
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 31, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 28

Dad asked me go shopping with him up in Lexington. Ez volunteered to put away all the picnic equipment from yesterday so he stayed at the farm. I figured he was just giving me and Dad some Father son time.

We got to Lexington around 0ne. We were both hungry by now. We went to Hardees dad ordered two 2-pound steakhouse burgers and Jalapeno poppers. I ordered double all natural with curly fries. We both got large cokes.

"So where we shopping Dad? You're not a shopper."

"Well I want to go Rosenberg's Jewelers. Then to Sam's Electronics for a new phone and extra batters for my laptop. Then we have an appointment with a lawyer at four."

"Ok. Well you just got a new phone, why the jewelers?" I just figured the lawyers was to update his will which we talked about.

"I asked Nancy to marry me Friday night and we are getting married on Tuesday."

"Whoa dad." I was speechless. I like Nancy a lot but why so fast.

"Did you get her pregnant? I mean come on Dad put a cover on."

"No she is not pregnant."

"Then why so fast?"

I watched Dad put down his burger. Not to say he has bad manners but dad doesn't stop eating when we talk. I didn't know what was going on but I felt that dark cloud.

"Noah, our battalion is being deployed to Afghanistan in two weeks." He said quietly.

I didn't know what to say. I felt sick in to stomach. I knew I was going to barf. I got up and ran to the restroom. I made just in time too. I heard the door open and saw dad kneel beside me out of the corner of my eye. I had the dry heaves now. I felt him rubbing my back.

I sat back once they stopped. Dad stood up and pulled me up with him. I went to the sink and washed my face and hands. Dad didn't say anything. He just watched me with a sad face.

"I'm sorry, I just was a bit. I don't know, my stomach just went." I had so many different emotions going through I don't know what happened.

"It's ok Noah. It was a bit of a shocker for you." He said as we left the bathroom. We both trashed the rest of our food except dad kept his jalapeno poppers.

We walked to Sam's where dad purchased a satellite phone, three batteries for his laptop and a Bluetooth for me. Next we went to jewelers where dad picked up the rings. Luckily they had the right sizes.

We got back to the car and headed to the lawyer's office. I was still upset over my dad leaving for Afghanistan and also because that meant the Ez was going too. I was scared of losing the two most important men if my life.

I knew that the fatality rate was low for our guys there but still I couldn't help it. I was so wrapped up I hadn't been paying attention to what my dad was saying about the lawyer visit.

"Well Noah What do you thing?" he said.


"You didn't hear a word I said did you?"

"I'm sorry Dad I am distracted over stuff."

"I know kiddo. What I was saying was since I am going overseas for a while, Grandma and I think it might be wise to give you some added protection, by having you emancipated and me pay you child support."

"I get it. you're getting married and want real kids of your own." I felt like everything was crumbling. he no longer wanted me. if the car wasn't moving I would have jumped out right them save him the trouble.

"Noah it's nothing like that. You are my son and always will be. Just that while I am overseas I can't get here to protect you. Grandma's power of attorney is limited. I want you to be protected from anything Ruth or some fuckhead might try to pull."

Once again I over reacted. Read shit into things that was there. I should have known better my dad wasn't like that. Uncle Jared wasn't like that. He loved me. I knew that what a dumb ass Noah.

"I'm sorry I over reacted."

"I'll say you did. I was worried you were going to jump out of the car." He laughed.

"I thought about it."

We pulled into a driveway. I followed dad to the nice Victorian house. he rang the bell and a Lady about his age answered. She was pleasant looking. She looked familiar. Though I couldn't place her.

"Jared, you never seem to change." She said stepping to side so we can enter.

"We I can see you've changed for the better Meg." Dad said giving her a hug.

"Well once I got away from my brother and mother. I learned that being a bitch wasn't the way to live."

That's it. She was dad's girlfriend before he dumped her in high school for calling me a skank. I was a bit skeptical.

"Oh my lord, Noah You look just like your Uncle Jared, I'm sorry your dad, did when he was your age. I also need to apologize to you for being such a bitch to you. I was so jealous of you spending time with Jared I felt he owed to me."

I felt a little more at ease but still you know a zebra never changes its stripes. I shook her hand I guess it must have shown either in the handshake or my face.

"I don't blame you for not being ready to trust me. I know wouldn't if I was in your shoes. I use my bitchiness for good now."

"Marg specializes in child advocacy law. One of the best in the state. She will be your lawyer so if you need anything you call her." Dad said.as we follower her into an office.

"Jared I want my clients to choose me as their lawyer. If Noah decides he can trust me I will gladly represent him in the future."

We sat and meg sat on the edge of her desk while she explained everything. I will still have all the military benefits. Dad will pay five hundred dollars a month into an account until I am done school, which includes college. If I choose to I can void out the cash benefits but she thought, it would be wise for legal proposes to keep it.

We thanked her and Dad produced a check for her services which I was surprised I had to sign. Dad then drove back to hazard. I was still a little quiet. Dad talked a little about the wedding. He wanted me to be best man. Which I agreed too.

I heard a rubble from Dad. He smirked. OMG Dad. I quickly opened the window and leaned towards it.

