
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 1, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 29

Dad and Nancy changed the wedding date to July 9th which was a Thursday. This was to give people time to make arrangements to be there. Dad invited Uncle Teddy and my cousins. Ruth of course wasn't invited. He also invited some of his high school jock buddies. His marine ones all were all visiting their own families before leaving. He did invite his Commanding officer though. Nancy invited some friends and family. I asked if I could invite Sam and it was a yes. In all there was one-hundred twenty guests at the wedding. We decided to have the reception open. Since not everyone could get off work to attend.

I convinced Dad to ask Marc to be his best man. I figured since Uncle Marc has been his best friend forever he should be his best man. It seemed to be the right thing. Dad agreed and asked if I would be an usher instead. Duh Dad.

Ez, Sam, Niki and I with Grandmas help raided the school. We got all the silk roses left over from the Sweethearts ball. We fashioned with two red and two white roses together and made a bouquet. We added some baby's breath and white ribbon. We made forty of them. We now had bouquets for the end of the pews.

The wedding was going to at the Catholic Church, Nancy's church. I arranged for the florist to make red and white rose arrangements for the alter. Four huge tiger and white Lilly ones for around the alter. I also had one made for Nancy and the brides maids. I paid for this with my credit card. Yeah I had one. Go me.

As a wedding present I also paid for some caterers. For the booze, Dad had to sign for though since I am under age. The day was zero chance of rain so we decided no tent. The caters decided that a smorgasbord would be best because of the short notice and not being able to have a full wait staff.

Sam got some of his buddies from the football team and their girlfriends to be servers. We bought them all tuxedo shirts and red bowties. All they had to do was wear black pants or skirts. I informed the caterer and she was thrilled. So they would be passing around the appetizers and drinks.

We were having an open bar so I expected a few drunks. I arranged for the Miller taxi company to be available. I was assured that they would have four cabs available. I had given him a retainer of five-hundred to assure that. I later found out that he was on the jury of the Vincent trial. He seemed like a very nice man.

The last part was the DJ for the reception. Since it was last minute, it took some work. I finally found one. Nancy had told me their song was, I always knew I loved you, by Savage Heart. I had to download the song and burn it for him.

Today was the big day. Dad was taking the plunge as they say. He was nervous as mouse in a house with a dozen cats. I was a bit nervous too but for different reason. I felt like I was losing my friend and dad at the same time. Yeah I know dumb and selfish but i Can't help what I feel.

At noon Dad came down stairs in his dress A's. Uncle marc and I had already dressed in rented tuxes. Who has yet to make an appearance from the trailer. He had shooed me out. He said I was in the way. I was ok with that, I wanted to see him in dress A's too.

Dad kept asking Marc if he had the rings. Marc kept patting his jacket pocket and saying `right here bro'. I think after the third time he got on Uncle Marc's last nerve.

"Damn man will you fucking chill. I have the rings. If you ask me again, I'll tie them to my balls just to shut you the fuck up." Marc laughed but I think he was serious.

"What balls? Suze has them." Dad said.

Marc unzip his fly and pulled out his balls. "These balls bro."

"Either you give them back to the gorilla you stole them from or you seriously need the shave them fuckers." Dad said.

"I'd prefer he just put them back in his pants." Grandma said from the archway.

Dad and I fell on the sofa laughing our asses off. The look on Marc's face was indescribable. He went from red to almost purple in a few seconds. The funniest part was when he caught some skin in his zipper and let out a yelp.

"Maybe now you'll learn to finally wear underwear." She said giving him a slap on the butt as she passed.

Grandma didn't miss a comeback or jest. The best part is she said in a deadpan way that made you wonder if she was serious or not. You have to love that about her.

I watched as Dad got a serious look on his face. I knew what he was thinking. He was wishing that Grandpa could be here. We knew it would be a bad idea. Grandpa did not do well around crowds and Lord knows what would happen if someone touched him. We had talked about that this morning.

Ez came in the door and my jaw dropped in my lap. He was fucking studdly in his class A's. He smiled and wink at me. "Hey Jared Ma."

I was so moved by the sight of him I had jumped up hugged and kissed him deeply not letting him finish his sentence. He had his hands on my shoulders trying to pushing me away. All I heard was an "Ahem." From behind Ez and an "Of Fuck." from Dad.

I broke the kiss and looked behind Ez. I saw Major Taltson and Mrs. Taltson standing in the doorway. I didn't know what to do. Ez was terrified. I felt like complete shit. I just outed Ez to his Commanding Officer and all I could imagine was a firing squad. I knew how the marines hated gays.

"See I told you they were a couple Major." Said Mrs. Taltson giggled.

