
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 12, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 37

Christmas I woke up around ten to a knocking on the door. TJ came out of the bathroom and we stared at each other. They knocked again.

"Get in the Bathroom. I'll answer the door."

I got in the bathroom and shut the door. I heard TJ talking. I heard a male voice that recognized. I was relieved. I took a quick piss washed my hands and came out.

It was Uncle Marc and his partner Tony Marcello. He was in full uniform too. I was happy it was him at my hotel door. I thought for sure it was going to be more bullshit.

"Hi Uncle Marc. Merry Christmas." I said and walked over and gave him a hug.

He hugged me back. I felt him stiffen a bit after the hug. I looked at him and he had a frown on his face.

"Noah I have to take you down to police station." He said

"If it's for running away. I am emancipated so that's bull." I stated.

"Noah you're being charged with assault and battery." He said.

"How? Who? When?" I asked dumb founded.

"Noah Mac Daniels, you are being charged for the Assault and Battery of Nancy Mac Daniels on December, 24th, 2008 at approximately 7pm, in the Home of Jared Mac Daniels, who is currently overseas in Afghanistan." He said as he turned me around and put handcuffs on me.

"I didn't touch her. She's lying." I cried out.

" I believe you Noah." Uncle marc Whispered in my ear.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you? If so, do you wish to speak to me." Tony said.

I Looked at both Uncle Marc and Tony. They both did the zip the lips motion.

"I understand."

"Call Marg her number is in my phone." I said to TJ who had tears running down his face.

"OK, I'll call her after Grandma. Then I'll be down there."

They escorted me through the hotel. The staff and quests just stared at me being escorted through the lobby. I felt like I was murderer or something the way they stared at me. they placed me in the back seat.

When we got to the station I was escorted to a desk where I was asked to make a statement about the reason for my alleged attack on Nancy.

"I didn't attack her."

"Why would she say you did then." said the detective taking my statement.

"Because she's nuts."

"She seemed a little upset but perfectly stable. To me when she filed her complaint."

"I never hit her. I wasn't even there at the time. I was at the hotel."

"Do you have any witnesses that you were there?"

I thought about it TJ didn't get there until about eight. So he couldn't be a witness. The hotel staff can tell them I never left my room though.

"Well can anyone collaborate your story."

"The hotel staff can tell you I never left the hotel."

"We asked them. they were on a skeleton crew for Christmas. you could have slipped out unnoticed."

I heard a commotion in the front. I heard TJ yelling "That's my fucking brother you fuckers. He didn't do anything wrong. I want he free." The ever protective TJ. God I love that dude.

"I want a lawyer."

"It's Christmas day son there isn't one available so you might as well talk."

"I will after I talk to my lawyer."

It will be several days before one is assigned. So talk to me faggot." He hissed.

I sat back and smiled. He said the F word and its being recorded. " I refuse to say another word until my lawyer is present."

"Put the fa, kid in a cell." He said to another officer. I all the sudden recognized the detective. It was that asswipe from the courthouse that was with the Chiefs son.

I sat in the cell for another hour before Marg came to see me. She put a finger to her lips as we were escorted to a room. She sat down across from me. There was a metal table bolted to the floor as where the hard chairs.

"Noah I have talked to TJ and your grandmother. Neither of them heard a vehicle come up the drive. According to the statement taken. You entered the house and accused her of taking for your father away from you with lies about you. She said she tried to reason with you but you hit her. Causing a small gash on her cheek."

I just sat there and listened to her. Part of me wanted to cry. Mostly though I wanted to scream and see that that lying cunt and make her tell the truth.

I also have on record that you and were talking on the phone from five to six thirty. TJ said he arrived at the hotel and a quarter to eight. That leaves you forty-five minutes to get to the farmhouse assault Nancy. It's a five-minute ride to the house. That leaves approximately 35 minutes to sneak out of the hotel and to run down a three quarter mile drive to the house assault Nancy and run back to the car."

"None of it's true."

"I believe you. So does your Grandmother, TJ your Uncle and Marc."

"So what happens now?"

"we wait until we get a medical report. Have you made any statements to the police?"

"I said I didn't do it. Nothing else."

"Good say nothing to them. Did they offer any information?"

No, the detective called me a faggot though."

"Really? Any proof of that."

"He was recording our conversation at the time."


"I am going to get you released into your Uncle Teddy's custody as soon as I can."

The next morning Marg came back to my cell. She smiled at me. "Nancy said she is willing to drop the charges if you are willing to be admitted into the ARH Psychiatric Hospital for treatment."

"Fuck no."

"I thought you'd say that."

"I have one more question. Where's your ring?"

"I don't have a ring. I don't wear jewelry not even a watch, except for the necklace dad gave me."

"Perfect. I think we can prove you didn't do it now."

