
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 23, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 20

I was thrilled that school started the Monday after New Year's. Yeah I know you're thinking geek. I may be one but mostly because I missed Ez. I was looking for the distraction. And Oh man did I get one.

The new English teacher, Mr. Rick Proehl. He seemed cool especially with that Aussie accent. The first day he back he had dressed in black jeans, V neck shirt and a suit jacket. He hair was dirty blonde and had a slight military cut to it. He was handsome, and had the defined build of an athlete.

Mr. Proehl told us a little about himself. He was born in America, his parents moved to Australia to work in the United States embassy when he was 5. Where he was raised until he was 18. He served 4 years in the army. He went to college at the University of Pennsylvania where he got a master's degree in English literature and minored in drama. He loved Shakespeare and rugby. He was 27.

We each had to stand and tell a little about ourselves in 2 minutes. He went alphabetically so I was somewhere in the middle. I used to dread this type of thing but I had gained a lot of confidence since I been here.

When it came to be my turn I stood up. I took a deep breath. "I am 16, and lived in so many different places I can't name them all. My favorite subjects are history and English literature."

"Cough, fag, cough." came from the back and got a few giggles.

"Yeah I am gay not that it matters." I said. Determined not to let them make it a big deal.

"why did you live in so many places." Mr. P asked.

"His mother was a whore and followed the dick." Came that same voice.

I looked back at him and saw it was Conner TJ's buddy.

"Ok Mr. Farrell, that is enough. If I hear one more comment like that in this class from anyone they will be in the principal's office. Is that understood?"

There were nods and murmurs of yes throughout the class. I sat down. So much for confidence. I don't know how he found out about my mother, I know TJ didn't say anything, at least I didn't think he did.

Okay, now that we are done we have only five minutes left. Since this class is doing, A midsummers Night Dream', I think we could benefit from studying various works by Shakespeare to see what influence he had more modern literature which we will look at. I want you to read a few pieces of Shakespeare you don't have to read it all just enough to see what influenced the play. Romeo and Juliette' are too easy so stay away from that.

After class I did my normal schedule. I was a little bothered by Connor's comments. I thought we were friends or at least not on bad terms. Oh well The has to be somebody to take Pork's place, right?

Lunch time came. I was told when I set my tray down this was a jock table by Connor. I moved to the next one. So apparently Connor's little `This is a jock table only' rule was kept but not all the jocks were there at it. The two main ones were sitting with me. I was Joined by Sam, Hank the tank, Nikki and at times different girls. Attracted of course by the jocks. So other than that school life was pretty calm.

Mr. Proehl or Rick as he liked to be called. Found a modern version of `A Midsummer's Night Dream' in musical form call If the world were mine. I was gay but we could work with it. he got permission to perform it, got scripts and music so we started practicing. The only problem was where we would perform it. Usually we would use the gym but that was pretty much in use although the dates we chose it would be free we needed to set up the stage and background stuff.

Sam and I on Saturday were taking Jeepy for his check-up aka inspection. We passed an old brick building on East Main street with a for sale sign.

"Shame we can't just but that and use it. I can't believe there's no place in Hazard for this show." He said.

I Glanced at the building in my rear view mirror and thought; yeah that would be great.

All through the forty-five minutes it took to inspect, replace the brakes, rotate tires and change oil, the building was on my mind. I was formulating a plan. I just had to talk to Mr. Rick, Grandma and Dad. I didn't voice what my idea was I didn't want to raise hopes.

We passed the building again I slowed down enough to see it was in good condition. It had a nice size parking lot. It was about three stories high and about 60 feet wide and about 100 deep. It would work.

I dropped Sam off at his house and went home and Talked to Grandma. We both talked to Dad. Who thought it was great idea because my trustee wanted me to spend some of the money I been accumulating. Grandma called Mr. rick who said it would be awesome.

Grandma contacted the realtor and he said it would be a fast sale. We could inspect the property tomorrow. I was excited for so many reason. It was solving the problem of where we can perform the show. Plus, it could also be used for other shows either from our school or some other group, maybe even concerts. It was also my building my theatre. I thought of name for it to the Main Street Theater for the Performing Arts.

Grandma called Sam's uncle George. Since there wasn't much construction work to do in the winter he said he'd be glad to look at the jog and give an estimate.

We met with the realtor on Sunday after church. Grandma, George, and me. Structurally, George said it was sound. Cosmetically it would need work. He and I went off to side and talked while grandma talked with the realtor. He asked me what I wanted. He and went and looked around the building and he made some suggestions. The main one was to add on to the back for the stage and then open up the back for it. we could put the dressing rooms in the back part of the basement.