"Well you're the one with that gaydar." Said the Major with a smile.

"Sir, I can explain." Said Ex saluting the major as did Dad.

"At ease men. Corporal relax. I am one of those marines that believe gay men can serve in the military honorably. As far as I am concerned, I didn't ask and you didn't tell."

"It was obvious by the way you two look at each other. You can see the love in your eyes." Said Mrs. Taltson giving us both hugs.

"Well Sargent don't you think we better get you over to the church or do you plan on going AWOL?" Said the Major.

"No Sir." Dad said with a salute.

"Men that is the last time today you will salute me or you'd be doing a hundred times an hour. Consider this a battle field. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir!" They said in unison.

The church was beautifully decorated with flowers. The bouquets of silk red and pink roses at the end of each pew made it perfect. The church ladies had put up an arched arbor trellis with flowers at the end of the pews. The alter was adorned with the real red and white roses. Along the side were large bouquets of tiger and white lilies. It's amazing what you can get done in such a short time. Especially with a lot of help.

We finally decided that Nikki and I would walk the runner down the aisle. I would then join Dad and help Marc bring him to the alter for the sacrifice, err I mean for the marriage ceremony. She was to Go down the side aisle and join Nancy.

The grooms party consisted of Marc, Ez and me. The bridal party consisted of Nikki, Suze, and a Lilly a college friend of Nancy's. They had been lucky that they were able to find matching dresses at JC penny's in their size. Nancy was wearing her mother's wedding dress.

Nikki and I got the signal that it was time for the ceremony to begin. Nancy and I each took an end of a gold rope and started walking down the aisle. Trailing behind us was a cloth white runner. At the end of the aisle I unclipped the rope from the runner.

I glanced back at the quests and saw Ruth slipping in and taking a seat in the back. She looked directly at me with a smug look on her face. I debated whether or not to tell Dad. I decided to just let Marc know. I didn't want to ruin the day by telling him. Dad would go out there and physically throw her out and he wouldn't be discrete about it.

"Uncle Marc, Ruth is here." I whispered.

"Yeah we know. We saw her slithering in when we peaked out. Took a bit of talking to convince your dad not to go out there and throw her out."

"I hope she doesn't start trouble." I said.

"If she does I will beat her fucking ass so bad that the hospital will debating whether or not to just send her the mortuary." Dad said.

"Heh, heh. I don't think you'd have a chance. Mom would beat you to it." Uncle Marc laughed.

We were told it was time for the sacrifice. We followed the High Priest out to the alter. I know not cool but if you saw the look on Dad's face you'd understand. I am not so sure that if we weren't blocking his way to keep him bolting out the door.

The organist started to play `I've always loved you'. The congregation rose. Dads eyes watched as Ez walked Lilly down the aisle. He looked so handsome. I wished that someday he and I could have a wedding like this. Yeah I know not going to happen in America as long as those republicans have their say.

When they were halfway down the aisle Nikki started down the aisle. Finally, when she reached the halfway point the organist switched to Mendelsohn's Wedding March. Nancy made her entrance. She was beautiful. Her dress was a classical lace ball gown style. She had a long train behind her. By long, I mean it had to be a good five feet.

Dad was smiling. His nervousness was replaced with love and anticipation as she walked down the aisle alone. She had laughed when the Priest asked who was giving her away. "I am not someone's property to give away. I'll give myself away."

Dad stood there mesmerized. As she came up to him. Uncle Marc had to nudge him to offer her his arm to take the final steps. The wedding ceremony was beautiful. I had forgotten Ruth was there. To her credit she didn't say or do anything.

"By the power invested in me by God and the State of Kentucky, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Wow did Dad kiss her too. It was almost as hot as when Ez kisses me. Nothing is as hot as Ez's kisses.

"What God hath joined together, let no one put asunder. I now present to you Staff Sargent and Mrs. Mac Daniels." The Priest said.

Ode to Joy started playing as we walked down the aisle. I took my Grandma's arm as we walked down the aisle. I had noticed Ruth had left. We then formed the reception line. And shook hands and greeted people. Most greeted me with smiles. A few looked at me as though I had eight heads. Fuck em.

We took pictures around the church. Then sped back to the farm where, we took more pictures. Dad and Nancy had a nice one taken in the Gazebo. It was getting late and the guests would start arriving soon. The caterers had everything under control. The Bakery came with the cake. It was a simple three tiered but beautiful with red and pink roses twisting up and the side of the cake. There was also a sheet cake for the guests.

We hired a DJ who was pretty good considering it was short notice. He played the music soft as a background while the quests mingled. At five thirty we were announced. First Grandma and me, Then Ez and Lilly, Marc and Suze.

