
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 27, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 24

We had gotten home around 9 that night. Grandpa's nurse was sitting on the porch waiting for us. He asked to talk to Grandma privately. She took him to her office. I just emptied the Jeep Cherokee.

I wasn't too concerned about the nurse and Grandma. They always had talks about Grandpa. Grandma had decided it would be best if grandpa didn't go with us. I could tell it was hard for her to leave Grandpa home, even with the nurse staying there while we were away.

I took the grandma's luggage to her room and took mine out to the trailer. When I got back to the house Grandma was hanging up the phone. I could see she had been crying. That scared me more than anything. Grandma doesn't cry very easily.

"Sit down Noah we need to talk about your Grandpa."

I sat and looked at my Grandma as she made herself a drink. Ok this is bad Grandma hardly ever drinks. I watched as she took her seat by the fireplace. She let out a sigh.

"Sweet heart I love your Grandpa with all my heart and soul. We have been married for forty years. So this is not easy for me to do."

I waited, not saying a word as she seemed to think about some past happy memory. She let out her breath and continued.

"Your Grandpa is getting to the point in his illness that we can no longer take care of him. He is getting physically violent and dangerous to himself and I am afraid he might hurt you while he is one of his spells. I have no choice sweetie but place him in a place where he can get proper care."

I was still holding on to hope though. I loved Grandpa. I heard about those places.

"Noah, Grandpa is so medicated now he is either asleep or unaware of anyone." Grandma said.

"I know."

I knew this day was coming. It didn't make it easy though to accept it. I wanted to say no. That I would take care of him. I knew though that she was right. I had seen Grandpa get physical before. It was rare but still, I knew she was right.

"Does Dad know?"

"We had discussed this over Christmas. I was just talking to him to let him know the veteran's home here in Hazard Has an opening."

"I can visit him right?" I asked.

"As much as you want."

I hugged my grandma goodnight and headed to my trailer. I was a little numb inside. I was losing another one of my rescuers. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I crawled into bed and was soon asleep

Mrs. Bird would watch me during the night while my mother went to her job at some place called, Dreamers, where she danced. I wasn't allowed to go see her dance. I wanted to and would beg my mom to allow me. That was when I still a good boy. Her Daughter would visit sometimes too.

I wasn't old enough to go to school yet but I already knew my abc's and could count to 50. Mrs. Bird was real old she had wrinkles all over her face. She was really nice to me though. She would make my favorite dinners. Mac and cheese with meat and spaghetti o's.

She would tell me stories and I would cuddle up at night with her in her big chair. I pretended she was my grandmother and called Granny, though it always came out as Grammy.

Mommy started coming home later and later from her dancing job. She was always tired when she came to pick me up. she would always pick me up and give me kisses but now she just old me to get my butt moving.

I woke up and saw Mommy wasn't in bed. I walked out into the living room and saw mommy sitting there with a dazed look on her face. I went over and touched her. She pushed me away hard and I fell and knocked over the lamp.

"What the fuck Noah. You're such a fucking klutz. Your useless get out of my sight." She screamed.

I started to cry as sat there. My mommy never yelled at me I wasn't used to it. she was never mean.

"Stop that fucking crying. Boys don't cry." She said as she pulled me up by my arm and spanked my butt.

Somehow I stopped crying. My mother was in her trance again. I went to the door and went to Grammy's door and knocked. I told her something wrong with Mommy. She sat me down in her big chair and checked on Mommy.

When Grammy came back she smiled and said Mommy just need to sleep. I stayed at Grammy's house all day until mommy came and got me the next morning. She was still mad at me when we into our apartment. I was scared.

Mommy started bring boyfriends home and they would play in the bedroom. Mommy had to take medicine now which made her stare. It scared me. I would go over to Grammy's more now.

I heard Mommy screaming in the bedroom where she took a boyfriend. It was light out so I knew it was morning. I thought he was hurting Mommy so I went to the door. She was sitting on his thing, it was big and hard. She was bouncing up and down on it screaming.


