
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 25, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 23

Grandma and I were drinking our coffee when Dad came in through the sliding doors. He was dressed in his class c's. Grabbed a cup of coffee ruffled my hair and sat.

"Service at the base chapel is in an hour and a half Mom." Dad said.

"Have you been going every Sunday Jared?"

"Of course Mom."

"Better pray for forgiveness for that fib." Grandma chuckled.

"Do I have to wear a suit Dad?" Praying he said no, I hate suits.

"No, but wear something nice. My CO will be there."

"No problem Dad." I went up to get dressed in some nice black khaki pants and a blue dress shirt. My hair was still shaggy and getting long I definitely need to get it cut. It was still manageable though so a quick comb worked.

I joined Grandma and Dad and we drove to the base chapel It was about a thirty-minute ride. We went to the protestant chapel. It was nice brick building. It was a simple colonial style but had graceful beauty to it.

The minister talked about how we can serve God and country more by showing tolerance of others beliefs. That all faiths are valid in the eyes of God if they practice love, tolerance and acceptance of others as he does to all humanity. In other words, he said. "Treat others as you want to be treated."

After service I met Dad's Commanding Officer, Major Taltson. He seemed nice and greeted me and Grandma warmly.

"The Sargent talks about you a lot Noah. Your father keeps Honor and Glory on his desk. When I asked him where he got it. I was amazed to find out you made it for him. Your extremely talented." The major said shacking my hand.

"Thank you, sir." I replied a bit embarrassed at the compliment. I had decided at that moment to make him something similar.

We left the chapel with our palms and Dad took us to the ID center, where I was photographed and given an Id card that said military dependent on it. I thought it was so cool. Dad explained that all I needed to do was show that and I could get onto almost any military base. It also meant that I had one hundred percent medical coverage.

Dad gave us a tour of the base. I was hoping to see Ez but Dad told me he was on duty until 1700 hours. He also told us that each day the guys had off were different one would take us around and give us a tour or entertain me and Grandma.

Grandma insisted we go to the commissary to get some food. What normally would have cost us 300 dollars cost only 150. Dad took me to the Exchange where I got some cool clothes, cd's and a new cell phone.

We ate on the base at the Gourmet Grill. I was amazed at all the things to do in Camp Lejeune. It was better than Hazard. More stores, restaurants and better entertainment. You name it they had it.

We had met up with Ez at dinner. My sexy marine was all smiles when I told we did today. He said Tuesday was his day to show me around. I smiled, while My dad rolled his eyes.

"Somehow I think a tour of the bedroom is not needed." He whispered to us.

"Maybe not but it's a good place to start." I joked back. Poor Ez was blushing though.

The week went by pretty fast. Each day a different member of Dads squad entertained me. Grandma stayed back at the house most of the time to catch up on her reading.

Monday Terrell Everett or `Cookie' took me to the Missiles and More Museum, where I learned a lot about Operation Bumble Bee. Tuesday Ez gave me several tours of his pants and we then went bumming around top sail.

Wednesday was Dad, who took Grandma and me to the base gym while Grandma went to the hairdressers. We then went shopping again at the Exchange and then saw a movie.

Thursday I went scuba diving with Magnus Gunther, Magi, and Friday Gonzo and I hit the beach. By the time Saturday came around I was exhausted. None of the guys were coming today except Dad and Ez. So I decided to sleep in.

I felt the bed move and someone pull me against their chest. I knew the scent. It was my sexy marine stud. I wiggled my ass against his hardening dick.

"Time and place babe." He whispered.

"You're in my bed the guy's aren't around so right time and right place."

"I love you so much Noah I am almost tempted to give in to it. The thing is your dad sent me up to wake you."

I moaned and crawled out of bed. I had started sleeping nude. So when I stood up morning wood stood out pointing at Ez. I stretched knowing it would bounce. I felt Ez's lips kiss the tip.

"Nope. You said no, so it's no." I said bouncing away from him.