About three hours later I was released into uncle Teddy's custody. Grandma hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. I saw TJ over her shoulder looking down at the floor.

"I am so sorry I didn't believe you Noah. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Do you still love me Grandma?"

"I never stopped sweetie."

"Then I forgive you." I smiled.

I got hugs from Uncle's Teddy and Marc. I walked over to TJ who was still looking down at the floor. I pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me. I heard him sob.

"I didn't protect you like I said I would." He mumbled.

"Yes you did. You got Marg here and I heard you cussing at the cops." I said pulling him back and wiping the tears from his face.

"I didn't yell at the cops. I yelled at Uncle Marc."

"Hey I am a cop dude." Uncle Marc said patting his pistol.

I started laughing. I don't know why I was laughing though. I mean I was being charged with a serious crime. I think it was just the tension of it all either laugh, cry or break something. I guess laughing won out.

I didn't end up in Uncle Teddy's custody though. I ended up in Uncle Marc's. he had gotten off duty a long time ago and was waiting to see what transpired with me and the case.

We went back to his house where Suze started gushing over me. TJ had insisted on staying beside me. He wouldn't let me out of his sight. They put us both up in the spare bedroom. We passed the nursery which was done up in pink. The baby Callie was sound asleep so we were hushed as we went by.

"I hope you don't mind sharing a bed?" Suze said as she led us to the bedroom.

"It's cool I ain't letting this fucker out of my sight. Even if it's just to pee and shit." TJ said.

"No way you're going to be there when I have to poop dude." I commented.

"Work it out boys. Your Grandma will be bringing over with some clothes in a little while." She said laughing at us.

"Ok. Is okay if I take a nap I didn't get much sleep last night." I asked.

"Go ahead. I'll wake you when dinner's ready." She said closing the door.

I took off my shoes and jeans and laid on the bed. TJ did the same and curled me up against him in a spoon position. He kissed the back of my head and I dozed off. I was so tired I didn't dream or move.

I woke up to Uncle marc telling us dinner would be ready shortly. We dragged ourselves to the bathroom and shared the toilet. Combed our hair, then slipped on jeans and sneakers and headed down.

I stopped at the foot of the stairs when I saw Grandma, and Uncle Teddy. I frowned though when I saw Ruth. I couldn't believe they allowed her to come here. Didn't I suffer enough.

Ruth stepped forward. "I know I am the last person you want to see Noah but if you let me say what I came to say I will leave."


"I Have been seeing a therapist since the trial. Through her I came to realize that I unjustly have treated you wrongly. I have no excuse for it other than plain jealousy."

I didn't trust her. I was trying to figure out her angle. What was she up to. Why did Grandma and Uncle Teddy allow her to come here. I guess I have to wait and see.

"I know you have done nothing to deserve the way I treated you. I am not going to ask for your forgiveness because honestly if it was me I wouldn't forgive someone who treated me the way I treated you."

I had to admit she sounded sincere. I looked at TJ he looked as confused by all of this as I was. He stood there staring at her as if she was the devil trying to sell me a ticket to heaven.

"When I heard what happened to you. I called Mom and told her some information that may help clear your name. Once I tell your lawyer I will not bother you again."

I couldn't help wonder what information she had that could help clear me. Somehow though I believed her. I was about to say so when she spoke again.

"TJ I am sorry for all the lies. I was desperate to marry your father. I mean Teddy I wanted to have a life of a fairytale. In truth the baby I carried wasn't his to begin with. I already told him that."

She took a deep breath. I saw tears running down her face. I knew she was being sincere. I looked at TJ. I could tell he wanted to believe her.

"I want you to know though that I do love you as much as would have if I had given birth to you. I hope someday we can at least be cordial towards one another."

She picked up her bag and headed towards the door. I stepped down the final steps and walked towards her.

"Aunt Ruth?" I said. I figured the Aunt part was a gesture.

She turned around and looked at me. she had a faint smile on her face. The aunt part didn't go unnoticed. "Yes?"

"I want to forgive you but that will take time. I don't know if I will ever forget the things you did though." I said as I stepped up and gave her a quick hug.

TJ though was more forgiving. He launched off the steps and hugged her tightly. "Please be real Mommy. I want to come home." He cried in her arms. I saw Her crying too as she held him tightly.

"I am, getting better honey. I still have a long way to go though. You're better off where you are. Grandma has temporary custody of Aliza and Seth."

"You are welcome to stay and eat with us Ruth." Suze informed her.

I'd like that but I have to get back to Aliza and Seth. Seth's been a handful over the past few months."

"TJ you seem to be the only one who can ever calm him down except for Jared." She told TJ who smiled. He really doted over Seth. Even when he was being asshole TJ.

