
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 27, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 25

I had little to do in while in the hospital. I'd do my homework and watch TV. I rarely watched the news but nothing else was on. I watched as they talked about the arrests made. They interviewed a few people. Some were angry but most seemed to be in favor of the people who put me in here.

Ruth's friend Liz in particular said "Since that boy came to live with his grandmother he has turned that family against her. He has made up lies and accused her of such cruelties. He has ruined Mrs. Holt's family. The boy is strange."

The boy is strange seemed to be the general chant in Hazard now. I wanted to feel something but I didn't. I was going back to being the invisible Noah. The one that no one can hurt because they can't see him.

Doctor Peterson said I had to stay in the hospital another week. Like I said Grandma made sure I got my assignments. Every day Sam and Nikki would visit. Sometimes Nancy and Dad's cop friend, Marc would too. It was good to have company but it didn't really cheer me up.

I felt hollow inside. It was May 9th, this was the day I get out of the hospital. There were news cameras and reporters covering the exits. I didn't want to face them. The chant in Hazard was against me.

I dressed in the new clothes Grandma brought me and waited for her to come get me. I looked at the light blue walls that have been my sanctuary for the past two weeks. I wanted to leave. Part of me though was afraid to go outside and hear them accuse me of things that have been said.

It was weird the things they said. So far I have killed cats and dogs. Performed satanic rituals and seduced boys into having sex with me. Linda even said I casted a spell on the Father of her unborn baby, Sam, and stole him away from her.

The city had reluctantly put guards on my door because some people and reporters took it upon themselves to visit and harass me. The cops they assigned would give me dirty looks. One time when Marc was here he saw the looks and chewed them out.

"This is a kid who was beaten by a mob narrow minded hate filled individuals. He is not the criminal. He is the victim. Keep that in mind as you stand out there and guard that door.

The lawyer from the District Attorney wasn't much better. She all but said I was to blame. So much for justice right. She was going to try and get them to plead out.

I saw Grandma enter the room. I tried to smile. Then Dad, Ez, magi, Gonzo and Cookie entered. All in their camo's. I stared in disbelief at them.

"Dad! Ez! Guys!" I yelled and hugged them all. I looked over Dad's shoulder and saw Major Talbot.

"I had been informed you might need an escort." He said to me while placing a hand on my shoulder. I felt tears well up.

"Thank you Sir but you didn't need to do this."

"Young man, the marines look after their own and that includes his family." He stated.

I said good bye to the nurses and Doctor Peterson. I walked beside my Grandma. We were surrounded by marines. As we walked to the glass doors. There was a marine Humvee parked at the end of the walk from the door about 20 yards. Between us and the Humvee though was reporters and cameras. Grandma smiled and held my hand as we went out.

News cameras and flashes greeted me. There were questions after questions. I could barely make out what was being said. It was One question that I wished I didn't hear though. "Noah is it true that you that you are responsible for your mother's death?"

I turned around and looked at the woman. I have no idea where that came from. "Your Aunt has stated that you are responsible for your mother's death is that true."

"I have No Aunt." I said.

"This young man has been severely beaten by a mob within an inch of his life and you ask such a question? You should be ashamed of yourself." Said the Major.

"Why is the Marines escorting him. Is there a threat on his life?" She asked as if the Major hadn't spoken.

"The threat is narrow minded people like you." He said and pushed me into the Humvee which had driven up the walk. I got in and closed my eyes. I felt Dad pull me against his side. I buried my head into his neck and cried.

I stopped crying as we turned onto Lower Messer Rd. We turned into our driveway. As we cleared the trees I saw the house. It was freshly painted. What really surprised me though were the two big green tents.

I later learned that Major Talbot had been keeping a watch on the local news here via the internet. I had made such an impression on him and his wife that they decided that it was time for the US Marines to help one of their own. They came here three days ago.

Mrs. Talbot was helping Grandma feed the hungry men as we all sat at a huge plank table made from old barn wood and saw horses. I felt like I was part of them.

The Major in a big ceremony gave me a plastic purple heart. "It is with great honor that I bestow this medal upon you for the bravery courage you have shown in dealing with the hatred and narrow mindedness of humanity."

After that I went to my trailer and got what I promised myself I'd make for the Major. It was a clay figure I called semper fi. It was the world with an eagle on top and an anchor in the middle. I had it in a box wrapped in tissue. I went out and found the Major.

"Sir, I know you liked `Honor and Glory' I made that only for my dad. I hope though that you will like this. I call it Semper Fi."

Every crowded around as open the box and pulled out the piece. I saw a smile cross his face. I think I saw a tear well up in his eyes. "You know son; you make it hard to be a tough marine officer at times. This is beautiful. I will treasure this."