Grandma got the price down to ninety-nine thousand. We would have dad tell the trustee to write a check and send it plus any closing costs. George said he would get the estimate to us by next week. He had an architect that he worked with. Who would draw up the plans.

It was Friday, February 13,2009, the day before Valentine's Day. I missed my man and my Dad. Mostly though I missed Ez because once again carol grabbed me for the Valentine's dance last month. We had decided to make it a Sweetheart's Ball.

We got some big Carpet tubes and spray painted a marble look. Draped sheer drapes and made some red velvet ones we got from a material shop. We cleared out the dollar store of all the Roses they had. Hit the local flower shop for them cardboard vases which she gave us a dozen of free of charge. We made 100 big hearts out of red poster board. The idea was that couple could put their names on them for their own personal Valentine for three dollars. The money would- be used for another event.

It took us to 8 to finish the decorations. Since Valentine's was on Saturday we figured it would better to do it all now so we can get our formal wear and hair done shit like that. I know I wanted a haircut myself I was getting a bit shaggy.

I pulled in front of the house peeked in and told grandma I was home and we finished everything. I declined dinner saying we had pizza earlier. I gave grandma a kiss good night and headed to my place.

I showered and checked my email. Replied to dad and My Ez. I told Ez how much I missed him and wished he could be here for the dance but understood why he couldn't. Him being in the real world and the marines he had obligations and me in high school had very little. Didn't help much knowing that though.

I decided to call him and got no answer. I figured probably on one of them overnight maneuver things they do. I left him a quick message. I flipped though the channels on the TV nothing on that interested me so I decided to go to bed is was just after ten.

I must have more tired than I thought I fell asleep almost immediately as I thought about the Lover's Ball and how I would be alone. The thought of not having a date saddened me but you know it's not just about me. Though once again I felt like I was the odd one out no one to share it with. I hated this holiday even if it's just made up one by the greeting card companies.

It was valentine's day and all the kids in class put their valentines into a box wrapped in paper with hearts. The last hour of class was a party were someone handed out the valentine's.

I watched as kids got their Valentine's to a seventh grader it was special. Most boys and girls had discovered the opposite sex. I knew at that time I really liked boys better. Even that said, once the cards were given out I saw everyone had a pile of cards. Even Dominic, who had pimples all over his fat face had some. Everyone did, except me.

I didn't cry, I didn't eat the cake in front of me. One of the boys made fun of the fact that I didn't get any cards. It hurt even when other students joined in. I still didn't cry I just tried to ignore them. When the teacher came over and saw I had no cards she just shook her head.

"This is what happens when isolate yourself, Noah. Maybe if you played with the others you would have had cards." She stated.

"We won't play with him because his mom's a whore." Said Paul.

"That is not a nice word Paul Clinton. I don't want to hear it again." Teacher said.

"Well she is one. My mother said she probably doesn't know who his daddy is because she slept with so many men." Said Lois.

"Either way it's not a nice word." Teacher said.

"I think we all should give Noah a card to make him feel better." She said.

"Fuck you and your cards. You couldn't give a donkey's dick about me." I yelled and walked out of the class and went home.

By the time I got home they already called my house. Todd the guy that my mom was fucking that month took the call. My mom was out on a drug run I figured or fucking to get them drug money.

"I don't want no brat in my house that don't know his place." He yelled as he smacked me.

"Don't you know enough that no likes you or wants you not even your momma. Get the fuck out of my place. I don't want no bitch kid here no more."

I went into my room stuffed my bag with clothes, my stash of cash and grabbed my school bag and left. Fuck them, I thought. See how long they able to stay there. I walked to the park to place I had built a little fort. I got my own place without them shits.

I worked after school every day bagging groceries. I took home like two hundred dollars a week with the tips. I paid for the rent electric and food. Not them, their money went to booze and drugs. I had the rent money in my hand. It was due in two weeks they won't have the money and the landlord was a shithead and boot them out fast.

I changed out of my school clothes and went to work. I half expected my mom to show up but she didn't.

After work I went BK's to eat. I stopped at a convenient store and grabbed some munchies and a big 2liter coke. Went back to my fort and did my homework. I read my comic that I got earlier on the way home. I eventually curled up and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning as the sun rose I figured it was around seven. I dressed combed my hair in the old mirror I had on the wall and went to school. I was still clean so. I knew I didn't smell or anything but I stopped at an all-night store and used the bathroom to clean up a bit.

