
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 3, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 31

I woke up the next morning and the bed was empty. I could smell bacon cooking. I loved the smell of bacon cooking. I glanced at the clock 7 am. I followed my nose to the kitchen to see Sam standing at the stove pulling out slices of thick bacon. He looked back at6 me a started laughing.

"I know you love bacon man. But I didn't think it would give you wood." Sam said tugging my dick.

I had forgotten I was naked. I didn't blush though. Not even over the fact that my dick was pointing the way in front of me. I turned around as he put the eggs in the pan. I went to the bathroom, took my piss and washed my face and hands.

. I pulled on some shorts and went back to the kitchen Sam was pouring orange juice. On the table was two plates full of bacon, scrambled eggs and toast.

"Sit down birthday boy." Sam smiled.

After breakfast he told me he had plans for us the whole day. We quickly showered and helped each other rub one out. We dressed in shorts and t-shirts. Sam grabbed two bags he had packed earlier and I followed him out of the trailer.

Grandma will be coming back after seeing Dad and Ez off. I peeked inside and it was quiet. I left a note telling grandma I was going out with Sam. If she needed me to call.

"Keys bro." Sam said holding out his hand for my car keys.

By nine we were on the road. Sam wouldn't tell me where we were going. We drove for a little over an hour. The only thing I knew was the direction was westward and then south on route 75. No matter how I asked he just smirk.

He took the Williamsburg exit and we followed Route 92 past a mall. It was Ten fifteen when he pulled into the parking lot of Splash Water Park. Sam text someone. We parking spot near the front.

"Cool, I never been to one of these places."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me that."

Sam turned off the engines grabbed our bags and we went to the entrance. Sam the whole time was texting away. I was getting a bit annoyed at that. I hope he doesn't do that the whole day. it might put a cramp in the fun part.

"Wait here." Sam said as we got to the entrance.

Sam went up to the ticket booth and came back with our tickets. We walked into the park. I followed Sam to locker room area where we changed into board shorts.

We joked the whole time with each other. Sam kept texting the whole time though. I was really getting pissed at that.

"Sam are you gonna be texting the whole day?" I said I must have sounded a bit testy when I said it.

"Sorry bro just one last text and I am done." He said as we crossed a bridge. We stopped and Sam surveyed the area. I did too I noticed a lot of hotties. Sam of course was looking at the babes. I turned around to say something and he had disappeared.

I knew he had to have gone right so I went that way. I heard my phone. It was a text from Sam. `Turn around last text as promised.' I'm turned around.

"SURPRISE!" people shouted.

I jumped backwards and fell on my ass. I was shocked. I stared at the whole group. There was Grandma smiling. Sam of course and the whole football team and their girlfriends, minus some guys of course, Connor and company.

They had a good laugh at my expense as B-bob helped me up. "Bro, that was some fuckin' funny as shit. I thought you was gonna have a heart attack." He said.

I got birthday wishes from everyone. We all took off. A few of went to the triple slide. It was fun. We had decided to have a contest there was twelve of us so we decided the winners of the race of the first race would compete. Two of the guys and I went down I won. The last race the Champion Race for King of the Triple Slide consisted of B-bob and myself. Since one was enclosed and faster we ignored that one.

We took off. I couldn't see the other guys but I kept myself flat on my back arms to my side and went down like a bullet. I was streamlined and as aerodynamic as I could get. There were three splashes. It almost seemed at the same time. I had hit second right after B-bob.

We decided to take a break and eat lunch. We went to the area where Grandma and Nikki were setting up food. The park provided pizzas and Pepsi for birthday parties. I hated Pepsi. It had a dry after taste.

"Grandma this so cool thank you."

"Don't thank me. it was Sam's idea."

I saw Sam over talking to some hot girl I didn't know. He was flexing a bit. Trying to not seem obvious about it. I figured I would thank him latter. I didn't want to cock block him. Since Linda Sam had been flying solo. I can't blame him though. She could leave any guy gun shy with relationships. I was smiling as I watched Sam lay on the charm. I jumped a little when someone pulled me back and hug me from behind.

