
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 30, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 27

Sunday, June 28th 2009

Dad and I skyped today, I know he could tell I wasn't feeling myself. Heh, I was feeling anything. I still felt empty. Anyway, he said He and Ez are coming for a visit over the 4th of July weekend. Normally I would have been squirming in my seat with excitement over hearing that. I just said that's cool dad.

If Dad noticed anything he didn't say anything. I said my good bye and sent EZ my love. At that point I think they were just words. Did I still love him? Was I capable of love anymore? Would I ever feel again? I was beginning to be a bit bored with this no emotions crap.

My tests start tomorrow. It kind of sucked while most kids my age are enjoying summer I am stuck studying for some fucking tests. All because of some crazy ass bitch thinks that because she is on some Godly crusade for whatever fucking reason, to kill me because I am gay. Maybe it's just because I suck dick better than her, heh.

I woke the next morning feeling pretty much the same way I felt when I went to bed the past two weeks. Empty. I did my normal morning routine and headed out to the school where someone from The Hazard county school district will monitor me while I take the tests.

I sat in the class room waiting to take the calc and chemistry tests. The monitor wasn't there yet. It was just Grandma and me. I was reading Anna Karina. I don't know why, I just like the classics. Most modern novels and writers bore me.

I heard the click of heals in the hallway. I watched as the monitor came in. Great it's the "amen sister'. I had to laugh at the irony of it. I just seemed have the life of Job. I gave my best Ruth smile as she introduced herself to Grandma. Grandma was not permitted to stay.

I watched as she set her timer on the desk took out the prepared tests. Sat them down on the desk. She didn't even pretend to hide her hostility. Get over you dried up mold twat, I thought as she tossed the test on my desk.

"Thirty minutes"

"The time on the test say forty-five minutes."

"I have another appointment. Either take the test or fail."

"Someone needs to get laid." I mumbled to myself

I opened the test and went to work. I wasn't one of those people who panic taking tests. I took out a piece of paper to make second calculations then copied them on the test after I figured[r1] the formulas. I finished the test and closed the test booklet.


"you still have five minutes." She said.

"I am ready for the chemistry test."

"I said you have five minutes. I have to allow the proper time to finish."

"Well then you will fail that test lady. The proper time was forty-five minutes not thirty."

She just smiled smugly at me as she sat there waiting for the timer to ding. I wanted to smack that smug smile off that grill of hers. Damn she has the over bite of a beaver I thought as I waited. DING

"You have twenty-five minutes." She said handing me the chemistry test.

"Says thirty."

"I am pressed for time." She retorted.

I didn't bother stating the obvious shit like that five minutes she wasted. I just got to the test. Chemistry was easy for me just like math was. Same principles applied know the elements of the equations and work out the formulas.

I finished the test just before the Ding. Take that you dried up old raisin. I sat back and waited as she sealed the envelope. Grandma told me to make sure I signed each test signed the envelopes and sealed them myself.

I watched as she sealed the envelopes and went to put them in the bag.

"Excuse me Madam but I am supposed to seal and sign each of them myself."

"I don't have time for your Non-sense." She said.

I got up and went to the intercom. "Grandma can you come to the classroom? This lady is try to pull a scam."

The door opened immediately. Grandma came in with an older man in golf clothes. "Give me those test's Ellen." He said.

You didn't think I recognized you Ellen? You forget how small a town this still is."

"Noah, you have not been given the proper allotted time to complete the tests. You may take them over if you wish." The Superintendent of the Schools said to me.

"I'm good."

"May I use your office Eva?"

"Be my guest."

"Ellen come with me."

I watched as they left. Grandma sat on the corner of the desk.

"Are you sure you don't want to retake those tests?"

"I don't need to. I know the answers wouldn't change."

"Who was she anyway?" I asked, my curiosity got the better of me.

"The cousin of your old English teacher."

I hung out with Sam that afternoon. We caught a movie, went to the pizza joint and played some video games. I still felt emotionally empty but I am still a teenager. We all live for a good movie, pizza and video games.

The rest of the test were administered by the super guy of the Schools. I would get the results back next week. It was Thursday and I went to my therapy session which was pretty much the same as the last one. I had told him I felt void of any emotion in the last session. The only thing different was his last question which still has me thinking.

"I want you to tell me why you think blocking away emotion is going to stop you from being hurt emotionally?"

At first thought was because I don't have emotions. I know the reality of it was that me being human that is utterly impossible. Why I am blocking them. Is it because I don't want to get hurt inside again. Was there some other reason?"

