
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 28, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 26

It was about 3 in the afternoon, I had to get out. I been cooped up on the farm for the past 4 days. I was tired of playing games and T.V sucked ass. Sam was working, Grandma was working. I was tired of studying for the exams next week. I grabbed my keys and got in the jeep.

I decided to go to the theatre. They had replaced the windows and doors. I drove down Main street and parked. I walked into the Lobby and looked around. It looked spotless except for a big faded brown stain on the tiles. You could see that someone had tried to scrub them clean. I couldn't help but stare at it. I knew it was from my blood. I didn't remember much of what happened to cause it but I knew it was mine.

I felt my body tremble. I walked quickly into the theatre. I walked half way down it and sat. I thought about all the people in my life past and present. Of the people I lost Joe, Mom, though not really a loss. Grammy, Grandpa is all but gone. I think about the two friends I had before I moved here. One died when I was 6. I barely remember him. Then there was the one from Pittsburgh. Yeah he didn't die that I know but he is gone.

I don't know how long I sat there. It was dark in the theatre are. The only light came from the lobby. I felt someone sit next to me. I looked over and saw Marc. He was in uniform.

"Hey buddy, everything ok?"

"Yeah just thinking Uncle Marc." I said. I don't know when I started calling him Uncle marc but it just seemed right.

"It's 9 buddy. You got you Grandma worried. She has everyone looking for you."

"I `m ok."

"I see that but under the circumstances and the trial people get worried."

"I'm sorry."

"I know bud but let's get you home."

I followed him to the lobby I saw his squad car parked out front. I felt like an idiot. I should have left Grandma a note. With the trial and the animosity from people about it I should have known better. There had been a few threating phone calls from pay phones. I guess some rednecks have a few brain cells not to use their home phone.

Uncle Marc followed me home and into the house. Grandma grabbed me and hugged me. I was still feeling drained emotionally. I had been that way throughout the trial and since then except when I talked to Rick. I felt dead inside. I sat on the couch and stared at the TV while Uncle Marc explained where I was.

Grandma lead me upstairs to bed. I crawled into my Dads bed and stared at the ceiling as Grandma pulled my shoes off. I was aware but I wasn't at the same time. I just stared at the ceiling. Even when I was invisible I felt something. I don't feel anything.

I was used to Mom being picked up for hooking. She usually got out after two days. I saw her picked up once when I was 9 as I walked from the store a few blocks away.

I was 12 and we lived in three-bedroom house with Frank. Frank was a slob, and a drug pusher. To call him a pig would be an insult to pigs. The house was a dump. It was a crack house.

I lived and slept in the basement by choice. It was the cleanest place in the house. I even made a secret escape in case one of the crack heads made their way down there. Locked up all my stuff and food.

It was a school night and first of the month. Check day for many of the crack heads. So Franks house was in full swing. I had chased several crack heads out of the basement. I was tired and it was a school night.

I needed to sleep I had a big test tomorrow. I had wedged a board between the floor and the wall locking into place with the door knob. This isn't the first time I did it. Frank hated me do it. the last time he caught me I received a black eye.

I laid down on my mattress that I had on the floor. It was trash pick but fuck I needed a bed and it was a queen size. I heard some try the door but no banging so it wasn't Frank. I finally fell asleep.

I was awakened by a loud crash in the living room, then another from the kitchen. I heard thumping a yelling then I heard those words. "This a raid put your hands in the air."

I didn't waste time I pulled on my shoes grabbed my school bag and my coat and hit my secret escape. It was a hole the wall that lead to the abandoned house next door. I heard them crashing against the door as I pushed my bag through and followed it. I pulled a box to cover the hole. I could hear them running down the steps. I grabbed my bag and ran to the small basement window and there my bag out and went out after it.

I was home free. Iran down the alley between the abandon one and the one next door to the small street behind the house. I barreled through the wood gate and into two cops. He pushed me up against the fence and frisked me.

I was scared. Not because I might be arrested but because what Frank will do to me. the man was crazy if he could pin me on diming him out he would even though I didn't.

I gave the cop a lame ass story about taking a piss in the alley when the cops raided the house and I got scared. The fact that it was five am didn't dawn on me. I told them I went to a special school across town and had to get the bus and 5:30 to get there on time. They bought it.

I went to school I was about ninety minutes early. I didn't lie about the school just about how long it took me to get there. I sat on a bench and pulled out a book. Animal Farm. I thought it would like some Disney type shit boy was I wrong. I liked it though.

I felt a swat on the back of my head. I turned and saw Denny Kerr and his posse or assholes. Denny was a rich kid who parents paid for him to be there while I had a scholarship. In other words, the token poor boy. He was also my main antagonizer.