We all sat at the table and ate. Spaghetti, my favorite. Duh right. What kid doesn't like spaghetti. Easy answer to that TJ. He hates pasta so he just had meat balls. He even started taking them off of my plate asshole. He would just smirk at me when he did it.

We talked about everything except the heard of elephants in the room. You know the heard. Ruth, Nancy, Dad and the arrest. I helped Uncle marc clear the table as Suze and Grandma fed Callie.

"I want you to know I asked to come and arrest you Noah. I wanted to make sure you were safe. You know I had to do my job right?"

"I understand Uncle Marc. I am glad it was you though."

"Good. I also want to tell you not to tell me anything. Being a cop I would have to inform the asshole." He said.


"Detective Ashwell. We call him Asshole."

"Oh." I said laughing.

The doorbell rang as we finished up the dishes. I heard marge apologizing for coming so late. Grandma and Suze both assured her it was okay. we joined them in the dining room.

"Officer is there a place where I can talk to my client and Mrs. Mac Daniels in private?" She asked. Being a police officer he couldn't listen to the conversation. Miranda rights and all that.

"You know we haven't had a proper date in a while Marc. If the boys don't mind babysitting for a few hours, we can go on one." Suze said smiling coyly.

"Sure go ahead, we don't mind do we TJ?" I said.

"Nope. Just don't get caught parking. The cops in this town are assholes." TJ said smiling. Uncle marc swatted him.

They left after Suze gave us tons of instructions on what to do. I never really babysat before but TJ had lots of experience. It was funny watching him try and shoo her out the door. "

"Fuck, I have an autistic brother. If can sit him, I can sure as hell handle a baby." He laughed as he pushed Suze out the door.

We all sat at the table while TJ held the baby. Uncle teddy had woken for his short nap and joined us. Marge pulled folders out of her briefcase. She pushed one over towards me.

"Noah, I officially need you to hire me. I would do this pro-bono but since you have the means to pay for an attorney the courts might see that as a conflict of interest."

I signed the paperwork. Her fees were a flat five hundred dollars. I signed several more papers giving her the right to enter pleas on my behalf and authorizing her to hire any person, such as a private detective or another attorney at my expense. I passed all the signed paper work back to her.

"Good. Now I don't mind you folks being present if my client doesn't mind." She said to the others at the table.

"It's ok with me."

"Good. As you know I have interviewed your Grandmother and TJ. I also interviewed Nancy Mac Daniels and miss Nicole Ross." She said.


"I also talked to the doctor who treated Nancy. This where it gets confusing. She had a one and half inch gash on her cheek which seems to have been caused when you had allegedly hit her."

She held up her hand when I started to protest that I didn't hit her. "I know you didn't hit her it's a term used to explain the circumstances that arose."

"Now the fact of the gash on her cheek is where we have our case. The doctor informed me that she said it was caused by your ring. I have asked every person here present if you owned a ring. I was informed you do not. That is where we are case is on that front."

`The next part was we conducted a little test. I was in your trailer and TJ and your Grandmother. Where in the house. They shouted back and forth. I could clearly hear them. That being said. The argument you supposedly had prior to the assault would have been over heard."

"Now this is where it gets dirty. Prior to living in hazard Nancy and Nicole lived in Greenville, West Virginia."

She went on to tell how Nancy at fourteen had killed her father for allegedly trying to rape her. Though the police never saw any evidence of the attempted rape of her mother backed up her story. They had moved to Hazard soon after that. At the age of eight-teen her mother fell off a ladder and died several days later. Nancy and Nicole were both interviewed of course was interviewed but it deemed accidental death. Nancy was ordered to by the courts to seek counseling. She was determined to have schizoaffective disorder by the psychiatrists tending her. There are no records of her taking prescribed medication since June of 2009.

"I have yet talk to your father other than email. He in truth doesn't know who or what to believe. He will be arriving in the next few days."

I dreaded seeing him after the email I sent him but I am still pissed and hurt that he automatically believed her over me, even with TJ confirming it.

"Okay. Do I have to talk to him?"

"No you don't you are legal responsible for yourself Noah. I would suggest you do though."

"I'll think about it."

Mrs. Mac Daniel's I looked into the legal precedence of Nancy having legal rights to the house. She does have them under the law. However, she cannot ask you to leave it. Under the conditions of the transfer of total to Jared you were given to the right to live there until you voluntary decide to move from the premises. Did you voluntary decide to leave the residence?"

"No." Grandma said.

"Wait a minute. Did she kick you out Grandma?"

"She is attempting too." Grandma said.

"Is Grandma not being there saying she moved out?" TJ asked.

"As long as your Grandmother has personal property there, she is legally still there."

Marg them asked me give a recorded statement about the argument earlier that day. She then asked TJ who was a witness to it.

"What about my trailer can she take that too."

