodded yes. Damn I am such a dork.

"I was adopted after they took me in as a foster kid. Mom and dad fell in love with me but then who wouldn't right?" he chuckled again. "I was a cute kid and grew into a hot stud." He said winking at me.

I blushed. I had to agree with him. He was the hottest guy I ever seen. He had the looks the body and from what I could see was hung. What got me going was his eyes. They were so blue. When I looked into them it's like he could see into your soul.

"Em, your mom, was different though. She was always there protecting me or being a second mom to me." He said smiling. "I was heartbroken when she left. I was seven at the time I felt like I did something wrong to make her leave.no one knew why she left." He said. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I was twelve when we learned that she left because she was pregnant with you. At first I was jealous because she was your mother and she left me behind. Not that mom and dad were mean they were and still all great loving parents. Em was my other mom though I felt abandoned then replaced." He said with a crooked smile.

"When I got older I realized that it was stupid to feel that way. In my mind you came to mean more to me each day. I wanted to be there. I wanted to be an uncle to you." He said as he put his big arm over my shoulder and pulled me against him.

I inhaled his sent. He smelled so good. It was a combination of cologne, deodorant and his natural musky smell. I never really thought what my type was until that moment. Uncle Jared was my type. Damn I am so weird.

"Teddy, and Seth are your nephews and Aliza is your niece." I stated my head cradled against the crook of his chest and arm.

"Yeah well, Teddy is just like his mother. They both think too much of themselves. Thank God Aliza she like her father. She is sweet but over powered by her mother and brothers personality. Seth well he sweet too but being autistic he has a hard time getting close to people."

"Grandma told me that."

"You're my nephew too. Unlike my others you didn't have the same advantages and family they have. So remember Noah in my eyes y6ou need more attention and a bit more important to me than they are right now."

We sat beside each other, deep in our own thoughts. I felt him pull me tighter against him. I was in heaven. Even if he was my uncle. I didn't care I was being held and comforted. Though Joe treated me good. Like a son. There was not one time I felt this. For the first time I felt truly safe. Like I belonged. Like I was important to someone. Like I mattered.

I woke up in my bed to sunlight coming through the window. I didn't remember going to bed. The last thing I remember was sitting in the barn. I had been talking to Uncle Jared. Well really he talked I listened. I tried to remember coming into the house but nothing came.

I heard someone's heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I saw Uncle Jared's blonde head come into view. He was bare chested and had on those tight jeans he wore last night and a pair of brown timberland boots. Fuck he was hot. I was instantly hard.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. The only think I had on was my tee and pair over boxer briefs. I knew that they wouldn't hide my bone. I wasn't big like Uncle Jared was. Well that I guessed he was. I was not yet that comfortable with myself to have one see me with a boner.

Uncle Jared went into the bathroom and shut the door when I heard the shower start I got up. I quickly dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and a tee and went down stairs. As I walked into the kitchen Grandma looked up from her paper and smiled.

"You missed breakfast but you can help yourself to some cereal."

I went to the cabinet and pulled out a box of cheerios, got milk and sat down and ate. Grandma kept reading the paper and it was silent as I ate my breakfast. I kept thinking about Uncle Jared in the shower washing himself. Touching himself. I couldn't help think that he might be stroking his dick. Pervert, sicko, gutter trash, that's me.

"Morning Noah." I heard Uncle Jared say from behind me. I blushed. I felt like it was written on my face what I was thinking.

"You must have been tired from yesterday. I had to carry you to bed last night." He said as he turned a chair backwards and sat.

He looked at me with his trademark smile and twinkling blue eyes. I could feel my face get redder. Why does he make me blush so much? OH God I am such a loser. He is going to know I am a fag. Then he won't like me. I looked into my bowl and saw it was empty.

I was about to stand up then realized I was rock hard. There was no way they would not see it. I sat back down and saw Uncle Jared eyes drop to my crotch. I was caught. He knows I am a fag now he going to hate me. I heard stories about people from Kentucky and how they all hate fags and what they do to them.

"Here let me get that for you." Uncle Jared said grabbing my bowl. He gave me that smile I had begun to love to see. He placed it in the sink and came back to sit.

"In the dishwasher Jared. You know better." Grandma said looking up from the paper looking over her glasses at him.

I watched my uncle roll his eyes wink at me and turned around and load the dishwasher. "Guess the happy welcome back 'honeymoon' is over." He joked.

"Happy to see you. But just like when you were a child I am not your maid."

Grandma said not once looking up from her paper.

Uncle Jared stood behind her and leaned on the counter and rolled his eyes then stuck out his tongue.

"Don't roll your eyes and the next time you stick out that tongue I am going to put salt on it." Grandma said.

"I swear you have eyes behind your hear old lady." Uncle Jared laughed.

"With nearly twenty years of teaching and three children, having eyes behind your head is perquisite for the job." Grandma chuckled.

"Noah what say we take those horses for bit of exorcise and fresh air?" Uncle Jared said to me as he came around the table to stand behind me.

"I have to finish my chores first. Then grandma might need something else done."

"What chores?" Uncle Jared asked.

"Feeding the horses."


"Feeding the chickens."


"Cleaning the barn and horse stalls."


"Then I have to gather the eggs."

"Everything is already done. I did them while you lazy butt was still in bed." Uncle Jared said tussling my hair.

We saddled the horses and after a few lessons on how to handle the horse. I learned pretty quickly that the horse was not we took the dirt road that lead to the main road. My horse just seemed to follow Uncle Jared on his horse without direction from me. We rode side by side along Branch Road for a while in silence. Then right on Town Mountain Road then right again until we were riding along the power line.