The Hazard school district decided that it would be very disruptive if I returned to school with the media hounding me. Grandma agreed. So did I actually. I really didn't want to go back right now any way. I wasn't ready for the crap. So I continued to study at home.

The weeks passed. The only people I saw from school were Sam, Nikki and Nancy. I hadn't left the property. I tried once to go to the river but there was a news van waiting. I know this is a small town and all but don't they have bigger news.

The trial was set to begin on June 1st I had to testify as did Sam Grandma and George. There were others too but they were collaborating witnesses. Jury selection took all day so the trial actually began on the tenth.

"All Rise the Honorable Judge Martin Harrison presiding"

"Be seated." He said looking over the papers on his desk.

"This court is now in session. The state of Kentucky versus Linda Vincent. Are both party's present and prepared?"

Both said yes.

Miss Vincent you are accused of damaging private property, trespassing, leaving the scene of a crime, resisting arrest and assault in the first degree, which is a class A felony in the state of Kentucky. Do you understand these charges?"

"Yes your honor"

I had to admit Linda dressed for the part of the victim in a pretty but conservative dress. Unfortunately, she was seven months pregnant and was showing a big belly.

`How do you plead?"

"Guilty your honor for all except assault in the first degree."

"Very well."

"Your honor the defense requests that the witnesses not be present until they are to take the stand."

"Granted. Bailiff please escort the witnesses to individual rooms."

Obtained from court records;

"Opening statements?"

Both presented their opening statements. I had to admit the prosecution presented a good picture of Linda. While the defense made it look like I was the bad guy. I think most people agreed with the defense in the town. Thanks to the bullshit lies people have spread.

Grandma was first. She answered all the questions and gave a description as to what took place as did George who was next. The defense declined to cross examine them but reserved the right to do so later if they needed too.

Sam was next. He was sworn in.

"Sam can you in your own words give a description of the events that took place on Sunday, April 26th, 2009?"

Sam described the events and my Mr. Mac Daniels beating.

"Sam when Miss Vincent was kicking Mr. Mac Daniels did she say anything?"

"Yes she kept saying die faggot die."

"We are done with this witness for now your honor."


"Sam, can you describe your relationship with Mr. Noah Mac Daniels?"

"He is my best friend."

"Just a friend?"

"Yes." Said Sam with a confused look on his face.

"Aren't you and Mr. Mac Daniels in fact lovers?"

"No. I am straight."

"So you are denying that and Mr. Mac Daniels have had sexual partners."

Sam got red in the face. I couldn't tell if it was anger or embarrassment. "I told you I am straight. That means I like girls not guys."

"Are you sure?"

"That I am straight? Yes, I am sure. Are you sure your straight?"

"Your Honor I request that the bench require the witness to answer the question?" The defense lawyer said.

"Request denied, I believe he has answered the question several times. Move on councilor."

"Sam, were you in a relationship with Miss Linda Vincent?"


"Do you know she is pregnant with your child?"

"I know she is pregnant but she slept around. So I don't know if I am or some other poor sucker is."

"Fair enough. Why did you break up?"

"I object your honor Mr. Meets personal life has nothing to do with this trial."

"Your honor I am trying to establish the cause of the attack in which Mr. Mac Daniels provoked miss Vincent by his actions leading up to events that took place."

"Your honor Mr. Mac Daniels is not on trial here."

"I agree he is not. I will however allow this questioning to continue. I suggest however, you tread very lightly councilor and get to the point." Judge Harrison said.

"Sam' is true you broke up with Linda because of Mr. Mac Daniels?"


"What was the reason then?"

"She is a fucking bitch that's why." Sam yelled.

"Sorry your honor." He said after a stern warning about language.

"So Mr. Mac Daniels had nothing to do with your break-up with Miss Vincent?"

"Not directly no."

"Indirectly he did then?"

"She was constantly belittling him and calling him a fag. She even told me she didn't want me to hand around with him because he was gay."

"Did Mr. Mac Daniels ask you to break up with her.

"No. Noah didn't make me choose between her and him, she did. If someone cares about you they don't make you choose between friends."

"I see. No further questions."

"Does prosecution care to cross examine?"

"Yes your honor."

"Mr. Meets, you stated that Miss Vincent made you choose between her and Mr. Mac Daniels? Is that correct?"

"Yes, the one who makes me choose will lose."

"So you chose your best friend?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Just to clarify one thing Mr. Meets. You and Mr. Mac Daniels are not and never have been lovers. Am I correct?"


"No further questions."

"It's four o'clock we will adjourn until tomorrow at nine am sharp."

I didn't get to get on the stand I was pissed. I had no idea what happened. I was not allowed to talk to Sam. I had talked to my Dad during lunch recess he said he would be there tomorrow. I was happy.