I walked into the classroom where the teacher sent me to the principal's office. I was informed that I could not be admitted into school without a parent. Fuck, now what do I do.

I walked out of school and started to go back to my fort when I thought about Mrs. Abbott who worked at the store I bagged at. I went there and saw she was working. I told her what happened at school and that my mom couldn't go to school because was sick in bed. Yeah I lied, sort of.

She asked the manager if she could skip out for about a half hour to take care of a personal matter who agreed. We marched right into school. We ended up talking with the principal and the teacher. Who she said was disgraceful how she handled the situation.

"My other children were told either they give one to everyone or gave none at all. Did you give any Noah?"

"Yes ma'am to everyone." I said truthfully.

"See that is what I teach my children."

Needless to say I was admitted into class. With an apology. Not that it mattered the damage was done. I didn't bother listening or talking to any of my classmates fuck them too. I just did my work.

After lunch I found a red envelope on my desk with my name on it. I put in my book. We had our history lesson, my favorite subject. I knew the dates and all that stuff and the teacher she was boring going over the reformation period between the north and the south. I listened though took notes. I forgot about the red envelope.

The school bell rang I packed up my books. I didn't bother with sorting out what books I needed. I just shoved them all in my book bag and left. I walked down the street and headed to the park. One thing about living in Pittsburg there was a lot of parks. Mine was on the Monongahela River just a few short blocks from school.

I had built my new home overlooking the tracks but far enough away not to be seen. It was about eight feet by eight feet. I had candles but figured I'd get a camp light. I had an old car seat I used for a couch and now bed too.

I got home and went in I opened my little window to let in light. I was thinking I need all on to this place. I didn't have to go work today. So today was chill day after homework was done.

"Hello? Anyone in there?"

I looked out little window there was no glass so I could just stick my head out. I saw a boy from my class, Billy Pratt. He was one of the cutest boys in our class. All the girls liked him. He saw me.

"Hey Noah. Can I come in?"

"Um sure, I guess." I said. I wasn't sure what he wanted he never talked to much other than a hello.

He came in the door. I had a real door I found in the trash well it was like a bedroom door but it worked.

"Did you get the card? I was out yesterday so I wasn't able to give them until today." He said

I opened my book and there was the unopened red envelope. It had been reopened and then taped shut. I opened it and saw the card it showed to boy's standing there looking at rabbits with hearts around them. I opened it and was a simple platonic message Happy valentine's Day signed Billy Pratt.

Inside a letter fell out as had open it. It was a note from Billy

Dear Noah,

I heard what the rest of our class did and said it was really mean. I would have beat the crap out of Paul if I was there. He is such an asshole. I want you to know I don't believe what they said. They are just jealous because your smart and better looking than they are. The girls are just dumb.

I wanted to talk to you when I first saw you in class but I was chicken. I hope I can get to know you better. Hopefully I can make you smile and we can be friends or whatever.

Happy valentine's,

Billy Pratt a hopeful friend.

PS I didn't give anyone else a card because of yesterday just you.

I looked at him. I couldn't help but smile.

"This is a cool fort dude. Did you build it by yourself?"

"Yeah." I said still a bit shy. I haven't had a friend since I was like five and here I was twelve.

He looked around the place I had some shelves that had some books and a pile of comics on it. Some action figures placed around. My favorite though was a one of a marine. He had black hair and stood about 8 inches. I watched as picked him up and replaced him.

"What time do you have to be home?" Billy asked me.

I frown a bit because this was home now. I just shrugged.


"You bag at the shop and save right?" he said sitting next to me.

"Wow awesome, you're into GI joe comics too." He said picking up my GI Joe comic book.

That broke the ice for me. Anyone who liked GI Joe comics was cool with me. we talked for a good two hours. He showed me his that he had gotten on the way to school. About them and the kids in our class. He laughed when I said all the girls liked him.

"Yeah I know. Just not into them though. At least right now."

"I can't stand most of them but Rebbie can be nice sometimes." I said giggling.

"I got to get tracking dude. The rents don't like us being late for dinner." He said looking at his watch.

"Yeah cool um I need to think about going to get something to eat too."

I walked with him but I made my way towards a mini mart where I could get some hot dogs and stuff. To roast over a fire. I had pretty much learned to be resourceful and self-reliant. I been taking care of myself for as long as could remember. I had pretty much proved that. I paid rent and electric bought food and cleaned house. the later never lasted long.