After an hour of riding and crossing a few roads we came to the river. He stopped and got off and I did the same but more like fell off. Uncle Jared laughed and I felt the blood rush to my face.

"I am sorry Noah. I shouldn't laugh but it was funny. It's really my fault I didn't show you how to dismount."

He showed me how to tie the horses up so they don't wander far and walked towards the river. I didn't say anything just followed him to a rock where we sat and watched the river flow.

"This is my favorite spot. When I need to think this is where I come. Something about watching the water relaxes me and allows me to think things out." Uncle Jared said, breaking the silence.

"The water keeps moving forward not knowing where it's going but never stops. Doesn't matter whether there's a dam a head, or falls or another river it just keeps going not afraid" I said. I wasn't really thinking it just came out.

I turned to look at my uncle and he just looked at me, smiled and nodded. And we sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"When I decided to join the marines. I sat here half the day trying to figure out what I wanted to do and here is where I decided it." I guess know I need to decide some more things."

I looked at him and wanted to ask what it was but decided it wasn't any of my business so I just nodded.

He chuckled put his arm around my shoulder. "I want you to know that there is nothing you can't tell me or anything that you have done or will do that will make me not love you. You're my family. I need you as much as you need me. Do you understand what I am saying Noah?"

I felt tears sart to well up and quickly nodded my head yes. Turned away and held my feelings in check. Men don't cry.

After dinner Uncle Jared went to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins. I watched Jeopardy with my grandma and grandpa for a while then headed up to bed. I couldn't believe I was going to bed so early, especially when I wasn't told to.

I must have been in bed for only a few minutes when I heard the truck pull up and just a few seconds later Uncle Jared yelling about what an evil bitch my Aunt Ruth was. I couldn't make out everything he said but I heard him tell grandma that she said that my mother was always spoiled and always leaves her trash for her to pick up. I figured I was the trash. I can't say she was right or wrong. I really felt like trash sometimes. Ok honestly almost always until Grandma Grandpa and Uncle Jared. They made me feel better about myself. I guess I am recycled trash now.

Today is the day of my mother's funeral. I am all dressed in a new suit and shoes. My Jacket is still on the hanger as I try to tie the tie around my neck. Uncle Jared must have gotten tired of watching me struggle with it.

"Here let me do that before you tie it in a noose." He said. He looked at me "Sorry Jared bad choice of words."

How do you describe a funeral? They are not good not necessarily bad either. Unless you have an Aunt Ruth. If you have one then they always will be bad.

I was pretty numb all the way through it. I didn't know what to feel. I guess my face showed very little emotion and of course it was latter commented on.

After we left the cemetery we all went back to the farm house. Grandma had plenty of food she made and food that was brought by neighbors and friends. Ruth was being herself. If you're wondering what that means. It means that she was a total attention snob and took every opportunity to let people know that I was such a burden to her but she will rise to the occasion.

I couldn't figure out how I was a burden to her. I lived with my grandma and grandpa. They bought me everything I have. As far as rising to the occasion that's what worries me. Uncle Jared pretty much stayed by my side. My cousins just pretty much glanced at me every now and then like I belonged in a circus.

I stayed there even though I so wanted to run away after telling my aunt of choice things. I said hello to everyone that was introduced to me. Answered questions politely but not really telling them anything. That wasn't easy but I am good at evading questions.

Needing a break I wandered towards the kitchen hoping for a few moments by myself. Unfortunately as I started to open the door I heard my Aunt Ruth.

"Mother I am telling you that boy is trouble. Didn't you see him at the funeral? He didn't seem to care his own mother was being buried. He is heartless. I will gladly pay to send him to a private school, there's a good one in Virginia. It will be tight but I pay for his tuition."

"That is very considerate of you to want to do that for your nephew Ruth but I think he needs family right now." Grandma answered back. You can hear the skepticism in her voice.

"Mother come now do you want him to cast his influence over your real grandchildren?" Ruth said.

Thinking back to that moment she either wasn't too bright or just didn't care. Because even then I knew my grandma would go off like a firecracker. Though it wasn't my grandmother who went off.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean you heartless bitch?" My Uncle Jared said behind me as he pushed us both into the kitchen.

Before she could say anything. "First off this is my nephew. My mothers and fathers grandson. As far as influencing your beloved children they need it. One is nothing but a male version of you. Heatless brainless and a total frigid snob." The others just too scared to say boo or do anything that you might find embarrassing, like having fun." Uncle Jared

I felt Uncle Jared pull me back against him. I was shaking I had to get out of there I broke loose of my uncles grip and ran out the kitchen door but not before I heard my aunt yell out to me.

"Just like his mother he runs instead of facing the reality of he's done. My sister would still be alive if he was never born."

I found out much later that several people had to hold my uncle back from hitting Ruth. Ruth vowed she and her family will have nothing to do with them as long as I lived there.

Grandma went and found my cousins. "I am sorry children but your mother says you are no longer allowed to visit us or I you." She said with tears. "I love you all very much but unlike your mother I cannot and will not turn my back on family because it's inconvenient. This is her choice not mine."

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up Sunday morning in the hay loft with a blanket and Uncle Jared cuddle up with me. Though last night's words from Ruth still hurt me, I felt a little at peace right now knowing that Uncle Jared was there. He would make the perfect dad.

From the author:

Thanks for the support and kind words regarding my story Hazard. I hope that you all continue to enjoy it. As I progress in the story it will move faster but right now I need to set up the characters so I am taking my time. If you like this story and the stories of the many great authors here on nifty please donate to keep this great place for us to share our stories with you. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Next: Chapter 3

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