
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 9, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 34

The rest of August went on uneventful for once I was glad about. I mean Connor was being and ass. He can't help what he is right. Our first game was coming up on Friday 9/11. I was stoked. I just hope I get to play a bit but not being a starter you know how it is.

Linda had her baby on the third week of August. She still claimed Sam was the father. Sam demanded a DNA test done which I gladly paid for. Needless to say Sam was not the daddy. She then admitted to fucking Connor all through their relationship. After a DNA test was done it proved he was the daddy. His family took the baby since her family wanted nothing to do with her or the kid. Poor little guy.

Half my classes where college classes. I mean there's no life after calc or so I thought. Grandma set me up to take a few classes via the internet with the University of Pennsylvania. That being said I was stuck in one room for most of my classes. The only class I took out side of that room was gym an art class, the new teacher was a hippy like airhead and of course lunch.

I would sit staring at the monitor at the professor lecturing. I had to be quiet for the most part because I could vocally participate. Grandma also set me up with a Latin tutor. I had already chosen what I wanted to be. Pediatric surgeon. So my days were pretty much filled six days a week.

The last week of August Uncle Teddy's test results came back. He had advanced Acute Myeloid leukemia which is some rare bone cancer. He had gone back to the specialist and was told his best option was for stem cell replacement from a donor.

TJ and I both volunteered to donate. They scheduled testing on September 14th. Since both of us where his sons there was a good chance we could donate.

The week of the first game we had longer practices. Coach tried us all in different positions depending on whether we were defense or offensive. Connor was put in the tackle guard position and I was put in as wide receiver. Sam was a tight end and TJ was still the quarterback.

I took off and started running down the field. Connor was supposed to block for me. I saw the ball coming directly ahead of me. It was an easy catch. I was hit from the side and pushed out of the way as Connor reached for the ball. He just missed it.

Coach went ballistic over it. He stormed over to us. I thought I was going to be thrown off the team.

"Brown what the hell were you thinking? Your job was to protect Mac Daniels."

"I thought I could have gotten the ball. I would have to if he wasn't in the way."

"In the way? It was his job to be there. Your job was to make sure offense wasn't there."

"I thought he was going to miss the catch."

"Bull shit. You been showboating and cutting him off all the last few practices. I don't know what your issue is but your benched of Friday."

"You'll lose the game without me." Connor said.

"Mac Daniels you're playing starter of Friday." Coach said, ignoring Connor's last comment.

"You're letting that Faggot play?" Connor hissed.

"Two games. One more comment and it will be three games. Now get off my field." Coach said.

This was coaches first teaching gig. He about 22 and a big man. He had played for the USC Trojans. He could have gone pro but opted to teach instead. Coach Proehl or Rick was also a history teacher. Though I didn't have a history class with the school.

On Friday we won the game easily. Saturday TJ wanted to spend the day with his Dad which I understood. I mean I wanted to spend time with my dad when I could. I bummed around with Sam instead.

A group had asked if they could use the Main Street Theatre or Main as it has been dubbed, for their theatrical group which of course I said yes to them. They had to pay rent of course. Uncle Teddy took care of the paper work for me. So that at least wasn't going to waste.

Any, Sam and I went to the movies to see G.I. Joe Rise of the Cobra. I mostly drooled over Channing Tatum. Oh come on people it doesn't matter if you're straight or gay, the guys hot a fuck. I walked out of the theater with a bone so hard you could use it lift weights.

I had been emailing and skyping with Dad and Ez on a regular basis. Ez had found a 5-minute window where we could skype unmonitored. So we used that time to get off. It was hot. Dad called on his Satellite phone every other week. the other times he would talk to Nancy.

Nancy had been acting a bit weird lately though. We used to email every day. I would email her and Nancy wouldn't answer. Half the time she didn't even open them. When we talked on the phone she was short with me. Not being cross or anything but just sounding like she didn't want to be bothered.

It used to be she would call me or I her. Now I just called her. Half the time she didn't answer or I talked to Nikki. Nikki said basically the same thing. That she was moody and bitchy. We choked it up to being pregnant. Hormones and shit like that.

Monday, September 14, 2009.