"Nope. A tease wouldn't let you have it later." I yelled from the bathroom.

I came out and saw him adjusting his wood or log in his pants. I pulled on some clean boxer briefs, shorts and a t-shirt. While Ez sat on the bed watching me. I slipped on my flip flops and pulled Ez up and gave him a kiss.

"I love you so much Ez."

"I love you more."

"Impossible but I will let that go, for now." I said with a wink.

We walked into the living area, where Grandma was prepping stuff for tomorrows Easter feast. Dad was on the phone with Nancy. She and Nikki were coming down today and were about 3 hours away. We just pretty much played games for the rest of the day. We tried to help Grandma but she shooed us out of the way.

Dinner that night was just the five of us. It was a simple meal. Ez and I cleaned up the kitchen, it was quick. Grandma was a pretty neat cook she cleaned as she cooked.

Dad suggested we all go play some miniature golf, insisting that Grandma go too. We went to this place called Patio Playground. It wasn't anything elaborate like with windmills or stuff like that but it had some cool traps you had to get through. Nikki won, I came in second. To Dad's displeasure he came in last. We gave him a lot of shit for that too.

We had ice cream after that. It was about 9 when we he headed back to the house. We relaxed and watched some TV for a while. At eleven we all decided to go to bed. Of course since Niki was in the fourth bedroom Ez was going to have to share with me. I was willing to sacrifice.

As soon as the door was shut we started stripping off our clothes. As soon as our last pieces came off we were on the bed mashing or bodies together while our tongues battled.

We licked and caressed every part of each other's bodies. I couldn't get enough of him. I wanted to taste and feel every part of him. He was just as hungry for me as I was for him. As we sucked the other's dicks. Ez was pumping out so much precum I wasn't sure if he was coming or not.

I was ready for more. I pulled my dick out of Ez's mouth. I straddled him, letting the head of his dick rest against my hole. "I'm ready babe. Please take me." I whispered in his ear.

"No lube babe. I don't want to hurt you."

I reached over to the night stand and pulled a bottle of lube from the drawer I had bought earlier in the week. I looked at him and smiled. He pushed me off him and took the lube. He squeezed a little out of the top and worked in it to my asshole.

I moaned as he worked a finger inside me. After a minute he insert4ed another. I was grasping the sheets as he worked his fingers around inside of me. I gasped when he hit my love nut, prostate. When I felt a third finger enter me I was in heaven.

He pulled his fingers out. I was breathing heavy and after what seemed like hours I felt him push my knees up to my chest. I felt the head of his dick against my hole. He pushed forward and I felt my ass hole open to allow him entrance. The pain was horrible as he got the head past my outer part.

" Want me to stop?" He stopped and whispered

"No. Just let me get used to it." I gasped.

"Ok. Let me know when."

After a minute the pain went away, well almost. I reached up and grabbed his hips and pulled him in me. I could feel every inch as her entered me I felt him push past my inner ring. It hurt but it was also pleasurable too.

I rested my legs on his shoulders as he slowing began to pull out and then push in. he began to pick up pace. He shifted and leaned forward and kissed me He hit my prostate. He must have sensed it as he kept rubbing against it. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I pulled his lips to mine and we battle our tongues.

I was in another world at this point. The feel of him thrusting in me, hitting my love nut every time and his mouth against. With every thrust sent me to another plain. I couldn't take any more he took me over the edge. I felt my cum shootout between us as my hole tighten around him. I felt him start shooting up inside of me. I felt every one of his shots as he came.

I don't know if we were moaning loudly or not. I just knew that I wanted him to stay inside me. He felt so good inside me. It was like his dick was designed to just fit me.

We did it two more times that night. One with me riding him and the other with him spooning behind me. We had fallen asleep that way and when I woke the next morning he was still inside me and he was getting hard.

I felt him start thrusting in me. I was sore and I couldn't take it. I had to stop him. He smiled and we kissed, stroked, licked and sucked each other off.