By the time we got home it was dark. Trying to get past the media was hard outside the court house. Even harder to get down the road to the house. there were protesters with signs that said God hates fags. Fags will burn in hell. You get the picture you seen them before. By the time we got to the house the Cherokee was cover in eggs.

I got out of the car and saw my dad standing on the porch. I ram up and buried my face in his chest and cried. I was supposed to be the victim in all of this. I got beat up. why am I being the one getting targeted.

That night I had a restless sleep. Even with my dad spooning me and holding me. I dreamed of people trying to hang me on a cross and setting fire to me. I dreamed of being constantly dunked in water all the while they are yelling confess ye witch. Crazy dreams.

Marc had come to pick us up in a squad car after dad requested it from the chief of police. We also had to other squad cars escorting our cruiser. We pulled out of the drive into the circus that was our street. I saw guys with cameras right at the window. I buried my head in Dads arm pit to hide my face.

"I call Noah Mr. Mac Daniels to the stand."

I was escorted in and sworn in.

I gave recount of the events. I was asked if I knew any of the persons involved I said yes I knew Ruth Holt and Linda Vincent and few I had seen from around town. Though I didn't know their names.

"No further questions your honor at this time."

The defense attorney was a tall man stocky but fit. He was in his forty's with brown hair and a bit of grey at the temples. There was no mistaking he was a lawyer. He had a bit of look to him that said trust me. Yeah right.

"Noah, may I call you Noah?" he asked me with a smile.

"Okay." I was going to say no but what the fuck let him think I am duped. I know he was going to try and blame me for what happened. That was his job.

"Noah you stated in your testimony that you tried to fight back? Didn't you throw the first punch?"

"No. I was hit with a bat first across my chest first."

"Did you try to get away?"

"I didn't have time. I was being hit and kicked and some one hit me in the back of the head with something."

"What happened after that?"

"I have no idea. I was knocked out."

"So your telling me because you were knocked out that you have no idea who hit you in the head with this brick?"

"With all due respect sir. I can't see behind me."

"Do you remember Miss Vincent. Kicking you?"

"No. I was unconscious."

"Did you hear Miss Vincent say at any time `die fag die.'?"

"No. Again I was unconscious."

"Your honor I object. How can the witness testify to what happened while he was unconscious?"

"Sustained. The defense is to stop badgering the witness with events that happened after he was unconscious. Is that understood?" Judge Harrison stated. He was rather annoyed by the tone of his voice.

"Yes. Your honor."

"Noah what is your religious affiliation?"


"Do you feel you are a good Christian?"

"As good as most people."

"You understand that the Bible preaches against homosexuality right?"


"How can you be a good Christian when you are knowingly sinning by being gay?"

I smiled I was prepared for this one. I read the bible when I started going to church with the Grands. I had to see if it was because I was gay that God seemed to hate me so much. I had since stopped believing God hated me. He gave me the Grands and Dad.

"With all due respect sir in the same book it says; we shouldn't eat pork or sea food other than fish. So as I said I am as good as Christian as anyone other Christian. In some cases, better. I don't bear false witness against others." I couldn't help but smile.

The look on his face was anger. I had basically cut his questions in half. If he asked anymore about religion, he would look like an ass. That meant the witchcraft shit and the Satanist shit too.

"No further question's your Honor." He said. Yeah he was pissed off.

"Does the prosecution wish to cross examine?"

"Yes your Honor." Said the male prosecutor.

"Noah do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes sir."

"How long have you been in a relationship with this gentleman?"

"Almost six months."

"Can you name this person?"

"No sir. He isn't out yet."

"Has Mr. Meets met this person?"

"Yes sir."

"Do they get along well with each other? Any animosity?"

"They get along pretty good together. They both gang up and tease me at times."

"Would you characterize them being friends?"

"I Object your honor this has no bearing on the case."

"Your honor, I am trying to establish the Mr. Mac Daniels is in a relationship with someone other than Mr. Meets as the prosecution has tried to establish throughout this trial."

"Objection denied. Prosecution has the right to establish the boundaries of the relationship as much as defense."

"Would you characterize them being friends?"

"Yes sir."

"No further questions."

We took a recess for lunch. The DA told us they had only my dad to call up to the stand. I didn't know why they wanted him to testify he wasn't there. I didn't ask though I figured I would find out soon enough.

"All rise. Court is now in session State of Kentucky versus Linda Vincent, the Honorable Judge Martin Harrison presiding."

"Be seated."

"Prosecution call your next witness."

"The state calls Staff Sargent Jared Mac Daniels to the stand."

I watched as Dad dressed in his Class A's walk to the stand and was sworn in. he looked at me and smiled.

"What is your relationship to Noah Mac Daniels?"

"He is my nephew and adopted son."

"You were not present at the time of the incident?"

"No sir I was at Camp Lejeune and couldn't get away."

"How did you First Find out that Noah had been injured?"