"Get the Fuck out of here you fucking pervert." She screamed

I ran out into the hallway and saw men pushing a bed with a sheet covering something. I stared as the wheeled past me. I saw a hand fall out from under the sheet. It had on Grammy's ring. I was confused. I ran up and grabbed Grammy's hand. It was cold.

Her daughter, who told me to call her Aunt Isabella, pulled me away. I watched as they took Grammy away. I heard Aunt Isabella tell me Grammy had died. That she was with god now. I understood what she meant. I just knew that the person I could go to when I was scared was gone.

The weeks after Easter vacation went fast. George had put the finishing touches on the theatre. We set up Saturday May 9th as the dedication day. We were dedicating it to the veterans of the armed services. I decide 25 percent of the profits from it would go to helping wounded veterans.

Grandpa was almost immediately admitted into the nursing home. I visited him every day. Most Days he didn't recognize me. Some he didn't even seem to know that I was there. It hurt to see that. I understood but that didn't make it any better.

Sammy and I took to walking along the river at sunset about four times a week. We'd talk about what ever came to mind. Lately though we talked about Linda's being pregnant. She was saying Sammy was the father.

Sammy's Uncle said he wants a paternity test before he allows Sammy to take any responsibility for it. Linda was known to sleep around. There was also the fact that Pork had been caught fucking her by the cops in the park.

The kids at school seemed to be pretty much ignoring me with the exception of Connor who would at times `accidently' bump me in the hallway. I pretty much ignored him. Nikki kept me informed of what TJ was up to. He was moved to a military academy in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, after running away from the Private School. He said it was hell on earth. Poor TJ. Ruth was such a fucking controlling cunt.

"We practiced every day after school for the show `Were the World Mine.' It turns out I could sing and act. I was really enjoying this. Grandma would watch some of the rehearsals and would comment how wonderful we all were doing. I felt proud Carol played the lead character timothy's or puck's, mother. Nikki played Frankie, and Sammy played Nathanial. I was glad about that because I wasn't looking forward to having to kiss just any guy. Hey I may be gay but I do have standards.

Ruth I had heard and started hitting the booze and pills. Though she never publically acted like a drunk, from what I am told she smelled like gin all the time. She even left the Catholic church and started going to some Baptist church. I didn't really care one way or another. I mean as long as she stayed away from me.

Of course she still told bullshit stories and talked crap about me. I mean people I don't know would look at me strange. I have heard several people say that boy is strange. Maybe they thought it was strange that I didn't bother to talk to them or for the most part just a few people. Sammy, Nikki, Hank, Carol and Jamie were the only people I talked to regularly.

We stood outside the theatre. There was a cloth covering the sign over the entrance and a yellow ribbon covering the door. It was the dedication ceremony for the Main Street Theatre of Performing Arts. I asked Grandma to say a few words to gathering of people. It had to be about 40 people there along with the photographer from the Hazard Herald.

After a short speech Grandma pulled the rope that exposed the sign that ran across the front of the building. She gave me some scissors we hand painted gold and cut the ribbon.

Inside we had catered the gathering. There were appetizers and refreshments of Alcohol for the adults and soda for those to young like me. We were showing the people the theatre everyone was amazed at what they saw.

The first big event was next weekend The High school musical `Were the world Mine' the theatre could hold 400 people and we had three nights that were all sold out. I was nervous and excited.

The night of the opening show went off without any major problems. There were a few forgotten lines and missed cue in a song but we got through it. Second night there was only one missed cue from me when it came to a line I recovered fast and it went un noticed. Closing night went perfect. We got a standing ovation and to my surprise the four lead characters got flowers. We took our bows. We all hollered after the curtains closed.

We decided to hold the Cast party there in the lobby of the theatre. We invited the families of all the cast. Again we had it catered this time only with juice and soda. Grandma had videoed the whole show and was holding the camera and taping the cast party on another disk.

We heard a commotion at the door. I turned and saw people standing outside. At the door was George and Sammy holding it shut. I didn't understand what was happening. Why were people trying to get inside the show was over? They seemed mad too.

Grandma and I made out way to the doors where George and Sam were. They had been able to lock the doors. I was still confused. Why were they there? I looked and saw some were holding signs. One said, this is the Devils Playground. Another said, God hates fags. Don't Pervert our children.