"Hey the air is on kid."

"Fuck that. You could use that over there and win the war in a day."

"Biological war fare is against the Geneva convention."

"And dads farting in cars is considered child abuse."

"Good one." He laughed. I said as I put the window back up.

"Might want to leave that down." Dad said as he let another one loose.

"Damn Dad, this is going to be a long ride."

"Only about another thirty minutes."

"A long thirty minutes with your ass blowing foul winds."

We pulled up to the house around six. Ez was there to greet us. I watched as dad nodded his head to Ez. I went up to him and felt the tears start. I was turning into a fuck wuss. I had stopping crying when I was 7 because Mom saw it as a weakness as did most people. I wasn't going to be weak. But now at 16 I did it a lot.

I didn't give adman I saw my Dad cry, I saw my grandpa cry, Sam and Ez too. There was nothing weak about them at all. I figured if they can cry I can too. It no longer bothered me. let people say what they fucking want. Right?"

Dad and I ate our dinners Grandma had saved for us. I loved pork roast. She made the same way you make a regular roast. It just melted in your mouth. Dad and I went back and took out the left overs and refilled our plates. We fought over who used the microwave first.

"Hey I am still a growing boy I need to eat."

"Be a long time before I get a home cooked meal like this again."

"I'll mail you some. Let me go first." I said pushing him back."

"It'll be rotten by the time it gets to me." Still be better that jarhead food. I said squirming in front of him.

"will you to children knock it off go sit at the table now." Grandma said giggling at our antics.

Properly scolded we did as we were told. She opened the microwave and put in a shelf. Placed our plates in the micro wave and turned in on.

"I swear Jared your worse than a sixteen-year-old sometimes." Grandma said as she waited for the food to heat.

"Hey, that's so not right grandma. I am not as bad as that guy there." I said smirking.

"Are too." Dad said. Oh man it was on.

"Am not." I said

"Uh huh. Father like son, so, are too."

"I'm adopted, so, am not."

"Oh heaven help me." we heard Grandma moan as she placed our plates in front of us. We couldn't help look at each other and not giggle.

"Noah. Are to." He whispered to me giggling.

"I hope so Dad." I said smiling.

Ez and I had more hot loving that night. I drained the poor guy and wore him out. After he shot for the third time he passed out. I just grabbed a was clothe and cleaned him up. he didn't stir.

I threw the wash rag in with the dirty clothes. I went to the foot of the bed and stared at the beautiful man before me. his skin was flawless except for a Tattoo of the marines on his right peck over his heart. On the bottom were the word Semper Fi, Latin for always faithful. On top was the letters NOA*H with Marine under them. He said it meant Nation's Original American Hero when asked.

When I saw that I knew then that he was mine for keeps. That he loved me completely. I knew it from the start but there always was that doubt. He was so perfect. I mesmerized every part of him. Form the think eyes lashes to the handsome face the nose and strong chin. I loved his lips, mostly because I loved the way they felt against mine or anywhere on me.

I stared at that beautiful abs. The thin waist. The way his soft dick laid across the think reddish blonde pubic hair. The fuzz on his thick thighs. He was beautiful. I don't think I will love another man but him.

"If you're thinking about more lovin' I don't think I have the ability." I heard him say.

"Nah just admiring the best piece of art god ever made." I said looking up into his grey eyes. Those beautiful eyes.

"Come to bed baby, I'm lonely here."

I smiled and crawled into bed. Instead of cuddling in a spoon I faced him and we intertwined our legs and I snuggled against his chest and fell asleep.

The next day Dad and I went to see Judge Harrison. Dad's godfather had retired, so I suggested Judge Harrison. He shook Our hands and we got down to it. Dad explained the situation with Ruth. He understood the reasoning and he thought It was a slick way to handle it.

"Are you sure Noah?"

"As long as he is my Dad still legally."

"Well the adoption went through two months ago so legally he is your father."

"What reason do I give for the emancipation."

We thought about it. I had the money to support myself. I didn't need dad for that. I just needed him for every other reason you could think of I mean I know had money but I had more and him being away would not help that way. That was it. I had it.

"How about financial stability?" I suggested.

"What do you mean?" Dad said.

"Well let's take in the fact that I worth a few million. You're in control of my trust fund. If I needed money, you being over there in Afghanistan would keep from getting to it when needed."

"How about this I make the emancipation is good until you return back to the United States and able to fulfil the duties of trustee."

We signed the documents. Judge Harrison made copies he need. "I'll have these sent to the state. Here's your copy Sargent. Noah, here's yours fold it put it your wallet so you have it at all times.

We left his office after thank the Judge. We met Nancy at the county records and got their marriage license. Nancy and I laughed as Dad's hand shook as he reached for the pen to sign it.

"Hope you're not that nervous when sign the wedding certificate." Nancy teased him.

"No just the wedding night." Dad said.

"Oh come on dad not like two haven't been there already."

"True but first time I ever had sex without a cover." He whispered in my ear.

I blushed at that for some odd reason. I think mostly because I never used a condom. Ez and I have only had sex with each other. Well oral sex with Sam. I know that Sam was clean as fresh snow.

"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." ? Joss Whedon

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 29

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