
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 8, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 32

When I woke up I was being spooned by TJ. His arm was protectively wrapped around me. I had the worst night mare last night. I woke up screaming. It TJ a good ten minutes to stop me crying.

I had to pee though so I gently removed my armor aka TJ's arm from around me. I slipped out to take my piss. I felt A nudge as TJ slipped beside me to pee. I had to admit TJ was not only a shower he was a grower. He was as big as Ez if not bigger.

Once we were done we took turns washing our faces and hands. I went out to pull some Frosted Flakes out and went to get some bowls, spoons and glasses. I put them on the table and saw TJ staring at me as got the milk and oj.

"What?" I asked as hit the on button on the coffee pot.

"Your no longer my favorite cousin."

"Because of last night?"

"No I decided to embrace the brother part of us. Cousin ain't working no more."

"Anymore." I corrected.

"Whatever." He said sitting down and fixing his cereal.

"So what brought this on?" I asked as I poured us some oj.

"The Bitch won't let me see the sibs."

"Why not?"

"I am a 'bad influence' on them she says." he said using the quote sign when he said bad influence.

"How is that?"

"I got caught with weed at the academy."

"Dude you don't smoke weed."

"I know my roomy stashed his weed in my sock drawer during room inspection. They didn't believe it wasn't mine."

"So what happened?"

"Dad believed me, the bitch didn't."

"What about the academy?"

"I can go back if I wanted too but fuck that place. They tell you that honor system shit but they let that fucker get away with it. They know he is a pot head. He been in and out of more rehabs than Lindsey Lohan."

"Then why did they believe him?"

"His fam's Got money."

"That's still no reason to keep you from hanging with your brother and sister."

"I also chose to live at Dad's and hang with you."

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault she is a dried up prune. I'd choose being around the Ayatollah instead of her."

"Thank's for comparing me to that freak."

"Your welcome."

"Either way bro I still need my daily fix from a sib love that I am used too. That means you since I can hang with you." He said as he went to the living room and started surfing through channels.

"What do I get out of this." I asked stopping in the hall way by the front door.

"An awesome guy for a brother."

"Cool when do I meet him?" I said as I put my hand on the door knob.

"I'm right here bro."

"Only thing I see is a pussy sitting on my couch."

"This pussy's gonna kick your ass." He said jumping off the couch and running towards me with a grin.

I took off out the door. He was close on my heals. It had rained last night so there were large patches of mud as took off behind the house. I turned the corner and slid in some. I went down on my knees, I got up and took off but not before he got me by my shorts. They pulled down. I got away by shucking them.

I ran up the side of the house and hit another patch of mud. Instead of being smart and going around it I went through it. I slid again this time on my ass. TJ being close behind tripped over me and went head first into the mud. His knees landed on either side of me.

He pushed himself up on his hands and feet. I reached up and pulled his shorts down as I slide from between his legs. I got up and took of the way we came laughing my ass off. I watched him kick his shorts off as rounder the corner.

I ran back around to the other side of the house I turned the corner and TJ jumped me. We both Landed in the mud. We wrestled around. I had to admit any gay seeing this would be heaven. Two nude jocks wrestling in the mud.

He finally pinned me on my back his ass was on my abs. he leaned forward pinning my arms above my head. No matter what I tried I could break free. I got to admit I was bit aroused. Hey, brother or not, TJ is a hot guy. Any gay guy would be turned on. I just didn't get a bone. Yet.

"So who's the most awesome brother you got?" he said with a sinister grin.

"Don't have any awesome bro, you're the only one I got so far so." I laughed.

"Better admit it or I sit on your face."

"Dude threaten him something he won't like." We heard a familiar voice say.

"Got a point, don't want his slobber on my dick and balls." TJ said while getting up.

"I don't know about that. Speaking from experience, you don't know what you're missing." Sam laughed.

I got up with the help of TJ and we both slide again onto our asses. He threw a blob of mud at me which started a mud fight. Then a wrestling match.

Guys I like nude wrestling as much as the next guy. I just prefer it to be women." Sam said laughing at our stupid asses covered in mud.

After Sam hosed us down outside TJ and I shared a shower. TJ soaped up my back and scrubbed it down with one of those plastic like loofas. I was a bit shocked when he started to use it my ass.

" Whoa that things too rough for there." I said.

"Sorry bro didn't know your butt is so delicate." He said dropping the loofa.

I felt his hands washing the mud stains off of my ass. Then I felt him go between my crack. I got instant wood. I didn't bother to hide it. I mean he's my brother right.

"My turn." he said bending over to picking up the loofa and handed it to me.

He laughed at my wood and smacked it. "Your fault for playing in Ez land." I laughed.

"EZ land I take it is your ass."

"Butt cheeks are like suburbs. The crack like city and the hole like is capital Ez land."