I cooked my hot dogs over a little fire dogs on a stick a great. I ate some Doritos and that was my dinner. I put out my fire and went inside my new home.

I lit the candle and started my homework. It was easy all I had to do was my spelling. You know the drill write each word five times definition and use in a sentence. I pulled out my English book and saw Billy's comic. He had forgot it. It was cool I'd give it to him tomorrow at school. Once I finished a figured I better go to sleep.

I woke up at dawn again. I ate some dried cereal for breakfast and then made a peanut butter sandwich for my lunch. I'd pick up a juice and an apple on the way to school. I then started to dress.

I was pulling on my pants when the door opened and there was Billy. He stood there staring at me. I was had one leg in my pants. I quickly pulled them up and did my belt.

"Sorry I forgot my comic."

"I was going to bring to school today." I said as I picked up and handed him his comic.

"Oh. Um OK." He said as took the comic I handed to him.

I grabbed my schoolbag thinking what is he going to say. Is he going to tell the rest I lived in a shack I made. I followed him out the door. I pad locked the door. And we headed towards school.

"Noah how come you slept there? Won't your Mom get mad you didn't come home?"

"No. she kicked me out. It's where I live now." I figured I might as well let it out. Noah lived in a little shack by the railroad tracks in the park.

"Oh man I am sorry." He said.

He asked a few questions. I ended up telling him about my mom, Todd and everything. About how I paid the bills and food. I didn't tell him because I wanted pity. It just felt nice to talk to someone. He didn't judge me.

When I told him I wanted to make the house bigger he asked if he could help. I agreed. So every day we would find wood and hammer away. By the end of that weekend we had the second room done. He even found some old windows. Now I have real windows.

I got an old mattress and box spring and put in on crates, I now had a bed.

I bought an ice chest, electric camp light wind up clock sheets pillow and a blanket from the thrift shop. I was set. I ever got a kerosene heater. So I could keep warm when it got cold which would be; like always here. Luckily we didn't have snow in a while.

Billy would come by at least three times a week. It was now the second week of March. My mom didn't bother to try and find me. It wouldn't have been had to do all she had to do was go to school.

It was the third week of march and we had a big snow storm. The school was closed I didn't need anyone to tell me that. Being a Friday it wasn't a big thing Monday school would be open.

I was snowed it but I had plenty of food and a gallon of milk I got yesterday. I saved on ice and packed the cooler with snow. I check my kerosene heater all was good I had three full cans of it anyway. I put on my boom box and listened to tunes and did what any 12-year-old would do I masturbated.

That Monday it was cleared on the main streets I had to take the tracks down to the closest street. I met Billy on the corner we always met on and we walked to school. I stepped on to the curb by school and I was grabbed by a guy that jumped out of his car. I tried to pull away but saw my mom in the passenger seat. I gave up the struggle. Billy was at first trying to pull the man away.

"It's ok Billy it's my Mom's friend."

He shoved me into the back seat. "We're leaving Noah, so that's all you have tough shit."

I wound down the window and yelled at Billy to get my comics. He nodded.

He took us to some cheap sleazy motel outside of Pittsburgh. They left me in the car while they went in a fucked. I was awakened the next morning by being dumped in the parking lot. My mother dragged me in the room and beat me with the belt.

I felt arms around me and snuggled in closer to Ez. I love his feel when he spoons me his smell, the feel of his breath on my neck. God I love this when he gets this close. Wait a minute. I woke instantly and pushed him away. I stared at him in disbelief.

"Ez what are you doing here?"

"Is that anyway to say good morning to your boyfriend?"

I pushed him back and kissed him all over with led to more and blow jobs. Yeah I know you perverts want details. Go look read some of those stories on nifty for your jerk off material.

"How Was that for a hello?" I giggled

"Best hello ever you stud."

"So what are you doing here?"

"Hey couldn't let my baby go to the Valentine's Ball alone could I?"

"How long can you stay?"

"Just tonight babe. Your dad got me the furlough for the weekend."

"Guess it comes in handy to date the Sarg's son huh."

"Oh yeah it does. Honestly I think He was tired of seeing me mope around" he giggled.

We went at it again and laid in each other's arms enjoying the afterglow of lovemaking. Even as limited as it was it was lovemaking to me. We did not do it for just the sexual gratification but for the pure enjoyment of sharing our love physically and pleasuring each other. That's what lovemaking is not the act of sex. At least that's what it is to me.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 21

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