TJ and I went had tests done. I was disqualified because I had a heart murmur that went undetected. TJ's preliminary results would be back in about two days. Further testing after that to see if he was a candidate as donor. I had researched this. Even though he was his son and same blood type. There were other markers they looked for so the Uncle Teddy's body wouldn't reject the stem cells.

On Thursday, TJ and I were called to the principal's office during lunch. We grabbed our bags and ran out. We were motioned to go directly into the Grandma's office. Uncle Teddy was standing there. His back was to us.

"Sit down boy's." Grandma said.

We sat down on the love seat that grandma had directed us to sit in. Uncle Teddy had taken the seat opposite of us. Grandma took the one next to it. Uncle teddy had an odd look on his face. I guessed TJ wasn't a match. Uncle teddy looked at TJ and sighed.

"TJ I love you, son. You know that right?"

"Yeah Daddy, I love you too."

"You weren't a match."

"They can find other matches right?" TJ started going on about the donor programs nationwide. I guess I wasn't the only one who did his homework on the subject.

"TJ please, there's more. This is hard to tell you but I know it will be harder for you to hear." Uncle Teddy took a deep breath. We held ours.

"TJ you're not my biological son."

The room got so quiet you could hear a fly fart. I don't know if they do but you get the idea. I looked at TJ. His face was blank. He just stared at his dad.

"It's a mistake Daddy you're my dad." TJ said. You could hear the desperation in his voice. He stood up like he was going to beat the truth out of someone for this nasty joke.

"TJ sit down please." My uncle said trying to calm him down.

TJ went to the window. I knew he was barely holding himself together. I wanted to hold him and consul him. We were now just cousins but in my heart he was my brother.

"TJ sweetheart please sit down." Grandma said calmly. Grandma was one of those people who could calmly control a situation. TJ turned and returned to his seat next to me. he grabbed my hand and held it. I gave it a squeeze to let him know I was there to support him.

"There's a bit more TJ. It seems your Mother lied about something else. Which she confessed too when I confronted her." Uncle Teddy said as he looked at the picture above our heads.

"You know that I married your mother because she was pregnant?" Uncle teddy said. He still was not looking at us.

"Yeah Daddy, I mean, I don't know what I mean." TJ replied.

"TJ your still my son no matter what." TJ gave a slight smile when Uncle Teddy said it.

"Apparently your Mother lost the baby before we got married. She found a young girl who couldn't take of her child."

Uncle Teddy went on to explain how they found no genic markers between TJ and me at all. He explained how Ruth had faked her pregnancy until the girl gave birth. Ruth set it up so that she would be away at the time they induced childbirth. It seemed like something out of a movie. It was real though.

TJ stared was silent. he had a death grip on my hand. I looked at him and was scared for him. His face went from confusion, to hurt, to anger in a few seconds. He released my hand stood up and bolter out the door.

I looked at Grandma and Uncle Teddy. "I am going after him." They nodded agreement.

It wasn't hard to catch up to TJ. I saw him crash through the front doors. I ran and crashed through them in time to see Teddy runny up the Bulldog lane towards the woods. I ran after him.

I could have easily caught up to him as he ran along a trail. He stumbled a few times but picked himself up. I didn't call him. I just followed him. He knew I was behind him. He looked back at one his stumbles and just kept going.

I lost track of him a few times but the broken branches told me he left the trail. I could sight of him in the woods. I followed a little distance away. I was careful to stay out of sight. I stopped when I saw him sitting in small clearing by a stream that was at the back end of our property.

I slowly came up to him. I made some noise so as not to startle him. I sat down quietly next to him. I could see tear on his cheeks but he didn't make a sound. He looked at me.

"why." he said before burring his head in my lap.

I just consoled him I didn't say a word. I just held him and rubbed his back as he cried. There's was nothing I could think of to say to him. I couldn't believe this situation. It was something out of a fucking movie. It was real though. Ruth did this shit. She planned this shit. All of it to get a husband that she knew would be a success. Sick cunt.

TJ had stopped crying and had rolled over and stretched out. he looked up at me and gave a faint smile. I could tell he was still in a lot of emotional pain but he was cried out. I understood a little bit of what he was going through. His world had crashed. Everything he knew about his family was a lie. I been there. I went through it When I was just a kid.

