
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 2, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 30

The Thursday following the wedding. I had lots of yard work to do. I had to mow the grass around the house. Even with the rider it was an all morning job. Especially if you have to dump the cuttings bag nine times. Made good mulch though for next year.

After lunch, I had to weed the gardens. It was amazing how much weeds grew in just two weeks. I then spread out some cedar mulch over the soil to deter all but the most determined of insects.

I then had to repair the fences around the vegetable garden. There was some digging involved in this job. If you ever had rabbits attack your garden, you know what I mean.

I dug a foot-deep trench around Grandma's garden, which was about thirty feet by sixty feet. Which was about one hundred eighty feet. If Sam hadn't dropped by I wouldn't have finished.

I did the trench while he slammed in six-foot metal stakes into the middle on the trench. We then put new chicken wire around the garden. The last part was filling in the trench.

At the gate to the enclosed garden we dropped large block of stone in the trench. The gate wasn't anything fancy it was just chicken wire attached to a pole that could be tied to the fence.

"Doesn't your Grandma usually hire someone to do all of this.?" Sam asked when we were done.

"Yeah, I needed to distract myself. They shipping out today." I said plopping down in the grass.

"Man that sucks a big one." Sam said plopping down next to me.

"Yeah and not in the good way." I said laying back in the grass to watch the clouds floating by.

I had gotten to talk to Dad for ten minutes around three o'clock yesterday.

"Hey list buddy, I have to go shower and meet Nancy at 1600 hrs. I love you buddy."

"Love you too Dad. Be safe okay."

"I will talk to you soon, bye."

I talked to Ez around seven that night for three good hours. Dad had returned just as lights out was called at ten.

I was a little resentful that he spent five hours with Nancy and only ten minutes with me. I knew that she was his wife and all that but, that old green monster still lurked.

Sam and I took a quick shower in the Barn gym shower. Yeah we both jobbed up each other's dicks and dropped a load. We didn't do anything more than stroke each other off. It was still hot though. Ez said he didn't care if I jerked off with Sam as long as that was all we did. I still felt like I was cheating though. I knew I'd tell him though.

We then ate some dinner with Grandma. She told me that Grandpa was really doing bad now. It was just a matter of time. He had two strokes in the past month. I third one would, well you know.

I hadn't seen Grandpa since the first stroke. I couldn't take it. His whole left side just seemed to droop. He didn't seem to notice anything around him. You could have him staring at a white wall or the TV and his eyes wouldn't move or show any life. For all purposes my grandpa was already gone.

Sam and I decided to take the horses for a run after dinner. We saddled them up and took the power line down to the high school. As we passed the school we noticed that someone had added to the sign. Hazard High School Home of the Fagget.

"They spelled faggot wrong. As much as redneck's like to use the word they should be able to spell it." I said.

"Dude some of these fuckers are lucky they can spell their own name."

We rode to the river and tethered our horses to some trees. We sat and talked about dumb shit that teens talk about. I had been wondering about something for a while now. I figured now was as good as any time to ask.

"Sam I was wondering something. If you don't want to answer it's cool."

"Now you got my curiosity up so, you better ask."

"I know you said you used condoms with Linda and I know she fucked Pork. What are the chances that it's your baby?" I asked. Sam stared out for a minute then answered.

"She kept trying get me not use a condom but I refused not to go unprotected. As far as I know she only fucked Pork that one time. I mean why would she want to fuck that fat assed needle dick. Honestly I don't know."

"So either the condom had a hole in it or Pork's the daddy." I said.

"Well someone told me she had been fucking someone else too."


"They wouldn't tell me."

"Well that leave's a third possibility."

I Hope it's not me. I don't want to be tied to that cumbag the rest of my life."

"Don't blame you."

We headed home before it got dark. We put the horses in their stalls. We washed and brushed them. I gave them some extra oats. Sam gave me a hug and said good bye as he headed down the trail that separated our farm from His aunt and uncle's place.

I went into the house Grandma was watching CNN. The news as usual was about war, murder and politics. Which was usually all the same thing. I told grandma about the sign and she just sighed. I decided to head to my trailer.

I wrote Dad an email. Telling him about my day. I figured it wouldn't be answered for a few days. I sent one to Ez too. I used a different account I became Norma in that one. I told him all that love stuff you know you say when you miss your boyfriend.

Sleep came easy that night I thought about dad over there in some waste land of a country. I thought of Ez too. I missed them more than ever. I know they weren't here a lot of times but they were within driving distance. Now they are on the other side of the world.

I thought of the last time we made love. It was the morning he left. I was instantly hard. I stroked myself as I fingered my hole. Dreaming it was Ez's fingers. I didn't last long but it was intense. I shot up over my head onto the headboard. Then my face, chest and abs. I reached for my towel and cleaned myself and the headboard. Cum leaves nasty stains on wood.