We showered, shaved brushed our teeth and dressed. We kissed in between of course. I felt his arms around me as I slipped on my flip-flops.

"That was so amazing last night." He said.

"Beyond amazing. It was perfection. You made me yours completely now."

"Yep. All mine. I love you."

"I love you too."

We went into the Kitchen. Everyone was already up I got my coffee and some bacon and eggs and potatoes and sat down. Ez sat next to me. I started eating. My breakfast. I was starving.

"Worked up an appetite I see." Dad said.

"Must be the sea air Dad."

"Maybe though I am surprised you can walk this morning." He said.

I felt my face turn red. I looked up and saw a smile on his face. He started laughing as did Nancy. Niki smiled as did Grandma. OMG they knew I got fucked by Ez last night. I think I got even redder.

"Harder, yes there that's it, don't stop. Oh Ez yes!" Dad said between laughs. My face was so red it felt sunburned. My whole body did. I got up and ran outside. I was so embarrassed.

"Noah, I am so sorry buddy. I didn't mean to embarrass you like that." Dad said as he put his arm around my waist as looked at the ocean.

I couldn't talk yet. I felt the tears run down my face. I couldn't look at him. The idea that he heard me having sex and knowing that Ez was fucking me was more than I could handle.

He pulled me around and wiped my tears. "Noah, seriously I am sorry. You have nothing to be ashamed about. From what I could hear you were thoroughly being loved. That's nothing ever to be embarrassed about. You just might want to scream into a pillow if you're not alone."

I looked up at him his face was smiling but I could see his eyes were all glassy. I knew he was feeling bad because he had embarrassed me. "It's okay Dad. I over reacted."

"No you didn't. I forget sometimes you only 16 and embarrass easily."

"Do not."

"Do too. Ready to go back in?"

"Yeah, I am but do not."

"Do too."

We went back and forth like that until Grandma told us to stop acting like kids. Dad shoved me I shoved him back. He then got me in a head lock and gave me a noogie. "Do too."

"Whatever. Old man"

Dinner was at 1700 sharp Grandma had told us, using military time. Grandma and Nancy did all the cooking. I was surprised Grandma hadn't shooed her out too. They seemed to work well together.

By 1400 the house was packed with hungry marines, well eight of them. They all seemed cool with being me being gay except for the one they called Preacher. Go figure, right? Either way I couldn't care less about him. I had 7 other cool and hot men to hang out with.

Ez and I were able to sneak away to the store and make out a little. Other than that we played it cool. Nikki was in heaven. She was the center of attention, being the only eligible female there. They took turns flirting with her. It was actually funny to watch.

At 17000 Grandma called everyone to dinner. It was tight but we all fit in. Grandma and Dad were at opposite ends of the table I was across from Ez and Nikki was sitting next to me. the table was packed with two hams and all the food you could imagine for I fabulous dinner.

"I would like to say the blessing if that is alright Mrs. Mac Daniels?" Preacher said.

"I think the oldest should say the blessing." Said Dad

"I agree besides; I want to eat while the food is still warm." Said Gonzo. Which brought a few chuckles.

Preacher nodded but looked daggers at me. I understand his religious beliefs may go against his acceptance to of me being gay and all but damn. He looked at me like I was Satan at times.

Grandma said the blessing and we all dug in. The guys made feeding time at the zoo seem like feeding a baby. They piled their plates several times. They joked and kidded each other. They kept telling Grandma and Nancy how great everything was.

Preacher though kept quiet. He would at times stare at me. I tried not to pay attention to him. It was hard though. I could feel his eyes on me. The look was one I had grown used to seeing my whole life. Hatred and disgust. I glanced at my Dad. He smiled when he saw me look at him.

After Dinner the guys volunteered to clean up the dishes and kitchen. Once they finished Grandma and Nancy brought out coffee and deserts. Apple, pecan and sweet potato pies. Needless to say they were al devoured.