"Happy birthday Cuz." And felt a big kiss on my neck.

The arms let me go and I looked and saw TJ smiling ear to ear. I couldn't help but pull him into a hug. TJ and I had a rough start but we became very close. We emailed and talked a lot on the phone. We became more like brothers.

He returned my hug.

"This makes it almost perfect." I said breaking the hug.

"Just almost? I am hurt." TJ said with a fake pout.

"Well it be perfect if Dad and Ez were here."

"Yeah, I bet you miss them already bro."

I nodded as we walked to Grandma. She had her back to us. Uncle teddy was with her as she talked to some guy that was talking and waving his hands. We got close enough we could hear him talking.

"Ma'am all I am saying is that you have one hundred people we are not for large parties as this one is. You should have gotten a group pass." You could tell he was getting agitated.

"The park had no problem taking the check for five-hundred dollars' sir. I don't see why all of the sudden this is an issue." Grandma said calmly and sweetly. You could tell by the expression on the guys face it was annoying him even more.

"Ma' am you don't understand the."

"No sir you don't understand the situation. The park took the money with the understanding that it would provide the refreshments for my nephew's birthday party. If it can fill that obligation, it is liable. As the family attorney, I will be obligated file suit against the park for the money to be returned and for damages." Said Uncle Teddy.

Even in board shorts he was intimidating. Uncle teddy had been visiting me off and on since he filed for divorce from Ruth. he said he didn't want to be a father figure. I already had that. He wanted to be an uncle and friend. It took me awhile but I believe him.

"I am sure we can work things out." the guy said.

"I hope so." Said Uncle teddy standing there with his arms crossed.

"What we could do is give each guest a five-dollar coupon for the Rainbow Café?"

"Make it ten-dollars and ten pizzas and we have a deal." Grandma stated.

Another gentleman joined the group. He was grey haired and round. "I am Jim Wool the manager of the parks here in Williamsburg. What seems to be the problem?"

Grandma introduced her and Uncle teddy. She explained the situation before the other guy could speak. She told him about the offer she had made to solve the problem.

"I think that is a fair solution Mrs. Mac Daniels." He said.

"Give them twenty dollar coupons and the pizzas and refund of one-hundred dollars for their inconvenience. We will talk latter on how to better handle this type of situation." He told the guy.

He shook our hands. "I am sorry for the mess up. I hope you enjoy the rest of the day and happy birthday young man."

Twenty minutes later I was sitting down eating a burger and fries with a Mountain Dew. My table consisted of TJ, Nikki, Sam, Hank, B-bob and me. We laughed and joked about dumb teenager shit. I was having fun. The guilt I felt over the shower thing was in the back of mind.

Grandma came over and set her lap top in front of me I pulled up a video file. It was from my Dad. I hit play and dad appeared in his camo's.

"Hey Buddy, I am sorry I can't be there today for your birthday. I just want you to know that at the time you're watching this I am thinking of you. I know this because Grandma and I set up the time. We both know how punctual she is.

I want to tell you something. When I saw you for the first time you were seven years old. I loved from that moment on. Even as a teenager I felt a sadness in you and vowed to myself I would do all I can to make you happy.

After high school I spent the whole summer looking for you. I almost found you twice. Once in Pittsburgh I missed you by a day. the second time was in Pottstown. By the time I got there the house was raided two days earlier. No one knew where you were.

The happiest Day of my life though was when I walked into your Grandma's house and saw you. I held you tight. I vowed then and there I would be there for you no matter what. I may be far away in distance from you but in my heart your right here. I am in yours too baby boy remember that. I love you and happy birthday son."

"Oh by the way your birthday present is in the work shop."

Grandma asked me if I wanted to play Ez's now or in private. I decided to watch it in private. That guilty feeling came back. The only one sitting at the table with me was TJ. He noticed the change come over me.

"Noah dude you know they will back right?" God bless TJ but he had missed interpreted the reason for my mood change.

"Yeah, I know that."

I told him about the shower. How I emailed Ez about it and the guilt I felt for being unfaithful. TJ listened patiently as told him everything. he nodded here and there.