"I am honored to introduce for the first time in public, Mr. and Mrs. Jared and Nancy Mac Daniels."

We mingled with the quests after dinner. The head table was served. Soon dad and Nancy had their first dance to `I always loved you.'. Then I danced with Nancy while Dad danced with Nikki then grandma. He pulled me up and insisted on dancing with me. Talk about feeling awkward. Soon everyone was dancing. The DJ mixed up the music between 80's, 90's remixes and more up to date stuff.

I stood to the side and watched as Dad and Nancy stepped up to cut the cake. Dad earlier and reassured me that no matter what I was his son and loved me. Which made me relax a lot more. I smiled as they both held the knife to cut the cake.

"Well is that a beautiful scene. My brother and his pretty little bitch bride cutting the cake." Slurred Aunt Ruth.

I knew it was too good to be true. Ruth just couldn't let anyone to be happy. I watched as Dad stepped forward but Grandma was faster.

"Ruth Anne, I would like to have a moment with you please."

"Why so you can throw me out.? I have a right to be at my own brother's wedding don't I? Why wasn't I invited?'" Ruth said as Grandma lead her out of the tent.

"In a word, Yes." Grandma said grasping her arm.

. Ruth pulled free. I staggered out of Grandma's grasp. I watched as she looked around.

"Here's to the fucking happy couple. May they enjoy there married life until that little faggot ruins it for them. Just like he did mine." She said raising a glass high in the air before downing its contents.

"Ruth our marriage was over long before Noah came here. You have yourself to blame for it final demise. Your endless unwarranted attacks on against this young man made it impossible for me to even look at you not alone be near you." Uncle teddy said stepping up to her face.

She spits in his face. "Yeah protect your fucking bastard."

"he is Jared's child and my nephew. Unlike with you, family comes first with me. Why don't you just leave."

Before she could say anything more two police officers grabbed her and put her in a cab. The Cops had been called by Uncle marc. They were just down the road directing traffic. There was about four hundred people at the reception.

"Well looks like someone really has been celebrating. What I don't know nor do I care as long as it's not here. Cut that cake bro and let's party!" Uncle Marc said grabbing Suze and twirling her around. That broke the tension. We all laughed.

Dad didn't do the mashing of the cake thing, Nancy did though. After the cake cutting Nancy pulled me aside. She gave me a big hug and kiss on the cheek then pulled me onto the dance floor.

"I want to thank you for all of this. I was at my wits end. If you hadn't taken control it would have been a mess. Thank you Noah." She said wish a kiss on my cheek.

The part went on long after the caterers cleaned up. I paid the DJ double to stay. Dad and Nancy went off on their honey moon which consisted of a luxury suite in The Embassy Suites Hotel in Lexington.

Ez and I danced forgetting the people around us. When a slow dance came we were almost cuddling. I was so happy I forgot that he has to report back to Camp Lejeune on Saturday.

I watched as Sam danced with some girl he brought. She seemed nice but had a little edge to her. Nikki spent the whole Night dancing with TJ. When they weren't dancing they were arm in arm. TJ was a totally different person.

When the last guest left it was just after eleven. This was EZ last night here. I knew it would be a long time before I saw him again. I felt a tear run down my cheek as we stood there in the shower facing each other. We had just broken a sweet kiss. I felt Ez wipe away a tear with his thumb.

We dried off and Ez took my hand and led me the bed. He kissed me again then gently laid me down. He laid on top and we continued our kiss. I felt his tongue push between my lips and slowly explore my mouth. I reached around him and held him tight against me. I then wrapped my legs around his waist.

I felt his erection leaving precum on my hole. I moaned as I felt the head brush against my entrance. he maneuvered around until he had it pushed completely against my hole. I pushed against it and felt it enter. I didn't need lube. Between his large amount of precum and my desire, I felt little pain.

He broke the kiss and kept pushing in slowly. He watched my face and smiled as tried to push against him more to hurry him up. When he bottomed out he leaned forward and pressed even deeper into me. He started to slowly pull out. When he reached the halfway point. He pushed back in.

I arched my back a little bit more to raise my ass as he slowly thrusted into me. I felt him hit my prostate as he moved in and out of me. The only time he stopped kissing me was when he nibbled on my neck and ear.

I moaned into his mouth. He picked up his pace and was moving at nice steady rhythm. I could feel his heart beat faster and mine matched his heart every beat. I felt my dick grow harder as it was being massaged between our bodies. I was close.

I groaned as I exploded in between us. I felt my hole tighten against his hard dick as he groaned and felt him shoot inside me. It was like a tiny cannon of pleasure going off inside me. He kept shooting for a good thirty seconds. I felt every volley which made me cum again.