"I actually looked into that. It is legally yours. The land that it on is legally yours too. She cannot touch it."

It was almost eleven when we showed Marg to the door. We were standing a few feet away when the door burst open. Marc came rushing in. "The house is on fire." I was confused I didn't smell smoke.

"The farm house it's on fire." Suze clarified.

Grandma rushed outside to her car minus her coat. It was like thirty degrees out. I grabbed her coat and mine and ran out to her as she was unlocking the Cherokee. We all piled in. TJ got in beside me and Uncle Teddy got in front with Grandma.

Marg went with Marc who followed us. Suze of course stayed behind with Callie. Grandma drove like a mad woman. She went through red lights and barely slowed for turns. I half expected to hear a sonic boom. We got to Lower Messer and that was as far as we could get.

The cops had the road blocked off. Detective Asshole was there. We approached the barrier. Before I knew what was happening I was shoved against a police car by the detective. –

`Your under arrest faggot for arson and attempted murder."

Before I could say anything Uncle marc grabbed him. "Think again Detective. He has a one hundred percent air tight alibi this time."

"Really? Well I have two witnesses who say otherwise."

"I have six witness that can tell you he was in my home for the past 6 hours and before that he was at the station. I think a police officer's testimony out trumps any witness."

He let me go. I saw Sam across the way. He had a frown. I saw a tear too. I almost ran to him but I remembered he turned his back on me for the second time and last time. He didn't even have the balls to stand up for me or apologize for that shit in the car. I may forgive him someday but not now Fuck him.

I looked directly at him then turned and buried my head against TJ's chest. I could hear the fireman saying that the house and trailer were a loss. They could only contain it.

Aunt Ruth showed up too I saw tears in her eyes. The Family gather close and we sort of hugged even Aunt Ruth. The House had been there for almost two hundred years. It was registered as an historical home even. To us though it was memories. Mine were not many as the rest of the family but I still had them.

I saw Nancy and Nikki walking up the road. The police had to hold Aunt Ruth back. I had to admit I wanted Ruth to get away from the police. Aunt Ruth started to scream at the cops now.

"Arrest that fucking bitch. She set my home on fire. You know she did it." Aunt Ruth screamed.

"Madam I have no proof that the young lady did anything of the kid nor do I believe she did. So please shut your fucking mouth." The Detective Asshole said.

"Who do you think your talking to detective? You will not bully me like you did my nephew."

"The fags your nephew. Stupid cunt you'll go down like the rest of that clan of fuck-ups."

I didn't see it coming none of us did. Especially the detective. Aunt Ruth cold cocked him right on the chin. The detective, fell backwards to the asphalt road. He was out cold. Aunt Ruth stood there with a satisfied smile. "Don't talk about my family. My nephew maybe gay or faggot whatever you call him but he is my family and no one will ever call him that again in my presence." She said to the knocked out detective.

The other cops stared at her then the detective on the ground. No one moved towards the detective other than the paramedic. Aunt Ruth turned and walked back to us. She gave me a hug. "That felt so good." She said to us. We all started to laugh.

"I am still on probation. I wonder if they are going to arrest me now for knocking that jackass out? Aunt Ruth said in a serious tone.

"Nope. You don't see any of us handcuffing you do you? If anything we should award you for it. We all have been wanting to do that for a long time." Uncle Marc chuckled.

"Arrest that woman." We heard the detective yelling from where he sat on the ground.

"What for detective?" Said an officer. None of them moved.

"For hitting me."

"Hitting you, Sir? I didn't see her hit you. I saw you trip and knock yourself out but I saw no one hitting you, Sir. Did any of you see the detective get hit?" Said another. They all shook their heads no.

That's what happens to assholes. Even asshole cops. When you shit on people, they have no problem shitting on you too. I think the detective is now covered in shit. Couldn't happen to better guy.

It was four in the morning when TJ and I got back to Uncle Marcs. Grandma was staying with Uncle Teddy. TJ and I shared a shower. We smelled like smoke. I was so tired. I leaned my head on TJ's shoulder while he washed me. I leaned back after I rinsed off. I was so emotionally drained I couldn't move.

TJ dried me and directed me too the bed. I was too tired to get dressed in PJ's or even underwear. I crawled under the blankets naked. I felt TJ crawl in behind me and spoon me like he usually did when we shared a bed. I could feel his penis against my butt. That was the last thing I remember before sleep took me.

I appreciate your enthusiasm and I put out chapters as fast as I can. That being said if you don't see a chapter for a few days please don't start emailing me asking for when I am posting another chapter. Thanks folks for understanding.

Hurry back Sam. I miss my editor :)

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer, critic and person should live by:

It is better to be considered a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Unfortunately, most people refuse to leave any doubt.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." Angelica Hopes

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 38

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