"What you reading scumbag?"

"A book."

"Don't smart mouth me fuck face." He said swatting me and grabbing the book.

"Animal farm? What you reading some Disney shit for?" he laughed.

"It's about communism. They just using animals as a way to show how it is applied."

"What You a commie?"

"Not that it matters but communism is an impossible ideal because man is too greedy for wealth and power for it to work."

His fist met my eye. Great a black eye.

"You just don't know when to shut your fucking mouth. Always trying to make people look stupid." He said and walked away.

I sat there and thought. I am tired of taking the crap. I wish I was invisible. If I was invisible they wouldn't see me. if they didn't see me they wouldn't talk about me. if they didn't talk about me people like Denny, Mom and Frank wouldn't beat up on me.

I am going to be invisible in my mind if can't be invisible in body. That way at least their words won't hurt anymore.

I woke up the next morning still tired. I showered and dressed in Dad camo's pants and a T-shirt I had left. I still felt empty. I felt no emotion. I was having a weird feeling. I didn't care about anything. In a way it was a nice feeling.

I went down stairs and pour a cup of coffee and sat down at the table with Grandma. "The sentencing is today." She said

"Yeah, I think I am going to go."

"Are you sure that is wise?"

"No but I need to see it. I need to see it made final."

I understand honey. Don't forget your therapy is today too."

"I won't." I said downing the rest of my coffee.

I kissed grandma on the cheek and went out to the trailer. I changed into some khaki's and a pale yellow button up shirt. Combed my hair, grabbed my keys and headed to the court house. I parked in the lot and crossed the street.

I made my way through the crowd, ignoring the comments and leers. It didn't bother me my emotions were shut down. Good thing to because Ruth was there. She stepped right in front of me blocking my way.

"Move the fuck out of my way bitch before I put you on her fat ass." I said without any feeling. She looked at me and moved. Guess my look said I wasn't bluffing. Good thing she did too, because I wasn't.

I walked into the court house went through the metal detector. I walked straight to the courtroom. The police officer told me I couldn't enter it was full. I said I was the victim.

"Yeah that's what they said in there but out here your just another punk that's caused a lot of trouble."

"What is the problem here officer?" A voice said behind me. I turned and saw The Chief of Police.

"Chief I was explaining to this punk that we don't have room in the court room." The officer said with a smirk.

"Officer I want you to understand something right now. This young man has been through hell and back. He is not to be called a punk or referred to anything other than his name."

"Chief you yourself said he has caused a lot of trouble."

"No I said Noah Mac Daniels case has been nothing but trouble. In no way is it his fault. Call in a relief for yourself and be in my office at one and be prepared to be reprimanded."

"Come on dad he is just a fag kid. What's the problem?"

"Give me your gun and badge you're relieved of duty until further notice."

I just stood there and took it all in. I couldn't careless I just wanted to get inside and see the sentencing. I really didn't give a rat's balls what they said or thought of me.

"I apologize for those remarks Noah, may I call you Noah?"

"Sure." I said he opened the door and escorted me in.

I Found a seat behind the prosecution. I had gotten I dirty look from the lady next to me. I smiled at her. Fuck her. I could feel eyes all looking at me. Fuck them too.

The District attorney came in and took his seat. The defense attorney was already there. A door to the left opened up and Linda was escorted in. she was shackled with cuffs and a chain leading down to cuffs at her feet. She looked like a pumpkin in her orange jump suit. She glared at me as she took her seat. I smiled. Fuck you bitch.

"All rise The Honorable Judge Martin Harrison presiding."

"Be seated."

"Does the prosecution have any requests for sentencing?"

"Prosecution requests, ten years in a minimum security prison, no probation and restitution for all medical bills that occurred and may occur as result of the attack and property damage."


"Your Honor Miss Vincent is sixteen years old. Ten years is a hard sentence. I request a maximum sentence of two years in a juvenile detention facility, two years' probation and of course the restitution recommended by the prosecution."

"Your Honor, Miss Vincent was tried as an adult she is not eligible to go to a Juvenile Detention Center according to State statutes."

"I am well aware of the State's statutes on that matter councilor." Judge Harrison said.

He leaned back and looked over the court room. His eyes fell on me. I don't know what he saw in my face but he frowned and sighed and leaned forward.

"Will the defendant please rise?"

Linda stood up and looked back at me with a sneer.

"Miss Vincent do you wish to address this court?"

"Yes, I wish to say that I wish I had killed the faggot."

I watched as the judge frowned. There was a hum of whispers over court room. I heard the woman next to me say, amen sister. Judge Harrison gave a bang of his gavel and it got quiet.

