
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 24, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 21

We pulled into the parking lot and found a parking spot right near the door. We were about thirty minutes early because I wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

Ez jumped out from the driver's seat and ran around and opened my door for me. I step out as Jamie and Carol pulled up beside us. We stood back and waited for them to join us.

I couldn't help but stare at Ez. He looked so handsome in his Dress A uniform. I was so proud to be standing next to him. I felt a little under dressed even in my tux. He took my arm and tucked it under his as we stepped up to greet Carol.

She was in a gown and Jamie also was in a tux. As a group we had decided that we would dress formally as the hosts. While the dress code for the ball was semi-formal to formal. We left that up to the quests.

"Hi guys. I'd like you meet my boyfriend E. Porter Christiansen, also known as Ez. Ez this is Carol and Jamie."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Ez said, letting go of my arm and holding out his hand.

Carol seemed mesmerized at seeing Ez in his marine Dress A's. Jamie though held out his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you bro. Got to excuse her. She gets tongue tied around guys in uniforms. Better for me though I get a better chance later."

"Keep talking like that and you'll be dancing alone tonight mister." She said swatting Jamie playfully.

"It's so very nice to meet you. Noah talks about you constantly." She said to Ez holding his hand.

"Let's get inside before I freeze my balls off. I might need them later." Jamie joked.

"Jamie keep talking like that and you won't have to worry about needing them. Ever." Carol said with mock sternness.

We walked into the gym. It had a faux vestibule we made out of red and gold drapes and sheer curtain behind them. We got a photographer that would take pictures for a price of ten dollars of the couples if they wanted it. We of course got ours taken.

We entered the `ballroom' with me on Ez's arm and Carol on Jamie's. There were about ten other couples already there. Only one was a dance committee member. We had already decided that if people came up to forty-five minutes early we would let them in because it was cold out.

They stared at Ez and me. I saw a few faces that looked not happy from the guys but the girls were had a look of envy. Sam came over and bumped Ez and me. I excused myself and went to see how the refreshments were going.

It was all pretty much set up. Valentine themed Cakes, donuts, cookies, assorted pastries and some valentine chocolates. There was second table for soft drinks, juices and water. Also with a backup table for the eats. Satisfied I grabbed to cups of coke for Ez and myself went to join him.

I saw him over in the corner talking to Sam and a few guys and girls, one of which was Connor. I came up towards them and Connor saw me joining the group. I saw a frown on his develop on his face.

"Dude this where the real men are. Go somewhere else." Connor snarled.

"He looks like a real man to me Ez said."

"He ain't no man bro. He's a gay." Connor said in a matter of fact way. Like he was informing him that his dog was a mutt and not a pure bred.

"Well I guess I better go to then considering I am his date but to let you know he is more man than most where it counts. If get my meaning bro." Ez said as took the cup and kissed me softly.

He turned winked at Connor and smiled.

"Burned." Sam said to Connor as he followed us towards a few other students. We greeted them I introduced Ez to those I knew. They asked all kinds of questions like how we met a few guys asked about the marines and if he saw any combat. The answer to which was no. I hoped it stayed that way too.

Nikki came over and took Sam's arm "I need a date if your free?"

"Uh yeah but aren't you dating TJ?"

"Yes and he told me to ask you to escort me. To keep the hounds away as he put it."

By 9 the dance was in full swing. Carol and I were the official hosts. So we took turns greeting and talking to people who joined the Dance. We had decided to open it to Central High and they readily took the invite. We had sold 150 tickets ahead of time. By ten o'clock. We sold another 250 admissions. We had a full house.

Ez and I danced a few times to the fast dances. He was sexy in the way he moved. We made our heart. Ez was cute about it. He wrote in big bold letters Ezekiel Porter Christiansen gives his heart to Noah Jared Mac Daniels.

He insisted we put up for all to see at our little table we shared with Carol, Jamie Sam and Nikki. Carol, and Niki thought it was sweet. Sam smiled was sure if it was a happy one or not.

"Some's loved. Good for you bro." Jamie said and gave me a bump.

"Take the fucking thing down. I don't want to have to look at." Sadly, Connors table was nearby.

"Connor what is your problem. Before Christmas break you were all buddy with Noah now your all hate?" Nikki said getting right up to face.

Part of me wanted to pull her back to leave Connor alone but the other part of me, the one that wanted to hear the answer won out.

"Really you want to know why. It's because of him that TJ is not here. Because he is a dirty fag, from a druggy mother."

"Well let me inform you of something Mister. TJ is not here because he was dating me too. Not just because of Noah. It's not Noah's fault his mother is a bigoted, snotty fucking bitch."

"She is my mother's best friend. I heard them talking about his mother."

"Who happens to be her sister. So that tells about his mother and doesn't say much for you either." Said Carol joining into the fray.