"Oh man shut up brother and wash my back and ass."

I laughed and started scrubbing down his back. It's amazing to see the amount of the dirt and grim that got into the pores. Even when you think your clean. I Handed him the loofa so he can do his front. I then washed his ass.

Now TJ has a really perfect ass. I have to admit it is even nicer than Ez's. Saying it's a bubble butt is an understatement. It's not huge but each cheek is round and really firm. If he wasn't my brother I would be tempted to burry my face in his ass. Fuck I admit it; I am still tempted. I don't of course for two reasons one being he is straight. The second being, DUH, he's my brother.

TJ bent over and spread his cheeks. "Feels like there's a garden back there."

I have to admit there was some mud caked to the hair in his crack. I took the soap and ran it between those cheeks. The mud was still sticking I had no choice but to do it. I didn't know how he was going to react.

"TJ, the mud is caked into the hair. I am going to have to pull it off."

"Whatever dude. Just get it clean. It's really uncomfortable, feels like rocks."

I knelt down and started to pull the thick caked mud off of the hair. I couldn't help but smile as his hole winked at me. I didn't say anything but I was harder than ever by the time I finished.

I stood up and TJ turned around he was just as hard. "I can see why you like your ass played with that was hot."

We both ended up leaning against the wall and polished our dicks off spraying our loads on the shower curtain. We never touched each other. We just did what comes natural. I think it took us both about a dozen strokes to get off.

"I can't believe we just did that." I said as we dried off.


"We are brothers. That's like incest."

"No man it's not. It was two brothers getting off. Not like we touched each other."

"I guess."

"Just be glad B-bob is co-captain now with Conner and not me."


"The initiation bro. Unless you wanted Conner to do it."

"Eww fuck no." I said pulling on some sweats.

Once dressed in sweats and T-shirts we went out to the living room. Sam was pounding his meat. "Bro what the fuck." Sam looked over at us. I know that look all too well he is beyond stopping. We watched as Sam pumped out a cup of cum.

"Your best buddy is a horn dog brother of mine." Said TJ.

"Most definitely."

"What's with this brother of mine shit all of the sudden." I heard Sam ask. I had forgotten no one knows but family as per the agreement.

"Fuck." I said looking at TJ

"Actually it doesn't matter she broke the agreement anyway." TJ reminded me.

TJ went to get Sam a towel while I sat next to him. I couldn't help not to scoop up some of his cum and Lick it off my fingers. "Dude that's gross." TJ said as he tossed the towel at Sam.

I looked at TJ. I laughed. "Your mouth says one thing but that saying something else." I said pointing the aroused state in TJ's sweats.

"Whatever little brother. I admit it was kind of hot." TJ said plopping down in a chair.

"Ok what gives with this brother shit?"

We explained to Sam about the situation current and past. "So that's why the documents are sealed."

"Technically Ruth broke the contract when she did that protest shit. So that contract was technically null and voided. So we can tell if we want too."

We heard a truck pull up and went out just as Hank and B-bob got out. Football try outs were tomorrow so we decided to do some scrimmages. Mostly for my benefit. We gave each other bro hugs.

"Hope you don't mind but I invited a few guys to come too." B-bob said tossed the ball back and forth.

"Little brother go deep I'll toss you one." TJ said.

"What's with the little brother shit, fucked face.? We're the same age."

"Nope I am three months older so you're my little brother."

"Kiss my ass." I said and took off.

Now the front yard is huge. Grandpa back in the day when Dad played, had measured off a football field. Ten yard intervals the were a metal poles sticking up. We had a good idea of the yardage.

TJ threw the ball I put on a burst of speed. I estimated where the ball would be and put even more effort into running. I gave a slight jump and caught the ball easily.

I turned back to the guys dropped the ball and put my arms up in a V for victory. They just stood there and stared at me. I picked up the ball and ran down the field to them.

They stood there and just stared at me. "Um, guys what's up?" I asked them.

"Bro you weren't supposed to catch that." B-bob said.

"Oh sorry."

"No man you don't get it, that was like a sixty yard throw. We expected you not to catch it."


"Dude that was sixty yards. No one ever caught it when TJ throws it like that. That was awesome." Sam said.

TJ came up to me and gave me a hug. "This is going to be the year to remember. You and I going to kick ass. The Brothers will rule the field."

"You mean cousin's." Said Hank

"Nope Brothers. We have same birth Dad different mothers." TJ informed them.

"Wait TJ, you're coming back to Hazard High?" B-bob asked.



We did a few more plays as we were joined by more guys. There were now eighteen of us. Mostly guys who already played for the team. I mostly played offense after we discovered I sucked at defense as a wide receiver or half back.

We took a five-minute break. Dudes you should have seen it. Flash caught TJ's rocket ball." B-bob said. He started calling me Flash because I would take of so fast and leave the offense wondering where I went.