"I was prepared to give you a three years sentence and 2 years' probation with time served in a minimum security prison." He said looking at Linda as she stood there defiant and with no remorse.

"However, since you have shown no remorse and you haven't learned anything from this I am doubling that. 6 years sentence 4 years' probation, no time served. You will pay all property damage, medicals bills that have occurred and will occur in regards to any injury physical, mental and emotional in the future. I am also handing down a ten thousand dollar fine to this court for contempt and disregard to this bench."

"Your Honor I object. My client is." The defense yelled.

"Objection denied." Judge Harrison said cutting the defense attorney off.

" Fucking bullshit." The defense attorney said a little louder than he intended to.

"Councilor you're in contemp. Ten thousand dollar fine for you and 5 days in jail. If you say one more word councilor I will double that fine and jail time."

"Before I adjourn this court. I want you listen closely. This trial has been one of the hardest cases I have ever had to preside over. It saddens me that not only can one young lady be so full of hate, but also the people of Hazard in general. The judge said lean back in his chair.

"The actions displayed that lead up to this event have fueled wild and heartless speculation on one young man who's only crime was being a victim. I hope that this young man can heal both physically mental and emotionally from this ordeal" he said looking at me.

"As for Hazard. I don't know if it can heal as long as it allows prejudice, whether[r1] it is perceived or not rule its citizens."

"This Courts adjourned." He said with a bang of his gavel.

I sat there and stared at the door the Judge went through. I still felt empty of emotion. Most of the people have left. I stood up and started towards the doors.

"Mr. Mac Daniels may I have a word with you?"

I turned and saw the judge standing at that same door he went through. I walked towards him. He just buried the bitch least I could do is hear him out right?

I followed him to his chambers. He took off his robes. Normally I would have been amused by the fact that he had on shorts with a shirt and tie.

"Normally I get a snicker out of people when they see me dressed like this."

"Probably gets hot under those robes."

"Have a seat."

"Pop? Water?"

"I'm good thanks."

"I want you to know how impressed I was with you during the trial. I especially liked the way you shut down the defense councilors religion questions. Quick thinking."

"Not really, I figured he would go that way so I was ready."

"I see."

We talked for another ten minutes until I explained I had to see my therapist in a few minutes. He shook my hand. I smiled. It felt as fake as Ruth's smile. I stepped out of the building and there were no reporters to bug me. not that they could.

"How are you today Noah?" Rick asked.


"Did you go to the sentencing?"

"Yeah, he gave 6 and 6 and restitution and a fine."

"Are you happy about that."

"I am ok with it."

In all honesty I don't remember much from that session it went on pretty much like that. He asked questions I answered them. I felt empty inside. It was like someone hit the delete button and wiped out my emotions. I am sure he noticed it.

After therapy I drove to the river I called Grandma and told her I might be late and where I was going. I didn't want to stress her out. She said to be careful.

I sat there and watched as the river. Nothing, I felt nothing. Is this a good thing? I thought about my dad and Ez. I felt nothing. The sun started to head down wards. I must have been there four hours when Sam sat down next to me on the rock.

"I want the fuck out of this town." I said.

"Me too."

I watched the river. It held nothing for me. it looked just as dead to my eyes as I did inside.

"I feel nothing Sam."

"What do you mean?"

"Inside, I feel nothing. Like I am a robot with no emotions."

He didn't say anything he just put his arm around my shoulders and we sat there. I kept thinking the river makes me feel something. Why isn't it making me fell something. I came here to feel something.

"I'm gonna head home. Been a long day."

"Ok bro."

I got up and walked away and headed down the path towards my jeep. Fuck emotions this better.


"Yeah" I turned as Sam came running up to me and gave me a hug. Nope nothing.

"Just wanted to tell you I love you buddy."

"Thanks. Same to you."

I got in my jeep and drove home. I popped into the house and told Grandma I was home. I gave her a kiss goodnight and went to my trailer. I showered, brushed my teeth and pissed. I took my sleeping pill and crawled in between the sheets. I listened to the crickets chirping outside. I wondered if I would ever feel anything again.

One the bright side I didn't have to worry about getting sad or angry over what people said. As I thought about it. I had the invisible thing backwards. They are the ones that should be invisible. If I didn't see them I could ignore them. Thus they couldn't hurt me right.

Fuck I am sleepy. Sometimes I think about when I die that I hope I just fall asleep like this and never wake up again is the way to die. Especially now that I have no emotions. Yeah that would be cool.

Is this suicidal thoughts? Nah I ain't gonna off myself. Damn Noah your tired bro, stop thinking. That was my last thought before sleep took me.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 27

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