The next day the trees along the drive had to be pruned. Normally this would be done later in the winter but with all that had been going on it was forgotten.

Pruning them itself would have been an all day job if Hank, Sam and six of their football buddies weren't hired to help. We had paired off into four groups two on either side of the road.

One would saw off the limbs and would use latex paint to cover up the wound to prevent bugs from killing the trees. The other would saw the limbs into smaller pieces and put them in the large wagon pulled by the horses. We had a back access road so that would be used while we worked.

I took all day and four wagon loads of wood. We took a lunch break and went right back to work. It didn't help much that it was ninety degrees and humid out either. We all stripped down to just our shorts.

I have to tell you watching seven shirtless sweaty football jocks was not easy for a gay boy. I had constant wood all day. there was no way to hide it either. The guys joked about it though. They seemed to like the idea that they got me hard. I guess it's an ego boost for straight boys to turn on a gay boy. I noticed a few woods on them too.

I was working with Sam by four we were done the pruning. Unfortunately, the guys cutting up the branches were about a dozen trees behind. When the pruners got done they joined us and helped us finish up.

Sam and I got on the seat of the wagon and the guys got into the back. We drove the horses down to road so we could turn around. I noticed a car parked a little way up. It was unusual because our closest neighbor was a half mile up on the other side I didn't recognize it.

I forgot about it as we went back up the drive it was a quarter mile long drive. The horses seemed to know this was the last load. They went a little faster this time. We could have used just two but decided on using all four.

"Let's leave the wood until tomorrow. I am exhausted." I said.

"Can't do it tomorrow bro." Sam said.

"I thought you knew this was a two-day job."

"Yeah I know we can do it Sunday." Sam said looking at me strangely.

"why not tomorrow?" I asked.

"Bro tomorrow is your birthday."


"Bro we celebrating your birthday tomorrow."

"why? I never did before."

"Never?" said one of the other guys, Brian Jenkins.


"Damn Noah, we gotta do something." Said B-Bob, his name was really Billy Bob Dupree. Yeah, he was a redneck but was a really cool guy and pretty smart too.

"It's just another day to me."

We were all a sweaty, smelly, dirty mess. Sam and I lead them to the shower in barn gym. Even though it had only two shower heads it was large enough to fit all of us. Four though had decided to just head home. That left Sam, Hank, Billy Bod and me.

The guys were awestruck at the gym equipment.

"You use all this stuff" B-Bob asked.

"Every other day."

"That explains why your bigger than you were last fall bro." said Hank.

"Yeah man you're getting built. Your almost as big as me." said B-Bob striking a pose and showing off his guns. He really was a big guy. Almost as big as dad.

I smiled. I couldn't help but blush at the compliment. I was already bigger than Sam. I had noticed that yesterday when we took a shower. Hank was big too but his wasn't a solid muscle big.

"Don't know about you guys but I am getting in the shower. I stink almost as bad as you guys." Sam said as he sat down and untied his work boots.

"Yeah me too." Said B-bob as he kicked off his sneaks and dropped his basketball shorts and under wear.

"Guess that makes three." said Hank as he started to strip off clothes.

I was hard a s rock. All that hot male nudity was making the blood rush to my dick. I didn't want to embarrass myself. So I made the decision to use the one in the trailer.

"I'll use the one in the trailer. You guys can use this one."

"Dude if you're worried about having wood. Look at ole Sammy boy over there. Three strokes and he would shoot." Said B-bob pointing at Sam standing there with his hard pointing straight at us.

B-bob as he put an arm around my shoulder. "Dude seriously it's cool I seen all these guys with wood. It's no big thing."

"Especially me." he added looking down at his five-inch wood. It was small but had some girth to it.

I shrugged. What the fuck. I sat un tied my boots. Stood up stripped my shorts while Sam got the showers started and adjusted the temperature. I hung back a little. I waited until I saw all three head to get in the shower. I followed.

B-bob and hank shared a shower head while Sam and I shared one. Sam turned me around and started washing my back. His hands felt good. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. I felt his hands reach around and start washing my chest. I felt his hard dick against my butt cheek.

I opened my eyes and saw Hank was being washed by B-bob. Hank was hard he had about a six and half inch dick. I looked up at B-bob and he smiled and looked down and my dick.

"You pretty got a pretty big dick bro. If the chicks ever saw that they'd be trying to convert, you." B-bob giggled as his hands dropped to Hank's ab's.

I felt Sam grab hold of my dick and start to stroke it. I moaned and closed my eyes. It felt so good. I opened them again when I heard Hank moan. Hank and B-bob were facing each other and stroking the other's dicks.

Sam turn me around to face him. My hand instinctively went to his dick. I slowly stroked him. He leaned back against the wall. And grunted and shot a load. He stayed hard and I kept stroking him.