We laid there with him on top of me and still inside of me for a good ten minutes. I felt him start to harden again and he started to pump into me again. We lasted a little longer this time. I don't know if I actually shot another load of cum out but I felt the pleasure of it. He shot another though which had me flooding with cum dripping out of my ass as he finally pulled out.

We talked for a bit afterwards about how we can communicate. Since they monitored everything we decided on the secret words. I was going to recruit Nikki for skype. She would be in front of the cam while we talked. We eventually settled on the co-word Puck meaning I love you.

The next morning was hard. I watched EZ pack his duffle bag. He was leaving his civvies here since he wouldn't be allowed off base. Once he returned he would be on lock down. Dad didn't have to be back until Saturday thanks to the Major.

I was trying to be strong and not cry as he loaded his bag into the Major's Land Rover. I was failing miserably too. I felt the tears beginning to run down my face. I felt as if he was being taken away from me.

I gave him a kiss and held on to him and he wrapped them arms around me. "I'll be back before you know it baby. The war is winding down. The President is going to be pulling troops out soon. This is the last big push."

"It maybe a month or a year EZ but it will seem like forever to me."

"For me too babe." He kissed me and got into the land rover.

I watched as the Land Rover disappeared from site. I felt like my world was about to come crashing down on me. I had to go through this again tomorrow when dad left. That will be even harder for me.

I slept fitfully that night. I woke up every hour. I know this because I would look at the clock and see it was an hour later since I looked at it. At six I finally decided to give it up and went and took a shower. I made myself some coffee.

It was 9 when the door opened and Dad walked in I put on another pot of coffee, I had drunk a whole pot. I didn't say anything and neither did he. We sat there as he drank the first cup. I didn't want any more I was already jumpy from the pot I drank.

I watched as he stood up and walked around the table. He pulled me up and hugged me. I started to cry. He held me while I let it all out. I felt him rub my back. When I finally stopped crying. He held me away from him and leaving his hands on my shoulders. He had tears too.

"Noah, I want you don't want to see both your dad and boyfriend go off to a war zone. I will move heaven and earth to get back home to you and Nancy. You both are more important to me than all the gold in the world."

"I know Dad but I can't help but be scared. If something happened to you or Ez I'd be lost."

"Nothing is going to happen to me. I will do everything in my power to keep Ez safe too. I promise you." He said to me resting his forehead against mine. He gave me a little kiss on the lips.

I was a bit perturbed at him. Nancy had taken a job at the school at Camp Lejeune. She was going to leave tomorrow. I mean what the fuck. She gets to stay with Dad until he leaves but not me. I know I was jealous but felt it was well deserved. I had begged Dad to let me go too, but unfortunately he said he couldn't do it.

I watched as he said good bye to Grandma. He came to me I was still a bit mad. When he hugged me. I know he felt how stiff I was.

"Noah, if I could I bring you too. I just can't do it. Don't be angry at me for that. I love you so much. Having you angry with me when I about to leave would hurt beyond anything I could imagine. Okay little buddy?'"

Oh that was so unfair. He played that card and then He used the Little Buddy one on top of it. I gave in and hugged him back.

"I know Dad. I love you too." I said returning his hug and sniffing my Dad's musky scent. I'd have to carry that smell with me for a while plus a dirty tee T-shirt from him and Ez a snuck out of the laundry basket.

He went to Sam and gave him a quick hug. "Take care of my kid while I'm gone ok Sam?"

"Oh leave me with the hard job while you guys off fighting terrorist. I wanna trade jobs. Yours will be easier." Sam joked.

Dad got into his Cherokee waved and drove off. I watched the car disappear. I couldn't help it I ran and followed it to the road. I watched as it stopped just before a turn. He stepped out and waved then he pulled out his phone. I received a text. `Turn around and count to thirty'. I looked at him and he made a motion to turn around so I did. When I turn back around he was gone.

I walked back down the drive feeling lost and alone. Yeah I still had Sam and Grandma but they couldn't fill the void of dad and Ez. I heard another text come in. `Never watch someone leave from your sight if you want them to return.'

Sam and I went to the river that evening at sunset. We didn't talk much but just sat there. I got some comfort knowing Sam was there for me as watched the river flow.

I watched as it flowed. I threw a rock watching it skip across the water a few times before it sunk. I thought about how like the stone in the water life was. It would skip through your life and disappear. The stone skips through leaving a few ripples in the water, like people, only to sink to the bottom and be part of the river. That stone were people making ripples in my life. They became memories. Then became part of the foundation of my life's experiences. Like the stone became part of the river.


"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." ? Joss Whedon

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 30

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