"Listen Noah, You're joining the team right."

"If I get passed the tryouts."

"Dude I seen play scrimmage games with us guys. You'd make great receiver. Fuck dude every time you got the ball you left us eating your dust. You'll make the team."

"Either way what does that have to do with what happened in the shower?"

"You would still have to be initiated. Now you don't have to worry about it. B-bob is co-captain so it's done with."

We got up and started walking towards Grandma who was waving at us to join them.

"I guess your right but I still feel guilty."

"Why because you didn't spit out his load?" TJ giggled.

"How would you know I spit it out or not?"

"Cuz, your gay. I can't see you spitting out a load of cum."

I blushed.

"I rest my case." TJ laughed as we got to the table.

"TJ stop teasing your cousin." Grandma said looking at my red face.

"What kind of cousin would I be if I didn't tease my favorite cousin."

"He's your only cousin TJ." Uncle Teddy said.

"Well at least I can't be his least favorite cousin then." I chirped up.

"True." They all said.

Everyone was gathered around the table Grandma moved to the side. At the end of the table was a big cake. It was decorated with a picture of a scene from us in `Were the World Mine'. Everyone started singing happy birthday day to me. there were seventeen candles on it.

I felt a little teary eyed. I had never had a birthday party. It hadn't dawned on me until this moment that this is what it is. I just stared at everyone. I felt so weird. Not necessarily in a bad way. I just felt like I was dreaming. I half expected to wake up and find myself in an alley.

"Hey bro. Make a wish and blow out the candles before there's wax all over the cake." Sam poked me.

I made my wish and blew out the candles. I ain't telling my wish either. So don't ask me. Grandma gave me a knife and I cut the cake. First slice goes to the birthday boy I was told.

We all got our slice of cake it was just enough too. It was three and we decided five was the time to call it quits for the party. People could stay if they wanted though.

TJ, Nikki, B-bob Sam and I played some miniature golf. I did a lot better than I did in Top Sail. I came in first, not by much but a win is a win. I beat B-bob by 2 points. Nikki came in last place. I teased her about being as bad as my Dad.

Nikki wanted to lay out in the sun. Sam and B-bob went girl hunting. TJ and I decided to catch some Rays too but in the castaway river. He chilled in our tubes. We rested our feet on the others tube so we would stay together. We chatted here and there about whatever came to mind.

"You fags disgust me." we heard some guy say.

We paid it no attention. We figured whoever he was talking to could handle it themselves.

"You two fruit loops need to do that somewhere else. This is place is for us decent folks." We heard him say again.

We looked behind us and there was an older man floating behind us. No one else was nearby. He was talking to us.

"You talking to us sir?" TJ asked.

"You see any other faggots here?"

"Sir, you are making an assumption about my cousin and myself without knowing any facts. Even if we were gay sir. We have done nothing to warrant your verbal attack." TJ replied. The guy just stared at him.

"Sir you owe us an apology." TJ smiled at him.

"Don't owe you shit boy. Mind your manners. I don't know what becoming of kids now-a-days. They disrespectful." He said to his wife who was looked like a whale trying to stay afloat.

"Sir with all due respect. I rather lick a monkey's balls and ass than follow your example." TJ said in a tone that he had been using.

"I know who you are." said the woman pointing at me. we were coming around the next to last bend.

"He that Fagboy that got that poor girl pregnant and locked her up for it." she said to her husband.

TJ and I looked at each other and started laughing so hard we fell out our tubes. I mean I heard that some people get shit confused but that was really over the top.

"If I am a fag, why would I be knocking up a girl? It kind of goes against being fag doesn't it?" I asked TJ.

"Certainly does Cuz."

"You trying to make a fool out my wife boy? I will beat your fuckin' ass boy." The man said.

"No sir." I said.

"Didn't think so boy."

"Your wife did that by herself." I added. As we came to the end of the river. I added. I would have left it with no sir but I hate that boy shit.

"Listen you little faggot. I don't like your kind. I might down to that little town and burn you out." he said grabbing my arm.