I looked at the faces. I saw Ruth. She was holding a sign that said, `Noah Mac Daniels is a pedophile faggot'. I couldn't say I was completely shocked. I was taken back though. I saw her pointing at me and heard shouts of Fag. God hates fags and things like that. Then a brick was thrown through the window. Then another.

I saw them coming in through the broken windows. I tried to back up but I was grabbed I felt someone hit me in the stomach and then the face. I was down on the ground and felt kicks to my side and head. Everything went black.

I woke up and saw bright lights in my eyes. I heard voices and screaming. I tasted metal. I tried to moved but everything hurt. I couldn't breathe. I wanted my dad. I wanted Ez. Someone help me. Everything went black again.

I could hear voices. My head hurt my chest hurt. It was easier to say what didn't hurt. My feet. I tried to open my eyes. It was like they were glued shut. Finally, I popped open one eye. The light blinded me. I quickly shut it.

"Turn down that light." I heard a man's voice I didn't recognize.

"Noah? Can you open your eyes?" I heard him say to me.

I hesitantly open my right eye. My left eyes still seemed like it was glued shut. I felt the man who seemed out of focus gently lift my eyelid. He slowly came into focus.

"Noah, I am Doctor Peterson. Do you know where you are?"

I tried to speak but it came out as a croak.

"It's ok try not to talk if it hurts. Shake your head yes or no ok?"

I nodded yes. Even that hurt my head felt like it had a hatchet stuck in it. I winced as I nodded.

"Your head hurting you? Can you blink? Once for yes two for no."

I blinked once.

"Ok we'll get you something for that."

"Do you know where are?"

I figured out I was in a hospital. I blinked once.

"Do you remember what happened that got you here?"

I thought about it I remember the cast party and people at the door. That was all I remembered.

I Blinked twice. I felt tears I knew I should remember why didn't I remember I was terrified.

"It's ok Noah, it's not unusual to forget something that traumatic. Usually it comes back over time."

I watched as the nurse put something into the IV that went into my arm. I fell asleep. I dreamed of the theatre of what happened of the people kicking me and Ruth saying I was the seed of the devil.

I felt a cool damp rag wipe my face. It felt good. I opened my eyes and looked up into his face. I felt the tears flow. I couldn't stop crying. My dad was there I could feel his hand holding mine. I saw him smile.

"Dad. You're here." I said with a scratchy voice.

"Where else would I be kiddo when my son is hurt." He said I saw tears run down his face.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"Well I got here as fast as I could drive when Grandma called me. Then I came back when she said you were waking up."


"Noah you were unconscious for two weeks. When they said you were stable and just induced a coma to speed up recovery, I had to go back to Lejeune. I came back yesterday when they said you woke up." he said.

"Was Ez here?"

"No. He wanted to be though. He was going to go AWOL to be here. Took the guys sitting on him to keep him there."

"Can I call him to let him know I am ok?"

"Sure can buts it's 0200. He's probably asleep. How about tomorrow?"

"OK dad."

"The doctor said you don't remember what happened. Do you remember anything?"

"I dreamed about it." I said before I fell back asleep.

I was told that I had two broken ribs, a broken eye socket, a dislocated shoulder, broken wrist, a punctured lung and a concussion. I saw myself in the mirror I looked like some alien creature in a horror movie.

Grandma, Sammy and Nikki visited me every day while I was there. Grandma was nice enough to bring me my assignments. I would be out of the hospital soon Dad had to go back the day after I woke up. I got to talk to Ez though. We talked every night.

Ruth got away with a fine. Uncle Teddy, or is it Daddy Teddy either way filed for divorce. Ruth was beside herself. Dad had a stay away order issued for Ruth not to be with 500 feet of me. she was not to contact me in anyway.

They did arrest some of the people involved in my beating. They had issue arrests warrants and have them extradited from Topeka, Kansas, as well as from Hazard. Ruth was arrested for inciting a riot. My attackers were arrested too Linda Vincent was one of them.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 25

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