It was Friday Dad and Ez will be here around noon dad said. I was looking forward to seeing them. In my mind I was telling myself it would be a good distraction. I don't if that was the truth or not. Was I lying to myself? I want to feel something again but I don't know how to do make it happen again.

I was sitting on the front porch with Grandma as Dads jeep pulled up. I watched as Ez and Dad got out of the jeep and stood there. I stood up. I don't know what happened. I found myself running towards them. I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I felt both of them hug me at the same time.

I buried my head into someone's neck and cried. I felt them lift me up and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist. I breathed in deep. I knew that smell. My Dad.

Dad carried me to the porch. "Hey brat, I need to put you down so I can hug my Mom and also I think there's someone else who wants to hug you."

I kissed my Dad's neck and unwrapped my legs. I wiped my eyes and grabbed hold of Ez and held him tight. I felt him hardened and could help myself.

"Someone wants more than A hug." I whispered in his ear.

"You know it."

"I can feel it." I giggled

I stepped back and blocked view as he adjusted himself. I had to admire him and Dad. They were dressed in desert camo's. I had never seen them in them before. They looked so proud and masculine in their uniforms. I was proud of being one's son and the other's boyfriend.

They went out and grabbed their bags. I walked Ez to the trailer, he held his bag over one shoulder and my hand in his free hand. I love the feel of his hand in mine. I loved how he squeezed it every few steps. Not one word was spoken.

He dumped his bag in the bedroom and came onto the kitchen where I was grabbing us some Cokes. He turned me around took the cokes and placed them on the counter. He smiled and then leaned in and kissed me. Damn the kiss was hot our tongues battled, our mouth's tried to devour the others. Is was wet, sloppy and fucking hot.

By the time we broke the kiss we were on the kitchen floor minus clothing. I don't remember stripping him or him me. I didn't care either I just knew I wanted him in my mouth. I wanted to feel him moving deep inside me as wrapped my legs around his waist and I did.

I am not going into detail. I will tell you we made a mess on the floor, stained the sofa and covered the shower walls with cream. If you want a better visual go look at some hot porn. That was us.

We joined Grandma and dad as we went to see Grandpa. He was now completely confined to a wheelchair. He was overly thin and was being fed through a feeder thingy. They inserted a catheter. And had his meds put in intravenously.

I watched as dad talked to him. It didn't seem to have any effect on Grandpa. He was devoid of any emotion like me. I felt bad for dad. I felt a tear start. Wait. I felt emotion. I felt happy when I saw dad and Ez. I felt love for my Dad when he held me. I felt passion desire and love for Ez in the trailer. I felt sadness now for dad. I felt something.

Dad and Ez were in their uniforms still. It was the only clean thing Ez brought with him. Seemed all his civvies were dirty and needed to be washed. Which I gladly did. While I sniffed them undies. Don't judge we all have our fetishes.

Grandma always volunteered the farm for the church picnic. She borrowed a port-a-potty from the school. Dad, Ez and I pulled out four big drum grills. After an hour the we had them clean and ready to use. We set the saw horse tables up and pulled out the benches and made any repairs.

After an easy dinner of sandwiches, we sat on the front porch. Dad and Ez had beers, Grandma and I drank iced mint tea. Dad had offered me a beer nut declined. I hate alcohol of any kind. We watched as the fireflies twinkled like little stars as I held on to Ez's hand.

We chatted about nothing in particular. Avoiding those few topics. The attack, the trial, the hearing and my slip into that emotionless void I was in for a few weeks. I heard dad yawn. Which got Ez yawning, then Grandma. What is it with people when one person yawns it seems everyone yawns? Well not me. I thought to myself. Yawn. Ok I stand corrected.

We all said good night I kissed my dad and grandma. I watched as Ez kissed Grandma and then dad. "Um Ez, I may look at you like my future son in law but." Dad laughed as Ez turned red as a baboon's ass.

"Oh damn I am sorry I am just so tired." He stammered.

We all laughed as I led Ez away to the trailer. I thought it was cute myself but Ez was completely embarrassed. We underdressed and took quick showers separately. I let Ez take his first while I checked e-mail. I got a short one from Nikki saying how she was enjoying visiting her cousins in Atlantic City New Jersey. I hadn't gotten anything from TJ in a while and neither has Nikki.