I looked at Ez. He was half amused but I could see anger there too. I was afraid of what might happen. I looked around for Grandma. She was in a corner talking to one of the parent chaperones. I could see that she was aware of the situation brewing though. Grandma doesn't miss much.

I heard a waltz start up. yeah you heard me right we decided it wouldn't be a ball without a few of them. We also requested more slow dances towards the end.

"Hey let's all go waltz." I said breaking into the heated discussion.

"Good idea Noah we will leave these boys to their own devises.' Carol said.

Ez and waltzed around the dance floor. Grandma spent three hours earlier teaching us how to waltz. I had to say we looked better than most out on the dance floor. We spent most of the night from then on dancing. Breaking only to get refreshments and to catch our breath.

Ez had gotten many thank-you for his service in the marines from the adults. The guys still hounded him with questions. The girls shyly asked for a dance which he gracefully declined with the exception of Nicki and Carol. I in turn danced with Jamie and Sam.

It was great night. The last dance came up and Ez and I were so close you wouldn't be able to slide a piece of paper between us. We forgot that anyone was around. It was just us. When the song finished red and white balloons fell from the ceiling to everyone's joy.

After the majority had left we had to clean up. Ez took off his jacket and shirt and was just in his pants and white T-shirt. I thought the girls were going to faint at the look of his muscles strain in the fabric of his shirt as he helped clean up.

We had encouraged people to take the balloons and flowers and as much of the cakes as they wanted. Gladly they took almost everything. clean up was easy. Grandma suggested we leave the props up until Monday she will have maintenance disassemble it and put it in storage.

When Ez and I got home we crawled into bed we made some sweet loving as you would expect. Afterwards we soon fell asleep in each other arms. Yeah, I was one contented and happy gay boy right now. I just wished he could stay longer.

Saturday, March 14th I went to see how the work was going on the theater. The outside was done the back addition was up and they were cutting out the back of the original build to make the stage opening. George had a crew of thirty men working that included electricians, plumbers, heating, carpenters and brick layers. He had a paint crew on standby too.

He told me in a week we should be able to paint wallpaper and then put in the carpet and tile. Lastly the seating which we got from and old movie theatre in Lexington.

Sam, Nikki and myself took it upon ourselves to scrub and touch up the paint on the theater seats in the parking lot. Which we had fenced off to keep out the looters.

George also picked up some big crystal looking chandlers from somewhere cheaply. He also found some sconces that matched along with some stage lighting and sound equipment.

He was making money off the job but coming in under the estimated cost. Mostly because the help was willing to work for less during the winter. I told him I would still pay the estimated cost and the bonus if he finished on time and the larger one if he was ahead of time.

On April 4th George called me up at 9 and asked me to come to the theatre. I Drove into the parking lot and went around the to the stage entrance. I went in and one of the workers directed me to go in through the front entrance.

I was amazed at how beautiful the front looked every time I saw it. it had double doors in the front and huge windows on either side. With dark rich wood look panels large colonial style wall sconces separating the doors from the windows and one on the end of each window. I opened the doors and saw someone laying down a faux marble tile.

George came down the balcony stairs that he had created by removing two thirds of the second floor. He ushered me into t6he theatre part. It was elegant but not over done the seats were in place the carpet and tile were laid, stage was done with even the curtains up.

"It's done." I said.

"Not quite yet still stage lights and sound has to be installed but as far as what the audience will see it is."

"Wow. When will that be done?"

"Friday next week at the latest."

I got home at 5 just in time for dinner we ate in the kitchen nothing fancy since it was just grandma and me. We talked about the theater. About school and the musical was rehearsed and ready to go.

I had just finished emptying the dish washer and putting away the dishes when the phone rang. I didn't pay much attention. If it was for me Grandma would have called me to the phone. So I grabbed a slice of pie and sat eating it with some milk.

"Noah pick up the phone dear". Must be dad telling us when to expect him. I picked up the receiver.


"Hey brat, how's my boy?"

"Doing great Dad. Did Grandma tell you they are almost done with the theater?"

"Yes she did. Listen Noah, I am not going to make it there for Easter. I don't have enough leave time left."

I was heartbroken. I wanted him here for Easter. Him and Ez. I understood if he could be he would be.

"It's ok dad I understand. I wish you could so I spend it with you though."

"Well you still can spend it with me along with Ez and a few of the guys."

"You mean Grandma and me come there?"

"That's what I mean kiddo."

"So when can we come. Will we be staying on the base?"

"Well I rented a house near the base in top sail. So you'll be there. You will though be able to come one base. I want to show off the brat I got saddled with."

"Cool. I can tell them what a jerk I have for dad then. So when do get to come?"

"Well is tomorrow to early?"

"Nope." Well I got go dad I need to pack. Here's Grandma."

I ran up the steps and started packing a duffle bag that dad gave me for Christmas. I was running grabbing clothing, shoes, you name it remembered to pack it.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 22

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