I wanted one last dip in the ocean before I left so we all went down to the beach except for the ladies and preacher to skinny dip. Obviously why they declined. I watched as they all disrobed. I was surprised they had no problem stripping in front of me.

It was a sight though, seven well-built naked marines. I was drooling, though I had only eyes for one in particular. We all ran and dove into the ocean. We had a blast dunking each other and diving into the waves we even played king of the waves. I was on Dads shoulders as we tried to see who was the last man standing. Dad and I were.

I was getting tired, so I decided to take a break and sit up on the beach for a few. I was so intent on watching them horse around that I hadn't noticed that Preacher came down and sat a few feet away from me.

I glanced over and smiled at him figuring he might be a little friendlier. He looked at me with pure hatred.

"You may have casted your spell on them devil spawn but you will not cast it upon me." he said standing up and glaring down at me.

"What are you talking about." I said getting a little scared.

He didn't say anything he pounced on me holding me down and started reciting verses from the bible. I struggled to get away but he held me down by the shoulders and his legs pinned mine. I started screaming hysterically. My screams were cut off as I felt him his hands go to my throat.

I was about to pass out when I felt him release and his weight lifted off of me. I heard someone talking to me. It took me a few seconds to realize what they were saying.

"Noah do you hurt anywhere?" I heard Doc say.

"I don't think so." I said my voice was a little horse and throat a little sore.

I looked over and saw Gonzo and Cookie hold my dad back. Fingers had hold of Ez and Magi had a bloodied up Preacher pinned down on his knees. He was still chanting something from the bible.

"Sarg! I think your son needs you right now." I heard doc yell. I hadn't realized I was still crying hysterically.

Dad came over and scooped me up in arms and carried me to the house. It must have been a sight to behold too. Dad was naked as the day he was born. He didn't care though as he walked through the house carrying me. He placed me on the bed. He laid down next to me. I was calming down and could feel sleep take over me.

I woke up an hour later and dressed and went out into the living area. They were all gathered there talking. As soon as they saw me they quieted down. Ez came up and gave me a hug. As did Dad and the rest of the guys.

They told me he had broken loose and ran off muttering. They called the Shore Patrol and the police. Dad also called Manger Taltson who said under the circumstances they could spend the night here and were off duty tomorrow.

I assured them all I was alright when they kept asking. I had looked in the mirror and saw the bruise marks on my shoulders and around my neck. It honestly looked worse than it felt.

"Ez why don't you take your boyfriend and hit the sack?" said Magi.

"Huh?" said Ez a bit worried.

"It's cool bro. We figured it out the first day when he arrived. No way could a we not see the looks you gave each other. We are all cool about it." Said Cookie.

"Fuck bro's what about Preacher, he'll out me?"

"No worries Ez, the man is clueless. His nose is to buried into his bible to see a damned thing." Said Gonzo

"I am tired." I said looking at Ez sheepishly.

Ez and I headed to bed. After a whispered warning from Dad to be quiet. We made love again it was slow and romantic. I am not going into details because some things are just to personal you know. I will say this though we both came twice before he pulled out.

We left the next day around 1300 hundred hours. They guys were all there to see us off. I Gave Dad a big hug and Ez a hug and a kiss. The guys all hooted and hollered. "Go get em Ez." I gave them all hugs as did Grandma. I watched them wave as we drove off to head back to Hazard.

I wish I could have stayed here. Here I was a normal guy. Back in Hazard I was the strange boy. Much thanks to Ruth.

Before we left though I took one last look at the ocean. I remembered all the fun I had this week. The scuba diving, boat trips, museum and so much more. I remembered last night when Preacher, who they caught in the barracks later that night, attacked me.

I watched as the waves crashed on the beach. The waves just seemed to wash away anything left behind. Like it was cleaning up and leaving no evidence of the past. I wish life was that way. Wish I could just wipe away all the evidence of my horrible past. Unfortunately, I can't. not when people like Ruth. Linda and preacher keep bringing it up.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do.

Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 24

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