Before I could say anything the life guard was there pulling the man away. He asked us to stay until the guards took a statement. A few kids who came out behind the older couple came over to us and told us they heard the whole thing.

By now a crowd has gathered the man was making all kinds of threats. The guards pulled them away from us and took statement. Another guard took TJ's and mine statements along with the kids that were behind the couple.

"Sir I am asking you to leave and not come back." The manager said.

"I have season passes. It's that faggots fault. We are decent people. You let them fags take over." He yelled.

"Sir please lower your voice and curb your language. Now sir I am asking you to leave peacefully or I will have escorted out."

"I ain't going fucking nowhere. I am a Christian. Take that faggot out." he yelled pointing in my direction. I felt TJ take my hand.

They manager motioned for two guards. Who took hold of the man and lead him away.

"I am gonna kill you fag boy I know where you live." He yelled back at me.

The manager came over to us. "I am sorry sirs. We do not discriminate here and don't allow that type of behavior from employees or guests."

"Actually we are cousins. He just assumed we were gay." TJ told him. He didn't say we both were straight nor denied us as being gay either. He just corrected an assumption.

"Oh then I am sorry for assuming that you were gay." He apologized.

"Sir do you have that gentlemen's name and address?" Uncle Teddy asked. I didn't know he was there or Grandma.

"Sir I cannot divulge that information unless for legal purposes."

"Well the fact that he just threatened my nephew's life, I think that's legal precedence. Also considering this is a public park, owned I believe by the City, I believe you can release it."

"Let me check on that sir."

I felt like shit at that point. I hate being the focus of gossip and I knew that the people there were doing just that. My face had been in the newspapers on TV. You would think that because I was minor the media would show discretion. Yeah right.

I walked between Uncle Teddy and TJ as we headed to the office. I heard someone say as we passed them. "Are you sure that's the guy. He doesn't look queer." God I hated this shit. I can't even have a decent birthday without crap, I hated Hazard. Now I hate the state too.

I realize they might have meant no harm. Though after that old man and his fat wife. I really didn't want to hear fag queer or anything of the kind. Why can't I be just that kid that got attacked. Why does it have to be that queer kid that got beat up.

We sat in a small waiting room. While the manager went into an office. He came back out five minutes later with the guy's name and address and handed it to Uncle Teddy. Who thanked him.

We left the office. I was done. I wanted to go home and crawl into bed. My head hurt so bad I felt sick to my stomach. I made a run for the rest room. I pushed open a stall and emptied my stomach. I finished and went and washed my face. I looked in the mirror. I saw someone from my past staring back at me. I saw the son of a whore, a crack head and junkie. I saw a kid who was rotten to the core. I felt the tears well up.

I turned away from the mirror so I couldn't see him. When I saw him I wanted to cry. I wasn't going to cry. Big boys don't cry. I can hear my mother saying that to me right now in my head. Fuck too late. I ran to the stall and ran into somebody.

"Sorry" I mumbled and stepped to the side. Only to be pulled to them.

"It's ok Noah." I heard Uncle Teddy say.

I cried hard. Not for long though. I felt his rubbing my back. And telling me to let it out. I was done but didn't move right away. When I did I turned and washed my face. I wondered if he was acting like a father just then or an uncle. Either way I felt a little better as I washed my face again.

"Sorry." I said when turned around.

"You been through a lot Noah. Most adults would have broken. TJ is right when he brags about how strong you are."

"He brags about me?"

"All the time. He's told me several times how you would just ignore the taunts from people. Not sure if I am saying this right but he says. When someone throws shit at Noah he throw's it back. They just don't know he did it."

I smiled as we joined the others. Most decided to leave. Sam had already changed. So TJ and I headed to the locker room to change. We rinsed off in the shower outside. Then went in stripped off our board shorts.

TJ was still hot. I couldn't help but look. I turned away quickly and heard TJ giggle. "It's cool bro. I know you wanna look at my bod."

"It ain't like that TJ." I said defensively. Turning my back to him as I pulled on my shorts.