Ez came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I was so sexy. If wasn't thoroughly sexed up by him earlier, I'd be under that towel. I kissed him and went to take my shower. I smiled as I thought about how something so little as just seeing my two men could make feel again.

I dried off and went into the bedroom. Ez was already asleep. I got under the covers and he automatically pulled me against him as he spooned me. I sighed oh man I loved this man so much. I am glad I am feeling my emotions. To not feel this would be unthinkable. That emotionlessness had gotten me through the trial and the hearing. I just didn't know how to turn them back on.

Fourth of July in Hazard was just like any other small town in America. Parade floats mayor in a car, a few veterans, marching bands and flag waving. It was a nice little parade that lasted maybe forty-five minutes.

We headed back to the house. People would start arriving soon. I could tell Grandma was a more down than usual though, she put on a happy face. I Knew she missed Grandpa. I did too. The difference was she spent forty years with him and I only a few months. She was a strong lady though.

By one there was about two hundred people there two thirds of them being kids. Sam, Ez and I kept them amused for a while until they decided to play tag. Us bigger guys had the advantage of longer legs so we bailed out and went to hang with the adults.

Bored with that Sam, Ez and I grabbed two chairs and watched the kids play. I hear before I saw a car coming up the drive. I smiled when I saw TJ's car. I grabbed Ez's hand and ran to meet TJ's car with sam right behind us.

I saw him get out of his car. He was in his cadet uniform. He looked different. It was the uniform it was the way he carried himself. He looked more confident.

He walked up to us and I gave him a hug which he returned. I introduced Ez to him as they shook hands. He gave Sam a bump. "You keeping my Cuz out of trouble bro? Anything happens to him I will kick your ass." "You too bro." he said pointing to Ez.

"Hey what about Jared he's his dad don't you think you should kick his ass too." Sam said with a smirk.

"Bro he can kick my ass."

"You don't think Ez can?" Sam joked.

"Ah yeah, Ez you're off the hook bro. I like walking not being pushed in a wheel chair.'

We walked over to the food table where Grandma was.

I watched as Grandma all but leaped over the table. She gave TJ hugs and kisses and asked all kinds of questions before letting him answer the one before. She pulled TJ away and that sat and talked. Dad joined them with Nancy.

TJ and I talked later. He told me how he had decided to join the marines like my dad as soon as he was done with school in December. He was staying with his dad and refused to even see or talk to his mother. He said he missed his friends at Hazard High but he like the military academy.

He was happy he smiled a lot. It was something that TJ never did. When he smiled before it always seemed that there was sadness behind it. Now I can see it was a genuine smile.

"You know I was jealous of you Cuz." TJ said to me as I walked to his car later that night.

"Why, I was like the school outcast. Well still am thanks to, well anyway still am."

"When Uncle Jared adopted you. I wished it was me had adopted. I guess it was stupid I mean Dad was always cool and all but Uncle Jared he was I don't how to explain it."

"Fun, exciting, energetic, considerate, caring and can see through your bullshit."

"Yeah." TJ laughed.

"Noah I need you know something. I think that you're one the strongest guys I know. I love you Cuz." TJ said and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks TJ, I love ya too but I still ain't giving you a bj." I said laughing.

"Damn." He laughed.


"Family." I said as he got into his car.

I sat next to Dad as Nancy and EZ directed the teens clean up the dishes and trash. Sam had split a while ago. "TJ has become his own man." I said

"He has changed a lot. He seems happy."

"Wouldn't you be if you were him and away from his mother."

"I guess I would be." Dad chuckled.

"Been a long day" he said. The teens finished up the cleaning and left.

"Yeah I am tired I think I am gonna head to bed. Good night dad." I said and kissed his cheek.

I saw Nancy and Ez coming toward us. I grabbed Ez's hand and led him to the trailer. I stripped him then myself in the living room. I then led him to the shower by his dick witch got hard immediately by my touch.

He stood under the shower as washed every part of his body except one. I was leaving that for last. He turned me around and started washing my back then my front. I turned around and we started washing the last part.

We kissed and washed and massaged those last two parts. I felt myself begin to build up and didn't try to delay it. I could feel him grown bigger in my hand he was close too. We moaned into each other's mouth as we sprayed our loads between us. At that point we stopped stroking and grinded ourselves to orgasm.

We didn't do anymore that night. We both had a full day and were exhausted. We spooned and I fell asleep with his arm holding me. If I died right now I would be dying the happiest guy on earth right now.

This is why I am writing:

"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." ? Joss Whedon

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 28

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