"Your still my brother TJ. I love you. That will never stop." I said as I looked down and stroked his cheek.

"family." He said with a faint smile.

"Family." I replied.

We sat there for another hour. We left school two hours ago. I knew that Grandma and Teddy were probably going out of their minds with worry. So I texted Grandma to let them know we were ok.

Over the next two Day's it took a lot to keep TJ from storming up to Ruth's house, his old home and beating the shit out of her. Instead he would focus that on football field. Needless to say we won the game on Friday. The final score was 32 to 0. They came close to scoring once but Hank the tank made a great interception.

The next few weeks were pretty much the same. Connor was now playing tackle which he was not all that happy about. He made it pretty clear too in the locker room. He would make dumb assed comments. One I had to admit was pretty funny though. Well the reply was funny, not the comment.

We were in the shower after a really rough practice in the mud. I was scrubbing TJ's back. Connor was being a total dickwad as usual. I saw a huge pimple on TJ's back and decided to pop it. Connor saw this.

"Popping Holt's pimples now huh? Better watch out he does pop a bone in your ass Holt."

"Brown If he popped a bone in my ass everyone would know by the smile on my face." TJ said.

"You a fag too Holt?"

"I could do worse. At least I know he has fucked half the town and get pregnant. Can you say that?"

October 16 2009.

The score was 24 to 14. We up by ten. Coach called the play. I made it to the twenty-yard line I had Connor blocking. I had one guy at me. I wasn't worried about him. It was an easy block for Connor. I was a few feet from getting the ball when I was sacked. I went sailing from the impact, a good twenty yards into the goal line. I could hear cheers but I was in pain. When I didn't get up the cheering stopped.

I rolled over not only was the breath out of me I was in pain. It felt as if a bulldozer hit my side. I tried to sit up but every move felt like I was being stabbed. I just laid there on my back. I caught my breath but I could barely breath.

The guy who tackled me was the first to get there. He bent over me. "You ok dude?"

"I think so." I said through gasps.

By the time the coaches got there from both teams I was sitting up. Coach lifted my jersey. I was already developing a good bruise on my side. The Guy who sacked me kept apologizing.

"If I knew that other guy wasn't going to block, I wouldn't have hit you so hard. I thought I had to get passed him." He said.

They helped me stand. There was a cheer from the crowd as they helped me walk across the field. Grandma was there. The coach had done a preliminary check and thought nothing was broken but wanted me to go to the hospital to get checked out.

I been in the emergency room. For a good hour. They had taken me down for X-rays about thirty minutes ago. They did a cat scan too. I personally thought they just wanted a picture of my pretty brain I had joked with Grandma. She chucked and agreed.

TJ came running into the exam area. He was all over me in the brotherly way he come to display. I had gotten the results from the x-rays back and was told nothing was broken and no concussions. However, no football for a week. TJ smiled when I told him.

"Dude any brain injury you might have had would have been there anyway."

"Yeah. Mom always said I was brain damaged." The truth is stranger than fiction. She would say that all the time, among other things. We had already covered that my Mom was a fucked up individual though.

"So I take it we won?" I asked TJ as we drove home. TJ had insisted on taking me home. Grandma had to go back to school to pick up some stuff from here office.

"Yeah dude we won. That's not the big shit though. Coach booted Connor off the team."


"Dude he purposely let that guy tackle you. He changed direction and tackled a guy that's was nowhere near you. Even the coach from the other team said it was done on purpose."

"That's fucked up TJ." I couldn't believe he hated me that much that he would risk losing the game on that.

"Dude if you hadn't been knocked into the goal line we would have lost."

"It was that close?"

"Yeah bro we won by three."

"I don't get it. The defense was playing great when I was carted off to the hospital."

"Dude that shit Knocked the wind out of the team." TJ said as he pulled up in front of the trailer.

TJ came around and helped me out of the jeep. I had felt every pebble as we drove so I was really hurting, Jeep Wranglers are not known for great shocks.