"My Mother, Eva Mac Daniels, called me from the hospital."

"What happened after that?"

I talked to my Commanding Officer. He immediately gave me emergency leave for 3 three days to be extended if needed."

"Was it extended?"

"No sir. Doctor Peterson informed us than he was out of danger and they were inducing a coma to help up the healing process."

"Did you return to you base?"

"Yes sir, I came back though when they informed me they were waking him up."

"What was your reaction when you saw Noah in the hospital?"

"Anger. I wanted to kill those people who hurt him. He is a good kid with a big heart."

"Have you heard what the media and people are saying about Noah?"

"Yes I have. They hateful lies spread by a vicious person."

"Do you know who started them?"

"I Object your honor. While this a touching moment, this has no bearing on the case?"

"Your honor, the defense doesn't want this testimony because it will hurt his case. If he chooses to cross examine to establish his case, he will do so."

"I will have to sustain the objection. None of these questions have been brought to light." The judge said somewhat reluctantly.

"Jared if I may call you that?"


"Mrs. Eva Mac Daniels taped part of the assault on Noah, your son, did you see it?"

"Yes sir."

"How did it make you feel?"

"I cried. I couldn't understand how someone could do that to him not alone another human being." Dad Said tears running down his cheeks.

"How would you describe Noah's childhood?"

"His mother was abusive towards him. He learned to fend for himself and played his own parent."

"How would you describe him today?"

"He is warm loving kid. Smart top of his class. He is a bit reclusive but that's the result of his past and how he is being treated by others now. I have seen him come out of his shell and go back into it."

"I object your honor the witness is not qualified to make a judgement of Noah Mac Daniels mental health."

"Your honor a parent can observe their child's mental reactions and stability under different circumstances."

"Objection denied. As a parent I must agree."

"Continue Jared."

"Noah has seen a lot in his life that most people my age haven't. Most kids would be locked up in jail or a mental institution. Noah is strong and determined kid. he has a passion for life and is able to bounce back every time he is knocked down. I am proud of him." Dad said with a look that challenged any to say otherwise.

"No Further questions your Honor"

"Your Honor I would like to play this video of the events that took place on April 26th 2009 and enter as evidence."

"I object your Honor." The defense attorney said jumping out of his seat.

"On what grounds councilor?" said Judge Harrison.

"We have not had proper time to view the video's validity." He said. You could tell he was grasping at thin air for a reason.

"Your Honor the defense has been given this video and has ample time to view it."

"Objection denied."

The prosecution played the video. You could tell at one point the camera was dropped. It wasn't on me at that point but you could hear my screams and the words die faggot die."


"One question your honor."

"Jared. I may call you Jared to keep this on a friendly basis."

"There's nothing friendly about this> Please address me as Staff Sargent." Dad said with a smirk. You go dad!

"Very well. Staff Sargent, who is Noah's birth father?"

"That is a court sealed document."

"I know sir. Is it true Staff Sargent that Mr.?"

"I thought you had only one question sir." Dad said cutting him off.

"I object your honor not only is this question irrelevant to the case, it is by the admission of the defense, a court sealed document. Also your honor the Staff Sargent is correct defense said one question."

"I will seed to the defense as to the parentage of Noah. However, it was figure of speech as to the one question."

"Your honor. I." said the prosecution.

"Sustained on all accounts. In this courtroom I do not make allowances for attorney's figures of speech. Say what you mean from now on councilor." Judge Harrison said cutting of the prosecution.

"Cross examine?"

"No your honor"

"Staff Sargent, I would personally like to thank you for your service to our country. You may step down."

"Next witness?"

"Prosecution rests"

The next day the defense called their witnesses.

First was Ruth. The prosecution cut holes in her testimony big enough to sail an aircraft carrier through.

Linda's was pitiful. The prosecution painted her as a promiscuous girl who had decided to blame me for her troubles.

By noon the defense had called four witnesses. All whom the prosecution shot down. If it wasn't me they would were talking about it would have been amusing.

One witness was Fairy Godmother. The prosecution shot her credibility with one question:

"Were you not fired from the Hazard school district for unfairly grading students work? Namely Noah' Mac Daniels and Samuel Meets?"

The defense rested their case. I almost felt sorry for Linda because she really had no defense. The only issue I had was the jury. I mean this Hazard there is no way they didn't hear the crap that was said about me.

After closing statements, the judge charged the jury to find not guilty or guilty beyond reasonable doubt. After an hour of deliberating they had come to a verdict.

The prosecution said this was a good thing. I wasn't sure either way as we filed into the court room and took our seats. Judge Harrison took his place behind the bench after introductions. I watched as the Jury filed in no one looked my way. But then none looked at Linda either.

"Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"We Have your honor."

Randy: Don't you just love cliffhangers :)

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 26

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