I was still a little nervous about all of this so I knew it would take me a while to cum. I heard Hank gasp "I'm gonna shoot." I watched as he shot out a nice load onto B-bob's tight eight pack. Yeah I said eight-pack.

"let's switch bro's B-bob said as he grabs hold of my dick.

I hesitantly grabbed his I never stroked a dick that small. I had used three fingers under it and my thumb on top. He smiled.

"Yeah bro. That's it." he said in a husky whisper in my ear as picked up pace on my dick. I was getting close.

I reached under and played his big balls for a few seconds as he pumped my meat. I felt them start to pull up. I looked over at Sam and hank they were there watching us as their fist's pounded their dicks. I could tell they both were close too.

I let go of B-bob's balls and ran my fingers through the trimming pubic area above his dick. I heard him moan softly "OH yeah that's it do that. Oh man yeah that feels so good."

I felt my dick erupt I shot my load on his abs. I looked up and he was smiling. "Yeah buddy, shoot that load on me." He reached up with his free hand and rubbed my cum all over his abs.

He pushed my hand off his dick and stroked it. I heard him moan. He pushed me down on my knees. I panicked a little I thought he was going to try and get me to suck his dick. I looked up and saw thick white cream ooze out his dick onto my forhead.

I was hard again. I was on my knees still so, I leaned back against the shower wall and pounded my dick. Sam and Hank stood over me and beat theirs. I watched them as jerk off over me. it was something out of a porn movie and was the star.

I was close again I heard Sam groan and felt his cum hit my chest. It wasn't as big as the last load but it was a lot all the same. Hank started groaning and shot his load on my arm.

B-bob was moaning again. I felt B-bob put his dick against my lips. Instinctively I opened my mouth and my lips went around the head. I moaned as I started shooting. The vibration of my moan made B-bob shoot his load in my mouth.

He shot a bigger load than before. His cum flooded my mouth. I swallowed as fast as could. But it seemed to keep coming out of him. When he finally finished. He pulled his dick out.

I swallowed the rest of his cum. It was thick and salty. It had a bit of sweetness to it too. I had to admit as a savored the flavor it tasted great. Who would have thought redneck cum tasted that good?

Sam helped me up and we rinsed off. I stood under the shower as they washed all the cum off of me. I thought about what just happened. Jerking off each other was ok but I just sucked someone's dick and it wasn't my Ez's I cheated on Ez.

"Welcome to team bro. you just been initiated. Now ya gotta play some ball this year." B-bob said.

I was quiet I was all up in my head about what happened. Sam noticed I was quiet though the others didn't seem feel anything was out of the ordinary concerning me.

Hank and B-bob said their good byes and drove off on B-bob's old Yamaha. Sam and I bowled on Wii. I was pretty good I almost got a perfect score. But Sam cheated and poked me just as hit the release. I did beat his ass every game though.

Sam and I ordered a pizza for dinner since Grandma had gone to see Dad off. I could have gone but felt it would be too hard to take. Dad and Ez both understood.

"Bro, you bugging about the shower stuff? We do that all the time bro. it ain't nothing." Sam said as we ate and flipped through the channels.

"Not the jerking off part but sucking on B-bobs dick."

"Noah, you didn't suck his dick man he shot his load in your mouth."

"Same thing Sam."

"Noah, that was the initiation part. The guys shoot their load in the noobs mouth."

"Look Noah, you said you would play this year. So would have happened anyway. He was supposed to do it with the first load." Sam said when he saw I wasn't convinced.

"I have to tell Ez." Was all I said.

We watched a marathon of `Married with Children' u8ntil we decided it was time to head to bed. Sam jumped in the shower. I knew he was beating off. Sam's not that quiet sometimes.

I emailed Ez under Norma and told him how my little brother cheated on his boyfriend. I told him about the initiation. I stared at the computer screen ready to hit send. I knew it might piss him off and break up with me. it felt like a was sending him a dear John letter. I took a breath and hit send. I had to tell him.

I brushed my teeth and pissed and jumped in beside Sam. I had turned the other bedroom into a little computer room. It wasn't the first time I shared a bed with Sam. I was actually glad he was there. Not having anyone else on the farm made me a bit nervous.

I laid there thinking about what happened. About how good B-bob's cum tasted. I still liked Ez's taste better but B-bob's tasted better than Sam's. I thought about how Ez would react to what happened.

I know I could have kept it from him a chances are he wouldn't be the wiser. I mean it's a secret initiation and all that crap. I just couldn't stand the quilt of it though. I had no choice but to tell him. I just hope he forgives me. I don't know when I fell asleep but I did.

"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." ? Joss Whedon

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

People who live in glass houses shouldn't take baths. From a high school teacher

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 31

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