TJ helped me undress and Get in the tub. The hot water felt so good. It eased some of the pain. I sighed relief as sunk into it. TJ never left my side. He was like hovering over me like I was going to drown in the tub.

I reached for the soap and groaned as tried to soap myself off. TJ grabbed the soap and started lathering me up. I sighed as I let my arms rest at my sides. I looked up at TJ and saw he was crying.

"TJ what's the matter?"

"Sorry, I was afraid I lost you bro. It just hit me like just now. You mean a lot to me."

"You mean a lot to me to TJ. I couldn't have gotten through last year without you there. Well the first half at least."

"Yeah you could have. Your strong in here dude." He said tapping my head.

He was washing my thighs which happen to be a G zone for me. Don't judge we all have them G spots. That just happens to be one of mine. I of course popped a bone. I wasn't embarrassed by it.

TJ had moved in with me. Uncle Teddy had a nurse there at the house 24/7 so TJ moved here with me. Over that time, we had seen each other with enough wood it didn't faze us. Unfortunately, though The thigh thing got me horny. I knew tonight I had to beat off. Pain or not.

I laid there as TJ washed me. If it was Sam, I would have gotten more. Which made me wonder why Sam didn't show up at the hospital with TJ.

"Hey what happened to Sam? I thought for sure he would have come to the hospital with you." I asked TJ as he sat me up to wash my back.

"he had a family emergency. His sister was in a car accident. I was going to tell you later."

"Was it serious?"

"Don't know. George came into the locker room and pulled him out to go to some hospital in Hyden."

TJ leaned me forward and I was surprised when he started to wash my ass, even in the crack. A direct G spot. Duh right. When he was finished I was going insane with the need to wank. I leaned back. My dick was standing up straight and drooling precum. It was demanding my attention.

I tried to shoo TJ out but he wasn't going anywhere. I looked down at my dick and said fuck it I grabbed it and started stroking it. The pain was unbelievable. TJ laughed at me as I let go over my still hard dick.

"Amazing what I will do for my brother." He laughed as he grabbed my bone and started stroking it.

"Don't expect this again bro. This is a onetime deal." He said in a mock serious tone.

I leaned back, closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensations. He stroked and cupped my balls. I could feel them tightening up against my body. He felt it too. We both knew I was close. He picked up his pace. I was blowing a nice load skyward. I heard the third and fourth shots hit the water.

When I was done shooting I opened my eyes. I saw TJ leaning over the tub and started laughing. My first two shots hit him square in the face. He had a look of wonder on his face.

"Bro I never seen anyone shoot like that. It felt like a cannon going off in my hand."

"Not like the first time TJ. We beat off that one time together after the mud wrestling. I don't think it was any different."

"Dude I had my eyes closed then I didn't see you shoot." TJ said sitting back on his heels. He still had cum on his face.

"TJ you gonna wash that off your face?"


"You got cum on your face."

"Oh." He said grabbing a towel and wiping his face.

It didn't seem to bother him that he had my load on his face. TJ was pretty confident about himself, I knew that. It just surprised me that having another guys cum on his face didn't seem to faze him.

"Anyone else shit would have freaked me out but you are family, so whatever." He said as if reading my mind.

He helped me into bed. He crawled in beside me. Again I was surprised. We had put the second bedroom back together. Which was his bedroom now. TJ turned on the TV. And we zoned out watching the tonight show. It sucked with Conan O'Brian as it's host.

I let out a moan as TJ shifted around. He got up and went to get me one of the pain pills the doctor had given me. I took it and was asleep in in half hour. Good drug induced sleep. I didn't wake up until nine the next day.

TJ and I just bummed around the trailer. Grandma had checked on me a few times. Once she was satisfied that TJ was taking good care of me She didn't bother us until she brought over some dinner that night.

I didn't bother taking a shower of bath that night. I didn't do shit but sit there all day so I saw no need TJ gave me my pill and crawled into bed with me. I was asleep in no time, another great drug induced sleep.

Hurry back Sam I miss my editor :)

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer and critic should live by:

"I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." Joss Whedon

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." ? Angelica Hopes

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

People who live in glass houses shouldn't take baths. From a high school teacher

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 35

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