"Dude, I know he's fast but no can catch TJ's rocket ball." Rick Dunn aka Brick, said.

"It's true Brick." TJ said.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Brick said dismissing it.

"Ok let's do this then." TJ said standing up.

Again we did our positions as soon as I saw the ball got to TJ, I took off. He threw the ball. I put on a burst of speed. Out of the corned of my eye I seen another guy heading towards me. I pushed even harder. I estimated where the ball would be and put even more effort into running. I knew I was going to fall shorts o I leaped towards the ball. I spun around facing the guys with my back to where the field post would be. I grasped the ball. When I was hit from behind. I lost the ball.

As I went down I didn't remember anyone on the field in front of me so I was like where did he come from. He hit me in my legs and I ended up landing on my back, knocking the wind out of me. I laid there while I tried to get air into my lungs.

"What the fuck dude." I heard TJ yelling as he ran up to me.

"Yeah man that was fucked up." Sam yelled as he came to a stop.

TJ was kneeling over me. "You ok Noah?" I nodded yes.

TJ stood up, grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I looked around and saw Connor smirking. He was the one who tackled me from the sidelines. TJ marched over and shoved him hard on his ass.

"That was fucked up dude even for a dick stain like you." TJ had the most colorful insults.

"If he gonna play with men he is going to have to learn to take the hit's. This ain't no pink ball shit." Connor said getting into his face. The sad part is that he and TJ were once buddies.

"First of, fucked ass, he ain't no pussy like you and your posse. Secondly bitch. He shouldn't have to worry about being hit from the sidelines."

"What's it to you anyway. You going back to that preppy school."

"Nope I am back cum breath."

Conner didn't look to happy about that. The only reason he was voted as co-captain was because TJ left Hazard High. I could almost see the steam tub engines going in Connors head.

We went back doing more scrimmages. Connor got even more pissed off when they all wanted me to play wide receiver. Sam was the other wide receiver. Connor ended up as center. They went over some of the plays with me and some of the new guys that were there.

TJ wanted to do a Hail Mary as the last play We got into our positions. Connor was now Half back. When I saw the ball handed to TJ, I took off. He feigned a throw to Sam. I put on a burst of speed. TJ hurled the ball. I estimated the ball to hit the end zone and put I put on a burst of speed I avoided a few attempted tackles. I was supposed to have someone covering me. I saw Connor out of the corner of my eye as a guy got passed him. I pushed even harder. I leaped towards the ball. I grasped the ball and pulled it to my chest and landed on my stomach.

"TOUCHDOWN." TJ yelled. He came running up to me. He pulled me up to my feet and gave me a big bear hug. I saw Connor over his shoulder. He was pissed. I was pretty sure he allowed the guy get passed him.

Grandma had made a big thermos of lemon-aid The guys sat around the lawn drinking it. They bullshitted and joked. TJ, Sam, Hank and B-bob tried to include me but they pretty much ignored me. Mostly because of Connor. Most were afraid of him.

The try outs were today. We all were there signed up and ready to go. We went over all kinds of plays on the field. I was tackled a few times but for the most part I got through the offensive line and made a few good plays. TJ was awesome as a quarterback. There was no doubt he made the team again this year.

The coach called us all over. "Ok girls. there are sixty girls here wanting to play for the bulldogs. Only forty-eight men can play. Coach Williams and I will make our decision. We will email you the list of who made it and what positions you will play on Friday."

It was a long week or so it so it seemed. TJ had all but moved in. If he didn't spend the night, he was there by nine. All day Friday I would check my email. I was hoping also that Dad or Ez would email me too but it was going to take them awhile to set up their camp in Afghanistan.

At three I saw the email. I stared at the screen not wanting to hit the open button. TJ and Sam where behind me. Finally, TJ got tired of waiting and took my mouse and clicked open the email. I closed my eyes. I heard Sam whoop. I opened my eyes and looked. I was second string wide receiver.

TJ pulled me up and we all were shouting with joy. I looked over TJ shoulder as he gave a kiss on the neck. I saw Grandma standing there in the doorway. She had a tears running down her face. I must have gone stiff because TJ let go and turned around. It was bad.

As many of you know Sam is in college and that's hell on earth trying to keep up with that and Me and my speed in putting out chapters. Sam is going to return to editing after spring break. For the new stories we got planned. I may be doing two at a time.

In the meantime, Aaron the rider man is going to be helping me out. I may end up using both who knows one for each story.

If you want up dates or to discuss the events or just to give a suggestion. Please join my group. I get like a hundred emails a day. It's hard to answer all of them with something other than a Thanks.

If I haven't said thanks to you. I am sorry.

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer and critic should live by:

"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." Joss Whedon

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." ? Angelica Hopes

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

People who live in glass houses shouldn't take baths. From a high school teacher

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 33

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