I felt his arms go around me. "I know you don't think that way about me bro."

"That's good dickwad." I said laughing.

He let go of me and sat on the bench and patted the seat next to me.

"I know I seem a little you know um standoffish sometimes. I don't tell people How I feel too much except for you and Nikki, especially when it real emotions and shit. I get that from Mommy dearest. I just want you to know that I love you Cuz like a brother."

I looked at TJ he was staring at his feet twisting his t-shirt in his hands. I realized how much it took for him to say that to me. For him it's leaving a place where I could hurt him i9f I wanted to. He has changed so much.

"I love you to TJ." I said giving him a hug and peck on the cheek.

"Cool now that I got the mushy shit off my chest." TJ said sanding up and flexing.

"You're a big ass TJ." I laughed.

"Nice ass too huh." He said grabbing his butt. I had to admit it was a nice bubble butt.

"You know you better love me like a brother because, technically we are." I said pulling my shirt on over my head.

"Shhh dude. I don't want anyone to know that I got fag for a brother." He said in all seriousness. If he didn't have that tell tail twinkle in his eye, I might have believed him.

"Get over it." I said throwing my towel at him.

We laughed as we left as left the locker room. We headed over towards the group standing near the exit. We shoved each other back and forth. Grandma and Uncle Teddy watched us as we approached.

TJ put his arm on my shoulder and whispered. "Hey since your brother does that mean I can get a brotherly BJ when needed?" he giggled telling me he was fucking with me.

"Only if you can return the favor."

"Oh really." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dickwad." I said shoving him.

"Cocksucker." He said shoving me back

"Duh." I replied.

We busted out laughing as we joined the group.

Nikki went home with her girlfriends so TJ decided to go with us. We all laughed and joked as we drove home. There was more traffic than there was coming here. We hit rush hour so it took us about two hours.

"Hey Cuz can hang out at your trailer for the weekend? I don't feel like being around the sibs. I need some bro time." TJ asked me.

"Sure TJ." I was surprised. He never stayed over when we hung out over the summer.

We pulled up to the farm around eight. The three of us played games until about eleven when Sam decided he had to head home. TJ and I flipped through the channels on the TV. We settled on survivor rerun.

During a commercial TJ went to bathroom and went and got us more cokes. When he came back he plopped down.

"This is so cool you know. You got your own place with no rents to bother you and tell you to go to bed and shit."

"You have met Grandma haven't you?" I laughed.

I told him how Grandma would call if she saw me still up late on a school night and tell me to go to bed. TJ had a good laugh at that. He had to admit that he could see her doing that.

We decided to watch the next episode. I wanted to check my email before it came on. So I told TJ I needed to check my email.

I ran to the little computer room that used to be the second bedroom. I had an email from dad which I quickly read which said the same thing he said in the video. I opened up Ez's under Norma

Hey babe,

Tell your brother for me That I don't think that was cheating. Besides giving a guy a BJ while his boy is away at college is a good thing, keeps him in practice. So I would say hey, go for it. Just remind him That his ass belongs to his boyfriend and should stay his.

Maybe if it was like a `brother' or family, he gave his ass too I think his boyfriend would understand too. I mean they already love each other and stuff like that it's just an expression of it.

He went on then talking to Norma aka me about all the mushy stuff you'd expect. A boyfriend to say. It's a little personal so I won't repeat it. I still have that email today. When I look at it I still get teary eyed.

I went back and sat next TJ. I knew I had a tear on my cheek but I also had a smile too. TJ put his arm on my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. "Good emails?"

"Yep." I said giving him the abbreviated version.

We watched Survivor. By the end of it we both were ready to go to bed. I offered TJ the choice of sleeping on the couch or sharing the bed. He opted for the bed.

We both stripped down. We forgot we opted for commando instead of putting on underwear. After the awkward moment I pulled out some basketball shorts and tossed them to him. I pulled on some myself and we got into bed. We both said good night and I turned out the lights. I fell asleep almost immediately.

"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." -Joss Whedon

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

People who live in glass houses shouldn't take baths. From a high school teacher

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 32

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